I’d like this post to be dedicated to ideas around nurturing love long term.

I think I have done a poor job of exploring this aspect of relationships and how it relates to health and wellness and I think I need to improve this.

I believe relationships are built around three cornerstone pillars similar to life’s 3 legged stool of light water and magnetism.

They are:

  • Intimacy, which is characterized by warmth, support, communication, and understanding;
  • Passion, which is characterized by physical arousal and desire; and
  • Commitment, which involves the decision to actively work on, and sustain, a relationship.

I think all three are dynamic and lead to different types of love in relationships and they all build different lives.  This mimics the effects of light, water, and magnetism and its dynamism effect on mitochondria and cells to create an epigenetic program that sculpts the matter in our cells to build our tissues and the life we experience.

Currently, I believe the most important of this 3 legged stool is passion.
I believe today that holding “decay beliefs” about passion — in other words, believing a decline in passion is irreversible — is associated with lack of commitment, lowered investment, and pursuing romantic alternatives to one’s partner.  I think this belief is a function of the redox state of our colony of mitochondria as we age.  As such, I think the reason relationship struggle as time marches on is because each other redox state varies based upon the choices we have made in how we sustain the redox power in our own lives.

I believe total ‘complete’ love, is a possible result in life when all three variables of the stool of love are present and relatively strong.  However, this dynamic viewpoint of love brings up the possibility that there might be multiple possible combinations of this 3 legged stool, therefore, multiple resulting types of love can manifest based upon the variable strengths.

Romantic love:  For example, a couple who engage in a short-lived romance might demonstrate high levels of passion and intimacy, even though they lack commitment.  There is a strong link to dopamine creation here.
Fatuous love:  Some other couples who meet might marry quickly (and therefore commit to each other) on the basis of overwhelming passion but perhaps do so without truly understanding or getting to know one another deeply.
Such people are more likely to indulge in both commitment and passion in the absence of intimacy, which can be a risky move for obvious reasons. They might not like each other much once they become more familiar with each other’s quirks and proclivities!
Companionate love: In contrast, an experienced couple who have shared many experiences throughout their long, happy marriage might continue to enjoy significant intimacy and commitment to each other, even if their passion has progressively dissipated over the years.  Sometimes having a companion is the most powerful driver of a bond.
Consummate love: Consummate love is a synonym for total love or a love that appears to be an ALL IN type of relationship.  This happens when intimacy, passion, and commitment are all present in substantial degrees.  I believe this is what most people are looking for and want in their lives.

I believe it is the rarest because I believe it requires optimized levels of hormones made around light, like POMC, insulin, leptin, and melanopsin.  I think when a relationship has two people who experience two different light environments the redox power becomes more variable to one another on a relative basis and this threatens the balance of the type of love possible between the two people as time evolves.

Total love is difficult to sustain long term because it requires both people to heavily invest in behaviors that support redox power chronically as we age.
What variable do I think is most at risk with lowered redox power?
The most variable element in my opinion, — the one most at risk of decline with time— is passion.  I think this is why love in a relationship varies over time. 

Could a chemical give us a clue to a changing redox in our partner?  
Phenethylamine is an organic compound, natural monoamine alkaloid, and trace amine, which acts as a central nervous system stimulant in humans and is made in the same areas dopamine is made in the brain.  PEA chemical formula is pictured below.

In humans, this is a VERY variable chemical and it is found in Substantia nigra pars compactaVentral tegmental areaLocus coeruleus where dopamine is found at high levels; many other places where amines with aromatic benzene rings are made to act as photon traps for sunlight.  This chemical is very similar to other potent exogenous stimulants known to alter human behavior.

It is made from phenylalanine and tyrosine in humans.
The creation of phenethylamine (PEA) varies greatly across species, and the human receptors of this stimulant chemical is called hTAAR1.  PEA is an endogenous neurotransmitter and neuroregulator that plays a key role in mood and cognition too.
This brings up an interesting point about PEA:  can it be harnessed to improve your health and love life in ways that might surprise you?  Yep.
It has been found among 95 carbon and 95 nitrogen sources tested in foods, β-phenylethylamine (PEA) performed best at reducing bacterial cell counts and biofilm amounts, when supplemented to liquid beef broth medium.  PEA is a trace amine whose molecular mechanism of action differs from biogenic amines, such as serotonin or dopamine. Especially low or high concentrations of PEA may be associated with specific psychological disorders. For those disorders that are characterized by low PEA levels (e.g. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).  Might it be able to modulate the other neurohormones we need to create a stable loving relationship over time?

I think it might.

PEA is strongly linked to bacterial metabolism and this makes me think it might be a serious modulator of mitochondrial redox power in humans as well because the inner mitochondrial membrane is the source of redox power and it retains its mitochondrial evolutionary lineage.
In several bacterial species, the above reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme tyrosine decarboxylase, which also converts tyrosine to another trace amine, tyramine (Marcobal et al., 2012Pessione et al., 2009). Intriguingly, PEA synthesized by fungi and bacteria can also be found in food products (Onal et al., 2013), where it serves an indicator of food quality and freshness.

This includes the Korean natto (Kim et al., 2012) and commercial eggs (Figueiredo et al., 2013). Another food that contains PEA is chocolate, where it is not produced by bacteria, but during the thermal processing of cocoa (Granvogl et al., 2006).
PEA has also been found in the brains of humans and other mammals (Paterson et al., 1990Philips et al., 1978), which is facilitated by its high solubility in plasma and its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (Oldendorf, 1971).

Like its α-methylated derivative, amphetamine, PEA has stimulant effects which lead to the release of so called biogenic amines, including dopamine and serotonin (Bailey et al., 1987Rothman & Baumann, 2006). This can help it modulate their diurnal controls in our cells and affect our behavior with our partners.

Unlike amphetamine, PEA has difficulties maintaining high concentrations in the human body, due to its oxidative deamination to phenylacetic acid by the enzyme B monoamine oxidase (MAO) (Yang & Neff, 1973). Phenylacetic acid,has an effect that is similar to the activity of the natural endorphins (POMC), an effect that is known as a “runner’s high”.

I’ve started to look deeper into this connection in people with relationship issues and the results have been eye opening to say the least.

RELATIONSHIP REDOX #7: “Life is the dancer and we are the dance.”


So they died, they left your, you left them………bottom line is that you are alone. What is your game plan now?

We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven’t but I am ready to teach you how to go deeper than you ever thought you could. Bravery means finding something more important than fear. I’ll be waiting for you inside the bottom of my deep blue sea. We do things differently there. It’s OK to reinvent the wheel, but only after you know how the current wheel works. Never assume you know better when you don’t really know anything about the process of recovery……….Courage without meaning is just recklessness. Brave people aren’t fearless; they’ve simply found something that matters more to them than the fear they’re facing.

Say you’re scared to start your life over from scratch when you’re 55. Your friends and family think you are having an existential crisis. You know you haven’t, you just got sick of settling for less than you deserve. You decided to use chaos and discomfort to fill your gas tank to get to places you never could get to ever before. Eventually, you find a reason that has greater meaning than the fear: your future, your new partner, your desire to make a difference, or your dream of a more fulfilling life.

When you find greater meaning in your life, you’ll find the courage to overcome your fear. Today’s pain is tomorrow’s power. The more you suffer today, the stronger you are tomorrow.


Success is all about taking your shot, over and over again until you win.

