Today is August 20th and we should have a full moon. This is a good day to improve your sex life. Why? Bright light and melanin is the answer.
It is estimated that up to one quarter of men have a low sex drive – defined as lack of interest in sex. Anxiety, stress, depression, and other psychological factors ARE correlated to low sexual desire in men, as well as a reduction in the male sex hormone testosterone. Anxiety, stress, and depression are all linked to lowered dopamine and melanoton levels. There is a deep reason lowered sexual function happens in simulataneously in humans.
Recent studies have found early morning exposure to bright light for just 14 days increased men’s testosterone levels, enhancing their sexual satisfaction.
The use of light therapy to improve sexuaL FUNCTION dates back to ancient civilizations, going as far back as the ancient Egyptians and Indians, who used sunlight (heliotherapy) for SEXUAL PERFORMANCE, healing and promoting health. The therapeutic use of light energy was more fully appreciated in the late 19th century when a Danish physician-scientist, Niels Ryberg Finsen, demonstrated the benefits of red and blue light in the treatment of lupus vulgaris and was recognized with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. When these people were treated by Finsen he also reported these people also reported improvement in sexual function with increased desires for sex.
Seasonality has been shown to have a significant influence on sexual function by the increasing mitochondrial function in the central retinal pathways and in the pineal tracts. We know that the pineal gland in humans plays a key role in the neuroendocrine control of sexual activity. The retinohypothalamic tract carries information on the cycles light/dark to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus that projects to the pineal gland and inhibits the production of melatonin. It also reduces the production of endogenosu melanin in these regions and this decreases the number of electrons liberated from water in CSF. When the number of electrons decreases, less light can be absorbed to be used in our semiconductive pathways in CNS in these regions. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released normally.
UV light stimulates mitochondrial production of melatonin. Melatonin increases the secretion of prolactin, which contributes to sexual dysfunction in humans. AM sunlight inhibits the pineal gland tracts and this decreases blood plasma levels of melatonin. This activity shows us that the sun and light treatment favorably affect sexual function in humans by reducing plasma levels of melatonin.
The abscopal effects of light on the skin can also augment sexual function.
In 1960, the L.A.S.E.R. (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) by Theodore Maiman was invented, based on theoretical work by Albert Einstein in 1917. This brought renewed attention to the therapeutic light energy field. The monochromatic, coherent, and collimated nature of lasers led to immediate interest in their biologic effects. In 1967, Endre Mester, a Hungarian physician-scientist, reported that low-dose laser treatments were capable of promoting wound healing and hair regrowth in mice. Both of these were related to melanin actions water to liberate electrons. Once the electrons are free the light can excite them and the body can use them to repair itself. He termed this phenomenon photostimulation and went on to demonstrate the efficacy of this treatment in human patients with skin ulcers. Many scientists, like Fritz Hollwich (book above) have noted that improvement in pituatary hormones with light therapy.
Men really respond to sunlight quickly. Many men are using drugs to improve sexual function and these drugs liberate nitric oxide in their sex organs as their main mechanism of action. You should be reminded that NO is stimulated by UV light exposure. This explains how UV light improves sexual function. The increased levels of testosterone explain the greater reported sexual satisfaction. In the Northern hemisphere, the body’s testosterone production naturally declines from November through April, and then rises steadily through the spring and summer with a peak in October. You see the effect of this in reproductive rates, with the month of June showing the highest rate of conception. The use of the artificial chronotherapy can really mimics what nature does.
Full moon happens on August 20th. Do you know what this means? In Latin, the word menstruation (or menses) and the word moon are linked. Perhaps it is an accident of nature or just pure coincidence that the moon takes almost 28 days to revolve around the earth, the same length of time most women have in their menstrual cycle. The study of anthropology has examined the tendency in traditional societies for women to ovulate when the moon is full and to have their period when the new moon has evolved. A lack of light source at night and reliance on the moon as a primary source of illumination is thought to be an important factor sexual desire and function. Bright light from the moon’s reflection stimulates LH surge which induces ovulation and sexual appetite. Women want sex when the moon is full due to the LH surge.
Melatonin peaks in women when they are having a period and is at its lowest point when they have ovulated. Melatonin also helps Luteinizing Hormone to be produced in the luteal phase and works with progesterone in raising a woman’s temperature. When you raise your temperature melanin acts to become a better electrical conductor. This would make sense in a pending pregnancy. It is also helpful in promoting the ovarian follicle to maturity and helps to do the same with sperm.
Heliotherapy helps treat women with low sexual desire and poor orgasm function because of the surge in LH. LH levels quickly rise just before ovulation. Men can smell women’s fertile phase when melanin is optimized in their olfatory tracts. This happens when their head and neck gets proper solar exposure. Normally, LH triggers ovulation in women. Lack of sun is behind many cases of modern female infertility cases.
A long-held centralized belief among anthropologists is that there’s no way to tell exactly when a human female is ovulating. Decentralized science now knows this is not true. Men were built to smell the LH surge of women because Mother Nature wants men who are seeking a mate to catch her in her fertile phase. Our olfactory cortex is paleocortex loaded with melanosomes so that massive amounts of electrons can be liberated in the olfactory nerve to improve the sense of smell. This cranial nerve only three layers and it’s physiologic ability is sensitized by the sun to make melanin. This charge separates water to make electrons, hydrogen and water. This would offer males the ability to know when the best time to reproduce. It turns out ovulation is a time that corresponds to when a woman enjoys sex the most as well.
In contrast to men whose every ejaculation during intercourse has the potential to result in pregnancy, conception for women is highly dependent on the ovulatory cycle because they are fertile only during the short period of time before and after ovulation. Ovulating women experience increased sexual desire, which manifests as physiological, cognitive, and behavioral responses (Gangestad et al., 2005). This phenomenon occurs because increased sexual behavior during the fertile window, which resembles the estrus of other female primates.
External signs in the skin predict sexual dysfunction. When skin cells responsible for pigmentation are exposed to estrogen or progesterone, the cells respond by adjusting their melanin production, resulting in either skin darkening or lightening. Although pregnant women often experience alterations in skin pigmentation, the reason for the changes has long puzzled physicians. Decentralized clinicians are no longer puzzled. Human females need a way to create more electrons when they are creating a child. This is why melanin & progesteron are upregulated. Progesterone increases water retention in women and melanin is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen while liberatiing massive amounts of electrons for the developing embryo.
UV light in the sun stimulates the translation of alpha MSH in POMC. It turns out sunlight also stimulates LH to cause the upregulation of estrogen and progesterone. This the same signaling cascade stimulated by MSH via POMC. Human melanocytes express a separate, non-classical, estrogen receptor, called GPER, as well as a non-classical progesterone receptor, PAQR7. Neither receptor has been well studied in melanocytes. Soon you will see data that shows that sunlight can abolished the estrogen and progesterone effects by deleting these receptors. This will show that these relatively unknown sex steroid receptors are responsible for the skin pigment effects of melanin in pregnancy. HYPERLINK
The association between pregnancy and altered cutaneous pigmentation has been documented for over two millennia in humans. This has suggested that sex hormones play a role in regulating epidermal melanocyte homeostasis in fecundity. This makes sense when you understand that leptin controls fecundity, and leptin controls the circadian biology of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Human melanocytes that are exposed to higher estrogen levels after the LH pulse respond by increasing melanin production. Even the synthetic variant of estrogen called ethinyl estradiol, commonly used in birth control pills, has a similar effect on women.
Did you know that tamoxifen, used in breast cancer treatment, which blocks estrogen effects in cells, also darkens the skin. This is why it really helps in breast cancer cases. It is the melanin upregulation that increases its anticancer effect. You’ll never hear this from a centralized oncologist. After four days of tamoxifen treatment, the melanin content of the cells increased 200 to 300 percent. I learned about this side effect when my sister in law took the drug and I researced the effect it had on her skin and hair. Her grey hair vanished while she was on the drug and her skin darkened while she took the drug. This side effect of tamoxifen use represent a significant tanning response in the skin. Melanin’s light-absorbing properties allow it to absorb much of the UV radiation in sunlight and this increases electrons to heal the cancer and deuterim depleted hydrogen as an anti-tumor effect. There were other key effects I learned about tamoxifen as well. For example, tamoxifen induces the gene expression of catalase in melanocytes. This points decentralized clinicans towards the idea that the drug induces a promelanogenic effect mediated by ROS (hydrogen peroxide).
Catalase is a common heme based enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen. All heme based chemicals are destroyed by blue light exposure. Catalse catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen. This makes sense because tamoxifen would simulataneously tan our skin and create more water to liberate more electrons to cure the cancerous state in the breast. It should be obvious to you why I made the slide below now.
In many tissues, when melanocytes were exposed to progesterone, melanin production decreased, causing skin to lighten. This points out why circadian mismatch of sex steroid hormones is often associated with cases of vitilgo. The use of progesterone by itself by many centralized antiaging doctors and probably is not a good idea when you realize it degrades melanin. It seems progesterone and melanin were designed to work in unison by Nature when women become pregnant. When they are light mismatched they work to harm women.
In women, pale skin, low NO levels, & low Vitamin D levels high correlate to poor sexual function, infertility and inadequate sexual satisfaction. Solar exposure increases LH production and melanin translation as a result of bright solar exposure. It is now well established that low LH is associated to low libido in women.
Solar light inhibits the pineal gland in the center of the brain and this allows for the production of more testosterone. There are many other positive hormonal effects associated with melanin production and solar exposure. We see this effect in triple negative breast cancers. This is one of the most deadly cancers women get in our modern world. Light therapy works awesome because it stimulates melanin production from POMC.
Our life becomes full when dawn comes to our shore. The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart so it can energize and rejuvenate our mind and our sex lives.
The use of sunlight to improve sexual function can replaces the need for BigHarma medications. This lowers costs and comes with fewer side effects. These are massive goals in decentralized medicine in El Salvador. Just look at the effect UV light exposure has on breast cancer mortality. No one is telling women this but me.
Behavior precedes beneficial beliefs when it comes to solar therapy. Change requires a good beginning. that beginning must be sunrise. Beginnings are subject to implementation. Implementation precedes buy in and is hidden in passion of every renegade. When you make choices and you don’t implement them, your ideas may be the best ever, but they become the area most useless in your life. Ideation, without execution leads to deletion of all good ideas. So it is with SEX and the hormones associated with it.
1. Light therapy as a treatment for sexual dysfunction; focus on testosterone levels (Monday 19th Sept, 12.15-13.45)
D. Koukouna, L. Bossini, I. Casolaro, C. Caterini,A. Fagiolini.
University of Siena, Department of Molecular Medicine, Siena, Italy. University of Siena Medical Centre – Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese – Department of Mental Health
Our eutherian cousins that can still hibernate increase their brains’ ascorbic acid reserves before entering hibernation. This tells me they are increasing their ability to use magnetochemistry and the radical triad method in quantum mechanics I covered in the Decentralized medicine blogs. This helps water flow in aquaporins in the CNS and PNS using proton tunneling. Hibernation is linked to winter and a lack of environmental UV light, while cold temperatures affect changes in the leptin-melanocortin pathway. This increases endogenous UV light production from metabolism to increase ultraweak UV bio-photons. These actions increase blood glucose from POMC cleavage to act as antifreeze in the plasma. The light a semiconductor interacts with emits different light spectra, which can be used to complete different physiologic tasks in a cell.
Chronic cold exposure is the only thing that shuts down IGF-1 and mTOR simultaneously safely without affecting longevity or telomere biology. Why? Endogenous UV light controls mTOR biology and does not allow for changes in basal metabolic rate during starvation in hibernation. The endogenous UV light stimulates thyroid function, so BMR increases to help burn the animal’s fat stores during torpor. Moreover, the cold temperature causes insulin to become impotent and causes disease from insulin resistance because insulin loses its compelling power in cold below 62 F degrees. Insulin works biochemically differently in summer than in winter due to its temperature lability.
And here is the bigger shocker: Glucose is the only thing that can slow down timing the clock genes in front of every somatic mammalian gene. This allows it to control the ROS/RNS function to ensure timing is quantum precise. Getting the effect requires cold, so hibernation is linked to freezing temperatures when UV light is absent.
