Nobody sees the links of nature in metabolism until they do………….
I think I showed that in the Vermont 2018 talk. This series is showing you a side of biology foreign to the most learned eyes of life. Today the onslaught continues to show you how nature uses an essential amino acid as an exogenous time crystal in our tissues.
While amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, different amino acids also participate in a wide variety of biological processes. For example, amino acids supply carbon and nitrogen molecules for biosynthesis, feed substrates to maintain TCA cycle activity for ATP generation, and provide reducing equivalents to bolster anti-stress capacity for redox homeostasis. Therefore, all organisms have developed strategies to cope with metabolic stress and challenges posed by the deprivation of amino acids. In mammalian cells, there are at least two major adaptive mechanisms that sense and respond to fluctuations in amino acids levels. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a conserved Serine/Threonine kinase that senses amino acid availability to regulate cell growth and autophagy. Another important sensor is the GCN2 (general control nonderepressible 2) kinase that regulates protein translation initiation in amino acid–starved cells by detecting uncharged tRNAs. These two kinases are highly conserved from yeast to mammalian cells and play major roles in the control of protein translation, transcriptional programs, and regulation of adaptive responses during amino acid starvation.
Not all amino acids are equivalent in their physiologic abilities. This tells the mitochondriac they all have different levels of information processing. It also implies that metabolism is not just about energy. It is about how tissues learn using information in the movement of protons and electrons in the cycle amino acids operate in. The major ones are the TCA, urea, and the methionine cycle. This one is indirectly linked to the kinetics of the the TCA and urea cycle.
It turns out methinone can and has the ability to control autophagy/mitophagy in cells. Autophagy is one of the self regulatory programs mitochondria uses to recycle themselves and cells that have sustained damage that is fixable. This means it can be both an antiaging strategy and one that can back fire and cause cancer. How so?
To understand the perspective you first have to see how the information is transferred from the sun to cells. In order for mammalian cells to live and function, amino acids are required for protein synthesis and the generation of metabolic intermediates. An imbalance or deficiency of amino acids often triggers an “amino acid response” (AAR) to allow cells to adapt to their environment.
Reseachers have found a unique and dramatic gene expression program that occurred only when cells were deprived of methionine, but not any other amino acid. They also found that these methionine-specific changes depended on changes in histone modifications and an intact creatine biosynthesis pathway (PPP).
So I am being clear here, restricting methinone seems to make us live longer in several studies, while too much methinonine seems to set us up for mitochondrial diseases like cancer and heart disease. Is this point of view axiomatically true or is the system built dyamically by light? I bet you can already guess at the answer.
Always, the eye sees more than the mind can comprehend, and we go through life self-blinded to much that lies before us. We want a simple world, but we live in a magnificently complex one, and rather than open ourselves to it, we perceive the world through filters that make it less daunting. This is one of the greatest errors I see every day on social media in people trying to recover from an illness.

How does a single amino acid affect cells in such a profound way? It turns out methionine has direct effects on the surface of DNA via histone proteins. These proteins are the first step in controlling the beginning steps of all protein translation. This means methionine affects the surface topology of DNA. Topology concerns itself with how the surface electric charge of “something”, changes the physics of what is possible below that surface layer. How does topology work? Well, the surface electric charge changes the size and shape of things below the skin level. This new branch of science shows you how surface sunlight can change the optical window of cells to change the biochemistry possible below. Methinine is a key gear in the circadian clock mechanism in the SCN and in all peripheral clock genes. It works with melanopsin and retinol to control this process in us. The implications are far bigger than most of you can imagine. This paper gives you a hint at what many have missed. I fully expected this because of the previous work of DelGuidice and Preparta in 2000, and the follow up work of Pollack in exclusion zone water in the last decade. But this paper was the game changer because it was the final piece to make sense of a lot of loose ends.