You’ll never create the perfect business plan, never find the perfect partners, the perfect market, the perfect location, but you can find the perfect time to start.

That time is now

Stop waiting for the ‘right time.’ Success is a numbers game: the number of times you take a shot.

If your sick of being single do something about it right now.

When you meet the right someone, they will undress you.  I’m not talking about getting naked to get laid.  Nothing makes you feel more naked than someone identifying a desire in yourself, you never knew you possessed.  This spark will lit that pilot light.  It might illuminate a passion in you, you never saw in yourself.  You have to allow people to move in those spaces in you if you want to move forward with your best life.


Never invest in any kind of relationship with anyone who is not willing to work on themselves just a little every day. You have to chose better today than you did before.  A person who takes no interest in any form of self-improvement, personal development or spiritual growth will also not be inclined to make much of an effort building a truly meaningful connection with you. A relationship with only one partner willing to do the work ceases to be a relationship.  This is called bondage or a prison.  Never allow anyone to put you in a cage and slip handcuffs on you and tell you that they’ll love your forever.  That is insanity.   And as anyone who has been there will tell you – it’s pointless to try and dance the tango solo.

‘Life is the dancer and we are the dance.

When you realize you could actually choose the type of dance in life, and actually take the lead, your life begins to dance it naturally. Ask yourself now, ‘What type of dance have you been asking the Universe to dance with you?  Might this be why you are failing?’

I have slowly realized after 55 years that my choices are what  determine what dance will the Universe chose to play for me.  Did I go with that flow or break the harmony?  It turns out, the music life is playing in the now…happiness, fear, rage, passion etc. Embracing and dancing to it as music… you stop the struggle and learn to move with the flow of life.

Just because you failed again in building a relationship have the courage to persist.  “Courage is forward movement while embracing fear. Thinking for yourself is courage. What’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads. One person with courage is the only majority you need to succeed in life.”

Take enough shots, and over time you’ll grow more skilled, more experienced, and more connected. You will become entangled. And that will mean a greater percentage of your efforts will succeed. Take enough shots, learn from what didn’t work, and in time, you’ll have all the skills, experience, and connections you need in your relationships. Relationships fail because we did not have the right tools, or enough tools in our love tool box to create success.

Ultimately, success is all about taking your shot, over and over again. Sometimes you may win, sometimes you will definitely lose, but the more things you try, the more chances you have of succeeding. Put the power of numbers on your side. Take as many shots as you can. There’s no guarantee of success, but when you don’t take a shot, there’s a definite guarantee of failure.

Being single is not a state of failure. Solo is a unique place. It is a place that requires embracing the suck in relationships and in life. Do not recoil from tripping up and being solo again. Accepting each reality of being single head-on almost always loosens the knot of despair, and frees up your energy to accept what you can’t change, and change what you can about your and your situation.

Single means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the unaccompanied journey in your life with some zest. You’ve become ready to try to do it better this time. You take more shots, because now your blade is sharper. This is why the last cut is the deepest………just because your old does not mean this part of your life should be dead on arrival.

When you find your path, person, or passion in this life you must not be afraid to jump again. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools Mother Nature uses to show us the way to Optimal.

In 2019 what I learned in editing my own life is that when you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. Then some interesting shit can happen………..


In about four hours from now my life is going to change. I am not sure if it will be for the better or not…………but it reminds me of an old pair of shoes I wore to my first ever job interview in NYC with the Sterling National Bank CEO. After talking with me, the CEO of the bank sent me to Barney’s of New York to see his tailor. There I got a new pair of shoes and a brand new suit courtesy of my new boss.

He told me I like you and your passion. I want you on my team and I want you to represent my brand but you need to look the part. Go see “my guy” and adapt and you have a job.

With that……….my life changed on the spot that day in 1981.

Above is a picture of the newest Chapter of my life that began today on 10/5/19.  I have purchased an entanglement shack on the beach on the panhandle of Florida where my misfits can come and change their lives, if they chose too.  My first ever VIP will be held there on 12/27/19 for 4 people who will possibily have their lives altered.  As the initial guest they will have special sculpted signs created for them by Jeremy who keeps his art sculpture business at


On 10/5/19 one of my dearest friends is going through a similar change that I mentioned above, and that change is quite uncomfortable for them right now.  What follows is their words that describe their current plight.

“I have absorbed some of that discomfort on their behalf because that is what good friends do when the storms in your life rise up. They walk in and shed some of their light on you to let you know better days ahead are coming. I have had a few of these friends recently come into my own life and do the same thing for me when the people who were around me could not understand what I was doing and why I wanted their chaos around me in my darkest hours. Now it is time for me to put some new soles on their shoes as they did for me.

I would like to apologize to the universe… Life has happened all around me lately. So many times in the past 4 years I have found myself questioning what is next for my family, my farm and business. I have pulled some people close and pushed others away… some for no reason, others for treason. My circle of friends once at my side are now mostly remote. They continue to live a life we agreed was most free, I chose a goal that meant I’d spend a lot of time saying no to other goals. I was not likely to become a better professional without a lot more work, I am not opposed to the idea in the future but I needed to run down this dream if it was ever to be my life. I am a new man, somedays a new father filled with new wisdoms. I also invested my heart in my new clinic and building a community of people who some would call employees or customers but truly they are my friends. I have watched this dream grow and be pruned by fear, grow again and be chopped down by what I can only name as jealousy.

So many raw nerves had to be cut, amputees that feel weak till the tree grows new roots. I’m grateful for my wounds. I know this discomfort is necessary even when those in my rearview mirror do not understand what I am doing to my life now. This chapter is closing now. I might need to burn this passage after reading it, but I like how the wound makes me see the future more clear.”



The following is a story by a nurse Jenelle, I have become fond of lately. This story isn’t really about shoes at all. Neither was our stories above……………

I have an old pair of shoes …

They aren’t really that old.

It was my first pair of shoes for my first nursing job.

I thought they were a great pair of shoes … until my toes started hurting.

I bought a new pair of shoes ~ and WOW! Now, I thought to myself, those are a great pair of shoes.

I realized when I got these new shoes, that I don’t even have to use insoles in them. My back doesn’t hurt, no matter how long I’m on my feet. My toes never hurt. I do untie them when I get in my car … loosen them up for the drive home. But all day long — up until that point — I don’t even think about my shoes.

Sometimes, I still look at that old pair of shoes, and I think, “Man, those shoes are so cool! I wish I could still wear them.”

Then I remember: There’s a reason I stopped wearing that old pair of shoes. And I’ve tried those old shoes on since I bought my new shoes … thought I could just wear them at home for a day, and see how they feel. NOPE. Those old shoes had to come right back off.

I can hold them in my hands, turn them over, and see the places where the bottoms are worn … a sign of every hustle-bustle, stressed-out moment I spent, walking MILES and MILES around that building, at my first job. And I can smile ~ and love those shoes, for what they once were to me. I can keep them as a reminder of where I’ve been, and what I’ve done.

But then I will put them back down, and walk away. In my new shoes. My new shoes are the newst chapter I am writing in my novel.

Sometimes I wonder when my new shoes will become my old shoes? Then I realize when the soles wear out, I’ll know when to adapt and change my life again. Discomfort is the signal to my feet that I need to adapt. What will the next pair look like? And I keep an eye out for them.

