It all comes back to light. One of my good UK friends Ricky Sharpe recently said this to me. His words were poetic to me because they tell us how light sculpts living things in ways we cannot fathom. I decided to share them with you all here so you can see how his re-education has helped him overcome his food forward paradigm. He is now a fully committed “Mitochondriac”. I want each one of you to get to his level of understanding too.
Ricky said, ‘We can close the curtain and pretend like it’s the week end now, we can pretend it all the time’ banana pancakes by Jack Johnson
Used to be a bit of a fan of Jack Johnson’s music but eventually found his albums a bit ‘samey’… some of his music is now on play lists on Amazon prime, so found myself listening to it this morning and finding it quite relevant to a few points I’ve found myself trying to make in response to questions I’ve been asked about
1. living in a bubble
2. No news or media
3. Seasonal eating, and bananas in particular (funny enough)
The jist of this song is not paying attention to time, living in the now, ignoring convention and being happier for it. Trying to un-programme domestication that are now so imbedded, we forget they’re even myths, like gold or fiat currency being valuable… all notions I subscribe to, but the point I find people asking me about more and more is why local and seasonal diets are so important, and I want to work it backwards this time
So let’s look at humans as one strand of mitochondrial DNA, developed in east Africa. we’re all black, we’re built to live in equatorial sunlight year around, eat what grows, which is predominantly sugar in the form of what now looks like pineapples, coconuts, bananas, etc
Our skin colour would rarely change as we have little seasons, it’s virtually a perpetual summer with little breaks.
The climate hardly moves outside of warm, very warm or hot
Food is not seasonal as such, we’d eat some meat and fish but we’d likely become lazy and pick fruit rather than hunt as it’s easier and less risky than foraging
We wouldn’t need to have any social changes through out the year like sleeping more or less depending on seasons
This probably happened for some hundreds of thousands of years
Very very recently in historical terms small bands of Homo sapiens venture north into Europe. A much more hostile environment. Much more seasonal
They didn’t know that their mitochondrial DNA had the ability to adapt, I guess they either ‘lucked out’ or something else happened for them to survive in the short term. Maybe they found some caves, already had the skill of lighting fires and managed through a couple of winters until they found their feet.
Long term, there were some huge, obvious changes.
The sun would now not be directly in the sky, but at an angle, meaning different rays of light reach their environment – even in the middle of summer.
This meant their skin would need to become paler in order to attract more sun, they would develop a new type of fat that created heat when it burned (brown fat) amongst many other biological changes needed to survive.
Homo sapiens effectively had to become better solar panels, attracting light that was now much weaker than before.
There would still be similar food in the form of berries, apples, and other things growing that contain the high sugar content they’re used to during the summer, but as winter approached they would need to adapt in a big way to survive, using whatever fishing skills they had, sea shore foraging, making broths, or any other way of utilising fats from animals, and learn to tap into fat stores in order to survive the winter months when food was extremely scarce. This was another world compared to East African, which would have looked like a haven compared to European winters, it makes you wonder what the attraction to move was.
Skills such as the ability to run from predators would be close to redundant, and instead, energy would now be used to create heat, and lots of it.
They would need to find a new level of efficiency in order to obtain energy and heat from food with much less energy coming directly from the sun, due to the reduction in quantum yield.
It’s a tall ask, but due to the unbelievable adaptive ability of mitochondrial DNA it worked, and lasted thousands of years, until the point that we have different types of humans that can be distinguished by their mitoDNA, with different inherent abilities all over the earth. Black, white, yellow, brown with a lot more going on under the hood
Whilst it can be said that food, heat and light all played a part in the adaptation, the key that links the whole process is light, because light determines the heat, and the food that grows
Light is the answer, light sends the signalling for the food to grow, for the heat and for our mitoDNA to know how to behave (the obvious example is triggering melanin in order to create a suntan, but this is the tip of the ice berg)
This looked as though it could last forever, and save for a natural disaster, it probably could have, until Edison invented the light bulb, we imported food, and installed central heating in our homes.
The homo sapien haven that is East African has been brought to Northern Europe and America artificially. We now have the food, light and heat that we left behind. Which would be a cool thing, if being comfortable was the start, middle and end of the story
Without swamping you in quantum biology, sunlight, and especially ultraviolet open up pathways to receive food at a cellular level.
So sitting in Tenerife in a uv index around 10 and eating a banana would not likely be traumatic for a person, or raise blood glucose levels.
Sitting inside in london in January having seen little to no sun, let alone UV and eating a banana, under artificial light rich in the blue end of the spectrum would be like putting petrol into a Diesel engine.
It’s incredibly important to eat the sun (meaning eat what the sun grows where you live: local and seasonal)
All that adaptation in order to survive in Northern Europe has meant Northern Europeans now have a hybrid system that needs to be respected.
We eat like Eskimos in the winter and Africans in the summer: this has been going on since we’ve been here
Fats and protein in the winter and sugars and carbs in the summer – impossible to deviate from
During the summer we store fat and during the winter we burn it off in order to create the heat we need.
The last 150 years have severely disturbed this process since the industrial revolution.
The reason I always pick on bananas, is that we’re told fruit is ‘healthy’ and ‘natural’, well it’s all down to context.
If you can pick it, then eat it. If it needs to take a plane ride to reach you, then don’t touch it
Now don’t get me wrong, I eat ice cream, I drink coffee, I do other things that I can get away with whilst staying above my tipping point for health. I might remove these one day if I ever get ill or don’t feel optimum, but the point of the banana is most people say things like ‘oh I eat really healthy, I only have a bananas for breakfast’ if you live in Northern Europe or America, you might as well have a bowl of ice cream instead, there is more fat and less sugar In ice cream and a snickers bar come to that
So there are two eating pathways we’ve developed: one for fat and one for sugar, I think they need some attention.
You see anyone that’s eaten a standard western diet for more than 5-10 years would have over loaded the sugar pathway, to the point that they’re Insulin resistant, contributing to conditions like diabetes and cancer
When these people then embark on a ketogenic diet, after a small dose of ‘keto flu’ they usually feel like a million dollars, even if it is in the summer when they require sugars.
This is purely because they’ve over done it for years and that pathway gets a much needed rest.
Fast forward a couple of years/seasons and then the body will require the fats in fat season (winter) and the sugars in sugar season (summer) if they are to be optimum. This is when and why keto fails to live up to it’s all purpose billing
Seasonal is how the hybrid system works, and we signed up for that the day we walked away from Africa.
It’s like buying a go kart and then deciding you want to go off road… you have the wrong gear in the wrong environment
If you want to eat sugar, have a high blue sun, eat bananas, and never be cold, you really need to consider moving closer to the equator
MitoDNA is so adaptable that you probably could move to the equator or tropics and eat a high sugar diet, and survive, even thrive, but living like it’s Africa in london and New York, in a perpetual summer, with blue light, tropical food and tropical heating is going to ramp up blood glucose, which will likely lead to diabetes, cancer and heart trauma
If light outside the visible spectrum is charging water, and blood is made up largely of water, then maybe you can see why heart attacks are more common in counties where living inside is the norm
The issue is, most of us, and certainly all millennials have never known anything other than an option of what food to eat, what temperature constitutes comfort, living indoors and whether we want to have lights on or be in darkness: this is so drastically taken for granted that even insinuating these 3 things might not be ‘ok’ probably makes me sound weird.
However, This is why we’re now more likely to die of eating too much than starvation. More likely to kill ourselves than be killed
Action is driven by emotion, emotion is driven by hormones, hormones are driven by cycles, and cycles are driven by sunlight
Sunlight is made up of infrared (A,B and C) visible light (the rainbow) and Ultraviolet (A,B and C)
This is all found in a range of huge range,of which blue is a tiny tiny part, yet between October and march blue light is the only unbalanced light most people see, this is why there are much higher rates of skin cancer and suicides away from the equator: now how does that fit in with UV rays being the enemy?
So the idea of mitigating artificial light, food and heating in the winter isn’t going to go down well with the masses, but eating these foreign foods, foreign heating and foreign light is just taking away the protection, the body armour, the resilience, the safety belt, the natural ability we’ve developed to fight off all that we’re now trying to cure with pharmaceuticals … it’s a dead end game from what I understand
It all comes back to light: every time…….
Ricky is a starfish.
Now I want to respond. I want to, my patrons to know exactly why I will NEVER DUMB nature down for any of you even when you beg me too.