The electrical change of water is influenced dramatically by the amount of full spectrum sunlight the skin gets.
Therefore, topology is critical in two steps in cell biology, which the organism needs to exert extreme control. Extreme control implies serious communication strategies. This is how the nonlinear aspects of UV light are put to use in a cell. This is where information quanta mechanism comes into play. Methionine deprivation reduced the degree to which histone proteins were indirectly modified by methionine via histone methylation. Methylation has three hydrogen atoms on one carbon. The isoform of those hydrogens are critical in understanding the critical role of methionine in the control patterns of autophagy and apoptosis. Let me illustrate the point with an example.
Methionine is an essential amino acid humans cannot make so it has to be made by photosynthesis in the food web on Earth.

Sun exposure increase the sulfhydryl groups in the blood plasma naturally with no added ENERGY needed. Sulfhydryl groups are the major anion of our blood under solar exposure. This increases the number anions present in our blood. Sulfur amino acids are a kind of amino acids which contain sulfhydryl groups, and they play a crucial role in protein structure, metabolism, immunity, and oxidation. Recent studies have demonstrated the oxidation resistance effect of methionine and cysteine, two of the most representative sulfur amino acids, and their metabolites. Methionine and cysteine are extremely sensitive to almost all forms of reactive oxygen species MADE IN THE MATRIX of a mitochondrion, which makes them antioxidative.
Moreover, methionine and cysteine are precursors of S-adenosylmethionine, hydrogen sulfide, taurine, homocysteine, and glutathione in all cells in the body. These products are reported to alleviate oxidant stress induced by various oxidants and protect the tissue from the damage. However, the deficiency and excess of methionine and cysteine in diet, can dramatically affect the normal growth of animals. The slide below shows this effect. The stress can come from any stimulus. Light stimulus however, has the largest non linear effect. This means a small change in our ambient environment can lead to massive changes in our skin’s topology. Do not forget this lesson. You’ll need it later on to understand a prediction I made to a patients in this blog.
Methionine is known to change the color of an animals coat as seasons change. In fact, when I learned about this I did hacks to grey my own coat and reverse it using methionine hacks I came up with over the last 5 years.

It is well known that oxidation from free radicals of the cysteine thiol groups occurs in all stressful stimuli in humans. Thi sincreases the firing rate of the PVN while reducing outflow from the vagus nerve in th ebrainstem nuclei. This results in defective glucocorticoid receptor function and this dramatically affects the reactivity of ligand and DNA binding in cells. When stress occurs it knocks off the retinol loosely bound to melanopsin on the skin. This lowers the Vitamin A levels in the plasma and that information is immediately transferred to the CSF because all CSF is made as an ultrafiltrate of our blood plasma. The blood gets irradiated in our retina and and in our skin where this melanopsin/vitamin A couple reside. Since this bond is a loose covalent bond it is easlily broken. This is common in human primates but it varies greatly in species closely related to us. It is 180 different than what we see in noctural mammals. They have a very storng covalent bond between melanopsin and retinol. Melanopsin is a known blue light detector. Blue light has enough power to break that weak bond.
Since the human bond is weak, this implies that in a 5G world where the toplogy of the skin will be affected by massive electric currents, Vitamin will drop in the plasma rapidly. What are the collateral effects? As Vitamin A drops so will the ability to make Vitamin D from our skin. Why? both vitamins are yoked in humans. What else will happen? Cysteine and methionine cycles will no longer operate as they were designed. Both of their cycles are tied to the kinetics of the TCA and urea cycle in the matrix of humans. This means doing hacks on the sulfated amino acids will be quite important to understand and use when one gets afflicted with electropollution type diseases like autoimmunity, sepsis, and cancer. I have been doing these hacks now for the last 7 years.
Today’s riddle: Biohacking tip #250 from my new unpublished book. Why do sulfated amino acids have one requirement if it is natural and made under the power of photosynthetic processes, but if you make it in a lab, like a supplement maker would have to do, human need double the amount to get the same effect? Might it be the information quanta carried by H+ in methionine somehow controls the metabolic pathways? Could this amino acid be linked to the kinetic flow into and out of the urea and TCA cycle? We know when the TCA and urea cycle kinetic slow methionine levels seem to rise. Can H+ in an amino acid or the methyl groups it controls offer this level of physiologic protection? Yep.
There is now a general consensus concerning normal sulfur amino acid (SAA) requirements. WHO recommendations amount to 13 mg/kg per 24 h in healthy adults. This amount is roughly doubled in artificial nutrition regimens. This highlight that things made in a lab are not equivalent to those amino acids in the sun. This is bad news for the food gurus and supplement makers.
You need to eat way more fake stuff to get the same benefit from food done under the power of the sun. Eating more unnatural food supplements actually lowers longevity, while increasing mTOR signaling. This leads to more disease, not less. You can use your hair color and your blood smears to do these hacks. Your perspective gets skewed when your vision is not the same as nature’s method of information transfer using light or water in your body.
Methionine is a sulfated amino acid and its concentration varies with solar cycles. It is found in seafood, eggs, parmesan cheese and brazil nuts. Methionine is a precursor of homocysteine. So when we eat too much protein with methionine in it, homocysteine can rise if it is not recycled quickly enough by the action of the kinetics in the urea and TCA cycle. When homocysteine rises it is “big tell” to the wise clinician that deuterium leak from a cell membrane is happening at fumerase in mitochondria. Blu elight exposure of the skin or eye causes our cell membranes to break down and liberate PUFA’s. What holds the PUFA together strongly in our cells? Deuterium does, with it massive kinetic isotope effect. Deuterium gets out of the blood into tissues using sunlight.

