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I want to celebrate my friend Mr. Rick Rubin and say thank you to him.

My heart is filled with gratitude this AM.

Through his perseverance he got me to sit down with Dr. Huberman and paint Andrew a story of light.

Rick, I wrote a lot of this for you in the margins of your book already, but as you know, I wasn’t done writing all my thoughts down for you.  So here are some of my thoughts for you now.

If you have not read Rick’s book do so.  His book inspired this post.  This post is my birthday card for you, sir.

Today, begin to grow your destiny. Your talent can only grow to its destiny this way. We all have something that we are meant to do. Your genius must shine through your talent and happiness will fill your life. The instant you discover your higher purpose, you must direct all your energies toward it. Once you are connected to this mission, whether it is being a great teacher of children or an inspired artist, all your desires will be fulfilled effortlessly. You will not even have to try. Begin to live in the now today.

Medicine is part science and part art. The artist in the healer must be unleashed for the public good. My number one art is painting the habit of sunrise in my tribe in many ways. Paint for them every aspect of why it is paramount. Sunrise unleashes the human animal from the cage society has put it in for over 5000 years.

Being locked up as a clinician/scientist is one of the most dangerous places I have found myself in. My work is a masterpiece and nothing should frame it. Nothing should limit it. I have to stop giving society permission to limit this art. Science requires a beginner’s mindset that is free to paint unimpeded to figure out where it should roam. In science, talent must be uncaged. It must run free and be wild. It cannot and should not be confined. Your painting should have no limits. Talent is the fuel to let ideas manifest themselves through you while you burn brightly for eyes to see.

The most precious etchings of caring can be traced not in the scope of its message, but in the integrity of its purpose. Stop taking each element separately, connect your thoughts, and fit them together properly. The world is waiting to see your genius move forward.

Being locked up is one thing for a person, but to have no concept of what confinement might mean for life on this planet is another. To wake up every day and be wholly ignorant of these terms, do not understand that physics paints your cells with wisdom at every sunrise is akin to never having understood how life should be lived. That realization is an unfathomable struggle for a person of science.

Man’s five senses can capture the vastness and the immensity of our cosmos and POMC is the paintbrush that allows it. POMC is the paint that goes on the canvas, your brain. POMC is a color palate that humans use to paint their minds. In some ways, that palate confines us to the limited real estate of the sensory organs in our brains to understand all the complexity of the universe. But there is wisdom in being connected to nature in this fashion. Yet, few see the artistic symmetry of confinement. I am trying to explain this art to you now every day, in every word I write.

Every human on this planet is an artist in some way. Each one of us is a master of some aspect of this confinement. A writer, an author, or a simple blogger can harness the vastness and the immensity of the cosmos and confine it to the limited pages of the paper or a computer screen, or a frame. It can be found in a painting, a song, or in your love, but rest assured it is there if you look for it. This perspective makes it much easier for me to surrender my life to being confined by nature every morning at daybreak. Sunrise is when I destroy the frame society has tried to confine me with, so I can become wild again to paint my story. Anything not forbidden by nature will undoubtedly happen; the question is when, where, and how will it happen.

What does this mean in relation to the series I am writing for now?

POMC is the paintbrush of the cosmos for our species. It is a prohormone that gives rise to several biologically active peptides that are expressed primarily in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and brain. It created what we are. This paintbrush isn’t limited to just those tissues. It is responsible for most of the human characteristics we have. The paint that the brush must be pushed through every day is colors buried in sunlight, in the visible spectra.  That light must wet our brush every AM. These frequencies stimulate POMC to release the power of color into six peptides that become amplified to paint our neocortex, skin, and mind with the help of the pituitary in the form of TSH. Every tissue painted by POMC becomes an assistant in the game of human life.

People who live under fake light can not be authentic artists because the colors they work with are contrived. They are not natural to the sun. They are fraudsters because their brains, eyes, and skin does not allow POMC to paint freely. When our palate is confined in this way, mitosis becomes defective in our cells and diseases begin to manifest. It is like biting the apple of Eve and Adam needs centralized healthcare to live in the garden.

Sunglasses, glasses, and contacts all block some frequencies of light and oxygen to a degree (contacts) of light designed to run the RPE in your retina where melanin is located in your eye in front of your brain. This creates a facade in our cells. How can an artist paint the truth behind this type of veil? The RPE absorbs that light and targets them to every neural tract in your brain. That is a massive array. This array amplifies the effect of light via POMC on your neocortex. Do you get oranges when you put a tarp on a tree? Could the blockade of color be inhibiting your artist inside of you? Could this be why most people are sick?

When mitosis is defective in mammals their cells do not divide and they become mobile and invade other tissues. Cells become weeds in another garden they should not inhabit. Mammals innovated this process to survive the KT event using their neuroectoderm to help them. Today modern light is the human KT event for the same reason. In fact, when you use imitation paint/color in your work, artists will develop hypothyroidism and struggle to make enough POMC. Without a brush, POMC cannot move color on the canvas and life becomes pale and lacks brightness and intensity. The proof of this is found by looking at your painting and realizing your skin, teeth, and mind are atrophic. your painting is pale and lacks color, you’ll realize you lack alpha MSH, ACTH, melanotropins, and endorphins that were designed to be liberated by sunlight every morning when you open your body to the light. This prison will confine you. Sunlight unleashes specific proteolytic enzymes called PCs that restore the full palate for you to paint your masterpiece every morning.


AM sunlight induces pigment in your paint. the physics of color is found in the semiconduction of light. This charge transfer is done by light, every morning to induce changes in vibrational modes in molecules from POMc. This is how we paint our species’ world. This is why the central melanin system affects all five of our senses. Touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste all require melanin to be present. Moreover, melanin is critically important in how humans tunnel in enzymes and receptor biology, which was first observed a number of decades ago. How POMC gets cleaved is also a story of light at the tissue level where POMC is found. That light is created by the wide-band semiconductors in those cells. The light those semiconductors make is the limit of your color palette. It determines the life you get.

What do you value in your life? I value consistency because when I paint I want intensity in my color palette. I value it because nature has taught me her atomic precision is required every day in rearranging the atoms in my cells that I moved around yesterday in my process of living. Our cells are wide-band gapped semiconductor factories of light that require precision manufacturing and the sun to reproduce our colors to allow us to paint well. Moreover, our circadian mechanism is how cells perform their version of photolithography to keep us running at high efficiency. Photolithography and an artist’s palette are synonyms in this story of light Rick.

To be diligent is to truly focus, pay attention to details, follow through, the surroundings, and the people affected, and really put into action your heart and soul to accomplish great things. Health is the natural consequence of consistently applying the paint on our canvas every AM. It is these basic fundamentals of nature that are built into our cells.  It is the creative act of Nature that creates a way of being in our cells.

We will not and can not find peace of mind if we are afraid of the hurricanes of modern living. Through our daily actions, we reveal our deepest beliefs. This is one of my deepest beliefs; try to find your deepest belief and ask yourself. Why? Then finish your thought experiment by answering that question for yourself. When you emerge from these thoughts, you will be transformed. You will be decentralized by Nature. Your artwork will be a masterpiece.

That is how I see it, Rick.



PS.  Happy Birthday.

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