
The video above gives you large brushstroke ideas of what quantum biology is to one of the pioneers in the field.  In this blog, I want to provide some other ideas that go further than his.

Restriction of food intake to defined time periods is known to change the phase of the circadian clock and gene expression programs in humans, especially in primary metabolic organs such as the liver.  This is why fatty liver is a disease of light and not food.  When I read these papers in 2005 I wondered if this relationship exists within the liver what about the skin?

The skin envelops our body.  It is where the environment acts to meet with our tissues.  For this reason, it should be a place where quantum biological processes can be found to help create the correct state for the “trickery” of nature to work with our cells.

One of the most counterintuitive facts in skin biology is that AM light, dominated by red light with a paucity of UV, somehow protects the skin from future UV skin damage.  This fact tells us that some trickery is happening inside the skin’s tissues, and red light photons induce this trickery.  Might there be some other trickery with the skin about another solar signal to protect it from UV light?

WHY DOES THE LEPTIN RX have this peculiar relationship to breakfast timing?

Food, at its core, is matter that encodes information about light via photosynthesis.  Because of this insight, I began to examine how the informational bar code in food might alter the transcriptome of the skin.  What I found was stunning.  Light and injury affects all the clock genes in our skin.  With that the Age of Light began in my head.

When I went deeper into this rabbit hole I also found out I could use hair as a measure of disease reversal.  If you go back and re-read the Leptin Rx go look at what it says about sweating and hair return.  Now you are beginning to see the wisdom of that simple blog.

I found that time-restricted feeding shifts the phase and alters the amplitude of the skin’s circadian clock mechanism in humans.  This is why the 30-minute window is part of the Leptin Rx.  Moreover, time-restrictive feeding affects the expression of approximately 10% of the skin transcriptome.  What does it do?  It mimics the effect of red light on the skin concerning UV tolerance.  In other words, if you eat at the right time, UV light loses its toxicity for the skin!

What is the food trickery I built into the Leptin Rx really about?

Eating breakfast within 30 minutes of sunrise creates a time-restrictive feeding window designed to increase the skin’s ability to upregulate the DNA repair apparatus for UV light.  , Many people still have not realized that many skin-expressed genes are acutely regulated by food intake in the morning. AM sunrise is required to improve the fidelity of the circadian mechanism.  The circadian clock is required to reset cells to the default state for daily rhythms in DNA synthesis in epidermal progenitor cells.  I then read this paper in 2015, and it told me my hunches ten years earlier were correct.

This paper implied that our exterior tissues had to have a mechanism built into them to control the circadian clocks of the gut.  It turns out I told the world this in Vermont in 2017.  The following two slides showed these insights to the audience that day.  In 2024, I still do not think most of the world realizes the profound implications of these ideas.  The outside of our bodies uses light to control how we handle food.  This is when I realized food wasn’t as important as I was taught to believe in medical school.  Light controls are far more critical than we all believe.

In the video above, Jim mentioned the 1941 book, “What is Life”. Schrödinger wrote in that book that he believed the heredity material is likely to be a molecule, which unlike a crystal does not repeat itself. He calls this an “aperiodic crystal”.  That was written 13 years before DNA was discovered in 1953.

An aperiodic crystal is a crystal that posses long range order and symmetry. The main property of crystal structure is its periodicity. This periodicity is due to the arrangement of atoms/molecules in the lattice points. The crystal structure as a whole can be considered as the repetition of unit cell.

Why is this a big deal?

Each DNA strand holds dazzling possibilities for biology. When you play with a number of variables the environment can dish out to cells— the molecular make-up of water that surrounds it, the composition of the saline solution that holds it, and even the temperature of the room—can impact what the crystal of DNA looks like.  This ability fortells us it is a quantum computer.  There are many other shapes and forms to be found with DNA and the environment.  It is almost like the Library of Alexandria for life. How will this make a bigger impact on your perspective?  In a lab you can put hydrated DNA in a test tube and just vary the light and see what DNA is capable of in its crystalline form.  When you combine DNA with the variety of optical lighting settings within the microscope, and there are almost endless combinations to be explored in this molecule of life.  Aperiodic crystals exhibit many quantum abilities with respect to light.  Time restrictive feeding is one of those things.

Time-restrictive feeding can induce shifts in the clock phase but does not alter the phase of DNA synthesis.  DNA is an aperiodic time crystal.   DNA crystals form when a double helix is suspended in a liquid that evaporates. They grow in patterns dictated by the information stored within the strands. When seen in cross-polarized light, they display a mind-bending kaleidoscope of color and shape. The vast range of crystal structures in DNA is impressive. (pic below)


That part of the Leptin Rx is also not about food.  It is about light.  I found a way to alter skin biology to allow it to perform some trickery with light.  Time-restrictive feeding alters diurnal sensitivity to UVB-induced DNA damage and expression of the critical DNA repair gene, Xpa.  In 2005, I found that when we eat is more important than what we eat.  Then, in 2017, centralized scientists gave me the data to prove my insights were correct in mice.    I shared them with my audience in my Vermont 2017 talk.   New data indicated that regulating skin function by feeding time in mammals emphasizes a link between circadian rhythm, food intake, and skin health.

They had my TED talk in Nashville banned 15 years ago because Big Pharma knew the GLP-1 peptide drugs were in the pipeline for the obesity crisis.  They did not want the truth out about the leptin melanocortin pathway and how sunlight and cold work on it.

The lies of Big Pharma’s authority are more contagious than any virus, stickier than tar, and will die like a Kraken.  I know my enemies well in this battle.


Mammal skin provides the first line of defense against many environmental and stress factors for mammals that exhibit dramatic diurnal variations such as solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation and temperature.  Mammalian skin biology provides opportunities for the decentralized clinician to interrogate the clock regulation of tissue metabolism in the context of stem cells and regeneration with these insights.  In fact, mammal skin is most sensitive to UVB-induced damage at night, when expression of Xpa is lowest.  We can alter this with red light therapy and time restrictive feeding built into the Leptin Rx.  Melanin renovation further limits this damage.  The Leptin Rx and the melanin renovation Rx is antihetical to the Big Pharma paradigm in power now.

The centralized medical system insists that they don’t know what causes many medical conditions and therefore they have no known cure. They discourage everyone from seeking a cure until Big Pharma finds the solution that they can take advantage of. They contradict and smear the reputation of anyone who is daring to find any treatment that is not part of their system. The only thing they offer those with mental illnesses is psychiatric medications, which in some cases might make life easier for caregivers, but does not help anyone recover from these illnesses.

Centralized clinicians learn the art of self-delusion in their training.  They convince themselves that we are not letting patients down with the evidence based advice we were spoon fed, because we are doing the “clinically appropriate thing”. Well-meant initiatives in centralized healthcare become misappropriated to justify neglect.  My writing seems to be my personal ipecac, but it makes me feel much better afterward, but sometimes people don’t like the result.


1. Adamovich Y., Rousso-Noori L., Zwighaft Z.,  Neufeld-Cohen A., Golik M., Kraut-Cohen J., Wang M., Han X., Asher G.  Circadian clocks and feeding time regulate the oscillations and levels of hepatic triglycerides.  Cell Metab. 2014; 19: 319-330

2. Damiola F., Le Minh N., Preitner N., Kornmann B., Fleury-Olela F., Schibler U.  Restricted feeding uncouples circadian oscillators in peripheral tissues from the central pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.  Genes Dev. 2000; 14: 2950-2961

3. Kuroda H. et al.  Meal frequency patterns determine the phase of mouse peripheral circadian clocks. Sci. Rep. 2012; 2: 711

4. Stokkan K.A. et al.  Entrainment of the circadian clock in the liver by feeding.  Science. 2001; 291: 490-493



Please watch the Nick Lane video above, but I will tell you it is not a fun talk to listen to.  I’d want to direct your attention to his slides in the talk.  Those are the most critical for this blog lesson.

The evolution of the living matrix of life seems to be how life deals with thermodynamic problems for biology.  I have said repeatedly in many of my blog series that Mitchell’s thesis on ATP makes no sense thermodynamically when you examine how life works in vivo and compare it to the activation energies in a living animal that has not been prepared for the research benchtop as mentioned above. Life happens in the living matrix, and we need to understand how it works as it lives and not under the microscope of things we observe.  Might thermodynamics have a part we don’t see that matters even more than we know today? When we observe life in this fashion, we see that it works coherently using quantum electrodynamic theory.

The biology of human bone regeneration detailed in EMF- 8 is proof of concept.  The more shocking reality was discovering how a syncytium of life uses quantum field theory to find order in chaos.   The electromagnetic theory of light and matter showed me how electromagnetic energy animates and coordinates all living matrices found in biology, but energy is not how it is done.  The electromagnetic spectrum starts from wavelengths of 10^−14 m at one extreme to 10^8 m at the other, spanning a range of 10^22, in terms of frequency doublings, 10^22 ≈ 273, or 73 octaves.

Visible light from our sun only makes up one octave of that spectrum.  The thought I held in my mind before innovating the Leptin Rx, with the increasing level of ‘man-made’ electromagnetic pollution in our modern environment,  what was the biological effect on all life?   With increasing artificial light, mobile phone use, and technology screen/network use, one might ask whether the “organism’s resonant music” is in grave danger of being drowned out by this background electromagnetic noise.

Unfortunately, Nick still does not get the implications of his work.  I did a podcast with Daniel Prince from the UK, and I mentioned Nick’s work and why I respect it but why it is too centralized in his delivery.  I will give Nick credit.  If you read his books, you will understand he has much right about mitochondria but never jumped to biophysics or light.  The video above shows that since 2015, he has made that quantum leap, but sadly, he is still way behind what Robert O. Becker put out in his papers before Peter Mitchell in 1957.  Yet, if you listen to Nick, he thinks telling you life at its origin was electric is somehow a new revelation.  It is not.

The slide above appears at the end of his talk.  The last concept is not his; it is what Becker found before Nick and Peter Mitchell.  Nick still does not realize that Gilbert Ling has shown that the chemiosmotic theory is a half-truth because it cannot account for the amount of ATP a cell needs to make to live.  The ATPase can create, at best, 1/3 of the ATP a cell needs to work.  The biophysical interactions of sunlight on water and sunlight on melanin in the presence of water create the other 2/3 of the ATP a cell needs.   This is why I cannot give Lane a full decentralized stamp of approval.  I cannot give you a pass when you continue to give a guy who won the Nobel Prize in 1978 credit when his theory breaks the second law of thermodynamics 500-fold.  I am glad that Nick finally realizes that Jennifer Moyle deserves more recognition than she got from Mitchell or Centralized Science.

What are the implications of Nick’s talk?  Lane finally understands that EMFs from the sun are more critical than genes.  All genes do is amplify biochemical networks in cells that have been around for billions of years at the alkaline ocean vents.  Cells mimic the environment of those vents.  Cells built clock mechanisms to augment and amplify how these biochemical pathways operate. The levers that amplify and control the flow are all CONTROLLED BY EMFs FROM THE SUN.  That is the only revelatory thing in Lane’s talk.

Clock genes augment and stabilize the correct biochemistry for your skin’s light environment.  What if your skin is in the wrong light every sunrise?  Do you think this ages your skin or causes more skin cancers?  The answer is YES.  This will shock many, but no one is interested in your feelings or how we work with light.

We need the light’s default resetting every sunrise to retune the TCA cycle’s spin rates.  Every place the TCA cycle runs is connected to the mammalian membrane filled with lipid rafts, which turn sunlight into a DC electric current.  That current stabilizes the forward cycling of the TCA in the mitochondria to burn fat.  If you do not have that charge by AM sunlight, you cannot burn fat, and you will age your skin faster, and your skin cells are more set up for damage from sunlight.  This is the collateral effect of missing the sunrise and eating too late in the AM.

Did you know many skin-expressed genes are acutely regulated by food intake?  Is this why you should attend breakfast?   Although the circadian clock is required for daily rhythms in DNA synthesis in epidermal progenitor cells, restricted feeding in mammals has been shown to induce shifts in the clock phase that do not alter the phase of DNA synthesis.  Most people have no idea that the skin clocks control the circadian clocks in the gut.  I have said this in all of my Vermont talks, but no one put together the implications of my ideas.  The side below from my Vermont 2017 talk shows the lesson.

You do not need any centralized expert opinion on diet or food. All you need is this wisdom in a Tweet. If you miss the sunrise, you cannot metabolize fat via the TCA cycle in your matrix. It becomes IMPOSSIBLE.

Here is the picture of a tweet above I made a while ago on this, but no one notices how light changes your ability to METABOLIZE any foodstuff (CITE 3 below). This is why what you eat (DIET) is superfluous if the light you do it in is not sunlight.  Nick Lane’s video above shows that the incoming EMF informs the mitochondrial membranes of how to turn the TCA cycles to burn fat in the correct direction.

This idea was put out by Dr. Wallace and Meghan McManus years ago, and I also told you this many times using this slide below.  The IMJs of the mitochondria all align perfectly every AM when you see the sunrise to fat burn.

Nick Lane showed you the same thing in the slides below from his talk in the video above.  I want you to see it and understand it.  It reiterates the story I shared 20 years ago in the Leptin Rx.  You are to eat like a king 30 minutes after sunrise, eat like a Prince at lunch, and then eat like a pauper at dinner.  Why?  During sunlight hours, your molecular clocks become disordered just by living.  As they become disordered, the repair process will operate to fix them at night when light is absent.  Melatonin is the essential protein in that dance, along with leptin.  Melatonin directs the repair of defective TCA cycle mitochondria.  AM sunlight then gets all these new mitochondria dancing to the same rhythm to operate well at sunrise.  Sunrise is the default switch to make them all run in harmony.

These scientists and papers all have the wisdom I collected and put into the leptin-melanocortin Rx.  It shows you how the key metabolic pathways of everything alive operate.  It is the critical pathway of mammals. The TCA cycling in the AM is critical to mitochondria tanning your exterior and interior using melanin.

Melanin is how you make up the bulk of ATP when you are a complex eukaryotic mammal.  Nick and centralized science remain ignorant of this part of the story.  They still think Mitchell is right.  He is not.


Humans are mammals who break this SUNRISE RULE 100% of the time because they invented the light that runs the pathway and how it works.

And it is wrong for 99.9% of modern humans. This is common sense to me, and it is uncommon for many of you, and I know this.  It is foreign to all the food gurus and most of the public. This is why I created this slide for you below.

What are the clinical signs you’re not handling fat via your TCA cycle due to a lack of AM light?

Dry and scaly skin, & poor sleep.
Dry eyes.
Feeling constantly cold.
Dry hair and/or hair loss.
Hormonal problems, including loss of menstrual cycle. Melatonin always low = cancers/disease more probable
Inability to feel full/constantly feeling hungry.
Issues concentrating and/or mental fatigue.
Deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins.
Never getting to a Bristol stool four consistently
You cannot lose weight consistently.

You need the chronic stimulus of sunlight. Shift work destroys this. Being lazy about the sun at sunrise destroys this.  The Ancients built monuments to this wisdom and humans who came after it never understood what they were saying.  If they did, they would not have dressed like this.  Dressing like this ages your skin and destroys how your gut functions at the most fundamental level of how all life is built.  I cannot over-emphasize this enough.

In cite 3, this tweet should have millions of retweets and bookmarks. Still, if it did, allopathic, functional medicine, the food guru nutritionist world would collapse because my solution is FREE and fully decentralized by the laws of nature.  My ideas make centralized solutions superfluous.  This is why my TED talk was banned 15 years ago.  I knew that the age of Ozempic was coming.  I told Daniel Prince this in the podcast he has not released yet.

Moreover, the Leptin Rx does not require a doctor or a health professional to complete it.  It is pretty simple for anyone to do.   The more sun you get, the less food you’ll need because you’ll rely on the sun, water, and melanin to create the bulk of ATP your cell needs daily.  This fulfills Kleiber’s law paradox for all living creatures as well.  This makes calorie restriction and longevity a much easier task.  As Lane points out in his video above, nnEMF and blue light destroy this essential relationship common in all LIFE forms.  No domain of life can escape the decentralized science I have put in front of you.

“Everything is energy and information, and that is all there is to it.   Match the frequency to the reality you want, and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is physics.”  — Anonymous.

Biology has a great history of examining life by cutting, fixing, pinning, clamping, pressing, pulping, homogenizing, extracting, and fractionating, all of which gave rise to and reinforced a static, atomistic view of the organism.  This is a great way to drain water from a cell and miss life’s critical ingredient when you study it. Studying life in this fashion limits our ability to understand how a living animal functions in a syncytium.  We can see coherent functioning in animals just by observation, but we can’t reproduce it when we drain a cell of the thing that makes it coherent in the first place.  We see long-range order of the action potential in neurons, rapidity and efficiency of energy/information transduction and transfer in the brain and retina, extreme sensitivity to external cues in vision and touch, and symmetrical coupling of energy transfer along the inner mitochondrial membrane. Another observation we can make is the noiseless transitioning and functioning of entire populations of molecules in cells.

The two most excellent unifying concepts in quantum physics and quantum chemistry that are most relevant for understanding the organism are the laws of thermodynamics and the electromagnetic theory of light and matter.  When you begin to study both and open a biochemistry book, you could be put off by the complexity of cell reactions,  but you will begin to see clearly when you realize that life’s organizing plan is simple.  She makes an order where there appears to be none of the environment.  Mother Nature creates order from chaos.  She uses light as her magic wand to do it.

However, there is an order of all nature, which is found in quantum electrodynamic theory.  How the blueprint is made, however, is rather counterintuitive to your beliefs.  The living system of evolution is a bewildering matrix of organized heterogeneity that works in unison to minimize timing errors.  Getting time relativity right is the essence of all decentralized systems.  

The abuse of light and technology is why my message remains UNAMPLIFIED.   It is why the government, Big Pharma, and centralized healthcare have tried in vain to muzzle me.  It is the source of my never-ending legal fights with all three.


What is the new human edge or precipice we’ve built?  There is a “revolution on the surface of the earth” called technology-induced chronic light stress, and it is causing a new evolution of chronic illness.  These are all brought on by altered free radical signals via nnEMF and magnetic fields from your environment, changing the internal terroir in your mitochondria, leading to diseases that appear to emerge from nowhere.  Your healthspan and longevity will be “a reality” you obtain that emerges from the results of these collisions and creations.

GENES respond to the EMF signal and not the other way around.  The circadian mechanism controls it all.

The hierarchically organized mammalian circadian clock comprises the central clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), and peripheral clocks, possessed by all cells (Dibner et al., 2010, Mohawk et al., 2012).   This mechanism is entrained by the solar day-night cycle. It is the axiomatic controller of all cells.  The central clock synchronizes the phases of peripheral clocks, thus coordinating the locomotor and metabolic activity of the animal with the Earth’s daily rotation. At a molecular level, the central and peripheral clocks are transcription-translation feedback loops wherein the heterodimeric CLOCK/BMAL1 transcription complex activates many genes. This is how light controls metabolism.  Food is not the primary driver.  Everything on Earth answers to environmental light.  These circadian genes include PERs and CRYs that inhibit CLOCK/BMAL1 activity, thus establishing an oscillating transcriptional output with 24-hour periodicity (Dibner et al., 2010; Lowrey and Takahashi, 2011; Mohawk et al., 2012).

The direct and indirect targets of the circadian clock encode critical regulators of ALL biological processes, including metabolism (Bass, 2012, Lamia et al., 2011), cell proliferation (Lévi et al., 2007, Masri et al., 2013), and response to centralized drug treatment.  I told Daniel Prince that 75% of modern drugs act on the circadian mechanism and that Big Pharma wanted me muffled at my TED talk because their future obesity pipelines would be destroyed.  This is why they ended the synthetic leptin trials and patented many receptors for light and cold in humans after my censorship.

Light-induced stress has burned a lot of biological bridges in the modern world. The edge of a precipice is a very merciless school; over there, you either learn to become more serious about your choices, or you get sick first and die foolishly more quickly.  Never be afraid of the edge.  People who embrace the discomfort at the edge of a precipice always have a better chance of understanding nature than those far away.  Precipices are the routine routes of uncommon, rare people.


1. https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(17)30988-9

2. https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/why-are-cells-powered-by-proton-gradients-14373960/

3. https://twitter.com/DrJackKruse/status/1757788946681954399

4.  Daniel Prince podcast with me Feb 2024, Once Bitten Podcast when it is released.



You should watch the video above.  That video is from a VR expert who gives you the tech experience.  Please pay attention to the technical used in building this.  Understanding what Apple is putting closer to your retina and brain and how it operates.

Below, you will find my decentralized predictions about what APPLE users of this new VR device should expect from short-term to longer-term use.

Can your camera aperture teach you something about your pupillary response?

Blue light is part of the natural electromagnetic energy spectrum of the sun. Most of your exposure to blue light today is NOT from the sun because of how we use light.  This has led some decentralized health experts to question whether artificial blue light could damage your eyes.   Centralized MDs always want to point out that there is more blue light in the sun than in an LED.  While true, they also forget that blue light in the sun has its antidote.  It has UV and IR-A present as well.  This is the same mistake centralized and functional medicine MDs make with fish consumption.  Many tell their patients to avoid fish because of mercury, but few know that selenium in fish protects them from mercury toxicity.  Even fewer of them know that mercury is cleared best when one has melanin present from full-spectrum solar exposure.

Today, NUMEROUS studies have shown that blue light damages cells in laboratory animals forced to live under fake light. So far, little research indicates blue light from digital devices and LED screens damages human eyes.  Does anyone want to guess why there is a paucity of centralized wisdom around this topic?

Because the paradigm is being ENRICHED by not studying it.

Prolonged use of digital devices leads to digital eyestrain, though, so taking frequent breaks is a good idea if school or work involves hours of screen time.

Blue light can also interfere with your body’s internal sleeping and waking cycles through the SCN mechanism, so you may want to stop using your devices before bedtime or switch to an amber-light mode.  Blue light can cause mental issues of depression and mood because of its direct effects on the ipRGCs of the habenular nucleus, too.

Did you know chronic blue light exposure makes the aperature of your pupil larger because it weakens the skeletal muscle fiber type of the sphincter muscles?

What are the implications of a weak aperture in front of your retina and brain?

Eye doctors say there is no definitive proof this happens.  Do you know why they say it?  The NIH and screen industry won’t pay for the studies because they do not want you to know, but I know it does because melanopsin, melatonin, and dopamine affect photoreceptors in MAN.  See the pic.


Why will more people have this problem today than in yester years?

A 2020 study cited below published in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology found that during COVID-19 lockdowns, for example, 32.4 percent of the study population used a blue-light-emitting device for 9 to 11 hours per day. Another 15.5 percent used the devices 12 to 14 hours per day — a sizable increase in screen time, probably due to changes in how people work during the pandemic.   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7774196/

Original thinkers (decentralized) always doubt the default state of medical sciences because they know new stimuli change the results.

Blue light and digital eyestrain

This will be what many new users of a VR device will experience from a medical standpoint.