Contrary to popular belief, The Warburg effect, which uses glucose and glucogenic amino acids, has other roles for us because humans never face a proper winter. We lose the ability to see those effects, but they still operate in us when we get out of nature’s way.
Ketosis lacks environmental context, and not all versions of ketosis are equivalent. This is why a ketogenic diet is not always effective.
What is the proof of this: superoxide levels and ubiquitination rates…….and F:N ratios in mitochondria……..but no one is looking there; guys like Gary Taubes and Nick Norwitz and his food guru buddies need to back off the ketone measurements and focus on the real prize…….superoxide, ROS, RNS levels use for signaling in different tissues. Each tissue has a different threshold, and this is why ketosis is not a fixed problem for cancer. Food can never fix a quantum-based disease. Cancer is that type of disease.
It turns out that PD, AD, T1D, T2D, and AI all have super low superoxide pulses from their cytochromes because the blue light in those people’s environments is destroying circadian clock management in the leptin-melanocortin system. If you can’t make SO, you cannot enter autophagy to recycle redox-shifted mitochondria. And protons outflow from cytochromes is affected. The flow of electrons can reverse as well.
When this happens, you remain sick, have a lousy body composition, low T, low IGF 1, and become infertile regardless of how much fat you eat. To ……burn fat properly outside of torpor, mammals must see the AM sunrise. If they do not, this stimulates the torpor response. You never see the effect if you are not cold and ground as a mammal should be. And since evolution is about reproduction, if you’re infertile, it means you need to ask better questions to your food gurus. Not one of them will ever put this together for you.
Why don’t I see that from food gurus or biochemists? It is terrible for their business models.
Rest assured, there is a decentralized answer, and that answer is in SO and F:N ratios and the variation in voltages in cell membranes induced by light to alter your CO2 and BUN/creatine ratios. These exhaust fumes from metabolism link to the bio-photons spectrum you can create within your colony of mitochondria in a tissue.
You need to go back and really carefully read Warburg’s work. Few have. He found a prize about something other than glucose.
These altered distances and movements of mitochondria to the nucleus are critical in developing diseases like cancer. Why? The further the mitochondria move from the nucleus, the more pseudo-hypoxic the nucleus gets. The less O2 the nucleus receives, the less chance ROS and RNS are made. This tells us the Warburg metabolism is about trying to reset the lousy timing inside the cell from the effect of the light environment. The worse the circadian mismatch is, the more it favors a Warburg metabolism to limit ROS damage. Glucose allows for small amounts of ATP, and ATP is made more rapidly than it can be via the TCA cycle. The TCA cycle takes much longer at the quantum level to create ATP inside the cell. ATP allows the unfolding of proteins and provides water to engage the protons and electrons in those semiconductive proteins. In ubiquitination 5, we tackled this mechanism.
Now you can see why I do not believe the Warburg metabolism is terrible. The mammalian retina uses it to limit ROS/RNS because the retina is always photooxidized from light use during the day. Glucose is the emergency break for circadian clock genes that sit right before our somatic genes. nnEMF creates massive ROS/RNS while causing a decrease in CO2 and water production from a cell.
Today plants that evolved during the last CO2 famine will be the best plants to surround yourself with if you live in a nnEMF shithole. If you love the smell of gardenia, bourgonvilla, and magnolia, it tells me that your colony of mitochondria is not making enough CO2 or water.
Some will look at a plumeria flower (gardenia/magnolia) and try to tell us that its creation results from perfection in minimalism, but this only reveals what they do not know about thermodynamics. It is false. For me, it reflects the melanin sheets in their olfactory grove. People with lighter eyes and pale skin will be more drawn to these scents because of the lack of melanin in their three layer cortex in the olfactory nerve.
The Plumeria flower and the Trevi fountain represent opposite poles of the complexity argument I am explaining to you here. When life was simple, there was little oxygen, and we used glucose metabolism freely. A simple life requires simple biochemistry. Simple life always had a tightly coupled light and dark cycle because they had to exist by the dictates of their environments. Only eukaryotes can break this rule because they can change their environments. Humans are the most significant mismatch that Nature has built because of what their brains became capable of.
Did you know flowering plants like the plumeria species occur due to a lack of CO2 energy? So, their analogy is poor. They are minimalistic flowers/plants because of their low-energy environment. They are great examples of my point.
Plants also are made of DC electric semiconductors like we are. They reflect the light in their environment, structure, and phylogeny. Most plant groups were relatively unscathed by the Permo-Triassic extinction event, although the structures of communities changed. This may have set the scene for the appearance of the flowering plants in the Triassic (~200 million years ago), and their later diversification in the Cretaceous and Paleogene.
The latest major group of plants to evolve were the grasses, which became important in the mid-Paleogene from around 40 million years ago. The grasses, as well as many other groups, evolved new mechanisms of metabolism to survive the low CO2 environments linked to warm, dry conditions of the tropics over the last 10 million years. Beauty varies as environmental energies vary. Note the CO2 levels that PRIMATES EVOLVED. Note today, we are only at 420 parts per million. Modern humans forget that plants need CO2 to grow because of how photosynthesis works.
Focusing on things out of your control, whether true or not, is a disempowering strategy. Focusing on methods and solutions to reverse a disease is better than treating it with a centralized Rx. This is what a decentrlaized leader advocates. The first responsibility of a decentrlaized healer is to define a reality that is a problem today and offer a durable solution. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader becomes a servant to the public’s health. I plan to do this in El Salvador’s new healthcare system.
The take home: The periodicity of our clocks determines the shape of our lives. Time sculpts us. What happens in your colony of mitochondria every AM writes a story in the arteries of your flesh.
Question: My hubby tested very high and when I looked into it discovered it is an enzyme released by the white blood cells in response to inflammation and damage to the arteries. does anyone know how much research there is behind this marker and have any info I can take away?
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an enzyme stored in azurophilic granules of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and macrophages and released into extracellular fluid in the setting of inflammatory process and is associated with increased ROS/RNS creation due to altered mitochondrial metabolism and altered biophoton release. This is due to environmental changes that are not light/dark controlled.
The excess release of endogenous light is not creating enough UV light endogenously and this is not causing translation of POMC to create alpha beta or gamma MSH = less melanin inside and melanin inside deals with excess ROS/RNS production. As a result of this cascade, myeloperoxidase rises and it has been correlated with CVD disease because excess MPO has been linked as marker of plaque instability in PAD disease and coronary heart disease.
The cascade has many other parts associated with it discussed on the forum.
Without full spectrum sunlight, and total darkness at night PATIENTS should expect to have endothelial dysfunction and peripheral arterial damage should be EXPECTED by the decentralized clinician. It is not expected by each because neither are being taught properly about light. Light has no relative power without understanding darkness when it comes to ROS/RNS magnetochemistry. No one involved in any side of science in medical curriculums looks at the data in BigHarma literature to see this data much less understand the clinical significance.
A lack of NO production at our integument and eye surfaces ALWAYS link PAD by way of intimal thickening = directly to cardiovascular dysfunction. This is why MPO is an arterial disease marker. The local effect become generalized in the entire organ as the lack of NO production gets worse under ALAN or nnEMF influence. This is why PAD is always linked to cardiovascular disease. The link is the aberrant use of the electromagnetic spectrum to communicate to create NO. Modern light and RF and cell radiation impairs production of NO from arginine by eNOS. When melanin is missing in tissues arterial disease in that tissue is likely and MPO should be expected to rise.
This, in turn, induces high blood pressure by causing endothelial dysfunction. Mitochondria are intimately involved in importing nitrogen into tissues to create the substrates that eventually become NO when sunlight is present.
Nitrogen substrates are not created from the direct synthesis by eNOS. Nature provided the clue to me why humans got rid of Vitamin C for glutathione in this AMO physics dance. When Vitamin C is missing in subcutaneous tissues, glutathione become more reactive with locally produced NO. This mimics a radical pair or triad effect we see in avian compass navigation.
Here is more evidence of magnetochemistry in humans being used. When glutathione and nitric oxide are powered by terrestrial sunlight this allowed humans to produce S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). I think this is why human primates lost the majority of their integumentary hair and absorbed more melanin from the hair follicle to the interior.
When we lost our dense mammal hair filled with melanin and it went to our interiors, this allowed the skin to become a better charge capacitor for the brain and heart by allowing the skin to become a photoelectric depot station to store massive amounts of nitric oxide. This is why human immune T cells are so common in the skin and why leptin was placed in subcutaneous fat.
Other primates do not have these phenotypes even thought their genomes are close to identical. This tells me magnetochemistry timing induced this evolutionary change. We never need genes to change this. We used timing to change the metabolic pathways in the skin using hair loss and removal of Vitamin C from the radical triad mechanism to do it. As a consequence of this dance using more light on the skin, keratinocytes were able to sense more visible light combinations with purple, blue, and green light to easily photocatalyze the release of NO from glutathione. The picture below explains why it happens. See how it affects eNOS production? Your centralized clinicians are abhorrently ignorant on how light and the non visual photoreceptor system operates.
Not only does NO liberation cause a relaxation of the blood vessels, but it also frees up glutathione to react with hydrogen sulfide gas to produce sulfate to make every other chemical in the skin water soluble to get access to body parts to have global effects in other tissues.
This is how light develops its abscopal effects. No one has figured out how this all works in humans but this is how I have seen it for 20 plus years.
To date no one has published a thing using my ideas. But I can explain why subtraction of Vitamin C in humans links to hair loss. Note below all the pathways that link POMC to Vitamin C, yet no one sees the connections. This also explains most of the integumentary and ocular diseases we see today because all have arterial disease as a preexisting condition.
This is why childhood obesity has changes in choroid always present if one looks for it. No pediatrician does. Most are not skilled enough to examine the retina directly in their offices
These change cascades due to light and dark alterations explains obesity, too. It explained to me why humans get aneurysms and AVMs in the brain as well. When you know better, you do better.
Fritz Popp earned a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Mainz in 1969 and was awarded Professorship by the Senate of Marburg University. His work delved into quantum theory of many-particle systems and through his research is was able to prove the existence of “biophotons”.
The reason is simple. It was the same reason Max Plank could never explain the ultraviolet catastrophe but Einstein could. Sir Albert looked at the thermodynamic givens, embraced their paradox, and knew nature does not make errors. His mind went deeper into the complexity of light. Planks gues right photons use quanta of light but he stopped there.
Popp did not understand wide band gaps because he was a theoretical physicist and not a theoretical biologist.
Popp got into biology from physics when he found out that cancer could only be linked to its optical properties and not its chemical properties. From 1970-2018 to his death he never explained the situation. I realized in 2005 I might have. Let me explain. In 1970, Fritz Popp discovered that benzo[a]pyrene, a potent carcinogen, absorbs ultraviolet light at one wavelength and emits it at another lower powered frequency of light.
He showed benzoapyrene, absorbed UV light and then re-emitted it at a different frequency (i.e. “scrambled” the light) while the latter molecule, benzoepyrene, allowed the UV light to pass through it unaltered. This told him that UV light signaling in cells was critical to get right and it required atomic precision in a cell.
The reason chemicals became carcinogenic was because their ability to enter mitosis was altered. Popp never figured this out in all his experiments on chemicals, which is surprising. It was clear however, he knew about Gurwitch’s experiments on mitogenic radiation from the 1923 onion experiments from his writings, but I do not think he knew enough about cell cycle biology. I think he believe the paradigm beliefs that excess mitosis caused cancer. The real answer was that mitosis is needed to avoid cancer.When cells are arrested at the mitosis cell cycle this is when cells are optically sensitive to oncogenesis.
UV light frequencies are clearly needed for cells to navigate all the steps in the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. So this should raise the question in your mind, where does this light come from?
This question led Dr. Popp to experiment with UV light and other compounds, some carcinogenic and some not. From his findings, Dr. Popp was able to predict which substances were carcinogenic by checking their specific optics – he observed that compounds that were carcinogenic would only react to light at a specific frequency (380 nm) by absorbing it and then re-emitting it at a different frequency. In other words, carcinogenic chemicals could have identical chemical abilities but if they were “visible light scramblers” cancer would be the result.