Of course it comes back to light ALWAYS………but people are not interested in real truth just the stories of bullshit the get from the bulletproof hero’s in marketing. I have no time for this nonsense. You want it simplified…….???? Just watch this video at this URL to get a flavor of my ire of why I reject this nonsense:

I won’t dumb nature down, ever for you or anyone else. It won’t happen on my watch because I want to educate and elevate people and not keep them dumbed down. I abhor the low dopamine mindset of modern man. For those of you who wanted it dumbed down” go to another universe where the rules are more to your liking. I am not sharing my wisdom here or anywhere else to become pleasing. I am doing it to uncover where Optimal health really lies for you and you can take those morsels and do with them what you like.

Most people really don’t want the truth, they just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth. My mouth is not a bakery. I don’t sugarcoat anything. If you ask me my opinion I’m going to tell you the truth, no matter what you want to hear. There is a general difference between the physical and the social sciences that people ought to remember. In the social sciences, if you don’t like “it”, often you have at least some space to change “it”. Some wiggle room. eg. if you don’t like the language, you can change the language. If you don’t like the political system, you change the political system. There is nothing to measure it against how effective these things are, because the fact that people want them is itself the measure of their effectiveness. Nature gives a rats ass about your wants needs and desires and that is how I teach her brand of science. So it is important to remember that in the physical sciences, you DO have something to measure things against. I believe this is the sentiment a teacher ought to express to his students when teaching them about the physics of organisms in nature. People sometimes seem to think that they can negotiate how they want the physical world to be like, or the rules we are going to use to measure it. The fact is, we can’t use what we ‘want’ there anymore. Whether it fits the world, if it’s accurate or not accurate, becomes the only matter of importance. It is time you wake up to this reality and elevate your game to Nature’s rules.
Leadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate toward some goal which they come to find desirable after they have been re-educated by nature.