Using digital devices up close or for long periods can lead to digital eyestrain.

Research cited below has shown that people blink less often when they use computers, laptops, and other digital devices. Fewer eye blinks can mean less moisture because the lacrimal gland does not secrete enough tears, affecting how the blue light and violet chromophores operate in the anterior part of the eye.  This affects how the lens handles light.  Centralized researchers are not studying this well in their methodology, so their default opinion is that blue light has no good evidence that it causes digital eye strain.  That is LAZY, centralized healthcare thinking.

Digital eyestrain means different things to different people but is generally related to the eyes’ focusing system.  See my tweet above.  Does aperature size lead to focusing problems?  See, a camera shows you we DO KNOW MORE THAN WE ARE WILLING TO ADMIT.

Uncle Jack is telling you loud and clear the eye doctors ARE FOS and are protecting their franchise.

Many centralized clinicians and scientists will argue that blue light during the day is needed, so why block blue light from your digital devices!?

☀️ The issue with blue light from your screens is it’s unbalanced against other colors, and at a specific intensity throughout the day, it doesn’t change intensity like with the sun.

The study below now proves that artificial blue light from your digital devices is causing apoptosis (cell death) in the human eye and is a complete game changer.  Do you think Apple tested this?  Nope.  Apple did as much testing on the biological effects of this device as Pfizer did with the jab.  Apple and Pfizer have a lot in common.

The study  I cite below used blue light at 449 nm, 458 nm, and 470 nm. The results showed the lower the number of nm (more high energy) than blue light, the more cell death occurred in the eye.  Still think this tech experience is worth the risk.  If it is, cancel your membership to my blog NOW.

This shows that wearing blue light-reducing glasses daily is essential for your health when using digital devices or under artificial light indoors.

If this causes cell death in the retina of the eye (which is your brain), I am sure we will see future studies address my thoughts that blue light also induces aging and cell death in the skin.


Recall I am a BRAIN SURGEON.

Please do not say I did not warn you in the future.


When your eyes are strained from staring at a blue-light-emitting screen, you might notice:

  • dry eyes
  • sore or irritated eyes
  • tired eyes
  • headaches
  • facial muscles fatigued by squinting


1. Damage to the non-visual photoreceptor system  (see cite 1)

2. Damage to the neocortex like astronauts get in space

3. Cerebral atrophy will increase in long-term users

4. There is a slow, steady, progressive decline in executive function.

5.  Charge changes in blood will lead to more clotting and CVA risk

6.  Thinning of retina and many retinal diseases

7. Altered dopamine levels, lowered melatonin, and destruction of the RPE.  (cite 1)

8.  Higher incidence and prevalence of AMD and cataracts in users.

9.  Mental illness incidence and prevalence will rise.

10.  Sleep disorders will rise, and metabolic health will worsen.  Bright light ruins metabolism.  Blue light closer to the retina has bigger effects.  Chronic diseases will rise.

11. Children will experience work outcomes than adults due to a lack of myelination.

12. Screen time will cause more functional medicine doctors to diagnose people with adrenal fatigue.  They will have no idea why this is happening because they will never ask patients how much Vision Pro they use.   This prediction is due to the butterfly effect of light on heme-based chromophores/ferroptosis/POMC/dopamine.  Vision Pro will destroy all of them at different rates depending on the pre-existing heteroplasmy rate of the tissues in question.

13.  Cancer rates will increase in users due to lowered melatonin levels.  Epithelial cancers will predominate.

14.  More bone disease, periodontal disease, dry mouth, and Bell’s Palsy.

15.  I will end with this one, but I promise you there are many more I could post. Your RISK OF SUICIDE WILL RISE.

In a recent national study, suicidal thoughts and attempts were reported in children as young as 5. Something has radically changed on Earth to cause this massive, quick turn into suicide. Does anyone want to guess what can cause a brain to stop thinking well so that it contemplates taking its own life? Every decentralized Black Swan mitochondrion knows something eye doctors and Apple want to avoid discussing in their propaganda to sell you.  Remember, marketing is legalized lying.



Just as misophonia increased after airpods were released, retina damage should be expected after the Vision Pro is released if you care a doctor who sees patients.

Blue light scatters more quickly than most other visible light in the posterior eye, where the retina is. This may make it difficult for your eye to focus when receiving blue light. Instead, your eye may digest blue light as poorly focused visual static. They forget how light bends in the visible spectrum.  I don’t.

What do the eye doctors say in most literature, “This reduction in contrast may make it more difficult for your eye to process blue light, potentially contributing to eyestrain.”  The next sentence usually is:  “Still, there isn’t much research to confirm that blue light directly leads to eyestrain. More high-quality studies are needed.”

The eye doctors are acting like we still do not know.  Apple shrugs because they did not have to do any testing. After all, the centralized researcher’s studies are not done to tell the FDA this might be a problem.

Everyone has deniable plausibility except you, the tech abuser.  Now you have some informed consent for five bucks a month.

WE KNOW.  They do not want you to know they know because their franchise loses customers if you block Blue Light.


1. https://academic.oup.com/ib/article-abstract/9/5/436/5115388

2.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6356720/   (animal study that links blue light to damage)

3.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7302677/   ( a human study that shows how an LED facemask ruined a human eye)

4. https://forum.jackkruse.com/threads/misophonia-what-is-it-and-what-do-you-think-is-the-cause-how-do-we-treat-it.27717/


The virus soon learns that to survive, it must keep the host alive.

If the patient cannot survive to alter their thinking, the world will not adapt to a new idea.

Dermatology and Ophthalmology riddle: If UV light from the sun is so horrible for biology and cells, ask your skin and eye doctors to explain how DNA has been shown in thousands of experiments to have a spectrum of fluorescence peak at 350 nm. FYI, that peak is 100% in the UV range. Then, ask them why the two proteins that are tightly associated with DNA, histones, and chromatin, have both been found by experiment to delay this UV light release in DNA in all normal cells.

When we believe we cannot change a situation, we should begin to be thinking about changing ourselves. The real art of living the great life is becoming excellent at conducting its transitions.

The accurate measure of personal leadership is done by the quality of the leaders they leave behind as their legacy, not by the number of followers they garnered. Great leaders are like great conductors who demonstrate their ability to create an environment where the artistry of others may emerge so that their teams can perform excellently!

The conductor is the only person in the orchestra who “doesn’t make a sound.” Like musical notes, they have their specific place and timing; their part is to play through the sharps and flats to produce a symphony of excellence to the ear.

Conducting does not demand or control. Conducting well aligns people according to their unique talents and gifts and guides them so their whole life is in harmony. A well-conducted life perceives, believes, and receives its dreams while helping others reach them. A well-orchestrated life delivers a high-yield, high-fidelity signal. Today, begin to color your own masterpiece.

Appreciation is a beautiful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. You are part of my story, memories, and my scenery, thank you for being open to nature messages. Nature conducts me.

But never settle. Never settle for less than you deserve. When you refuse to settle for less than the best…the best tends to track you down in life.

There is much discovery to make when you examine what has been forgotten in others’ used ideas. Innovation starts where the last man left off. I never confuse modern ‘scientific motion’ with evolutionary ‘biological action.’ Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen and realizing what nobody has thought. Then, it becomes your choice in how you use it. It is about your current choice based on new data that updates old truths.

A collection of atoms ceases to be air, water, and rocks when somebody contemplates them with the idea of light changing the old truth in a cell in mind. New possibilities exist once light hits those atoms, and the truth is updated biologically. Possibilities are based on the probabilities light delivers to you.

You do not win big unless you risk big. Do not seek to be as famous as the unknown soldier.

Some succeed because they are destined. Some succeed because they are determined.

If you can’t control what you think, you will not be able to control what you do. Your THOUGHTS control your feelings, and your feelings control your actions!


The sky is above me, the ground is below me, and the fire burns within me. Happiness is not the absence of problems; it’s the ability to deal with them…….the fire within hardens my resolve; it is the momentum of the mission, the constancy of commitment. Many people start, few finish, and many have a dream, but few see it through. People who finish the job are just more dedicated to the outcome. There are two kinds of people in this world: people who are involved and people who are committed. People who are involved give some of themselves to the cause they believe in, and people who are committed give all of themselves to the causes they believe in. They never settle. Throw a log on your fire and become committed to the outcome.


This is what we see day in and day out

Life is easy for those whose eyes are closed

Closed eyes lead to a closed mind.

It is not what you know but what you notice that matters.

People are responsible for their own ignorance.

Centralized medicine has conditioned everyone to want a “pill for every ill.”

Their government monitors every move of MDs and patients via surveillance.

The SUN IS “TINA” = there is no alternative, so stop asking me for one.

February 2019: ALS and nnEMF pollution

February 2019 – ALS and 5G

Might ALS be a defect in the control stimulus of this process, keeping the injury repair pro-inflammatory for too long?  Might the EMF stimulus in the environment control this energy phase transition?  It is now well known that environmental EMFs can block the phase transition of the inflammatory response to the anti-inflammatory pathways via calcium ion resonance changes. MCP-1 is the critical cytokine in this energy transition in wound healing.  This was the topic of my February webinar of 2019.

IS ALS an electromagnetic abnormality caused by light signal defects in our immune system that destroy motor neurons with little to no melanin?


Please realize that the number of genes an organism has in its genome is linked to how much energy it can transform. This means the gene expression is also directly correlated by probabilities to how it is expressed. POMC in mammals is critical in this energy linkage. This is a function of the energy/information flow and not the anatomy of the genome itself. It is also related to the redox potential of the organism in question. Ultimately, All energy in life ultimately comes from sunlight. It is stored in every cell membrane and the electronic state of cells. Most of these energy stores available to cells are not accounted for in any biochemistry book. You are dead wrong if you have a biochemical bias for health and think labs can decipher this code. Labs cannot account for any energy stored in the electronic state of cells.  This perspective is the blind spot for functional medicine and centralized medicine.


People with uric acid issues are fundamentally solar deficient and cannot heal wounds rapidly.  Moreover, they exhibit poor mitochondrial redox and higher tissue heteroplasmy in the injured areas as a result.

Any time melanin sheets in your CNS/brain are degrading (decreased POMC expression), so is melatonin production from your mitochondria. And remember, melatonin feeds back on all circadian clock genes: a theory involving the proteasome or maybe the exposome?

POMC creates melanin via the multiple cleavage MSH proteins in neuroectodermal derivatives, which directly connect to the mitochondrial layers in the retina via the RPE.

Moreover, that information is supposed to be shared electromagnetically in cells via the nonvisual photoreceptor system to the brain structures deeper in your skull and spinal cord. How does it all happen, you ask? Read my Twitter lesson below.


The paper below reports, ” The interaction of melatonin with the proteasome in the hypothalamus also provides a model for explaining the dramatic ‘time-of-day’ effect of melatonin injections on the reproductive status of seasonal breeders.”

This paper seems to predict that a proteasome inhibitor that acts like sunlight would modify circadian rhythms like melatonin.

The primary function of the proteasome is to degrade proteins.  Melatonin is critical in the ubiquitination process of tissue repair in humans.  Melatonin needs AM solar exposure to induce a DC electric current to induce tissue repair in the motor neurons.  In ALS, degraded misfolded proteins are a key issue in tissue damage of the motor neurons.  Proteasome substrates in mammals include signaling molecules called tumor suppressor genes, cell-cycle regulators (melatonin/UV light), transcription factors (MCP-1), inhibitory molecules (whose degradation activates other proteins) like uric acid, and anti-apoptotic proteins (Bcl-2), among others.



Allopathic and functional medicine is still prehistoric in understanding life and health concerning neurodegenerative conditions. When they want you to order labs, they are putting their hands in your pockets and robbing you blind. They are actually telling you they have no earthly idea what they are doing, but most of you have bought their beliefs of how you monitor health with labs. It is a pure fabrication of a centralized paradigm built on many fallacies.  They do labs because their understanding of the disease is only biochemical and divorced from the biophysics operating in your cells.

Nitric oxide is stimulated by UV-A light, and when you get enough of this frequency of light, your uric acid levels are controlled easily by the system. If you lack proper solar exposure,   uric acid can become a big issue for wound healing and repair of the non-visual photoreceptors of the anterior motor neurons (below).

Many epidemiological studies have indicated a strong link between hypouricemia and an increased risk of developing neurological diseases.

Historically, biochemists have considered uric acid a waste of cellular metabolism, but now it is clear it has a diurnal pattern tied to light cycles.  Uric acid has now received increasing attention because it was found to directly participate in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, including neurological disorders. On the one hand, low levels of UA are detrimental to the neurons because of its induction. It impairs antioxidant capacity in the cell for short durations. On the other hand, high levels of UA lead to a chronic inflammatory response, contributing to neuroprotection. It’s now well-established that uric acid has a biphasic function.

Uric acid has the ability to modify the oxidation state of iron in hemoglobin to slow oxygen and nitric oxide delivery to mitochondria SIMULTANEOUSLY.  This helps increase blood flow while lowering ATP function.  If this system is broken, motor neurons become stressed and die.  It is a biochemical signal that tells us something is awry in the NO system of arteries going to the anterior motor neuron columns that are missing melanin.

This tells us why ALS is not common in the tropics and is more prominent as we go to the poles.  It also explains why it is linked to electromagnetic toxicity because this alters NO signaling while degrading melanin in the CNS.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging and neurological diseases and is closely interconnected to stem cell exhaustion and cellular senescence.  I think ALS is caused by a rapid upregulation of senescence in motor neurons.

In general, aging-associated mitochondrial dysfunction is defined as the impairment of mitochondrial morphology and function, characterized by an increase in fragmented mitochondria due to dysregulation of fission, fusion, and mitophagy, as well as accumulated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations and increased mitochondrial mass, accompanied by decreased respiratory capacity, damaged mitochondrial membrane potential, and enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Emerging evidence also suggests that mitochondrial activity is mechanistically linked to stem cell exhaustion, including in a type of adult stem cells called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are resident in multiple tissues and possess capabilities of both self-renewal and linage differentiation in damaged tissues.

Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS), which is essential for driving antiviral response, also regulates human stem cell senescence.  In recent years, data has shown that MAVS plays a KEY role in maintaining mitochondrial structural integrity and functional homeostasis depending on its interaction with the guanosine triphosphatase optic atrophy type 1 (OPA1). Depletion of MAVS or OPA1 leads to the dysfunction of mitochondria and cellular senescence.  This mechanism is key in understanding how motor neurons can be knocked out in isolation.  It tells us the mitochondria of the motor neurons likely have a specific target to explain the disease phenotype.  New evidence now shows that the replenishment of MAVS or OPA1 in MAVS-knockout human mesenchymal cells (hMSCs) alleviated mitochondrial defects and premature senescence phenotypes.  ALS is a neurologic disease that is associated with a premature senescent phenotype of the anterior motor cells.

Numerous mitochondrial constituents and metabolic products function as damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and promote inflammation when released into the cytosol or extracellular milieu. Several safeguards (circadian-derived) are normally in place to prevent mitochondria from eliciting detrimental inflammatory reactions, including the autophagic disposal of permeabilized mitochondria. However, when the homeostatic capacity of such systems is exceeded or when such systems are defective, inflammatory reactions elicited by mitochondria can become pathogenic and contribute to the etiology of human disorders linked to the autoreactivity to the mitochondria of specific neurons in the spinal cord and brainstem.  I believe this is what ALS is.



Paganoni S, Zhang M, Quiroz Zarate A, Jaffa M, Yu H, et al. Uric acid levels predict survival in men with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol. 2012;259:1923–1928.



This blog might be the most important thing I will ever write for the public’s health.  It is more powerful than any of the leptin blogs or the Cold Thermogensis monster blogs because it links them all together in one space.

This idea all began with a Eureka moment at the foot of a statue (above) in Florence close to 20 years ago, after reading a book that was a fable.  What followed was a synthesis of many different branches of science to come up with something called the Leptin Rx seen below.

That picture above was a skeleton of an idea.  The things I knew and the things I was taught about the SCN and circadian biology in neurosurgery had to be connected to the things I was learning about the eye, skin, and liver, like a QUILT.  Then the picture above, evolved into the one below.

When I had put it all together I was ready to share it with the world…….So I did at a TED talk.  The talk was good but immediately I was in trouble with three state medical boards, my professional guild, the hospital CEO, and then DoD.  Below is an actual picture taken by my family as they sat below the cartoonist as he drew as I spoke.

This is what a blow up section of my part of the cartoon showed above.  I submit to you everything on that picture below is what I have been teaching the world for the last two decades.  You may not see it all in this photo but after ready today’s blog you should.

So what are the final pieces you need to put together to see it all for yourself?

If you read my Patreon work on tryptophan’s role as a protein semiconductor and its seasonal role as a time crystal then understanding this post will be easier. Sunlight reduces inflammation by lowering the proton content in the cytosolic water and making sure protons stay inside the mitochondrial matrix. As a result negative charge density builds in the cytosolic regions of a cell.  This high net negative charge is known as a high redox state.  Persistent chronic inflammation in neuroectodermal derivative slows the production of serotonin, steering it instead toward self-destructive quinolinic acid production.  Quinolinic acid comes from melanin degradation.  Melanin can be made from UV light exposure of our eyes and skin via alpha MSH cleavage of POMC.

The breakdown products of melanin are thought to play a role in many psychiatric symptoms associated with chronic inflammation and infections of the brain’s frontal lobes.  I think it plays a leading role in all chronic diseases.  Below you see how melanin is made.

Below you see that melanin degrades…….but what does it degrade into?  Every single compound it degrades into is highly inflammatory and leads to hypoxia in cells.  I told you that in this series as the slide below shows.

Without sunlight,  melanin is eventually degraded into quinolinic acid. This compound destroys charge density in a cell causing dielectric collapse in many systems like mitochondrial water and DHA loss. It mimics the effect of fluoride deposition in a cell.

Sunlight exposure sets the metabolic efficiency of how the pathway operates. The image below  of a water fall accurately represents the relative efficiency of the kynurenine pathway when solar redox is optimized.

I told you things made from Tryptophan were special because they acted like a time crystal.  They actually pulse with a peridicity to the photons in the sun.  They are a time crystal.  I even told you this had implications for things made from tryptophan.  Serotonin, melatonin, and NAD+/NADH/NADPH are three key semiconductive proteins in this story on melanin.  Carefully look sequentially at the next few slides.  Do you see any trend that links all of them together?

If you do not see it, I likely cannot help you.  But if you do see that light, light from the sun affects every single key mechanism that controls biochemistry flow in us then my work is resonating in your brain.

Did you know that antipsychotic drugs, like chlorpromazine stimulate melanin in the brain?  It seems that psychiatrists forgot this fact I learned in medical school over 40 years ago. Centralized psychiatry and their partners in Big Pharma wants you to believe,  the mechanism of action of these drugs has not yet been definitively determined.  See the papers from  (Richtand et al., 2007) and their efficacy varies from individual to individual (Remington and Kapur, 2010) in a manner that is not always related to specific blood level values (Buchanan et al., 2010, Zhang and Malhotra, 2011). They used the PEER review literature to plant the following seed:  Why these drugs works is a mystery.  Why?  Because if you did understand it, you’d understand that melanin is created from sunlight and that is all one needs to reverse most diseases.  That is why the DoD wanted to meet with me in the early 2000’s and it is why Big Pharma had my TED talk banned.  Look at the blue highlighted area below.

Antipsychotics work because they help put melanin back in a mentally ill brain by restoring some VUV light creation in your mitochondria during metabolic respiration.  That is why I showed this slide in Vermont in 2018 below.  Before you ask, no you do not want to use these drugs to renovate endogenous melanin because the side effect profile is too dangerous in low redox mammals.  This is why these drugs have a low margin of safety.  Sunlight however is just about risk free and this is why the DoD and Pharma wanted me muzzled.

Everyone who heard my Tetragrammaton podcast with Rick and Huberman now should fully see how this system was engineered from an 80,000 kilometer view to keep mammals well.



It is no longer a mystery……….it is a choice.  Sound familiar?  See the bottom right of the picture from 2011.


Why does the metabolism of serotonin matter so much in the melanin story?  Because this reflects where the sun is in relation to the Earth in a seasonal year.  For instance, the serotonin “branch” in the water fall flows at a less efficient rate in the serotonin/melatonin pathway compared to the kynurenine “branch” (~98% vs ~2%).

It also points out why exogenous supplementation of melatonin upsets the flow in this pathway because it changes the charge density of tissues like the skin and retina where melanin is located in the RPE.

Here is the key point. A lack of sunlight or melanin degradation by any cause leads to a change in how the pathway operates in neuroectoderm in humans.  Chronic inflammation results from a lack of sun for any reason. It can also happen via hypoxia, as the slides below shows because hypoxia DEGRADES melanin to adrenochrome and DOPA, noradrenaline etc………

This degradation causes a myriad of things to develop in modern humans living under artifical light such as during an infection or an autoimmune disease. Light fundamentally changes the manner in which the kynurenine pathway operates.  This is why the Cold Thermogenesis series told you biochemistry was thermoplastic with respect to light frequencies.  This highlights why the SCN responds to light and temperature only.  This is how the brain tells seasons.

The part of the pathway that normally synthesizes beneficial molecules slows to a trickle while the floodgates open for the harmful part of the pathway.

Why does this happen?

Well, inflammation is the answer:

For the big time details I did a whole webinar on this called Kruse for Dummies.  Review that there.  This blog is to synthesize all the lessons I have given you.


^^^ Sunlight  increases the catalytic activity of enzyme IDO

Making more kynurenine and less serotonin and melatonin leads to ALL CHRONIC DISEASES and INCREASES ALL CAUSE MORTALITY

WHILE simulataneously  SUNLIGHT decreases the catalytic activity of KAT

Making less kynurenine acid (neuro protective for melanin) and more quinolinic acid (harmful for melanin) from melanin degradation.

A lack of sun causes melanin degradation via hypoxia. Non native EMF cause liberation of Vitamin A from the loose covalent bond of opsins in the non visual photoreceptor system due to alien light and that Vitamin A cause hypoxia by lowering NAD+ in a cell.  This is today’s major cause of disruption in this pathway.

How does this happen?  A lack of sun changes the catalytic efficiency of an enzyme called IDO in the pathway. This changes cytokine signaling which in turn changes the biochemistry of the pathway. Note a lack of sun or excess nnEMF is the key stimuli today.  In the Neandetthal’s day fire and cold cave life was enough to shrink 125 grams of brain tissue from them.

A lack of sun increases these cytokines in neuroectodermal derivative to increase IDO activity:







Remember TNF alpha from the original leptin blogs of 2009?  Note the date.  You do not need PEER centralized science to prove nature’s recipes, when Nature’s laws are defined by E=mc^2.

While these cytokines decrease KAT activity:




SUNLIGHT reduces all inflammatory markers and this highlights the strategy of Big Pharma and Bill Gates clearly now.

This is how light changes disease phenotype irrespective of genes or biochemistry.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is a centralized scammer or ignorant.