The carcinogens seem to “scramble” the UV light signal with a wavelength of 380 nanometers. 380 nm light corresponds to a band gap of 3.25eV. POMC responds ideally to the UV light 380 nm band gap. 380nm light also plays a huge role with mTOR biology and many other cellular processes (above).
This explained everything to me that Popp had found in his experiments. I have not found one paper from Popp that mentioned POMC so I believe he had no idea that POMC was created from UV light in human tissues. Without POMC there can be no melanin. Without melanin the VUV light signals in tissues are lost and cells would be arrested at the mitosis stage of the cell cycle.
The benign chemicals did not scramble the UV light signal but the cancerous ones did and this lowered the POMC in tissues where cancer came from while eroding their ability to make melanin. The change in the UV signal emission caused the cells to stop their cell cycle at mitosis via optical scrambling.
This loss of signal fidelity allowed the cells to become mobile in tissues so they would find a new source of UV light where they could then grow. This is how wound regeneration proceeds on in Becker’s experiments in salamanders. Popp and Becker knew parts of this story, but neither of them could fully explain it. I felt I could fully explain it because of the onion experiment of Gurwitsch and the KT event effect on melanin. There is one thing left to explain. Where do the biophotons come from?
Time controls the flow of energy in matter.
Mitochondria are time machines who make their own ocean of water from visible light. They do not make energy, they transform it using atoms with a specific atomic arrangment in the organelle. When the organelle changes its size and shape it is a sign the time machine is a broken clock.
Energy transformation is not the sole function of mitochondria, since they have evolved as critical regulators of various cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, calcium buffering and cell division. The link to cell division is ANCIENT and why they should be thought more as a time machine and less as a powerhouse. Their reputation is misguided. Given that mitochondria cannot be formed de novo, it is important to gain deep insights into the molecular mechanisms governing the inheritance of preexisting organelles in each cell division in order to prevent mitochondrial damage and detrimental consequences on cell physiology. Their clock timing mechanism is critical in cell division which is a time critical event in a cell for an organism.
On Earth, in every living thing, the time of day determines the design of the mitochondrial network, and this, in turn, influences the cells’ energy capacity.”
Life uses the sun to tell cellular time. Relationship between circadian clock and energy production is not well understood by centralized medicine so I do not expect the public to understand it well either. New research shows that Life’s mitochondrial network loses its key rhythms if the circadian clock is impaired, which in turn, causes a decline in energy production in the cells.
The researchers showed that the circadian clock and mitochondria interact through a protein called the dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1), a key mediator of mitochondrial fission. Specifically, they found that pharmacologically or genetically impairing the mitochondrial Drp1 fission protein upsets the energy production rhythm, which in turn affects the rhythm of the circadian clock leading to heteroplasmy changes and disease. This is how chronic diseases begin.
Mitochondrial fission and fusion cycles are integrated with cell cycle progression. A lack of ultraweak UV light is key in this process. Inhibiting Drp1 triggers DNA replication stress, which is mediated by a hyperfused mitochondrial structure and unscheduled expression of cyclin E in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. This persistent replication stress then induces an ATM-dependent activation of the G2 to M transition cell cycle checkpoint. Cells need ultraweak UV bio-photon creation to get past the Mitosis phase in the cell cycle.
At the G1/S boundary in the cell cycle mitochondrial tubules form a highly fused network, which is associated with increased mitochondrial ATP production (PBM effect) and high levels of cyclin E, in order to promote G1-to-S transition (Mitra et al., 2009).
This hyperfused mitochondrial network is then disassembled and becomes increasingly fragmented through S, G2 and M phase of the cell cycle, with the greatest fragmentation evident during mitosis (M) in order to allow the proper partitioning of mitochondria between two daughter cells during cytokinesis.
I now believe most modern diseases result from showing a regressive evolutionary path. This is called atavism. You heard that idea in this series already in QE #45. In my opinion, most modern diseases manifest by showing evidence of semiconductive proteins undergoing photolithographic engineering inside your tissues to change light frequencies, which alters your tissues’ water chemistry. This leads to new and alien bends, charges, and alteration of atoms in your tissues that change the morphology of your body and the physiology of your tissues. The most powerful changes occur in the POMC gene family and all the peptides it creates by light frequency cleavage. Changes in light frequency alter the dielectric potential in water, which sculpts semiconductive design. This is functionally how evolution occurs. It is not the path that Darwin put centralized science on.
My unconventional decentralized theory of atavism and photolithographic engineering goes against current mainstream scientific beliefs. However, It is plausible because of the science underpinning the solid-state physics that governs semiconduction and optics. While evolution plays a role in disease development, it is typically understood in centralized science via the lens of genetic mutations and natural selection = Darwinism The idea of light frequencies altering tissue chemistry and causing changes in the body is not well-supported by current centralized scientific evidence because no one in centralized science is allocating money to study it. BigHarma and the NIH are invested heavily in the belief that alterations of RNA and DNA are how evolution happens exclusively. They do not even allocate 1% of their funding to mtDNA studies. This shows you why decentralized action below the cell level remains hidden from the public. This blog will make you realize just how much they do not know and why we must question their authority on this topic. If you think there is no PEER reviewed literature supporting my belief that genes do not cause cancer look at the paper below from 2017.
Thus, mitochondrial remodeling throughout the cell cycle is considered to meet the cellular energy demands during the progression of specific stages of the cell cycle, and to ensure faithful inheritance of mitochondria during cell division. However, how deficiencies in the proteins that regulate mitochondrial dynamics impact cell cycle progression and hence directly contribute to the development of diseases. Loss of Drp1 results in elongated mitochondria. Drp1 deficiency mimics what blue light does to the globe in myopia. It elongates the mitochondria. This causes mitochondrial dysfunction due to a failure of a Drp1-dependent mechanism of mitophagy that removes damaged mitochondria within the cell (Twig et al., 2008 = heteroplasmy).
When size and shape changes in mitochondria this changes the H+ lattices that are possible in the matrix. When an atomic crystalline latiice is changes they release light as a response. This idea is buried in the slide below.
The resulting accumulation of damaged mitochondria has been suggested to cause a depletion of cellular ATP and an inhibition of cell proliferation (Parone et al., 2008 TCA cycle spinning counterclockwise). Such an energy depletion-related cell proliferation defect may be caused by a metabolic checkpoint that triggers an AMPK- and p53-dependent G1/S cell cycle arrest (Jones et al., 2005; Owusu-Ansah et al., 2008). Persistent mitochondrial hyperfusion also induces centrosomal overamplification and chromosomal instability, which are causes of aneuploidy. p53 is a gene product that protects the genome, DRP1 inhibition is how you lose control of the nuclear genome. This is how DNA defects occur from mitochondrial peptide creation. = transgenerational epigenetics
Mitotic machinery transforms energy from matter (matrix H+ lattice changes from elongation) using oxygen and H+ to stimulate light release in the form of biophotons, which in turn, to regulate mitochondrial homeostasis.
Why is oxygen needed to make biophotons? You won’t find this answer in Roeland van Wijk’s book on this topic. You will find it here for 5 bucks. Oxygen is a powerful element for the human gut because of what it does to electrons. Oxygen use by life began the initial penetration of solving complexity in tissues and organizational structure. It being the only paramagnetic gas on the periodic table makes it pathway unique for information processing in a quantum cell. O2 has two unpaired electrons. Electrons are key parts of mass to run photons in tissues: see the photoelectric effect.
Tissue complexity is enabled by the number of electrons, and is responsible for producing more electrons in a thermodynamic system. This is why life exploded after the Cambrian event. There is no other reason. We need more electrons to get more oxygen so we can generate more electrons to carry light in the system. This is why humans lost their fur. Their skin became a new mode to recover more electrons from the sun, in the from of photons. Your skin is a solar panel for the complexity in your chest and brain.
Oxygen’s electrons are really more important to how humans work in decentralized fashion. For Example, if you have any skin disease (neuroectoderm derivative) that is associated with an altered immune response, do you know why the sun is your Rx for wellness? Did you know singlet oxygen is a potent trigger for the induction of human T cell apoptosis because of its electrons. Did you know UVA light from the sun is the most potent trigger to singlet oxygen production in the all neuroectodermal derivatives? Did you know melanin in the skin augments this effect because it is also a neuroectodermal tissue? I doubt you do because no centralized MD does.
Remember electrons and photons are basically the same thing with respect to how the photoelectric effect operates in the quantum realm (oversimplified obviously). They are the particle in Nature which has a way to capture a massless source of energy and information contained in light and move it by ionization or delocalization. This helps explains why all cells release ultraweak UV light. You should also realize that UV light creates oxygen in the atmosphere and in the venous side of your circulatory system. Big implications for chronic diseases when hypoxia is present in the system; it causes things to go awry.
Any replication stress then initiates the DNA damage response.
More sunlight = more information in the system to build complexity = more oxygen
Time appears as entropy goes from order to disorder. When entropy is controlled by a dissipative system, time can appear to be illusory.
This means that the less information you have about a data set in a cell, the higher its entropy must be in the system. Cells limit entropy by controlling their atomic arrangements. In precise terms, entropy is a measure of the number of possible atomic arrangements that a system of particles can be in.This is important in understanding how Nature engineered our biological clock gene to work.
Remember that stored energy in HEALTHY cells is coherent energy. The organism is, therefore, a highly coherent domain possessing a full range of coherence times and coherence volumes of energy storage. This keeps it far from equilibrium and makes it a highly dissipative system of organization to control entropy.
Reminder: Cellular organization is the key to precision optical signaling. Life is all about optimizing AMO physics INSIDE OF CELLS. It transforms energy from the environment to do this. Modern physics now has proven that energy and information are equivalent in physics. Landauer’s Principle of 1961 & Shannon’s 1948 work was critical in making this linkage. Modern quantum biology has experimentally proven that energy is trapped directly at the electronic level in cells. Energy is stored not only as vibrational and electronic bond energies in biochemicals, but also in the structure of the system: its enzyme kinetics, membranes, and in gradients, fields and flow patterns, compartments, organelles, cell water, and tissues. All this in turn enables organisms to mobilize their energies coherently at any time it is needed and hence make available the entire spectrum of stored energies for physiological work. It is energy on demand by atomic design.
During his work with chemicals, Popp learned that 380 nanometers, the wavelength altered by carcinogens, is also the key wavelength that cells prefer to use to repair themselves. After exposure to intense UV light, cells quickly self-repaired themselves when they are exposed to very weak UV light, particularly that with a wavelength of 380 nanometers. Popp hypothesized that cancer results from a disruption of cells’ photo repair system. What he never seemed to realize was that 380nm is the frequency of the mitogenic radiation in Gurwitch’s onion experiment that restored mitosis in cells.
His hypothesis raised a question: what in the body produced this very weak light that powered the repair system? Popp and his student Bernard Ruth found that all living systems store light energy (photons) acquired from the sun and from plants consumed as food (photosynthesis), in DNA. This stored light is released as very weak, extremely coherent biophotons. UV light photons made from wide-band gapped semiconductors switch on the body’s processes like a conductor launching each individual instrument inside the cell. This orchestration is how the products are cleaved from POMC in different tissues to lead to disease or wellness. It was the alteration of the band gap that was the key to optical control in a cell that led to “the collective sound” at different frequencies as they perform different functions.
Over the years, Popp found that biophoton emissions from healthy humans display rhythmic patterns. He never realized those patterns linked to circadian changes of the hydrogen bonding networks in water. He also observed that the coherence of the light emissions, the intensity, and the rhythmic patterns varied in people with different illnesses.
For example, people with multiple sclerosis absorb too much of the wrong light and their photon emissions display too much order and this affects the opening and closing of the AQA 4 gates in the CNS/PNS.
The change in frequency of light changes oxygen tensions in the cell and mitochondria and this changes the ROS/RNS signals and the light emission of the cell. When the light emission is changed, migration of the glial cells can cause AQA4 gate malfunction.