But for today ~ I’m really happy in my new shoes and the chapter I am currently living out in my life. And that is good enough for me, right here and now.

To get the relationships with humans you want, you often have to burn the old ones to the ground to make enough room for the roots to take hold before you add in the water and nutrients.



What don’t they know about protons and how they relate to our relationships?

The way we think and feels about people in our life comes down to the redox state in our central nervous system.

The base of redox state is built by proton gradients and in humans newer systems in mitochondria and cells set the ceiling of the redox state to -400mV.

That system is built around glutathione which replaced the melatonin and Vitamin C system in lower eukaryotes as seen below. -200mV defines cytochrome C oxidase and the ATPase redox potential and this is the BASE that cells need to survive on Earth. I mentioned this in the video above. After 3.8 billion years we added other systems to build the redox potential of our cells to -400 mV to form complex life as the picture shows below.

The centerpiece of Nature’s conceptual idea for life lies in the novel use of natural proton gradients created in the ancient seas on Earth and they surround the story of water and light from the sun to do something remarkable around protons. Four billion years ago, alkaline fluids bubbled into what would then have been mildly acidic oceans (CO2 levels were about a thousand times higher than they are today, and CO2 forms carbonic acid in solution, rendering the oceans mildly acidic). Acidity is just a measure of proton concentration, which was about four orders of magnitude (four pH units) higher in the oceans than in vent fluids. That difference gave rise to a natural proton gradient across the vent membranes that had the same polarity (outside positive) and a similar electrochemical potential (about 200 millivolts [mV] across the membrane) as modern cells have. This is where the base of the redox potential of modern human cells come from. It is remarkable that no food guru understands the basic biophysics of this planet well enough to see why food is not the driver of health. An optimized proton gradient, however, is critical to it because it forms the base of the redox potential of cells.

The equation that defines this idea behind proton movements with IR-A light from the sun is below.

The H+ in NADH must be a proton and never a deuteron (deuterium isotope of hydrogen). When this substitution occurs life cannot be maintained far from equilibrium over a long time span. This is when illness enters and when your partners redox drops and your relationships begin to fail as you grow apart.

Drinking high pH water does nothing for your health or your relationships when you have functional kidneys.

When your redox drops in your body your ability to make the chemicals that bond us together as humans also drop.  Those major chemicals are dopamine, melatonin, oxytocin.

Dopamine is a catecholamine.

The catecholamines, of which dopamine and adrenalin is the best known example, and the aminochromes, of which adrenochrome is the best known example, are intimately involved in stress reactions. Stress is well known to DESTROY relationships.  What is not well known is how stress does it by ZAPPING your redox in the process of destroying the neurochemicals that bonds us as humans and that control our behaviors and emotions.

Therefore to moderate the influence of stress or to negate it, the orthomolecular belief is that we must use compounds which prevent these substances from damaging the body. THAT IS 180 degrees oposite of my belief.  We need the sun and rebuild the redox before we need any substrates.  The orthomolecular idea that  Vitamin B-3 is a specific antidote to NAD+, dopamine, or adrenalin is old and a half truth.  The reason for this opinion is it only takes the substrate biochemical view point and never considers the affect of light on these substrates in how their electrons get programmed by light to create their proper physiologic effect.  This is what I was hinting at above in the video with Luke Storey.

The ortho molecular belief that exogenous antioxidants with the use of exogenous catecholamines is wise is just not supported.  We see the effect in people with Parkinson’s diseease who use exogenous L-DOPA get tachyphyllaxis from the drug.  Adding antioxidants such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium and others DO NOT protect the body against the effect of the free radicals just by removing them more rapidly from the body is not a well thought out plan because it has no biophysical supports.

Any disease or condition which is stress related ought therefore to respond to the combined use of vitamin B-3 and these antioxidants, but the literature is filled with papers that show they do not.  None of these papers have been repeated when using these drugs with solar redox strategies and this may show a huge change in outcome if it does get studied.  I can tell you in my life and my practice experience it makes all the difference in the world.

Why do I think this orthomolecular supplement based strategy fails us so often?

Is this the same reason why adovcating a ketogenic diet for low NAD+ states is pure lunacy?

Yep.  Why Uncle Jack?

When you eat a ketogenic diet guess what else happens? It is believed we bypass complex one at the inner mitochondrial membrane and enter FADH2. I used to believe this but I no longer do because of technology light. You heard about this in the Quantum electron blog post at………but what did not I tell you in that POST?

Why does a ketogenic diet work in T1D, T2D, and help us lose weight, but does not help all metrics in health? When you lose water conduction at the inner mitochondrial membrane (cytochrome c oxidase due to deuterium) you lose the ability of proper nanoscopic protein folding of cytochrome 1 (NAD+). This throws off the nanoscopic precision (size and shape) required for quantum tunneling and this cause increased ROS and metabolic syndrome……..This is also why exogenous niacin can work in these diseases because it is a ketone mimic drug (sans artificial blue light). Why?

Niacin also known as vitamin B3 (above), nicotinic acid and vitamin PP, is an organic compound with the formula C6H5NO2 and one of the 40 to 80 essential human nutrients. In fact, when niacin deficiency is present it is one of 5 vitamins that causes a pandemic disease condition called pellagra.

But it can be used to bypass a “broken” cytochrome 1 when misfolding (due to a chronic ATP deficiency think EMF 7 blog post now). But why ? Why am I tormenting you with this science?…….because you need to think about things you are missing……..and you will see where QED takes us……….Vitamin B3 can help activate PPP when we are broken for some reason when we are ketotic from a dietary standpoint using vast amounts of coherent water as I laid out in the quantum electron blog post. Yes, niacin is a precursor to NAD+/NADH (cytochrome 1) and NADP+/NADPH (the magic of the PPP), which play essential metabolic roles in all living cells as I showed in EMF 4. What most people do not know is tryptophan the aromatic amino acid that absorbs UV light forms the base of all these chemicals. Without UV light to program them all none of them work as they should in cells.

Niacin cannot be directly converted to nicotinamide, but both compounds could be converted to NAD+ and NADP+ in vivo PROVIDED THE REDOX POTENTIAL IS GREATER THAN -200mV and this information is very valuable when you have liver leptin resistance, metabolic syndrome, or epilepsy.  Your food gurus never tell you this.  I do.

In 2010  Leonid Sazanov deciphered the crystalline structure of NAD+/NADH which is complex 1 respiratory complex in mitochondria. It is an the enormous protein in physical size and quite complex.   You can read about it in Efremov et al .2010.  Again, the atomic structure betrays the biophysical mechanism at play in NAD+ — in this case not a rotary motor as it is in the ATPase but, even more surprisingly, it uses a lever mechanism not unlike the piston of a steam engine.  This is why I have told people that mitochondria really mimic Carnot Theorem in thermodynamics.

Red light stimulates cells to replace defective mitochondrial engines.  Blue light damages them as the slide shows below.

When cytochrome 1 has misfolded electron transport proteins due to poor redox (ie:quinolone issue of CoEnQ10) you need to bypass it MOST of the time by eating fats that feed into FADH2 predominately because if you don’t, your mitochondria begin to make massive ROS that overwhelms the cells redox potentia dropping it from -400mV and this raises blood retinal levels while lowering vitamin D levels.  It also causes pregnenolone steal syndrome which lowers all hormones.  This is one of a myriad of ways your relationship can fail as your hormone panels crash.

