This post might be one of the most foundational experiments of why I believe that life is photoelectric and that we live within an electric universe. The “accepted solar model of the sun is based upon nuclear fusion and supported fundamentally by Kirchhoff’s laws.

If you are new mitochondriac and do not know what Kirchhoff law is and why it is critical in understanding the relationship of the sun to our mitochondria watch all the videos in this post.  Also watch the video from my Vermont 2017 talk on the eye.

Here is a video on what Kirchhoff law is:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DodFojdkSIA

Having a theory is great but what happens when the theory does not meet the evidence or data? In solar science the truth has been buried to support the CNO model of fusion. Hans Bethe figured this CNO model of fusion out on a train ride home after spending some time with Richard Feynman at a physics meeting.   Why is this fundamental to my mitochondriacs to understand? I have stated many times in my podcasts and webinars that I believe the sun and mitochondria work exactly the same way. I believe our mitochondria in our cells are mini solar discs. We all know that the sun supports all life on Earth and we also know that when electrons and protons stop moving in a mitochondrion all life stops in that cell. This means that we need to see if Kirchhoff’s law supports the thermodynamic theories of solar fusion. If it cannot then we need to look for a better theory of how the sun works. The corona of the sun which most of us just saw in the recent eclipse of 2017 is hotter than the interior of the sun. This fact supports an electric model of the sun and suggests that Kirchhoff’s law is incorrect. So how could we prove here on Earth that Kirchhoff’s law is false? Might this lead biology down a new path of understanding that the most important genome in our cells is the mitochondrial genome and not the nuclear genome as we currently believe? I think so. It is also why this video of the experiment is vital to any learning mitochondriac. I will explain briefly how the creation of the sunlight is important to the solar detector in our retina. This was the focus of my Vermont 2017 talk and this science below is tied to that talk at a much more deep fashion. The irony no one seems to appreciate in all animals since K-T is that DHA has been the master of DNA since the beginning of mammal evolution. Mammalian proteins in the eye were selected using the redox measure in cells to function with the constancy of DHA in the back round controlling things. Nature is all about efficiency, and found us the most energy efficient solutions to a lot of our problems. It did so through the combination of enough time, random chance, and emergent phenomena based on the contingent factors in the environment. The classic example are eyes — nature found that photons (and by extension, electrons) are by far the means of transmitting information. Eyes hence evolved independently many times on this planet, and if you could mirror this planet in another galaxy, eyes would evolve there too, because it was the most efficient design. (same with DHA in the brain)” Eyes and the brain……..both one and yet not. They both sense the world from inside out. The most sensitive cells to light are oriented away from the photons…….yet they are lightening fast reactors to its photons. One has to ask why? The extraordinary conservation and irreplaceable nature of DHA in neuronal signaling and its high concentration in the photoreceptors of the retina can be explained if it functions as an electron tunnelling device providing quantized signals. The retina has more DHA in it than any other part of the brain. Quantum mechanical treatment explains the absolute precision of the membrane depolarization in phototransduction. This precision is essential to human visual acuity and synaptic signaling. Quantum mechanics also happens to explain why the photoreceptors are oriented in a counter-intuitively manner away from incoming light. This is true in the retina with the most light sensitive cells deepest in the retina and the neocortex below the skull in what some think is total darkness……….but is not. Why do I share this with you? Is it to confuse you or enlighten you to something deep about the sun and our antenna for sunlight, the retina? It is the former. Wise people learn when they can about something new that is unfamiliar and makes sense of it with new data. Fools only learn when they must and this is highly inefficient. What kind of bio=physicist learner are you?

Why is this critical?  Your eye is the antenna for sunlight.  And it is built around the physics of how light is created by the sun.  This links directly to my Vermont 2017 talk on youtube.

I will remind you all once again the pupil of the eye is our only perfect black box radiator. This is why this topic is huge and foundational. I will remind you that evry other surface like our skin is an imperfect black box radiator loaded with topologic insulators. (graphere like) Our retina is made up of many topologic insulators that slow light down to build things with mass as I laid out in the Vermont video.  Dopamine and melatonin where the two proteins I focused upon but leptin is another TI in the subcutaneous fat that transfers light infromation from the sun to the hypothalamus when it is dark.  Melatonn similarly is made during the AM time in the eye but is biochemically active under the cover of darkness to repair mtDNA to lower heteroplasmy.  Look at all these pictures that give you visual pictures of how solar light is slowed and turned into energy and things with mass as light slows in our body.  Here are many of my Vermont 2017 slides linked to this science.

The above pic from my Vermont 2017 talk shows as sunlight is slowed the pituitary gland aquires mass because it is making hormones from things with aromatic rings that capture sunlight after it passes the pupil.

Part two of the Kirchoff experiment:


This blog is designed to deepen my Vermont talk from June 2017.  It should create more questions for you and that is good.

The Rx everyone needs but very few doctors write…

The mitochrondriac thought of the day from the garden in NOLA. Cancer is a profitable business to be in for hospitals. Have you ever seen how beautiful a hospital gardens are in their cancer wings. The landscaping is pristine, the garden furniture new and shiny and the flowers reflect gorgoeus rays of light for any eyes to see. I find it quite ironic that everytime I visit any hospital I never find any cancer patients out there. I never find their friends or family there either. I find hospital employees there on smoke breaks and lunch breaks. Cancer has to be a great business considering how elaborate these gardens are becoming in the modern hospital. You’d think that it would dawn on somebody that maybe sitting in these gardens might be wise for healing.

That solution seem fairly simple, but I’ve never heard of any oncologist writing an order for the patient to go outside and sit in the sun. I have seem many Rx for radiation therapy and chemotherapy For a mitochondriac, it is clear that simple solutions tend to be bad for complex business that make money. I thank God everyday that people in the cancer business have $$$ to build nice gardens for me to think in!!! It is striking that those who need the garden most never use it. One of my fellow doctor buddies told me today that maybe the reason I am alone out here is because cancer patients are all deathly afraid of the sun from the dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and oncology recommendations given inside the walls. Maybe it is the drugs they are infusing that photosensitize them to cause them to be weak…….too weak and too busy inside being infused with chemical Rx’s and irradiated with gamma frequencies…………But other than that, they love the gardens in this hospital Isn’t it wonderful that hospitals have nice gardens!!



If you look at the latest data from mice as cite one does below,  it appears this is true.  Mice are noctural mammals so their results will not be identical to ours but they useful in working out how proteins of the circadian mechanism work with sunlight.  Skin, like all organs, has a distinctive night-day cycle. Skin cells divide and proliferate more at night, performing essential repairs. During this time, skin is more acidic, less hydrated and even has a slightly higher temperature than during the day.  Acidic environment have lower pH and a lower pH is associated with a smaller exclusion zone of water.  Given the last blog on aquaphotomics you might see why this study has some deep relevance to the the idea of a “quantum batter”.  A lowered pH would offer less control of entanglement and make things in cells and mitochondria more subject to pertubation. This would also lower the number of “wits” present with tissues and would lead to lower energy generation in tissues.  This is the perfect set up for an autoimmune or infectious process to manifest.  A lowered pH = acidic environment = lowered EZ = lowered DC electric current = lowere regeneration = Alterations in ANT1 and ANT 2 in mitochondria = inflammation = mitochondrial disease generation.

The inflammation of psoriasis follows a similar pattern, with higher levels of immune cells late at night and thus more proliferation of unneeded skin cells. Eczema also appears to worsen significantly at night, disrupting the sleep of many people who suffer from the condition. This is a big quantum clue for the mitochondriac.

A new study (cite 1) may have identified the genes that cause this discomfort within the skin.  It also maybe key in understanding why the solar callus is not built up in many mammals who’s skin has undergone a circadian mismatch.  It turns out the highly conserved clock genes in mammals, such as the CLOCK and PER2, are intricately and critically involved in regulating and maintaining the circadian rhythm of the skin, appear to also be part of the cause of many common skin maladies. Mice who have mutations in the CLOCK gene have a lower severity of skin diseases like psoriasis. Psoriasis is a pre-cancerous autoimmune condition.  Their skin does not react as strongly to the autoimmune activity that normally causes psoriasis flares. Mice who had a mutation in the PER2 gene, on the other hand, developed psoriasis even when they lacked other autoimmune symptoms usually associated with the skin disorder.  The CLOCK and PER2 genes appear to be a coupled thermodynamic gene pair.  If one goes awry it leads to loss of control of the local circadian timing mechanism in the skin.  I would tell you to refer back to the many blog where I talk about what happens to each side of a coupled system once one is altered exogenously……….it leads to extinction of both cycles and leads to disease.  Artificial blue light exposure at night is a strong skin stimulus for this uncoupling event.

Could Chronotherapy Offer Relief from Skin Disorders?

The symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis appear to be intricately linked with the circadian rhythm. Previous published studies have found that topical medications are better absorbed in the evening when sunlight is absent, so this is might be an ideal time to use them. In addition, taking medications for night-dominant disorders before bedtime may alleviate some of the more severe symptoms seen at night. Last, stopping damage to cells at the time when it is most likely to occur will likely reduce symptoms even during the day.

Chronotherapy may allow many people suffering from these and other skin diseases to get the healthy skin and good night of sleep that they need. However, this is not the only area where study of the circadian rhythm can allow us to achieve better health. Understanding the circadian rhythm of different parts of our bodies is often the first step to developing more effective treatments for mitochondrial diseases.  I believe today,most modern diseases are related to increases in mtDNA heteroplasmy rates.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4653315/

2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26549635


THE BLOG TAKE HOME : Are there truly quantum effects or phenomena intrinsic to a specific thermodynamic process that offer an operational advantage over their classical counterpart?  Most people think that sunlight hitting water is the key mechanism to make the battery for life.  That view point is myopic.   Quantum mechanics allows us to create a battery that can collect and distrobute energy on demand and this is the kind of battery tissues that are alive would need.  It represent what we observe in the living state.  When we need energy our tissues deliver.  How do they do this?   After all thermodynamics should be sensitive to the underlying microscopic description. For example, the efficiency of an engine should always be limited by the Carnot bound irrespective of whether the working medium is comprised of quantum or classical components. However, for non- equilibrium protocols the question is more subtle. For instance very recently it has been demonstrated that it is possible to use non-equilibrium short cuts to adiabaticity to boost the power of engine cycles without compromising efficiency (Deng et al. 2013, del Campo et al. 2014). One may then wonder whether it is in the finite time operation of devices that quantum mechanics offers an advantage biology is unaware of.  The present blog provides an example of a  process where quantum correlations provide an huge advantage to living state.

Since Becker established that human bone uses P/N junctions for semi conductive circuits that regenerate human bone it has been found that their are many other ways solar light’s non linear physical abilities are used in a cell.  Biologic semiconductors are made from collagen and doped with phosphorus to make cellular lasers while we sleep to regenerate cells and tissues.  This process is very interesting.   These ideas are intimately tied to the April 2016- Sept 2016 webinars and will be particularly helpful for members of this site who have had access to them.

