QUESTION: What is the CT time threshold at which the body induces pro-inflammatory cytokines to warm the body up, and CT starts to create the cause it was designed to resolve? With icing injuries, physical therapists assert this threshold can be around 15 minutes…does this correlate systemically?
ANSWER: The key is understanding what controls the switch in wound healing. It varies by season. Most people have no idea the switch is electromagnetic that controls a macrophage protein that acts in the MAM of the mitochondria and the ER of the Golgi. It is called MCP-1. In tissue damage, the first signal is a loss of the DC electric current and activation of cGMP and this stimulates the INFLAMMATORY cascade to clear damage. After a period of time determined by the electromagnetic signal, the same electromagnetic signal then uses a different second messenger to stop the inflammatory chemokine reaction and begin repair using cAMP. The regeneration begins when the DC electric current in the tissue is restored and then mitophagy and autophagy drive the healing. This is all increased by sunlight and cooling. One of the best free health tips I can give ANYONE who wants to live a healthy and long life:
learn these 2 words – Autophagy and Apoptosis.
Learn what they mean, and then learn how you can manipulate your body to optimize these 2 crucial cellular functions through lifestyle. Then do it!
Think of your cells as a bunch of shiny Lamborghini cars. Built for optimal function.
Sometimes, your carburetor or your battery dies in your Lamborghini. When that happens, you certainly aren’t going to throw it out, are you? You just fix what is broken and replace the parts of the car that are not functioning well. And voila. Like brand new.
But sometimes the damage to your Lamborghini is beyond repair. The engine is ceased and unrepairable. The body is a disaster. The transmission is on its last leg. I this case it might be better just to trash it completely and get a new car by replacing it.
If autophagy and apoptosis are working well in your body, you will have optimally functioning cells, organs, and energy levels. The electromagnetic signals in the ECT control this process especially at CCO = cytochrome 4.
Restoration of metabolism occurs when regeneration of the damaged tissue mitochondria begins repairs using information in light (OAM) to repair deficits and tumors can respond without drugs to sunlight because of how sunlight acts on kinases and CCO with NO from UVA light. High dose IV Vitamin C with a quinone (Vitamin E or K) can remove deuterium to improve hydrogen flows to stimulate apoptosis. This can be good for a leg wound but could be devasting if the injury is to the neck and stimulate ALS in the cervical cord. This is an electromagnetic process whose signal is HIGH fidelity. It is linked intimately linked to cytochrome c oxidase and the redox-driven unfolding of histidine residues of cardiolipin in the mitochondria of CCO via nitric oxide concentrations driven by UVA light. Information quanta in photons electrons and protons controls this gating mechanism in cytochrome C oxidase via cAMP and/or cGMP response. In particular, electromagnetic fields act on tissues by using light waves and calcium signaling to increase ROS, NO and pro-inflammatory cytokines production in macrophages and following this can contribute to the establishment of a switch toward the resolution of the inflammatory response, and thus wound healing. Accordingly, EMFs induce anti-inflammatory cytokines and contribute to the down-regulation of pro-inflammatory ones. These events can be usurped by alien frequencies if introduced into the process of healing.
Sunlight and/or cold, are nature’s key EMF induction switch to create a specific amount of nitric oxide production during an injury. This can be explained by the increase in the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) induced by exposure to EMFs in cell types involved in the reparative process. Indeed, it has been reported that EMFs activate the calcium-calmodulin switch (CaM) which leads to increased activity of eNOS production and bioavailable NO in the microcirculation. NOS works differently in hot and cold environments much like motor oil does as temperature varies in a car engine.
At this level, the NO is able to activate both guanylate cyclase (sGC) and adenylate cyclase (sAC) properly depending upon the seasonal EMF that activates eNOS. This also implies getting outside in the sun or cold after a trauma-induced event may be a wise thing to do since it appears light activation of wound healing is a critical step. This is why surgeons have found for years that wounds made earlier in the day heal much better than wounds created at night. It is also why cooling a wound when indoors makes a ton of sense too. The same mechanism was found to be in action when methylene blue was used in wound healing back in the 1930s. MB acts like a mimetic of Vitamin C. In fact, Szent Gyorgi wrote a paper about this in 1936 in Nature. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is stabilized in fumarase-defective cells, but protection from apoptosis is a HIF-independent mechanism. Activated tyrosine kinases and down-regulated phosphatases regulate cell survival at different levels depending upon the stimulus. It turns out the members of the Bcl-2 family of small molecular weight proteins are affected by fumarate hydratase suppression by deuteration in the matrix of damaged mitochondria. Pro- and antiapoptotic activities of Bcl-2 family members are regulated at either the transcriptional or posttranscriptional level by the information quanta in photons, electrons, and protons. Photons are special in wound healing. Photons come from the family of bosons and they are the force carrier of the electromagnetic force. So light can increase informational transfer if it can increase its own orbital angular moment in ways protons and electrons cannot. How do we increase the orbital momentum of photons in sunlight captured in a healing tissue? We can turn visible light frequencies into laser light using deuterium atoms in our blood. This is why it has the highest concentration in our body at 150ppm. How does it happen in life? My Vermont 2018 video covers those details. The fats in the skin adjacent to the blood vessels loaded with hemoglobin are suspended in blood plasma water and the light from the sun is fully capable of making a laser light the body can use to increase the OAM or light captured inside of us. When deuterium in the skin arterioles is compressed by the pile driving action of UV light the nucleus of deuterium begins to emit a full spectrum of UV light to drive the photonics program of healing. This is why sunlight and cold always help to heal.
This picture above marks my timestamp of where I began making tsunami waves in the kiddie pool of life 7 years ago on that TED stage. My advice is simple for you today. Never stop disrupting people to awaken them from their slumber. Nothing is better than elevating your fellow man from the mundane. TED may have banned my talk but they let the animal out of his cage that day and he is kicking ass and taking names even today.
Some of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced in medicine since 3/31/12 on that stage in Nashville in front of 3000 people came from the non-fatal mistakes humans made. Many thought I made an error that day by unleashing what I did. The talk was epic and very controversial. Within 3 weeks I had the medical boards and the federal government visiting me when the talk was delivered. Did it stop me? How have I lived for the last 7 years of my life? Hidding or kicking doors of the paradigm down to show you the wizard behind the curtain.
You must give two fucks in tracking down the truth for yourself and your flock in this life. I love unbridled chaos in my search for the truth. The truth is we all have a mission in life and the Black swans among you out there are going to get it done. Some of you are going to succumb to life because you refuse to embrace the chaos of change. You are not who I am looking for. This day in Nashville I set my course to look for my tribe.
We are ‘us’. ‘Us’ is a tribe. A tribe can be two Black Swans entangled for life and it can be a lot more too I have found on this journey. what have I found out about ‘US’? ‘Us’ is a train rolling down the track 7 years later. We are changing the world TOGETHER. We do it slowly one Swan at a time. We are effective. We know we are not our current station in life. We know there are other train stations for “us” to visit. We are ‘us’–the sum of what we’ve done, what we want to do, and the tribe who we keep close.
I said things that last day of March in 2012 out of the passion of my new found beliefs buried deep in the heart of Mother Nature. It was one of my proudest days as a neurosurgeon. I jumped off the ledge of comfort and threw caution to the wind to change my life and the life of people I have entangled with since that fateful day in Nashville.