So too much of a good thing can lead to problems too even in a state of decent health. This is why in the CPC #25 blog Dr. Marik said most people with severe sepsis seemed to always have “co-morbid disease” as a precursor for sepsis. That tells you they had higher than normal heteroplasmy before they got septic.
Heteroplasmy is a synonym for deuterium slowed TCA and urea cycle kinetics. The deprivation of most amino acids, except glycine, is capable of triggering a robust and mostly conserved Amino Acid Response.
Quite unexpectedly, the data shows that methionine deprivation triggers the most dramatic and extensive gene expression changes in the nuclear genome in HUMANS.
This information is quickly relayed to the mitochondria via the tensegrity system of the cell.
Blood plasma.

UV-A light increases NO release from the arterioles in our skin to vasodilate the microcirculation. This dramatically changes the hydrogen bonding network of water below. That water touches every cell membrane in our body by way of the blood. Cell membranes connect to the outer mitochondrial membrane by actin filaments that have integrins connected to them. These connect the nucleus to the mitochondria in cytosolic water. These components are the tensegrity components of your cell. Integrins are designs to tighten or loosen the system to alter size and shape of everything in a cell. What controls the tensegrity system is the redox potential in the cell.
The generation of free radicals is a synonym for the redox potential energy within the cell. If you cannot make them, you can not have ideal health or cellular signaling. This is tied to the amount of electrons and the TYPE protons in the system that can work at large distances apart in different chemicals like oxygen, nitric oxide, and hydrogen sulfide.
Modern biology would have us believe each biologic process is structured and orderly on its surface, but the truth is they are all driven by random molecular motions (entropy). Free radical are proxy makers for entropy that orders the tensegrity system in the cell.
This is why tensegrity is ultimately tied to the redox potential inside the cell that is controlled by the amount of UV /IR light added to the skin, eye, gut, and lung to control the tensegrity system of the cell.
This is why photons are the force carrier of the electromagnetic force of the environment of the cell. The electromagnetic force can only control charged particles, and only electrons and protons carry negative and positive charges.
This is why the sun controls the topologic electric charges in the skin that sets the entire program of life in motion.
Somebody wise in the Vermont audience asked me this question. I could not give the detailed answer then, but I can now.
Did you know methionine is capable of turning OFF autophagy in humans because of its nuclear genomic effect on epigenetics? It alters histone methylation which changes how proton tunneling can affect certain parts of the double helix.
Methionine can raise homocysteine and is the most notable cause for concern in people with broken kinetics of the Kreb or urea cycles. When these cycle are broken ( by deuterium KIE) it leads to unique changes in the flow of amino acids through these cycles. Let me give you a few examples.
Among the twenty-two standard amino acids in humans, nine are considered “essential” because the human body must obtain these from diet. For different types of cells, there also might be different dependencies based on their genetic makeup and metabolic flexibility as well as the microenvironmental stresses of these environments that could link to cancer. There has been much interest in identifying nutrient addictions of cancer cells with the hope for new therapeutic opportunities. The best one is the used of DDW which seems to increase TBW turnover to free up the kinetics of hydrogen flow in all these cycles.
For example, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) cells are deficient in the asparagine pathway and require large amounts of exogenous asparagine. Therefore, asparaginase, through its ability to deplete extracellular asparagine, has become a cornerstone in the treatment of ALL cancers. Glutamine addiction is found in basal-type breast cancer cells and cancer cells with activated Myc and Ras. Certain melanoma cells have a leucine addiction caused by defective adaptive autophagy due to a LACK of solar programming with information quanta.
Methionine is unique because it is an amino acid processed outside the urea and TCA cycle. It has its own cycle for function. Its amount is quantized to the kinetics of the TCA and urea cycle. Methionine participates in multiple cellular metabolic pathways, including the salvage pathway, the SAM recycling pathway, the trans-sulfuration pathway for cysteine biosynthesis, polyamine synthesis, and creatine biosynthesis. Methionine, indirectly via SAM, also donates methyl groups for protein methylation, which can result in epigenetic changes when the proteins being methylated are histones.
Alterations in the TCA and urea cycles indirecly affect the movements of hydrogen in mitochondria via methionine creation. Remember this series is teaching you that particles with a half-integer quantum spin state, like H+ are the particles that nature uses to transfer information from the sun to the living system.
This happens in mitochondrial diseases as I covered in the May 2018 webinar and it is why mTOR activation in cancer shows up in so many papers. The researchers have no idea why this occurs because they do no understand how light controls metabolism.

