Niels Bohr said, “Everything we call real is made up of things that cannot be regarded as real.”

And it was also Niels Bohr who said that “if quantum physics has not profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.”


What makes quantum theory so “shocking” is the fact that it constantly rewrites everything we think we know about reality and the universe.

The word quantum gives us the first unusual thing about the theory.  The quantum world has a lot in common with shoes. You can’t just go to a shop and pick out sneakers that are an exact match for your feet. Instead, you’re forced to choose between pairs that come in predetermined sizes.

The subatomic world is similar. Albert Einstein(opens in new tab) won a Nobel Prize for proving that energy is quantized. Just as you can only buy shoes in multiples of half a size, so energy only comes in multiples of the same “quanta” — hence the name quantum physics.

The quanta here is the Planck constant(opens in new tab), named after Max Planck, the godfather of quantum physics. He was trying to solve a problem with our understanding of hot objects like the sun. Our best theories couldn’t match the observations of the energy they kick out. By proposing that energy is quantized, he was able to bring theory neatly into line with experiment.

Let me give you a few more examples of what makes quantum physics so amazing and to some… so shocking.

1. The Wave Property Theory—“A quantum object (for example, an electron) can be in more than one place at the same time.”

2. The Collapse of the Wave Theory—“A quantum object cannot be said to manifest in ordinary time-space reality until we observe it as a particle.”

3.  The Quantum Jump Theory—“A quantum object ceases to exist here and simultaneously appears in existence over there, without going through an intervening space.”

4. The Quantum Action-at-a-distance Theory states that “a manifestation of a quantum object, caused by observation, simultaneously influences its correlated twin object—no matter how far apart they are.”

If you think about these theories more deeply, they seem to have a more fundamental similarity to Eastern mysticism and psi phenomena than classical physics.

Quantum physics has demolished the long-held belief of classical science that we know what the real world is made of. Instead, it turns out, we know only our perception of it, rather than what it is in itself. We have mistaken the map for the territory.

This controversy goes back to the debate among ancient Greek philosophers on what constitutes reality, and whether it is possible for us to know its real nature.

Thales of Miletus, some 600 years before Christ, wondered whether reality was one or many. He said that all reality essentially consisted of one element—water because it exists in three states of matter, namely: solid, liquid, and gaseous.

Other philosophers joined the discussion with their own theories of the fundamental elements of matter.

Smaller particles

Then Democritus came along in 460 BC and said that the fundamental stuff of the universe beyond which we could go no further was the “atom,” which meant indivisible.

Of course, he was proven wrong many centuries later, when it was discovered that the atom consisted of still smaller particles.

Plato joined the discussion 30 years after Democritus. He said that we could never really know the nature of reality outside of our own idea of it.

He pointed out that reality as perceived by our senses was imperfect. It was but a shadow of the perfect reality which could be conceived only by our mind.

In the 18th century, the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant distinguished the noumena (the thing in itself) from the phenomena (the thing as perceived by our mind).

He said we can know only the phenomena but never the noumena.

Quantum physics forced the scientific community to start looking more deeply at what these ancient philosophers were quarreling about.

So, what is the ultimate constituent of matter? And is it possible to know its real nature?

Up to now, no one has come up with a universally acceptable answer to that question.

British physicist James Jeans said that the “stuff of the universe is mind stuff.”

And I think it was another British physicist, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, who said that “the universe is beginning to look more like a great thought than a great machine.”

This is because when quantum physicists started probing the smallest substance of matter, they found only empty space.

But how can something come out of nothing?

Another shocking finding of quantum physics is that it is not possible to observe an object (say, a subatomic particle) without changing or affecting the object you are observing. Subject and object are inextricably bound to each other and are not independent of each other.

So the neat, logical, and deterministic world of Newtonian physics does not exist in the smallest particles of matter. We can no longer be certain of anything. We can talk only in terms of probabilities. In Newton’s world where time was fixed and not relative, cause and effect are believed to be axiomatic.  In Einstein’s world, where time is relative, quantu m mechanics tells us that cause and effect is an illusion.