Daytime is associated with the DC electric current presence and at nighttime it goes away with the sun. What happens in between day and night is why evolution invented sleep. When electric resistance in any circuit is increased,  light emission tends to occurs more easily photoelectrically. This shows you that a DC electric current can be changed to a photonic signal just by a charge change or a small temperature change. Semiconductors lie in an area between the metals and non-metals on the periodic table. Life is carbon based. Carbon is in Group IV of the periodic table.  Phosphorus is a group 5 element.  Sulfur and Selenium are  group 6 elements that is also critical in charging fats with starlight like cholesterol, DHEA, heparin, and Vitamin D3 in our skin immediately.

There is a quirk in quantum electrodynamics that tell us that a quantum battery could allow for energy on demand.

You’re probably familiar with quantum bits (qubits) to some degree from all the news about quantum computing in recent years. Unlike regular digital bits, a qubit can be in either of two states or both states at the same time. Physically, the qubits can be any number of particles including photons, ions, and neutral atoms. In the case of a quantum battery, the qubits are referred to as work qubits (nicknamed “wits”) because they are used to store energy that can later be extracted to perform work. Each wit has a high-energy state and a low-energy state much like an electron does. See Jablonski diagram below.   Add power to the system, and you flip wits to the high-energy state to store energy.

The trick to getting super-fast charging times out of a quantum battery is that all of these wits can (theoretically) be entangled during the charging process. Conventional battery charging is limited by thermodynamic processes as the electrons flow in, but two entangled wits can bypass most of this. If two particles are entangled, they will share the same quantum state even if they aren’t in the same physical space. In this case, that state is storing energy. The researchers say this means the wits can be charged “globally” for a huge increase in speed. In fact, the charging speed is proportional to the number of “wits in a battery”. This means the more Phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium our tissues contain the faster we can assimilate  electric and magnetic energy from the sun or Earth.  If a quantum battery with one work qubit takes an hour to charge, one with six wits would only take 10 minutes.   The one problem for technology now is that technology companies are looking to make hard case batteries.  It turns out life figured out how to use water and atoms like phsophorus and sulfur to take advantage of this QED effect.  It turns out that non-fluid quantum systems are very hard to maintain for even short periods of time.  The reason for this is most matter undergoes decoherence easily when solid matter is used.   This is caused by the effect of decoherence, which basically interference from outside the quantum system.  Water is also a natural Faraday cage so it not only is the ideal fluid for a quantum battery but it also protects the quantum coherence of the system when sunlight activates the fluid.  Researchers for technology battery makers will  also need to find a way to get the energy out of a quantum battery in a useful way rather than just as radiant heat.  Biology uses a mitochondrion to accomplish this task with great efficiency.

I would tell you to careully notice where P, S and Se are located on the periodic table.  Alos remember this table is quantized from an organizational standpoint.  By doping our carbon based semiconductors with Group V elements like nitrogen and phosphorus, extra valence electrons are added that become unbonded from individual atoms and allow the compound to be an electrically conductive N-type semiconductor.  Chlorophyll and hemoglobin both use a nitrogen cage around a metal atom to build their N-type semiconductor that creates excitons by slowing light down.

I consider the sun a wireless electric charger for all of our carbon based semiconductors.  The key to this wireless connection however is how a star’s plasma interacts with phosphorus in proteins and enzymes.  This is why carbon based collagen is the number one protein in all living cells and it is also why phosphorus is a mission critical atom in turning on and turning off physiologic pathways used inside of all living cells. ATP is the storage house for inorganic phosphorus.  This is also why Nature has put nitrogen within the center cage that holds a metal atom in chlorophyll and hemoglobin.  These two porphyrins are critical to all plant and animal life via wireless solar recharging by creating excitons.

N-type semiconductors like collagen, chlorophyll, and hemoglobin have a larger electron concentration than a hole does, guarranteeing  concentration of light electron collisions by design.  This makes them more likely to collide with the sun’s light.

In life, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and the transition metals as the key “doping atoms” inside of cells because they are found in all key proteins and in mitochondria and blood. In plants they are associated with chloroplasts.  Not only is collagen a N-type semiconductor but it is also piezoelectric. Piezoelectric materials are able to turn mechanical energy into electric energy.  The DC electric current is the key to all regeneration programs according to the work of Burr and Becker.

I’d like you to consider this passage from Roeland van Wijk’s, “Light in Shaping Life: Biophotons in Biology and Medicine”, pg. 234.

“Such research resulted in the electrodynamic theory of life.   This was developed by Burr and F.S.C. Northrop, it was first published in their joint paper (1935). A summary of the hypothesis by Burr and Nortrop is present in the following quote,”The pattern of organization of any biological system is established by a complex electrodynamic field, which is in part determined by its atomic physical-chemical components and which determines the behavior and orientation of those components. This field is electrical in the physical sense and by its properties it relates the entities of the biological system in a characteristic pattern and is itself in part a result of the existence of those entities. It determines and is determined by the components. More the establishing pattern, it must maintain pattern in the midst of a physicochemical flux. Therefore, it must regulate and control living things, it must be the mechanism the outcome of whose activity is “wholeness, organization and continuity.” The electrodynamic field, then is comparable to the morphogenetic field of Gurwitsch, and to the entelechy of Driesch.”

Scompy, one of my members, mentioned , After reading this statement, it should hit you again that most biological educational programs from high school and college, TO THIS VERY DAY, are missing the biophysics in their definition of Biology: “The Study of Life.”  Of course, many in the East and Robert O. Becker in the West continued these works from the 1930’s. It is evident that teachers and educators downplay or outright dismiss nnEMF impacts upon human biology, when their own education sets do not include the breadth of past biological research.

In the experiments Becker did on bone for limb regeneration in salamanders, just shining light on the bone elicited an increase in its electric current that was measured.  The light bone emitted was infrared. This makes sense when one considers that bone is surrounded by water, and water is a red light chromophore.  Themrodynamically red light moves thing with mass.    Red light is also capable of simultaneously building the exclusion zone in bone.  BOne has massive amount of P, S, and Se proteins in it too.  Bone contains massive amounts of water because it has a brisk blood supply to the bone marrow.   Blood plasma is 93% water by volume. Becker knew most semiconductors in solid state physics tended to absorb UV light well and fluoresced light with a less powerful frequency as a result.  That light emission was then used to perform another step in the regeneration phase in the limbs of salamanders, via the generation of the DC electric current.


The presence of short frequency blue light in the environment has been found to destroys the reverse bias current in tissues.  This is also linked to lowered melatonin levels and lowered tissue sulfation.  This is why the DC electric current dissappears at night time and this decreases electric resistance.  In an artificial blue lit environment the DC electric current does not dissipate in the anterior visual pathways and the skin and this is why sleep and regeneration potential is slowly destoyed by manmade light at night.

At night, with no sunlight present, temperature in the blood and CSF is designed to fall a few degrees.  This is associated with a rise in melatonin and adensoine which helps sleep cycles progress. As melatonin increases locally in tissues, sulfation of lipid and proteins occurs while cells begin to release ELF-UV light.  It is also like our tissues at night release the same healing frequencies at night to stimulate regeneration pathways that cells take advantage of when the sun is shining.  Semi-conductors act as non-metals at lowered temperatures.  This means their electrons are trapped within the atom or molecule.  During daylight these electrons can be excited by solar light on our surfaces that contain melanin/eumelanin which capture UU and IR light.  This is the way light is controlled for later use in tissues when the sun is not shining.


In 1887, Hertz really discovered the photoelectric effect but never realized it because he could not explain it.
Hertz used a spark gap between two dissimilar elements to get his result and biology uses hydrated  fluorphores and chromophores molecules to do the job. Both are tied together by the interaction of solar light at a biologic surface.

Hertz’s spark gaps worked because of a voltage difference between two conductors that lead to the gap’s breakdown……so a spark of light plasma was emitted. When a spark got released he found it couldionize a gas. This is very similar to how lightening forms in our charged atmosphere.  I believe semiconductors in our tissues have large voltage differences at night and this is why they release light at night to stimulate tissue sulfation and melatonin actions.

When this happened to Hertz’s experiments in 1887 he found another interesting finding.  He found electrical resistance dropped like a rock allowing the electric spark to flow.  This is EXACTLY what Becker found in his regeneration experiments.  Hertz found its flow continued until either the pathway of the ionized gas was busted or the current dropped below a minimum value. The emitted electrons in his experiments could come from gases, metals, non metals, even liquids. Any atom seemed to work.  This means the photoelectric effect affects anything it physically interacts with………hence why light determines things and not food…………..

This wasone of the first proof’s I found  that solar light collisions with atoms and not food or exercise are the key point in wellness.  We had to slow light down to make things happen in a cell.

The key point of Hertz’s observations were that you can’t observe this effect unless environmental conditions allow for it………….this is where modern biologic science loses itself.

What in the environment sets the stage for this effect?  Can we wirelessly recharge using the sun and magneto field  or not?  The first step in photosynthesis and in the skin and blood plasma where chlorphyll and hemoglobin are is the charge separation of water to make electrons and liberate hydrogen. Hydrogen is a clean natural fuel.

Hydrogen without its sole electron is a metal plasma and excellent electrical conductor. This form of hydrogen is buried in our sun and in our mitochondrial matrix. This means our mitochondria is filled with ionized metal plasma.

H+ is linked to phosphorus function by way of ADP/ATP ratio’s with electron flow in ETC.  Phosphorus is one of our base key semiconductors (see periodic table above) used in the circadian clock mechanism in the brain and all cells because it links to ADP/ATP levels and inorganic phosphorus levels.  As ADP and AMP rise,  inorganic phosphorus also increases making more of “quibit/wits” in cells to allow for immediate charging.  This of course assumes you are connected to the sun or magneto field.  Today most are not connected enough.  This is why being in the sun is way more important than eating food is for energy generation.  It also fully explains my point in Vermont 2017 why the sun makes 2/3 of ATP and food can only make 1/3 of the ATP we need.  This also squares with Dr. Ling’s calucations that ATP could not explain the observed thermodynamics in a cell if one just considered the bio-chemical pathways published in books.  During sleep consciousness fades as the sun fades; so does the DC electric current in cells.  During wakefulness ATP and phosphorus and sunlight are necessary for consciousness to manifest, and the DC electric current manifests in cells.