This blog aims to end that mystery today. Acute high doses of methionine can lead to acute increases in plasma homocysteine, which can be used as an index of the susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and cancer. It has even caused death. High levels of methionine in the plasma is an awesome marker for a physiologic log jam at fumerase at the junction of the urea and TCA cycles at Kreb’s bicycle. This is why I had to teach you about them in the last 3 blogs and June webinar. That webinar is must see!
Mitochondriacs should pay attention to these linked actions to understand nature’s goals.
Is this how autophagy can be ruined before apoptosis to lead to organ failure before death?? I think so. I think aging is a loss of information control within the methionine cycle. This makes methionine a marker for heteroplasmy status, and this is why I warned you to use the calcium index score as a marker of mitochondrial biology. High homocysteine is often associated with excessive calcium deposition in the arterial walls.

In fact, sufficiently high doses of methionine can actually result in death when heteroplasmy rates are high or redox potential in mitochondria are low. I believe this is caused by rapid slowing of ECT flows in the heart without the ability to make ATP using the red light of the sun. More on that later in the series.
When the urea cycle slows the TCA cycle it can slow ECT and kill ya like cyanide can. How is that for a shocking insight? Longer-term studies in adults have indicated no adverse consequences of moderate fluctuations in dietary methionine intake, but intakes higher than 5 times the normal amount resulted in elevated homocysteine levels. These effects of methionine on homocysteine and vascular function are moderated by supplements, like the water soluble vitamins B-6, B-12, C, and folic acid. I believe these B vitamins all facilitate proton tunneling (H+ again) to improve information transfer in enzymes.

When present in sufficiently high levels, methionine can act as an atherogen and a metabotoxin. An atherogen is a compound that when present at chronically high levels causes atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease by lowering of nitric oxide concentration in the microcirculation as we age or by an elevated concentration of methionine BECAUSE OF A LACK OF SUNLIGHT on the skin. Remember UVA sunlight makes nitric oxide folks. You must have skin in the game to win this battle as the pic from Vermont 2018 shows.

A metabotoxin is an endogenously produced metabolite that causes adverse health effects at chronically high levels. These can be caused by nonlinear changes at fumerase explaining further how DDW works in cancers, arterial disease, and heart disease. We know that heart failure occurs in diastole via autophagic failure. All the pieces fit, because as a neurosurgeon, I have seen them fall apart in thousdands of my patients.