Chronic pregnenolone steal syndrome will eventually shorten our telomeres to cause cellular signaling problems that lead to either senescence or advanced early aging.  This also destroys our relationships.

The chronic loss of NAD+is the critical sign of a loss of negative feedback control of the ubiquitin cycle. This data scales directly to our molecular circadian clock and our peripheral clock genes (CCG’s).  So this implies a loss of relationships is also related to poor circadian biology.  All things lead back to the light we chose to live under.  Few can fathom these links because they never look deeply into the life and how we work.

As our redox drops NAD+ builds up in relation to NADH levels on a per unit basis. There is a special case for blue light where a ketogenic diet can fatten you if you are chronically destroying cytochrome 1 because your REDOX is below -200mV.   When redox drops below this threshold it tells us there is a proton problem and that problem is usually related to having too much deuterium leaking into the matrix via the UCP-2 mechanism I laid out in my webinars for members in the past 18 months.

Then a fat-laden diet during spring and summer can make you very obese when this situation occurs.  See Jimmy Moore as a classic example.

Increasing the NAD+ endogenously (not via a supplement) in comparison to NADH changes a most of the mechanistic downstream signaling in protein kinase B pathways of cells. Why is that big issue? The AKT pathway is also known as protein kinase B (PKB). It is a serine/threonine-specific protein kinase that plays a key role in multiple cellular processes such as glucose metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, transcription and cell migration.

Akt1 is involved in cellular survival pathways, by inhibiting apoptotic processes.  This is how the brain shrinks in PD, AD, ALS, FTD, and in diabetes.  It also is a huge problem in TBI’s which are concussions.

Akt1 is also able to induce protein synthesis pathways (urea cycle), and is, therefore, a key signaling protein in the cellular pathways that lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy, and general tissue growth.

Since it can block apoptosis (mitochondrial disease risks and cancer risk), and thereby promote cell survival, Akt1 has been implicated as a major factor in many types of cancer. Akt (now also called Akt1) was originally identified as the oncogene in the transforming retrovirus, AKT8. UVA light can help restore apoptosis. In a mouse (nocturnal) which is null for Akt1 but normal for Akt2, glucose homeostasis is unperturbed, but the animals are smaller, consistent with a role for Akt1 in growth.

In contrast, mice which do not have Akt2, but have normal Akt1, have mild growth deficiency and display a diabetic phenotype (insulin resistance/ T2D), again consistent with the idea that Akt2 is more specific for the insulin receptor signaling pathway. The role of Akt3 is less clear, though it appears to be predominantly expressed in the brain. It has been reported that mice lacking Akt3 have small brains. This is what causes brain shrinkage in all the neurodegenerative disorders I mentioned above that are linked to cytochrome 1 size and shape issues. PCOS is tied to this early one before the more chronic diseases come to the forefront.  This will also change you moods, alertness, your cognitive ability, and your behavior.

Akt2 is an important signaling molecule in the Insulin signaling pathway and you do not need food inputs to effect it.  Alien light in your environment can do it without any food stimulus. It is required to induce glucose transport.  TBI induces AMpK pathways and increase blood glucose because of the lack of circadian control of this process.

The follow through? AKT1 is involved in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and other signaling pathways. These all cause massive changes in cell cycle signaling and in cellular communication. mTOR is huge in longevity and in cancer progression via the dys-regulation of the p53 gene. If the high oxygen pathways are defective for any reason metabolic mitochondrial diseases are likely. (TCA/urea cycle)

What else is more likely to occur in your life when all this hard core biochemistry and biophysics fail in your cells?


This might be a tough swallow for some of you, but it is the truth according to what Nature is telegraphing us.

Now you can see why when this pathway is activated many bad things can happen that are common to T1D, T2D, most cases of leptin resistance with elevations in hs-CRP. These steps are stops on the way to either final pathway and we call them neolithic diseases due to chronic mitochondrial failure and collapse.

Why do relationships really fail?  What is the foundational science problem?  


Relationships are not about passive agreements and merely spending time together: they are living, breathing entities, and if you don’t actively take care of them, they will suffer and die. If you want your relationship to be strong, you can’t just hope for it — you need to put in the work.    The work you need to put in is below in PICTURE FORM.

We often wonder why couples fight, lose interest or seem to lose the ability to communicate even when they love each other as redox drops. Why do dirty dishes or apparently innocuous words become triggers for such heated arguments?

Relationship conflict is a result of one or both partners feeling that their attachment is threatened and that psychologic issues is underpinned by how our stress hormones are acting under the direction of mitochondria in cells.  

Most of us don’t see this connection because the symptoms have purely emotional roots and those emotions are built by the light that control our mitochondria to make chemicals in neurons.

This is why anxienty and mood changes are linked to poor mitochondrial function as laid out in CITE 1 below.

So, why do we need secure attachment so much?

According to research, it’s because the lack of it can actually be a literal threat to our survival.

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University asked men with a history of angina and high blood pressure whether their wives “showed their love.” The ones who said no, suffered twice as many angina episodes during the next five years.

Another study found that women who had had a heart attack showed a 3x higher risk of having another if there was conflict in their marriage.

Being able to trust and be trusted (dopamine/melatonin/oxytocin), to love and be loved in your relationship is not just helpful: it’s crucial for you and your partner’s health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

Trust is a function of the neuro-chemicals built in these stress pathways by the redox power in your cells.  This is why relationships fail fundamentally.  If we trace the steps back it always comes back to couples who have differing redox states compared to one another.  Its shocking, but the links are laid out here in this blog for you to examine for yourself.




In 2019, the update to the title slide of this post has become the biggest change in my life because of mitohacks I have done on 5G over the last 2 years.  The updated picture for 2019 is contained above too.  For the reasons why the change occured you’ll have to wait until my talk in Poland at the Polish Health Summit is released to the public.

7 Signs of a Genuine kinship is found in My Wisdom of the Circle of Six

How do you really value yourself? To say you have no choice in life is to relieve yourself of responsibility.

It is one thing to lose people you love as your journey unfolds. It is another to lose yourself in the very same process. There is a greater loss of time in the world. Realize that shit is the real talk your life needs daily.

Focus on those that listen…ignore the rest. Some will come around…some won’t

If you want extraordinary results, you need to narrow your focus on the things that matter and eliminate the unnecessary.

1. They stick with you NO MATTER WHAT.

True friends stick with you no matter what. I hear stories about friends falling out with one another because one doesn’t like the other’s new boyfriend and other trivial things.

That doesn’t matter to true friends. They stick with you through thick and thin.

2. They accept you and they NEVER JUDGE YOU.

True friends, like true lovers, won’t try to change the person you are. If you want to change, they have your back, and they’re sure to let you know their opinions, but they accept you for who you are. No strings attached.  A great friend can tell you things yo cannot tell yourself.

3. They celebrate you in good times and bad.

They aren’t jealous of you. Instead, they celebrate you. Big promotion at work? A new relationship?  Party! Third date went well? How about a glass of wine to celebrate? Your true friends won’t feel resentment for what you have going on for you when your winning and thriving.

4. They reinvigorate you and spark you to thrive.

Some “friends” we walk away from feeling totally drained. They’re negative Nancy types. True friends leave you feeling energized and invigorated, not tired and sapped of your energy.  You need to cut energy vampires and those who cannot reason well.