To this very day, I am still riding the thermals as I soar and spread the message of-of light water and magnetism. Before this TED talk, I blended into humankind and hid under the veil of comfort. I decided to stir the pot and create waves. I decided to rise up. So. today I ask you to rise from your present ashes. There is no comfort in a growth zone and no growth in a comfort zone! Grab a few straws and suck it the fuck up. Our life’s struggle creates a hunger in us. There is a strange comfort in knowing that no matter what just occurred, the sun will rise again tomorrow. That ends out hunger quickly when we trip up in life.
If you are new to me and the wisdom of nature I want your catepillar life to become a butterfly to ride the wind with me as you morph into a Black Swan.
Now go seize the day my Black Swans in training. My tribe needs new misfits.
If you can read this, you are living. But many of have an existence without the ability to thrive. Have you ever noticed how as an adult, all the bright colors go out of your life? What makes you come alive? As an adult what makes you come of age once again? Most of the people I’ve spoken to about this over the last few weeks think love can do this best. I do not. I think your inner spirit is critical in coming of age once again as an adult. I think living a mundane existence allows us to become comfortably numb. I think our technology addiction locks us in to this state. It makes us easier to control and locks us in our inner cage.
Today reject that confinement. Open the door of your cage and let your inner animal out. Don’t worry if people think you’re crazy when you do this. We’re all designed to be uniquely wild, but that is no excuse to not live your own life. You have that kind of intoxicating insanity that lets other people dream outside of the lines and become who they’re destined to be. You need to shine this light upon them.
For those who are surviving and not thriving, scars are like the rings of a tree, reopened with each emotional seasonal our old self lives out.
There’s a point, in every life, when you have to choose whether to be like everybody else the rest of your life or to make a virtue of your peculiarities. Many time this happens when we are young but more and more this process of growth is happening later in life because people forget to live their version of themselves when they were young.
I often think about my past self and imagine asking the young version of Jack, “Do you think we can be friends?” When I am contemplative, I stare up into the sky, and remark to my imagination “Probably not, but we can pretend for awhile.”
My advice today on the vernal equinox is to put a block on your old way of living. Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back from thriving. Reject living to survive and seek to thrive.
I want to become the best version of myself for anyone who is going to someday walk into my life and need someone to care and love them beyond reason. To do this I know I have to begin to love myself and my life in ways my old self would have never considered.
Your personal creativity is the catalyst to the future self. Only you can decide how far you get to travel in this life. Therefore, you definitely owe it to your future self to be courageous and ambitious enough to strive and thrive without limitations. Your future self would surely thank your present self if you start to wisely invest your money in parts of your personality that is now bankrupt.
How do you know where to invest your time and money when you are in survival mode as an adult?
Give yourself permission to jump into something new today. Do not worry if you have no plan.
Use divergent thinking to complete the inner trip to build your adult desire map. If you want to reinvent yourself you need to do your thinking a new way. You cannot use the methods you did in the past, because the new person you seek to emerge knows old thinking will only get a recycled version of your past self.
If you want to thrive, act, and do it soon and do it in a way you’ve never considered before.
Divergent thinking is the center of human creativity and most people believe we are born with it but I do not believe this. I believe we can teach people how to think more broadly by learning to examine things we do not believe or accept to see if they have merit or not. Divergent thinking can be acquired and developed skill when you get “skin in the game”. I now excuse people who sense life with tiny thinking. This brand of expansive thinking is a distinct form of higher-order thinking and it can be taught to all ages of autodidacts. “Divergents” always give themselves permission to see things differently than crowds. Misunderstanding vanish when you train yourself to ask, ‘What else might these things in my life mean to me? Could these things be manifesting because my mind and body are out of alignment with the best version of me that is buried within?
We’ve must reject comfort and embrace desires as we age. The best way to get there is to use the rays of the sun. Desire is a teacher for the divergent: When we immerse ourselves in it without guilt, shame, or clinging, it can show us something special about our own minds that allows us to embrace life fully for the first time.
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves if we are looking to thrive.
Underneath our facades, we are wild and crazy in our own way, and we know it. Embrace it. Let the door on your cage swing open and let your animal out. Desire is the absurdity that holds open the infinity of possibility of what we are capable of. Few ever tap it.
In the depth of winter of our adulting, you must come of age and realize that there is in you an invincible summer.
“All in” for the new you only requires one thing……..NEW ACTIONS your old self would not approve of. Diverge from your old being and embrace the discomfort of doing things in a new way. Reject being comfortably numb. Begin to put skin in your own game for a change.
This was a pretty amazing special weekend at Kruse Longevity Center FOR ME. We had a visit and situation develop here this weekend that could have derailed our treatments but then quantum entanglement stepped onto the stage and things began to change very rapidly. It has made me reflect deeply as I slept last night. With sleep, an answer emerged from thin air. What might have been horrible pathway……..maybe the best thing to occur for me in quite some time.
When your purpose hits your passion you begin to hit targets you never saw when the problem emerged. This allows us to see things in a different light and it opens new doors in our mind to solve complex and tricky problems.
The hardest thing about the road not taken in your life is that you never know where it might have led. Never allow decisions like these to hinder you. It turns out Nature provides us some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost from time to time in life as we live out our dying days. Embrace that discomfort and eventually, your brain will solve for X. The lesson is, learn to embrace the suck. You might be surprised where it takes you in your imagination. It may take you to the island of ideas you’ve never visited before where tools await you, to help you.
Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted in life. Nature always comes up with brilliant solutions for tricky problems, when she is given enough time and we do not interfere with her process. It turns out the Black Swan learns that the hard lessons experience brings us is often the most valuable thing Nature has to offer us when we are on our own ledge or precipice
Will we accept the lesson no matter how bad it appears to our palate initially and let the process unfold?
Life is not a dress rehearsal. We have to think and act to make it count.
I am feeling blessed this AM because I gave chaos a chance to organize my thoughts.
Courage to make the hardest decisions in your life doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life. Embrace them.
If you always make the right decision, the safe decision,
the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else. Refuse to be like the crowd and never settle for average when you can have extraordinary. If you do, you will pay a steep price called misery.
This is why I said in my banned Ted talk that Optimal health is a series of choices. As I slept last night I thought about what I said on that stage ten years ago to an audience or 2000 sleeping people to wake them up. It turns out reflecting on that talk as I slept gave me the answer I needed this AM. My hunger strike is over for my decision.
We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us. Today, I happen to like this reality.
Whatever you decide, don’t let it be because you don’t think you have a choice.
Do nothing, and nothing happens. Life is about decisions. You either make them or they’re made for you, but you can’t avoid them.
NOW GO LIGHT THE WORLD UP TODAY. Your tribe is waiting for you to go all in.
This post comes from a discussion amongst two connected mammals about the recent daylight savings change. It embodies what a Black Swan really thinks about the changing of light that harms us more than helps us. It was created for corporate America.
Dick and Jack are engaged in banter at sunrise…………and the conversation begins
If Dick is correct, that sunlight fills the body via the eye to replenish our hourglass…… why have we created Daylight Savings time? Who the fuck that was a good idea? Who is it really saving time for us, or for them? It appears we are saving it for “the matrix”. My clocks need more light, not less light. This light holiday steals light from our eyes and skin while we have to toil for the matrix when the sun burns bright. Daylight savings time is our Black Hole Sun, holiday when it comes right down to it.