It appears the flow of entropy has a lot to do with what we perceive in Nature.

What we normally call reality, is, after all, not real, in Einstein’s time relative Universe.

What else is shocking about the science that defines Nature?

Heat can pass through a vacuum.  

How can heat flow if there is no matter?  

The “heat” of the sun, as we know it here on Earth, is a byproduct of solar radiation which then transfers its energy to the Earth’s atmosphere.

For a long time, scientists believed that heat, as we experience it here on Earth, could not travel in a vacuum. But an experiment proved that to be wrong.

In a 2019 experiment, physicists took advantage of the fact that at the quantum scale, a vacuum isn’t really empty.

At a small enough scale, the researchers found that heat can travel through a vacuum by jumping from fluctuation to fluctuation through apparently empty space.

This experiment proved that heat can travel in a vacuum, disproving the belief that heat can only be transferred from a star to the planets in the form of radiation.

  • The overlay is even bigger

Superposition is a phenomenon observed at the quantum scale. A particle (usually an electron) can exist in multiple places at the same time.

This in itself already proves the shocking reality of quantum physics.

But again, in 2019, an experiment applied the layering to 2,000 molecules of oligo-tetraphenylporphyrins enriched with fluoroalkylsulfanyl chains.

What most scientists thought was limited to the subatomic scale has been applied to a much larger scale.

  • Cause and effect can sometimes work backward

Most scientists would tell you that reality as we know it works on a simple principle of cause and effect. And that it can never work in reverse, where the effect precedes the cause.

And although it has not yet been proven, some have presented data that suggests that the effect can sometimes determine the cause.

Researchers working on quantum gravity – a theoretical construct designed to unify the worlds of quantum mechanics and Einstein’s general relativity – have shown that under certain circumstances an event can cause an effect that happened earlier in time.

The researchers wrote…

Put a very heavy object (like a big planet) into a state of quantum superposition, and you can engineer some weird scenarios where cause and effect happen in the wrong order.

It would be like someone answering a question before you even asked it. Or that you are injured in an accident that still hasn’t happened.

  • Quantum entanglement can now be observed

Another thing that most scientists thought was impossible to achieve. To be able to see two entangled particles.

This image is from the University of Glasgow.

What Albert Einstein described as “strange action at a distance” was photographed.

We can now see two entangled particles.

Quantum entanglement is a characteristic of the quantum world, which has been verified experimentally for a long time.

Two entangled particles, even if they are separated by great distances, can be influenced by affecting only one of these particles.

  • The quantum computer has gone back in time

Most scientists would tell you that time only moves in one direction…forward.

Drop a bottle on the floor and when it breaks, the pieces don’t just come off. The scientific explanation is that a quantum wave function that spreads does not “de-spread”.

Except that she is “despread”.

Using a two-qubit quantum computer, physicists were able to write an algorithm that could send each ripple of a wave back to the particle that created it. Unwind the event and effectively reverse the flow of time.

These examples, and many more, take everything that mainstream scientists would have thought impossible to achieve, and show them that it is possible.

Quantum physics is constantly rewriting everything we think we know.  All of Nature is based on quantum mechanics.

And it didn’t just shock a lot of people, some even go so far as to lock themselves in a state of total denial.

Personally, I find quantum physics fascinating. Mainly because it silenced many people obsessed with what they said was possible and impossible.


What is life? Life is built around the complexity of how light powers electrons. Life is all about ionization. Ionization is the process by which an atom or a molecule in a cell acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons. This often in conjunction with other chemical changes from the action of electron movements and alterations in their charge. Light excites and powers electrons & protons to do some unusual things that cells depend upon.

In the simplest QFT that describes our reality, the quantum electrodynamics of Julian Schwinger, Shinichiro Tomonaga and Richard Feynman, there are only two quantum fields: the electromagnetic field and the electron field.