Hence, persistent chronic inflammation from a lack of sun or too much nnEMF slows the production of essential neurotransmitters, neurohormones, and neuroprotective substances, steering it instead toward self-destructive processes in neuroectodermal derivatives in mammals.

In humans we have extra neuroectoderm to protect in our frontal lobes. That photonic switch is in the habenular nucleus pictured above. When melanin is degraded in this pathway all he’ll breaks loose in executive function. These alterations eventually lead to the disruption of limbic and paralimbic brain circuits, compromising emotional functioning.  This explains how light plays the leading role in the development of psychiatric symptoms associated with altered solar redox and many mitochondrial illnesses.  It’s no longer a mystery. You just need to read the literature and connect the dots to POMC biology and melanin production and degradation.

^^^^Vagal nerve stimulation increases melanin renovation.  Anything that increases vagal nerve stimulation is beneficial.  No one in neurosurgery realizes why when we put in a vagal nerve stimulator patients often lose weight. I learned it over 20 years ago.


1. Did you know that mitochondrial melatonin protects melanin from destruction by way of the NRF2 pathway?  This is a critical link in the melanin renovation Rx.  When you believe in yourself, in your innate abilities to do and to think, you know implicitly that anything is possible. The impossible even becomes easy for you while everyone else seems to struggle.  Time relativity changes and your life and recovery go better.  AM Sunlight helps this by boosting your melatonin levels to improve your colony of mitochondria and its ability to deal with Nature’s diurnal variations in light.

Melatonin/melanin protects the skin from the deleterious effects of UV radiation as well as a plethora of other cells against oxidative stress.  Melatonin made endogenously has hundreds of metabolites that protect us by acting on the immune system and NRF2 inflammatory pathways to keep us well.

In this way melatonin and Vitamin D3 are similar.  Their ENDOGENOUS metabolites are as important as the parent hormone.  The use of exogenous supplements either lowers the metabolites and parent hormones in our body.  Remember this effect.  Supplements ruin fidelity.

Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation in the A band promotes the expression of melatonin receptors in the skin via alpha MSH made from POMC.  This occurs via melatonin receptors called MT1 and MT2.

In the lab, pretreatment with melatonin reduced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (DNA strand breaks) levels by approximately 40%.  Remember life is not lived or built in a LAB……….Nature is your lab.  AM sunlight increases melatonin and melanin.   https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-01305-2

2. There are many paths to melanin renovation but all of them have to support tyrosine pathways over phenylalanine pathways, the use of sunlight, and augmentation with pulsed IR-A light at a specific frequency.

The key to melanin renovation is solar light exposure that has IR-A full spectrum exposure and UV-A exposure in combination.

Type 1 skin One hour of IR-A and UV-A exposure over a day

Type 2 skin  two hours ”                                                           ”

Type 3 skin  three hours ”                                                        ”

Type 4 skin  four hours ”                                                          ”

Type 5 skin  five hours ”                                                           ”

Type 6 skin requires 6-8 hours of exposure

FOR PULSED LED IR-A light exposure on atrophic skin in my clinic I use a pulsed red frequency at 4 different frequencies in my clinic based on the patient’s pupillary exam and retinal exam. If I do not examine you I cannot tell you your answer.  This treatment is done for my personal clients based on my own neurological exam.  This allows me to add more light via their optic nerve than they can get due to their skin condition.  I also use this for people who have previous eye surgeries that hinder their melanin renovation.

There are 3 dominant phases of synchronized metabolic and transcriptional reprogramming in pigmenting the skin. The melanogenic trigger is associated with high MITF levels along with rapid uptake of glucose by the cell.  Blue light exposure stimulates massive glucose mobilization from ACTH from POMC. The transition to pigmented state is accompanied by increased glucose channelization to anabolic pathways in biochemistry that support melanosome biogenesis. The H+/D optical switch you heard about in the Kruse for Dummies talk is critical in optimizing this step.

This expands the cell pool that can pigment with melanin.  As a result, SREBF1-mediated up-regulation of fatty acid synthesis results in a transient accumulation of lipid droplets with an enhancement of fatty acid oxidation through mitochondrial respiration. I believe this is how we create VUV endogenous in our mitochondria in 2024.  While this heightened bioenergetic activity is important to sustain melanogenesis, it impairs mitochondrial efficiency as time elapses.  This means as we age or heteroplasmy rises we need more sunlight not less.

Timing is critical to melanogenesis.  The SCN timing mechanism is the key clock manager in this process.  It controls the biophysics of the skin and the lipid rafts controlled by cholesterol fractionations in cells.  This is how mammals control their optical windows to light.  HDL cholesterol upregulates melanization and LDL cholesterol puts a limit on it.  This implies lipid chemistry is also a seasonal part of biochemistry that the centralized paradigm whiffs on.  High LDL cholesterol is the signiture of light stress and it leads to atrophic skin!  Blue light exposure causes this light stress response most often.  UV light lowers LDL and APO B.  In fact, every lipid the centralized lipidologist link to cardiac disease and PAD are lowered by sunlight.

Pater Attia and Rhonda Patrick are not experts on lipids when you understand what I said above.  In fact, I will tell you their advice is going to harm people in the modern world.  The picture above shows why.  This twitter thread is a dagger to their food guru and biochemistry centralized hearts.  Reject that centralized thinking in 2024.  This thread has been pinned to my Twitter profile page.  READ IT, because Attia, Patrick, Wolf, Sirtoli, Goodrich, Huberman, and anyother critic of my work are not.  And if they said they did then you really know they are just not smart enough to hire.


What else does this story imply?

This implies that if you cannot use the TCA cycle well, you will not tan well either.  This is why cancer patients often have atrophic skin that is pale even when they are placed in the sun.  They have redox shifted their colony of mitochondria out of their ability to tan.  The redox shifting the metabolism moves human biochemistry toward glycolysis and away from lipid synthesis.  The driver of the shift is the change in the binary code of H+ and D in the matrix I spoke about at length in the Kruse for Dummies lecture.  This carburetor action changes biochemical efficiency via the kinetic isotope effect (KIE). The recovery phase or photo repair part of the melanin cycle is accomplished by surface 380 nm light exposure (and via the eye) and is accompanied by activation of the NRF2 detoxication pathway. This step requires a properly functioning matrix moving H+ to NAD+ away from NADH and NADPH.  Melanin detoxs everything in your body.  If you are being sold detox ideas fire your clinician and go south with the money.

NRF2 detox pathway only is tapped by redox power.

If your cells lack the net negative charge your cells never experience this pathway.

SCIENCE GEEKS: Nrf2 regulates important genes such as heme-creating heme-oxygenase 1(HO-1), glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), glutamate-cysteine ligase subunits (GCLc and GCLm), NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase-1 (NQO1), and thioredoxins (TrxR1), among others. Nrf2 stays sequestered in the cytoplasm by its interaction with the Keap1 protein complex (Keap1-Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1). When an oxidative stressor or electrophile interacts with the Keap1-Nrf2 complex, it allows for the release and subsequent nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 through a complex process of ubiquitination-inhibition, thus triggering an anti-stress response by the cell. Now you know why you had a huge ubiquitination series years ago.  Ubiquitination turns on and off protein synthesis which makes up half of the semiconductive frame in mammals.  Water is the other half.

Inhibitors of lipid metabolism can resolve hyperpigmented conditions.  The mitochondrial matrix is critical in creating fatty acids that do this!!  This is why cholesterol biology is a gatekeeper of melanogenesis and saying statins are part of a longevity practice is PURE INSANITY and shows a lack of fundamental understanding.  Abnormal cholesterol pathways in the skin and blood are always found in people who are solar deficient and who live indoors.  These are the people who often develop metabolic diseases.  Diabetes is the major worldwide disease that characterizes this idea.  Patchy cutaneous hyperpigmentation is associated with comorbidity in more than 30% of patients with diabetes and obesity. (acanthosis nigricans)

Fatty acids are essential for cell survival as they serve as key structural components of cell membranes and important signaling molecules. Fatty acids are also the most calorically dense form of energy storage with the conversion of excess glucose into fatty acids protecting against glucotoxicity and providing a much larger energy reserve than glycogen for times of nutrient scarcity. Given the vital roles of fatty acids, cells have evolved mechanisms to maintain them at adequate levels using solar light frequencies as the gatekeeper. This includes mechanisms to take up exogenous fatty acids but also to generate fatty acids from alternative carbon sources through a series of enzymatic reactions, a process highly conserved across all phyla known as de novo lipogenesis (DNL).

There is a reason Vitamin C does what it does in the brain where melanin is located.  Do your experts understand it?  When melanin is degraded glutamate is released and this changes the biochemistry in the region to preserve endogenous melanin sheets.  Vitamin C is a cofactor in all the metabolites made from melanin like dopamine, noradrenaline, DOPA,  and epinephrine.  No seems to see how or why it happens.  Now you do.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), an antioxidant vitamin, plays an important role in protecting free radical-induced damage. A previous study has shown a decrease in basal vitamin C levels in type 2 DM patients.  Vitamin C actually inhibits melanogenesis in humans with no defects in circadian signaling or who have altered cholesterol biophysics at the skin level.  Vitamin C is structurally similar to glucose and can replace it in many chemical reactions and thus is effective for the prevention of nonenzymatic glycosylation of protein.  The supplementation of vitamin C usually will improve blood glucose level management and lower glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c).  If it is used too long by a human, it will inhibit melanogenesis.

This is the braking mechanism mammals have used at the end of the summer to change from their summer coats to their winter coats.  Today, humans have ruined the fidelity of this system with modern lighting and nnEMF use for communication.

Vitamin C donates electrons to semiconductive proteins like collagen and cholesterol.  This changes their charge.  The change in charge is how the animal knows the seasons are changing.  Most mammals that come to see me are in a constant light-stressed environment with high LDL cholesterol and atrophic skin.  Their skin needs to be moved to the proper seasonal coat when they come to see me.  Vitamin C lowers blood glucose.  Vitamin C is a tool we can use to facilitate the changing of the guard in their skin.  Vitamin C is easily oxidized, participating in the redox systems of the body. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and cellular substance in the epithelium and also prevents the formation of excess free radicals. The impairment of collagen synthesis causes loss of skin firmness, the appearance of wrinkles, and capillary brittleness. Vitamin C determines the healing of traumatic lesions and burns.

It also participates in the synthesis of tyrosine and phenylalanine and affects pigment changes.  In people with skin or ocular albinism, I have used Vitamin C and IR-A light to pretreat the skin for melanin renovation.

Other key things to be mindful of during a melanin renovation:


1. MAO inhibitors

2. Chocolate

3. Red wine

4. Ginger

5. Tattoos


The skin is your largest organ and it is a massive solar battery for your brain.  When you think about tattoos think about burns.  How they calculate burn areas is how I look at tattoo coverage in terms of medical risk.

The scientific consensus is that the entire, three-layer organ makes up about 16% of a human’s weight — equal to about 20 pounds for a 125-pound person.

If your mom warned you that your ink is forever when you announced your intention to get a tattoo, she was right. But not for the reason you might think. While common wisdom has it that tattoo ink bypasses the permeable top layers of the skin and remains embedded in the dermis, the second skin layer, the real truth is a bit more complicated — and more interesting.

Melanin normally clears the skin of heavy metals via chelation in ink so this degrades the melanin in your skin but the latest research is a bit more concerning.  Recent research has revealed that macrophages, a type of white blood cell that specializes in gobbling up invasive pathogens, mistake tattoo ink for an infectious cell and flock to the scene to protect the body from the foreign substance. They show up, encircle the ink, and process it.  These cells are critical in cancer and autoimmunity development.

Dendritic cells (DC) are a class of bone‐marrow‐derived cells arising from lympho‐myeloid hematopoiesis that form an essential interface between the innate sensing of pathogens and the activation of adaptive immunity in our skin.  These cells differentiate into cCDs. These cells are chronically replaced from bone marrow in tattooed patients.  This chronic stimulus is a stem cell stressor in the skin and marrow.  This increases aging in those two organs and makes them less efficient in their functions.  Tattoos do not help a brain think well.

Dendritic cells (DCs) are key orchestrators of immune responses in humans. A specific DC subset, conventional type 1 DCs (cDC1s), has been recently associated with human cancer patient survival and, in preclinical models, is critical for the spontaneous rejection of immunogenic cancers and for the success of T cell–based immunotherapies. The unique role of cDC1 reflects the ability to initiate de novo T cell responses after migrating to tumor-draining lymph nodes, as well as to attract T cells, secrete cytokines, and present tumor antigens within the tumor microenvironment, enhancing local cytotoxic T cell function. Strategies aimed at increasing cDC1 abundance in tumors and enhancing their functionality provide attractive new avenues to boost anti-tumor immunity and overcome resistance to cancer immunotherapies.

Within healthy skin, it is believed Langerhans Cells (LCs) are the solitary population, however, the underlying connective tissue of the dermis contains a range of subsets including cDC1, cDC2 (langerin expressing and langerin negative populations), and CD14 expressing cells including tissue resident Macrophages, Monocyte-Derived Macrophages (MDMs), and an uncharacterized CD1c+population. Upon inflammation, these cells are also present however a number of other subsets of MNPs migrate in, including Inflammatory Dendritic Epidermal Cells (IDECs) in the epidermis. This is why I knew to look for a T-Cell lymphoma in this tattoo.  Note how atrophic the skin was from a lack of melanin.  I mentioned this in the Tetragrammaton podcast but it hit the floor in edit room.

If macrophages clean up the ink, and the immune cells aren’t immortal, then why do tattoo markings last so long? Scientists asked the same question and mouse studies led to an eerie answer: Once the macrophages die off, even more macrophages have to be recruited from the bone marrow to swoop in, eating the ink their dead brethren once contained. This generational turnover means tattoo ink can last for years with minimal fading — and keep Mom’s name intact for a lifetime.

Your immune cells, bone marrow, and melanin in the skin may never recover.  This means the circadian mismatch from the skin issue has had a massive effect on the heteroplasmy rates of the gut and brain for years.  How much of the body covered is huge and what parts of the body are also germane to this because not all skin patches on humans are equal because POMC translation varies in the skin of humans.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE IF YOU ARE Tatted up you need to consider a couple of hacks to try to offset the risk:

1. DHA upgrades to your diet to improve macrophage function helps offset some of the problems tattoos bring to our skin because DHA is metabolized to maresins, protectins, docosanoids, and elovanoids to keep the immune functioning upregulated in the skin.  This lowers the inflammation to improve the optical density to allow light to get to RBCs and the blood.  Once melanin is present it will chelate and remove any mobile heavy metals from tattoo ink.

2.  I like the use of myrrh for those with tatoos directly on the tatted region.

The prized resin of myrrh is stuffed full of substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which may also have improved the look of the skin.  Myrrh also can increase red light exposure to tattoo skin because of the effect of terpenes.  Myrrh is something I have my professional athletes use to offset the Tattoo risk for CTE, neurodegeneration, and concussions.  This by no means lowers the chronic risk of the tattoo but it can help in the short term when you are suffering from a health deficit related to the skin (below as an example)

3.  Consider laser removal only if certain areas that have ink become affected by disease.  If you develop aggressive PAD, CAD, or neurodegeneration then I offer my patients removal options.


There are cases in the literature where a high dose of Vitamin C can be used in inborn errors of metabolism of the two amino acids that help create melanin from alpha MSH.  This is where I got the idea to use this treatment in albinos or in people with atrophic skin.  For example, alkaptonuria is a rare inborn error of tyrosine metabolism in which deficient activity of homogentisic acid oxidase produces an accumulation of homogentisic acid and leads to debilitating ochronotic arthritis in adulthood.

The administration of relatively large amounts of ascorbic acid to the adults has been done and published and the results showed a disappearance of benzoquinone acetic acid from the urine of these patients.   Interestingly the level of excretion of homogentisic acid did not change.

These papers were highly influential for me in pushing melanin renovation in people who get rapid onset osteoarthritic symptoms and live in a high-density 3-5G environment.  Right now this is the biggest problem I see in my own private clients since 5G has been turned on in the USA.

A lot of unnecessary orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures are being done on people because this information is not well-known to centralized providers.

What is ochronotic arthritis?  Due to the homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency, homogentisic acid accumulates in cartilage/tendons and connective tissues which leads to ochronotic arthritis. If you do not know about it you’ll never test the urine for homogentisic acid.   This is a sign the NRF2 pathways are turned off due to a lack of redox power.

The slide below shows you we need a ROS light stimulus from the sun’s UV rays, to stimulate melanin production.  Thirs is why 380nm is critical.  It is also why dermatologist do more to harm human longevity with their centralized advice.

This implies to you that not all radiation is problematic humans.  I believe melanin renovation is one of the better nnEMF strategies one can employ.  Most people with EHS are quite pale.  

The key to the diagnosis is the rapid onset of the symptoms and the zip code of where the patient lives.  Centralized orthopods will recommend physical and occupational therapy initially.  They do this to help maintain muscle strength and flexibility. Analgesic treatment (NSAIDs) is believed to be essential for joint pain at an early stage of ochronotic arthritis, but in my experience, orthopods will push rapid joint arthroplasty as their go-to treatment for significant degenerative arthritis when needed.  Decentralized MDs need to know that a lack of tyrosine from nnEMF exposure can cause rapid-onset arthritic changes.  The best plan of action is high-dose Vitamin D, DHA, and relocation to a strong  UV environment for a period of time to renovate melanin.  Getting out and staying out of the 3G-5G environment is mandatory for success.  Why?  See the slide above.  nnEMF turns off melanogenesis.  It also ruins the fidelity of the clock genes that control this very sensitive dance in the lipid rafts of your membranes.  People who get white spots all over their skin when they use the sun are getting a signal from within that their cholesterol rafts are not optimized by light in proper topological fashion.

KEY BLOG MOMENT: nnEMF causes more destruction of melanin than anything on Earth today in my opinion.  all nnEMF cause hypoxia and hypoxia is the fastest way to destroy melanin production.  This is why cities with electromagnetic pollution often are filled with pale people with low Vitamin D states.  These people will also be afflicted by EHS, mold, Lyme disease because of a chronic lack of melanogenesis mimicks pathology of these diseases.  I do not believe you can get well until you reduce the dose of radiation and add back in the right radiation that stimulates melanin production.  That is UV-A light around 380nm.  The blue light hazard really destroys melanin between 400-550 nm light.  It does the same thing to melatonin.  

You do not need to have an inborn error of metabolism to get this problem.  Normal people can develop this tyrosine problem post wireless/blue injury in high-density EMF areas.  Many cases of electrohypersensitivity are actually this disease and they go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for decades.


This is critical for the skin and brain which are neuroectodermal derivatives.

All UV light stimulates POMC to make alpha MSH.  Do not forget it.  Some parts of the UV spectrum, however, are better than others at creating melanin.  UV-A light is the sweet spot for mammals.  This is the radiation we crave and need to get to optimal.  Hence this is why Nature built cells to be addicted to sunlight via beta-endorphin in POMC cleavage.  It turns out UV-A light is best at creating a tan.  Guess why?

Radiation along the electromagnetic spectrum is not always a death sentence.  It can be hormetic when it falls within the visible spectrum of light.  Radiation from this spectrum has a hormetic effect on DNA repair in sublethal doses that we normally get from Nature.  The key is getting the dose right and the exposure time right for a cell.  Low doses of radiation can stimulate DNA repair through the activation of four transcription factors, PARP-1, PARP2, ATM, and Ku70.  It may seem counterintuitive and go against the conventional wisdom you have heard, but this is how nature acts in reality. With low-dose radiation,  Ku70 activates a DNA pathway called non-homologous end-joining repair. This is how DNA repairs single strands and double-strand breaks it normally faces in life.  The sun’s EMF is hormetic for life’s DNA.  Nothing else in the electromagnetic spectrum has this ability, and that is a big modern problem.

Many do not know ALL mammals are capable of direct photo repair.  I call this process melanin regeneration.  You can see a picture of this above.

Russell van Gelder, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington, studied the circadian rhythms of genetically tweaked mice that were missing rod and cone cells and melanopsin. As expected, the circadian rhythms of these mice continued cycling but could no longer adapt to changes in light exposure in the visible spectrum.

Surprisingly, though, the activity patterns of their retinas were still responsive to light changes, suggesting that there was another light photoreceptor in play in the eye and skin.  That pigment was neuropsin.

Neuropsin is a UVA light detector protein in our skin and cornea that is optimized for 380nm light.

Did you know leptin absorbs best in the UV spectra at 220 nm? Do you think these facts aren’t connected?

Neuropsin is the afferent loop of this light reflex and works with sunlight at 380nm and leptin is the efferent loop of the photo repair mechanism that responds to UV-C light made by our endogenous wide band gapped semiconductors inside of cells.

This opsin, like all opsins, works with the Vitamin A cycle in the body. Most people struggle to convert dietary carotenoids into the active form of Vitamin A needed for visual photo-reception if neuropsin is blocked in the skin/eye. It turns out that blue light toxicity on the eyes or on the skin also ruins the conversion of dietary carotenoids to retinol and this causes circadian phase delays that underpin the mitochondrial diseases mentioned.

This will directly affect POMC creation in the eye because all of the receptor systems for POMC use Vitamin A. Neuropsin is the UV detector that is the critical signal in the eye to create POMC translation inside of our tissues where the POMC gene lays dormant.  It is only transcribed by UV light release. POMC creation is known to be upregulated by UV radiation.

This opsin discovery is when I began to realize all I was taught about the sunlight in medicine might be a fallacy. The current paradigm in ophthalmology says that UV light is really bad for the eye and skin. Well, if that were true why would Mother Nature have put a UVA opsin in the cornea and in the skin?

Neuropsin has been found in the cornea of the eyes, skin, and subcutaneous fat now mimicking the exact spots where melanopsin is found. If it is blocked for any reason at all, the optical signaling for photo repair is no longer operational in cells.

I currently believe neuropsin was selected for by the KT event in eutherian mammals that made it through the last extinction event. During this time it is believed that photosynthesis was disrupted for several decades to 1000 years.  This would have lowered the quantum yield of sunlight on the entire planet. A lowered quantum yield of sunlight would have sharply lowered UV light from the mammal’s surfaces and this would have driven melanin internally into their bodies looking for a new source of UV light. Here the melanocytes would have stopped when they found cells that created it.  When melanin was created there it would have been used to charge separate water into H+, oxygen, and electrons to be used by mitochondria.

The return of UV-A light on the surface of Earth would have been a newsworthy event or stimulus to mammalian cells. I have a sense this is why mammals added neuropsin to their surfaces to communicate with leptin and melanin sheets now ensuring their survival today.