The clock creatures I reset in my other life need the light when they can access it to slow time down to regenerate their degenerate lives. The innovation of the idea by the government was corrupt with a half truth to lead us lemmings to another cliff within the matrix. Remember politics is the PR division of government, and government is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex. It’s all about fucking control of lemmings. These fuckers know how the metronome works. He who controls the light controls the battle. You mentioned the good book recently, the one accurate thing in Genesis was let their be light. So true, problem is God never gave us the owners manual of the rainbow. We are left to decipher the code. That is this metronome’s modus operandi for the world.
Daylight savings becomes the saving account for them and the shamans of the day that the matrix favors, and no one else. So, now we come to a day where it will be dark when we awaken and dark when we come back to our hellholes. Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there. This inhuman idea, created an inhuman place where the sun become white and blue and makes human monsters from us. No wonder this innovation occurs around Halloween. Is that ironic or contrived? Modern life dictates that we work during the time the sun is out doing its magic dance to slow time down in us. I understand now why Chris Cornell got motivated to write, “In my eyes, indisposed; In disguises no one knows, Hides the face, lies the snake; The sun in my disgrace
Boiling heat, summer stench; beneath the black the sky looks dead
Call my name through the cream; and I’ll hear you scream again.
I wonder how this light holiday affected his own suicide these days…………???
Daylight savings helps “the man” control the man in a way few observe. The idea behind it is that people should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge and rage against the machine; but if you cripple ever so slowly below their perceptions, then there is nothing they can do. The machine remains well oiled. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance. Brilliant design by the stealers of light.
“Here is a list of terrible things,
The jaws of sharks, a vultures wings
The rabid bite of the dogs of war,
The voice of one who went before,
But most of all the mirror’s gaze,”Which counts us out our numbered days.”
The take home Dick, for the creation of this light holiday was to steal the light of man no matter what box the matrix does with it. The door in my head labeled 1523 is that light in this metaphor. Only you know what this means to me. Behind that door I had my light stolen for years in residency. The matrix will take all your light if you allow them too. Take all you can get and fill your cup until you vomit rainbows in drunken stupor. This is how the metronome slows time…………………
Enjoy your trip to the mountains and share your rainbow with the lemmings you find there, they need it badly, as tomorrow is daylight savings for the Matrix. Its open season on lemmings.
Did you know AM sunlight has another hidden benefit? It sulfates many chemicals in our body. Why is this important? Sulfur acts like a qubit to charge the human battery using sunlight FASTER to increase the capacitor effect in our cells by making the water in our blood act like a true plasma. This plasma acts like Triple AAA who jumps your car when it is DEAD.
Sulfated Vitamin D3 is made from specific frequencies of sunlight in the AM that process has little to do with calcium homeostasis. Most allopathic and functional medicine doctors focus on the effect of Vitamin D and calcium homeostasis. The quntum clinicians goes way deeper than this.
Chronic blue light and nnEMF exposure UNSuLFATE your blood and proteins in your body and this lowers the amount of light energy you can bury in water and the cells in your body. This makes you energy inefficient and if it goes on long enough it will make you LEPTIN resistant.
Un-sulfated Vitamin D contains the ability to regulate calcium homeostasis in the blood. You should realize a low vitamin D level will cause you to absorb LESS calcium in your gut, not more. It will also raise the amount of unsulfated LDL cholesterol in your blood while causing retinol binding protein to rise and your B2 (riboflavin) levels to fall off a cliff. If this goes on long enough melatonin, serotonin, and NAD+/NADH level at cytochrome one also become markedly abnormal and this indirectly slows the methionine cycle.
When the methionine cycle slows down you become NET COLLECTOR of heavy metals in your BODY. This does not even mean your envirionment has to be filled with heavy metals. It means you lose the ability to handle their clearance of them because you’ve lost control of sulfation. 5G and blue light are the REAL REASON so many are heavy metal toxic and no one appears to know it.
Sulfated Vitamin Dis created by best by AMsunlight when the color temperature of sunlight is below 6500K. This is huge teaching point. The picture below shows you how blue light varies diurnally. Today’s blog it is about small alterations in your light environment lead to massive tissue level changes in you. When you cannot use our sun’s plasma CORRECTLY to sulfate your lipids and proteins, you do not allow the atoms of sulfur or phosphorus to act like quibits to charge your quantum batteries.
Cholesterol and Vitamin D3 are nearly identical in chemical structure. Most people do not know this. Sunlight naturally sulfates these things. The only difference in both bio-molecules is a single double bond in the second ring of the cholesterol backbone. This gives Vitamin D3 one less hydrogen atomthan the closed ring of cholesterol. After reading Tensegrity 6 that should make you think a lot more carefully about atomic details. One hydrogen is the only difference at the atomic scale. Here you will see the wisdom of Tensegrity 6 play its role. Hydrogen is the ultimate chameleon for the sulfation and differention of cholesterol and Vitamin D3. What does it do? Vitamin D3 is synthesized from cholesterol in the skin upon exposure to specific frequenciesof sunlight. When this happens and calcium is normal in the blood serum, both molecules remain sulfated by melatonin. DON’T FORGET THIS MECHANISM. THIS HYDROGEN INTERACTION WITH and WITHIN THE SUN IS HUGE to maintain sulfation of lipids and proteins. THIS is the basis of how a quantum dot battery is built in animals.
Sulfated vitamin D3 is made from UVB and IR light and sulfated cholesterol in a very complicated quantum dance using sunlight. When UVB and IRA light are present, blue light free radical signal within the terrestrial sun is ALWAYS tightly controlled by IRA light. IRA light limits the free radical signal of the blue light hazard to control vessel vasodilation. This means that melanopsin’s effect on the skin and eye arterioles MUST be tightly controlled. At the same time this occurs UVA light has the effect of making melatonin, serotonin and NAD+ from tryptophan. These proteins also are critical in the controlled process. The controlled response of blue light in AM sun also interacts with other B vitamins. ALL B vitamins are blue light chromophores. Cytochrome two FADH2 is a classic blue light chromophore while cytochrome one NAD+ is a fluorophore protein that absorbs at 340nm. Vitamin B2 riboflavin is critical in this quantum dance because it too is a blue light chromophore that needs to be programmed by controlled AM blue light in terrestrial sunlight to emit electrons to work properly in the methionine cycle and the methylation cycles. B2 has three benzene like ring structures with nitrogen associated with them much like chlorophyll and hemoglobin do for activation of the pi electrons (HOMO and LOMO actions) which act to make it the perfect blue light photon trap.