5. They reach out to you and this is why you’ll have them pack your parachute

This is a key factor. A true friend isn’t a friend you’re constantly having to track down. True friends seek you out year after year without prompting to sample your current awesomeness. They make time in their busy lives to hang out with you.  Nothing remains idle in life and thrives. This is double true with friends in your circle of six.  Life needs a moving force to prevent the devastating effects of stagnancy. You should become this forceas the gatekeeper of your domain.  That is why all life employs change and adaptability.  This is why my circle of six gateway has a revolving door at the entrance.  No one should feel comfortable with you too long.  Your waves should hit them chronically to force adaptability and they should crave it.

6. They don’t speak talk trash.  They speak at you.

True friends don’t talk about you behind your back. They don’t cattily gossip and spread rumors.

If they have something to say to you, they say it to your face. They won’t talk about you to anyone in a way that they wouldn’t talk directly to you.

Do you want to be in your own story or on the outside writing about it? Everyone battles fear and uncertainty every day. However, the only failure in life is believing that your value relies on other people’s approval or resources. The reality is this: When you are living your authentic self and not how people want you to act, then you are free to use the full spectrum of your creativity and gifts. People don’t need resources to get out of any life situation. They need creativity to create resources. When you realize that, becoming stuck is impossible.

If they want to talk shit about you, let them.  Never let anyone rent space in your head by caring one bit about their opinion.  Once they trash talk you cut them from your life and make them feel what life is like without you in it.

7. They don’t get possessive, they want you to thrive.

If you’ve got new friends and lovers in your life, they don’t get possessive. They always give the space you need and are there when you want to do stuff.  They want you to dominate and create your happiness and celebrate with you as you break glass ceilings..


Your circle is your chemotherapy.  Toxic relationships are just like any other disease.  The longer you tolerate it the worse the patient does.

Fill the circle with people who add to your life and do not subtract from it.   Every precious thing that you want out of life starts from believing that you possess an unstoppable drive to continuously strive and thrive.  That idea begins with your circle of six.

Build your circle of six with these ideas in mind to change your life.  Friends are the family you choose and they impact your health in tremendous ways.  Do not undervalue this reality in your own life and recovery.  Your spouse should be your best friend.  If they are not you must reevaluate your own strategies.  

I revalue myself daily by the music and artwork I put in my environment. This helps me trim my circle of six and cuting and pasting who should be in this position of my life. Many times only two seats in the counsel are filled at a time. I often joke with the people in my circle that my tribe has a revolving door. You cannot be good at everything so those other 12 eyes are huge in helping you thrive. Make sure those eyes are connected to people who you’d let pack your parachute before you jump out of a plane if you could not do it.

Ask yourself this today, “How do you experience value in your life?”

An elitist scientists might say, “ Creativity that satisfies and affirms your world view is entertainment and does not set a floor to your self worth. Creativity that challenges and disrupts your world view is art and it helps us see our value.” But then the creative will say, How one thinks work must challenge you to be considered art. I find Dali’s works satisfying because of the curiousity they create in me. It helps me revalue my character and my worth. That doesn’t make his work ”not art.” A fascinating aspect of art is how subjective it is. It turns out how we value ourselves is also wholly sunjective. What may challenge you may stimulate or relax another. Value, like time is also relative to th environment we allow around us. What resonates with you may produce the opposite or no effect for another because no two environments are equivalent.

Write like no one is reading your words or your work. When you do this, your authentic self will manifest and come to the surface. Whatever it takes to find the real you, don’t be daunted if the rest of the world looks on in shock when they read your work. Your words can be your art and they can be used to set your value.

When you fight yourself to discover the real you as you write, there is only one winner, YOU.

Value is always long-term proposition in life. I urge you to be so good at what you do and the services you provide to people that no other metric a human can think up will matter. You have to be all in for people to get them to the next level. Never settle yourself, and never let them settle. Try to teach people to avoid always seeking happiness or success on the road to optimal. I teach people that we create our happiness and success with choices we make about our life.  Teach them to become people who seek results. Your goal as a leader is to become a person of value to your flock. Being valuable does not mean you need to be perfect in any sense.  It is wise to be a diamond in the rough with a flaw than a pebble without any.  

My circle only has mitochondriacs in it.  Those are people who are “diamond like”.  They are made of specks of carbon and dirt who just have learned how to handle stress and chaos extraordinarily well become lustrous with many facets who shine brightly in any light.  

Value is premium you place on yourself and others. Value others and you value yourself. Valuing this way is self-replicating and will grow within you and emit from you. When you truly value others they will radiate value as well. Today, forget the prices of things and cherish the value of people.

Others value your time exactly as you do. If you value it, so will other people.

If you don’t have a plan for your week before it begins, you’ve planned to fail.

Leaders who value their time always start with a plan for the week before it begins.

Always have a plan for your week before other people plan it for you.

Spend 80% of your time with people who give you 80% of your results and stand back and be amazed at what happens. I use the filter of social media to figure out who that 20% is and I CUT THEM FAST.  I do this to focus on who matters to see if they are circle of six material.

Regardless, if you haven’t decided ahead of time the kinds of people you’ll meet with, you’re sunk.

Sometimes we don’t choose our path or the people on it. The path and the people often choose us.

Your reaction to “these misfits” becomes the next big thing in your life.  This has been an eye opening lesson I have pursued with a passion since 3/13/2019.  Relentless chaos drives my passion now.  You’ll come to realize sometimes you need a little chaos to get your adrenaline flowing and help you realize your potential.

What happened to me on that March day?  It was the day I listened for the call of my destiny, and when it came to me, I decided to release those past plans back to the universe and follow my new uncharted passions.  Mastery is the breeding ground of fresh, creative passion. Our greatest responsibility is to live a life that nourishes our highest truth.

I realized that day I was not my past. I am the warrior that rose above it to become the example of someone who didn’t just want to survive, but chose to thrive in creating the most beautiful last chapter of my life.  I decided to go all in for me.  I realized I really don’t have to subscribe to the life that had been written for me.

When you believe in yourself, in your innate abilities, and you LOVE YOURSELF, you begin to do and to think for yourself and your preservation.  You know implicitly that anything is possible. The impossible even becomes easy. This internal drive is the fire in your gut cannot be extinguished by the people who suck the energy and reason from life. Become fully invested and commit to these beliefs and you will most assuredly meet with success no matter the odds you currently face.

I want to be driven, motivated, filled with passion, for good things, worthwhile things, things that will make a positive difference, and add value to the lives of others. Your passion can ignite many others’ pilot lights as well. When our candle is lit, sharing it does not diminish our flame one bit………..Go light someone up today. 


What happens when your spouse dies unexpectedly?  

The mitochondriac idea is to die young as late as possible, and not vice versa.

The loss of your best friend, lover, and spouse to death creates chaos for the person left behind, making it seem unfathomable to move forward alone.  The heart and soul can seem suspended while the physical body goes through a time continuum. It can be a struggle to find joy in life knowing things will never be the same again.  It is with this realization, that the functional duties of daily life and doing the necessary steps to move in a forward motion become like a remote activity.

All deaths appear sudden, no matter how gradual the dying may appear.  This is what surprises us when a partner dies.

Whoever said that loss gets easier with time was a liar. Here’s what really happens: The spaces between the times you miss them grow longer.  Sorrow and loss are constant, but if we all had to go through our whole lives carrying them the whole time, we wouldn’t be able to stand it. The sadness would paralyze us. So in the end we just pack it into bags and find somewhere to leave it.

