Humans are not broken, but the environment they have built is ruining their health.  You must realize that air pollution to your skin is like wearing sunglasses to your eyes in how it reduces the quantum yield of sunlight to your arterial system.

Here is the link that shows you this is not hyperbole.


I hope you begin to realize that hemoglobin and the arterial tree are designed to have the same spectral frequencies to red light in sunlight.  Recall red light makes up 43% of sunlight.  That is the largest fraction in sunlight.   So this begs the question what happens when the optical density or the charge density of hemoglobin and the arterial walls change with respect to each other when the sun is blocked by something? We call this change a change in the optical density of tissues. This fundamentally changes how both tissues can interact with sunlight just below the skin’s surface. That is where your arteries are located.

This relationship is very similar to how a leaf controls the photosynthetic capacity in plants by altering the optics of light.

When the optical density of arteries change in relation to hemoglobin, we can observe a frequency shift in the arterial wall and this leads to a faster ubiquitin marking in the vessel and it ages faster in how proteins are altered as light frequencies change. As it ages its interaction with light changes by inducing a frequency shift in the light it will interact with. The result is a lack of cholesterol sulfate in the vessel wall, in the plasma of blood and in the collagen of the skin. What occurs when light undergoes a frequency shift? Mitochondria make less melatonin and water.

Might atherosclerosis best be explained as being due to cholesterol sulfate deficiency in blood vessels that alters optical density of RBCs  to interact with sunlight? Did you know that atheromatous plaques replenish the supply of cholesterol and sulfate to the microvasculature, by exploiting superoxide to derive sulfate from homocysteine and other sulfur sources?

Recall from my Ubiquitination  #6  blog that in T2D superoxide pulses from cytochrome one (NAD+) is reduced or missing. If you read the thread on my forum about carotenoids you will see, in detail, how the superoxide free radical is made natural in cells via sunlight. Not all superoxide is equivalent because there is a dangerous singlet version and a non dangerous triplet version. Might the balance of superoxide type be dependent upon the optical density of the light of the sun and the optical density sensed by our skin, plasma, and arterial wall to cause atherosclerosis fundamentally?

A lack of negative charge inside the artery = more arterial aging.  Notice the electromagnetic fields that are normally present in arteries and RBCs as blood flows.

In my opinion, yes. It seems now others are also seeing what I see based on the cite in this post.   Putting all these ideas together you get the picture below.


I gave a talk to healthcare professionals recently and got a lot of pushback about mitochondrial density and the heart and brain.  A cardiologist disagreed with me using a centralized MD perspective.

So I went on a rant about my decentralized perspective.

A nurse recorded my response.  Here is the transcribed rant for you to review.  I left them dumbfounded with this response.  No pushback from the cardiologist at the end.

“There is a fine line between challenging yourself and overwhelming yourself. Changing paradigms is not for the weak of heart or mind.  This type of transformation takes hold of you. Invades you. Soon it owns you. You want to be free of them, but you never will be.  A very slow movement on the right way is better than overwhelming speed on the wrong path and this is why you enjoy the chaos of being overwhelmed.  You must have the change you seek.

Takeaways from today’s lesson I gave in the hospital: The heart is not just a big pump like centralized MDs were taught. It is a giant magnet (measurable magnetic field to 22 feet from the body). The blood is paramagnetic. In fact, blood is a magnetic hydrodynamic fluid. If it is not being primed with DHA-laden foods loaded with electrons waiting to be excited by sunlight to optimize circadian signaling you are not priming the “compound pharmacy” of your body-made hormones. Your heart is loaded with mitochondria that have to transform energy to create its power.  You need a magnetic field in your body sufficient to unlock the door to the compound pharmacy. Your mitochondria need to be functioning at a rate sufficient to properly handle the melatonin, dopamine, and other substances your body needs to be at its optimal function. Sufficient rate = low heteroplasmy rate.  Heteroplasmy rate links to oxygen utilization.

Hypoxia is a cellular state that disrupts normal oxygen supply to the tissue (mitochondria), causing cellular dysfunction. Examples of this are altitude sickness at high elevations and clots in a blocked artery in an organ causing an organ to fail and die. Apoptosis and autophagy allow cells to adapt over their lifespan to many situations. Hypoxia is directly toxic to mitochondrial energy production. In humans, when oxygen is in short supply we can shift to anaerobic energy production, but it is not as efficient as mitochondrial energy production. Athletes with proper training can perform well in anaerobic conditions but it does appear that they pay a steep price for this adaptation by depleting their stem cell supply.  The gateway in mitochondria for hypoxia is pseudohypoxia by blockade of pyruvate which sits atop the TCA cycle inside the matrix.  The gatekeeper of the creation of Acetyl-CoA from pyruvate is thiamine. If pyruvate gets in AcetylCoA is the two-carbon substance that is burned.  If the heteroplasmy rate is high the AcetylCoA is sent back out and becomes acylcarnitine.  It is the major controller of substate movements in the matrix.  As NAD+ drops we lose control of UCP-2 and this alters the matrix concentration of hydrogen isotopes.  We also lose control of SCD1 and ROS production.  Our oxygen use also is altered inside our cells.  What does this mean? ROS signals have poor fidelity.