Phosphorus is a key atom in life’s post translation modifications of proteins (ATP/ADP), I knew it had to have specific biologic advantages using the wireless connection of electromagnetic spectrum from the sun.  One key finding was that red phosphorous can act as a semiconductor by itself.  A Japanese scientist, Akira Fujishima, performed the earliest work on splitting hydrogen (H+) out of water. He discovered that titanium dioxide could produce the gas, a finding first reported this  in Nature in 1972. Phosphorus is a photocatalyst operates much as chlorophyll does in a plant, or melanin works in skin, by absorbing energy from light and causing a chemical reaction in water to charge separate it,  and liberating protons and confinfing electrons in the exclusion zone to create energy from the sun in the form of hydrogen and free electrons.  This increases the electrical charge in cells directly.   Cells have harnessed the ability of phosphorus to split water and the power of phosphorus is clearly present by being ubiquitously present in all of our proteins to make our peripheral clock genes (CLOCK and PER2 genes) operate properly with sunlight. When they don’t harness this power you get diseases in that organ because the mitochondria become faulty and heteroplasmy rises. This is why phosphorylation of proteins is found everywhere one looks in high energy metabolic pathways in a cell.

In fact, it is the reason it is used in clock mechanisms to fine tune coupling and timing inside a cell. This is critical in the eye clock mechanism.  Most of the known clock proteins are phosphoproteins and phosphorylation events play a key role in generating circadian rhythms. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) constitutes an interesting example of interconnection between phosphorylation events of clock components and metabolism status. AMPk links to carbohydrate/glucose because carbohydrates are loaded with serotonin which is the main precursor aromatic amino acid that makes melatonin.  This is why the link really exists and no one seems to see the quantized link.  In fact, we now know AMPK activity regulates trafficking of mitochondria to the leading edge of tissue growth during cell migration and germinal matrix invasion in the brain.

ATP synthesis is not directly coupled to the cytochromes of the inner mitochondrial membrane. For sequential e – transfers to occur,  be mindful that the ATPase is not directly coupled to the respiratory proteins.  H+ translocation at the cytochromes generates the chemiosmotic gradient necessary for ADP phosphorylation. This H+ comes from the matrix and has to pass through the spinning head of the ATPase and it exits into the outermitochondrial membrane space as the H+ must cross the inner mitochondrial membrane.  This H+ version of hydrogen has some pretty special abilities when its scale and density is altered by electric and magnetic fields that suround it. They key reaction stoichiometry of the ATPase for a
• 360-degree revolution = 3 ATP = 10 H+ = hydrogen must be stripped of its sole electron to become an ion to act like a metal plasma in the matrix. The first three cytochromes are all dehydrogenases whose job it is to remove hydrogen from foods.  Why do the sun and mitochondrial matrix have something deeply in common? Is this why photosynthesis and a mitochondria are entangled? I think so; I think this might be how animal photosynthesis began on Earth?


In a study published in 2015, physicist Matthew Fisher of the University of California at Santa Barbara argued that the brain might contain molecules capable of sustaining more robust quantum superpositions. Specifically, he thinks that the nuclei of phosphorus atoms may have this ability.

Phosphorus atoms are everywhere in living cells. They often take the form of phosphate ions, in which one phosphorus atom joins up with four oxygen atoms.
Such ions are the basic unit of energy within cells. Much of the cell’s energy is stored in molecules called ATP, which contain a string of three phosphate groups joined to an organic molecule. When one of the phosphates is cut free, energy is released for the cell to use.

Cells have molecular machinery in their mitochondria for assembling phosphate ions into groups and cleaving them off again. Fisher has suggested a scheme in which two phosphate ions might be placed in a special kind of superposition called an “entangled state“.

An “entangled state” implies that all phosphorus in our cells would act in unison in some specific or partcular fashion.

The phosphorus nuclei have a quantum property called spin, which makes them rather like little magnets with poles pointing in particular directions. In an entangled state, the spin of one phosphorus nucleus depends on that of the other.
Put another way, entangled states are really superposition states involving more than one quantum particle.
Fisher says that the quantum-mechanical behavior of these nuclear spins could plausibly resist decoherence on human timescales in most environment.  This is key into creating a quantum battery.   He agrees with Tegmark that quantum vibrations like those postulated by Penrose and Hameroff, will be strongly affected by their surroundings “and will decohere almost immediately”.  But nuclear spins do not interact very strongly with their surroundings.
All the same, quantum behavior in the phosphorus nuclear spins would have to be “protected” from decoherence from something in the environment if it where to be the key to a quantum battery.

This might happen, Fisher says, if the phosphorus atoms are incorporated into larger objects called “Posner molecules”. These are clusters of six phosphate ions, combined with nine calcium ions. There is some evidence that they can exist in living cells, though this is currently far from conclusive.

In Posner molecules (described below), phosphorus spins could resist decoherence for a day or so, even in living cells. That means they could influence how the brain works with sunlight and darkness.  It also implies that this might be the switch for consciousness from the sleeping state.  This might be why adenosine levels seem to be highly correlated with the sleep state.  We also know natural sleep and anesthesia reduces K+ in the extracellular fluid while increasing Ca2+, Mg2+, and H+ as well as the extracellular volume.  Why do these charged ions act this way in the sleep state?  Could it be we are making the extracellular fluid more sensitive to magnetic energies and less sensitive to electric energies since light is absent?  I think so.

The key idea is that Posner molecules can be swallowed up by neurons because their charge is altered. Once inside, the Posner molecules could trigger the firing of a signal to another neuron, by falling apart and releasing their calcium ions.  If you look at the picture below you will see we have a voltage sensitive calcium gate in cells that is located between the incident EMF and the creation of redox and free radicals.  This picture below mimics the Jablonski diagram above.  

Because of entanglement of the atoms in Posner molecules, two such signals might thus in turn become entangled: a kind of quantum superposition of a “thought”, you might say.  If quantum processing is occuring with nuclear spins in atoms, in the brain, it would have to be an extremely common occurrence, happening pretty much all the time.  MRI image generation has shown us this is, in fact,  true.

What if phosphorus found another atoms (H+, Se, and S) to pair with to prevent environmental decoherence?  What happens if some of those atoms are taken up into every mitochondria?  Could that allow for an explanation of consciousness using nuclear spin as the switch on and off in brainstem neurons that control consciousness in the ascending reticular activating system??  I think so.  The retina projects to this consciousness nucleus in the brainstem but it also projects to the pituitary gland to make hormones when we are conscious too during morning.

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) is localized in retinal inputs to the SCN, it has been reported to alter clock phase only during the subjective day (Hannibal et al., 1997.)

PACAP shifts in the subjective day, apparently via activation of adenylate cyclase and increased intracellular cAMP. cAMP levels link directly to phosphorus levels in the cell.  Here you can see the link yet again.  These findings indicate dose and phase specificity of the effects of PACAP, mean it has a new role as a transmitter in the retinohypothalamic tract.  This is why I called the central retinal pathway in Vermont a giant semi-conductive circuit that connects the retina to the leptin receptor and the sleep regions of the brainstem.  cAMP is a second messenger biomolecule that uses phosphorus as its key activator.

This is where phosphorus has a dual function with respect to sunlight which maybe capable of providing this protection by charge separating water to make excitons.  This is the exact process that occurs in chloroplasts and sunlight in photosynthesis.  So is there any other atom in the periodic table to that has been shown to alter consciousness just by changing nucelar spin Jack?  You do realize how bizarre this mechanism is that you are explaining here?  I do.  Read on.

LITHIUM AND ITS ISOTOPES:  B-mesons in the mitochondrial matrix.

How on earth the lithium ion could have such a dramatic effect in treating mental conditions like bi-polar disorder?

Lithium drugs are widely used for treating bipolar disorder. They work, but nobody really knows how.
“I wasn’t looking for a quantum explanation,” Fisher says. But then he came across a paper reporting that lithium drugs had different effects on the behavior of rats, depending on what form – or “isotope” – of lithium was used.
On the face of it, that was extremely puzzling to Fisher. In chemical terms, different isotopes behave almost identically, so if the lithium worked like a conventional drug the isotopes should all have had the same effect.

But Fisher realized that the nuclei of the atoms of different lithium isotopes can have different nuclear spins. This quantum property might affect the way lithium drugs act. For example, if lithium substitutes for calcium in Posner molecules, the lithium spins might “feel or sense” and influence those of phosphorus atoms, and so interfere with their entanglement.


What is a “Posner molecule”?  Its chemical formula is  Ca9(PO4)6. In 1975, Aaron Posner, a Cornell University scientist, noticed an odd clustering of calcium and phosphorous atoms in his X-rays of bone. I learned about these in residency when I was studying Becker work on bone physiology.  Posner made drawings of the structure of those clusters: nine calcium atoms and six phosphorous atoms, later called “Posner molecules” in his honor. The clusters popped up again in the 2000’s, when scientists simulating bone growth (BMP research of Medtronic) in artificial fluid noticed them Posner molecules floating in the fluid. Subsequent experiments found evidence of the clusters in the body. Posner molecules could serve as a natural qubit in the the bone.  I have said single atoms of small groups of atoms could act as qubits as well in many of my older webinars. I got the idea from bone morphogenic research I read in the early 2000’s.   Posner molecules are unique molecules that can protect the neural qubits on very long time scales and thereby serve as a (working) quantum-memory that could form the foundations of consciousness.  A central requirement for quantum-processing and memory is quantum entanglement.  It has been argued that the enzyme catalyzed chemical reaction which breaks a pyrophosphate ion into two phosphate ions can quantum entangle pairs of qubits/wits. It has also been shown that all enzymes seem to work by proton tunneling (Life in the Edge H+ ) , which is another quantum process. So how do I see this working in cells based upon our current state of knowledge?    Posner molecules can be formed by binding such phosphate pairs with extracellular calcium ions, will inherit their nuclear spin entanglement.  In the same way electron spins can be ordered or entangled before they are passed down to oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in mitochondrial respiration.

A mechanism for transporting Posner molecules into presynaptic neurons during vesicle endocytosis has been proposed by Fisher in cite 1.  Now look at the picture below again more closely.  Endocytosis is controlled by calcium messenging controlled by its voltage gating mechanisms with respect to the incident EMF a cell is built to react too.  It is well established that nnEMF can disrupt cellular functioning by disrupting the calcium calmodulin pathways that control calcium flow in a cell to cause nuclear genomic changes using non coding RNA and miRNA from non coding parts in DNA just by changing the energy flux in mitochondria as the picture above shows again.

If this mechanism is proven true by further experiments, it would help to explain why certain isotopes lithium can treat bipolar disorder better than others. The lithium available by prescription from a physicians’ prescription pad  is mostly the isotope called lithium-7.  Would a different isotope, like the much more rare lithium-6, produce the same results as lithium-7 in a bipolar brain?  We know that bi-polar people have altered states of consciousness and they all have altered sleep so this mental illness would be an excellent model for to show this quantum mechanism at work deep in the atoms of our cells.  It would also explain why biology has never found the physiologic reason why lithium works.  Biology does not account for varying nuclear spins in their experimental designs.  We do know it occurs in biology,  however, because of how MRI images are generated.  In modern biologic theory, they would not expect this either since the two isotopes are chemically identical.   They differ only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus and this will affect the nuclear spin of the atom of lithium.  So I went looking in the literature and found a paper from 1986 that stopped me dead in my tracks.  In 1986, scientists found out that the two isotopes of lithium have very different effects in bi-polar disorder. (Cite 5)  This is when I began to realize that our quantum battery that drives animal photosynthesis had to use nuclear spin variation to charge us very rapidly.