The inception of QFT is usually dated 1927 with Dirac’s famous paper on “The quantum theory of the emission and absorption of radiation” (Dirac 1927). Here Dirac coined the name quantum electrodynamics (QED) which is the part of QFT that has been developed first.

The Heisenberg uncertainty relation means that a quantum field cannot sit still. Instead, it froths and boils, a bubbling soup of particles and anti-particles, constantly created and destroyed. This complexity is what makes quantum field theory hard to comprehend. Even nothingness is difficult to understand in quantum field theory.

QFT is used in particle physics to construct physical models of subatomic particles and in condensed matter physics to construct models of quasiparticles. Life uses many quasiparticles to communicate via a nonlinear optics framework. QFT treats particles as excited states (also called quanta) of their underlying quantum fields, which are more fundamental than the particles.

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is, at least in its origin, the result of trying to work with both quantum mechanics and special relativity. Loosely speaking, the uncertainty principle tells us that we can violate energy conservation by ∆E as long as it is for a small ∆t. Few know that the uncertainty principle does just refer to not being able to know the simultaneous position or velocity of particles and waves in Nature, uncertainty also tells us there is no determinacy between time and energy.

To me, life is erudition without bullshit, intellect without cowardice, courage without imprudence, mathematics without nerdiness, scholarship without academia, intelligence without shrewdness, religiosity without intolerance, elegance without softness, sociality without dependence, enjoyment without addiction, and, above all, nothing without skin in the game.




Many people worry about skin cancer risk from solar abuse, but the risk is quite minimal considering that most skin cancer only show up in humans with low Vitamin D levels.  As most of you know the best way to have a high Vitamin D Level is to use the sun properly as I laid out in my solar callus blog on Patreon. Here is a clinical pathologic conference (CPC) blog I did for a group of dermatologists in a hospital years ago to show them the real risks for cancer from non native EMF from cell phones and Apple Airpods.  These devices create massive amount of RF and microwave radiation both in the skin and the temporal lobe of the brain.  The 2018 NTP study on RF radiation showed the risk of RF exposure and cancers in an experimental model.

A few years ago this patient was diagnosed with skin cancer by his dermatologist. The tumor on his face was the largest one the dermatologist had ever seen in his 20 years of practice. This was pretty shocking for both the MD and the patient considering his age and “supposed good health” by his PCP.   When I saw the lesion I knew immediately this was a “CELL PHONE BURN”.   I have seen 4 cases like this one since 1995.  The size and location were a clue that this was a cell phone burn due to excessive use.  When I also found out the patient had bought Apple wireless airpods in the last twelve months all the symptoms of the case made sense.

Before the skin cancer was diagnosed, the pateint was also suffereing from word finding difficulties.  This should have been a big clue to his PCP and dermatologist that the cause of this cancer was excessive exposure of hos face, ear and temporal lobe to nnEMF from the Apple products, but they never linked the problems together.

I have also seen three cases of Fitbit skin cancer too.

The Fitbit also uses RF nnEMF to vibrate electrons off of your semiconductors in the tissues of your arm lowering your ability to assimilate sunlight while dehydrating you. This lowers your ability to make Vitamin D from cholesterol in your skin.  It also impedes melatonin production in your local mitochondrial setting the stage for altered metabolism that is linked to cancer generation.  Excessive use of a fitbit or Airpod is effectively aging the skin of the arm and head and neck faster than the rest of your body resulting in disease.

What lowers atomic and molecular vibrations in living systems naturally? Water and sunlight are the short answer. Water is the ideal Faraday cage to lower molecular vibrations induced by bi-direction microwave devices in technology. But do you know that UV light is even a better Faraday cage than water? How is this possible? UVA & UVB light create more water production in mitochondria because of their effect on slowing electron chain transportation while increasing nitric oxide production in cells.  The increase in nitric oxide by UVA light coupled with UVB light exposure increases Vitamin D3 in the skin simultaneously.