Detox is not the key; supplements are not the key; ketosis alone is not the key; exercise is not the key. Balancing (and for most people that is boosting) the mito function is the key. Great autophagy, great redox. Address circadian biology first; food second. Blue light destroys DHA. A mitochondrion is a micro-star. It makes an electric plasma from electrons and protons in food. Everything on earth grows because of the energy output of the sun. Everything in you is fed because of your mitochondria. When you eat food you are really eating a barcode of information built into sunshine. Rx: Intermittent fasting, cold thermogenesis, meditation, good water, and getting outside for the morning sun on the eyes and skin.

You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same…….Black Swan mitochondriac wisdom



The Nobel Prize was just given this AM in chemistry for deuterium biology did you know this?  You won’t read it framed this way from other sources.  The people that won the award still do not understand where H+ and deuterium are in glycans are the key to understanding the code buried in them.

Just 22 amino acids are all that are needed to make all the world’s proteins via DNA. Four nucleotide bases encode biology’s blueprints in DNA. But when it comes to another, equally crucial, class of biomolecules called glycans, scientists don’t even know if there is an equivalent alphabet that the cell uses to make them.  Information theory has a very clear beginning. The field was founded in 1948 when Shannon published the paper considered his masterwork, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.”  Coding is at the heart of information theory. All communication processes need some sort of coding. The telephone system transforms the spoken voice into electrical signals. In Morse code, letters are transmitted with combinations of dots and dashes. The DNA molecule specifies a protein’s structure with four types of genetic bases. Digital communication systems use bits to represent-or encode- information. Each letter of the alphabet, for example, can be represented with a group of bits, a sequence of zeroes, and ones. You can assign any number of bits to each letter and arrange the bits in any way you want. In other words, you can create as many codes as desired.  Glycan coding is an additive optical code to DNA coding.  It adds more ways to use light to control processes in cells.  Ironically, the Nobel Prize for physics was also given for quantum information processing today.


The hydrogen bonding network in water is a hidden underground decentralized intelligence network that acts as “a cell’s natural internet.” It’s becoming clear that the H+ bonding networks in water are the real basis of a neurological network in cell life. Interlacing mosaics of H+ bonds infuse cellular habitats with information.  They are the highway that shares data with membranes that interact with the environment.

Science evolves with new data even if your thinking remains stagnant because of old beliefs around flawed data.

Hydrogen is not a source of energy. Hydrogen is a carrier of energy from the sun. Hydrogen biology is better thought of it as a battery that life uses in proteins and in our colony of mitochondria.  Hydrogen & electricity are stores of energy awaiting conversion by cells.

Glycans have another named lectins. Glycans are bound to the surfaces of proteins. Despite significant advances in understanding sugars’ complex structures on proteins, biology/medicine is still quite far from being able to, in an unbiased analysis, understand which sugars are at what sites on what protein and what they are doing. glycans change the optics of proteins.  Sugar biology fundamentally is about where deuterium should and should not be on a sugar backbone and where that deuterium shield is on the main protein.

How do we know that glycans change the optics of proteins?  Understanding how glycans are studied shows us that it is a story of optical physics.

The researchers who just won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2022 used flow cytometry, a method in which cells are scanned individually with a laser to identify bound molecules. Turning to the enzymes rather than the sugar structures alone places glycome research in its biological context. When you use this technique, not only do you learn what structures they bind to, you find out what genes and enzymes are involved in making that structure.  This will push the edge of biology to physics in medicine.  This is critical in the advancement of healthcare.

Last year, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, provided 76 labs around the world with samples of a specific glycosylated antibody and asked them to identify the sugars present and their locations in the antibody protein. The teams reported three broad chemical groups of glycans containing sialic acid, fucose, galactose, or their derivatives. But their detailed assessments varied widely.

Light changes the charge density of proteins.  Glycan biology is a part of how this is done in real cells as they live.  To reveal the diversity and abundance of glycans on proteins, researchers today are blending optical approaches with a tool of metabolomics and proteomics research called MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Mass spectrometry identifies molecules on the basis of their mass and ionic charge.