It is the nights, however, that  allow the loneliness to seep into the surroundings and enhance the gravity of the baron world perceived by the one left behind.  Today’s technology can sometimes provide comfort but often prove too much for the heart to bear.  A saved voicemail message, pictures, and videos can be both a blessing and a curse. It is imperative to not let sadness take control and remember to just do the next thing… whether it is breathing, brushing your teeth, or taking the next step down the stairs.

When you give someone your heart and they die, did they take it with them? Will you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn’t be filled?  Is that a proper use of time?

When you think about death in terms of time you realize you never want to be lost in time.  It is nothing to die, but when you understand time’s value, it becomes terrifying not to live fully once your lover dies.

Realize that everyone deals with death differently because people value time differently.

The important thing is to continue to move forward and eventually you will find the path to happiness again.  This defines Faith and provides solace.  It is what motivates us to move forward even when the odds are against us.  A relationship with God can provide strength and hope.  If we look closely and are in tune with our hearts, the angels among us provide signs that aide in our recovery.  We will often experience a message or entanglement sent to remind us that life for us must continue.  Hope is what keeps us moving forward.  It is the gift of grace that combats our most difficult struggles and allows us to appreciate our rewards at the end.  Love is the foundation for every good thing in our lives.  Without it, nothing else matters much.  Love is how we stay alive, even after our lover is gone.

Loss of a lover does not have to end painfully.  It is suspended until time allows for us to be reunited. Death ends a life, but it does not end the memories of the relationship.  This is the lesson of life and love without getting lost in time.

Losing a loved one is a painful reminder that life is way too short. Losing your lover is that painful reminder time waits for no one. It also reminds us that time is our most valuable asset. Few of us truly get that in real life until death truly touches us closely when our lover is struck down. We forget what they would have wanted for us if they were still alive and kicking. And that loved one would want nothing more than for you to be happy — not the watered-down, half smile, day-to-day getting by content happy, but truly happy.

I have heard people tell the surviving partner recently at the funeral, “Keep yourself busy.” I agree to point, but don’t keep yourself busy doing something that doesn’t make you happy. One can go to a job every single day to keep yourself busy, but it only will make you more miserable if you aren’t doing what you love. It doesn’t make the time go by faster — it made each day seem more and more meaningless. You must focus on your passion to move past this grief.

This is what death brings to many of us………….but not all of us. What we feel when we lose our love is unique to us.

To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure in living. Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. Lovers however can and do die in natural ways.

This brings up another question. What happens when your lover is dead but forget to lay down in their coffin and is still breathing but not living?

RELATIONSHIP REDOX #2: To separate or settle for less than you deserve


Our guest writer for this blog is a member going through a rough 2019.  Her thoughts on relationships I think provides a unique perspective on how we must deal with people in our life who should be powerfully connected to us.

“I don’t believe that anyone ever goes into a relationship believing that they are settling. As time goes by however, an individual that is moving in a direction of growth and exploration, while the other person in the relationship stays stagnant means that eventually you will be faced with the decision to settle for less than you want and deserve in a relationship. Settling for an unhappy relationship because you’ve already invested a lot in it is like investing in a company that is doomed to fail. Loss is inevitable; it’s just a matter of whether you get out now and lose less or stay invested and risk an even greater loss.

it often happens slowly over time. The relationship develops microcracks inside the structure you can’t see. When it finally reaches a critical mass it eventually shatters. I found that there was an undercurrent of dissatisfaction- I’ve given up too much of myself for others. When I finally realized that it was time for me to focus on myself, and for my partner to do the same, I noticed that our interests were very different. I also noted that people go through physiological and biological “brain upgrades” at certain times in their lives. When you continue to educate yourself and your partner is not receptive to your interests or beliefs it can create chaos and distance. I also discovered that hormonal changes that arise with age can cause significant shifts in sex drive. While I was becoming more interested, his interest began to wane. I tried to talk about our sexual activity and changing needs as he looked on in utter disbelief and blew off my concerns. We allowed ourselves to become complacent. I termed it, we became comfortably numb, until I could no longer be comfortable in a relationship that became more and more distant. Differences in spending habits and financial constraints finally come to a head when he asked me about a charge on the credit card for $1.65!

I was working full time and had for thirty years, but had allowed him full control over our finances to the point that I did not even know the account passwords. After years of someone micromanaging how I spent money, I realized at this point that I had reached a new low. I had given complete control to someone that had abused my trust love, and friendship. I began to realize as I talked to other friends that you should be about protecting each other in harsh environments and have each other’s back… Gaining weight, exercising religiously without results suggested to him that I was asking for him to look at other women. He failed to realize that working nights, sleeping less than four – five hours during the day and working in a hospital under fluorescent lights had created an environment that made it difficult for me to exhibit change no matter how hard I tried. He suggested that wives that let themselves go are asking for their husbands to cheat. When I looked in the mirror, I began to believe that I may be the problem. I decided to make a decision to create some excitement in my own life. I wanted to excite him with pictures and texts, present him with activities to create new stories and reignite our passion. He was less than interested.


Here is the educational component for those that think they have the right to judge someone having to make this decision to settle or separate… I lived within an environment where my self-worth was judged by my spouse based on my weight, my dress size, and my actions around his friends in question until I could take it no longer. A friend who shall remain anonymous reminded me: No one has the right to judge me, not spouse, not family and certainly not other parents of my children’s friends. For you have not gone all in on your own life, or even perceive enough to know what that truly means. Therefore, your opinion of my choices is not worthy of acknowledging.



There is a special processing in my mind for people that want to judge. Only some of us are meant to survive. I take solace in knowing that nature will take care of their existence and my survival. Be ready, because I am loading my cannon with fireballs from the sun, and I am prepping my dinner table to feast on your ineptitude and insincerity… your ill intent, stupidity and crap can no longer affect me. I choose me, I will not look back and will not let others opinion of me affect where I am going.”



Very few people know the story of Stevie Nix and her band mate.  She was Alannis Morisette before Alannis was.

Some people confuse intensity for passion and challenge for attraction.  This happens most often when people are not optimized biologically.   I don’t think Stevie or Lindsey ever realized why their love was doomed before it blossomed.  Their light environment was a killer as rock stars.

This leads to us chronically making the same mistakes with the people we choose to love.

All too often we fall in love with the same person, but with a “different face.”

When you get your redox house in order, you’re rebuilding your magnetic power in your colony of mitochondria, so is the human magnet situation why we continue to love people who hurt us?

Have we jumped in too early before our brain mitochondria have caught up to the pituitary glands which control desires?

So ask yourself this question……………Is attraction just flesh and connection linked to soul and spirt?


Is this true?  Are you a buyer or seller of this meme in your own life?

When healing your ailments, you want to make sure you are falling for a healthy partner, and not recreating old dysfunctional patterns of your past.  If you do you will wind up with another bad relationship. You have to fall in love with your best friend.

This means you have to spend time alone finding a friend who is worth your best.  Then you have to give them the best of you as a friend sans the romance.  This takes time and effort.

Every relationship, good or bad,  trains you for the next one.

With healing Black Swans I have seen over time in my practice that one of the most prevalent and under-discussed issue they all have is the powerful and dysfunctional attraction between codependents (“givers”) and pathological narcissists (“takers”).  It shows up on social media forums in many journals on my website.   It has shown up on member events I have put on…….