Mammals that survived would have needed some way to get environmental signals to their pituitary gland to drive the thyroid hormone cycle needed to drive seasonal changes and control reproduction.  Without these two factors, no mammals would have survived very long, in a low-quantum yield environment.  In today’s world, we now see the same similarities in our environment but for different reasons. Humans no longer live under sunlight.  They live under manufactured tech light.  As a result, in humans, thyroid diseases and fertility changes are now at pandemic levels because of a lack of photo repair and increasing hypoxia at the cell level. (380nm)

I believe that UV-A light is critical in driving thyroid cycling in all modern mammals including humans. It also is linked to POMC creation and cleavage. When mammals are hypothyroid this alters POMC expression and cleavage. When we see massive spikes in hypothyroidism, it is a sign that there is a global lowering of the quantum yield of sunlight for some reason.  65 million years ago it was debris from an asteroid that cause a blockade of specific frequencies of light.  Today, it is non-native EMF in the ionosphere that is destructively interfering with sunlight that falls to the Earth’s surface.  This explains why we have a global Vitamin D3 pandemic and why we see massive spikes in hypothyroidism and infertility.  Free T3 is needed for fertility (leptin) and for peripheral nerve function.  T3 is stimulated by oxygenation.  Low T3 is driven by a lack of oxygen. Pain thresholds in mammals are also controlled by this reflex.  (pic below)

Low free T3 levels also are associated with chronic pain and severe alterations in cardiac function.  Free T3 levels have been studied in post-heart surgery patients and have been found to be a very good reliable outcome measure.  Free T3 tends to trend with POMC, melatonin, and dopamine levels because both need UV light exposure to recycle themselves in mammals.  They are all excellent oxygen sensors too as is hemoglobin.  Low free T3 levels are a sign of low UV light exposure and low tissue oxygenation.  This affects melanin semiconductive sheets inside our skulls and on our skins. Note the slide carefully again.  A lack of UV light decreases the electronic storage of energy in our cells.

Thyroid hormones are made in the anterior pituitary gland in response to light frequencies from the sun.  But as the slide shows above they can be made from melanin sheets when they degrade too.

Also, both the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which have long been appreciated to alter skin physiology, including human hair growth and pigmentation, and thyrotropin stimulating hormone (TSH), for which human hair follicles have recently been identified as a direct target, often act synergistically with leptin in enhancing mitochondrial energy metabolism similar to the thyrotropin-releasing hormone, the factor that triggers TSH secretion in the hypothalamus. This is why sweating and hair growth return were listed in the original Leptin Rx blogs.  Furthermore, human hair follicles express prolactin, which regulates hair follicle cycling, while systemic prolactin levels are recognized to render target tissues refractory and resistant to leptin-mediated effects

Leptin and its receptor are also expressed by human hair follicles.  POMC is present in all human hair cells.  When hair is lost by mammals you know this pathway is defective at some level.

The human skin expresses the genes for corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). The cutaneous CRH/POMC expression is highly reactive to common stressors (light) and to the nutritional status that are key modulators of mitochondrial energy metabolism. Therefore, studies on the interaction of leptin and CRH/POMC signaling in their regulation of skin and hair physiology and pathophysiology should have a high priority for clinicians.  Today they are ignored by the centralized paradigm.  They aren’t by Uncle Jack’s army of doctors.

It is believed in 2024 that leptin is predominantly synthesized in adipocytes, including subcutaneous adipocytes. However, the synthesis of leptin and its receptors has also been detected in human and mouse fibroblasts and keratinocytes. In fact, leptin and its full-length receptor are present in the human epidermis at the gene and protein levels. This makes a ton of sense when you think about what neuropsin is doing with leptin.  It is the solar light reflex that drives ALL regeneration programs in mammals.  I wonder when Micheal Levin will wake up to this?

Leptin and leptin receptor expression in the human skin was validated and confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR.  It is no longer a good guess by Uncle Jack, it is now a known fact.


This is the sciency part for my skeptical profession who mocked me 20 years ago as a quack:  Numerous studies have now unequivocally confirmed that leptin and STAT3 are linked to cell differentiation, proliferation, migration, and survival in the skin with pronounced effects on angiogenesis, blood flow, and tissue perfusion. Leptin is a potent modulator of innate and adaptive immunity and upregulates POMC in the skin and antimicrobial defenses in human skin, e.g. by stimulating the expression of human β-defensin-2 expression.

Leptin has also been shown to induce the expression of interleukins in the skin, particularly that of interleukin-8 (IL-8). The diversity of leptin-dependent signaling in the skin is illustrated by the fact that the hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, which controls the expression of multiple different genes, including that of key regulators of angiogenesis and wound healing, is also upregulated by leptin signaling.

Amazing huh you all missed this party I found in a fable?

The SCN is the metronome of biology & it loses accuracy via periodicity as PER2 drops.  When PER2 drops so will POMC transcription on all human surfaces. This degrades all melanin semiconductors.  Melanin will need better oxygenation delivery to it to renovate itself to keep high-level optical precision.  This pressures hemoglobin to function in the circulatory system.  This changes our optical abilities because the dielectric constant in our tissues drops from 160 to 78.  This effect is 100% tied to changes in water chemistry made by mitochondria exposed to our endogenous light.  This constant changed because charge density changes in cell water. due to a change in solar power.  This means we are less able to use sunlight and store it in our tissues.  When this happens POMC is downregulated and melanin production stops.  It stops because UV light is the ONLY stimulus to mitosis in the cells that create it.  If cells cannot divide, because mitogenic radiation is absent endogenously, melanin cannot be made or renovated.

PER2 is critical in controlling the optical periodicity of the mechanism.  Poor sunlight, darkness, and geoengineering with suncreams will have a major effect on cellular hypoxia via lowered sunlight.  Cell hypoxia is controlled by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1alpha). Do you know the link of HIF 1 to the sun?  Do you know the link to leptin?

Here is the link:  HIF-1 belongs to the same protein family as the light-inducible circadian core protein Period 2 (PER2)  Here is your proof sitting in your literature you never read much less connected to this story——->  (Liu et al., 2012).  If I could see so should you have?  We have the same training.

HIF-1-alpha is upregulated by leptin signal and solar exposure.

When you’re a mitochondriac you must begin to investigate whether hypoxia- and HIF1A-PER2-dependent pathways might regulate SIRT expression under hypoxic conditions to show why light trumps food in the controlling flux of the TCA cycle. I did look and realized something epic 20 years ago.  This is how the Leptin Rx was born in my mind 20 years ago…………..  But I saved the best for last.


Photorepair is well known in the biophysics literature but few understand it.  Not even the great physicist Fritz Popp understood it.  Photorepair occurs at 380 nm in the UV-A spectrum and links to maximum oxygenation pressures in tissues

This is why UV-A light stimulates a tan in humans best.  It drives the top line of the slide on the creation of melanin above toward melanin and away from tyrosine.  Nature is trying to tell us that being out in the sun when UV-A light is out is a wise mitochondriac move.

What is photo repair?  It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell with UV light so that 99 percent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by re-illuminating the cell with the same wavelength of UV light that destroyed it but do it at a much weaker intensity. To this day, centralized scientists don’t understand this phenomenon, called photo repair, but no one has disputed it.

I believe this effect emerges via hydrated melanin biology.  I believe this is how the RPE regenerates itself constantly over human life.  380 nm light signal DHA to become anti-inflammatory and stimulate wound healing via docosanoids and elovanoids.  These lipids have to show up before the inflammation of wound healing can begin.  This is why diabetic retinopathy looks like a wound that never heals on the ophthalmoscopic exam.  IT LOOKS THIS WAY BECAUSE DIABETICS NEVER SEE THIS frequency of LIGHT because of their light choices.   It is also why their wounds do not heal and their nerves does not work.  It is also why they get peripheral arterial disease.  It is all a light story.

The RPE is the only melanin sheet in the body that ophthalmologists are taught cannot be regenerated in their textbooks.  I totally disagree with this centralized viewpoint because of what I have learned in my own clinic.  I have restored hundred of RPE’s  You can see this belief below used to teach residents at an Ivory Tower in the Western US.

The photo repair mechanism works most efficiently at 380 nm — the same frequency that mTOR operates on and this is the same frequency that the neuropsin receptor senses.  Fewer people know it is the exact same frequency that Popp found was scramble most by cancer-causing compounds he used when he first got involved in the field of biophoton research.  He realized that chemicals that cause cancer scramble incident light at 380 nm and once the light was emitted the frequency was different.

The difference in the light frequency changes the nuclear genome reaction.  I also think this light is a key trigger in POMC cleavage (hint).  In Popp’s experiments, chemicals that did not scramble the incident light at 380 nm did not cause cancer.  Popp never realized that the scrambled light is what turned on the cellular machinery in a chaotic fashion.  Without 380nm light, the band of musicians in biochemistry that are creating light emissions around 380 nm is now creating a massive light show that overwhelms all the chromophores inside of us.  When this occurs melanin is DEGRADED and DESTROYED because of the overwhelming chaos it causes rapidly.  This damage occurs at the speed of light in a cell.  PAD and NO levels are the best proxies I know that signal photo repair is seriously defective in my patients.

The one disease I think illustrates this mechanism is glioblastoma multiformans.  Every single neurosurgeon who will ever read this blog in the future knows these tumors seem to appear out of nowhere in many cases and none of us can explain it.  I think I can because of this mechanism.  And I think the literature has clues that I am right.  See the slide below about gliomas.  If your Vitamin D is low, it is beyond likely so will your UV-A light exposure.

In fact, nitric oxide levels in tissues are a better proxy for understanding whether 380 nm light is stored at the vibrational level in your cells to direct photo repair.  This is why my clients all get their nitric oxide levels tested.  NO is the best proxy for 380 nm light that a decentralized clinician can test.  I believe this is why NO also has to interrupt mitochondrial energy production.  To stop destruction of melanin degradation and begin melanin renovation it makes thermodynamic sense that you need to stop energy flow to a damaged tissue before the process changes to regenerate.  The stimulus happens with this new “Jacquard card signal” in the cell.  My Kruse for Dummies folks will understand this analogy best.  Most of my patients have no idea what I am really looking for when they come to see me as a client when I am looking in their eyes, but now you do.  It certainly isn’t about their blood pressure.  When a man is on viagra or a women had difficulty orgasming, sometimes I do not even need to look into their eyes because I already know.  Same thing is true if they are young and infertile.  That all links to the same pathway.  The leptin melanocortin pathway.

Fritz Popp also never knew that neuropsin was everywhere in mammals, eyes, cornea, and skin.  It is also inside our brain at key locations close to melanopsin.  Neuropsin is a nonvisual photoreceptor that is attuned to this light frequency. (see slide below)  This is why I have been using UV-A light with a spectral density of 380nm with my clients for ten years now.  I bet a few of them just fell back in their chairs reading this.

Neuropsin is the afferent loop chromophore protein that works with hydrated melanin sheets inside mammals to direct photo repair.  The efferent loop of this light reflex is the production of docosanoids and ELVs from DHA.  This is not a recycling or renovation type of healing.  This is a full-blown regeneration of tissue from RBCs and UV light that rebuild melanin.  This is why Dr. Becker noted mammals do not seem to regenerate as salamanders did via their somites.  We do it best where POMC is buried in our cells based and where we are creating UV-A light internally.  We regenerate from within at a subcellular level using non-linear optics!

Blue light and nnEMF ruin the dissipative structuring in cells.

The mammalian cell is built to be a dissipative structure because it controls its atoms well.  Semiconduction is the ultimate controller of the flow of electrons in a system.  This is why Nature uses it as her template.  This atomic order allows us mammals to capture energy in some format and store it. Tyrosine allows us to capture sunlight via melanin.  When we become able to capture light well order returns to our joints, tendons, and ligaments.  Order or health emerges directly from chaos. Things get more ordered in a cell as energy continues to be pumped in. Melanin renovation requires solar capture and storage of this energy and information at the vibrational levels in cells. This is essentially what melanin and water are doing for cells. Water, created by mitochondria and powered by visible light gives flexibility to proteins, reduces the energy barrier between reactants and products, and increases the probability of quantum tunneling by a transient compression of the energy barrier of the semiconductors in the musculoskeletal system.

I have posted many times that sunlight is a phenomenal calcium channel blocker.  I also have posted many times about how nnEMF alters calcium flows.  I have been amazed at how long it has taken anyone to put two and two together.  Melanin creation protects us from electromagnetic pollution because of its effects on calcium flows in cells and in mitochondria.  Calcium is critical in semiconduction inside the mitochondria.

Note the photoreceptor destruction issues below.  Melanin is one of the photoreceptors this slide deals with.  So things that protect photoreceptors are all part of the melanin renovation program.  Not surprisingly, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a big one for the RPE in the retina.  DHA is broken down into docosanoids & elovanoids via hypoxic oxidative damage.  THIS DAMAGE IS REQUIRED FOR RENOVATION.

Elovanoids (ELVs) enhance the expression of pro-survival proteins in cells undergoing uncompensated oxidative stress.  DHA helps stimulate autophagy to recycle photoreceptors in mammals.  We have the most DHA in our tissues as a mammal for a reason; our brain is unique in the mammalian family.  We need A lot of DHA because we use more non-visual photoreception to run our nervous system properly.  This is why I wrote the Epi-Paleo Rx long ago.  You might want to read it again at some point since this blog is putting Windex on your glass eyes.  You must understand why this step is critical.  Without DHA photo repair of your melanin sheets fails in humans.

We make docosanoids & ELVs in cells that have huge amounts of DHA & melanin.  In mammals, this is good news because most of the melanin inside their bodies is adjacent to DHA in their membranes around the perikaryon.  Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) is abundant in the retina and is enzymatically converted into pro-homeostatic docosanoids. The DHA- or eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-derived 26 carbon fatty acid is a substrate of elongase ELOVL4, which is expressed in photoreceptor cells and generates very long chain (≥C28) polyunsaturated fatty acids including n-3 (VLC-PUFAs,n-3). Dr. Bazan did all this work right before my residency and this is how I learned about it.

How do we know DHA is protective of photoreceptor autophagy and a huge part of melanin renovation Rx?  Because giving mammals chloroquine, a potent inhibitor of mammalian autophagy can turn off the protection of DHA metabolites like the elovanoids.  Peer-reviewed papers from many labs (including Dr. Bazan) now have confirmed and concluded that DHA elicits neuroprotection by regulating multiple cell death pathways including enhancement of autophagy and inhibiting apoptosis and necroptosis in mammals.

Lipid mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes play pivotal roles in the initiation of acute inflammation (Samuelsson, 1983), whereas resolvins and protectins promote and stimulate active resolution (Bazan et al., 2010; Serhan et al., 2002; Serhan and Savill, 2005). In excess, prostaglandins and leukotrienes are pro-inflammatory.  When the omega 6 pathway is induced to cause inflammation aspirin is the best choice because it does not affect DHA breakdown mediators resolvins, protectins, and maresins which turn off inflammatory cascades to begin regeneration cascades.  So the use of aspirin is part of an early melanin renovation program for some clients, but not all.  It depends on their N = 1.  You’ll see why below.

Below you can see melanin can contain the calcium flows that are uncontrolled in blue lit or nnEMF environments we have created.  When calcium varies so does the light spectrum of light our cells release.  This is why Fritz Popp found we are most unhealthy when we are releasing light as a eukaryote.  We are losing our ability to store energy at the electronic level because melanin and water cannot contain it.  It is a sign of wide-band gapped semiconductors failing us.

In the 1970s, Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and his scientific team at the University of Marburg began researching the fascinating subject of biophotons in eukaryotes.  He extended that to all life forums based on his findings. They were eventually able to demonstrate that biophotons, as ultra-weak photon emissions (UPEs), were released by the body’s cells – all of the cells!  Most of the light he found was in the UV and IR range.

Initially, for his experiments, Popp chose to work specifically with UV light because of the experiments of a Russian biologist named Alexander Gurwitsch who, while working with onions in 1923, discovered that roots could stimulate a neighboring plant’s roots if the two adjacent plants were in quartz glass pots but not if they were in silicon glass pots. You heard me tell Dr. Huberman that this experiment is the key to understanding biology and human evolution.  It certainly is key in understanding photo repair and regeneration of mammals for longevity.

UV light is what translated the POMC gene in mammals.  The only difference was that the silicon filtered UV wavelengths of light while the quartz did not. Gurwitsch theorized that onion roots could communicate with each other by ultraviolet light to stimulate mitosis.  It appears UV light ROS is key to moving the cell cycle along.  This idea implies there must be a break in the cell cycle at some level to induce photo repair.  It turns out there is 380nm light.  Note in the slide below how at 380 nm ROS from UV light drops like a rock.  My Kruse for Dummies attendees will remember what Shannon said about messages and their entropy.  What makes a message memorable?  THEY HAVE TO BE UNUSUAL TO BE NOTEWORTHY.

Messages have to be unusual to be recognized optically.  A sudden drop off of ROS fits that bill.  When they are unusual entropy drops in a system.  When we heal, we are decreasing entropy in a cell because we are restoring order from chaos.

Coincidentally, this is the frequency that seems to be associated with the catabolic anabolic switch of mTOR, and the creation of docosanoids and elovanoids of DHA breakdown.  Does nature engage in coincidences or does she have a plan few see?


Humans are filled with trillions of cells with their associated 100,000s of biochemical reactions and this means quadrillions of light photons are transformed from the matter in those biochemical pathways.  This is why a loss of melanin efficiency can create havoc we call disease because we use it to create chemical energy when the biochemical energy pathways are defective for any reason!

This is the essence of the melanin renovation Rx. There is no replacement for the sun ever.  If anyone tells you this, you must run as far from their advice as possible.

380 nm light is not always present at all latitudes, hence this is why sunlight is always linked to longevity.  The further you are away from the equator the further you are from melanin regeneration.  We all just saw this recapitualted in Denis Ranacourt thesis on all cause mortality in COVID.  Trust me I did no miss that nugget.  I am also sure Nayib Bukele will be happy about this news too at my “Age of Light” presentation on March 14, 2024.  

Your body contains literally trillions of cells. In only one second of time, just one of your cells is typically involved in over 100,000 chemical reactions. Now think of ALL the cells in your body undergoing ALL these chemical reactions on a continual basis. As you can see, there is a massive amount of cellular activity taking place in your body at any one time – it’s almost incomprehensible. How can your body coordinate all these biological reactions?

The use of semiconduction allows for this control.  One of our genomes creates one part of our wide-band gapped semiconductors.  Nucelar DNA controls the protein side.  Mitochondrial DNA controls the water portion of these semiconductors.  The combination of both is what is the real basis that made complex life possible after the Great Oxygenation event on Earth.

I reject the biochemical view of life, as Gilbert Ling did.  Hopefully, you can now see why these new concepts caused quite a stir in the centralized scientific community because they only accepted a more static, linear view of the body’s biochemistry.  None of them know this occurs below the level of their understanding and fewer realize a physicist has already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt this is occurring in every living thing below the perception of most scientists.  You have to be curious to dig.  (see below pic)

Another biophysics lesson above:  The Moai statues of Easter Island are a lot like modern biochemistry domination of centralized healthcare.  Since the 1930s what has been published in books was all centralized science saw.  It was the Moai heads………..

It is not what you know that matters……..it is what you notice that will cause you to dig deeper when your mind is well and thinking in decentralized fashion.

Then the quantum scientists and clinicians decided to look where the centralized rulers of modern truth didn’t and new perspectives manifest.  Never forget this lesson.   Your perspective frames your beliefs.  None of them looked at the absorption spectra of the proteins tied to photo repair.  I did and that is why people who follow me win and why those who do not are in Big Pharma prisons.

Intelligence and capability are not enough today. There must also be a passion fueling the actions of doing something beautiful. Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of modern morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a modern person to question the very foundations of all centralized institutions because these people simply assumed the responsibility of critically thinking = Survival of the Wisest  >>>> survival of the fittest.  Being fit is no longer the best longevity option.  Decentralized critical thinking has replaced it.


A Russian scientist, Sergey Mayburov, observed that eggs from fish and frogs released biophotons that communicated with each other in short, synchronized, quasi-periodic bursts.

His previous experiments showed that fish eggs which had been stored in different locations were able to coordinate their growth and development with each other through the use of specialized biophotons.

This is another example of how the light emitted from cells (“biophotons”) is able to carry sophisticated information that affected other biological systems in the environment. This certainly alters mainstream concepts about how the body’s biological systems truly work.  I am not interested in centralized science accepting my work.  I want to burn that paradigm to the ground and begin anew.  With a new understanding of how we should be treating patients.


Coherence vs. Incoherence

Biophotons created from melanin are characterized by light coherence which is composed of highly structured and organized frequencies of light. Think of an orchestra where all the players are playing instruments with the same rhythm. When the music is synchronized, it is harmonious and pleasant to listen to. That’s coherence.

Now, picture a few orchestra members who are way “off the beat,” playing at different speeds. This discordant music sounds chaotic – not pleasant at all. That’s incoherence.

When melanin is degraded or destroyed or water is missing from the matrix the orchestra cannot play and sounds bad and that is fundamentally what disease is.

The goal of your cells’ continual release of biophotons is to create coherence in your body’s orchestra of all its parts – to build the most harmonious, healthy body.

Melanin seems to work best with biophoton emission.  Biophotons consist of light with a high degree of order, in other words, biological “laser” light. Such a light is very quiet (low-noise) and shows an extremely stable intensity, without the fluctuations normally observed in light. Because of their stable field strength, its waves can superpose, and by virtue of this, constructive and destructive interference effects become possible that do not occur in ordinary light.

The biophoton release in humans occurs in the visible and UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum at ultra-low intensities, on the order of 10^-16 – 10^-18 W/cm2.

When I was in medical school we used Lehninger’s book on biochemistry to learn the topic.  I remember reading a passage in that book.  He himself was a biochemist and became a Nobel Prize winner.  He mentions in his textbook that some reactions in the living cell happen quite a lot faster than what corresponds to a 37-degree temperature. The explanation seems to be that the body purposely directs chemical reactions by means of electromagnetic vibrations (biophotons).

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11277492/  Tyrosine has a massive effect on alpha MSH production.  So does tyramine and why things that have it must be avoided during a renovation.

The other aromatic amino acid phenylalanine has the opposite effect.  People using protein powders and manufactured food supplements in the body-building community or for ketogenic lifestyles are imbibing massive levels of phenylalanine without knowing it.  They believe they are avoiding sugar and substituting an amino acid sweetener and there are no consequences of this decision.  This is wrong.  Many of them find after training they cannot tan well so they use melotan products to darken their skin.  They have no idea the artificial sweeteners in the protein powders are doing them in.  After aspartame intake, plasma phenylalanine level is increased, thus influencing neurotransmitter concentration in the brain, and not in a good way. High levels of plasma Phenylalanine actually inhibit tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylase, the latter of which is necessary for melanin, melatonin, and catecholamine synthesis.  Decreasing all three of these by using artificial foods has massive collateral effects on health and can lead to many disorders and early death.  (see below)

This is why diet soda makes you FATTER.  You are degrading melanin.  In fact all diabetic and fat loss diet aids keep you fat by design.  Yes, I went there.