This can be mediated by the divalent atoms in the mitochondria of those semiconductive gates. Moreover, they stop working properly moving water with each action potential. nnEMF can change the band gap of a system in a cell just by changing the VGCC on the membrane with a specific frequency. (see below)
The sun creates a different calcium signal in MS patients. The paper above shows that nnEMF also carries the ability to change calcium and magnesium flows in mitochondria and this will alter the band gap in these organelles. This will change the free radical signals, oxygen levels in mitochondria and ultimate change the light emission from cells. If light emission is changed in glial cells Multiple Sclerosis is the likely outcome if glial cells migrate away from the AQA4 gate.
Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) are glial progenitors, closely associated with developing nerves of the peripheral nervous system along which they migrate, sometimes long distances, throughout the body. SCPs are derived from neural crest cells (all contain melanin) that emigrate from the neural tube and migrate into the periphery. Accordingly, SCPs closely resemble neural crest stem cells but also have properties that are characteristic of immature Schwann cells. In our adult form Schwan cells appear to have migratory ability like melanocytes and WBCs in our immune system. I believe MS is an abnormal migration of neurons due to an altered VGCC’s in their mitochondria that leads to short circuits in the neurons.
All spinal motor neurons derive from motor neuron progenitor cells, located in a restricted ventral region of the developing spinal cord.
During late gastrulation and neurulation, the developing spinal cord is called the neural tube, and is patterned into distinct progenitor domains. MNs are specified from progenitors in the ventral neural tube. Once specified, newly born MNs are further specified into columns, pools, and subtypes, forming a unique topography. From these columns and pools, axons reach out to their targets under varying guidance cues. All MNs are cholinergic cells which integrate with the motor control circuit, the sensory system, and their outlying targets to control movement. Given the growing importance of the MN–glia interaction in a number of neurodegenerative diseases it is important to know that the initial specification of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) share a common progenitor with MNs. This implies that motor neurons could degenerate into oligodendroglia or even back into neuroepithelium where they come from in the embryo.
Motor neurons (MNs) are neurons located in the central nervous system (CNS) controlling a variety of downstream targets in muscles. There are two main types of MNs, (i) upper MNs that originate from the cerebral cortex and (ii) lower MNs that are located in the brainstem and spinal cord. This explains why some forms of ALS is worse than others.
If the nnEMF changes anterior and posterior neural plate neuron migration signals might explain why ALS occurs when anterior motor horn cells disappear. The anterior end of the neural tube will develop into the brain, and the posterior portion will become the spinal cord. The neural crest develops into peripheral structures. At this point, the early nervous system is a simple, hollow tube. It runs from the anterior end of the embryo to the posterior end.
In vertebrates, neuroepithelial cells give rise to the neural tube, which forms through two processes along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. The first process is primary neurulation, which progresses through convergent extension, elevation, bending, and fusion of the neural plate, forming the rostral neural tube. By the end of primary neurulation, only the brain and anterior trunk structures of the spinal cord have formed. As the embryo develops, progressive addition of new neural progenitors (NPCs) is required at the posterior end of the spinal neural tube for neural tube elongation. The cells at the dorsal region of the tail bud aggregate and the tail bud ultimately undergoes cavitation, forming the caudal neural tube; this comprises the future caudal domain of the spinal cord, which is in continuity with the neural tube in the trunk derived from the primary neurulation
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as motor neuron disease (MND) or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that results in the progressive loss of motor neurons that control voluntary muscles in humans
Currently no one knows where these anterior horn cells go, but given the papers on Zebrafish out of Stonybrook University in New York I bet the motor horn cells have altered melanin biology in those cells and this leads to their migration somewhere else in the nervous system. This would mimic what we see in melanosomes mentioned in Quantum Engineering #30.
Why do I say this?
Human bodies, like those of other vertebrates, form in a ‘head-to-tail’ direction during embryonic development. There is growing evidence that this process is fuelled in large part by a pool of proliferating cells called neuromesodermal progenitors (NMPs; reviewed in Henrique et al., 2015). These cells have been found in zebrafish, chick, mouse embryos, and in human embryos (Olivera-Martinez et al., 2012).
Moreover, they seem to produce both the neural tissue that makes the spinal cord and mesodermal tissues such as muscle and bone.
Vertebrate embryos establish their primary body axis in a conserved progressive fashion from the anterior to the posterior. ALS is a disease that is linked only to anterior motor horn cells. During this process, a posteriorly localized neuromesodermal cell population called neuromesodermal progenitors (NMps) plays a critical role in contributing new cells to the spinal cord and mesoderm as the embryo elongates. Defects in neuromesodermal population development can cause severe disruptions to the formation of the body posterior to the head. Given their importance during development and their potential, some of which has already been realized, for revealing new methods of in vitro tissue generation, there is great interest in better understanding NMp biology.
The nervous system of vertebrates can be understood as a means of internal interconnection that enables multicellular animals to coordinate their different physiological activities and interact with their environment. ALS presents a seeming paradox to centralized healthcare because only
Zebrafish research at Stonybrook University by
thmic patterns. Also, tumors emit high amounts of photons: an average of 300 [+ or -] 90 photons/cm per minute compared with normal tissue emits an average of 22 [+ or -] 6 photons/cm per minute. Human cells that emit too much light seem to be a problem. I do not currently believe the amount is the issue I believe the frequency is the problem and this stops the cell cycle in mitosis. When this occurs oncogenesis begins.
Popp and colleagues at the International Institute of Biophysics discovered that surface tumors and tumors excised during surgery respond to remedies with changes in photon emissions. This helped me understand mammal metastasis at the KT event and what the real cause of melanoma is today.
Elisabeth Zieger, Michael Schubert. New Insights Into the Roles of Retinoic Acid Signaling in Nervous System Development and the Establishment of Neurotransmitter Systems. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol, pp.1-84, 2017. hal-02117372
Hydrogen = H+. Deuterium = D. . It is the atomic chameleon. It is the first element on the periodic table. It is what our sun is mostly made from and burns most to make energy. It is the element found in greatest density inside of a mitochondria. This makes it an interesting study point for Einstein’s relativity and cosmology and QED. Mitochondria have a really small scale of action and this small-scale effects the idea of relativity which is based upon geometry. Without the scale of geometry gravity’s effect is lessened to a great degree. Hydrogen (H+) has the ability to be a metal when it loses its electron; this is what happens inside our mitochondrial matrix. As H+ is can act a superconductor. Superconductors have special crystalline lattice and when that lattice is deformed it releases light. This makes it the focus of quantum electrodynamic theory. This means our mitochondria is filled with ionized plasma. This is very similar to what the sun does when it burns hydrogen. Hydrogen can be non metal when it has its electron orbiting its sole proton; It is also can be an acid because H+ is the basis of pH scale which measures acidity. Deuterium and a proton, have separate abilities and chemistry that varies. They both show up differently in MRI scans because of the differences in their physics. H+ and D interacts with water differently. H+ has the ability to do some unexpected things because of its ability to proton tunnel. The barrier for deuterium to tunnel is markedly reduced compared to H+. When we add infrared light H+ really become quite special. With 1538.5 nm photon frequency added to cell water, proton transfers in water are increased dramatically. This is called proton tunneling. This effect changes receptor biology and enzymes. Did you know every biologic enzyme known to man uses proton tunneling to work? All DNA and RNA only work when they are hydrated because they require hydrogen protons to tunnel!!! This makes hydrogen life’s magic weapon in enzyme and receptor actions. It has the same effect on DNA and RNA as well. Enzymes are 100% quantum experiments in energy and information transmutation. So how does hydrogen fit both Relativity and QED theory? Read on……………………..
The living universe selects for maximum entropy, and minimum waste heat.
The implications of this idea include:
The emergence of complexity: The universe’s drive for maximum entropy and minimum waste heat led to the melanin renovation Rx. This led to the emergence of complex structures and patterns, for life on Earth. Complexity came from becoming able to using the TCA in counterclockwise wise spin (anaerobic old system) and the clockwise wise spin (aerobic new oxygen Earth) during the same lifespan. New software patterns, like moving melanin to the mammalian interiors to begin to use endogenosus melanin to control the spin cycle of the TCA had to be innovated.
The arrow of time: The universe’s tendency towards increasing entropy explains why the human brain uses dopamine and melatonin as clock gear proxies. Both are critical in renovating all non visual photoreceptors in us. There use is why we perceive time as moving in a particular direction. Mammals’ criticality begins with UV light because it works with mtDNA, quantum dots, and melanin to create VUV-IR light inside a cell. When the critical amount of these entities goes missing inside mammals, they suffer a loss of healthspan or a loss of time.
The nature of consciousness: The self-organizing nature of the universe has massive implications for our understanding of consciousness and the human experience. The nature of consciousness is buried in the queerness of water’s abilities and what ultraweak biophoton spectral frequency change can do to steer water in its holographic format. Scientists at the US Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have discovered new properties of water that go beyond the known laws of classical physics.
I’ve decided to release this blog before tomorrow morning’s special Q&A for my website members who signed up for the financial Q&A. If you signed up for it or the recording of this program, please be sure to watch and read it before I speak on this topic.
The frightening fact everyone should know about America is that unelected bureaucrats, often captured by the industry they are supposed to regulate, create most of the federal laws in this country. There are hundreds of federal agencies where this occurs. These agencies run by unelected government bureaucrats adopt regulations, whereas Congress passes statutes– but both statutes and regulations are laws.
Each year, Congress typically passes a few hundred statutes, whereas federal agencies typically adopt a few thousand regulations! Again, both are considered the “law.” You may say, “Hey, I thought the Constitution provided in Article I that only Congress may pass laws,” and you are correct.
But the Supreme Court in 1984 (the Article III branch of our government) said it is fine for these federal agencies, which are part of the executive (part of the Article II branch of our government), to pass regulations to fill in the laws enacted by Congress. In reality, though, unelected bureaucrats create vast and sprawling regulations that do much more than “fill in” holes in laws passed by Congress.
This “administrative state” should be deemed unconstitutional. The argument made in support of allowing agencies to adopt endless regulations is that Congress doesn’t have the expertise to write laws in certain areas, so it leaves it to these agencies. In reality, however, that makes it worse, not better, because it means Congress also can’t oversee what laws they are passing and, in the end, these agencies all end up being captured by the very industries they are supposed to regulate. This picture was shared on my Twitter feed during Covid in 2020.
This is why there is a revolving door between agencies and corporations they regulate.
This is partly because it is the industry that has the time and the long-game motivation to influence the agencies and partly because of the revolving door whereby government employees, if they behave, later get a lucrative job in the industry, they are supposed to regulate. This may put into context the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of the Chevron deference last month – this was one small but important step toward removing the power of administrative agencies. It is bad enough that federal agencies get to write laws, but having federal courts defer to the agencies to also interpret laws that were passed by Congress was insane! This deference is what the Supreme Court just overturned.
Left-winging NPR brought on a Harvard attorney who protects healthcare policy. Justice Kagen is from Harvard, but many people know this. Past regulatory decisions are now fair game for review. One area ripe for this is the FCC decisions on nnEMF and mobile cell phone use. Anyone who supported Chevron’s deference is a supporter of the status quo. The DNC has controlled this part of the law for years. That policy is now over. This decision also weakened the power of the DOJ in the executive branch of government. It means they are now the hunted instead of the hunter.
For those who don’t understand what Chevron Deference is and why SCOTUS ended it, here’s the long and short of it: A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the National Marine Fisheries Service to monitor their company.
The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize NMFS to charge businesses for this. They just decided to start doing it in 2013. Why did they think they could do away with charging people without legal authorization? In 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should defer to their “interpretation” of the law.
So, for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts have had to go with it. It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country. Did you know It’s how the OHSA decided that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab or be fired?
No law gave them that authority; they just made it up, and you had to deal with it. Now, every place that fired someone for the JAB is liable for their actions. That is why this needed its own blog. And it is my duty as a decentralized physician to explain this to you so you can go out and hire an attorney to fight back for what they stole from you.
This is your game plan HYPERLINK to use in these challenges. Be bold. Very bold.