Real growth calls for  taking ownership of your decision tree.  Thinking is a function of redox power.  So who enters your circle of six wholly depends on your mind.

This exercises in examing how you think about attraction and connection isn’t about blaming yourself. It is about understanding yourself by how you think. Your dating history is more than a pile of wreckage.

It’s a story. You’re the main character and you wrote the novel with your choices. Think about what you have carried from one to the next — both good and bad.  Then ask yourself why you did this?  It usually comes back to how you think about yourself. 

Simply regretting failed relationships leaves you in the backseat. Or even worse, tied up in the trunk — trying to kick out a tail light. Relationships don’t happen to us. We make them happen because of how we think about things and about ourselves.

The vanity of attraction gets people in the most trouble. It really is ludicrous that humans often chose people because of beauty and vanity. It’s akin to picking your meals based on their color instead of their taste.  What really matters to you in life in selecting your circle of six?  Your next mate should only come from your group of best friends.



When you are a slave to vanity, what you seek begins to seek you……..and sadly most get what we are seeking and the relationship ends badly again.

Watch what your attraction asks of you, you just might get it. Will a connection with a best friend do the same?

A healing Black Swan doesn’t fancy the colors of the face, they are always attracted to colors of the mind when they choose their next step.

Who is packing your relationship parachute now? Your old self or the new one your redox is sculpting? If you are using your old paradigm is that wise for your health reversal?



The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good and bad and this is why your circle of six matters deeply to your health. If you do not get this right you will not recover. You will also have a circle of six that is impotent in helping you thrive.

When you are jumping back in to love, play fantasy with your first few choices…… might save you from failure in the future. The most exciting inerpersonal attractions most often occur between two opposites that never meet in reality. These fantasy games of attraction have a deep purpose. Ask yourself this, ‘If somebody never gets enough of you in the beginning, they will always want more.’ This will drown you and harm you longer term. That is how you can use your imagination to win.

You have to make your own relationships. You also have to create the love you want. It’s more than just a euphemism for sex. Good love takes time and effort.

You have to have the right ingredients IN YOU before the recipe works.

Anyone can date. Anyone can have sex. But that doesn’t mean you’re ready for an adult relationship. When you’re healing from an ailment, you’re actually just auditioning for one.

Some of us can love forever, some for six years, some for six months, and others for six hours. It turns out the context of the timing of the attraction matters a great deal given the situation in question. Choose wisely.




If you want to start dating better people, become a better person FIRST.

When we feel stuck in an emotion we are in a toxic relationship. When we haven’t gone through it and dealt with it, it replays over and over like a skipping record. We don’t realize that we can step outside of that experience and have new ones until our redox power returns to power up our ability to realize this fact because we can think well again.

You attract partners who are at your level of maturity and emotional intelligence. So instead of constantly shopping for the person you want to spend your life with, become the person you want to spend your life with.

Relationships grow and die just like plants.  They have a season to them for sure.  It is also true that love can grow, or it can die. It takes more than tips and pointers from any wise book, post, or person to make a relationship last. The Black Swan knows they will run into all kinds of problems, from the kitchen to the bedroom.

So you have to keep observing, communicating, experimenting.  Relationships are the ultimate mitohack in life.  Realize that it is your most important hack too when you are rebuilding your circle of six.




Why are physicians clueless about medicine? They have no idea how hydrogen bonding works in the hydrated proteins coded for in DNA/RNA. If they learned how to make ice cream they would learn very quickly how hydrogen bonds also explain the Mpemba effect. Might this be the key to understanding how to make DDW and measuring it in humans?

I believe it will be.

The Mpemba effect is the observation that WARM water freezes more quickly than cold water.

Water may be one of the most abundant compounds on Earth, but it is also one of more mysterious. For example, like most liquids, it becomes denser as it cools. But unlike them, it reaches a state of maximum density at 4°C and then becomes less dense before it freezes.

In solid form, it is less dense still, which is why standard ice floats on water. That’s one reason why life on Earth has flourished— if ice were denser than water, lakes, and oceans would freeze from the bottom up, almost certainly preventing the kind of chemistry that makes life possible.

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds but stronger than the van der Waals forces that geckos use to climb walls.

Chemists have long known that they are important. For example, water’s boiling point is much higher than other liquids of similar molecules because hydrogen bonds hold it together.

But in recent years, chemists have become increasingly aware of more subtle roles that hydrogen bonds can play but have been unable to pin down exactly why the Mpemba effect exists in water. For example, water molecules inside narrow capillaries form into chains held together by hydrogen bonds. This plays an important role in trees and plants where water evaporation across a leaf membrane effectively pulls a chain of water molecules up from the roots.

The effect is greatest in the arterioles and capillaries of your skin and subcutaneous fat where leptin and melanopsin reside and where nitric oxide is made to alter your microcirculation and blood pressure.

Blood is 93% liquid water by volume. Mitochondrial make all their cell water at cytochrome C oxidase (CCO), which is the 4th cytochrome in our mitochondria.


In liquid water, hydrogen bonds bring water molecules into close contact and when this happens anywhere in NATURE, the natural repulsion between the molecules causes the covalent O-H bonds to stretch and store energy from the environment or system where water exists.  This is really important in the skin where the sun affects the surface or in mitochondria where water is made at CCO and heat is liberated.

But as the liquid warms up, it forces the hydrogen bonds to stretch further apart and the water molecules sit further apart. This allows the covalent molecules to shrink again and give up their energy to the environment. The important point is that this process in which the covalent bonds give up energy is equivalent to cooling.  This has massive implications when you begin to realize that the bond between melanopsin and Vitamin A is a weak covalent bond in diurnal mammals and much stronger in nocturnal mammals.



It is clear that Nature uses the Mpemba effect between the day and night cycle. I wonder when people will finally see the effect of nnEMF energies to this science and how it generations melanopsin dysfunction and leptin resistance? Leptin is also a photoreceptor protein in our subcutaneous fat that is also destroyed and disrupted by melanopsin dysfunction of blue light and nnEMF.




Ref: O: H-O Bond Anomalous Relaxation Resolving Mpemba Paradox

J. R. Errington and P. G. Debenedetti, Relationship between structural order and the anomalies of liquid water, Nature, 409 (2001) 318-321.   (reference 169 from picture in the blog)


Pharmacological treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have not resulted in desirable clinical efficacy over 100 years. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a reactive and the most stable compound of reactive oxygen species, contributes to oxidative stress in AD patients.  What does elevated H2O2 do to neurons?

IN AD in human more glutamate is released when the environment is loaded with blue light and/or nnEMF. This in turn cascades to deplete Vitamin C.
Where did this concern come from? Brain and eye surgery where light illumination is used.
Concerns have been raised about whether operating microscopes and endo-illumination used during ophthalmic surgeries contribute to retinal damage. Despite the recognition that ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to protect the eye from light and the abundance of vitamin C in the retina, artificial aqueous humors used during surgery USUALLY only contain the antioxidant glutathione (GSH below).