This paper should have stimulated huge biologic interest in nuclear spins effect on mitochondrion but it did not.  I realized how important it was when I read about a quirk in quantum mechaics with respect to battery creation.   When physicists began to look at this phenomena, they immediately saw its underlying implication.  Lithium 7 and 6 only differ by having  one more neutron, but this small change changes how they react in an electric and magnetic field because both isotopes have different nuclear spins.  Most biologist and physical chemists have no idea how a nuclear spin affect physiologic ability.  They believe that the chemistry of the two isotopes should be the same, and the slight difference in atomic mass largely washes out in the “watery environment” inside cells.  They do not even realize that this watery environment would be changed by this isotope effect and this would also effect the action of protons in water networks in cells. These water networks for an extreme Faraday cage inside of cells that would protect it from environmental EMF’s and this would prevent or slow quantum decoherence by preserving coherence of atoms embedded in the EZ water.  This is what would sustain quantum effects and would allow us to evolve wakefulness and consciousness from sleep.  So what could account for the physiologic differences in behavior of these animals in 1986 that researchers observed?

Nuclear spin provides us some unique quantum possibilities for life.  One of nature’s deep secrets might lie in the nuclear spin of several atoms (P, S, Se, H, O), which is a quantum property that affects how long each atom can remain coherent — that is, isolated from its environment native EMF’s.  The lower the spin, the LESS the nucleus interacts with electric and magnetic fields, and the LESSquickly it decoheres.  Why is this important?  The less a nucleus spin rate is the faster a battery can charge and this mechanism would explain how starlight could be used to charge cells rapidly for living almost instantaneously.  This was the day I realized animals were more photosynthetic than plants were.  

Because lithium-7 and lithium-6 have different numbers of neutrons, they also have different spins. As a result, lithium-7 decoheres too quickly for the purposes of quantum cognition or sleep, while lithium-6 can remain entangled for longer periods of time.  This is why lithium improves sleep and cognition in bi-polar patients.  It also explains why psychiatrists have no earthly idea of why lithium works.  It is a nuclear spin effect.  What else did it mean to me?

It also may point out why and how phosphorus works as a photosynthetic catalyst to create hydrogen atoms stripped of their electrons in the mitochondrial matrix, while also having the ability to change H+ using its own nuclear spin.  The alteration or flickering between B-mesons and the hydrogen proton (H+) would act to electrically change the chemistry in the mitochondrial matrix to allow for consciousness to emerge.  This is why my April 2016 webinar linked mitochondrial density to the level of consciousness that is possible.  It also points out why the exclusion zone of water may not just be a capacitor for sunlight (battery).  It needs more things buried in water  (aquaphotomics)to explain how life can do what it does.  The construction of the exclusion zone (EZ) maybe quantum protection scheme for atomic quibits like phosphorous, hydrogen, and oxygen inside of cells.

It also maybe how and why we build billions of Faraday cages from the EZ water  during daytime hours to become conscious.  The key stimulus to this process maybe light coming through our eyes every morning to make the interference pattern of sunlight vanish.  This maybe the signal that consciousness can exist and it would also link it at some strength and level to the charge present within the EZ and within a mitochondria.  We clearly have established in neurosurgery and anesthesia, that consciousness varies in strength in disease and injury states and this is why we have stupor and coma scores that are dynamic.

My idea here is innovative when you consider the actions within a mitochondria and the fact that it is surrounded by exclusion zone water and coherent domains within that water.  If one looks at the mitochondria we see an organelle that makes massive amounts of hydrogen protons stripped of their electrons that move from the matrix to the outer membrane space and it recycles phosphorus constantly via the ATPase.

How would this all work in unison in a tissue?

The brain is loaded with mitochondria.  The Casmir effect is used within the human brain deep in the white matter tracts that are perpendicular to the path of the neuron. They simulate the lines of magnetic flux that come from the magnetic field of a magnet. Anytime we slow light down from its speed limit we create things with mass that become matter. How does life, our brain or the cuttlefish do it deep in the dark see to make light at night like the sun does during the day to make even more melatonin to regenerate us at night?? Tissues likely manipulates the SQUIDS in our semiconductive circuits relative to the light contained within our colony of mitochondria in our tissues.  This would control the level of phosphorus and sulfur to act as wits as we sleep.   Cells have figured this out billions of years ago just using starlight, water and the electromagnetic field production from biomolecules on Earth to form many Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) on the surface of your brain that allows you to be human. SQUID’S are important in the mammalian neocortex because they are able to switch signals from one neural circuit to another, at extremely high speeds, while storing massive amounts of information, all while using very low power dissipation.

This all can be done in the tightest of quarters. The skull limits space and lack of space means the scale of action has to shrinks.  This is a huge thermodynamic benefit for a quantum process.  Quantum processes dominate the small scales of nature.  This is why we don’t observe them.  If we did, it would change the reality we would observe.  I mentioned this in Vermont 2017 as part of the Quantum Zeno effect.  This process of light emission works at nanoscopic levels on semiconductor carbon chips in the subarachnoid space of your brain, just as it does in the silicon chips of your laptop’sin its motherboard.  This is precisely what happens on the human neocortex and explains how the cortex actually can do the things it does. This occurs using another quantum principle called the Josephson effect.

The 1971 Nobel Prize was given for discovery of this effect to Brian Josephson. Moreover, the Josephson effect provides the biologic and technologic basis for the development of an ultra sensitive magnetometer called a SQUID. A SQUID instrument (or biologic tissue) is capable of detecting the magnetic fields produced in spaces in or around the body. We now know from Dr. Doug Wallace and Dr. Meagan McManus work on intermitochondrial junctions (IMJ’s) that the alignment of cristae in mitochondria in any tissue seems to align like magnetic flux lines from a magnet when they are producing maximum power.  The bottom right of the slide below shows the effect.

This implies that mitochondrion working in unison by oscillating and aligning are a biologic SQUID that works to harvest the electric charges in our skin and circulatory system’s to pull the sun’s energy into the cellular environment. The use of all these atoms is critical in extracting solar energy from tissues to make life happen.  My model of cellular function allows semiconductors in our cells or outside our cells to absorb all sources of energy in oscillating, vibrating polar wave forms. These energies are then directed and redirected by biologic SQUID’s into circuits to excite cells or syncytiums of cells in organs to perform coordinated physiologic functions. Cholesterol is one of these biologic SQUIDS in the lipid raft of arteries and our skin where sunlight has a massive effect on this semiconductor.   To work well in tissues, tissues must be sulfated.  Guess what sulfates tissues?  Sunlight via melatonin levels.

The sun is the main way humans make vitamin D3 from cholesterol but to optimize the process cholesterol needs to be sulfated. The sulfation step adds a quantum dots to the skin and this quantum dot allows massive rapid solar recharging to occur on the skin. By QED laws anytime you add quantum dots to a system is allows a quantum battery to charge way faster than conventional batteries so this is why life can harness solar energy when energy is required.   This limits our reliance of foods if the system is optimized to starlight recharging or magnetic energies at night.  Of course this assumes your quantum battery mechanism is not blocked from its wireless charger in the sky or a connection to Earth.  So now that researchers are catching up to quantum biology maybe they should begin questioning clinicians offfering therapies burying the sun or becoming insulated from Earth? When the environment around cholesterol in a cell changes it affects how electrons move within it. It also effects how they can be excited. People forget cholesterol has a ring structure that mimics how aromatic amino acids acts as photon traps. This make cholesterol or sterols an optical redox sensor of light frequencies from our star. When electrons are added to cholesterol from the DHA in blood vessels, it is called its “reduced state”, and this makes it more water soluble or hydrophilic. When something becomes more water soluble it can than use other quantum mechanical means of light energy transfer. RBC’s are suspended in blood plasma which is made of 93% water. Water is the ideal chromophore for UV and IR light. This is why animals use water and hemoglobin, cholesterol, and sunlight to transfer energy to our cells by way of S, P, and Se in our tissues.  We are photoelectric creatures at all levels.

Normally in a brain working well, cortisol shows up in early morning when solar blue light and red light are balanced and UVA and UVB are absent. This release of cortisol helps germinate new neuron circuits during daytime, but melatonin is critical in pruning arborization in neurons and new neuronal connections and proteins. Melatonin is made by the combination of IRA and UVA early in the AM and later in the PM closer to sunset. So if anything blocks this process you just created a circadian mismatch. This lowers melatonin and normally it is very active in the process of ubiquination in the brain and the skin by controlling sulfur and phosphorus.  Why? People forget that both brain and skin come from neuro-ectoderm in an embryos’ layers.  This is why Vitamin A and D3 exist in the adult form.  My August 2017 webinar really tries to make you understand how the gears of the eye clock work with sunlight.  Theses are the bio-chemicals that allow these two organs to speak to each, other using light frequencies from the sun, to pass information and energy into tissues who can use this quantized data to make sense out of the environment just using light.  This is how frequencies of our star become biochemical messages in our tissues.  It is also how the brain creates time in our brain and body.  When the light cannot get into our tissues properly, either diurnally or in circadian fashion, the skin, blood, and brain diseases from mitochondria explode on the scene of reality.  That is what we are all seeing today. Melatonin has been widely studied in biology for its role in photoperiodism in seasonal breeders; but it is also a potent antioxidant active in mitochondrion, as seen below from my Vermont slide.

Melatonin’s main effect is controlling mtDNA by lowering heteroplasmy rate by lowering our basal metabolic rate at night!!!! This lowers our respiratory quotient.  This means melatonin not only controls tissue sulfation levels, but it also controls heteroplasmy rates in tissues locally and globally in our body.   Because it controls the delivery of sulfur to tissues, it also controls how many quibits/wits will be present in tissues where sunlight can collide with it.  The same is true with magneto-energy too!!  I would suggest going back and re-reading Tensegrity 7 at this point to make deeper connections.   Tissue sulfation link directly to ubiquitin activation in cells.  Ubiquitin turns on DNA protein translation and it is very costly in energy to a cell.  This is why we want to keep genes quiet when we are looking to get healthy.  When ubiqutin is up redox levels are low and tissue sulfation is suboptimal.  Ubiquitin, a protein also widespread in living cells, contributes to many cellular events, although the most well known is that of tagging proteins for destruction by the proteasome.  So how does all these aspect fit together in a cell?