Methionine is also an important part of angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. This brings more oxygen to tissues when they may not need it. This was a key point made in the May 2018 webinar. This is another key webinar for this series of blogs!
This can be an advantage in wellness but it can be a death sentence in a pre oncologic state as the May 2018 webinar showed. Why? The pathologic Warburg shift requires cancer cells to shut down apoptosis while increasing ECT flow. How does it happen? Methionine’s kinetic cycling is broken in the sulfated amino acid cycle in the blood anytime the kinetics of the TCA and urea cycle also slow. This happens for many reasons. When the urea cycle slows, BUN rises and protein becomes a metabolic toxin. This is why mTOR activation looks bad in many papers. Doctors like Ron Rosedale make this error all the time because he is undereducated about light. So do supplement makers. This is why Mark Sisson and Asprey protein powders can destroy people. The internet is littered with many examples of this but no one asks the right questions why this happens. Now you know the answer.
This causes it to rise because of its indirect linkage of the TCA to urea cycle via fumerase and betaine. Betaine? Yes. It is another water soluble B vitamin linked to methionine clock gears. When Kreb’s bicycle is altered it affects the methionine cycle in cells too. How?
In another pathway, only in the liver, betaine (TMG) is the source of the methyl group transferred to homocysteine. TMG = tri methyl glycine. Selenium deficiency increases transsulfuration of homocysteine, and decreases global DNA methylation. This is why seafood is so powerful outside of its DHA effect. It provides a robust amount of selenium and methionine in nature’s dosing.
As urea rises, the liver and kidney both become fatty (deuterium effect). The tri methyl glycine (TMG) de-fats both organs because TMG osmotically protects cells from urea and high electrolyte concentrations. This is why so many diabetics have ammonia and urea measure at high levels. When this occurs their cognition drops. Most of the people on the internet complaining of cognitive haze have this DEFECT. Their livers are loaded with deuterium, which is fully capable of ruining urea cycle kinetics.
Part of the methionine cycle is the creation of betaine which helps protect us from urea cycle dysfunction. This is how the cycle communicate via the movements of hydrogen (H+ again folks!).
This is also why glycine is useful in broken metabolisms. This is why the survivor soup blog was written.
TMG converts homocysteine to methionine in the liver, whereas folate-dependent remethylation of homocysteine takes place in all cells. People with poor solar exposure have poor folate levels and poor B12 levels. This is why diabetes is linked to blue light toxicity in the eye and skin and real lack of sunlight exposure. Strong light and TMG strongly reduces plasma homocysteine in subjects with low serum folate, and has a weaker effect when folate is high, whereas Vitamin B6 has little or no effect on plasma homocysteine levels.
Glycine makes betaine and it can create DDW in the urea cycle to lower methionine levels and improve autophagy. If you get in the sun you also improve apoptosis and your disease risk shrinks. Normally the sunlight exposure on our skin make DDW in mitochondria and this is why we sweat out water loaded with deuterium from skin surfaces. This is how we work.
Diabetics have altered sweating so they can never get rid of their excess deuteium via the sweat. This is why sweating was a key feature in the Leptin Rx. Go back and look.

In people with circadian mismatch diseases due to blue light exposure, this causes methionine to build up and stimulate angiogenesis. This is why I wrote the CAC blog for you. More oxygen helps bad cells become cancer rapidly via the ideas in the May 2018 webinar. I hope you are making these connections rapidly now.
When the urea cycle kinetics slow down what happens to methionine? It rises as a substrate in the cytosol and plasma. This implies underutilization or overconsumption of methionine can cause cancer. Why? Is this a proton spin story Jack? Yes it is.
How? It turns out the methyl group donor in DNA methylation, is related to cancer growth in a number of studies. What turns the process off? AM sunlight when IR-a leads to UV-A light. This is why you saw the slide below 6 months ago appear on my social media pages.