The FDA’s Legalized Corruption was just released in this brand new investigation by Peter Doshi over at the British Journal of Medicine revealed that the FDA-to-industry transition is common, with 11 out of 20 FDA officials who worked on COVID-19 vaccine reviews now working or consulting for vaccine manufacturers.
The FDA’s standard exit guidance states: “Many departing employees ask how they can stay in touch with former FDA colleagues or continue to support FDA’s public health mission. Although you may not communicate directly with FDA on behalf of your new employer, you may continue to work ‘behind the scenes’ to assist your new employer in its interactions with FDA.”
I mean this is totally outrageous behavior, they don’t even try to hide the conflicts of interest and regulatory capture. According to the article, “It’s appalling that the FDA is telling its employees that they are free to do the bidding of the industry behind the scenes. This practice undermines the integrity of FDA decision-making and industry regulation and is detrimental to public health.” How can anyone trust that our best interests are in mind when you have this level of fuckery?
Let this sink in: “Since 2000, every FDA commissioner, the agency’s highest position, has gone on to work for industry. These include Robert Califf, the agency’s current chief, who re-established ties with industry in between his two stints at the agency’s helm.” “Less is known about the post-FDA trajectories of agency staff not in senior roles. The topic has been studied only sporadically,910 generally finding that a majority of former FDA reviewers take up jobs in industry. In early 2023, when The BMJ asked the FDA whether it kept records on where employees went after they left government service, the FDA spokesperson Jeremy Kahn said, “No, FDA does not keep such records.” So the FDA doesn’t even attempt to learn if the revolving door even exists. This is willful misconduct in order to obfuscate people from learning just how bad it is.
Truly incredible. But there is more fuckery to expose.
It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun.”
It’s how the NCRS was able to decide that a small puddle was a “protected wetland.”
It was how Fauci’s agency mandated masks.
It was how we got TSA rules and how HHS enforces surveillance mandates in the Patriot Act.
This perfectly encapsulates the actions of the FDA from 1984 through 2024.
To those who think that now corporations will be able to put radioactive shrapnel in our food or water supply, you should know two things about this sea change:
FUN FACT #1. Negligence laws still exist on the books. It is time you use them and fight back because the law now has teeth for you, the little guy again.
FUN FACT #2: The Chevron Deference in the law was used to protect big corporations from liability for the harm they caused. The Chevron v NRDC case started because the EPA changed the law’s definition of “source of air pollution” to favor Chevron and other heavily polluting companies. So, the NRDC filed a federal appeal, claiming that the EPA was illegally re-writing the law. The DC Circuit Court ruled in the NRDC’s favor. Then SCOTUS ruled that the EPA were the “experts,” and therefore, the courts (and the nation) had to defer to however they interpreted the law. People like Justice Kagen on the left used this to make people do things those in the government wanted. This allowed for the Deep State power to grow. Kagen and her ilk have always said it was just a ruling to make things easier and streamlined. This was a treasonous comment and opinion held since 1984.
But wait, why would the EPA favor the companies they’re supposed to “protect” us from? Because if a regulatory agency has total control of an industry, the most prominent players in that industry have a vested interest in taking over those agencies. BigHarma used to this control centralized medicine.
First, they fill them with their cronies to protect themselves from being regulated out of existence. But once they’re in the pilot’s seat, they can do whatever they want to “We The People.” They can regulate their smaller competitors out of existence. They can mandate the use of their products. This is how we got the technocracy level control in the USA via the FCC, DoD, DARPA, and the FDA. They can look the other way when they violate their own regulations or redefine the regulation at will (like they did with Chevron). They can do whatever they want, and they have done whatever they want until now. And up until that last Friday in June 2024, the courts were powerless to stop them. So when you hear someone screeching that the end of Chevron Deference means a return to the dark days of pre-1984 America when corporations could put radioactive shrapnel in our food/water, remind them that the exact opposite is true. It also tells you they are supporters of tyranny and treason.
It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air and force you to comply, and the courts have had to defer to them because they are the “experts.” The experts knew how this game was played, so corporations paid experts to say what they wanted in these cases, and they knew that the courts would defer to the agency’s experts to get the outcome they WANTED at your expense.
Imagine if your local police could just arrest you for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d committed a crime. Just off to jail, you go. That’s what Chevron Deference was all about, folks. Do you think this is not happening now?
EXAMPLE: Arrested for eating a sandwich, but you can loot stores at will or do heroin on the sidewalk, and nothing happens. Welcome to California. This is how capture agencies allowed these situations to exist. Review this tweet.
It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone. Thankfully, it’s now gone. We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts. For years to come, it will be used to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better off for it.
This is how capture agencies become extinct.
We need this trend to continue.
We need a SCOTUS to continue to rule like this to strengthen the Constitution. The Constitution was the patient in the ICU that President Bukele was talking about in his CPAC speech.
And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.
The weaponized Executive Branch that’s already ignoring the SCOTUS on student loans is probably not going to listen to the Chevron decision. Giving away free debt = sparking inflation for the future generations of the “We The People.” This should be the GOP hill to die on during an election year – forcing the Executive Branch to comply, but the GOP is part of the UNIPARTY. They are part of the same problem.
I want you to know your rights so we can destroy the criminal cabal running rampant in Washington, DC. This is decentralized medicine 101. We must always act to strengthen the Constitution and never let it weaken for any urgency or emergency. That next emergency is coming for your food and money. That bird flu thing and that CBDC challenge is coming. Thankfully, the Chevron Deference is not there to be used. This will make the criminals in Washington. DC harder. It also means things are about to get ugly for many of you.
You can bet your ass on it.
More to the point, the end of Chevron Deference means the end of this:
How science worked under Mandy Cohen, who now runs Biden’s CDC:
The ex-health secretary recalled at one point advising Massachusetts Health Secretary Marylou Sudders to shutter football stadiums to fall in line with North Carolina’s COVID mandates.
“She was like, ‘Are you gonna let them have professional football?’ And I was like, ‘No.’ And she’s like, ‘OK, neither are we,’” Cohen said with a chuckle ——> VIDEO
Why does the left heavily lean on Stanford and Harvard? Because their experts have been used to pollute science using the Chevron Deference as its weapon.
In video footage from June 2021, Cohen also claimed COVID-19 vaccinations would prevent breakthrough cases and further transmission of the virus—a claim also made by Walensky and one that has now been proven false by experts, not in agreement with the CDC or FDA.
Did you know the quid pro quo game that is ongoing in science? Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health awarded Mandy Cohen its Leadership in Public Health Practice Award in 2020 for leading the Tar Heel State’s pandemic response — and she was briefly considered to lead the CDC in 2021 before Biden appointed Walensky, who had been on Harvard Medical School’s faculty for almost two decades. So when you review the lawyer’s opinion above in the video at the beginning of the blog remember he works for HARVARD too.
Fact: Blue light/nnEMF dehydrates cells because they stop H2O production from the mitochondrial TCA cycle. Why is this a big deal? Neurons absorb and release water when firing information. When H2O is MIA so are neurological function/capabilities. You lose the ability to sleep and account for time in your molecular clocks when water is absent. This is why children experience time differently than adults. Less water, less sunlight, or more ALAN at night destroy the clock timing mechanism of living things. Few see this recipe in life’s blueprint
You have to remember Vitamin D is a proxy for your time machine mechanism buried inside your mitochondria. Your job is to see Nature’s science, then understand what it means for your longevity when you are sick. This is a huge big deal if you complied and got jabbed. Without electrification of the phospolipids in your membranes you are asking for a jab complication.
Every person has a different efficiency rate of their time machines based on how the mechanism is built to operate. Few see that Vitamin D is just a bystander in how the process works and this is why when your Vitamin D comes back is a very complex answer.
Here is how it operates.
Did you know the molecule of “more time” (melatonin) acts to aggregate melanosomes in cells to organize them magnetically at night when light is absent?
Did you know the molecule of “more time” optimizes another time crystal in mitochondria called tryptophan in NAD+ tell mitochondria where the Earth is in relation to the sun in a calender year to “fact check” seasonal light variations?
The non visual photoreceptor system in the skin integument, like cholesterols/melanin, concern themselves with the powerful UVB sunlight to create vitamin D as a bystander chemical that acts to electrify the membranes of mammals. This allows for carbon fixation as the top line in the slide shows. Different domains of life use timing and genes to change where energy flows. For example, plants have their own particular route of carbon fixation, converting inorganic carbon in carbon dioxide into organic compounds. They use sunlight to do it. Sunlight is turned into a DC electric signal in its membranes to store energy at the electronic level. Carbon is primarily fixed through photosynthesis, but some organisms use chemosynthesis in the absence of sunlight. Mammals do this. They use their livers to replace the sun. The fixation of carbon dioxide into the skeletal muscle glycogen in intact fasted mammals is best explained by electrification of their membranes which leads to secondary deposition of glucose in the muscle supplied primarily by the liver. We know this by isotopic labeling.
The sun light is turned into a DC electric signal which turns on the biosynethic decision making abilities in cells. The phtonic skin signal informs the liver and kidney what to do with cholesterol and Vitamin D from this point. The wisdom in your body should amaze you.
Did you know the that the molecule of “more time”, melatonin, also controls the only two programs that recycle your mitochondrial engines, autophagy & apoptosis? Go look two pictures above. It is right there on the bottom of the slide. Without melatonin creation by mtDNA, the quality control mechanism in mt DNA manifest in your heteroplasmy rate. That rate becomes your healthspan and your possible longevity in your life. This is why sunlight links to longevity. That is why the slide below exists.
The efficiency of your mitochondrial “time machines” links to ROS/RNS production from mitochondrial metabolism, which in turn, controls all the magnetochemistry that controls how timing inside of cell directs the flow energy in your key metabolic pathways. Timing alone, controls the decision tree in cells that says, “should this tissue use beta-oxidation, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the PPP to get the job of living in this environment.
Melanin, also made from UV A,B,C light controls the levels of ROS/RNS that is coming out of the mitochondria in cells. This is a UNIQUE signal (Kruse for Dummies idea). Melatonin, Melanin, and Vitamin D and NO all manifest from UV light’s interactions with matter in your cells.
Darkness at night, due to the absence of light, cools cells so that magnetic effects in melatonin can use second messengers in cAMP and Ca2+ to aggregate melansomes located around your mitochondria to do its magics inside of cells to tell time to control energy flows. You can fixate carbon and nitrogen at night using the energy stored in biomolecules in your liver to run the dark program without light.
For light to have its full biological effect, photons must be absorbed by visual and non visual photoreceptors in the living body. If one or both are missing, there is no effect. ROS/RNS creation in mitochondria and left over oxygen from metabolism begin this timing process.
Superoxide and H202 are a type of ROS made in mitochondria when we are healthy. Melanin keeps both in check. When do we make ROS during the day? When the sun is out. This is when cells also make melanin. It is also when Vitamin D has an opportunity to be made as well.
You know Vitamin D is yoked to Vitamin A right. I’ve only said it 1000 times in blogs and podcasts. So when you live in the sun and Vitamin D does not rise here is why——->
Non native EMF destroys your clock timing mechanism in your cells and you lose the ability to control the flow of energy in cells. Disease results and you lose time and longevity. That is the story of life in a few words.
Now that the story ion timing is complete, you can see that any kind of blue light or non-native EMF basically uncouple vitamin A from melanopsin. That released retinol from the non visual photoreceptors destroys dopamine, melatonin, melanin, and all heme based photoreceptors so that light becomes useless to cells. This is why a low Vitamin D level is possible with a tan integument or a fit looking body. It does not mean your healthy. Without proper timing longevity is impossible. There is a reason this pictured is my pinned Tweet on X.
Blue light and nnEMF becomes a nuclear weapon for all photo receptors. So you’ll be interested in this. “You may not know it, B12 is a photoreceptor in humans. B12 is another non visual photoreceptor in the liver, CNS, and circulatory system.
And guess what happens when you have melanopsin and retinol damage to B12 levels? That’s the reason why vegans have such demolished B12 level and shrinks their brains and destroys their non visual photoreceptors everywhere, including MELANIN. When melanin goes, timing inside a cell is lost. Magnetochemistry in mammals controls how energy flows. It also controls periodicity in the clock genes and makes the job of the SCN easy. When this goes awry the SCN mechanism becomes uber important to control the molecular clocks in the mitochondria of tissues.