Melatonin interacts with the ubiquitin–proteasome system to regulate the central activity of thyroid hormone type 2 deiodinase; the subsequent regulation of T3 (made from AM light slowing in retinal pathways), is central to the melatonin-and sulfur induced changes in seasonal reproduction and seasonal changes in metabolism. This is how light changes the surfaces of most animals eyes and skin.  This includes humans when the sunlight frequency changes in our environment. Today man’s sun is artifical blue light which lowers tissue sulfation and activates epigenetic activation of DNA.  Today man rarely is in ENOUGH sunlight due to his teether to technology which brings him inside or in front of a blue lit mobile phone. This is also why excessive man made blue light can alter thyroid function in humans to lower T3 and raise reverse T3 = leptin resistance.  My Vermont 2017 talks lays out further details and you can find the video on youtube.

People with skin and eye surface alteration also hurt themselves because they limit how much sunlight can get into their skin and deeper layers where the blood vessels have RBC waiting to be irradiated as UV-A light releases nitric oxide (NO) to get the job done. This is why most people with surface alterations of any kind usually have low dopamine and low melatonin in their tissues.  Most just fail to realize why I say this.  It is not deragotory at all;  it is diagnostic for the mitochondriac. Low melatonin always walks hand and hand with low local and systemic sulfation levels because both amines are solar hormones made by UVA and IRA light combination found in the AM and later PM.   Moreover, cells all release ELF-UV to regenerate these amines in tissues for a deep reason.  The battery of life needs sulfur and phosphorus to acts as ‘wits’ for solar recharging.  Many papers have shown that glutathiolation (sulfate creation from sunlight and cysteine think Energy Epigenetics 12 blog) of this enzyme protects proteins from unnecessary degradation by ubiquination. Many do not realize that sunlight sulfates matter in us and the sulfur from tissues like the skin is normally carried by melatonin to other tissue depots, and it may limit protein degradation in places with mitochondrion like the brain and skin. So if the melatonin is not present locally (UVA/IRA) nothing get sulfated by sun exposure.  It has nothing to do with the sulfur you eat.   What are the five main things sunlight sulfates? Cholesterol, heparin, platelets, DHEA, and Vitamin D3. This begins to tell you why surface alteration and low dopamine and melatonin are strongly correlated by light.


We think that hydrogen protons inside and outside the matrix are the same, but this belief maybe false because of what we know about B-meson and H+ ability to transition naturally.  Inside the mitochondrial matrix, hydrogen has to be stripped of its sole electron before it can become a metal plasma to make electricity for life.  This small detail makes it subject to changes in nuclear spin.  We also may not realize that a very tiny  change in hydrogen atom may change the entire physiology of mitochondria in the same way lithium isotopes can change neuronal physiology in bi-polar patients mentioned above.  Moreover, there are several ways in which its plausibility can be tested, starting with the idea that phosphorus and hydrogen spins can vary in Posner like molecules to maintain their quantum coherence for long periods of time,  under the constant pumping in of solar light or magnetic flux from Earth before they can decohere. Studying this effect within an Exclusion Zone shell around mitochondria’s double membraned matrix  using solar light to control the size of this micelle might be easy to do these days in a lab.  We need Dr. Wallace and Dr. Pollack to read each other’s work.    They key metric measurement of the effect might be the size and charge within the EZ shell.  I beleive the size and shape of the EZ is a function of the quibits/wits found in the EZ.    I think Pollack’s lab could easily do this experiment today.  No one is thinking in these ways today,  because they do not understand the physics of organisms.  That is what science should be aiming  to do in the next century if they want to understand life more fully.  Consciousness maybe tied to animal photosynthesis, which is likely linked to phosphorus and sulfur nuclear spins changes between day and night.


  1. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003491615003243
  2. https://www.quantamagazine.org/20161102-quantum-neuroscience/
  3. https://arxiv.org/abs/0905.3787
  4. https://www.quantamagazine.org/20130730-in-pursuit-of-quantum-biology-with-birgitta-whaley/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3019440
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4596090/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27385336
  8. https://phys.org/news/2015-08-faster-battery-quantum.html
  9. http://www.wrf.org/men-women-medicine/dr-harold-s-burr.php
  10. https://forum.jackkruse.com/index.php?threads/atherosclerosis-and-the-tensegrity-7-blog.16491/page-2
  11. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.07005.pdf
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27126038

Aquaphotomics 101: BATTERY CREATION



Aquaphotomics is the study of how light and water interact as the video above mentions. Water has both a battery and engine component and many other gears that we are yet to resolve. The key to understanding this new science is to understand that it is the Stairway to Heaven for understanding how life is able to summon energy anytime it needs it instantaneously to do physiologic work. Food alone cannot account for the amount of ATP a cell makes or uses. Aquaphotomics is the science that will show biology how life is really powered. Life is not about ATP powering , as biology currently believes. In technology, the more complex the build, the more energy it consumes. The more energy a device uses, the more powerful battery must become. Physicist have looked deep into the quirks of quantum mechanics and found out about a rather unique process. It is theoretical, but the science is plausible. Physicist have found a way to charge a battery at the speed of light. This battery of the future has still not been built by Silicon Valley, but it might eventually “dawn” on these scientists that the batteries of cells in biology are a key model for this idea.

This blog is about this very new science in physics. Not too many people will see how this physical science Dr. Tsenkova discusses in the video above links directly to the creation of a “quantum battery” in a cell that evolution created to run a living system 3.8 billion years ago but I am going to show you this story might have developed in this Patreon entry.

Most people think from recent work in water research that all cells need to make a battery is sunlight hitting water. That is important but as I will show you it is way to simplistic to be correct because of the observations Dr. Tsenkova has made in aquaphotomics with respect to ions in water. The current cutting edge of Pollack’s work on water is myopic and too narrow to explain ho wlife powers itself. Quantum mechanics (QED really) allows us to create a battery that can collect and distribute energy on demand at any time and on timescales that are hard to explain. It turns out instantaneous charging and discharging is the kind of battery living tissues seem to run on. This observation represents what we all observe in the living state. When we need energy for any process, our tissues seem to be to deliver it. How do tissues do this? have you ever asked yourself this? When you consider the thermodynamics of this situation, it makes sense it should be sensitive to the underlying microscopic description. For example, from the principles of thermodynamics, efficiency of an engine should always be limited by the Carnot boundaries irrespective of whether the working medium is comprised of quantum or classical components. These principle however we developed from equillibrium based system. Most of those systems are closed. A calories in and calories out system only makes sense (CICO) in a close system. Life is not a closed system. Life is open to the environments dynamic thermodynamics. This is why I rejected the CICO paradigm.

However, for non- equilibrium protocols and open systems the question is more subtle. For instance very recently it has been demonstrated that it is possible to use non-equilibrium short cuts to adiabaticity to boost the power of engine cycles without compromising efficiency (Deng et al. 2013, del Campo et al. 2014). So this raises an interesting question for the mitochondriac………….

How did Mother Nature solve for X, thermodynamically?



You’re probably familiar with quantum bits (qubits) to some degree from all the news about quantum computing in recent years. Unlike regular digital bits we use in computers now, a qubit can be in either of two states or both states at the same time. Physically, the qubits can be any number of particles including photons, ions, and neutral atoms. In the case of a quantum battery, the qubits are nicknamed “wits” because they are used to store energy that can later be extracted to perform physiologic work.  Dr. Tsenkova results in water are puzzling to many in biology because they do not realize what is in the water effects the battery potential.  Water is a magnetohydrodynamic plasma.  She is examining the spectral pattern of water and has found that different substances in the water lead to many many types of energy levels being possible in water.  In the classical sense, her results offend modern biology.  For a mitochondriac this is awesome news because her results are showing us the evidence of how life uses a quantum battery to pwer cells.   Each ‘wit’ in a quantum battery has a high-energy state and a low-energy state.  This mimics what we see in electrons in a Jablonski diagram (pic below).  When a cell adds power to the system, and you flip wits to the high-energy state to store energy that you canuse on demand at anytime in the future.

The trick to getting super-fast charging times out of a quantum battery is that all of these “wits” can be entangled during the charging process. Conventional battery charging is limited by thermodynamic processes as the electrons flow in, but two entangled wits can bypass these thermodynamic constraints.

Cells have figured out how to take full advantage of the small scales present in cells.  One of the key places where energy transmutation in cells occurs is in the lumens of microtubles as one end of the tube is 30 nm and the other can shrink below 5 nm.  Researchers have found some interesting things too when they shrink the scale of the environment in their experiments. Alfred Hubler and Onyeama Osuagwu, both of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have investigated energy storage capacity in arrays of nano vacuum tubes, which contain little or no gas plasma. When the tubes’ gap size – or the distance between electrodes – is about 10 nanometers wide, electric arcing is suppressed, preventing energy loss.   This should open many eyes in biology,  but so far it has not.   Biology is blind to the QED aspects of solar light.

How do we protect the fragile state of entanglement?  Water and light helps the protection scheme of ‘wits’ in our batteries.

If two particles are entangled, they will share the same quantum state even if they aren’t in the same physical space. In this case, that state is storing energy for us. In fact, the charging speed is proportional to the number of “wits in a battery”.  Take a look at the instragram picture quote from above.  Those atoms are a few of the “wits” our water batteries use to power life.   “Wits” and electrons have a lot in common when it comes to battery construction.  Learning about the nature of food without a thought of how solar light effects the process is labor lost; a thought without learning about the nature of light is perilous to man’s health.

Life is very clever. The living system in a cell has figured out how to transform excited electrons out of everything we eat and keep them under control in cells until we need their energy at any moment.  The control is tied to the creation of water a mitochondria makes.  Creation of an exciton by the sun is the Rx of nature that slows light down.  Electrons must flow in order for energy to be gained elsewhere.  How electrons and protons flow is tied to their charges because they are subject to the electromagnetic force.  Life is the ultimate Turing machine of electrons and protons buried in your mitochondria.  It’s a mitochondriac job is to learn how to make that machine move exquistely.  This “Turing machine” has a to have a battery to run on and it only makes sense that this battery would be made of subatomic particles that constantly move.   Mitochondrion appear to be perpetual Turing machines for electrons and protons that are fueled and protected by sunlight and the water they make together.  When the movement stops life ends.



The electron, in fact, any electron in the universe is the same as it leaves the atom. It crystallizes out of Schrödinger’s mist like a genie emerging from his bottle; if that does not shock you by itself, you might realize that the genie is capable of emitting light that excites the electron which knocked it out of its home turf to begin with. This excited electron then carries its light cargo until it runs into something that wants to end the excitement in its journey through the cosmos. Water is capable of doing that. So our proteins and lipids in our cells. Electrons are very capable of dropping this light energy off after the electron falls to the ground state. This is the fundamental process that drives all life on Earth as we know it. Few people really understand that this is the basic process that life uses to do the many things we observe it to do. This is what makes science so exhilarating to me.

Life is nothing but an excited electron looking for some location filled with matter that contains a mass with a slight positive charge to so the electron may relax for a small second to give up its light energy to change the thermodynamics of the mass it is drawn to. As an excited electron relaxes and slows it gives off its light. The light it gives off can change the size or shape of things with mass or it can make things move. They key to its ability is tied to the light frequency the electron carries from our star. This is the essence of life’s dance on this planet.