Methionine is an essential amino acid. Humans do not make it, they must eat it. It can be recycled from homocysteine and cysteine. Methionine is coded for by the initiation codon, meaning it indicates the start of the coding region and is the first amino acid produced in a nascent polypeptide during mRNA translation. This means the hydrogen that it is linked to must come from methionine recycling. This is where the information is hidden by nature my fellow mitochondriacs to control autophagy. Fasting lowers methionine so this is why fasting is linked to improved autophagy if done in the SUN and not indoors under blue light. Exercise also depletes us of methionine, assuming the urea and TCA cycles are opertional. If they are not exercise can hurt us.
Methionine is one of only two amino acids encoded by a single codon (AUG). Anyone want to guess why? It is so important there cannot be multiple nuclear signals for it because of hydrogen.
The methionine codon AUG is also the most common start codon in humans. A “Start” codon is message for a ribosome that signals the initiation of protein translation from mRNA when the AUG codon is in a Kozak consensus sequence. This is critical in understanding how the Warburg shift goes from normal to pathologic in cancers and autoimmune conditions.
Why is it the key signal in the cytosol at Kreb’s bicycle when diseases is present?
Almost all the substrates in the TCA and urea cycle are ANIONS. Methionine and SAMe are CATIONS. This changes the topologic charge in matrix water. Remember how I started this blog? This is a big freaking deal folks because everything in the urea and TCA are anions. This offers another level of control to methionine for the circadian mechanism at our surfaces.
The methionine-derivative S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) is a cofactor that serves mainly as a methyl donor in biochemistry. This is where functional docs stop their knowledge. You need to be aware of it.
The issue of a changing toplogic charge is huge in information quanta transfer and they do not know it. They have zero understanding of biophysics of the matrix. SAM is composed of an adenosyl molecule (via 5′ carbon substrate built by the PPP) attached to the sulfur of methionine, therefore making it a sulfonium CATION. This happens because the three substituents hydrogen all positive charge. Those hydrogens cannot be the deuterium isotope of hydrogen. The PPP controls the hydrogen flows in the cell. The sulfur atom acts as a soft Lewis acid (i.e., donor/electrophile) which allows the S-methyl group to be transferred to an oxygen, nitrogen, or aromatic system in the urea or TCA cycle, often with the aid of other cofactors such as cobalamin (vitamin B12 in humans).
Metabolism is not JUST about energy folks. It concerns itself more with information quanta, in case you are not getting the message from this blog.
Think of each thing you learned in this blog that happens in nature in a day as critcal information your cells need………it is neither good or bad when it is missing its natural context……..then it is just information buried in quanta. Once you understand the context properly, then use the information to adjust your life choices. Consider that before becoming more aware you wouldn’t have even noticed how bright the lights you live under really are, nor made ANY connection between the artificial lights (and EMF) and the quality of your sleep that night. When you think like a mitochondriac you begin to see how ironic nature is. It’s funny how what looks like a setback (sunburn) might even be considered a step forward when it is done by the sun. “Blue burns” indoors are deadly information to cells.
DDW makes sure excess methionine becomes glutathione and is not able to stimulate angiogenesis to deliver more oxygen to mitochondria. Both glycine, serine, and DDW can lower homocysteine levels because of the effect on methionine. Sunlight also helps make DDW and this is why it raise redox better than anything I have found.