This is why many autoimmune conditions like MS tell people to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables. These foods replace NO in the skin that is being constantly released by nnEMF and blue light stimulus of the environments we humans have created. Just eating these things does nothing long term if the light environment is not repaired.  This effect also helps in avoiding and reversing skin cancers as well.

Rarely do people get told this from centralized MDs. Moreover, even fewer can explain how this process is quantized in cells by light.

From this perspective, we can begin to understand how neuroectodermal tissues like skin and brain use biophotons to communicate with each other, informing on states of activity and mitochondrial homeostasis. Cells from neuroectodermal derivatives use biophotons for repair, either self-repair or the repair of neighbors. Data now shows that external light, in the photobiomodulation range (the use of red to near infrared light on body tissues), engages a human biophoton code to facilitate communication and repair between neurons and skin cells to stimulate beneficial outcomes.  This CPC is a classic example of how you can use red light to treat a skin cancer from a cell phone burn.

Many studies have reported that biophotons arise from the many metabolic processes that occur within the cell’s mitochondria  For example, Grass et al., 2004; Tang and Dai, 2014; Salari et al., 2015; Mothersill et al., 2019; Van Wik et al., 2020; Zangari et al., 2021 all show these effects experimentally. The main source of biophotons is thought to be the mitochondria.  Mitochondria are organelles where most of these metabolic reactions take place. In particular, biophotons appear to result from the process of oxidative metabolism, the excitation and subsequent relaxation to a stable state of reactive oxygen species.

The biophotons are likely to be absorbed by a number of chromophores within the cell, including porphyrin, flavinic, and pyridinic rings, lipid chromophores, aromatic amino acids and cytochrome c oxidase. This absorption – either by the same or neighboring (also called bystander) cells – can then lead to a change in electrical activity in cells to keep cells healthy or reverse a disease (Mothersill et al., 2019; Zangari et al., 2021).

Microtubules are also suspected to play a role in this process, being involved in the intracellular transmission of the signal (Tang and Dai, 2014; Mothersill et al., 2019). There is a distinct delay, from the time of biophoton production in mitochondria to cell absorption by chromophores.  This process is called delayed luminescence; the length of this delay provides key information about the functional status of the cell (Salari et al., 2015).  This can be used to tell a clinician how long it will take for someone with a low redox state to reverse a disease.  In the case of this blog we had a young patient with a very low redox state because of a low Vitamin D level we found in his pre treatment work up.

Clinicians like Terry Wahls’ pushing the idea of “minding your mitochondria” with green leafy vegetables is a food only idea.  It is not a prescription for complete reversal of a mitochondrial disease.  One has to use light to fix a light disease.

This requires having a clinician who understands how light controls mitochondrial energy flows. NO and Vitamin D3 work together to make our cell membranes more sensitive antenna’s of native waves. All autoimmune conditions, at their core, have poor antenna function. The same is true in most cancer cases and this is why people who have autoimmune conditions also have a history of many cancers.

This is why all autoimmune cases have altered NO and D3 levels. Both are linked to light.  What do NO and Vitamin D3 do fundamentally in the skin ? NO causes vasodilation of the skin to absorb more UV light in hemoglobin and porphyrins in RBCs that float in our blood plasma. RBC’s cell membranes are filled with DHA and all RBC’s lack mitochondria.  Vitamin D3 is made from sulfated cholesterol by UVB light to act as nature’s ideal calcium channel blocker on our surfaces or our eye, skin, gut, and lung. When calcium is effluxed NO signaling is destroyed and you lose the ability to assimilate UV light from the skin to your RBCs and blood plasma.