All foods are electrons and all electrons are the same and can only be excited by sunlight. So the difference is in the frequencies and wavelengths they contain. Nutrient density has different connotations to different people. When you consider the machinery of energy generation found inside of a mitochondria this should narrow the discussion for people…….but it has not. Input to mitochondria is called electron chain transport for a deep reason; moreover, food guru’s link to their ideas to calories and macro’s. Energy flows all come back to electrons and protons in nature. Life is a giant electrochemical battery that is recharged by sunlight. Maple syrup comes from a tree that makes it from CO2, water and sunlight using photosynthesis. Mitochondria reverse that process and allow light release back to the environment.

The photosynthetic process is now known to be fully quantized. The entire food web is linked to photosynthetic process (solar based). Most food guru’s ignore that formalism of how basic light is to life’s story, for business/profit concerns. A mitochondria samples excited electrons and examines them in many ways; mitochondrion observes the many facets of the physical properties of electrons and protons from food. It begins by breaking food down to electrons and protons first. It then separates electrons into ECT and protons get removed by dehydrogenase in the first three cytochromes and then have their sole electron removed from it. All these electrons are collected by the respiratory proteins by allowing them to fall from the excited state back to the ground state as they travel from cytochrome 1 to the ATPase. Electrons are excited by sunlight and then buried in the foods we eat. Food is really an alphabet of light frequencies for mitochondria to consume and make sense of. Excited electrons by the sun can re-emit light as the electron falls to its ground state in the matter in our cells to change them in many ways. Below is the key picture that shows this process. Redox is the first thing that occurs as the fall begins. Then ROS/RNS is made in mitochondria, and then biochemical pathways are organized by the light that the excited electron releases. This points out why having a biochemical equilibrium bias is pseudoscientific to nature, in my opinion.



For example let us consider this example in life: even single celled organisms are sensitive to magnetic fields.  Bacteria like E coli can use ions which are atoms that are missing electrons to alter their charge.  An atom like magnesium or calcium can be used to become magneto-sensitve in this way by a cell.   Apparently, life does not need a ferromagnetic material (iron containing) to be magnetosensitive.  The reason for this physical reality is simple to understand.  When electrons are missing it can alter the nuclear spin of the atom in question.  If the atom being used by the cell has a nuclear spin that is sensitive to magnetic field from the environment it can be used to make a quantum battery.  Atoms can be altered by removing electrons or adding neutrons to change their isotope.  It is now well known isotopes change the thermodynamics in cells by altering electric and magnetic aspects of the atom and that is the only edge life needs when water and sunlight are already part of the party in a cell.  This cite below shows you how isotopes of Mg2+ can be used to alter ATPase function in E coli.  This should be big news in molecular biology but they do not understand the implications because they ignore quantum biology.

I want my patrons here to wake up to the fact that the colony of bacteria in our cells, called the mitochondria, are filled with protons made from hydrogen removed from foods.  Do you think this manuever might be important part of a”quantum battery” construction plan?  It is, in my opinion.  Take a look at the cites below on quantam dots or quibits.  In a quantum battery these things are known as “wits”.  Hydrogen is the smallest atom and ‘quibit/wit’ we know about.  Hydrogen atoms are stripped off foods by 3 dehydrogenases enzymes in the first part of the electron chain transport system in our mitochondrion.  The mitochondrion also strips this hydrogen atom from food of its sole electron making it become a proton.  A proton is a subatomic particle that is more highly electrosensitive to the native electromagnetic forces found on Earth than a hydrogen atoms is.   Why is this true?  Because the proton, stripped of its electron, has an unbalanced positive charge due to the missing negative charge of the electron.  This makes it highly magneto and electro sensitive to those native fields on Earth.  This is why the mitochondrial matrix hoards protons.  This is one of the key steps in creation of the “quantum battery” of life.  Mitochondria also make water.  When water is hit by light it makes and exclusion zone that creates more protons, but the EZ protects the nuclear spin of protons in the mitochondrial matrix.  This protection scheme is imperitive in making a special battery life requires.  Life needs energy immediately so this means a cell’s battery would have to recharge at astounding rates to make life possible. Sunlight is the ultimate electric and magnetic receptor for human cells because every human receptor in a cell is optimized to solar frequencies between 250-780nm to work.

Physicists have shown that a quantum battery—basically, a quantum system such as a qubit that stores energy in its quantum states—can theoretically be charged at a faster rate than conventional batteries. This “quantum speedup” arises from quantum entanglement among multiple qubits, which essentially provides a shortcut between the qubits’ uncharged and charged states, allowing for faster charging.

The physicists, Felix C. Binder, et al., have published a paper on the quantum battery, which they call “quantacell,” in an issue of the New Journal of Physics.

The mitochondrial matrix hoard H+ to create and entangled state to make the ultimate biologic battery?  Yes it does.  How does life protect this ‘sensitive state from falling apart?  A mitochondrion is the key to this protection scheme.  An “entangled state” implies that all hydrogen atoms become stripped of its one electron to become an ion with a charge and nuclear spin.  All protons are positively charged and when the electron is missing it make the proton a magnet because its spins differently than it would with its electron.  They are collected to a great degree in our mitochondrial matrix and appear to act in unison with trillions of other hydrogen protons in some specific or partcular fashion with other H+ or other atoms.

The hydrogen nuclei have a quantum property called spin, which makes them rather like little magnets with poles pointing in particular directions. In an entangled state of many H+, the spin of one hydrogen nucleus depends on that of the other.

Put another way, entangled states are really superposition states involving more than one quantum particle. All the same, quantum behavior in any atoms nuclear spins would have to be “protected” from decoherence from something in the environment if it where to be the key to a quantum battery.  What does that in living systems?  WATER.  Water makes a huge Faraday cage for H+ spin protection and this can protect the entangled state in the mitochondrial matrix along with many other ions of atoms with a nuclear spins.  These spins can react to electric and magnetic input like phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium.

The re-emitted light can still do work or move other atoms in matter.  Slowing this light down in cells with atomic collision, allows time to manifest.  Time is needed to create physical action in matter.  As time manifests, life can then emerge.  Cells must have a timing mechanism to manage the trapped light to do physiologic work. This is why life is has used a magnetic memory of nucleic acids to code for hydrated carbon based protein semiconductors that contain lattice works of a sea of electrons.  Cells use this light and capture this re-emitted light and recycle itself with assimilation of this photonic energy using other electrons. Life is clever in developing this process.  It figures out how to transform electrons and protons out of everything we eat and keep them under control in cells until we need them to harness and use this energy anytime a cell has a needs to live.  Electrons must flow in order for energy to be gained elsewhere according to how a mitochondria is built.  When electron flow stops in a mitochondrial life dies and the organism falls to equilibrium.  Life is lived as far from equilibrium as possible.   Because light speed is constant light is fundamentally non linear, and this physical aspect of light allows life to be possible.  Anyone who believes it begins with food has a deep philosophical problem with Mother Nature and her designs within the colony of mitochondria in us.  Mitochondrion are a key part of the quantum battery that is designed to take full advantage of every quantum mechanical aspect light can throw at it from a thermodynamic perspective.  understanding aquaphotomics is the first step to this reality.



1. https://phys.org/news/2015-08-faster-battery-quantum.html#jCp


3. https://phys.org/news/2015-04-electricity-nano-scale.html

4. https://phys.org/news/2015-11-quantum-dots-gold-boost-battery.html


Eating the exoskeleton of shellfish and certain seafoods provides you with a way to build your solar callus in a very counterintuitive way.  The exoskeleton has massive amounts of chitin, iodine and carotenoids that help with solar callus and light assimilation. Carotenoids are organic pigments that are found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms, including some bacteria and some fungi. These bio-molecules are photo-protectors of photosynthesis in plants and I believe they perform the same function in us because they are all pro-vitamin A chemicals.  Blue light destroys the relationship of Vitamin A and every human opsin known.  The most critical opsin in the eye is melanopsin.  Carotenoids can be produced from fats and other basic organic metabolic building blocks by all these organisms. The only animals known to produce carotenoids are aphids and spider mites, which acquired the ability and genes from fungi via lateral gene transfer. Carotenoids from the diet are stored in the fatty tissues of animals, and exclusively carnivorous animals obtain the compounds from animal fat.  One of the most important carotenoids is astaxanthin which acts like an edible sunscreen because of its natural antioxidant properties.  Astaxanthin is found in the exoskeleton of seafood and it is made by the micro algae they consume.  It offers sea animals protection from the sun.

Because astaxanthin gets into the brain and retina it brings antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection to the eyes, brain and central nervous system and reduces our risk for cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Astaxanthin is soluble in lipids, so it incorporates into cell membranes where sunlight interacts with it to protect you.

Carotenoids are photo-inactivators for our eye clock (SCN). When excessive blue light is present more Vitamin A (retinol) is made initially, before it becomes extinguished in the macula. Why is that patrons?

Astaxanthin is the most effective carotenoids at “singlet oxygen quenching,” making it a an ideal way to build the retina and skin’s ability to build the solar callus.  Astaxanthin is unusual because it can also penetrate the blood brain barrier and the blood retinal barrier in the eye to offer protection that few other bio-molecules can.  Nature does not make things easy it just makes them worthwhile……….

Have you ever heard of carotenoid protection (CAR)? Aphids use it to protect them from EMF’s and so do we!!!  We both use it to protect us from nnEMF like RF radar and microwaves…………..but it can also help build our solar callus to regenerate our tissues when we get ill from a mitochondrial disease.

Most photosensitizers are organic dyes, but we use carotenoids and parts of proteins as photosensitizers and inactivators.

Carotenoid protection takes singlet oxygen and extinguishes the excitation reaction from light. Singlet O2 + 1CAR = triplet O2 + 3CAR

The deactivation 3CAR >1CAR + liberation of heat or IR light.

Don’t forget this thing about IR light here.  Below it will become important for building your solar callus.

Photosensitizers have rules……quantum optical rules they must follow.

1. Excitation

2. Decays

3. Type 1 or Type 2 reactions (which are O2 dependent)

4. Carotenoid protection

After absorption of light photons, the photosensitizer is first transferred to an excited singlet state by the quantized energy in the photon. Then 3 possible decay channels are possible. This is why quantum physics works on probabilities and not absolutes. The 3 cases are non radiative, radiative singlet state decay to the ground state, and intersystem crossing to an excited triplet state.

Anyone who avoids seafood/crustaceans to get this photo protection for ANY reason is not part of my tribe. This is why seafood is at the top of my Epi-paleo Rx in my book on Amazon.  IT IS A SIMPLE QUANTUM RULE SET FORTH BY MOTHER NATURE, not by me.


AM morning light has no UV light but has balanced blue and red light frequencies.  This type of light is excellent for building your callus.