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/19/3/746#   plants

Dr. Peter Gariaev, a Russian scientist who created the GDV camera, placed some human DNA inside a tiny quartz container and then zapped it with a mild laser (which emits a genuine coherent form of light). The DNA acted like a sponge that absorbed the laser’s light frequencies, storing them for up to 30 days inside an unusual cork-screw-shaped spiral. Even more interesting is that Dr. Gariaev found that after he removed the quartz vial with the DNA, his machines still detected photons of light that were spiraling in the same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA were still present. This “phantom” spiral seemed to persist for another 30 days.

Dr. Gariaev’s work suggests that as-yet-undiscovered forces act to hold the DNA light emissions in place. Does your own cellular DNA exchange information (in the form of light frequencies) with the external energy field in which it is located? In essence, this appears to be the case. This makes sense when you understand Dr. Luc Montagnier’s experiments I mentioned in the Huberman/Rubin podcast.  The biophoton effect of our bodies is like a giant energy antenna that is able to constantly send and receive signals by interacting with the external biofield around it.


https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/19/10/3211   PEMF with Helmhotz coils might be helpful but no power density studies in humans have shown good results like we see in Zebrafish.  More work needs to be done on this possibility as of 2024.  Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is the master gene involved in pigmentation and it works in concert with mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and peptides mtDNA liberate.  We do not know enough yet to recommend this.

We do know however the use of PEMF is plausible because of Dr. Frohlich.

Dr. Herbert Frohlich (1905-1991), who I wrote about on my blogs 15 years ago, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics, believed that radiation and oscillating waves were responsible for synchronizing the body’s cell divisions and sending chromosomal instructions to various parts of the body.  This is reminiscent of the ephaptic neuron transmissions I mentioned in the Huberman/Rubin Tetragrammaton podcast.

Frohlich found in his physics lab that a collective body vibration or frequency was responsible for getting the body’s proteins to cooperate with each other and to carry out the instructions of cellular DNA. He called these “Frohlich frequencies.”

We now know this as molecular resonance theory.  Turin used these ideas to reject the lock and key mechanism that was given a Nobel Prize.

Frohlich’s research showed that once energy reached a certain threshold, cells began to vibrate in unison until they reached a high level of coherence. Once cells reached this state of coherence, they could take on certain remarkable qualities of quantum mechanics, including non-locality — or the ability to interact with the external field (the environment) they were located.

What does it all mean with respect to the Melanin Renovation Rx?

To brilliantly feed our personal “body of light,” we need a copious amount of sun.  The sun is irreplaceable in this renovation.  POMC needs abundant UV stimulus to make the system all work with fidelity.  The stronger the better.  Your job is to refill every nook and cranny of your cells at the electronic level with energy.  Sunlight is the best way because our system is adapted best to full spectrum light.

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/19/10/3149    (avoid ginger because it blocks melanin too due to its anti-inflammatory effects on COX and LOX enzymes)


You want to avoid all products with aspartame as well during melanin renovation.

Aspartame consists of two amino acids (L-phenylalanine and L-aspartic acid). It is hydrolyzed and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (GI) through the action of esterase and peptidases. Digestion releases methanol (10%), aspartic acid (40%) and phenylalanine (50%)

Phenylalanine (Phy) is needed to synthesize tyrosine, dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. However, Phy demonstrates a strong affinity to large neutral amino acid (LNAA) carrier systems, thus competitively inhibiting other amino acids which rely on this carrier system (tyrosine, tryptophan) and preventing them from crossing the BBB. Tyrosine is how melanin is made best in humans.  Tryptophan creates melatonin.  These things are both hindered by exogenous phenylalanine use.

Who eats more aspartame than anyone?  Bodybuilders who compete and eat food products and those who try to lose weight using bro science.

Many bodybuilders have made the mistake of believing this bro science from gyms. Drink a Diet Coke after tanning to lock in the tan before a meet.

Aspartame -> Phenylalanine -> L-DOPA -> L-DOPA quinone -> melanin.

This bro science is 100% false.  Drinking or eating anything with aspartame in it is the best way to lose a tan because it makes the cell hypoxic.  Second best is chronic airplane travel.  Try to avoid this when you are trying to rebuild melanin.

Aspartame stimulates melanin degradation.  Aspartame intake also results in elevated H2O2 levels and methanol levels, placing added oxidative stress on cells, and both act to lower melanin levels.  H2O2 bleaches melanin and methanol is metabolized to formic acid and formaldehyde which ruins protein semiconduction.  Aspartame has another nasty side effect on melanin.  It also increases cortisol, via ACTH signaling further mimicking blue light stress and this decreases alpha MSH functioning.  It is a compound that atrophies the skin and gut microbiome.  Its use in bodybuilders is why many of them have short lives. Use of aspartame is a neurotoxin and stimulates many of the pro-inflammatory pathways that increase inflammation.  Andy Haman died from aggregation of platelets for example.  For example, methanol is an aspartame metabolite and it causes increased levels of free radicals resulting in damage to the cell membrane, caused by peroxidation of fatty acid in the phospholipids leading to a pro-inflammatory cascade of cytokines that lead to clotting.  These cytokines, in turn, damage cellular components such as melanin, platelets, proteins, and nucleic acid lesions, as well as gene damage and repair resulting in apoptosis or necrosis.  Methanol inhibits phosphorylation in all cell lines.

Note the meatheads online think these three guys below are FIT and know more than me because I do not look like them.  The question for you after this blog is, were they WISE even though you thought their facades were better than mine?  Do you want a manufactured facade or an epic brain to live out your life?

Recall that mitochondrial uses calcium atoms for signaling (pic is above in blog).  Aspartame activates various calcium channels in neurons resulting in cell death. Calcium influx activates calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). CaMKII induces the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB-P) pathway.  The top picture in this blog shows you this pathway.

In addition, elevated free radical levels decrease enzyme activity in the liver in these people.  This also degrades melanin because it degrades glutathione.  Aspartame directly alters glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities.

Aspartame also has aspartic acid in it.  Aspartate is an excitotoxic substance that destroys melanin. Persistent aspartame intake also results in a decrease in hippocampal acetylcholinesterase activity. Lowering ACh fosters beta-sheet protein folding and this destroys the hippocampus.  All these mentioned factors affect learning skills and memory.  They are also seen in Type 2 diabetics and in Alzheimer’s disease.  Many long-term bodybuilders destroy their sleep and brains by using these products while working out in a blue-lit gym and no one sees how this creates early-onset disease by melanin destruction.

Mitochondrial oxidative stress leads to apoptosis of adrenal and brain cells. Long-term administration of aspartame has been found to result in degenerative changes in protein folding.  Bodybuilders have a propensity to lose their minds.  Combined use of aspartame in their supplements, anabolic steroids, and melotan products all act to cause active neurodegeneration of the brain.

Aspartame has been found to be amyloidogenic, being able to spontaneously assemble into an amyloid-like nanostructure, with more intensive aggregation observed at higher aspartame concentrations. The aggregation is characterized by the formation of β-like structures. Moreover, existing aspartame fibrils can induce the formation of amyloid-like structures from other molecules such as proteins and peptides. The structure formed by aspartame can initiate β-sheet aggregation in the Aβ1-40 peptide. This process leads to the formation of Aβ-amyloid fibrils, which are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

This results in damage to the brain and peripheral nervous system.  This includes the sciatic nerves, including demyelination, disruption, and splitting of myelin lamellae, lamellar structure deformation, and myelin loop formation, as well as irregular thickening of myelin sheaths. In addition, other, less frequent axonal changes can be observed: axons can be shrunk, compressed, and distorted, their mitochondria can be swollen, as well as RER dilatation and vacuolation of Schwann cell cytoplasm. Aspartame also appears to have a negative influence on the cerebral and cerebellar cortex.  Many bodybuilders have Rhomberg sign just from the combined use of aspartame and melotan products.

Paul Poloczek was a known heavier user of melotan products and aspartame in his diet to limit the use of glucose while fueling a rise in cortisol due to his blue lit gym addictions.  Because aspartame intake also results in elevated H2O2 levels, it places added oxidative stress on cells,  This has been confirmed in studies recording elevated nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation levels after a 90-day diet with aspartame. Cite 1 is below.

Many people blame other things on skin and microbiome issues.  There is no doubt they are multifactorial, but blue light, fake food sweeteners, and blue light works outs all destroy the skin and gut microbiome.  When you add in anabolic steroids it is no shock that the skin facade shows the melanin damage happening below endogenously.  Go back above and see what I said about leptin signaling and IL-8 in the skin.  The picture below SHOWS IT TO YOU.

Many will look at the physique and not observe the real problem unfolding before their own eyes.  I always point it out.  So when people tell you fitness leads to survival why do you still believe it?  In our modern world, it is no longer true.  It is another half-lie that needs to be dissected via Nature’s laws.

^^^This skin here is due to a massive dietary influx of aspartame in fake foods in combination with light stress and PEDs.  How?  Aspartame can induce contact dermatitis, manifested by skin inflammation, and this has been attributed to an accumulation of formaldehyde in the skin, which is a known metabolite of aspartame.

However, daily aspartame intake must be huge to induce formaldehyde accumulation. The amount of protein powder and liquid supplements people like this guy above takes causes the skin atrophy effect.  It also causes a loss of the microbiome in his skin to deal with bacteria.  He does not know that his blood-brain barrier and gut barriers remain open to toxins constantly as he eats this way under the blue light while he remains addicted to his tech devices.

The picture above = what diabetic retinopathy looks like on my retinal exams too.

As melanin is degraded you will see red splotches all over the skin as vessels come to the area of inflammation.  Such effects have been observed in both adults and children.  When sunlight affects the skin properly these effects can be mitigated.  Imagine that, sunlight has reduced the inflammation on his neck where melanin is and it shows up with a vengeance where his shirt blocked the sunlight.  Are you seeing a trend yet?


Tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme, responsible for the formation of the melanin of skin, hair, and eye in mammals. In addition, tyrosinase is found in animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms.  NSAIDs block tyrosinase just like suncreams do (cite #2).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to act by directly suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase (COX), the key enzyme catalyzing the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which induce inflammation. Therefore, NSAIDs are generally used to treat pain, inflammation, and fever. Moreover, researchers have now reported that NSAIDs are able to prevent the development of cancer in the colon, breast, stomach, and lungs. These biological effects of NSAIDs are the result of their ability to induce apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.  This was popularized during the approval and early sale of Bextra and Vioxx for colon polyposis.  Both drugs were soon removed from the market for causing cardiac deaths.  Since I treated a lot of older Americans with osteoarthritis of the spine I wanted to know what I should look for in those at risk for cardiac disease from the use of these drugs.  Many people did not look into the cause of the cardiac abnormalities 20 years ago but I did.  I found out that all altered catecholamine synthesis and melanin at some level caused their diseases.  I never forgot that.

According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association NSAIDs are among the top 3 drugs used by people who use resistance training in the USA.  So, this means people spending time in blue-lit gyms lifting weights are creating massive amounts of inflammation from their workouts and from the blue-lit in their gyms.  As the inflammation piles up they reach for NSAIDs to make them feel better.  It turns out this is not wise.  Not only do NSAIDs not limit pain when your blue light/nnEMF is toxic, but they also block tyrosinase and decrease melanin renovation.

The best anti-inflammatory on Earth is sunlight.  The second best one is aspirin but it still blocks melanin synthesis.  This is why it is second best. Why?  ASA does not have the same efficiency as NSAIDS on tyrosinase or on DHA resolvins and elovanoids (cite #3).

Make no mistake about it though, ASA still blocks melanin production in humans as the picture below shows.  Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (Mitf) is a critical factor in melanin synthesis.  I have found 380 nm light to be the best stimulator for this gene.  Once activated, Mitf promotes gene transcription by binding the promoter region of the tyrosinase gene. Interestingly, aspirin inhibited the Mitf gene at the transcriptional level. This leaves people with atrophic skin who cannot turn on the production of melanin.  Because there is still a suppression of the Mitf gene by aspirin, we now know its use depresses the tyrosinase gene and the subsequent inhibition of melanogenesis.  This should immediately get many centralized physicians to begin to question how algorithms in stroke and in STEMI are being used today in ED all across the globe pushed by the AMA (pic above).  Does it make any sense when you see things from this perspective?

This is why I favor SUN as the BEST anti-inflammatory on Earth for all diseases. If you are still hurt from any disease after a sun tan it means you need more sun not less.  Pain thresholds are linked to solar energies stored in cells.  This is why drug addicts all have low Vitamin D levels when pain specialists look.  Sadly few do.  It explains why most musicians use too many drugs too.  They are shift workers who rarely see the sun while using electrified instruments under fake light.

It means the amount of inflammation in your body is a lot higher than you can imagine.  Light stress in modern life is the main driver of most of these inflammatory cascades in my opinion. It is blatantly obvious to anyone who looks deeper than a biochemistry book printed by Big Pharma grants and centralized labs paid to publish rubbish.


After decades of layered misinformation (updated and published every 5 years starting in 1980 til the present) by the US government (USDA and HHS) imbedded in the USDA Food Guidelines and summarily adopted and supported by all national health organizations, I came to the realization in medical shool I had no trust in our government or any national health organization.  This set the stage for my career and why I think I figured this chronic disease issue out.

“Science” is the word Master or Public Health experts like to throw around on social media but the truth of the matter is they have used for 50 years to abuse the health of the public and no one in media has held them accountable and no Constitution protects the public from these people on the globe as of today.    Did COVID-19 response foster public health or public harm? Was the “cure” worse than the disease?  The after market data is a clear now.

For some of us we thought it was clear in 2019 and 2020 but we were censored.    Words are empty if you don’t act upon them. Action requires purpose. You shouldn’t mistake activity with achievement. To act is to apply. to change, to transform. To assess the quality of thoughts of people, I don’t listen to their words any longer in public health, but I do watch their actions.  And then I come up with a plan for my tribe.  Then I teach them that plan.

Now is the time for error correction for world governments.  Medical tyranny has to stop and there is only one way to put a decentralized feedback loop in to healthcare to stop it.  On March 16, 2024 come on down to El Salvador and make sure you are wearing all white if you attend and see what this decentralized plan is all about.  The health summit is being put on by the Palestra Society and it will be called the “Age of Light”.

Now you can see why we want you all in white……………

You’ll find out how decentralized public health is returned to the people once and for all.   Start at the beginning and question everything: lockdowns, asymptomatic transmission, mask mandates, claims about immunity/variants, and all the bullshit treatments pushed by centralized government mandates and toss them in the trash.    We shall be talking all about the tragic comedy of errors that allopathic medicine has been engaged in and start talking about the decentralized solutions we have at our disposal.  Follow all these people below.




Change is coming to the world regardless if they are ready for it or not.

Skeptics and critics who lack wisdom often fall prey to their own expediency. These hungry critics are devoid of understanding. This is why the critic is always in a hurry to sentence those who have skin in the right game.   They push other small minds to hang “a sentence sign” on these people who threaten their positions in society. They do this so their followers can try to lynch someone who believes something they cannot fathom is true. In health decision making, when practicality and morality are polarized and you must choose a side.   You must do what you think is correct, rather than what you think is practical if you are ever to succeed. When ignorant people don’t understand a mitochondriac’s behavior—who cares what they think?

This is about survival of the wisest now, and not survival of the fittest. Their request that we must only do what the ignorant understand is their attempt to dictate and control narratives to us. It is immaterial to the ignorant who is right or wrong in any topic these days on social networks, just so long as their meme wins crowdsourcing on social media. If this is being “asocial” or “irrational” to the ignorant’s eyes, so be it.   Mostly they resent a mitochondriac’s freedom and our courage to think for ourselves. Mitochondriacs owe nobody an explanation or an accounting of facts, especially the ignorant.   I let them sink under the wieght of their own Dunning Kruger effect and watch from afar as evolution weeds them out based upon their beliefs.  My position is we need to make the Twitter life of these people a total misery by highlighting his gaslighting of the people who were wise to avoid the opinion of centralized medicine and pseudoscience of Fauci, Collins, Daszak, Gates, DoD, Trump, Biden, and Trudeau.   I hope my Twitter followers teach these ass clowns a lesson in 2024. They deserves everything they get in my view.

THE BOTTOM LINE:  If you are told not to question it by a government, it’s not science, it’s control & tyranny tied to a power grab. Simple end of report.

Heresy has classically been considered dangerous to the indoctrinated “believers”. Heresy isn’t really dangerous; it’s progress for the innovators because they can use their minds and imaginations to observe things that are hard to observe. What we observe is not nature in itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning.  If we do not have the tools to see what nature is up to we can never observe her methods, but it does not mean this cannot occur.   The laws of classical physics forbade Einstein from innovating prior to 1905. It didn’t seem to get in his way, did it?  Pay attention to nature and nothing in centralized medicine will get in your way either when you’re looking for answers to your illness today.  The last few podcasts I did I was warming up for this blog.  I was warming up for what I am going to bring to the world in 2024.

Today, corporations and NGOs are using their money to make sure many of these observations remain outside of the literature.  Realize that is why they try to control the methodologies in the research they FUND.  Game, Set, Match.  This is how centralized PEER operates to keep the public sick.

I just gave you my life’s work in a five dollar blog.  I made it cheap so this would go VIRAL.  Take several weeks to digest it.  You won’t have another blog for a while because I DEMAND YOU READ IT AND ASSIMILATE IT.

Print this blog up and hand it to every skeptic you know.  Gift it to your centralized doctor and tell him it is time to LEVER UP THEIR KNOWLEDGE.  It is time to change the world.  On March 16, 2024 just watch me do what centralized medicine, DoD, HHS, Big Pharma, tried to stop from me doing with that TED talk.  It is game on now.  I’ve got an Ark to build.



Ashok I., Wankhar D., Wankhar W., Sheeladevi R. Neurobehavioral changes and activation of neurodegenerative apoptosis on long-term consumption of aspartame in the rat brain. J. Nutr. Intermed. Metab. 2015;2doi: 10.1016/j.jnim.2015.09.001.






Longevity podcast:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tqseGnkbhM

DECENTRALIZED SCIENCE AND MEDICINE PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO4JwdXuXXs&t=5s




Life has a lot in common with Bitcoin.  On what slender threads do life and fortune hang…………on the eve of spot trading the ETF?  This is the last Bitcoin post in the series that began in 2020.

In the 1950s, the United States began asserting itself as an economic superpower, and Japan was just beginning its rebuild after the war.  In many ways, tomorrow will be the 1950s again, but for Americans invested in UST, USD, and fiat instruments, it might be the morning before the Enola Gay took flight on August 6, 1945.

Great people achieve great things not by doing what others tell them. They don’t believe in luck. They believe in themselves, and they truly want their dreams to materialize. They are consumed by their vision for the future.

A night like tonight, I wonder if my tribe listened to my admonitions in July of 2020 to go all in on Bitcoin.  Tonight, I wonder what tomorrow might look like for some of them when they realize what they have done for themselves.

This is why we have the Division Bell to listen to tonight.  Those who listened and those who didn’t will be in different moods.

For the trusting, you’ll receive simpler life pleasures, with fewer worries and a deeper felicity.

Tomorrow, many will learn the time machine of value cuts in two ways.  Time can be a great engraver or eraser of value, depending on how we choose.

Many here have had the bad fortune of seeing our lives fall apart so slowly that they barely noticed it.  Tomorrow might give them a new and last chance to stop that bleeding by permanently getting them to the sun to reverse their slow decline.

You’ve heard me say many times you are the CEO of you…….. you actually timestamp 99% of what centralized thinkers call luck.  It is fully within your control. You can create your own fortune on purpose. It’s entirely up to you.

You become what you think; that is how you fall into opportunities that forever change your fortunes.  The risk-averse call it luck, the wise call it an opportunity.  The decentralized thinker recognizes opportunities early, they see it in their mind before reality give us the possibilities, and they know by doing things a little bit different from others, and taking risks, they can engineer something from nothing by thinking better now than they did before.

I hope my tribe realizes why they came here.  You can plant the seed of luck in your life on purpose by investing in deliberate actions that will get you closer to your ultimate goal in life.  No matter why you are here.

If you missed this opportunity, keep Talking to yourself to get to this level of thinking.  Learn from it.  I’m wondering tonight where they will all go from here.

Here’s the simple lesson on the eve of ETF trading:  Go back and re-read all those Patreon blogs on Bitcoin and tell what you got and what you missed.

Tonight’s lesson on time:  you will not build the life you want without a fair amount of consistent proof of work.

The most important currency there is, is our attention.

Enjoy whatever you’ve chosen tomorrow.


Why do we defer to expert opinion? When “experts” are wrong, they’re rarely held accountable, and they rarely admit it, either. They insist that they were just off on timing, blindsided by an improbable event, or almost right or wrong for the right reasons. 

An abundance in life is also decentralized.  Having more and desiring less leads you home.

They have the same repertoire of self-justifications that everyone has and are no more inclined than anyone else to revise their beliefs about how the world works or ought to work just because they made a mistake.  Growth can happen in a myriad of ways; now go wake up your luck in your way!


What did I teach you about long ago about how polar bears and penguins repel cold temperatures so they can live in polar water? How did they do it?  Why do we struggle with it??   What do they both eat, and where do they both live?  What is special about that environment?  Is there something special about these animals compared to us?  Do you sense an entanglement yet with these concepts? A food guru will struggle to see the gorgeous threads nature provides living quantum systems. A mitochondriac will begin to see something different.


The invisible threads nature weaves into electron and proton spin are the strongest ties in the quilt of our lives.   Today, this installation from the QUILT is about the foundations of thermodynamics in living systems.  How these new concepts link to the quantum spin states of electrons and protons in mitochondria is critical to get correct before we can see nature’s wisdom manifest in tissues.

The aftermarket data of the COVID-19 vaccines show this to us all now, but few people see this lesson.  You must do so at the dawn of 2024.

People normally understand the law of increasing entropy as the tendency for things to get messier as time evolves. Still, the truth is stranger than fiction because it often makes no sense when you do not have all the data about the system in question. Still, science and mathematics now report that entropy actually leads to order in nature.  Dr. Mike Levin is looking under this specific rock constantly in his lab.  When he gets to this level, he’ll begin to understand how regeneration and morphogenesis operate using subatomic particles and light.

The philosopher steeped in epistemology will say, “Uncle Jack, why is this idea you are presenting to us at the beginning of 2024 not a thermodynamic paradox?”

Nature organizes living quantum systems using nothing but entropy.

Order in biology always emerges from DISORDER.

At its core, nature is asymmetric because of its atomic design.

The experiment I did above shows you this effect in real time.  What allows them to assume this pattern?  Is it a chemical bond?  Is it a hydrogen bond?  Is it electrostatics?  Is it some quantum effect?  No, it is none of those things.  The pattern emergence comes from the entropy I introduced into the system through the crafty knife cuts I put on all the pieces as I put them in the pan.

What is in the pan?  The organization of matter in the geometry of time and space gives matter a morphogenesis, an appearance.  What if I told you that altering the spin state of atoms creates order?  Would you believe it?

Many phenomena in self-organizing systems are interpreted in the centralized literature as navigation in a morphological space.