Daylight is always associated with higher electric fields and lower magnetic fields and this correlates to mornings having higher ROS production and melanin production. It is not always linked to Vitamin D levels because UVB light is highly variable based on your latitude and light stability. This effect is seen in mitochondria and it helps tan your interior.
The morning AM ROS burst at cytochrome 1 (NAD+/NADH) links to the PER2 gene in the mammalian clock mechanism to begin to measure entropy in cells. These effects are rooted in the spin selected ROS partitioning between the free radicals created from metabolism, superoxide and H202, known as the radical triad/pair mechanism of quantum mechanics.
Energy is trapped directly at the electronic level in cells. Energy is stored as vibrational & electronic bond energies in biochemicals (PER/HIF-1), but also in the structure of the system: its membranes, and in gradients, fields and flow patterns, compartments, organelles & cell water and tissues only gain their organization behind their QED magic. That magic is done in how time controls the flow of energy in clock genes. Just wearing sunglasses does this. This is why people who wear sunglasses burn so often. It is an issue of timing and a loss of magnetochemistry.
Clock genes and time crystalline proteins that ticked when they absorbed light in some way were used to coordinate all zip codes inside the Jacquard cards of biochemistry in cells to measure the entropy to control the overall flow of energy in metabolic pathways. Time controls the flow of energy in matter and this allows cells to extract information about where the Earth is in relation to the sun. The sun created the most powerful protein in Earth’s history (melanin) because it can harvest the entire power potential buried in the electromagnetic spectrum. When melanin is heated up it becomes a supreme electrical conductor. When it cools it mimics what a superconductor can do with magnetic flux in light. This allows for electron- electron interactions and for electron-phonon coupling only seen in superconductors. Yes, we have superconductive proteins in us that operate with light, temperature, and precision timing.
Water was the plasma for most of Earth’s history, but nature created melanin to work with water something unique occurred. The binary code of life that builds order from chaos begins by deciphering the code that exists between H+ and deuterium separated from water and plugged into ancient biochemical pathways to sculpt something new.
Ocular and integumentary melatonin levels both end in leptin biology. This is why the leptin receptor sits behind the retina and infront of the hypothalamus that controls energy balance. It also explains why our subcutaneous fat sits just below the skin, and why leptin, the hormone that links to the leptin receptor in the brain visits the brain every night during the dark, in the hypothalamus to adjust the clock timing mechanism in the SCN. Few see Nature’s recipes. Hopefully some of you can start putting the science of the blogs together like a QUILT.
Cellular disorganization is always linked to poor timing and its effects always manifests in disease creation before death manifests; Disease and death are an immutable ledger built as a consequence of how time does or does not flow in our clock timing mechanisms in cells. In this way, we always seem to get the sense that illness comes before death in most living sequences unless we are talking acute trauma. This points out why the information of the organization is as important as energy flux in a cell to maintain wellness. Timing is the MOST critical ingredient in Nature’s recipes.
When timing is off inside of a cell, the energy cost become prohibitive for a cell in a diseased person whose tissues are afflicted with defective mitochondrial DNA. This amplifies the need for precision accuracy, and when that periodicity is absent, this amplifies the creation of new mutations in the mitochondrial genome. This further lowers energy production and this further magneifies timing efficiency and forms a doom loop for the cell. The phenotype in the cell when timing is lost is the alteration of epigenetic signaling mandating for higher turnover. Mitochondria mutations speed up nuclear genome action. When the nuclear genome increases it is for one reason: To fix the atomic arrangement of atoms inside of a cell to recapture the timing mechanism required for living. The nuclear genome is designed by nature to be quite stable and quiescient.
Mitochondrial DNA is more vulnerable to alteration than nuclear DNA, for two reasons.
First, mitochondria are a major source of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). Therefore mitochondrial DNA is designed to be under much stronger oxidative stress than is the nuclear DNA.
Second, mitochondria have a matrix-side negative membrane potential to carry out oxidative phosphorylation. This electric membrane potential concentrates lipophilic cations inside mitochondria up to approximately 1,000-fold.
That electric potential called redox power is created by the trsansformation of sunlight. This is how light controls metabolism. Light > Food always. It is axiomatic.
How do eukaryotic cells make light from matter? It all begins with the fact that oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor for eukaryotes mitochindria. The oxygen molecule O2 displays some very particular features. It is a paramagnetic gas. It is the second most electronegative element in the periodic table. Because of this one should expect that O2 is a very reactive chemical compound. Counterintuitively, however, it is a quite unreactive molecule on Earth. How can I say this? . A testimony to this is the decentralized fact that we live in a planet with a 21% oxygen atmospheric content, and nevertheless life thrives and even depends on it.
The reason why O2 is so much unreactive than we expect this atom to be, in spite of its electronegativity, is the fact that in the fundamental state it assumes a triplet electronic configuration. Triplet electronic configuration occurs when the valence electrons arrange in the O2 molecule has the electronic configuration with the least energy. According to the molecular orbital theory, this arrangement has a triplet character. Triplet character occurs when the two outermost electrons in oxygen have different antibonding orbitals, but with the same spin state.
3^O2 expresses the triplet character of the ground state. This ground state has a biradical chemical character, which renders it quite unreactive to most chemical compounds. This triplet character of oxygen makes ground state O2 a paramagnetic compound, where oxygen gas tends to move to the point of strongest magnetic field. This is why oxygen is drawn to your colonies of mitochondria. Mitochondria create a magnetic field because they have electron movements along its innermitochondrial membrane while having a spinning ATPase on that same membrane. This makes all mitochondrial respiation electromagnetic at the most fundmental level.
Implications of this for cells? The cell cycle is controlled by light creation in cells.
The metabolic rate in our mitochondria drives developmental timing by controlling the cell cycle.
Having light stored at the electronic level is critical to the mystery of morphogenesis.
Back at the origin of life 3.8 billion years ago on Earth electric membranes drove CO2 fixation by converting gases from volcanoes (driven by the solar plasma) into organic chemicals to create growth in the absence of oxygen. This was the first step life took at the ocean floors.
Metabolism has always been spontaneous on Earth. Today, we believe complex life emerged from ancient autotrophic pathways fueled by volcanic gases as carbon and the sun as ultimate energy sources. Variants of these pathways remain in modern autotrophs in the deepest branches of the tree of life. In this way, the DC electric current in membranes preceded all chemistry. The energy metabolism of modern autotrophs resembles the geological interactions of H2 and CO2 gases in hydrothermal vents. Centralized science believes this points to a metabolic origin of biochemistry at the interface of the lithosphere and hydrosphere. Decentralized science believes this points to a quantum thermodynamics at the core of life because the sun drives all these processes. This step is fundamentally why light tops food in all my discussions.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed during normal metabolic processes. Mitochondrial respiration is spontaneous on Earth. Genes amplify metabolism and in this way, gene products are capable of making more or less light from how they amplify or de-amplify metabolic networks in cells.
ROS are magnetic signal created from excess oxygen in mtDNA. People forget molecular oxygen is the only paramagnetic gas on the periodic table. This makes it a unique magnetic signal used in cellular communication. All free radicals have one unpaired electron to make them magnetic sugnals. All ROS are called singlet oxygen signals that come from mtDNA actions. When electrons are added to a magnetic molecule this is called a reduction type of reaction. When singlet oxygen is reduced by the addition of electrons, the ROS magnetic signal shifts to a lower energy state and as a result emits photon.
The electronic transition of electronically excited species from the singlet or the triplet excited state to the ground state is accompanied by photon emission. This is how light is crerated by life. In this mechanism only a few photons are emitted per second per square centimeter, the photon emission is ultra-weak in nature. But it is these photons that explain how light sculpts life.
Reactive oxygen species are formed during the metabolic processes linked to life-sustaining enzyme-catalyzing reactions. They also can be formed during the response to stress reactions when any life form is exposed to biotic and abiotic stress factors from our environment. When ROS are effectively scavenged by the antioxidant defense system, the oxidative effect of ROS on biomolecules such as lipids, proteins and nucleic acids is fully prevented.
Cells cannot product light without oxygen or ROS/RNS made in mitochondria. Mitochondria are not only time machones, they are factoried for biophotons. That is the bare minimum and is confirmed in Roeland Van Wijk book on the topic of biophotons. During the process of cellular respiration, electrons are transported through a series of mitochondrial complexes to the terminal electron acceptor, molecular oxygen (O2). In the process of cellular metabolism, the electrons released from the ETC react with O2 to produce superoxide (O−2) radicals. Mitochondrial complexes I, II, and III contribute to the maximum in redox signaling. Superoxide radicals generated at complexes I and III are released into the intermembrane space which comprises 80% of superoxide radicals generated in the mitochondria and remaining 20% are made by mitochondrial matrix. The mitochondrial permeability transition pore in the outer membrane of the mitochondrion allows the passage of superoxide radicals into the cytoplasm where it is dismutated to hydrogen peroxide, a highly diffusible secondary messenger. This reaction is catalyzed by superoxide dismutase located in the mitochondrial matrix (MnSOD) or in the cytosol (by Cu/ZnSOD).
Furthermore, aquaporin 8 serves a channel for the release of hydrogen peroxide from the cell membranes. There is an another major site for the generation of ROS termed as peroxisomes where superoxide and H2O2 are generated through xanthine oxidase in the peroxisomal matrix and membranes. Other sources of ROS include endogenous metabolites such as fatty acids, prostaglandins, and exogenous components including drugs, flavorings, coloring agents, antioxidants, etc. These substances are processed in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and transformed into free radicals, especially ·OH. Macrophages and leucocytes, as a part of immune response contribute to the formation of free radicals
However, under circumstance, when the formation of ROS exceeds the capacity of antioxidant defense system, biomolecules in cells spins are changed by magnetic forces in mitochondria. The single unpaired electron of ROS oxidizes lipids, proteins in both nuclear genome and mitochondrial nucleic acids. This interaction leads to the formation of high-energy intermediates like singlet oxygen. The decomposition of high-energy intermediates generates the electronically excited species which undergo an electronic transition from either the singlet or the triplet excited state to the singlet ground state. When there is an electronic transition of electron spin light is liberated.
When electron spin is changed, & our biomolecules are changed and the result in matter in our cells is to liberate light.
Singlet oxygen, systematically named dioxygen and dioxidene, is a gaseous chemical with the formula O=O, which is in a quantum state where all electrons are spin paired. It is kinetically unstable at ambient temperature in cells, and its rate of decay is slow.
Singlet oxygen (represented as 1ΔgO2, abbreviated as 1O2 in papers) is not a radical but represents an excited state of O2 in which the spin of one of the unpaired electrons is changed to yield two electrons with opposite spins. The terms ‘singlet oxygen’ and ‘triplet oxygen’ derive from each form’s number of electron spins. The singlet has only one possible arrangement of electron spins with a total quantum spin state of 0, while the triplet state has three possible arrangements of electron spins with a total quantum spin of 1, corresponding to three degenerate states. An excellent way to detect the presence of singlet oxygen in reactions is using steady-state or time-resolved measurements to find its characteristic phosphorescence at around 1270 nm.
When oxygen is reduced by losing an electron, singlet oxygen is created chemically. Singlet oxygen is an reactive oxygen species (ROS). The loss of the electron shifts the biomolecule to a lower energy state and as a result it emits photon. RNS works exactly the same way. This is how mitochondrion make light from matter.
The oxidation of biomolecules occurs by hydrogen abstraction by superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals or by the cycloaddition of singlet oxygen initiate a cascade of oxidative reactions that lead to the formation of electronically excited species such as triplet excited carbonyl, excited pigments and singlet oxygen. The abstraction of hydrogen is defined by the removal of a hydrogen atom or group from a molecule by a free radical. Hydrogen/deuterium atom abstraction is often confused with deprotonation, which is the removal of a hydrogen atom (i.e., a proton) by a base in an acid-base (proton transfer) reaction.