Proteomics researcher Anand Mehta at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston and his colleagues have combined mass-spectrometry imaging with arrays of glycoprotein-binding antibodies to measure the relative amounts of glycans bound to different proteins present in samples such as human blood serum, which can contain hundreds of glycosylated proteins. When you review this research you begin to quickly see which proteins’ glycosylation patterns are altered in cirrhosis, cancer, or other diseases.  This helps you understand how optical changes in blood chemistry change signaling messages inside tissues.

Researchers are finally uncovering the “optical truth” about glycans — the sugar-based chains that coat cells and decorate many proteins.

Glycan biology is just another step in understanding how cells operate with terrestrial sunlight.

Information in light is thus a resource that, just like a barrel of oil, can be used to do work. But as this information in light is hidden from us at the macroscopic scale, we can’t exploit it. Glycan biology is bringing medicine to the nanoscale so that we can understand what light is doing at the quantum scale (see above picture).  Cells have to ability to sense light and use it in biomolecules. It’s this ignorance of the microstates that compels classical thermodynamics to speak of averages and ensembles.

PoW systems in Nature: The power of sunlight is stored in molecules. The BEST solar battery on Earth which stores solar energy was already been invented by nature via photosynthesis called a HYDROCARBON molecule = Acetyl CoA.  This is the base protein of how energy flows through a cell.  Understanding how AcetylCoA is altered in cells by changes in an RBC (which has no mitochondria)  is the key to understanding the wiring diagram of mitochondria.

Photosynthesis is the cornerstone of energy balance.

3.6 BILLION years ago the sun helped evolve the core machinery of energy balance. The process of glycolysis is the cornerstone.  Hydrogen isotopes are found in certain places on the glucose molecule and the light that created glucose determines the atomic location of H+ and deuterium on the carbon backbone.   Mitochondria were not yet a thing on Earth, but NADH and NAD+ cycling inside a rudimentary membrane was a primordial thing that set the redox potential of cells around -400mV (above). Then came NADPH and NADP+ via evolution. Next up was the two carbon molecule of Acetyl-CoA. Deacetylase enzymes that rely on NAD+ and acetyl-CoA levels came next. Then came the ATPase and ATP and ADP.

The enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex present in mitochondria catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA.

Acetyl CoA is a key intermediate in many biochemical pathways. During cellular respiration, it is produced by pyruvate and then enters the Krebs cycle in the matrix. It delivers the acetyl group in the Krebs cycle for energy production. The acetyl carbons are released as CO2 in the Krebs cycle. This cycles the carbons back to plants for photosynthetic restoration.

When NADH, ATP, and acetyl-CoA levels are high in unison and controlled by sunlight, the cell will be in anabolic mode. It is growing and living and surviving and thriving. Any and every cell type on Earth in anabolic mode will reproduce its DNA and replicate. For example, a fat cell in anabolic mode will store fat.

In biological systems, it is Acetyl- CoA = Acetyl means two carbons

Understanding how hydrogen isotopes move on the 2-carbon backbone molecule is the key to understanding what mitochondria are doing.

When fat burning is slowed Acetyl groups enter the matrix and get a CoA connected to it to be ready to be burned. If NADH is not present then it cannot be burned and it backs out of the mitochondria as Acetyl CoA and builds up in our blood as something called circulating acetylcarnitine. People with defective mitochondria have this reductive stress in mitochondria where there is too much Acetyl CoA and not enough NADH. That “H” in NADH is really important in this quantum dance of information transfer.

The specific location of deuterium is atomically specific because cells use optics to signal.  If hydrogen isotopes are in the wrong atomic location the optics will be changed.

Life on earth depends on sunlight—it is a sine qua non-condition for human survival. Because sunlight can, arguably, only penetrate skin deep, its complex effects must be mediated by those organs that light can reach under physiological conditions—our eyes and skin.  Below the skin is where our blood plasma is altered.  This is where the story of glycan biology begins.  It is also where more deuterium is than any organ in our body (150ppm).  This is where the organization of deuterium biology begins.  If a system wants to tightly control the optics deuterium will be important in blood components because the deuterium bond operates differently in chemical reactions (see below).  It is a story of optical physics.

Can I give you an example of how this operates in an RBC?

Can glucose protect you in some way you might not yet understand? Might it be tied to sunlight or man-made light?