When your skin produces cholesterol sulfate, your blood cells becomes sulfated, and this helps augment the DHA in the RBC to generate a net negative charge to repel the net negative charge in EZ water in the blood plasma. This improves the flow, by improving laminar flow, and it increases the motion of blood in the arterioles and capillaries of the skin by proton motions caused by UV and IR light in the sun. The blue light and UVA light act in unison to vasodialates blood vessels in your skin in different ways. Blue light uses melanopsin to do this, while UVA light uses nitric oxide to this. The reason this is done is to create an electric and magnetic field within the blood vessel to activate NO production from the glycocalyx of the arteriole wall and the arterial wall in controlled fashion. The quanta of light controls this process. These actions all work in concert to allow massive amounts of cholesterol to be bound to sulfate. This makes cholesterol water soluable. When this occurs cholesterol does not have to be tightly bound to LDL particles made from the liver. As a result LDL cholesterol drops. High LDL cholesterol is a marker for a quantum clinicians that sulfation is defective in patients. If your liver doesn’t have to make so much LDL, the LDL goes down naturally. At the same time your blood pressure also declines naturally because sunlight also controls the voltage gates on your RBCs, platelets, and WBC’s. This controls how they act within your blood. This determines the blood viscosity and its abilty to clot. Clotting is effectively a quantum process.
Sulfation by sunlight is a highly specific and sensitive quantum process where every single color of light is playing a role in your physiology which tightly controls how all of the proteins and lipids in your blood undergosulfation and nitrosylation to act properly as the picture above shows.
Sunlight like a natural calcium channel blocker in your skin. 5G and nnEMF raise your BP and cause clotting because blue light nd nnEMF interfere with calcium homeostasis in the cell as the picture below shows. Calcium channel blockers act to lower blood pressure by increasing proton flows in blood vessels.
5G is going to ruin sulfation and nitrosylation of your skin, gut, and eye because it will affect surfaces first because of how these waves ruin the topology of these surfaces. It is a prediction I made about the engineered 5G RF portion of the wavefronts because of its pulse rate and polarization. Now we have more data why this prediction was made.
Sulfated-Nitrosylation is the covalent attachment of a nitric oxide group (-NO) to cysteine thiol within a protein to form an S-nitrosothiol (SNO). Sulfated-nitrosylation has diverse regulatory roles in bacteria in the microbiome, yeast, and plants and in all mammalian cells. This process is almost always associated with massive liberation of molecular hydrogen in the gut when this process occurs. The process of parsing H+ from deuterium in the microbiome controls the growth of species in the human gut because of the effect of deuterium to control the growth of the microbiome.
This process is run by three gasotransmitters thus operates as a fundamental mechanism for cellular signaling across phylogeny and accounts for the large part of NO bioactivity in the human gut. This would have been the topic I was going to speak about in Vermont 2019 but I changed plans and instead am heading to Munich Germany for Flowfest July 5-7, 2019.
How do you heal a gut in an electromagnetic polluted city using this basic science? Might it be wise to eat seasonal foods with nitrates (Epi-paleo Rx) and then get in the sun to boost your exercise performance? Yes, it does.
Maximal nitrates and sulfur containing amino acids come from seasonal vegetables only grown in the SUN and not in artificial light of a warehouse. It also is found in meats made in many of the countries of Europe.
This is why charcuterie is a staple for me because nitrites added to meat are not damaging but quite helpful if you go outside. When you don’t go outside in the sun, that’s when you have problems with nitrates. You can see this laid out in cite one below.
Sulfur groups come from the sulfur containing amino acids methionine/cysteine/homocysteine/taurine of animals foods and the hydrogen comes from the microbiome of the gut interaction with the sunlight stimulus made via the skin, eye, and gut as I laid out in my Vermont 2017 talk.
Our gut makes over a liter of hydrogen a day and some of this gas links up to the sulfur recycled from foods to make H2S in blood. H2S in blood is a gasotransmitter. Sunlight determines the amount of hydrgoen your microbiome makes. Humans average the creation of 1 liter of hydrogen a day by the microbiome that senses the sunlight. This amount of hydrogen made is reduced if you gut does not sense the sun’s light. the amount of hydrgeon and sulfated amino acids you consume determine how good your methionine cycle and methylation cycles will be in sulfation and nitrogen biology of your tissues. IT HAS ZERO TO DO with your SNP and SAP profiles on your 23andme testing. This is unknown in the functional medicine guru world because they have no understanding of how light controls the biochemical process. This blog is the basis of what I was going to say in Vermont this year if I was invited back. Since I am going to Poland and Germany instead you get the guts of the talk here on Patreon today.
H2S gas is made by the microbiome limits the power of NO made by UVA to vasodilate our arteriole and capillary beds in the skin, eye, and gut surfaces. H2S is also a huge substrate for sulfate (SO4) production in humans. Activated neutrophils in your blood under the power of sunlight can generate sulfate from H2S DIRECTLY using sulfur as a quantum dot while virtually all cells contain the enzymatic machinery to oxidize H2S to thiosulfate in a 3-step process in which sulfite is an intermediate substrate. Sulfite can also likely be generated from H2S via endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) which is why the post above is critical in understanding the microbiome.
The calcium efflux of 1G-5G networks and its associated blue light causes excess calcium directly in and around the cell and in its local environment. So with respect to RBCs (above), it also means that the creation of ALIEN electric and magnetic fields from 5G and not the sun will also affect the surface sulfation of the blood vessels.
Peroxiredoxins are the key peripheral circadian controller of RBCs that remove CpG Islands liberated from damaged mitochondria that cause hypermethyaltion and heavy metal accumulation in humans. This comes from the nnEMF damage (RF mostly) which induces fragmented DNA and mtDNA that enter the blood when nnEMF is destroying cellular biology. Tight control of RBC circadian cycles links RBC antigen clearance on their surfaces to the innate immune system via a protein called complement protein number 4 (C4).
RBCs become more permeable to toxins in a 5G blue lit world in this case and as a result, the RBC ages faster and more antigens pass through the circulatory system. The older a RBC become the less sulfated they are and the less sulfated your entire body becomes. This drives METAL accumulation via the GUT. This also drives biotoxin illness because C4 controls the antigen clearance of fungi, mold, and lyme. This is really what happens in all mold and biotoxin disease. It is not the mold or toxin that is critical in this case, it is REMOVAL of the nnEMF field that is critical to get right. Most of the clinician out there never get this advice to their patients or the public. This is why 5G RF causes leptin resistance in humans QUICKLY. This is a TOPOLOGIC effect of the radiation.
All of these mechanisms of nnEMF field exposure alter melanopsin biology in the blood and arteries to a chaotic release of nitric oxide (NO) within cells and in arteries to cause disease when it occurs chronically and affects mitochondrial function when other frequencies of sunlight are subtracted from this photic dance.
The increase of nitric oxide and H2S is a chameleon event in the blood plasma. Endothelial nitric oxide synthetase has a quantum superposition effect on sulfur atoms in the skin, arteries, blood, and gut to protect us from dangerous nitrogenous groups in these antigens.
This means that any pulsed or polarized non-native man-made electromagnetic signal can have a variable non-linear effect on sulfation and nitrosylation pathways in any of these organs.
I covered this topic in my epic February 2019 webinar Q & A because I planned on releasing this blog today.
It can result in therapeutic effects or detrimental effects in the blood plasma depending upon the nnEMF stimulus. This will lead to highly variable chaotic mitochondrial energy flux and fidelity signal dynamics. This is very damaging to the matrix and directly affects what biochemistry can or cannot occur. This is one reason why non-thermal electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are increasingly used in medical therapies, but they are being used without any proper understanding of how they truly operate.