When deuterium is abstracted out by light cells need to use more UV light to do so because you need more VUV-UVC-UVB-UVA light to abstracted the heavier isotope of hydrogen because of the extra neutron. Generally, the way oocyte selection occurs in mammals is by hydrogen abstraction. The oocytes with the lowest atomic mass are ejected first. during menarche. As time elapses, the eggs with the most deuterium and released last because more light is needed to get that job done. This drains the electronic level of its stored light.
This means the older a pregnancy becomes the more light is needed in the transgenerational process. In this way you can see now why high maternal age and transgenerational epigenetic diseases occur. It is also why more chromosomal abnormalities occur as mammals age. If the UV light is expended abstracting deuterium there is less light left at the elctronic level to drive the cell cycle past the mitosis level. This is a huge problem in infertility, cancer, and in morphogenesis (autism)
The photon emission of these electronically excited species is in the following regions of the spectrum (1) triplet excited carbonyl in the near UVA and blue–green areas (350–550 nm), (2) singlet and triplet excited pigments in the green–red (550–750 nm) and red-near IR (750–1000 nm) areas, respectively and (3) singlet oxygen in the red (634 and 703 nm) and near IR (1270 nm) areas. The understanding of the role of ROS in photon emission allows us to use the spontaneous and stress-induced ultra-weak photon emission as a non-invasive tool for monitoring of the oxidative metabolic processes and the oxidative stress reactions in biological systems in vivo, respectively.
Transcriptional regulation of proteins is done by GLUT expression by ROS in cells.
Since ROS is made from excess dissolved oxygen not used in mitochondria, when oxygen in cells decreases, ROS signaling becomes more unique because of scarcity. This should make you think about my Kruse for Dummies lecture.
Low oxygen triggers signal-transduction pathways involved in both cell death and survival. Anoxia activates proapoptotic BCL-2 proteins and caspases to initiate apoptosis. The adaptive cellular events that occur in response to hypoxia are mediated largely by the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)
During hypoxia, ROS levels increase by design and play an important role in HIF-1α stabilization. HIF-1 consists of two subunits, HIF-1α and HIF-1β. Under normoxic conditions, prolines within the oxygen-dependent degradation domains (ODDs) of HIF-1α are hydroxylated by prolyl-4-hydroxylases (PHDs; Ivan et al. 2001). This hydroxylation mechanism acts as an ubiquitination signal leading to proteasomal degradation of HIF-1α. In the absence of oxygen, HIF-1α ubiquitinylation is inhibited allowing its interaction with HIF-1β to drive transcription of various target genes, including GLUT1. This is the basis of how the Warburg shift occurs in humans.
Stimulation of cellular glucose uptake in mammalian cells is frequently observed during conditions of oxidative stress when ROS and RNS spikes. GLUT1 helps in the transport of glucose, galactose, mannose, glucosamine and ascorbic acid in mammals.
HIF-1 induces the expression of multiple antiapoptotic BCL-2 proteins to promote cell survival. Interestingly hypoxia increases production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS), which serve as signaling molecules to activate HIF-1.
Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs), are major molecules that respond to hypoxia and elevated temperatures to play important roles in cancer development by participating in multiple processes. HIF1 is linked to circadian clock controls, metabolism, proliferation, and angiogenesis. The Warburg phenomenon reflects a pseudo-hypoxic state that activates HIF-1α. In addition, a product of the Warburg effect, lactate, also induces HIF-1α. However, Warburg proposed that aerobic glycolysis occurs due to a defect in mitochondria. I believe the defect occurs, first, in the circadian mechanism to affect mitochondrial metabolism. Moreover, both HIFs and mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to complex reprogramming of energy metabolism, including reduced mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, increased glucose uptake, and enhanced anaerobic glycolysis
Circadian clocks are endogenous coordinators of the 24-hour rhythm of behavioral and molecular processes in living organisms. For humans, a master clock modulating circadian rhythms is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus and is a pacemaker of the system. In mammals, the circadian clock is comprised of a set of genes, which function as activators—CLOCK and BMAL, which, similarly to HIF, are bHLH-PAS transcription factors.
Through binding to regulatory elements containing E-boxes (also present in HIF-1α gene) they activate the transcription of repressor protein period (PER) and cryptochrome (CRY). Additionally, HIF can bind to promoter regions of repressor proteins through hypoxia response elements (HRE), causing their transcrioptional upregulation leading to altered cell signaling. This is how the redox shift leads to alien light creation to lead to genetic changes we see in ALL CANCERS.
It is believed in centralized science that mitchondrial ROS oxidizes lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and thus initiate a cascade reactions that leads to the formation of electronically excited species responsible for the photon emission in near UVA, visible and near IR regions of the spectrum. I think this is a simple explanation for what is really going at the atomic level in a cell.
To make it crystal clear how bad the advice centralized medicine is giving patients you just need to review this thread in the context of what is being clearly laid out in this blog. Read this thread below in blue before going on.
p53 is an important tumor suppressor gene, found to be mutated or absent in over 50% of all cancers studied. It functions as a sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factor. In response to double-stranded DNA breaks, p53 is converted from a latent to an active form. This results in increased expression of p53-responsive proteins such as p21 which are required for growth arrest at the G1-to-S phase transition. It also mediates apoptosis via the increased expression of proteins such as Bax. Inactivation of p53, therefore, results in the loss of a cell cycle checkpoint control required for repair of damaged DNA and prevents apoptosis in response to severe DNA damage. In the absence of these responses, oncogenic mutations which may result in tumor progression can accumulate in nuclear DNA and this can happen quickly in people who took the mRNA jab. The damage can accumulate rapidly. From the above, it is clear that the transcriptional activation function of p53 is critical to its role as a tumor suppressor gene. Since genes amplify metabolic networks, p53 clearly clearly has a lot to do with the biophoton spectra that cells emit.
Note the history of the discovery of p53 brings us back to the story of SV40 and the polio vaccine. That is why Pfizer erased it from their plasmid map in the mRNA platform. Simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (T antigen) has been shown to inhibit p53-dependent transcription by preventing p53 from binding to its cognate cis element.
Why is p53 called p53?
One must know the history and the discovery of the most studied gene in human history, also known as the guardian of the genome. Why is it considered the guardian of the genome? Aneuploidy refers to the state of unequal chromosome copy numbers and is one of the most prominent genomic aberrations in solid tumors. Most solid tumors are aneuploid, and p53 has been implicated as the guardian of the euploid genome.
How long did the pulse of cancer stay in human cancer data from the Cutter incident of the Polio vaccines?
Bernice Eddy found the SV40 in the Salk vaccine and told the world about it in th emid 1950s’ The NIH and FDA ruined her career over her admission and scrubbed their websites. Most people ran from studying SV40 after this event in centralized science until the Nixon administration. What cancers in humans are linked to SV40 contamination?
In the 1970s, David Lane & Arnie Levine started studying a virus called SV40. Their interest was in a viral gene responsible for transformation, the SV40 oncogene called large T antigen. Lane’s task was to extract the large T antigen protein from cells infected with SV40. He used electrophoresis to separate the protein molecules based on size and charge. Whenever he ran electrophoresis to purify the large T antigen, he always found an unknown protein with a molecular weight of 53 kilodaltons. Initially, others in Lane’s lab thought it was a contaminant or a breakdown product of the large T antigen. As reports of this protein came from other labs too, it was named p53 based on its molecular weight.
In 1979, immunological studies identified the p53 protein due to its immunoreactivity with tumor antisera, suggesting its role as a tumor-associated antigen. Everyone was convinced they had found a new oncogene. The excitement was high! Wait a minute—did I say oncogene? p53 is actually a tumor suppressor gene! This is my favorite plot-twist of the p53 story: its mischaracterization as an oncogene. The initial misclassification was due to the research climate of the time (1980s). Oncogenes were thought to be the key to understanding cancer, and the idea of a tumor suppressor gene was in its infancy.
As mentioned above, p53 was initially found bound to the major oncogenic protein of SV40, so it was understandable at the time to think it must be an oncogene as well. However, some experimental observations did not fit well with the idea that p53 was an oncogene. In 1986, the first tumor suppressor gene, Retinoblastoma gene (RB1), was discovered, confirming Knudson’s Two-Hit hypothesis. In 1989, this two-hit model was applied to p53, specifically in colorectal tumors. It fit this model, as in virtually all cases, both copies of p53 were mutated.
This conclusion was confirmed by subsequent findings that patients with inherited mutations of p53 were predisposed to diverse tumor types. Mice with engineered “knock-outs” of the p53 gene were also tumor-prone. Today, more than 70,000 research papers are published on p53, making it the most studied human gene in history. Mutations in p53 are found in >50% of human cancers. “It’s impossible or very difficult to get a malignant tumor without the activity of p53 being disrupted.” ~Bert Vogelstein, a legendary figure in p53 story who was the first to termed it as a tumor suppressor gene.
New centralized data does not support a role for p53 in aneuploidy surveillance in organotypic cultures. There is strong evidence indicating that the loss of p53 is associated with chromosome instability and poor prognosis in the development of several cancers. See the papers (Donehower et al., 2019; Foijer et al., 2014; Fujiwara et al., 2005; Watson and Elledge, 2017)
When p53 goes awry the majority of tumors show varied TP53 mutations based on the following papers: (Clausen et al., 1998; Muller and Vousden, 2013). Live-cell imaging of Trp53+/+ and Trp53 & mCOs showed that mitotic errors, including lagging chromosomes and multipolar mitoses, occurred frequently in cells lacking p53, consistent with several published studies (Artegiani et al., 2020; Drost et al., 2015).
The bottom line issue for me? Decentralized science must show that when p53 signaling goes awry, it corresponds to a lack of ultraweak -UV biophoton production at the mtDNA level. This is why apoptosis goes awry and this also corresponds to the following variables: Low mtDNA melatonin production, low mtDNA water production, and altered mtDNA CO2 production in most solid tumors. This results in cell cycle arrest and cells begin to migrate to other tissues that have the ability to generate the ultra weak UV biophotons to complete the cell cycle.
For light to have a biological effect, photons must be absorbed by photoreceptors in the living body or there is no effect. ROS/RNS creation in mitochondria and oxygen begin this process.
H202 is a type of ROS made in mitochondria when we are healthy. When do we make ROS during the day? Daylight is associated with higher electric fields and lower magnetic fields and this correlates to mornings having higher ROS production. The morning AM ROS burst links to the PER2 gene in the mammalian clock mechanism. These effects are rooted in the spin selected ROS partitioning between peroxide and H202, known as the radical pair mechanism
When you add hydrogen perioxide to tissue heat is released and this heat is a clue that light is being liberated from the atoms in matter in your cells. I do this in almost every surgery I do but rarely tell people why I am doing it or how it works. My surgical team sees a lot of bubbles released and those bubbles are hydrogen gas being liberated at the same time. But there is more magic below the cell level to help my patients get better. I got the idea from radish roots.
This study below investigates the spontaneous emission of biophotons from radish root cells and the effects of various treatments on this biophysics phenomenon.
Key findings in the paper:
1. Freshly isolated radish root cells exhibit spontaneous biophoton emission at a rate of about 4 counts per second. This is an ultraweak photon release.
2. Addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to the cells from matter in cells significantly enhances biophoton emission from cells up to a rate of about 500 counts per second. When I read this I said I know how I can improve redox in the surgical site of my patients. This light has a specific spectra in the case of radish roots. This varies in eukaryotes like mammals.
3. The enhancement of biophoton emission by the addition of H2O2 is completely abolished when molecular oxygen is removed by using a glucose/glucose oxidase system or when reactive oxygen species (ROS) are scavenged using reducing agents such as sodium ascorbate and cysteine. This is a big clue glucose is not the real problem in cancer, unfettered light release to alter the nuclear genes is by excessive ROS. This tells you why cancers always are associated with their own brisk blood supply to keep oxygen humming to create light cells are missing to get through mitosis. That light is ultraweak UV light.
4. Spectral analysis of the H2O2-induced biophoton emission shows that biophotons are mainly emitted in the green-red region of the spectrum in radish.