People will be shocked to hear this but artifical light bulb flicker also induces a PVN stress response via the eye and skin because of melanopsin and the Vitamin A link. In fact, I think it might be behind the cancer epidemic for several reasons. In 1951 Fisher and Fisher found that flickering man made light altered eosinophil counts in man. In fact, they made the case that looking at the peripheral blood smear could tell a clinician about the state of the retina. In 1960, Ponte did experiments on the eye using flicker and conformed their work. I used this data to diagnose a skin cancer in the skin of a tattoo’d patient who had developed an eosinopenic drop in her blood over 5 years that her primary care doctors missed. It turns out the flickering light on a computer screen shined on a tattoo might be a quite way to get a skin or blood cancer. Why?
The stronger the flickering effect is in the blue range, the stronger is the eosinopenic effect on the peripheral blood smear. It turns out that an increase in the lux number of man made light, causes the eosinopenic effect to occur earlier and more distinctly. This affects the skins circadian mechanism in a bad way as you’ll soon see. How long have we known about this effect? In 1956, Doe et al followe ddiurnal fluctuations in urine cortisol levels and found a distinct diurnal eosiniophilic curve. This linked light function on the eye and skin to the immune system controling arm in the adrenal gland. Later studies done by researchers showed this effect came from the macula or the retina. So sitting in front of a flickering screen is a great way to get skin cancer and blood cancers. Both are rising as technology spending has soared. This is why you need RaOptics and Iris software on your computer.
The flicker effect cause PVN stress to max out in the human diencephalon to destroy the brainstem PVN and the adrenal cortex at once. People do not know the science of light well enough to know why people are killing themselves with human PROGRESS. Mitochondriacs do.
STRESS AND TRAUMA and methionine.
The more stress response one gets from any cause, this increases PVN activation in the hypothalamus, and as a result the more methionine you’ll need to combat 5G stress. Any type of stressor increases our need of methionine. This is true of trauma, sepsis, nnEMF exposures, and even greying of your hair! In hacks when my hair would grey hair I knew to eat more eggs, seafood, and Parmesan cheese to augment the methionine effect. How did I learn all these links? It came from a patient who had a pretty amazing tattoo effect linked to a mercury stress as her redox fell because she worked at night in the IT department of a hospital in the basement. I want to share it with you because it mimics the effects in CPC #25 blog and it shows you the deep wisdom in the May 2018 webinar.

The tattoo lesson on methionine: More on how your surfaces can be affected by a lack of sunlight and methionine in your skin. People with poor kinetics in the TCA and urea cycles begin to have a raised level of methionine in their plasma. We can confirm this with their homocysteine levels. They should be rising based upon the data in this blog. This tells us their is a kinetic isotope effect of deuterium in one or both these cycles between some of the substrates. If methionine is raised because of this effect, it stimulates angiogenesis in the surrounding tissues and this supports a pathologic Warburg shift in a stressed tissue. Why was this skin in this IT worker stressed? She was around nnEMF 24/7 and the tattoo was old. She had it when she was healthy and had no issues with it until her environment changed. She got the tattoo when she was younger and never had a problem with it until she worked in the basement of the hospital at night around electropollution. After 3 years the red ink of the tattoo began to look inflammaed and infected. Many high quality red inks have cinnabar in them. Cinnabar is a safe mercury compound used for centuries in tattoo art. Why did it cause an issue here in our modern world? The blue light she was around caused a mercury resonace phenomena in her skin in the red ink that raised the local heteroplasmy rates in the red parts of the tattoo. Remember blue light penetrates deeper than we think to where the ink is located. This acted like a photochemical stressor. She also wore a Apple Iwatch on this arm. As the methionine went up angiogenesis made cancer in the red ink region likely because of her co-morbid nnEMF risk; this lowered her redox state because of her occupational risks. Incidentally, she reported insomnia. She was vegan too. This was a key symptom in knowing her autophagy efficiency was dysfunctional. The veganism was a clue to why her homocysteine was elevated. I thought the risk was high that apoptosis was also dysfunctional because of all her risks. I was worried this was an unusual cancer and not a reaction to her ink. Her vitamin D level was 18 and her LDL cholesterol rate was over 300 and her homocysteine was 284. Vegans are well known to have high homocysteine levels (HC), unless they are in strong sunlight, so I knew she was having trouble recycling HC to methionine and this is why I was worried about this being a possible tattoo ink cancer from an acute skin stress in somebody with bad TCA/urea kinetics.
In December of 2014, she decided to have it looked at. A biopsy came back as an unusual type of skin cancer by the dermatologist. This is just another perspective of how getting a tattoo in your past, when you were healthy, can be used as a hack of a dropping redox because of a changing environment. The teaching point here is that the stimulus of cancer in this person was the blue light and nnEMF she faced in her job. This caused a stress reaction in her skin, and her eyes and subsequently altered melanopsin cycles in the tattoo and this broke the kinetics in her Kreb and urea cycles in the red inked skin.
This slowed the urea and TCA cycle kinetics allowing methionine to build up and destroy autophagy for years and cause increasing angiogenesis in the red skin. This angiogenesis inhibited apoptosis setting the stage for cancer via the Warburg Shift we spoke about in the May 2018 webinar. Everything was fine for her up until apoptosis was destroyed in this skin because this area NEVER got any sunlight because of her shift work was in a basement without windows loaded with nnEMF. The tattoo was also most covered by her clothing.
She effectively lived under blue lights 24/7 for the last 8 years of her life. What was the result? Cancer inside the boundaries of the red ink where the mercury was and resonanted with the blue light she was exposed too. If that skin had of gotten a minimum of UVA or UVB light I bet this would have never happened. This case is a text book teaching case in how blue light stress of the skin and eye can destroy autophagy and apoptosis and can lead to a cancer in red ink on the skin. It is pretty amazing.
Cinnabar is a compound that has mercury in it. It is perfectly safe unless your kinetics of the TCA and urea cycle become dysfunction by deuterons in our metabolic pathways. The crazier part of the story is that if she had of eaten bone broths with serine and glycine or more foods with methionine (seafood) she might have avoided the surgery altogether because the cancer might have been prevented.
Did you know that foods with serine, selenium, and methionine can clear mercury from our body quickly? It is true. This is the kind of redox/detox mitochondriacs advocate. This is how we get grey hair too folks. All enable us to clear heavy metals quickly. She was a vegan refused to eat seafood which contains all of these natural heavy metal chelators. Seafood and or sunlight might have saved her from the cancer or the surgery. She was not interested in my ideas about this. It amazed me how dietary dogma can keep a person from curing themselves with the wisdom of nature.
Mitochondriacs need to make sure if you get a tattoo that you think of all of the things that can go wrong and how your body could be potentially disfigured from it. But you can also use the tattoo as a redox monitor too as this case shows. You can also use your tattoo’s as a canary in the coal mine for the efficiency of autophagy and apoptosis if you choose to keep it. If this person was Patreon member or a member of my website she could have gotten the wisdom that the use of DDW, seafood, survivor soup, eggs, and parmesan cheese might have been wiser maneuver before undergoing surgery for an inducible cancer.
Amazing how nature works when you understand her.
It also appears that any augmentation of glycine metabolism is beneficial because it lowers methionine in dysfunctional mitochondria. This is why bone broths are so helpful to those mitochondrial diseases. This is why I gave you the survivor soup blog already. Now you can see how the piece fit in the Quilt of life.