Today the sellers and purveyors of these devices think and believe that their RF/microwaves effect is always beneficial therapeutically in a wildly variable world of surrounding nnEMF. THIS IS PURE FALLACY AND MARKETING BULLSHIT.
Moreover, they fail to realize that this eNOS switch in cells is very sensitive to any variable PEMF RF pulse. This is why PEMF devices need to be strictly avoided in a 5G world. Yes, that includes all the Oura rings and PEMF devices pushed by BEMER and Dr. Havas based upon the latest NTP study on RF radiations released on 11/1, 2018.
For example, if one is in an environment that fosters chronic nitric oxide release via chronic LIGHT STRESS implies there will be a relative lack of sulfation of the skin, arteries, and gut and RBC’s and this would favor the activation of the reactive nitrogen species of chemicals. This is particular devasting to the microbiome because NO and H2S work in unison to control the constitution of the microbiome under the power of terrestrial sunlight. Humans no longer live under terrestrial sunlight and this is why their microbiomes are being destroyed by the modern world and this changes their brains and arteries and ages their blood faster.
In fact, we now know that nitric oxide can also interact with the superoxide pulse (OO-) created in cytochrome one (NAD+/NADH) form altered mitochondrial function to create peroxynitrite (ONOO-) to do further damage. This is why people with gut and microbiome conditions relapse so often in toxic nnEMF environments loaded with blue light. Most of the doctors are not sophisticated enough yet to understand that things like SIBO and adrenal fatigue are adaptative and not pathologic symptoms tied to altered and highly variable EMF fields that their patients live in.
It has been found that when peroxynitrite breaks down, it creates reactive free radicals and oxidative stress within cells and this likely leads to many of the symptoms of Cardiovacular disease and neurodegeneration on longer timescales.
In this way, both atherosclerosis, CV, and neurodegeneration can be thought severe chronic adaptive mechanisms employed by cells who have developed an innate immune allergy to nnEMF.
In humans who have the MTHFR C667T polymorphism, all of the elevated homocysteine (sulfur containing amino acid) is concentrated among people who have poor riboflavin (B2) status. Blue light toxicity results in heavy metal collection because this slows down the methionine cycle naturally in humans. This is why understanding what free retinol does in a blue lit 5G world is uber critical. Blue light cause flavins to emit electrons when they are in solution.In humans, this causes a real problem in our blood and our arteries now that we found melanopsin is in out arterioles in 2014
Blue light induces liberated Vitamin A and this destroys riboflavin (B2). It is a flavin that is lowered by the blue light hazard because it emits electrons and it this causes it to become oxidized. When melanopsin dysfunction is present a wise thing to do is to eat liverwurst or pate for breakfast. The best source of riboflavin is liver, and humans rarely eat liver products any more. This is why foie gois is one of my favorite foods as my VIP members found out in Feb 2019 in Cancun especially when out at night in blue light. There are six possible combinations of the different MTHFR alleles, producing a continuous gradation of MTHFR activity from 100% of full activity in the best case to 25% of full activity in the worst. Roughly 15% or so of people fall into each one of the six combinations, leading to an even spread of MTHFR activity across the population. B2 and Mg+^2 help offset just about any MTHFR defect when we eat under the power full spectrum sun. If you are indoors the opposite happens. Many believe sunlight lowers B2 but it is blue light that really is the culprit. Flavins are all blue light chromophores that emit electrons so that is why modern man has a riboflavin problem that mimics melanopsin dysfunction. When B2 is low we should always look at retinol binding protein to see the blue light link to the blue light hazard to understand that the broken sulfation problem leads to a destroyed methionine cycle. This is the wisdom I use when treating my patients at Kruse Longevity Farm.
1.6 milligrams of riboflavin per day decreases homocysteine based on PEER literature but these papers were done in a non 5G world. That amount is impotent today. This is why methyaltion defects and metal accumulation is now RISING SO FAST in the public today as we went from a 1G to 5G world. The use of riboflavin can decrease homocysteine and improve the methionine cycle to clear metals and improve methylation overnight. This is operational among people with the C677T MTHFR polymorphisms who also have poor riboflavin status who are afflicted with melanopsin dusfunction that is causing leptin resistance in their skin, eye, and gut surfaces topologically.
This was mentioned above. This is why on recent webinars I mentioned eating liver and onions weekly solves for X and is something those with metal toxicty never get told. In them, 1.6 milligrams of riboflavin decreases homocysteine a whopping 40%! If you live in a blue lit or nnEMF toxic world you need more of this activity in your life, NOT LESS.
Creation of inorganic sulfate is activated by ATP and ATP is made by the 4 red light chromophores that spin the ATPase at 100% efficiency when UVA light is inhibitng the electorn chain via its liberation of NO and H2S from UVA light, so in this dance you can see how PBM/LLLT/SUNLIGHT with UVA light all act in unison to improve sulfation in humans who get outside and get their skin and eye in the game of nature.
The free radical gasotransmitters help control the flow of hydrogen and deuterium (H+/D) to help control sulfation in your body.
How you ask? Here is where the physics geeks get some juice.
Sulfite, wherever it is generated, can be acted upon by the ubiquitous enzyme, sulfite oxidase, to generate sulfate = SO4. Given the body’s constant need for SO4 to build heparan sulfate, to carry out phase II detoxification in the liver (metals), maintain proper blood viscosity (RBCs and EZ) to prevent clotting and make sure the 93% of water in the blood plasma maintains its proper optical refraction state (270nm), and many other quantum actions not appreciated by functional medicine, It become obvious that any reduction in sulfate availability necessitates a “work-around,” a compensatory shift by the body. The gut provides the work around.
H2S produced in the gut microbiome via sulfur forming bacteria, symptomatic though it may be, will diffuse into the blood and a portion of it will ultimately be oxidized to sulfite and then sulfate, via these mechanisms just described above. Your microbiome is built to liberate hydrogen gas to sulfate your body. That is its key purpose. How many of these colonies you have is dependent on the sun you get or do not get. That is what its main function is. So if you molecular hydrogen breath test is high all it means is you cannot absorb the hydrogen your gut biome makes. The amount of the hydrogen your micorbiome creates is QUANTIZED by the light your microbiome SENSES via your skin and blood compartments. That is how counterintuitive the gut really is.
There are many reasons that sulfate might be in short supply, but by far the most common one is a LACK of sun on your skin. Today the introduction of technology supersedes this cause in my opinion. Rest assured there are others that many of the functional docs will try to sell you CRAP for but they will never tell you about the sun because it is free.
The presence of strongly hydrated, kosmotropic anions like sulfate (SO4^2-) results in decreased 1H/2H exchange. This suggests less free water, decreased protein solvation and increased protein stability is likely ongoing inside of you whereas increased 1H/2H exchange is found in the presence of weakly hydrated, chaotropic anions (for example, ClO4-), correlating with increased protein solvation and decreased protein thermal stability.
Sulfate is a well known kosmotrope in the Hofmeister series in humans and this means that it forms a gel like liquid crystalline structure inside of cells that is used in a variety of ways. This is how bulk water in your blood plasma becomes a magnethydrodynamic plasma that wirelessly connects the sun to your mitochondria. Your tissues become optimally sulfated when this process is not interfered with by man’s use of technology. This is another topologic change that will damage man today and no one seems to know it. Now you do.