When you lose the ability to assimilate UV light you also lose energy and angular momentum to make things spin. When an electron loses its spin it also loses its magnetism. It turns out when you live within an environment that blocks you from the sun or the native waveforms you also lose magnetic flux in your mitochondria to make free radicals properly.  When this occurs it seem to disappear in a magnetic field. Every electron in every atom has four quantum numbers that organizes the periodic table of elements in quantum fashion. Electron spin number is one of those numbers. The spins of electrons are manipulated by electric and magnetic fields from our environment.  This current blog shows you how an old cell phone caused a massive skin cancer by this mechanism.  It also shows you how light outside of normal spectrum of sunlight can cause a change in the charge in both of these fields. All three of these physical things exist in mitochondria and all are powerful creators of free radical signals. Throw away the Fitbit/Airpods and get outdoors and exercise as you were designed too.

Why am I sharing this case with ya’ll? Well, this person who got the skin cancer was a camp director for about 4.5 years and got a lot of sun, so the patient wore a lot of sunscreen on his face. Interestingly, his pre treatment Vitamin D level was 22 ng/ml.  He had excessive cellphone use complicated by Airpod use.  By history, he had an old 3G Samsung phone that was so quiet he had to hold it really tight up against his ear and face to hear.  Because of this he bought a new 5G iPhone and Airpods six months prior to developing a “rash” on his facial skin.  He also used the old phone predominantly on his left side so his right hand was free to complete other tasks of his job.

After he was diagnosed I asked him to rummaged through his desk to see if he could find the same cell phone.  Ironically none of his centralized MDs thought to do this.  When he found te Samsung phone,  he held it up to his face and sure enough it was almost exactly the same size and location as the tumor on his face.

After this finding he mentioned it to his dermatologist who tried to convince him that this could just be a coincidence and the causation of the tumor most likely was the sun.  The skin MD went on to list a combination of things, but never made the connection that the patient has very little sun exposure of his face due to sunscreen use or the fact that is Vitamin D level was very low.  This indicated the patient did not have excessive sun abuse.  The patient said the skin MD dismissed the cell phone as a cause of the skin cancer because they had never seen a case like this before.  Was it possible the close proximity of cell phone use had a part in developing the cancer?   The patient asked the MD a key question, maybe it was not probable…but possible?  The skin MD said he thought it was impossible.  That is when the patient realized he needed better advice and he sought out a decentralized MD for an opinion.

This patient realized there are more stories of cancers showing up in adjacent tissues like this popping up on social media too. For example, many women who routinely store their cell phones in there bra/bathing suits have been getting breast cancer in the same area they had been keeping there phone.  Those women always seem to have low Vitamin D statuses and altered NO production too when they were examined properly by a decentralized MD.

Why am I sharing this case with ya’ll? Well, this person was a camp director for about 4.5 years and got a lot of sun; he was a patient who wore a lot of sunscreen on this face & body. As a result, his Vitamin D level was 22 ng/ml at his diagnosis.   He had a long history of excessive cell phone use on the left.  He also exhibited word finding difficulties. His skin MD did not realize that word finding is a function of the left fronto-temporal lobe of the brain.  His centralized MD neurosurgeon realized it right away as a key clue to the puzzle.  During the history taking it was found he had a crappy old Samsung 3 G phone that was so quiet he had to hold it really tight up against his face and ear to hear anything. He also used it predominantly on my left so my right hand was free to do stuff while at work.

During the history we also found he stopped using the 3G phone 6 months before developing a facial rash and got a new 5G iPhone and AirPods.

Many think these new Airpods are amazing, but are they?

Unfortunately, if you do your due diligence this is what you’ll find:

AirPods produce an average EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) significantly higher then other bluetooth/wired headphones and are constantly transmitting at these levels, even when they are not in use.

For this reason alone it is not be the best idea to have these things hanging out in our ears all day.  I know it a risk for developing neurodegeneration or brain tumors too.

You need to stick with Airtube headphones, use your speaker phone all the time, and  toss all bluetooth headsets. DO not use sunscreen to guarantee a low Vitamin D level and use the sun wisely to optimize UV and IR-A to maximize NO and Vitamin D levels.

I was lucky to find a decentralized MD who knew how to use Red  light and UV light to get rid of this cancer without surgery.