Have a look at this video on youtube.
Given what I said above, what do you think of this as a way to celebrate beating cancer?
In my opinion, his cancer will be back soon………..This begins with your relationship with yourself. If you do not love yourself entirely and actively ensure your own needs are met, you will find it difficult to do the same for others.
Know this: however you treat yourself is how you will treat others. This is why, ironically, the most selfless thing you can do is to be self-centered (albeit not selfish).
The take home of this monster:
Have you ever wonder why chemist just don’t get quantum biology? The proteins life plays on are the stage upon which the drama of life unfolds. Proteins are carbon polymers of electrons waiting to interact with sunlight. The actors on “this stage” can be none other than small and highly mobile units such as electrons and protons. Chemists equations don’t see these small things in their metabolic pathways…….but you can bet your ass they happen in every living thing on Earth. This is why life exceeds a biochemistry mindset.
EVERY CELL HAS A CLOCK infront of every human gene………to protect. blue light destroys their operation because of the linkage of Vitamin A to melanopsin and its weak covalent bond. This is why we are all getting sick today.
Vermont 2018 WISDOM:
Truths are approximations. All of them because they are relative to the physics of the present moment.
Most think of sunlight as energy and as something that we can see.
Sunlight is energy but is MOSTLY information and it ONLY speaks in the language that our body completely understands. That language is called the entire visible part of the spectrum of light.
Artificial light = foreign language for cells
Artificial frequencies = foreign language for cells
Photon — travels at the speed of light
information tells photons where to go on the back of H+ and electrons —– faster than light via Fermat’s law and the use of entanglement. Mitochondria decipher the information and spit out free radicals depending upon the information you give them.
This is why you need to be a mitochondriac. Join my membership and learn all this for yourself. I go where others cannot because they do not know this territory exists.