The terms ‘kosmotrope’ (order-maker) and ‘chaotrope’ (disorder-maker) originally denoted solutes that stabilized, or destabilized respectively, proteinsand membranes; thus chaotropes unfold proteins, destabilize hydrophobic aggregates and increase the solubility of hydrophobes whereas kosmotropes stabilize proteins and hydrophobic aggregates in solution and reduce the solubility of hydrophobes. Sulfate stabiize proteins in our blood plasma when the sun hits our skin and eyes.
As medical students, doctors had visions of one day caring for patients. These days, many of them find themselves forced to care more about paperwork done on computer screens.
Now, there is a new study is claiming that physician burnout is becoming a major problem, with doctors forced into doing too much paperwork, and too little of why they became doctors in the first place.
Some of you might say it’s talked about on social media, but the reality is it’s actually not talked about enough where doctors work.
This topic is why I changed my practice so fast. I saw the train coming via the blue light and nnEMF abuse. My wake up call was the amount of trauma call my hospital in Nashville was forcing me to take with no breaks or compensation. It was tantamount to slavery. Jeff Whitehorn, my CEO, pictured below is actually scolding me about why I should do trauma call for free and no pay to keep my hospital privileges. You cannot make this stuff up folks.
At my former hospital in Nashville, the CEO of the HCA TriStar Summit Medical Center, Jeff Whitehorn (above) told me verbatim the exact same message that is in the video below on Pamela Wibel’s site. I had to take my grievances to the medical executive board where my other physician collegues had to limit Mr. Whitehorn’s power over me to ruin my health. The doctors who supported me in 2011 I will never forget. But I will never forget what Whitehorn attempted to do to me and my family and I decided that day I would make him pay in ways that would hurt him most. I took away his best profit lines and I decided to leave his hospital without any notice to hurt his profiteering at my expense in 2012.
It’s a modern day crisis because, at the end of the day, it affects the access for our patients.
Some physicians are actually giving up on medicine, at a time when there’s already a shortage of doctors in some areas of the United States. The simple fact is clinician burnout harms patients.
Speaking to my medical school friends, almost none of them encourage their sons or daughters to go into the practice of medicine any longer. The reason is obvious: it’s mainly because the profession has changed. When you go back about 10 or 20 years, you had more time to spend with your doctor and there was no computer teethered to the doctor patient relationship.
But, these days, doctors are likely busy with their EMR’s on phones, laptops, insurance paperwork, keeping records electronically and seeing more patients, and that could mean they are tired because they are destroying their melatonin levels 24/7 everyday they work.
Our work environment in medicine defines CHRONIC light stress. It starts with the loss of paper charts to electronic medical records (EMRs) and only gets worse. Prescription now even have to be done electronically or the hospital loses revenue from the governments payoff to use EMRs. Surgeons, ER, anesthesia have it worse because of call and shifts and the OR environment. The eye sees what the mind wants to see. We need to focus on the picture being built around us and not the pixels if we want to understand what is really going on to humans in the artifical tech world we’ve built. —-Mitochondriac Othello Principle.
A lack of good mental activity from a disconnection with nature destroys the good physical condition of a human being. The Epi-paleo Rx has not only changed my life, but saved it.
Just because you think it’s better & you want it, doesn’t mean it is. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is timing that matters most. when you life is built around chronic light stress you must change it as soon as YOU REALIZE It. Time is not promised to anyone. What you say is often less important than when you say it. Circadian timing is the insight, most doctors are devoid of these days.
There is a “revolution on the surface of the earth” called technology and it is causing a new evolution of free radical signals via nnEMF and magnetic fields from your environment changing the internal terroir in your mitochondria leading to diseases that appear to emerge from nowhere.The health care reality you obtain manifests from these collisons and creations.
Yet another possible explanation for why observations don’t match predictions is that humans aren’t very observant about the mosaics of light around us. Sunlight provides a small part of the spectrum of light that we are optimized too. Food is a mosaic of sunlight. That mosaics is the only piece that you need to reclaim your health. Living under parts of visible lights spectrum is as deadly as being irradiated by X-rays or gamma rays. The only difference is the timescale of your downard spiral because of the chronic light abuse you allow via your choices.
Beautiful mosaics are always made of broken or torn material. Your sight is made from broken down colors in light to bring you a unique reality. Your biology is also built around light mosaics too and you do not realize it. In every sound, the hidden silence sleeps. Life is a series of adversities: It’s a strong wind tearing away from us all but the things that cannot be torn and ripped, so that we see ourselves as we are now.
Even food is also an electromagnetic mosaic of light but few humans realize it because of how they perceive food. They got this idea from food gurus. Food is an electromagnetic barcode mosaic of seasonal power densities. We’re all mosaics of many things nature has designed to fall apart under the forces of nature so we do not come fully come undone. Pieces of light, love, history, stars; cemented together with love, music, and ideas.
The key is transforming the environmental energies/inforamtion to something different and new……….
We are all made up of broken pieces of sunlight and our colony of mitochondria was built by nature to collect the broken parts of the mosaic and make sense of the chaotic waveforms around us to give us a life of wellness. Aberrant chronic light stress steals that gift. Mitochondria are the glue that make life work……….that is what heteroplasmy is in a nutshell. High heteroplasmy in your colony of mitochondria in your brain is where mental illness that surrounds suicide begins.
People think they need a balanced diet of food. What they really need is a balanced diet of light in their environment. We not only “eat” sunlight–we can actually digest it and break it into its component frequencies to power specific neural processes. We also absorb it in our eyes, skin, gut, and lung.
It should makes sense because food is really just a proxy for light in a specific subset of life anyway. Light is primordial to life on earth, not food. Life had to be built from light. There was no other choice. Even food’s chemical bonds ultimately derive their energy from the sun and this is why they also contain an electromagnetic vibration.
There is no food we can’t eat, but the other side of that coin is just because you can eat any food, doesn’t mean you should. Food has a timing because it is an electromagnetic barcode for a seasons power density Humans might have survived from this flexibility, but optimal diet is not basic survival when you divorce circadian biology from photosynthetic process.
Sunlight is supposed to provide us a “balanced diet.” Artificial light is really highly-unbalanced “junk food.” Red and infrared light are more like “health food.” 380-nanometer light is a “superfood.” UV-light is like caffeine or “jet fuel” (can help or hurt depending on its mosaic).
Gamma rays and x-rays are always poisons. Radio-waves (nn-EMF) when present in excess, by interfering with magnetic perception, cellular signaling, and mitochondrial electron transport basically cause “light indigestion.” It is actually pretty interesting when you decide to really understand why people are now getting ill from aberrant light mosaics.
People can ignore it but they can’t really argue with it, can they?
“Minding your mitochondria” has much less to do with watching your macronutrient intake than it does with managing your frequency intake!
May 8, 2018 — One doctor commits suicide in the U.S. every day — the highest suicide rate of any profession. And the number of doctor suicides — 28 to 40 per 100,000 — is more than twice that of the general population, new research shows. The rate in the general population is 12.3 per 100,000.
Doctors who die by suicide often have untreated or undertreated depression” Screen use is tied to melanopsin damage and destroyed melatonin and dopamine = poor sleep and poor mood = SUICIDE. How does it happen? More on that below.