The picture below shows the you second way a ‘mitochondriac” can improve their solar callus.  You must get IR-A light on your skin prior to any UV-A or UV-B being placed upon your skin.  This is easiest in the earlier morning or the later afternoon.  Please look at the picture below how red light is capable or building a “tolerance” to skin erythema.  This is the basis of my hybrid tanning technique to regenerate the skin to absorb massive amounts of UV light to build a large local store of melatonin.  Melatonin is the hormone that repairs mtDNA damage in humans.


You can see from the picture above that the more IR-A/red light one gets the less erythema response comes from the skin when it is placed in full spectrum sunlight with UV radiation. IR-A light makes a protein called filiggrin in the skin. IR-A light stimulates fibroblasts to make this protein in our skin and it is loaded with histadine. Filiggrin must be in skin to develop our solar callus. In fact, loss of function knock out studies on this bio-molecule have shown that disease like ichthyosis vulgarism and atopic dermatitis, asthma, and allergies will follow. Loss of filiggrin always thins the stratum corneum in the skin. These people are way more sensitive solar damage. This points out that any reduction in the concentration of filiggrin is always tied to a reduction in urocanic acid. This is the acid that sensitizes our skin to proper UV protection. Filiggrin is also the key protein in the front line of defense of most immune conditions. I think people with autoimmune conditions and high rates of skin cancers have reduced levels of filiggrin in there skin because they lack IR-A light exposure to their skin fibroblasts to make this bio-molecule. When filiggrin is lacking the skin also cannot retain water so this makes the isomerization step from sulfated cholesterol to sulfate Vitamin D impossible and this is why all AI’s are associated with low Vitamin D 3 levels in my opinion. RF/microwave radiation is the main reason in the modern world I believe this is occurring. This is a key piece of evidence of how you can stay healthy longer once you understand how it fits into the quantum framework of how we work in nature. Any time you build melatonin anywhere in your body you improve your sleep efficiency and this also helps regenerate many other tissues. Since the skin is your biggest organ it makes sense to use it as your key to way fix your health issues from a quantum perspective. This does not just work in me………it works in everyone as the picture below shows.



Now for the clinical win:  Here is one of my members at my website, www.jackkruse.com who got the precise Rx of how to help his girlfriend resolve one of the hardest conditions in dermatology to deal with: MELASMA.   Ask any dermatologist about this condition and they will roll their eyes because it flummoxes them so.

So what did I tell my member?  I gave them a precise idea based upon data they shared with me on an educational consult about her haplotypes and her SNP’s along with her current location, altitude, latitude and population density.  So what was her result with how she built her solar callus with respect to her melasma?

Here ya go patrons:

Hi Dr. Kruse,

Great chatting a couple weeks ago about ‘xxxxxx’ skin issues.   It not only helped her but it has helped me too.  We just got back from the Bahamas and I have to tell you, I followed your advice and soaked up every bit of sun from sunrise to about 10 AM to condition the skin and eye (D minder said D produced at about 9:05 AM). Then I spent the day on the boat and beach and didn’t burn like I think may have otherwise. I think this hybrid tanning thing is revolutionary.  In fact, by the end of the trip, I felt pretty incredible.  My sleep was restored and I woke up ready to kill the day.


As you know, my girlfriend received a photo-facial about seven years ago when she was 23 years old. The photo-facial caused her to have a substantial amount of melasma on her face soon thereafter. Later on, the medspa told her, “oh yeah, sorry, we didn’t know that with your type of skin you probably shouldn’t do a photo-facial.”

Fast forward we have been together for 2 years, and needless to say that I have forced her into the sun without her make-up (remember modern make up blocks UV-A light ladies) probably more than she has ever been in her life. Prior to meeting me she thought getting in the sun made the melasma worse so she avoided it all costs. This is what the dermatologist told her!!!  The past year we have really stepped up our sunshine. As of this past week, her melasma is almost completely gone except for a few small spots (those spots are improved greatly).

We will continue natural ‘sun treatment’ and will report back when its gone completely. Big win and I’m grateful for all your work on your mito-hacks on the mechanism behind the solar callus! Thanks Dr. Kruse!

The building of the solar callus is one of the first things a ‘mitochondriac’ needs in their armentarium.  It is all tied to an aromatic amino acid called histadine.



All aromatic amino acids have rings in them that absorb UV light radiation.  The picture above was from my talk in Vermont 2017 and while it is not clear here, the bottom amino acid is histadine.  When sunlight hits histadine, our skin makes urocanic acid that is a UV filter that protects us from erythema and skin damage.  When you learn about this chemical you can use it to help regenerate many skin diseases.  I’ve known about it for some time.  I used it to build my own solar callus 12 years ago.  It is why I can go to Mexico with my Fitzpatrick type 1 skin and do very well.  In fact for the last 5 years it was the main way I was mito-hacking my job’s requirement that I take trauma call to rebuild my redox.  I found it was the only way I could offset the risk of my job as I got older.

Urocanic acid is a major epidermal chromophore for all UV radiation frequencies on Earth.  Urocanic acid is located in the stratum corner of the skin which is made from filiggrin.  Looking back at older literature I found that Barresi and colleagues provided strong evidence for the photoprotective role of endogenous urocanic acid in human skin.  Then I embarked on mito-hacks where I used the diurnal signaling of light to simulate its production on the skin.  IR-A light makes up 42% of the the sun’s light and it is always present from sun rise to sunset.  They key for building the solar callus is knowing when IR-A is present and when UV light is absent and pre-loading the skin with a ton of IR-A light.  This is analogous to using LLLT/photobiomodulation to induce changes in the fibroblasts of the skin to make the skin ready to absorb massive amounts of UV-A light when it appears.  The combination of IR-A and UV-A light is incredibly healing to local mitochondrion in the skin because these ray combinations are what increase melatonin production.  Melatonin is an anti-oxidant that repairs poor mitochondrion.  It stimulates repair and replacement via quantum mechanisms acting as an anti-oxidant in a very elaborate dance that lowers the basal metabolic rate of tissues where this occurs on the skin.  Well melasma comes from excessive blue light with no IR-A and and UV-A light and this stimulates melanocytes on the facial skin where there is very little fat present.  This usually occurs on the skin above bony prominences.

The key to understanding the action of the two forms of urocanic acid is to understand that it has two isomers linked to positive charges.  This is important because light is the force carrier for the electromagnetic force.  It only deals with charge particles.  One isomer, trans-urocanic acid “appears to be a helpful sunscreen” and the cis-version is linked to cancer progression and ROS formation in the skin in the dermatology literature.  I think this might be a false narrative.  Why?   What is the key to pH formation in humans?  Sunlight creates and exclusion zone which excludes PROTONS!!! Maybe there is a deeper reason for how urocanic acid (UCA) really works with sunlight?

The pH of the local environment is the key to which isomer forms.  This links it to the redox potential of the local tissue from how much water a mitochondrion makes from sunlight.  Most of you know that water in the extracellular environment is neutral and has a tight pH range.  Acid pH’s are associated with a lack of exclusion water in the skin and the blood.  Acid pH’s are also associated with higher inflammation levels.  Alkaline pH make a larger EZ in the skin and blood.  So again, the sun makes a strong EZ alone, in any water adjacent to a hydrophilic substance.  This skin is hydrophilic.  Blue light is known to make ROS when it is not balanced by IR-A light like it is in AM sunlight.  Remember UV-A light is never present initially at sunrise anywhere on Earth.  This means our skin needs a pre-condition dose of blue and IR-A light to make just the right amount of both isomers of UCA.  This yet again points out why alien blue light leads to so many diseases because blue light as a solo frequencies induces an acid pH and this fosters creation or ROS and a lowered pH.  This is why melanoma, melasma, and many other skin condition are tied to artificial light exposure.  I covered this in a blog on my site called “When September Ends”.  It might be a good one for you to read because it was a webinar initially. When my members heard it they voted enmass for me to make it a public post because they thought it was so valuable to the public.  It gives you an idea of the value I try to create for members and my patrons here.

This suggests that proton electricity is critical with respect to sunlight.  Why do i say this?  pH is a function of the proton concentration in a tissue and protons are a charge subatomic particle that mitochondrion use in electron chain transport.   So a low pH is associated with increased UCA which reduces T^T levels in the skin.  The subsequent reduction in tumor initiation and T^T-mediated photoimmunosuppression does not appear to be sufficient to counter the simultaneous increase in the level of cis-UCA, which is known to enhance photocarcinogenesis (Beissert et al., 2001). The reason this has confused researchers, in my opinion, is that none of the realize this process is entirely quantized by light frequencies present in natural sunlight.  Their studies have not been completed this way.  They were done in a lab under blue light so they have no idea that they way they have chosen to study this effect alters the outcome.  It is pretty clear that the contributions of cis-UCA-induced intracellular ROS formation occurs (Sreevidya et al., 2010).   It has been recently reported ability of cis-UCA can induce the apoptosis of tumor cells in the skin through intracellular acidification (Laihia et al., 2010).  This finding told me that solar exposure and non alien light exposure have to be carefully teased out when reading papers on photo-induced damage.  This should be taken into account when attempting to unravel the very confusing overall contribution of UCA to the photocarcinogenic process.  Without a quantum perspective I think dermatologists and the research they rely on will continue to create false narratives about the sun.



Figure story: Here is a visual story of the putative “beneficial” and “detrimental” effects of urocanic acid (UCA). (a) trans-UCA is formed in the stratum corneum from histidine (HIST) released from filaggrin; (b) exogenous trans-UCA absorbs UVR and protects against thymine dimer formation in keratinocytes; (c) cis-UCA is formed by photoisomerization of trans-UCA; (d) acting through membrane receptors, cis-UCA induces intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hence oxidative DNA damage (8-oxo-dG); (e) cis-UCA initiates translation of genes associated with apoptosis and immunosuppression through direct signaling and intracellular ROS formation; and (f) cis-UCA provides proapoptotic intracellular acidification in tumor cells. SPF, sun protection factor, T⁁T, thymine dimers.