Light-induced retinal damage is irreversible and results in permanent visual loss, especially when damage involves the macular area. Ocular tissues are more sensitive and vulnerable to MAN-MADE light than other organs (Sliney, 2002). Although light-induced photoreceptor damage has been well described (Noell et al., 1966Kuwabara and Gorn, 1968), illumination of the ocular fundus by man-made light is inevitable in clinical settings during ocular examinations and surgeries. As a large number of intraocular surgeries, such as corneal and cataract surgeries and vitrectomies, require direct microscopic illumination of ocular tissue, acute retinal damage has been increasingly observed. The damage is thought to result, at least in part, from the effects of this illumination (Arafat et al., 1994Kuhn et al., 1991Michels et al., 1992Kleinmann et al., 2002). What most eye docs fail to realize is this light does not have any UV light in it, yet they continue to blame UV light for damage.  If they used a spectroscope they would see that blue light is the most dominant light in artificial light and is behind the cause of eye damage during surgeries.  Most experiments studying light-induced injury show retinal damage with continuous illumination over several days (Grignolo et al., 1969Malik et al., 1986Edward et al., 1993Organisciak et al., 2003).
Very little UV light penetrates the surface of the globe but all of the blue light from the bulbs we use do penetrate the globe to affect the retina.

Photooxidation of light, in turn then depletes the patient’s eyes of endogenous Vitamin C and it H2O2 directly inhibits formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) in neurons. FDH inactivity and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) disorder resulted in endogenous formaldehyde (FA) accumulation. Unexpectedly, excess FA, in turn, caused acetylcholine (Ach) deficiency by inhibiting choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in vitro and in vivo.

Acetylcholine (ACh) has a crucial role in the peripheral and central nervous systems. The enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) is responsible for synthesizing ACh from acetyl-CoA and choline in the cytoplasm and the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) uptakes the neurotransmitter into synaptic vesicles. Following depolarization, ACh undergoes exocytosis reaching the synaptic cleft, where it can bind its receptors, including muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. ACh present at the synaptic cleft is promptly hydrolyzed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), forming acetate and choline, which is recycled into the presynaptic nerve terminal by the high-affinity choline transporter (CHT1). Cholinergic neurons located in the basal forebrain, including the neurons that form the nucleus basalis of Meynert, are severely lost in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is the most ordinary cause of dementia affecting millions of people worldwide. The hallmarks of the disease are the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. However, there is no real correlation between levels of cortical plaques and AD-related cognitive impairment.  The plaques correlate with the disease process because a falling mitochondrial redox state links to protein misfolding.  Nevertheless, synaptic loss is the principal correlate of disease progression in AD and loss of cholinergic neurons contributes to memory and attention deficits.

This is why AD brains have low voltage on EEG.  Levels of ACH are linked to voltages on EEG studies.

What else do the eye docs forget to account for during their surgeries?

Free radical scavengers such as glutathione (Winkler and Giblin, 1983), α-tocopherol (vitamin E) (Penn et al., 1987) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (Woodford et al., 1983) are thought to serve as components of an endogenous defense system that helps to limit light-induced retinal damage. Vitamin C is also abundant in the human retina, where its concentration in guinea pigs and rats is about 1.6 mM (Heath et al., 1961Woodford et al., 1983). However, intraocular irrigating solutions currently employed during ocular surgery in humans only contain oxidized glutathione as a corneal protectant (Edelhauser et al., 1975Araie, 1986). Importantly, these surgical solutions USUALLY do not contain vitamin C, even though human aqueous humor contains high concentrations of the vitamin.

Does this make any sense?  Could this be why anterior chamber surgery has the side effect profile it does today?

The public does not know these answers because researchers rarely ask these questions in their experiments and never control for the light spectra used in surgery.  How can we learn when we ask the wrong questions in our studies?

How could we measure this if we wanted too?

LDH = Lactate dehydrogenase = lactate biochemistry = the link to Vitamin C physiology of the light stress response.

LDH activity can be measured spectrophotometrically from samples of blood taken every hour during surgery. The activity of LDH can be determined by the rate at which its substrate, pyruvate, is reduced to lactate, as monitored by diminished absorbance of the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) at 340 nm at cytochrome 1.   If I can figure it out, why can’t they?

Remember the reduction of lactate implies the additions of electrons to lactate. Guess where the electrons come from in the human retina?

Vitamin C is an electron donor in human biochemistry. This implies that Vitamin C presence or absence allows a stressed cell to choose to use lactate over glucose in metabolism.

The protective effects of vitamin C are not mimicked by glutathione, an agent routinely included in surgical solutions used in eye surgery, because glutathione does not donate electrons as well in the retina (below) in biochemical reactions as Vitamin C does.

It means that ocular surgery using solutions devoid of antioxidants normally found in the retina may be driving diabetic changes in eyes and brains below our perception as surgeons.

How is that for an unintended consequence?

Following extensive light exposure in surgery, it has been found that the level of vitamin C in the retina is diminished (Woodford et al., 1983). Moreover, the fact that diurnal mammals have a normally high concentration of vitamin C in their aqueous humor but nocturnal mammals do not (Koskela et al., 1989) suggests a significant role for vitamin C in protecting diurnal animals from sunlight.  Most eye research is done on nocturnal mammals so this effect magnifies the problem for humans.  It should be clear now that Vitamin C does have a solar component  of action (diunal actions) most never account for in their studies. Interestingly, light-induced retinal damage may be more pronounced in scorbutic than control monkeys (Tso, 1987), again suggesting the importance of vitamin C as a retinal protectant in humans and primates is reenforced.

FACTOID:  What does this imply for 5G and the IoT………..needs that RFID eye chip below to control you. The bar code for the eye is terrestrial sunlight not man made parts of the electromagnetic spectrum used for telecommunications and back lit tech screens all cause these problems in your eyes.

This all points out why blue light and nnEMF are LIKELY causative in the etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease in our modern world.

2G-5G networks create the Fenton free radical in our mitochondria as the pictures in this blog show.

What does this imply for eye surgery and for AD risks longer term?

You’ve got to ask the right questions if you’re going to find the right answers.  On your transition to a Black Swan, you need to ask great questions.  Questions are how you uncover real truths in Nature to learn what you should and unlearn what you must.

Considering the risk of phototoxicity of manmade blue lights via the blue light hazard (above)-, van den Biesen et al. (2000) warned that the safe exposure time of commercial endo-illumination is less than 11 minutes, a time frame that is unrealistic in today’s vitreoretinal surgery. Complicating this is the fact that the detached retina is even more sensitive to light (Zilis et al., 1991). Could this be why these surgeries seem to have a high failure rate and lead to more eye surgery? 

These observations, coupled with the results of the present study, suggest that supplying effective free radical scavengers other than glutathione in surgical solutions may be beneficial for preventing light-induced retinal damage during intraocular surgery, especially vitrectomy, and for maintaining the physiological integrity of the retina for an extended period following surgery. The importance of carefully considering the content of surgical solutions is magnified by the fact that the following vitrectomy the retina is exposed to the ophthalmic solution for 24 hours or more, given the time it takes to replenish the 4.0 ml vitreous cavity with endogenous aqueous humor that is produced at a rate of 3.04 μl/min (Tsukamoto and Larsson, 2004).

Exogenous Vitamin C itself is not appropriate for use in surgical solutions. In the presence of ferrous ions released during bleeding, exogenous vitamin C participates in the Fenton reaction with iron liberated from bleeding (Fisher and Naughton, 2004) and this results in the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals with blue light hazard (435-465nm light).

This thread should be eye opening to any skeptic that blue light or nnEMF can cause disease in man.


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