Our work environment defines light stress. Starts with the loss of paper charts to EMRs and only gets worse. Surgeons have it worse because of call and shifts and the OR environment.
Circadian rhythm dysfunction, melanopsin dysfunction, nnEMF rich environment, job stress, lack of family time and limited social life, working indoors, job beliefs and activities bury the sun from docs, most jobs are in large 4-5G cities which lead so low dopamine levels and suicidal inclinations from tech screen abuse.
Direct Physician Care revolt must largely come from two things:
1) taking orders from slave driver CEOs, and COOs, and distant managed care directors and their underlings who have no skin in patient care directly
2) entering more data into EHRs.
One primary physician friend of mine now reports he is up to 100 EHR “clicks” per patient in 2019. Said another doc ”We’re not subordinates or clerks.”
We are being irradiated at record rates below our ability to understand what is going on so the government and companies can gain full control of medicine using a chronic light stress strategy.
Physician suicide is a collateral effect of these techniques. 5G will amplify the effect of blue light hazard via screens. Nobody sees the game plan but the Black Swan Mitochondriac who was almost forced to live this way DOES.
The NY Post has done a recent story about physician burnout that misses the real target. Their take is suicides and mental illness and some EHR. The reporter fails to report the big impact of managed care and abuse of doctors by insurance company clerks. Most HMO nurses and medical directors belong in the abuser category because of how they force chronic light abuse on physicians.
It’s a light-based racket to gain control of doctors minds and behaviors. The ACGME, AHA, NRMP colluding to create a monopoly, prevent free-market reforms and then a business model based on ‘indentured servitude’ practices of sugarcane plantation slaves. This is what modern medicine is becoming because of light abuse in medicine. I went into great detail with Luke Storey on a recent podcast about how this happens and why it is all about control. That interview is here: PODCAST
Here is how our hospitals violate human rights of doctors—& patients—putting all our lives at risk. This isn’t burnout by the way. It is forced wellness modules & resilience workshops only perpetuate this abuse cycle. You must watch the video in Cite one below to understand how the blueprint is being used.
Who are you good for if you are not good enough for yourself doctors? We have ALLOWED THIS TO happen to urselves. Enough of this bullshit.
It is time to fight back collectively by refusing to work on the plantation by their rules. I am building the Magna Carta of NEW RULES for doctors to be unleashed at Kruse Longevity Farm training in 2019.
Since Popp clearly showed us all living cells emit ELF-UV…….this phenomena is called fluorescence.
This has huge implications when understanding how sunlight is being changed by the machinery inside of cells to do physiologic work.
Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a form of luminescence. In most cases, the emitted light has a longer wavelength, and therefore lower energy, than the original absorbed radiation. This means atomic light emission is highly dependent upon how an atom can absorb light photons.
Absorbing highly powered UVC light would seem to make the most sense for biology since all living cells are known to emit ELF-UV light. Fluorescent bands center at wavelengths longer than the resonance line.
Fluorescence occurs when an atom or molecules relax through vibrational relaxation to its ground state after being electrically excited. The specific frequencies of excitation and emission are highly dependent on the molecule or atom. The energy loss is due to vibrational relaxation while in the excited state. Fluorescent bands center at wavelengths longer than the resonance line. This shift toward longer wavelengths is called a Stokes shift.
Excited states are short-lived with a lifetime at about 10^-8 seconds. Molecular structure and chemical environment affect whether or not a substance luminesces. When luminescence does occur, molecular structure and chemical environment determine the intensity of emission. Generally, molecules that fluoresce are conjugated systems. What is a conjugated state?
The aromatic ring of the aromatic amino acids is an example of a conjugated system. In chemistry, a conjugated system is a system of connected p orbitals with delocalized electrons in a molecule, which in general lowers the overall energy of the molecule and increases stability. It is conventionally represented as having alternating single and multiple bonds.
All aromatic amino acids are photon traps for sunlight.
Why do aromatic side chains all absorb UV light? Why is tryptophan the MOST absorptive of all the aromatic amino acids to UV light?
Remember tryptophan makes melatonin and serotonin and NAD+.
Molecules containing π-electrons or non-bonding electrons (n-electrons) can absorb the energy in the form of ultraviolet or visible light to excite these electrons to higher anti-bonding molecular orbitals. The more easily excited the electrons (i.e. lower energy gap between the HOMO and the LUMO), the longer the wavelength of light it can absorb. There are four possible types of transitions (π-π*, n-π*, σ-σ*, and n-σ*), and they can be ordered as follows: σ-σ* > n-σ* > π-π* > n-π*.”
Now let’s look at molecular configuration of tryptophan:
The aromatic rings are composed of pi bonds that absorb UV light. Amino acids like glycine, below, don’t have aromatic side chains and therefore do not absorb UV light particularly well.
You might say “yeah, but glycine has a pi bond right there, all amino acids do!” And you’re correct, but a single pi bond does not lend itself to UV absorption very well. A conjugated pi system is what gives tryptophan and your skin and eye it’s absorptive power.
Tryptophan is critical in quantum thermodynamics of life because melatonin controls mtDNA dynamics of autophagy and apoptosis. Tryptophan is a non-polar aromatic amino acid and it is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it. It must be obtained from the diet and it only becomes physiologic when light programs proteins that have tryptophan in it. Tryptophan is also a precursor to the neurotransmitterserotonin, the hormonemelatonin, and vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is niacin. Vitamin B3 is the key fluorophore protein that makes up the electron donor of cytochrome 1 in the NAD+/NADH couple. Tryptophan is also unique in that is is only encoded by the SINGLE codon UGG making it an ideal crystal that can pulse in a variable way with differing powered electromagnetic waves. The frequency of light creates different pulses and it appears these pulses are critical to mitochondrial biology.
Niacin and nicotinamide (B3) are both precursors of the coenzymesnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) in vivo. NAD+ converts to NADP+ by phosphorylation in the presence of the enzyme NAD+ kinase. NADP+ and NAD+ are coenzymes for many dehydrogenases, participating in many hydrogen transfer processes. They do not work with the deuterium isotope of hydrogen either. NAD+ drops in mitochondrial disease states and in normal aging. NAD+ is important in the catabolism of fat, carbohydrate, protein, and alcohol, as well as cell signaling and DNA repair, and NADP+ mostly in anabolism reactions such as fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis. High energy requirements (brain) or high turnover rate (gut, skin) organs are usually the most susceptible to their deficiency. This makes damage to cytochrome one in either the gut, brain, and skin link to many other quantum processes in man. This is very underappreciated in medicine today.
You should remember all UV absorbing molecules all have conjugated ring systems. The ring’s pi electrons absorb the UV light and are stabilized by the surrounding ring. With more places to go, the electrons can be excited without breaking apart the bond. Without the conjugated system, the electrons simply have nowhere to go within the molecule. If they absorb the energy, they leave the orbital and break the bond and no controlled biochemistry could occur.
As you will learn in organic chemistry, molecules that are stable in high energy conformations react quicker and better. It appears this is why life favors them. Stability is largely based on surrounding atoms and their ability to stabilize electrons occupying high energy orbitals.