Nature doesn’t make mistakes – but people sure do when it comes to thinking about their technology use. ⁦

When you begin to realize that the entire published literature is completely contrived for profit, then all that’s left to do is reflect more deeply on what’s been done already to understand what they might have missed. That is my specialty, and why I bio hack. The power of observation is among the most critical tool that man has, yet few learn how to use it to learn nature’s wisdom built in us. The accuracy of your observations is equivalent to the accuracy of your thinking.  Truth cannot be distinguished from error as long as principles have not been established via the rigorous observation of how things occur. Mito-hacks allow us to gather facts in order to get ourselves thinking on the right track.





Is Schizophrenia a circadian disease that I expect to have a higher incidence & prevalence in a 4G-5G blue-lit world?  Yes, that is my belief.  Blue light/nnEMF alters the periodicity of clocks in the brain. The periodicity of our clocks determines the shape of our lives. Time sculpts life, not energy. What happens in your colony of mitochondria every AM writes a story in your eyes and eventually your frontal lobes where this disease begins.

People forget schizophrenia tends to happen in young men and this is because their brains do not myelinate as fast as women do until 28 years old.  This makes them more susceptible to charge changes in their eyes and frontal lobes as the picture above shows.  Young people tend to get schizophrenia due to clock disruption while older people who have such bad clock disruption that it leads to apoptosis of neurons in the damaged area of the brain get frontotemporal displasia.  I believe these diseases are linked via the amount of trauma and destruction to the brain over time.

Frontotemporal dementia, especially the behavioral variant (bvFTD), is difficult to recognize in its early stages because it is often confused with schizophrenia. Thus, the similarities are obvious: in sufferers of both groups, personality as well as behavioral changes occur.

The SCN optical clock is activated by the sun and the absence of light at night. Meck was the first to postulate that the rate at which signals traverse this loop offers the brain a timekeeping mechanism to control the chronobiology of hormones, protein turnover, neurotransmitter release, and metabolism pathways. Before Meck’s work on timing, no one thought to link these functions to the SCN.  This implies that even minor brain injuries could lead to SCN dysfunction.  The SCN operates as an optical lattice clock who’s proteins gears and their associated chemical bonds seem to pulse and resonate (periodicity) with electromagnetic frequencies.  The pulse rate and resonance are key features of how the clock handles time sensation and circadian control of timing in cells connected to it.  The clock was built by evolution to operate with terrestrial sunlight frequencies but it also appears to be affected by other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum when they are present.  Trauma also affects its physiologic abilities. It appears the SCN is the distal target for information processing of light between the retina and basal ganglia and neocortex of man.  This makes it very critical in mental illness and diseases associated with altered light environments.  It also means it is very critical in pituitary dysfunction and hormone release.  Dopamine controls pituitary hormone release with prolactin.

Melatonin and dopamine control all the photoreceptors in humans that allow for proper communication. Melatonin controls mitochondrial DNA change programs and dopamine controls how we decipher and sense time between the inside and the outside world we inhabit.  Creating melatonin & dopamine in the eye is the most critical physical change at a surface for humans because of how it controls our sense of time via photoreceptor regeneration.  Melatonin controls all regeneration of the photoreceptors in man except the Muller cells in the eye.  Both of these chemical molecules are made by sunlight as it collides with aromatic amino acids in our eye to slow light down.  That is how they link to one another.

There was ample opportunity for DNA modification in life for the first 2.5 billion years of life on Earth. Yet, there is no evidence of significant change in life forms during that time span in the fossil record. It was not until about 600 million years ago when the oxygen tension rose to a point where air-breathing life forms became thermodynamically possible and favored, that a significant change can be abruptly seen in the fossil record. In other words, DHA creation and use in the central retinal pathways were critical to allowing our DNA to change.  Today, the light flowing through our eyes has changed and now diseases like schizophrenia can manifest.