The term `filaggrin’ comes from filament-aggregating protein.  It was first coined in 1981 to describe a class of structural proteins that had been isolated from the stratum corneum (Steinert et al., 1981). Filaggrin specifically interacts with intermediate filaments, particularly keratins (important in the AUGER effect) , but not with other components of the cytoskeleton of the skin like actin and microtubules. Filaggrin is synthesized as a giant precursor protein called profilaggrin from fibroblasts under the power of IR-A light.  This protein is both heavily phosphorylated and insoluble.  This is key for two main reasons: 1. it allows the skin to retain water and phosphorus in the skin is an important source of charge separation for animal photosynthesis to make hydrogen in the skin to make energy for the skin.  People forget that Japanese researchers have show that phosphorus is a key element in splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen while liberating electrons in the process under natural solar conditions. Profilaggrin is the main constituent of the electron-dense keratohyalin granules that are found within the granular layer of the epidermis (Figure above). This should make sense now why the protein loaded with histadine and phosphorus.  It liberates electrons for the keratohyalin and it liberates histadine to make urocanic acid for UV protection due to the aromatic rings in this amino acid.  In this way it is molecular quantized sun screen that can retain water, make delocalized excited electrons called excitons, and block erythema formation all while stimulating the immune system to keep us well.   The  profilaggrin itself has no keratin-binding activity but, during the later stages of epidermal terminal differentiation under IR-A light, profilaggrin is dephosphorylated and proteolysed into multiple filaggrin monomers in a multistep process. The free filaggrin then is able to bind to keratin intermediate filaments, causing their aggregation into macrofibrils in which the intermediate filaments are aligned in tightly packed parallel arrays. This is why pretreatment with IR-A is analogous to how the body spreads its sunscreen evenly over the skin to lower sunburn risk and allow more UV light protection and assimilation to improve the skin function and make melatonin locally in deeper layers.  This involves something called the Yarkovsky effect.  This was covered deeply in my recent July 2017 webinar for members.   This process contributes to cellular compaction in the skin and optimizes skin thickness in any solar environment.  It also permits extensive crosslinking of keratin intermediate filaments by transglutaminases to form a highly insoluble keratin matrix to protect us from exterior water in the sea. This matrix acts as a protein scaffold for the attachment of cornified-envelope proteins and lipids that together form the stratum corneum.  This is a critical step in the transmutation of many lipids in the skin like cholesterol and Vitamin D production.  Now……..you know how to build your solar callus.




2.Olivarius F. de Fine, H.C. Wulf, P. Therkildsen, et al.Urocanic acid isomers: relation to body site, pigmentation, stratum corneum thickness and photosensitivity Arch Dermatol Res, 289 (1997), pp. 501-505



Mito-Hack number one to complete based upon this modern habit to break:  “Scroll and bowl”.  See picture above to get a proper visual.  The blue light of the phone directly effects the mitochondrial colony in your central retinal pathways and choroid that control all growth and metabolism pathways distally in the brain and the leptin receptor.  Blue light increases blood glucose irrespective of the foods you eat and this raises your basal metabolic rate, increases your heart rate and BP,  while lowering your heart rate variability, and shortens your lifespan as a result.  Blue light lowers the amount of water a mitochondrion can make in this situation.  When a lowered amount of water is created by a colony of mitochondria in you this means the tissue it occurs in has a lowered redox potential.  A lowered redox potential is a lowered amount of charge.  A lowered charge means the DC electric current in cells used to regenerate is much lower and makes disease much easier to manifest in tissues with suffering from the quantum deficit.

We’re not designed to be strong or weak by nature. We’re designed to provide exactly what the environmental situation calls for…….ultimately versatility. Versility is a function of unlimited possibilities that probability provides life and this is why life is based upon uncertainity. Nature’s fabric is quantum and queer and counterintuitive at is core and confuse common sense. As a rule, man’s logic excludes the versatility of life from its considerations and this is why man struggles to understand how nature really works.Proof:   GAME CHANGER: THE EYE’s CHOROID WAS THE TRAP DOOR to slow light down and make things with mass and structure.  This causes the pituitary to enlarge to make the hormones in the gland.  So a lack of all hormone tells you the quantum process is not optimized for some environmental reason.


I realized physics of light exposure controlled our biology at all levels.  I told the world this in Vermont 2017 as the video below shows you in the cites.  Within the talk are many more cites for you to read and learn about this science.

Much of what we believe about diet and exercise is based upon many false assumptions because we ignore the effects of light. If nutrition studies are done from season to season why don’t we put animals in environments in labs that mimic those lighting environments to study the effects. Any person who observes mammals knows that mammalian appearanxces changes and reflects biochemistry changes in these animals that are entrained by light only. Many changes are also altered by temperature variations too. So it raises the point how can anyone infer anything about growth and metabolism if your experiments never controlling for variable changes that occur in seasons with respect to light and temperature? What if the light in the lab was not full spectrum sunlight, could that alone make a difference? Most researchers appear to be unaware that mammals normally do this seasonally as their environments change.  As light changes, it affects the basal metabolic rate of circumpolar mammals via the solar spectrum and temperature variation.  Those two environmental changes are capable of changing the coats of these mammals their their adipocytes below the skin to act differently than they do in summer months at these regions.

The reason this science is tough to get is because no one really understands the leptin-melanocortin pathways with respect to a varying light and temperature gradient. Neither are controlled for in biology or the nutrition studies so they are missing in all experiments. We see variations in all studies of plants and animals. Everyone knows you cannot naturally grow roses in Alaska. It hard to understand something when you do not realize its true quantized function.

All biologic scaling is non linear because the light we use to control metabolism is also non linear.  The most non-linear part of the solar spectrum is UV light.  It also turns out coupling rates in mitochondrion are also non linear because of the geometry of the cytochromes where the Fe-S couples are found.  The only part of the visible spectrum that is capable of non linear optics is UV light (purple light)  It turns our all biologic scaling reflects the underlying quantum principles in UV light.  Not even the physicists seem to realize this link as the podcast linked in cite 3 shows below.  My members of my website will find biologic scaling (Kleiber’s law) an interesting discussion in reference to the discussion of the eye.  Why?  Mice have massive metabolic rates and elephants do not.  Why?  The reason is simple to grasp for a “mitochondriac”.  Metabolic rate is tied to the amount of coupling or uncoupled efficiency in a colony of mitochondria.  This is measured as a function of heteroplasmy rate in those tissues.  Mice are nocturnal uncoupled animals and elephants are tropical coupled mammals who eat nutrient poor foods under the powerful influence of UV light.  Uncoupled animals need to eat more to make more heat.  Coupled mammals need to eat less because they are tightly coupled and can use UV light to make ATP without any extra food.  All mammals who are circumpolar/higher latitudes have large uncoupling efficiencies and these physicists missed these key links in their podcast discussion.  Dr. Doug Wallace’s work has point this out over 30 years now, but no one seems to make the connection.  They also missed out why these facts also link to the size and shape of the scaling laws with the arterial tree in capillary beds in mammalian tissues where light is harvested from the sun.    The funny part of this situation is one of the researchers clearly knew that uncoupled haplotypes can lower their metabolic rates using COLD and UV light.  This is the basis of the Cold Thermogenesis-6 blog at my website. (jackkruse.com)  UV-A and IR-A light from the sun is what causes by dermal pooling in the skin and the choroid  to cause local nitric oxide (NO) release.  Who are the scientists who proved this link first in biology with some key observations?   Mayer, Lavoisier, and Dr. Doug Wallace.  I covered this unique connection in my July 2017 webinar at my website.

The choroid, also known as the choroidea or choroid coat, is the vascular layer of the eye, containing connective tissue, and lying between the retina and the sclera. When this “coat” changes it affects the Tarkovsky effect of the retina below and above.  This affects the Fe-S couples in the mitochondrion to alter spins and free radical signalling (July 2017 webinar).  The human choroid is thickest at the far extreme rear of the eye (at 0.2 mm), while in the outlying areas it narrows to 0.1 mm.  Choroidal thickness (CT)  increases in childhood obesity. The thickeness occurs prior to the fat mass, why?  Anything that loses energy gets bigger as a result.  Think about you sprain ankle, your heart after heart failure, or a star that is dying.  All get bigger as they lose energy.  So this means as the eye is blocked from UV/IR light FOR ANY REASON, we should expect CT to happen followed by obesity and myopia, retinal tears and AMD as they person ages.  Findings revealed that adiposity causes a significant increase in CT, and it may be related to ocular complications.  When we use glasses, sunglasses or contacts we change the spectral density and energy density to the choroid of the eye.  Melanopsin happens to be in the outside part of the retina that the choroid happens to bring blood flow too.  This means that choroidal thickness is a sign of poor melanopsin regeneration and poor melatonin production in the eye.   The choroid of the eye is primarily a vascular structure supplying the outer retina where the non visual photoreceptor, melanopsin resides.  Melanopsin control all growth metabolism functions in the central retinal pathways that connect the retina to the SCN and to the leptin receptor.  This is where obesity starts.  You think Gary Taubes or any food guru understands this at this detailed level?   The choroid has several unusual features: It contains large membrane-lined lacunae, which, at least in birds (high mito capacity like humans), function as part of the lymphatic drainage of the eye and which can change their volume dramatically, thereby changing the thickness of the choroid as much as four-fold over a few days (much less in primates). It contains non-vascular smooth muscle cells, especially behind the fovea, the contraction of which may thin the choroid, thereby opposing the thickening caused by expansion of the lacunae. It has intrinsic choroidal neurons, also mostly behind the central retina, which may control these muscles and may modulate choroidal blood-flow as well. These neurons receive sympathetic, parasympathetic and nitrergic innervation.  This controls tone in the vagus nerve and paraventricular nucleus.  This is where adrenal fatigue begins people! It begins in the eye and not the gland or in your gut.

The choroid has several other functions: Its vasculature is the major supply for the outer retina; impairment of the flow of oxygen from choroid to retina may cause Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The choroidal blood flow, which is as great as in any other organ in humans, may also cool and warm the retina which is important in how it operates with variable light frequencies from the sun as the diurnal variation in light occurs on a latitude altitude basis. In addition to its vascular functions, the choroid contains secretory cells, probably involved in modulation of vascularization and in growth of the sclera. Finally, the dramatic changes in choroidal thickness changes are capable of moving the retina forward and back, bringing the photoreceptors into the plane of focus (eye camera function), a function demonstrated by the thinning of the choroid that occurs when the focal plane is moved back by the wearing of negative lenses, and, conversely, by the thickening that occurs when positive lenses are worn by a person.  This changes the Yarkovsky effect in the retina and this effect changes how protons precess in the mouth of cytochromes in mitochondria.  Any time we alter the spin of electron and protons it changes the free radical signals that can occur in those tissues.  This is how mammals use light to change their physics.  Think about that when you put glasses and contacts on your eyes now. It is radically effected on the skin by clothing and sunscreens too.

In addition to focusing the eye, more slowly than accommodation and more quickly than emmetropization, the data now argue that the choroidal thickness changes also are correlated with changes in the growth of the sclera, and hence of the eye because of the amount of dopamine and melatonin are made by sunlight in the retina. Because transient increases in choroidal thickness are followed by a prolonged decrease in synthesis of extracellular matrix molecules and a slowing of ocular elongation, and attempts to decouple the choroidal and scleral changes have largely failed, it seems that the thickening of the choroid may be mechanistically linked to the scleral synthesis of macromolecules due to the variation in solar frequencies.  Thus , the choroid maybe the key player and be the most important role with sunlight to give humans homeostatic control of eye growth, and melanopsin function and, consequently, in the etiology of myopia and hyperopia and circadian diseases that can ruin mitochondrial function in the RPE of the eye.  As the picture below show small amounts of UV light getting through the lens into the choroid is critical in the eye.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/28060389/

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7qjh4BIGbc

3.  https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/from-cells-to-cities