Conjugated double bond systems are great examples, as are electronegative atoms like fluorine and chlorine when substituted for hydrogen in organic molecules. They pull the electrons towards them and offer stability when an unstable electron arrangement occurs.
Electrons get excited by the light and move up to higher energy orbitals and threaten to destabilize the molecule, but the fluidity of the ring can compensate for that and keep the molecule from breaking apart due to light (photolysis). This allows Trp to absorb the energy and hold onto it long enough for your UV-Vis spectrophotometer to register the change in light.
UV and shorter wavelength light (x-rays, gamma rays in the spectrum of light) move electrons in and out of orbitals. UV acts on valence electrons, whereas x-rays and gamma rays have the power to act on core electrons.
A valence electron excited by UV will go to a higher energy orbital. Core electrons are excited by x-rays. Gamma rays can excite core electrons to the point of ejection, and high energy gamma rays can even annihilate the nucleus of an atom.
On the other side of the spectrum, infrared light causes atoms to vibrate as they absorb the energy and this vibration is what causes your food to cook in an oven. Sunburn is a thermal injury to your skin from overdosing on IR-B and C light. In this case, the light energy of the infrared waves is converted to kinetic energy that is related to temperature rise. IR-A is not capable of much thermal injury and this is why it is often called cool heat. It also happens to be the most dominate ray of light in our sun’s light that falls to Earth.
Microwaves cause certain molecules to spin or vibrate, similarly converting light energy into kinetic energy and cooking your food. The water molecule likes to spin when absorbing microwaves and that is what cooks food in a microwave. The glass bowl doesn’t have atoms that can spin when exposed to microwaves, so it doesn’t heat up along with your food in the bowl.
Remember that electrons ONLY jump energy levels in a discreet manner (quanta), meaning that there must be a certain amount of energy in order for the electron to move to the next orbital. If the energy level of the light is too high or too low the jump won’t occur and the light won’t be absorbed. Electrons won’t just absorb some energy for a while and jump up when the threshold is reached, it’s an all or nothing thing. This is how certain wavelengths of light correspond to different electron jumps.
Fluorescence occurs when an atom or molecules relax through vibrational relaxation to its ground state after being electrically excited. The specific frequencies of excitation and emission are dependent on the molecule or atom.
A Jablonski diagram, pictured above and in the video, is used to describe and graph the absorbance, non-radiative decay, and fluorescence of the system. The purple arrow above represents the absorption of light. The green arrow represents vibrational relaxation from singlet excited state, S2 to S1. This process is a non-radiative relaxation in which the excitation energy is dispersed as vibrations or heat to the solvent, and no photon is emitted. The yellow arrow represents fluorescence to the singlet ground state, called So in the picture above.
The fluorescence quantum yield ((\Phi\)) gives the efficiency of the fluorescence process. What defines this? It is the ratio of photons emitted to photons absorbed by the system that defines the quantum yield.
Phi is denoted by the symbol = Φ= # emitted photons divided by the # absorbed photons = quantum yield.
So anyone who lives in sunlight but cannot raise their Vitamin D level normally has a severe form of a quantum yield problem. The same is true if their NAD+ remains low even when they are in the sun. This tells us that some other light frequency around them is affecting their conjugated systems from absorbing UV light. Many illnesses cause this situation and that is why doctors often remark that their patients Vitamin D levels do not appear to budge when inflammatory levels are high. The reason for this in tissues because the absorption coefficient or optical density in their tissues has changed. Water’s optical density is known to shift when it is placed in light from Pollack’s work.
Maybe now you can see why all the aromatic amino acids absorb UV light close to 200nm of light which is deep in the UVC range. It appears this is why nature’s most critical chemicals have aromatic amino acids in them.
There is a quantum twist here about the absorption spectrum active of aromatic amino acids on Earth.
Fluorescence rarely results from absorption of UV-radiation of wavelengths shorter than 250 nm because this type of radiation is sufficiently energetic to cause deactivation of the excited state by predissociation or dissociation. Most organic molecules have at least some bonds that can be ruptured by energies of this strength. Consequently, fluorescence due to sigma→ σ transitions is rarely observed in nature. Instead, such emission is confined to the less energetic π∗→π π∗→n and the π∗→n transition processes. Fluorescence commonly occurs from a transition from the lowest vibrational level of the first excited electronic state to one of the vibrational levels of the electronic ground state.
Quantum yield (Φ) is greater for π∗→π transition because these excited states show short average lifetimes (larger kf) and because deactivation processes that compete with fluorescence are not as likely to happen in nature. Molar absorptivity of π → π* transitions likelihood is 100-1000 fold greater. The average lifetime is 10^-7 to 10^-9 seconds for n, π* states, respectively.
If every photon absorbed results in a photon emitted. The maximum fluorescence quantum yield is 1.0, and compounds with quantum yields of 0.10 are still considered fluorescent. Another way to define the fluorescence quantum yield is by the excited state decay rates mentioned above and shown in the equations.
The picture above is a schematic of a typical filter fluorimeter that uses a source beam for fluorescence excitation and a pair of photomultiplier tubes as transducers. The source beam is split near the source into a reference beam and a sample beam. The reference beam is attenuated by the aperture disk so that its intensity is roughly the same as the fluorescence intensity. Both beams pass through the primary filter, with the reference beam being reflected the reference photomultiplier tube. The sample beam is focused on the sample by a pair of lenses and causes fluorescence emission. The emitted radiation passes through a second filter and then is focused on the sample photomultiplier tube. The electrical outputs from the two transducers are then processed by an analog to digital converter to compute the ratio of the sample to reference intensities, which can then be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. To obtain an emission spectrum, the excitation monochromator is fixed and the emission monochromator varies. To obtain an excitation spectrum, the excitation monochromator varies while the emission monochromator is fixed.
Fluorescence spectroscopy can be used to measure the concentration of a compound because the fluorescence intensity is linearly proportional to the concentration of the fluorescent molecule. Fluorescent molecules can also be used as tags. For example, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a method of determining what genes are present in an organism’s genome. Single-stranded DNA encoding a gene of interest is covalently bonded to a fluorescent molecule and washed over the organism’s chromosome, binding to its complementary sequence.
The presence and placement of the gene in the organism then fluoresces when shined with ultraviolet light. Green fluorescence protein (GFP) is used in molecular biology to monitor the activity of proteins. The gene encoding GFP can be inserted next to a gene encoding a protein that will be studied. When the genes are expressed, the protein will be attached to GFP and can be identified in the cell by its fluorescence.
If cells emit ELF-UV light it means that cells must have built a novel way of creating a spectrum of UV light stronger than UVB and UVA light. That process was covered in the Vermont 2018 video. If you cannot create that light, based on all the fancy science above it shows you that fluorescences in your proteins will be ALTERED and physiology will change. This is especially true with respect to melatonin and NAD+ levels. Technology causes this effect in humans. This is why they cause diseases and increasing our aging with a chronic technology abuse.
What does “need” really mean to you? Is “need” oxygen when mankind is dying to breathe due to his circumstance? I’ve found it very hard to biohack the world lately. It’s hard to save the world when you find it hard to save yourself. Nothing undresses your passion more than something inside of you identifying a desire you never knew you possessed. To really change the world, we have to help people change the way they see things because you’ve learned to change how you look at the world. #5gReality