The SCN optical clock activated by the sun and the absence of light at night. Meck was the first to postulate that the rate at which signals traverse this loop offers the brain a timekeeping mechanism to control chronobiology of hormones, protein turnover, neurotransmitter release, and metabolism pathways. Before Meck, no one thought to link these functions to the SCN.  This implies that even minor brain injuries could lead to SCN dysfunction.  The SCN operates as an optical lattice clock who’s proteins gears and their associated chemical bonds seem to pulse and resonate with electromagnetic frequencies.  This is called periodicity. 

Clocks become more accurate the more periodicity they have. Mitochondria regulate circadian rhythmicity through NAD+ production, SIRT1 & SIRT3 activation & mitochondrial dynamics. Those things make molecular clocks more accurate. SIRT1 and SIRT3 activity in HDACs is dependent on NAD+ recycling in cells.  NAD+ recycling is highly dependent on tryptophan being used accurately as a time crystal at cytochrome 1. SIRT1 and SIRT3 counteract CLOCK (gene product); NAD+ synthesis is highly dependent on proper circadian rhythmicity set by the light and dark cycles of the sun.

The pulse rate and resonance are key features of how the clock handles time sensation and circadian control of timing in cells connected to it.  The clock was built by evolution to operate with terrestrial sunlight frequencies but it also appears to be affected by other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum when they are present.

DHA’s main effect on cells was done by evolution to improve a cell’s ability to tell time.   How? DHA improved the periodicity of the SCN. This is why today in humans the central retinal pathways have more DHA in their cell membranes than any neurologic tract in our species. The periodicity of our clocks determines the phenotype in our brain circuits. In this way, time sculpts life, not energy. What happens in our colony of mitochondria every AM writes a story in our circuitry that goes awry in schizophrenia.

Trauma also affects our physiologic abilities because it lowers the periodicity of clocks. It appears the SCN is the distal target for information processing of light between the retina and basal ganglia and neocortex of man.  This makes it very critical in mental illness and diseases associated with altered light environments.  It also means it is very critical in pituitary dysfunction and hormone release from any cause.

We know now that increased dopamine increases the rate of the basal ganglia loop cycling. This forges connections between disparate parts of the brain to create a larger web of interconnections.  Melatonin and cortisol are critical in trimming those connections at night to optimize function. This suggests that the more dopamine we make, the faster our internal clock would seem to run to us.  People with schizophrenia tend to have more dopamine released rapidly over short time scales.  This leads to the disease phenotype.

As a result, our perceptions would be associated with a slower perception of external time. This is what the “time dilation experience” of childhood appears to be.

This occurs with increases in body temperature and yokes perfectly to UV light’s ability to make dopamine in the eye/skin during the daytime. Darkness lowers levels of dopamine levels and a slower rate of neural circuit frequency would correspond to a slower internal clock and a perceived acceleration of external time. This is likely why low dopamine states” are associated with time contraction and disease states and are linked to circadian de-coupling events.  One must also realize that dopamine levels also control pituitary hormone release.  This is why hormone abnormalities are often found in trauma victims and mental illness patients.

Today the 4G-5G RF/microwaved blue-lit world is the major de-coupler of human physiology of the SCN.  The association of dopamine and melatonin function is a non-linear relationship because both molecules are created and linked to specific light frequencies diurnally that vary and this makes the relationship not so clear-cut for those who do not understand the non-linear aspects of photonics or optics well.

The under- or over-activity of the dopamine system is linked with impairment inaccurate time estimation, sometimes making it seem slower, sometimes faster. There is no obvious or linear correlation between perceived speed of time and the amount of dopamine present as one might suspect, but I believe there is a fractal relationship of dopamine levels to protein dynamics due to a lack of UV and IR light perception in the retina, because of Meck’s work.   Why do I say this?