The concept of morphological space can describe the range of physical forms a species can exhibit in Nature.  The chaos in light can self-organize the things in matter to create a form.  In this way, light frequency is information.  Once light hits matter, it can be transformed into sound, which can be used to transform matter.

By navigating this space, the organism changes shape over time. Both morphogenesis and damage repair processes can be thought of as navigating this morphological space toward the stable adult form of the organism. Magnetism is a key way life gains its size and shape.  Free radicals are magnetic.  Most proteins in us act like semiconductors and are paramagnetic.  This means they are drawn to magnetic fields.  These small pieces of matter are like algorithms with instructions to rebuild the form.  The damage becomes impossible to heal for the organism if it is at a point in the morphological space outside the basin of attraction of the stable configuration.

Sonic Hedgehog and Vitamin A begin the regeneration process in almost all phyla.  They are also critical in morphogenesis.

The simplest example of self-organization is called the Ising Model in physics.

This model confounds food gurus.  The model acts as follows:  Mother Nature is informing the food gurus and biochemists that every day, she eats a bowl of the alphabet soup of atomic spins from the environment, and this causes her to shit out better questions than any modern centralized guru could propose.  What she is doing below the cell level is beyond their ability to fathom because of how they see the world.   

But what exactly is the Ising model?

Originally it was conceived as a simple explanation for magnetization effects in matter, the Ising model explores the interplay between interacting spins. When in proximity, these spins tend to align with each other, leading to an interaction energy denoted by H=−Js1⋅s2H=−Js1​⋅s2​.

When something becomes magnetized, spins are aligned, and the atomic lattice consumes energy; this gives it its form.  The addition of energy can change this form.  Light energy and temperature energy do this to cells in a circadian fashion.

What happens when lots of spins interact all at once in matter? Well, it depends on how they interact: The Ising Model comes in many different flavors that begin to help us understand how order comes from chaos.  Watch this video to understand how this operates in nature below your ability to sense it.  This is why Nature is hard to understand for food gurus and biochemists.  Mother Nature acts to levitate and fall asleep inside our atomic structure to drive what tissues are capable of.


VIDEO 2 is for the deep physics geeks.

In my opinion, why do all cells release ELF-UV?

UV light magnetizes matter easily to alter its spin state.  Many organic syntheses are substantially accelerated and decelerated or made possible in the first place by exposure to UV radiation.  Mother Nature knew this 3.6 billion years ago.  She used IR/heat in mitochondria to favor the spin choice of H+ over deuterium in certain locations in cells, and she allowed cells to release ELF-UV collected from sunlight to control both redox and detox action within cells because purple light harnessed from the sun knows how to clean up after itself with a small mess.

The Functional medicine food guru doctors have no idea this is how the process works because if they did, they would never offer sham detox/chelation programs to patients. The smart move is to put patients in sunlight, allow them to absorb UVA and UVB in a coupled thermodynamic fashion, and bury those frequencies in the topologic insulators inside cells.


You must learn the lesson of how we got to the idea that the spins of the subatomic world and how light can change them, and the charge of atoms can drive regeneration and morphogenesis programs in us.

Democritus is the key hero in the story.  He is mostly remembered today for formulating an atomic theory of the cosmos.  Much of his work has not survived.  What remained are anecdotes attributed to his ideas.  This idea is beautiful because quantum mechanics has not yet been broadly applied to biology.

One of Democritus’ arguments supporting atomism was that atoms naturally explain the sharp phase boundaries observed in materials, as we see when ice melts to water or water turns to steam. His idea was that small changes in atomic-scale properties would lead to big changes in the aggregate behavior. This defines the butterfly effect of Lorenz. Others believed that matter is inherently continuous, not atomic and that the large-scale properties of matter are not reducible to basic atomic properties.

While the laws of chemical bonding made it clear to nineteenth-century chemists that atoms were real, the debate continued well into the early twentieth century among physicists. Atomists, notably James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann, applied Hamilton’s formulation of Newton’s laws to large systems and found that the statistical behavior of the atoms correctly describes room-temperature gases. However, classical statistical mechanics did not account for all the properties of liquids, solids, or gases at low temperatures.

Once modern quantum mechanics was formulated in the early 20th century, atomism was no longer in conflict with real experiments in the lab, but this still did not lead to a universal acceptance of statistical mechanics, which went far beyond atomism.

Josiah Willard Gibbs had given science a complete formalism to reproduce the laws of thermodynamics from the laws of mechanics. However, many faulty arguments have survived from the 19th century, when statistical mechanics was considered dubious by the paradigm of thought in power. The lapses in intuition mostly stemmed from the fact that the limit of an infinite statistical system has many zero-one laws which are absent in finite systems: an infinitesimal change in a parameter can lead to big differences in the overall aggregate behavior, as Democritus expected.

This enigma remains today in the self-organization of cells that defines how chaos becomes order when small things in cells begin to exert their effect, on the whole, to define what the cell is capable of physiologically.  This is the edge of modern developmental biology on January 1, 2024.

THE YEAR IN CIRCADIAN REVIEW………..2023 key papers


A day in your life on Earth is just a collection of hours, but a life to a person is a collection of memories that build a coherent wisdom.  It requires you to be awake during the day and asleep when the sun is absent.  This rule is axiomatic for diurnal mammals.  The final blog of 2023 brings you the best papers to illuminate the ideas in this opening paragraph.

Why is melanopsin/retinol key to understanding all human disease? In physics, time in itself, absolutely, does not exist; it is always relative to some observer or some object because of how light builds it. Without a clock I say ‘I do not know the time’. You do not. This is why evolution built one in the SCN and uses melanopsin and retinol to control the peripheral clock genes to drive renovation. The SCN clock must run fast than the melanopsin mechanism to make sense of the chaos around us.

The implications of this statement are far reaching. Without matter time itself is unknowable. Time is a function of matter; and matter therefore is the clock that makes infinity real. This is why the time crystals in you are coded for DNA. If you ask me, the brain, in fact all neuroectoderm was innovated by evolution to tell time. I think it is the single most important function of the nervous system.

Time is a function of how entropy flows and entropy flows according to how heat flows in a system. Mitochondria create heat when they are irradiated by light. Clocks become more accurate the higher periodicity they have. Daily & seasonal light alters the circadian periodicity of clock genes. The diurnal changes of sunlight from sunrise to sunset change the amount of water made in your mitochondria. Sunlight creates water.

Biology is so difficult to explain without understanding what light is doing at the subcellular level. What an impressive cycling process like a multifunction relay signaling flow switch multiplied to reduce. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just use numbers. Then everyone would get it crystal clear even the fifth grader.

1. Sato and Sato said in their July 2023 paper that “the circadian regulation of metabolism for health and disease, “dominates” metabolic homeostasis =  light trumps food.  Imagine that.


2. Light disrupts clock gene BMAL1.  CLOCK and BMAL1 are positive regulators of circadian gene expression, and PER and CRY are the negative regulators that operate under day and night cycles.

And in a curious feed-forward mechanism, CLOCK and BMAL1 enhance SIRT1 expression… genetic deletion of any of these players induces insulin resistance.  Indoor life under manufactured light decrease SIRT 1 causing insulin resistance.  No food needed.  Do you hear that?

Did you know in in 2023 we found out that the very same core clock gene, Bmal1,that impaired glucose absorption in the intestine in mice also happens in humans?  No food needed.  Just bad light can do it.  This goes on to affect systemic glucose homeostasis.  Imagine that.  https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/163/9/bqac119/6651710

3.  SIRT 1 lowers with INDOOR living.

Why is this a big deal?

NAD+ is one of the more immediate players in cytochrome 1 that is a huge driver of circadian biology in humans.  It is the coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). It participates in a variety of redox reactions in the matrix that help generate DDW.  Solar exposure and fasting work with light frequencies to slow ECT flow and this can increase the intracellular NAD/NADH ratio if the light environment is dominated by sunlight.  It won’t do this with artificial light.  It lowers NAD+.  This is what sets off a cascade of circadian events that can destroy tissues because they involve epigenetics and the regulation of growth and metabolism of man.  LIGHT DOES THIS.  NOT FOOD OR FUELS.

SUN + fasting -> NAD+ -> SIRT1 -> BMAL1/CLOCK -> NAMPT -> NAD+

NAD+ major effect is to activate the sirtuins as the reaction above shows.  This is a family of deacetylase enzymes.  When you understand what UV and IR light are doing to a matrix, you can see why fasting could potentially be seen as a circadian reset biohack.  It won’t work in fake light when ALAN is present.

SIRT1 also activates PGC1a in liver (Rehan et al., 2014), which enhances fatty acid oxidation, at a time when HUMANS require it during sleep in the absence of ALL light at night.   https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnmol.2018.00496/full

4. Centralized scientism relies on mice studies to create beliefs they hold to be truthful as part of the dogma.  Did you know despite the importance of the mouse in centralized research, the levels of circulating gonadal steroids across the estrous cycle are not established with any temporal precision?  True.  The observations made in the study once again prove the decentralized axiom that you can never learn the truth from lab mice without light controls.  Why?  The paper provided the first detailed assessment of fluctuating gonadal steroid and reproductive hormone levels across the mouse estrous cycle and it indicated that species differences exist between mice and other spontaneously ovulating mammalian species.  Imagine that.  https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/164/6/bqad070/7159815

5. Many textbooks on biochemistry and endocrinology will tell you growth hormone is released during slow wave sleep.  It is simply not true.  POMC controls it in the medial basal hypothalamus.

GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (SRIF; somatostatin). GHRH stimulates GH release whereas SRIF inhibits GH. Human males exhibit life long ‘pulsatile’ secretion versus female’s who exhibit a ‘continuous’ secretion from their somatotrophs.  One sex continuously makes endogenous UV light biophontons in the hypothalamus and one does not.   UV light stimulates POMC translation and cleavage.

  • Slow waves (SWs) are thought essential for sleep-dependent recovery processes.
  • Their amplitude, incidence, frequency and slope reflect synaptic strength.
  • Their regulation has been postulated to be independent of circadian phase by centralized dogma.
  • We now have data below that all characteristics of SWs depend on circadian phase control of the SCN


When melanin is degraded by hypoxia it becomes norepinephrine and dopamine.   Norepinephrine decreases GH secretion by increasing the release of somatostatin. This central effect, due to the activation of α1-adrenergic receptors, has been demonstrated in mammals.

Dopaminergic agonists have been shown to increase GH release, as well as to decrease hypoglycemia-, levodopa-, and arginine-induced increases in GH release. Because dopamine can increase both GHRH and somatostatin release, it appears that this balance can change under different physiological conditions.  Light stress is critical here.

The dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (QE #47) is found within the dorsal brainstem tegmentum. It passes through the periaqueductal gray matter and contains both ascending and descending fibers.

The ascending fibers pass from the reticular formation (sleep center) passing to the hypothalamus thus transmitting information related to the viscera. In turn, the descending portion arises also from the hypothalamus and passes to a variety of brain areas responsible for processing pain, cardiorespiratory functions and the autonomic system. Finally, the efferent fibers will also terminate on the preganglionic fibers of the autonomic nervous system.


6.  Kids with high risk type 2 diabetes should have their urine assessed for circadian dysruption.  When melanin degrades internally more catecholamines are made and this will be filtered through the kidneys.  Urinary catecholamines are a great marker endogenous melanin destruction.


7. Why is shift work always associated with metabolic issues in humans?  Experimental circadian misalignment data have shown minimal effects on steroidogenesis at the adrenal gland level.    The same was not true of the sex steroids.  This is why gonadal cancers occur so often in shift workers. This dichotomy also predisposes night-shift workers to metabolic ill health. The decentralized clinician should always look at  the adrenal steroid cascade, including cortisol and the main adrenal androgen 11-ketostosterone.  Why?  It should always be evaluated during the biological morning in the case of shift workers because testosterone and estrogen, are highly dependent on the shift-work schedule.  https://academic.oup.com/jes/article/6/12/bvac153/6731224

PCOS is characterized by a constellation of interrelated reproductive abnormalities, including disordered gonadotropin secretion, increased androgen production, chronic anovulation, and polycystic ovarian morphology. It is frequently associated with insulin resistance and obesity. These reproductive and metabolic derangements cause major morbidities across the lifespan, including anovulatory infertility and type 2 diabetes (T2D).  Most centralized textbooks report PCOS has no known cause.  Shift work and light and night are the main offender.  The paper above explains why it happens.  No more mystery for PCOS ladies.  Turn the lights off after sunset and avoid all nnEMFs.  In Endocrine Reviews this year, authors Dapas and Dunaif discussed these insights

8.  Type 1 diabetic women teach us a lot about how light controls female oocyte behavior.

Often modern women living with type 1 diabetes complain of changes in glucose values according to the different phases of menstruation. This has been confirmed in several studies showing that the glycemic pattern varies according to the different phases of menstrual cycle in most women with T1D.  Why?  Did you know that menstuation links to NO and blood glucose variations in the capillary bed?

The moon used to control the reproductuve cycle in humans.  Artificial light from fire onward effectively extinguished this link in modern women.  Can we still experience the real effect in a disease model?  Yes.  Type 1 diabetic women show the effect because they have no light controls.  Normal non diabetic women experience a transient pregnenolone steal syndrome to stimulate ovulation.  This is how a light stress event every month was used by biology to control fertility timing.

Lunar cycles modulate the estrus cycle of many mammals because the moon can and does reflect blue light from the sun at night to the Earth as it goes through its revolutions monthly around Earth.  That is why they influence woman’s hormone cycles assuming she is properly connected to Earth, sun and the lunar cycles. MOST ladies aren’t properly coupled, therefore, their hormone effects are muted and lowered in modern females. This is why estrus has vanished in modern humans and proof it still has influence can be seen when women get together and live together their cycle will all become coupled oscillator again, just like molecular resonance theory predicts. When the negative and positive feedback loop in the circadian mechanism is uncoupled from one another the result is the extinction of both sides of the coupled system. This extinction effect manifests in the pregnenolone steal syndrome.  Look at the link of T1D to latitude below.

In high latitudes cold stimulates increasing blood glucose over time.

In T1D women glucose levels rise linearly throughout the menstrual cycle, reaching a maximum in the late luteal phase. Then a sharp decrease was seen for most participants at the beginning of menstrual bleeding.  This links light blood glucose to the lunar cycle because of how light varies.

T1D human females and corals teach us how important light is to fecundity.  Remember fecundity in humans is controlled by the leptin melanocortin pathways.

Among all, probably the most spectacular and documented event orchestrated by animals according to the lunar cycle is certainly the mass spawning of corals. Like inside a shaken snow globe, once every year, the barrier reef explodes of eggs and sperms, few days after Full Moon, during late spring/summer nights, a phenomenon even visible from space. Unfortunately, reef corals are losing this critical reproductive synchrony, due to the anthropogenic impact of artificial light at night. This phenomenon threatens several species, not only corals but entire reef communities.  This is why modern infertility in humans is increasing as well.

Starting with the beginning of the last century, a multitude of scientific studies have documented that the lunar cycle times behaviors and physiology in many organisms. It is plausible that even the first life forms adapted to the different rhythms controlled by the moon. Consistently, many marine species exhibit lunar rhythms, and also the number of documented “lunar-rhythmic” terrestrial species is increasing.

Organisms follow diverse lunar geophysical/astronomical rhythms, which differ significantly in terms of period length: from hours (circalunidian and circatidal rhythms) to days (circasemilunar and circalunar cycles). Evidence for internal circatital and circalunar oscillators exists for a range of species based on past behavioral studies, but those species with well-documented behaviorally free-running lunar rhythms are not typically used for molecular studies.

Thus, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely obscure: light reflection from of the moon varies with every day to increase blood glucose.

Lunar rhythms of light, dark, and gravitation changes cause alteration in the human transcriptome, proteome, and physiology. The proxy for these effects is seen in the hormonal variation of humans.

Most women who have circadian control experience a menstrual cycle that is connected to every new moon. And the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle seem to correspond to the 4 phases of the moon (new moon: menstruations, first quarter: follicular, full moon: ovulation and last quarter: lutheal).  https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/107/10/2793/6648857

9.  Papers are now out showing how POMC cleavage and light cause type 2 diabetes and lead to sleep apnea.  It turns out that the steeper your diurnal cortisol slope is, it will be associated with a smaller and higher midnight cortisol levels.  As this POMC effect occurs you will see a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people.  As this occurs the clinician should expect comorbid rise of hypertension and obstructive sleep apnea.  This is all due to light effects on POMC translation.  It shows you why type diabetics are created by modern light choices.  https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/108/9/e679/7109980

10.  Neurosurgeons deal with patients with Cushing disease due to pituitary tumors.  In my 30 year career one thing I always saw in every case I dealt with was a loss of the pulsatile effects of cortisol secretion in those with a tumor.  Because of this I knew light was behind the growth of the tumor.  Now we have a paper showing you my instincts were correct.  ACTH variability is suppressed in patient with Cushing disease, and that remission of the pulsatile release of cortisol is associated with restoration of this variability.  Seeing AM and PM light helps these people recover this ability tremendously and this is why seeing the sunrise and sunset matter in POMC biology.  https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/108/11/2812/7187942



In this list, you will get my insight into how I treat several diseases, like autism, long covid, and cancers.

I hope you carefully watch the video above before progressing.

Winning and nature have much in common

• Winning isn’t loyal to you

• Winning doesn’t care about you •

Winning doesn’t care  how sore you are

• Winning doesn’t care  how hard you work

• Winning doesn’t care how much sleep you get, either

But this should hit you like a punch in the face from Iron Mike Tyson if you are a mitochondriac.

Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown because nature requires you to live by her light laws and not the ones mandated by man?

Are you willing to dig deep to discover the truth about where diseases come from, or will you be a comfortably lazy centralized human buying the story of centralized paradigms?

The annual traditions continue but with a new twist.  Everyone knows about the 12 days of Christmas as a carol.  This year, I will use the song to create a list of the DUMMIES in your life.  If you want them to be wiser than they have been, this list is for you.

1.  On the first day of Christmas, you will receive “the gift of information” from me this year. The 12 days of Christmas begin with the gift of “CHARGE.” Did you know “charge” is conserved by nature?  Quantum mechanics tells us this. Uncle Jack, is this why Astra Zeneca and JNJ jabs were associated with more clots than myocarditis in Pfizer and Moderna jabs?  Yep. The liquid nanoparticles (LNP) charge was different in each jab.

The LNP of each jab has a unique “charge” density. It can have a neutral charge, positive charge (+), or negative charge (-).   The RNA and DNA have a negative charge (-). The ionizable lipids have a positive charge (+).

How do impurities from plasmids and SV 40 cause damage?  They alter the charge, too.  Inside the  positively charged lipids inside an RNA/LNP covalently bond w/ DNA plasmids, allowing positively charged lipids to “hitch a ride” into the nucleus with the DNA (as an adduct) of cells, impacting histones (and causing frameshift mutations and aggressive cancer):

For those who think this implausible, you are wrong.  This is an interesting study related to charge changes in brain cancer. “The observed alterations in biochemical profiles upon incubation with the Pfizer/BioNT in the specific organelles of the glial cells are similar to those we observe for brain cancer vs grade of aggressiveness.” HYPERLINK

Impurities in Positively Charged Lipids in the LNP can MUTATE mRNA in LNP (Packer et al., 2021), potentially mutating other nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) that could lead to: -Point mutation -Aberrant Protein (toxic) -Noncoding (can be oncogenic) -Misfold that protein/aggregation.

Any RNA impacted would not express protein properly. Could cause cellular toxicity and immunogenicity. Reaction with nucleic acids can lead to gene mutation/carcinogenesis. An aberrant protein can have altered amino acid sequences, folding patterns, and functional properties.  Partial Translation or Misfolding: truncated proteins or proteins with missing functional domains can lead to disease and oncogenesis.  This could impact human RNA/DNA if it comes in contact. Positively charged lipids may enter the nucleus if contaminated with DNA. HYPERLINK

Electrons are negatively charged protons, and deuterium is positively charged.   Charge density actually determines where in the body it goes and what it does.   This is basic redox chemistry at work in your tissues. It’s why I see so many clots in brains irradiated by blue light RF and microwaves from tech devices some humans abuse.

Bonus gift on day one:  did you know nnEMF alters charge in different octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum?  Guess which one neutralizes charge best?  Visible spectrum octave. Imagine that. Might this be why Corona = sun is linked to the family of viruses tied to this shit storm created by Fauci et al. In Wuhan and Ukraine bioweapon labs?

Evil done with good intent is bottomless.


Anything with an altered negative charge in humans usually appears first in the lungs, then blood, and then the brain. Ask any ER doctor what the progression of death march for clots in Emergency rooms post mandate. Answer you’ll get:  first, we saw Pulmonary Embolisms, then we saw clots in weird vessels, and now we see 7-13 brain bleeds a week like this one below in a 43-year-old vegan bodybuilder.

This is the epidemiological window of how altered redox changes in mammals with variable mitochondrial capacity in organs. It is the quantum mechanics of charge loss at a tissue level because charge is a physical trait that is conserved by Nature.

2.  On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a circumpolar flight.   How does charge work on planes?

What other things do humans do that alter charge fast and do similar things?  Ever taken a circumpolar flight through a proton shower and seen an aurora?  Yep. Ask Carrie Fisher how that worked out.  There are lessons everywhere in Nature if your mind is open. Remember, the fruit doesn’t magically appear immediately when you plant seeds. So it is with health and disease.

Hey, can you ground well when you fly?  NOPE.   Grounding is how we transfer charge from the sun to Earth and into us.  We must have melanin, water, and other batteries in us to hold the charge.  You will learn about them below.


3. Whether we realize it or not, we carry in our mouths the legacy of our evolution under the power of Mother Nature. Our teeth are like living fossils that can be studied and compared to those of our ancestors to teach us how we became human.   You may not know that transitioning from yesterday’s ignorance, misapprehension, and superstition to today’s enlightened and nerve-deadened protocols has been a long, slow, and very painful process for me.

I want to share a story relayed to me by an ENT specialist.

Lindsey Hanes burst into tears at the wheel of her black Dodge Caravan when she left her son’s doctor appointment. It was ugly crying that many people saw in the parking lot. Heaving sobs. Through raindrops on her car window, she glanced back at the medical building she’d just exited. That therapist in the ENT office had been her last hope to address her son Micah’s sleep and breathing problems. Her sweet, cheerful baby had transformed into a withdrawn, ornery, uncooperative 5-year-old. As a registered “nighttime ICU nurse,”   The picture below really explains Micah’s real problem.

Hanes felt convinced that sleep deprivation lay at the root of his problems. He snored, tossed and turned at night, and woke up with bags under his eyes. At age 4, Micah underwent a sleep study and received a diagnosis of apnea — intermittent waking due to a blocked airway. The ENT surgeon she just left removed Micah’s tonsils and adenoids, and the operation seemed to work initially: Fluid no longer collected in his ears, previously a recurring problem. But a year later, he still snored — a possible sign of continued airway obstruction. It was back to the ear-nose-throat doctor, who ruled out apnea after a second sleep study. The ENT offered no other ideas. Desperate, Hanes tracked down the only myofunctional therapist in her state trained in teaching tongue and lip exercises that might reshape Micah’s mouth muscles. Maybe that would facilitate better breathing and sleep.