Could glucose created from photosynthetic pathways be endogenous sunblock for the semiconductive proteins mentioned above to regulate and control the porphyrin ring in hemoglobin to optimize the amount of oxygen delivered to mitochondria? Might the hemoglobin in RBCs be linked to oxygen delivery to mitochondria? Might this process be quantized (controlled by light) to the levels of ROS created in the metabolism of glucose? Could high levels of blood glucose act to decrease the amount of sunlight for someone?

It turns out that is exactly what happened in a quantum evolution. Life has been sculpted by sunlight for 3.7 billion years.  It is your job to realize it.

Cys β93 is located in a conformationally plastic domain, which contains amino acid residues that regulate the allosteric properties of the Hb tetramer. The previous modification of Cys β93 has been done in experiments published with maleimide resulting in an increase in oxygen affinity and the loss of some hydrogen bonds within the α1β2/α2β1 interface of hemoglobin. What did my Quantum Thermodynamics 15 blog recently tell you about hydrogen bond creation on Earth? They are affected by terrestrial sunlight and the Schumann resonance to create a “cellular internet” inside of a cell to share light information. That internet is created by the hydrogen bonds in water inside of cells.  This water is made in mitochondria.

Could glucose in the form of glycans, alter UV absorption on the porphyrin ring in RBCs?

Glucose decreases the amount of UV light one absorbs in summer. Did you know this? Is this why Nature provides foods with glucose and water to exist in places where full spectrum terrestrial sunlight dominates? Is this why glucose operates like an optical switch on the porphyrin ring of hemoglobin? You bet your ass it does.  This changes the optical density and charges on the hemoglobin protein.  This changes its ability to carry CO2 and oxygen to and from mitochondria.

In winter glucose becomes an antifreeze and helps the viscosity of blood to flow in poor light environments because insulin does not work as well in colder environments. Insulin operates ideally in warmer temperatures when UV light is present. Implications? Diabetes should be expected in environments that have a lot of nnEMF and low UV exposure. Humans never evolved in that system. They evolved in a tropical environment in the East African rift zone. Today, modern humans have created an environment dominated by nnEMF and no UV light. It has nothing to do with their food intake. It has to do with how light usurped their control systems in the mitochondria using optics. Humans are the only species on Earth smart enough to create nnEMF, yet remain ignorant enough to live under it. That is where modern diseases begin.

The key to understanding this new science is that under full-spectrum terrestrial sunlight, HbA1C is supposed to be higher in summer and lower in winter.  This means more glycans will be present on the surface of hemoglobin when the sun is stronger on RBCs. The change for modern man is that HbA1C is chronically elevated during all seasons because of the light choices we have made.  Blue light chronically elevates blood glucose and this glycosylated hemoglobin.  When blood glucose is chronically elevated by your blue light toxic environment, cytochrome 1 becomes redox shifted.  This leads to poor mitophagy because you’re chronically pseudohypoxic.  RBCs cannot deliver oxygen well to mitochondria.  When this happens NAD+ remains low.  When this happens your redox power drops (see the redox picture earlier in blog) When pseudohypoxia exists your mitochondria can’t utilize autophagy to improve redox power.

O2 yoking to UV light sensation via the skin and blood components and the correct blue frequency intensity from the sun sets the quantum boundary of the action of life. Blue light ruins the fidelity of this signal in modern man. If you are blue light toxic you should expect your glucose to be sky high with a high HbA1C that will not respond to drug therapy. Why? The wrong light causes the problem and a drug cannot fix a problem caused by abnormal use of the electromagnetic spectrum of light.

What other things in cells are affected by glycans besides hemoglobin?  Single nucleotide polymorphisms are affected by glycans.  CITE HERE

When someone with SNPs are really sick it tells me ALWAYS LOOK OUTSIDE OF THEM for the defect AND NOT INSIDE their cells.

This is why I get so pissed with providers who deal with SNP data from 23andme. They think, and make those with SNP’s believe,  they can change the inside of their genome with supplements, and they can’t. Glycans on SNPs change how terrestrial sunlight works on the epigenetic code of man.


The Nobel Prize for chemistry was just awarded yesterday for glycan biology. Hopefully, this blog explains to you why this is important.

Paradigms run their own game.  For example, theoretical physicists have avoided the guillotine of empirical testing for half a century by dedicating their careers to abstract mathematical conjectures, avoiding the risk of being proven wrong while demonstrating mathematical virtuosity. Nature might be simpler than they think but they will never know that in the absence of a feedback loop from nature. As long as the paradigm is uniformly adopted by a sufficiently large community of scholars without being challenged, it generates a self-sustaining echo chamber that indoctrinates fledgling researchers as new members of the clergy of dogma.  Glycans biology gets us one step closer to blowing up the paradigm in power today in centralized healthcare.