Schizophrenics have an altered sense of time that begins in the SCN but is amplified in the midbrain dopamine regulation centers of the basal ganglia and reward processing tracts of the orbital frontal gyri which are known to be disrupted in schizophrenia.  They also have altered fragmented thoughts because of this inability to time reality properly.  This is one reason why nnEMF affects attention and awareness because light can alter charge variation in aromatic amino acids and this ACUTELY can raise and lower dopamine/melatonin levels seemingly altering reality as it unfolds.  We see this in TBI victims as well.  Unfortunately, that is the world a schizophrenic observes 24/7 when their illness takes hold.   Focus and attention come easier when one’s CNS is not being pulled down multiple pathways by contravening evoked potentials from man-made electromagnetic waves. This is why we often too EEG/ERP on our TBI victims.

Paying attention, establishes traction between your internal frequencies and the external world, synchronizing with it, and using it to help calibrate your internal pace of timing.

Deficits in time perception in Schizophrenic patients is helpful for the quantum clinician in understanding how sunlight builds time management in the brain.

Deficits in time perception have been observed in a range of disorders, and there is typically a trend to misjudge durations in most of them because of the uncoupling of the circadian mechanism:

•Manic patients tend to overestimate the duration

•Depressive patients tend to underestimate the duration

However, schizophrenic patients show poor estimation without a trend. Results are not systematic (Vogeley and Kupke, 2007)

Schizophrenic patients were asked to answer two kinds of discrimination questions:

•Do two stimuli have the same duration?

•Are they short or long?

They performed worse than controls but without a systematic bias toward over or underestimating. (Elvevag, 2003)

Dopamine transmission plays a massive role in schizophrenia. Goldsmith et al (1997) found an increased number of dopamine receptors in post-mortem and PET scan studies of schizophrenics.

Interestingly, an increase in dopaminergic transmission increases the speed of one’s ‘internal clock’, whilst inhibition slows it down. (Rammsayer, 1993)

As schizophrenia is characterized by a disruption of dopamine and melatonin communication in the brain, the unsystematic nature of impairment is not surprising. It demonstrates that in healthy individuals, integration across the brain is key for temporal perception.  We can use cortisol assays in Schizophrenia the same way we can use them in TBI victims when we treat them using light hygiene protocols.

Do not think that the use of exogenous melatonin is free of risk.  It is the biggest mistake modern centralized medicine makes today.


More and more evidence indicates that the circadian clock and mitochondrial functioning are related. Most available evidence shows how the circadian clock controls the abundance and morphology of mitochondria by regulating biogenesis, fission/fusion and mitophagy. Additionally, several studies suggest that mitochondrial functioning also is regulated by the circadian clock as Knock Out gene/protein studies show altered mitochondrial respiration and ROS metabolism, although in these studies, it is difficult to separate effects on substrate availability and mitochondrial function itself. Conversely, direct evidence for mitochondrial regulation of feedback to the circadian clockwork remains limited in centralized research done by Big Pharma dollars.  I think this being done by design to keep the focus on drug development instead of solar phototherapy.

For a better understanding of how mitochondrial morphology and functioning change throughout the day, more experiments on diurnal animals are needed in sunlight.  Performing imaging and respiration assays throughout the day in different tissues seems to be essential in order to get a clearer picture whether morphology and respiration oscillate throughout the day, whether this is tissue dependent and whether this is related to the molecular clock, substrate availability or a combination of both. Furthermore, data on other regulators such as hormone signaling and the autonomic nervous system, both outputs of the central clock, are scarce, and need to be done. Light frequencies humans use now clearly exert influences on mitochondrial functioning. One first candidate hormone to investigate is melatonin & dopamine since both control photoreceptor regeneration that is linked to SCN function.  Tryptophan and tyrosine biology are key gears in clock mediated disease.

Highlights of the latest research on this topic:

Dietary tryptophan and threonine can control circadian behavioral rhythms.

Tryptophan is metabolized in a time- and light- dependent manner.

Light cycles and tryptophan intake coordinate temporal regulation of metabolism and transcription.

Tryptophan metabolism regulate expression of the core clock machinery.