Micah behaved wildly in the appointment, jumping all over the chair and hiding behind Hanes. He refused to let the therapist look in his mouth, no matter how she coaxed or tried to engage his interest. By the end of the appointment, Hanes felt sweaty and exhausted, a familiar experience. She apologized profusely to the therapist, who declined to charge the family. Hanes trudged back to her car with Micah, where she dissolved into sobs. The Hanes family felt they had reached the limits of established centralized medical practice and found no cure for Micah’s sleep and breathing problems. So Hanes did what any modern parent would: she turned to Dr. Google. She discovered a whole community of decentralized researchers and Dr. Ungar’s work there.

On the third day of Christmas, we go out and buy the dummies in our life, the book “In Evolution’s Bite.”  It is written by the noted paleoanthropologist Peter Ungar.  Ungar is a personal friend of one of my classmates from dental school.  It was because of this classmate Uncle Jack wised up about fluoride, flossing, and tooth brushing.  All these ideas are superfluous under the power of sunlight and redox charge.  Why?  Ungar found thousands of ancient skulls with perfect dentitions without access to dentists, modern dentistry, and fluoridation.  It appears the ancients did not need an orthodontist either because every skull he found had a perfect class one occlusion.


For example, did you know that:
*Among the toothache remedies favored by Pierre Fauchard, the father of dentistry, was rinsing the mouth liberally with one’s own urine.
*George Washington never had wooden teeth. However, his chronic dental problems may have impacted the outcome of the American Revolution.
*Soldiers in the Civil War needed at least two opposing front teeth to rip open powder envelopes. Some men called up for induction had their front teeth extracted to avoid service.
*Teeth were harvested from as many as fifty thousand corpses after the Battle of Waterloo, a huge crop later used for dentures and transplants that became known as “Waterloo Teeth.”

Modern life is a big difference, specifically in how we live in light.  How do we know this lesson?  Egyptologists have studied the rich who lived 5000 years ago, and the slaves who lived outside in the sun and built the pyramids had perfect skulls like Ungar’s specimens, but the pharaohs who lived in temples with fire did not.  They had all the diseases modern man has.  CT scans of the mummies have confirmed this.  This might offend your beliefs.  That is good.  This is why it is on the dummy list.  I gave this very talk to the NY State Dental Society in 2013, and none of them could believe what I told you here on the third day of Christmas.

In his book, Ungar brought together cutting-edge advances in understanding human evolution for the first time with new approaches to uncovering natural clues from fossil teeth and human skulls. The result is a remarkable investigation into how teeth―their shape, chemistry, and wear―reveal how we came to be. Traveling the four corners of the globe and combining scientific breakthroughs with vivid narratives, Evolution’s Bite presents a unique dental perspective on our astonishing human development.  Teeth are neuroectodermal derivatives linked to POMC and melanin biology.  Imagine that.  No wonder the teeth respond to the energy and information in the sun.  Human teeth also fluoresce.  There are no coincidences in Nature, just lessons to stack.  Recall that melanin is made from alpha MSH, a cleavage product of POMC.

POMC is a human gene only translated when endogenous or exogenous UV is present.  Melanin has a unique ability to conduct charges simultaneously, both electronically & ionically.  When it is heated by mitochondrial metabolism, it becomes a better electronic conductor of light energy.  So, when a mother works in an ICU at night, this reduces the amount of endogenous UV light she can generate, and this loss can shrink the child’ skull, dentition, and brain in ways most cannot fathom.  Do you think nighttime ICU nurses see a lot of sun in the daytime?  Or are they sleeping when the sun is out so they can go to their job the next night?  See how this thing called NATURE works?

Charge is quantized in Nature, and it is also conserved in Nature.  POMC creates melanin from UV light so charges can be added to living tissue.  This is why Micah and millions of humans have the problems they do.  It also explains why his mom, an ICU nurse, cannot understand it.  Her education level was fully centralized.

Over the last 250 years, our skulls have morphed in dangerous and troubling ways because of our choices around light.  Our Skulls Are Out-Evolving Us because of the light we abuse to see and to eat.  Eating food out of season and eating processed food can also shrink your skull & jaws.  The same thing happened to Neanderthals when they got to the 51st latitude and began to live in caves.  Homosapiens replaced them.  Who and what are going to replace today’s dummies?  I submit to you that is what autism is really all about.  Cognitive de-evolution is here and prominent.  Re-read Patreon #45 in my Quantum Engineering series with a more serious perspective on this illuminating topic.

Last point on dentistry.  The oral microbiome folks could and should teach the gut microbiome folks a decentralized lesson in charge transfer.  No matter where the microbiome is, it should be considered a SUN in that tissue.  People forget that Fritz Popp found that prokaryotes emit 5000 times more light than eukaryotes.  This fact always told me that the skin, gut, vaginal, or oral microbiome has specific spectra of light that work with the non-visual photoreceptors used in that tissue need to transfer charges to do the physiological job of the tissues in question.

Consider the oral microbiome response to light.

Dental plaque is a biofilm that develops naturally on teeth. It consists of aggregates of 500 to 600 different bacterial taxa embedded in a matrix of bacterial and salivary origin polymers. In healthy subjects, dental plaque remains stable for prolonged periods of time because of a dynamic balance among the resident members of its microbial community. Disease arises when the microbial homeostasis within the plaque breaks down because of disruption of the habitat’s ecology.  As the microbiome changes, so does the light the prokaryotes emit.   In periodontal disease, there is a shift in the composition of subgingival plaque’s microflora that colonizes tooth surfaces and epithelial cells in the periodontal pocket to a more proteolytic gram-negative anaerobic community, including the pigmented rods in the genera Porphyromonas and Prevotella.  These bacteria change the charge density signal of the tissue.  As a result, black-pigmented anaerobes such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Prevotella nigrescens manifest in the periodontal pocket and have been implicated as pathogens associated with the initiation and progression of periodontitis.

Periodontal disease proceeds cardiovascular disease in humans.

When dental plaque samples from human subjects were irradiated with light, P. melaninogenica showed the highest susceptibility to light, followed by P. nigrescens, P. intermedia, and P. gingivalis. All of the Prevotellaspecies showed similar patterns of susceptibility to light, with growth inhibition ratios ranging between 2.1 (4.2 J/cm2) and 3.4 (21 J/cm2). The growth of P. gingivalis was inhibited 1.4 (4.2 J/cm2) to 1.9 (21 J/cm2) times.   This is an instructive lesson on how light sculpts life in your mouth.

This data on light frequency and dose are in accordance with those obtained in a previous study in which exposure of human subgingival plaque samples to red light at 633 nm led to 60 and 40% elimination of Prevotellaspecies and P. gingivalis, respectively.  The sun is 43% red in the IR-A range.

Red light from the sun or a manmade light can alter the oral microbiome. The data shows not all light is the same.  Each part of the visible spectrum has its own charge density ability.  People need to understand the microbiome provides the hierarchy of light for the tissue in question.  The hierarchy goes from wellness to disease.  Hence, bacteria act inside of us just as the sun does to living things on Earth.  It powers the local environment to action.  If it is unwell, light emission suffers, and so will the redox state of the tissue in question.  We clearly see that in periodontal disease.  This microbiome change is a predictor of future cardiac and peripheral arterial disease.  The light from one bad star in the mouth can ruin the biology in another world, the cardiovascular system.

The interesting point is that UV light is devasting to bacteria, and the dose needed to sculpt the microbiome is small.  Red light, however, is massively underpowered, giving a different effect in the hierarchy.  Within the red bands, the energy fluence delivered to the species was 360 J/cm2 since the red light corresponded to the long-wavelength absorption maximum of porphyrins. The same study demonstrated a reduction in the number of CFUs of other anaerobic and aerobic dental plaque microorganisms by 50% due to their exposure to red light in this study.

Some of the non-black-pigmented oral microbiome species use chemicals mimicking chlorophyll and hemoglobin porphyrins.  They contain porphyrins and/or other cell pigments, which can explain their susceptibility to light.

This data suggests that visible light could be used prophylactically to stabilize the normal microbial composition of plaque by suppressing potentially pathogenic BPB. Compared with other forms of periodontal therapy (scaling, mouthwashes, surgery), this form of treatment would offer many advantages: it is painless, rapid, and devoid of drug toxicity; it has no effect on taste; and it is selective in its effect.  Dentistry can and should be decentralized as well.  Let your Dummies know this.


Stop buying all the red light panel sellers telling you they are the same.  They aren’t.  This is why I do not tell you which red light is best because nothing is better than the sun.  Only 43% of the sun is red.  Is the McCullough protocol for Spike protein degradation as good as sunlight is?  NOPE.

5.  ON THE 5th DAY OF CHRISTMAS, YOU BETTER GET THE five GOLDEN RINGS I gave you here——->  https://optimalklubs.com/kruse-for-dummies-general/

These are the basics of how charge density operates in your mitochondria.  If you do not listen to it and give it to your Dummy list, you’ve failed in 2023 being decentralized.

6.  On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me……. a lesson on transition metal decentralized wisdom.   Does titanium or other heavy metals change the charge density of your tissues?  What do you know of this?  Did you know that TiO2 is being added to foodstuffs? For example, pastries, confectioneries, baked goods, toothpaste, dairy goods, cosmetics, and prescription drug coatings.  I use dentition cleaning products with baking soda and salt; they work great. You can add coconut oil if you like.  Even those organic brands hide it in their branding.  Remember, marketing is legalized lying.

Those are the most common ways people get it, but are there other ways?

Sunscreen, makeup, and medical devices.  Wait, what did you just say?  Every joint replacement,  spine surgery with implants, cardiac stents,  and most drugs and supplements carries the risk of altered charge density from Titanium. Nothing makes you bulletproof but the sun!  Did you know that melanin gets rid of heavy metals?

I hope you know that UV light from the sun creates alpha MSH from POMC to make melanin.  I also hope you remember I told you in 2023 that melanin is destroyed when tissues are hypoxic.  I hope you know that all nnEMFs outside the visible light spectrum CREATE TISSUE-LEVEL hypoxia (above pic).

Titanium is a transition metal on the periodic table……and all transition metals are dramatically attractive to microwave radiation.  This is how stars become supernovas when they begin to burn atom number 26 as a fuel source.  The red giant then blows up, which is how we get atoms above atom number 26 on the periodic table.  Nature is a furnace of creation.  She uses the electromagnetic spectrum to do it.  The same things can kill ya’ too.  Wait……what, Uncle Jack, what the hell does that mean?  Oh, you forgot what I told ya’ in 2018?

What does the EU think about Titanium?


I cannot wait until people find out what they have been doing around candy, which is going on much longer with sunscreen.

Sunscreens have massive amounts of Titanium dioxide in them, a DNA-damaging chemical. Did your experts know that?

Do they know how it links to the Melanin story? Or the melanoma story in my blogs?

For example, CereVe marketing tools tell us, “Choosing a sunscreen with gentle yet effective ingredients for all skin types—including babies’ skin and sensitive skin—is a key step in protecting your skin against sun damage. Mineral-based sunscreens commonly contain titanium dioxide (along with zinc oxide) because of this ingredient’s ability to reflect and scatter damaging UVA and UVB rays off the skin’s surface.

CeraVe offers an array of mineral sunscreens containing titanium dioxide, including hydrating sunscreen lotions for your face and body, formulas specially designed for babies, and water-resistant sunscreen sticks for touch-ups on the go. Every CeraVe SPF sunscreen product is non-greasy, helps prevent sunburn, and contains three essential ceramides to help restore the skin’s protective barrier and lock in moisture.”

Skittles, Starburst, and thousands of other sweet treats marketed to children contain titanium dioxide – an additive European food safety regulators say is no longer safe for human consumption. Yet the U.S. hasn’t reassessed the potential threats in over 50 years.  It seems like the same story around the jabs now with the FDA, right?

Titanium dioxide is used in popular candies and other processed foods to give a smooth texture or to work as a white colorant. SUNSCREENS ARE ALL WHITE GUESS WHY? White semiconductors reflect all forms of the sun. This is why melanin is black because it absorbs the frequencies of light to use it and protect cells.

The titanium and zinc pigments used in sunscreen and candy can brighten other colors, making the food more vibrant and appealing, but the additive has no nutritional benefit and harms DNA. Imagine that. Candy and sunscreen have a lot in common.

For years, some scientists have raised concerns about the potential toxicity of titanium dioxide. Its use in the U.S. continues because of regulatory folly by the Food and Drug Administration, which allows problematic ingredients to remain undetected and unreviewed. The FDA last examined the risks of the additive in 1966, but research in recent years shows there are possible health harms from titanium dioxide that warrant a fresh look from the agency.

CENTRALIZED SCIENCE IS FOS, folks.  I posted about this years ago, but y’all have short memories.  Take the Skittles out of the stockings now.

It is not just candy keto meat heads.  Do they put titanium dioxide on the outside of French cheese (like- camembert and Brie) to keep it white? YIKES

7.  On the 7th day of Christmas, your true love wants to talk about the non-visual photoreceptors in you.  Light alters the non-visual photoreceptor system because it changes the charge density of things.  This is why UV light bleaches your Sunbrella furniture.  It needs to be treated with UV-protective chemicals.  This is why blue light toxicity also drives high LDL cholesterol and low HDL levels as well. Many things blamed on poor nutrition are based on poor light environments. We have to stop blaming food for what light causes. B12 and cholesterol are two biomolecules used in the human non-visual photoreceptor cascade in cells.

More on the Christmas Dummy list: Centralized healthcare’s ignorance of the basics of this Tweet thread has led to incalculable errors for public health. I mentioned this to @RickRubin & @hubermanlab when we spoke about Dr. Changs’ belief it made 50% of what is in the textbooks obsolete. I said this on 3/4/23, so it’s been on the dummy list for a long time. It was one of the year’s biggest hits, but dummies missed it. I am telling you, 99.9% is hot garbage. Why? The number one opsin in mammals is MELANOPSIN, the human blue light detector, & we no longer live under the sun. We live in the light that killed Steve Jobs!

We live inside under LED light that destroys this non-visual photoreceptive circuit. People want to blame glucose and insulin, yet when you look at your blood, you see a loss of charge. Does Nature make mistakes, or has centralized medicine ignored many facts they should have been asking questions about? When deuterium is let into the matrix, this is what redox shifts all biochemical pathways the longevity experts THINK never change. Does this alter the charge, my dummies? This is why none of them understand how mTOR and UCP-2 work with 380nm light generated inside of us.

Those proteins embedded in the lipid rafts or connected to them by the tensegrity system change how they respond to charge and light. Why does NO fall as we age? Because modern humans live under an alien light. Why do APO proteins and LpA look like a problem to the Peter Attias of the world? Because none of his patients in NYC or San Diego live in sunlight. If they did, their LDL cholesterol would be low, and their HDL would be high, and he would not write a new book (@billgifford alert) telling everyone to take a statin because it is a GOOD plan for longevity. This message is DEAD WRONG. Send that to your dummy list on day three of Christmas! Stop making dummies popular and rich this Christmas!

B12 is a visual photoreceptor in humans. Bad blue light actually atrophies the CNS and PNS and makes your skin pale by degrading melanin. This is why MS and ALS are made worse by the blue light hazard.  The same thing is true for autism and brain gliomas.

Did you know B12 has another quantum function?  B12 limits the production of Nitric oxide in tissues.  It lowers the NO level to quench the effect of UVA sunlight.  What happens if you are vegan or vegetarian or a tech abuser and you do not have the right amount of B12?  It means your tissues won’t have the right amount of NO either.  UVA light heats tissues up, especially at the skin’s surface.  Did you know that heated-up skin and subcutaneous tissues make wake less likely to dissolve gases like NO, so they act longer on the tissue level to oxygenate them?  This is a reason people in the sun have higher tissue O2 levels.  It is why their blood has a higher venous saturation of oxygen, and it was the basis of how I realized my dying friend Jeremy Thomley was able to breathe through his skin by living on a Christmas tree farm in Hattiesburg, MS confounding all the centralized doctors at UAB medical center.

Without the right amount of NO, will your capillary beds be filled with the right amount of blood for that tissue?  Nope.  Might that cause hypoxia and lower other batteries, capacitors, or charge density carriers in your cells to lead to disease?  YEP.

Cobalamins also affects another battery that holds electromagnetic charge called the MTHFR system.  Methionine is part of the story you will learn about on the 11th day of Christmas below.

Blue light & nnEMF are net catabolic for your tissues, all loaded with several non-visual photoreceptors; moreover,  light radiation destroys them.  If melanin is not present, the destruction is even more rapid.  Why?  Melanin protects us from stray electromagnetic radiation.   Could mixing EMF with a Big Pharma toxin lead to a rapid death because of these lessons?  What did I tell people in LA in 2015?

There are a lot of Dummies who need this wisdom.  I made all these predictions way before COVID hit.  You can see the effect of vaccines when they are mixed with nnEMF because all vaccines are mitochondrial toxins.  And mitochondrial toxins ruin our tans outside and inside of our bodies.  This leads to a discharged battery and disease.  If your batteries already suck because you live in a city with 14 million other dummies, you can die fast from a flu shot.


Blue light is.

This is why Anjan Katta’s new daylight computer is critical to buy for the dummies on your Dummy list. It is anabolic for the brain.  It stops human brain breakdown. The rhythm or color palate used in nature can be found in a molecule’s absorption and emission spectra.  I told Ray Peat this over a decade ago, and he ignored it at his tribe’s peril.  You should not, or you too will wind up a smoothed-brained Peatatarian.  I lit many of them on fire in August of 2023.  You might hear something about that in March of 2024.  The only supplement for my tribe is FSS.  See the cites below.

On the seventh day of Christmas, Uncle Jack said to me, why do I need Anjan Katta’s Daylight Computer? The answer is in his screen tech design. Wake up and go in the sun with it, and you’ll alter your charge like Nature built ya’. This is Christmas for Dummies Day! It’s a gift for people who thought they had everything and don’t. If someone had bought this for Steve Jobs, he’d likely still be alive. It is the gift of time given to your dummy list.

Start with every parent who babysits their kids with a phone or an iPad. There are at least half a billion of those dummies in your continent.

8. On the eighth day of Christmas, I hope some of you gift the Patreon wisdom to 5 dummies on your list. Or the smart dummies on your list, just pay five bucks a month for my Patreon insight and give them the gift of good thinking.  I promise to add charge density to the life for five bucks a month or 60 bucks a year.  You can join them up here at patreon.com/DrJackKruse

To get them addicted to decentralized thinking, give them this sample appetizer I made for this list on day eight.  https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1735132650464051530.html

It will teach them to use time wisely.

Do you use time wisely? Do you prioritize your choices by weighing the value of information and wisdom against the cost of choice and decision?   Life is always wrapped in opportunity cost.   Decentralized medicine is both science and art in a unique package blended by perspectives of how the world is affected by Nature. Looked at from this vantage point, a good decentralized artist knows he has less time than ideas, and this pushes him to act, create, and share the ideas born in his craft. Time is too precious to waste.   The job of Nature is always to deepen the mystery for the artist. The artist’s job is to find the inspiration of Nature and reflect it in your creation and wisdom.

9. On the 9th day of Christmas, some reality comes to the tribe.  Increasing your charge density comes with a cost in a tissue.  This is why Nature compartmentalized its mitochondria in tissues.  Not all tissues have the same redox capability.  The brain and heart have the most.  The bone and immune systems have the next most.  This is why Sodium & potassium concentration is so critical in certain tissues and not in others.  K+ in the endolymphatic sac.  Sodium in the brain and Calcium in the heart are key examples.  The amount of UV light absorption correlates with this charging ability.  I taught the world that in the Vermont 2018 talk.  You can find that talk and the slide here on Patreon as an ala carte purchase.

With respect to the density of the electrolyte in a battery, If a high-density electrolyte is put in a battery, the capacity will increase to a certain extent. However, increasing density also means that the battery life is shorter.  That means redox collapse can happen.  Uncle Jack, can you give us an example?

Let us discuss the skin.  When you get overexposure to the skin and exceed your charge density capability, the sign that it happens is that you will itch in your skin, and your melanin upregulation will be slowed.  A sunburn should not itch as it develops.  If it does, it is evidence of a topological change in the skin.  We see this in many cases of atopy, dermatitis, mast cell dysregulation, lupus hypersensitivity, solar hypersensitivity, etc. Many drugs do this.

Phenothiazines, methylene blue, antihistamines, and many diabetes meds like sulfonylureas.  Sulfated antibiotics do it, as do all the floxin antibiotic drugs.   The biggest offender is birth control pills and NSAIDs.  Drugs are used to treat psoriasis, and many skin disorders do it.  What are the implications of this day 9 lesson on “charging?”  All of these drugs DEGRADE melanin everywhere.  They are not part of a melanin renovation program.  The Dummy list will get the post in this series.

If you do not know how to use MB, you can harm yourself.  MB increases NO delivery to tissues, and if you do that too long, you ruin the charge density of the tissue.  I have an older member on my forum who believes everyone should be on Nitric oxide because he listens to NO videos from people who don’t have a full view of the process, and I have to delete most of his threads.  Sometimes, members have to be taught lessons, too.  If they don’t like it they can exit.  I have taught all these things about NO to my tribe.  Now you know why I have to protect my tribe sometimes from overzealous members who lack comprehension of what I have written.  Never forget that NO is a free radical and must be quantized properly to marry tissue charge density.  Just because you’re old is no reason to pop NO daily.

The analogy to land this punch:  before you can eat the juicy fruit of health, you have to understand the destructive existence a seed goes through on the way to growing the tree in sunlight to create fruit photosynthetically.

How did I learn about battery life and charge density decades years ago?  As a neurosurgeon, patients with Parkinson’s disease who used a lot of L-Dopa before surgery always were deathly pale.  So, I asked my mentors about this situation.  The answer I got from our Medtronic rep on the early DBS stimulation trial data was instructive to my ignorance.

In cardiac pacemakers and DBS patients, manufacturers found that patients on certain drugs have poor battery performance of their implants, and this could lead to increased symptoms.  It turns out battery estimations, charge density, total power, and clinical symptoms were important to follow in patients with these devices. The observation of clinical worsening that was rescued following neurostimulator replacement only reinforced the notion that changes in clinical symptoms can be associated with battery drain.  This was one of my early introductions to physics in neurosurgery.  I found that in PD patients with poor battery life they often had co-morbid thyroid problems while being pale, and many were often on thyroid medication replacements.  It turns out low thyroid function also ruins battery function because it means melanin cannot do its job in the brain stem.  Why?

Melanin loses its electrical conductivity as heat is lost. So, more battery power is used in these patients to generate the DC electric current where melanin is missing in the brain.  Melanin electrical conductance is better when patients can maintain their own endogenous temperatures.  I did not know this as a young surgeon.  I began to realize why people who flew more got more blood clots.  The zeta potential in their blood was getting zapped by the solar wind and by a lack of grounding = fewer electrons in the blood.

Yes, RBCs are a type of battery that holds a charge, too, because they are loaded with another heme-based non-visual photoreceptor called hemoglobin, an iron porphyrin.

When I learned about this, I asked more questions.  I found that PD patients lost temperature regulatory abilities as they got worse.  They all had excessive sweating like diabetics do.  As they lost water and became dehydrated, they lost the ability to make Vitamin D, and they all became pale because they could not make melanin.  I then found out that altered NO levels were related to developing type 1 diabetes.  Most of them suffered from chronic hypoxia at the cellular level.

Many papers felt this was protective of lowering ROS signaling to prevent damage, but I found out in 2013 that pseudohypoxia drives NAD+ to low levels and is associated with more rapid aging of tissues.  I also found out that NAD+ recycling controls the circadian mechanisms in humans, and when NAD+ levels drop, you can bet there is ongoing melanin destruction in the brainstem of PD patients.

NAD+ is the link between the sun and HIF1, and taking exogenous NAD+ supplements down-regulates NAD/NADH function and physiology.  NAD+ only carries 2 electrons, while melanin creates 4 electrons from the charge separation of water.  If melanin is being degraded simultaneously as NAD+, you can see a serious lack of electrons in the system.  Melanin, not NAD+, is more critical in health and longevity.  See Rabinowitz’s papers in the Journal Nature for proof of concept.  If there is a lack of electrons in tissues, light cannot be utilized properly to make energy in humans.  All of these things made me realize this is why people with hypothyroidism, diabetes, and PD all carry high risks of developing melanoma compared to other patients.  It is a “charge density” loss in the skin story.

10.  On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love said to me…….get all the dummies OFF any and all NAD+/NADH supplements once and for all. Why?

Information transfer costs us energy = heteroplasmy is built in.   Landauer predicted that erasing even one bit of information would release a tiny amount of heat, a figure that he calculated. This implies mitochondria are time machines because they also transform light energy into CO2, water, and heat = mtDNA is a hydrogen heat engine.  If information is energy, as Wheeler has told us, Information, once created, has to have a “finite and quantifiable mass.”  This connects information theory directly to energy and mass equivalence. E-mc^2.  This is how they are linked.  Where is the link in biology?  NAD+ links to the heat shock proteins like HIF1.  Sinclair’s 2013 paper missed the real point of why pseudohypoxia aging and NAD+ dropping are linked.    Broken circadian clocks are 100% due to lack of sunlight or too much light at night = “charge” density story is missed.

NAD/NADH drugs are just slick marketing bullshit.    How do cells do it? Your epigenetic mutation load (EML) of your tissues is the key to understanding how the light you use in your environment builds the life you live.  Nature has built a clock timing mechanism as you live a life based on your light choices. A higher EML has been associated with age-related pathological conditions like X chromosome activation skewing.  What is X-linked chromosome activation skewing?

X-inactivation is a well-established dosage compensation mechanism ensuring that X-chromosomal genes are expressed at comparable levels in males and females.  Remember, males and females have different mtDNA inheritance, so there has to be a compensation mechanism for energy balance.

The higher latitude or, the more tech abuse you live with implies a lack of melanin.  As such, you have a higher risk of X-linked activation skewing in tissues with redox problems.  This sets the table for lots of problems in the sexes.  It might also be the smoking gun for childhood cancers.  If your kids have cancer, I usually ask my female farm members to get X-linked activation testing done.  Most are surprised until I explain why.  Think of your child as a battery.  You are designed by nature to transfer the surface charge in your tissues to your child.  You transfer more of it than your spouse because we inherit most of our mitochondria from mom. Yes, ladies, there are papers. Dad can do it, too, but it is not common.

Inactivation of the X chromosome may indicate a putative tumor suppressor gene on the X chromosome and the combination of a germline mutation of this gene and nonrandom X-chromosome inactivation.  Because leptin controls this process, these circumstances are more likely to be associated with a circadian mismatch in mammals.  This situation allows for the elimination of the wild-type activity of the tumor suppressor gene, and this results in an elevated risk of developing cancer in these females and in their kids.  Your kid is like a battery of your cells.  Imagine that.

For ladies, this, I believe, is why the BRCA1 gene can be a problem even when you do not have the classic inheritance.  Ladies with BRCA1 always have high-latitude lifestyles and are tech-addicted (think Angelina Jolie); skewed X-chromosome inactivation can arise independently but can and would cause enhanced tumor susceptibility.  Last warning about altered charge density:  skewed inactivation can result in heterozygous females manifesting X-linked diseases that are usually seen only in males too.  I have seen several females with Duchene’s phenotype that their geneticist could not explain.  Skewed activation testing did.  Somatic tissue needs to be examined before declaring a sample “ clonal.”  Solid research work has revealed a strong link between pluripotency and XCR in placental mammals. When naive embryonic stem cells (ESCs) differentiate, random XCI is induced in mammals with placentae = YOU!.

The circadian clock in humans controls chromatin marking in humans (pic below). BMAL1 is a clock gene, and HSF1 is a HEAT shock protein.

In humans, 55–70% of the transcriptome is under circadian control in any given cell type. This is the basis for circadian control of major physiological processes, including immune functions and, most importantly for this investigation, cell proliferation, morphogenesis, and X chromosome inactivation.

Circadian clocks operate in most tissues at the single-cell level. These clocks are based on clock genes at the molecular level, which participate in auto-regulatory feedback loops. In the core loop, the transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 activate the expression of Per and Cry genes, whose protein products negatively feedback on their own expression.

Dosage compensation between XX female and XY male cells is achieved by X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in mammals. XCI is initiated early during development in female cells and is subsequently stably maintained in most female somatic cells. What maintains it?  CIRCADIAN CLOCK MANAGEMENT!  Despite its stability, the robust transcriptional silencing of XCI is reversible in the embryo and in several reprogramming settings.

Examine the picture closely because it is decentralized science-dense.  Mouse and humans are mammals.  One is nocturnal, and one is diurnal.  XCI during female mouse and human development shows us how this works. During mouse development, embryonic cells around the 4-cell stage inactivate the paternally inherited X chromosome. Cells of the primitive endoderm and trophectoderm in the preimplantation blastocyst keep this inactivation pattern, while those in the epiblast reactivate the paternal Xi. Around implantation in the uterus controlled by leptin-melanocortin pathways, an X chromosome is randomly inactivated within epiblast cells. What if melanin is not there? What if leptin is not optimized?

Following the specification of PGCs, these cells activate the Xi. Primary oocytes within the fetus and adult mouse do not contain an Xi, while all somatic cells retain the Xi pattern of their epiblast precursor. During human development, random XCI is seen as a gradual process beginning in the early blastocyst and completing just prior to implantation; this pattern of inactivation is retained in all future somatic cells. Following the specification of PGCs, these cells reactivate the Xi, which remains active in all future germ cells.  Do you think melanin might affect this system with its ability to increase CHARGE DENSITY in cells?  Read on.  This list is for the Dummies in our lives.

Cells are colored by their lineage displayed in the upper right panel; primary oocytes (green) within the fetus and adults represent the primary oocytes contained in the ovaries of born offspring. The picture above does not accurately represent relative mouse and human development times, but you should get the gist. What does all the abbreviations mean?  PGCs, primordial germ cells; Xa, active X chromosome; Xi, inactive X chromosome; Xip, inactive paternally inherited X chromosome. Reproduced and adapted with permission from Pasque and Plath (2015).

Nature needs that to adapt to changing light and temperature in the environment, which is why those are the TWO METRICS the SCN pays attention to.  “Charge density” is the key to the periodicity of molecular clocks!

This is why all this stuff is linked.  STACK THE LESSONS IN THIS BLOG FOLKS.  I am giving you bombs here for Christmas to smarten up the Dummies in your life.  When leptin-melanocortin signaling is lost, NAD+ drops, and that tissue is aging faster on a relative basis than it should.  Aging is a loss of charge density when you have this perspective.  A healthy cell phone can hold a charge after you plug it in.  During sleep, we recharge and go back to the default state.  When NAD+ is low, or melanin is absent, you cannot recharge the battery no matter what.  Examples:  chordomas, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, melasma, Hashimotos, ME, and soft tissue sarcomas.

11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true loves said to me……What about the viruses or jabs?  What if I told you that outbreaks of chicken pox, Shingles, and the herpes virus only come out when you lose charge density in a tissue?  Might that be related to a lack of melanin or lack of NAD+ in tissues?  YEP.

What if I told you that there is a way to repair any neurological disease by improving the mitochondrial redox power of your eyes and skin via the sun to import melanin through your blood-brain barrier without any help from Big Pharma? Would you believe me?

In 2014, bacterial melanin was proven to stimulate regeneration after mammal CNS lesions.  Imagine that.

Uncle Jack, is there anything else we should wise up about on the 11th day of Christmas?  You remember your mitochondria have a bacterial origin, right?

Did you know that your mitochondria can tan your guts and insides by using their bacterial-based mitochondria as a point source of light and a novel non-visual photoreceptor called melanogenin?  Yes, that is not a misprint.  I said exactly what you read and heard in your brain.  Do you believe me?

In 2005, this paper was written.  How come your experts did not tell you about it?  Melanogenin was discovered in NYC 15 years after leptin was.  Amazing how this research stayed hidden all these years.

Do you want to guess this biomolecule’s absorption and emission spectra, or should we save that little treat for another day?  It is in the visible range of sunlight.  I had to tell you!

Is there a missed charge density story that could explain myocarditis from the mRNA jabs linked to the wisdom on the 11th day of Christmas?  If you are vaccinated and a highly paid professional athlete, you should be screened for the SCN5A polymorphism and Bruguda syndrome.   Why would a P450 SNP be linked to this story?  All P450 SNP are cytochrome and subject to the destruction by blue light, silly!  See the picture below on line 1.  The P450 system is all heme-based biomolecules.

Four known common polymorphisms of the SCN5A gene are related to BrS, including R34C, H558R, S1103Y, and R1193Q. We always suggested this hack to my professional athlete clients who were forced to get the jab.  The Rx for it was “endogenous and exogenous melanin renovation therapies” done in the offseason to prevent some of the things you saw last NFL season.  If you are a vaccinated human with heart rhythm abnormalities, you should ask your cardiologist to screen you, too, even if you are not a million-dollar athlete.  Most centralized cardiologists have yet to learn about this decentralized wisdom.  In 28 NFL cities, I have asked many of them about this science and got blank looks.  That explains this—> JJ Watt and Hamlin both had heart issues after the mandated vax by the NFL.

These SCN5A polymorphisms often decrease the expression of sodium‐channel proteins and alter gating properties, resulting in prolongation of the QRS duration and slow conduction in the heart, making sudden cardiac death and rhythm changes more common in the face of mRNA damage = higher cardiac heteroplasmy in young people = unexpected morbidity and mortality.

I wrote about it here last year after the Buffalo/Cincy episode.   If you have the defect, you better avoid nnEMF too.  nnEMF causes C terminus problems = MTHFR.  You need this system to recycle methionine in your cells.  Remember the methionine and tryptophan blogs on Patreon?

You also MIGHT have a charge density problem if you have an MTHFR SNP that goes awry.  Do you know that COVID-19 and LONG-COVID patients suffer from this effect?  At the beginning of the pandemic, I was seeing so many people who were fit yet developed rapid onset diabetes.  In fact, I just got interviewed by someone in LA about this topic who it happened to.  I do not think she, her family, or her fancy rich doctors in LA know what I will tell you.

When I was in LA meeting with Rick and Bobby Kennedy Jr, I met three people with pancreatic cancer and sudden onset diabetes after COVID and their jabs.  The pic above and below show you why they got it.  How much do you know about methylglyoxal (MGO) for short?

Right about now, my driver in LA, Dan, is probably reading this and thinking about all the Dummies out there in LA-La land he met who need this information but just could not fathom I was right about what I told them.  Right now, Dan probably knows why I was so pissed at a breakfast we had when the discussion went from gold course to LA’s nnEMF burden and why that is such a problem for diabetes and tumors of the pancreas and brain.  Did you know excessive methylation, a C terminus issue, causes cancers by altering methylation?   I just wrote you a C terminus blog!

One of the staples of my LONG COVID Rx I use for my farm clients is MGO inhibitors.  I doubt you’ve heard of them.  Some of my therapeutic approaches with my tribe who got COVID because they REFUSED TO MOVE include (1) MGO scavengers such as aminoguanidine, alagebrium, and pyridoxamine; (2) MGO synthesis inhibitors such as metformin and benfotiamine (thiamine); and (3) Glyoxalase 1 inducer, via activation of the Nrf2, such as phenethyl isothiocyanate and selenium sulforaphanes.  (4) I use special concoctions of IVFs (below) to help change the surface charge of cells damaged by COVID-19 and/or the jabs.  Each jab and COVID variant has its own particular fluid I use.  It is 100% based on the charge these things impart to tissues.  We do the same thing in heart and kidney failure cases with low Vitamin D proxies, but few people understand decentralized thinking.

These folks have kept me busy.  I have had to turn away many people who only want to give 10% when they demand 100% of me because I no longer have time for people who refuse to do what I ask of them.   That is not how decentralized medicine operates.


DMG-PEG 2000 is a synthetic lipid formed by the PEGylation of myristoyl diglyceride. It is used to manufacture lipid nanoparticles that are used in mRNA vaccines.  Why is it used?  It improves the shelf of the jab by hiding it from your immune system cells.  This comes with trade-offs.

All the cells in the blood become PEGGED with LNPs to alter their zeta potential.  Think about PEGylation like a magnetic force field around every biomolecule in your blood.  It ruins the electromagnetic signals normally present.  See my slide below from Vermont 2018.  This slide below is why I could easily understand the problem with the jabs.  The PEGylation changed the electromagnetic footprint in the blood that the sun is built to control.

The electromagnetic shielding from pegylation would form a protein corona around things in the blood like immunoglobulins or albumin. It would also inhibit it from binding to platelet factor 4, altering normal clot time!  Yes, clotting is controlled by the sun’s light, too.  The alteration of the zeta potential is an electromagnetic change.  As you can see from the picture above, the zeta potential of all Pegged things interacts with their surroundings. When it does, forces are generated that are not quantized properly, and viscosity changes, and so does flow.  When the zeta force is strong, we know too much highly negative charge density exists.  This could be high nitric oxide or way too many electrons.  When this happens, blood cells will act to repel objects with like charge and keep them at a distance.

Big Pharma has figured out how to navigate the circulatory system to get into every organ system using the surface charge variation of drugs.  Pegylation is just one way.  Pharma scientists can customize any cell’s zeta potential based on the specific route they want to take in the body via the blood. Ralph Baric et al. and his friends in the DoD built spike proteins with a zeta potential to interact with human endothelium and the heart.  This is why so many young people get myocarditis and clots.  The science is so advanced now that they have learned how to control pegylation effects remotely with RF radiation.  This operates just like your TV remote control.  They learned this from CORONA virus gain of function research.  It is called the “corona” virus because its activity varies with the zeta potential changes found in seasonal sunlight.  In nature things in the blood are quantized by sunlight.  In long covid, your decentralized doctor must figure out the charge density variations to come up with the right Rx for you.  No one Rx fits everyone.  This is why protocol medicine fails.  It is also why I am not advocating McCoullough’s protocol.

What could make a cytochrome go awry in a big American city with a ton of people abusing nnEMF? Did you know the MTHFR photoreceptor system is how evolution built us to survive winter when glucose is rare?  It allows our immune system to work even when the sun is not shining.  MTHFR is a capacitor for electromagnetic energy.  Capacitors hold charges.  Melanin and water are charge capacitors.  So is MTHFR.  Can you imagine the effect of all this and then adding some DNA plasmids and SV 40 to the mix?  What do you think might happen to people in that risk strata?  Does Nature have a hack for people with long-term COVID-19?   Staying immune through the fall & winter and a city with nnEMF is a quantum mechanical human longevity trick.  It’s a good thing I stopped being a dummy 20 years ago.

Every week, I put out a new podcast on how energy is transformed by the aging silly talking clade of primates called humans. Physics tells us energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is just transformed in cells.  Rarely do biochemistry books get the story correct.  Physics tells us time is relative, and how we experience it is tied to tissue-level entropy.  Tissue level entropy is called heteroplasmy by mitochondrial experts. The lesson?

Blue light stimulates insulin and blood glucose.  This means ALAN never allows us to create glucose from our fatty acids.  So, biochemistry books were written after 1951, and all said that it is impossible to create glucose from them.  Is this another reason why blue light and nnEMF help make us fat?  We never recycle our adipocytes, and they remain filled?

Let’s talk about winter.  What happens when insulin levels fall, and ketone levels rise, as occurs when our carbohydrate intake is low, is our cells increase their supply of CYP2E1 and thereby activate the conversion of fatty acids to glucose.  It appears the books were wrong, and Mother Nature found a way to a costly candy store in the magical land of ketogenesis when it is cold and the sun is not strong.  What happens when melanin is absent from mammals?

When I was in medical school in the 1980s, two reviews were published outlining the evidence for converting fatty acids to glucose.  One of them dated to the early 1950s.  One of them emphasized that biochemistry students were taught that such pathways do not exist.  The same Ph.D.  (Peter Setlow at UCONN) who warned that the cholesterol story was BS, told me that we could make glucose from fatty acids because mammals like cows, guinea pigs, mice, and rats all turn acetone into glucose if they have to.  He told us that this is why some diabetics have acetone breath odors.  He told us the same thing about chronic alcoholics.  This explained to me that alcohol was not a longevity toxin if you lived in the sun and why Jean Calment could live to 122.4 years old drinking red wine every day in the south of France.  This lesson taught me never to trust textbooks.  You have to read the PublMed papers to see the real truth.  Centralized academics just regurgitate bullshit beliefs they hold as truths.

The most cost-efficient way of converting fatty acids to glucose is by converting acetol to methylglyoxal, facilitated by an SNP called CYP2E1.  CYP2E1 is a P450 cytochrome.  Did you know that the cytochrome P450 system is a heme-based semiconductive system that is part of the non-visual photoreceptor system mentioned above?  CYP2E1 is involved in acetone catabolism by converting acetone to acetol and then to methylglyoxal (MGO); both intermediates in the gluconeogenic pathway.  These metabolites are prominent in the brains of mammals where mitochondria reign.  This P450 enzyme also catabolizes safely exogenous compounds such as inhalational anesthetics, ethanol, nicotine, acetaminophen, acetone, chloroform, chlorzoxazone, and tetrachloride.  It is also important in the melanin renovation Rx because it removes aspartame.  Aspartame lowers melanin levels endogenously.  Excessive use of it leads to many problems in humans.  One problem is that all mammals become more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation when their tissues lack melanin. Another thing that happens is that mammals seem to get diabetes more easily than ever before.  Might it have something to do with melanin, NAD+, and the P450 system?  All those lessons are in this blog for the Dummies on your list.

12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…………a relationship filled with electrons.  Being with the right person is a net positive to your charge density.  I wrote an entire series on relationship redox on Patreon, so have your Dummy list read it.  So, if you think you are with the right person, ensure you get them everything on this list.  Make sure you kiss and love them and add electrons to their life.  Tell your honey how you feel about them today on the final day of Christmas.

You. You are a gift. It is a year-long Christmas gift, not a seasonal novelty with a shelf life. Your circle of six should always be proud of you and not jealous. They should build you up, not tear you down. They don’t give you a total pass all the time. They will keep you on your toes and prune your branches when needed. They love to see you win. Their wisdom is fertilizer for your growth and not criticism to stunt it. They certainly do not deserve your friendship and time if they cannot celebrate your success. Never forget how amazing some of us think you are every day. Write your story. I’m utterly convinced that our circle of six experiences is meant to support one another, and they are all relevant in some form or fashion. Every one of these experiences matters, and the Universe is so well-designed that we need these experiences to thrive. You are a gift to some of us, not all of us. Parcel your time wisely.


Instructions for Dummies have to be explicit, or they lose the plot. Retweeting without reading is not capturing wisdom.  It just gets you an army of dummies.

Surface charge  = topological change. Therefore, surface charge changes are the starting point for most adverse events in disease.

How do we determine the surface charge of anything?  The surface charge can have either a negative or positive electrical state. It is determined by the balance of charges between negatively charged and positively charged nanoparticles at the surface. The cell membrane surface of living cells has an electric potential different from that of the cell’s interior, namely membrane potential.

For example, here is a study on inhaled LNPs with a POSITIVE ZETA POTENTIAL OF 42! This tells you there are a lot of protons in this LNP.

It should be clear for those who are actually reading my Patreon blogs or tweets and learning the lesson.  What do you think might happen when you introduce an LNP with a large positive charge  (zeta potential big) to the lungs? ANSWER:  That is how you get a pulmonary embolus or MASSIVE THROMBOSIS in an arterial bed.

A strong increase in the surface energy is obtained when the size of the lipid nanoparticle decreases, both in the solid and liquid states.

The latest results show that the nanofluids’ surface tension increases with concentration and nanoparticle sizes. TiO2-DW nanofluids exhibit higher surface tension than Al2O3-DW and SiO2-DW nanofluids, respectively.  Yes, Titanium dioxide in your foods and cheese as a lot in common with pegylation in the mRNA jabs.

If you are not reading, you are not learning my work, much less understanding it.  You are a dummy, and this list is for you.  —->  https://openres.ersjournals.com/content/5/2/00161-2018

Thermodynamics is defined by energy and charge.  Size and shape changes alter charges, and the zeta potential is how this is measured in blood. In a tissue or biomolecular real or manufactured, when we hold a constant pH and salt concentration, the magnitude of surface charge decreases with an increase in the particle size and reaches a constant when the particle size exceeds a critical value.  This is why lipid biochemistry is a joke as a risk factor for heart disease.  Calcium Index scoring is a way better marker for heart disease because it is a topological effect telling us that the circulatory system’s surface charge is abnormal.


1. https://www.botianchemical.com/sale-14313842-high-purity-99-0-titanium-dioxide-anatase-food-grade.html

2. Yeah, the new DUMMY supplement called FSS = Full Spectrum Sunlight.

3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41431-018-0291-3

4. Navarro, P.; Chambers, I.; Karwacki-Neisius, V.; Chureau, C.; Morey, C.; Rougeulle, C.; Avner, P. Molecular Coupling of Xist Regulation and Pluripotency. Science (80-) 2008, 321, 1693–1695.

5.  Escamilla-Del-Arenal, M.; Da Rocha, S.T.; Heard, E. Evolutionary diversity and developmental regulation of X-chromosome inactivation. Hum. Genet. 2011, 130, 307–327.

6.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3005010/

7. https://www.europeanreview.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/8152-8171-1.pdf

8. https://chrismasterjohnphd.substack.com/p/we-really-can-make-glucose-from-fatty

9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2052297523001075