5. The energy for this biophoton luminescence in cells is produced when an excited biological molecule drops to a lower energy state and the majority of the excited biological molecules are reactive oxygen species (ROS) Singlet oxygen, systematically named dioxygen and dioxidene, is a gaseous inorganic chemical with the formula O=O, which is in a quantum state where all electrons are spin paired. It is kinetically unstable at ambient temperature, but the rate of decay is slow.
Singlet oxygen (represented as 1ΔgO2, abbreviated as 1O2) is not a radical and represents an excited state of O2 in which the spin of one of the unpaired electrons is changed to yield two electrons with opposite spins. The terms ‘singlet oxygen’ and ‘triplet oxygen’ derive from each form’s number of electron spins. The singlet has only one possible arrangement of electron spins with a total quantum spin of 0, while the triplet has three possible arrangements of electron spins with a total quantum spin of 1, corresponding to three degenerate states. An excellent way to detect the presence of singlet oxygen is using steady-state or time-resolved measurements of its characteristic phosphorescence at around 1270 nm. Phosphorescence is a process in which energy is absorbed by matter in a cell and is released relatively slowly back into the cell in the form of light. This is in some cases the mechanism used for glow-in-the-dark materials which are “charged” by exposure to light. In mammals the amount of light is absorbed quickly by chromophore proteins to be used for signaling. This is why surgeons do not see what is clearly there during surgery. Plus, humans retina cannot see NIR light at 1270 nm . So how do we know this light is present? We use machines that can detect it.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping data shows that the formation of singlet oxygen is observed after addition of H2O2 and correlates with the enhancement in biophoton emission.
These findings in the paper below provide direct evidence that singlet oxygen is involved in biophoton emission from radish root cells. The results suggest that the biophotons are generated through a process involving the formation of singlet oxygen, which emits 1270nm light in the NIR range of the spectrum whose production can be enhanced by the addition of hydrogen peroxide.
We know about how radish roots do it, but what about us when the solar cycle is awry?
Melatonin as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent is known for protection of normal tissues against ionizing irradiation. This tells us that is has to be a control switch for ROS creation. Bright light and heat lowers melatonin effects and dark and cold temperatures increase its effects. Melatonin clearly is linked to ROS creation in some novel way. What do we know about sunrise? Light dominates the environment and the electric ield in the plasma called the ionosphere increases. The magnetic field of the gases in that ionosphere increases. 21% of the atmosphere is made of oxygen that is paramagnetic and this causes it to be drawn to tissues with high mitochondrial capacity. lWhen the sun rises, ight (photons) begins transfers energy to matter, causing the electrons to be emitted. What is it about electrons that maybe the clue to this mystery?
If you look back to Becker’s work he warned us about about the negative effects of electropollution. He also taught us about magneto pollution to a lesser degree. He also showed us how strong gauss magnets were able to induce anesthesia in salamanders before surgical procedures. He told us about the effects he and Marino found along electric power lines in Upstate New York in human subjects.
The TCA cycle produces more reducing power with a 22 ATP gain from its reducing power while glycolysis only produces 6 ATP from reducing power and Pentose phosphate group varies in the number of reducing power it produces. This tells us glycolysis and the TCA cycle on a relative basis vary greatly in how much ATP and ROS they produce.
Metabolic rate, when viewed from ATP creation is driving a developmental timing mechanism in a cell. But something must act as an off and on switch.
We know from the video about that 1270nm light equalizes the amount of ATP and ROS they produce. This appears to be the tipping point between day and night to act as an off and on switch in some way.
The implications are vast for many diseases from cancer, healing, autoimmunity, and to mastocytosis. How so?
For close to 15 years I have been giving major clues out to my tribe that magnetic fields are linked to circadain clock biology. How do they link is the biggest mystery in decentralized science. This blog explains the link CLEARLY.
The centralized assumption that I have always rejected has always been that the eye mainly senses light, whose local distribution is transmitted to the brain in a kind of copy by a mosaic of impulses. This is an idea so obvious to abuse by Nature to encode a hidden message in how life really operates. Instead of accepting that assumption, I looked for evidence in the literature of researchers who were wiser and actually thought about attaching electrodes to the animals who made it through the last extinction effect optic nerves so we might be able to eavesdrop on the signals Nature was really sending to message. I found evidence in amphibians where researchers positioned an aluminum hemisphere around a frog’s eye and moved objects attached to small magnets along the inner surface of the sphere by moving a large magnet on its outer side. This effect was eerily similar to the effects found in Becker’s work on regeneration and salamanders. This simple experiment showed me that non visual photoreception was the mysterious behind what Nature was doing. Then I jumped hard and looked for more zebra’s. And I found them in the eye of mammals and wrote the evidence in slides for talks I gave all over the world.
Think about what I have said about the European Robin eyes and the cryptochrome gene for 20 years now. The answer is buried there.
The development of the radical pair mechanism used for magnetoreception in bird retina has allowed for explanation of the fact that magnetic fields are observed to have an effect on chemical reactions speed in animals that made it through the last extinction event. It turns out the same mechanism found in birds, and their ancestors, theropod dinosaurs is also found in all mammals. The eye speaks to the brain using Nature’s most hidden recipe built in a language already highly organized in atomic physics, clocked and expertly interpreted, instead of transmitting some more or less accurate copy of the distribution of light on the receptors.
This quantum mechanism describes how an external magnetic field can alter chemical yields by interacting with the spin state of a pair of radicals.
The radical pair mechanism is based on the dependence of product yields on
1) the hyperfine interaction involving electron spins and neighboring nuclear spins of atoms and
2) the intensity and orientation of the geomagnetic field.
3) the chemical reaction kinetics in radical pair mechanism (RPM) is related directly to the qualities contained in the magnetic field in question. Overall, the spin evolution between singlet and triplet states in ROS/RNS radicals are affected by the magnetic field, is the key feature for radical pair mechanism.
4) Early proponents & biophysicists missed the magnetochemical effect in cells and focused on light chromophores.
This told my decentralized mind that one needs to know the general scheme of chemical reactions involving radical pairs generated from singlet and triplet precursors; one needs to understand the spin dynamics of the radical pairs; and the magnetic field dependence of product yields caused by the radical pair mechanism. It also told me I needed to understand solar cycles and disease patterns better. This told me I needed to look carefully at the eye of birds where the RPM mechanism was discovered in the mid 1970s. So that is what I did. If you go back and look at the Cold Thermogenesis #6 blog post you’ll see what I said there about the eye and spin dynamics. It was all there early.
During summer solstices did you know that pipes corrode faster than normal? Do you know why this happens? It is the same reason bipolar patients symptoms get worse during the summer solstice: Magnetic field strength is at its strongest. Did you know the Pandemic of 1918 also was linked to solar dynamics and magnetic strength? The majority of pandemic influenza outbreaks since 1700 CE were associated with minima and maxima of sun spot numbers linked to the 11 year solar cycle. In fact, seventy-four percent of influenza pandemics and epidemics (26/35 events) since 1700 occurred at or within one year of the peak or trough in sunspot numbers, increasing to 89 percent (31/35) within two years. This links magnetic field strength to immune function.
Chemical reactions in our immune system that involve radical intermediates are influenced greatly by magnetic fields. These fields act to alter their rate, yield, or product distribution. These effects have been studied extensively in liquids, solids, and constrained media such as micelles. None of these are well studied in centralized medicine. They will be well studied in El Salvador’s new decentralized system. It maybe the earliest detection system of disease we have today.
The involvement of singlet oxygen in biophoton emission has implications for our understanding of many diseases like mast cell disease in the skin that links to immune function. Mast cell dysfunction is linked to an absence of 1270 nm light in skin of mammals. Singlet oxygen is known to liberate this frequency of light as the picture below shows. People with mast cell disorders do not make enough hydrogen peroxide from their mitochondrial respiration. As a result, with a comorbid lack of sunlight containing 1270 nm light and lack of H202 creation in tissues is asosciated with immune dysfunction in mast cells. There is a lesson here that radishes are teaching us about mastocytosis.
People with cancer, autoimmunity, mastocytosis, and poor wound healing always are deficient in AM sunlight. Why? This is when we get a lot of NIR light that has 1270nm light. Early morning 6AM -9AM sunlight has a relative irradiance that has a higher amount of photons in the visible and NIR spectrum compared to midday exposure (noon). The picture tells why you decentralized medicine always recommends AM sunlight. This sun time = TINA = THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE. You remember that recent blog?
All of you know about the COVID pandemic. Do you know that it began during a weak solar cycle. This was my first evidence that the 2020 Wuhan flu was manufactured because it made no sense based on what I know about immune cell function. What prediction can I make right now about those who took the experimental treatment? 2024-2026 will be deadly for those people. Why?
The 1918–1919 pandemic flu virus happened during during an exceptionally strong solar cycle and caused acute swelling of and bleeding from the lungs from the healtiest people on Earth, and people who were infected typically suffocated within one to two days. Most were men in great metabolic shape. The second wave of the pandemic was responsible for the most deaths, due to an unusually severe hemorrhagic pneumonia. Today, in 2024 we just had 4 massive CMEs where the aurora’s were seen into the tropics, and the people who were the most healthy are dying at unbelievable rates now as evidence by my Tweets over the last 9 months. How did i know in 2020 this was coming. I know history and I know about the RPM mode of transmission to ROS/RNS.
H5N1 is bird flu. Why is the CDC, FDA, and WHO warning today’s COVID jab victims today about bird flu? Because they know they caused the COVID pandemic accidentally via gain of function study in Wuhan and now they are seeing evidence of patients in the experimental group who are beginning to experience similar pathologies to those of the 1918–1919 pandemic. Namely they are EXPECTING MASSIVE acute respiratory distress syndrome to overwhelm high vaccinated populations. This is the collateral effect they fear. The act of blocking your eye or skin from the sun around these coming dates might be a deadily choice for many. Also on these dates I expect we will have serious political and economic news hit to change sentiment rather quickly. Neurologic processing changes this way when ROS/RNS peaks.
The radical-pair mechanism explains how a magnetic field can affect reaction kinetics by affecting electron spin dynamics. Most commonly demonstrated in reactions of organic compounds in cells involving their radical intermediates, and a strong magnetic field can speed up a reaction rates by decreasing the frequency of reverse reactions. This is why bipolar patients are acting very bizarre this year. It is also why those with neurodegeneration are having wild swings in their symptoms day to day now. Look at the narratives around Biden’s behavior lately. It is all controlled by the puse of ROS his defective mitochondria are making during this tumultuous time as we revovled around the sun.
Mitochondria act as signaling organelles in low-oxygen conditions. Hypoxia (0.5–3% oxygen) increases mitochondrial ROS that activate transcription of adaptive genes. Anoxia (0–0.5% oxygen) initiates mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) to activate cell death. You’ve been given an amazing piece of decentralized science today. Use it wisely.
My predictions for my tribe in SOLAR CYCLE 25?
Know your solar history and you choices around the jab. On September 15, 2020, the solar minimum occured between Solar Cycle 24 and 25 – the period when the sun is least active – happened in December 2019 when Wuhan virus escaped. When I reviewed the 13-month period, the smoothed sunspot number fell to 1.8. The only part of the government who told the truth at this time was NOAA and NASA. According to the Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel they are praying for weak Solar Cycle 25 because of the lab leak. Early 2024 results however, have showed their guesses were WRONG. They expected peak sunspot activity expected in July of 2025, but within the last month we have had spectacular CME from sunspot activity that hit Earth. This is why so many people with jab injuries, mental illness, clots and cancer are hitting my emergency room like nuts the past 6 months. I expect the July 2024 – July 2025 Solar cycle to be DEADLY.
The Solar wind energy striking the Earth’s magnetosphere affects the entire environment because the pressure on the region increases and the magnetosphere shrinks sometimes four Earth’s radii. This sudden compression causes earthquakes in specific plates. We’ve had a quite a few more earthquakes in El Salvador the first 6 months of 2024. Maximum quake frequency occurs at times of moderately high and fluctuating solar activity. Terrestrial solar flare effects which are the actual coupling mechanisms which trigger quakes appear to be either abrupt accelerations in the earth’s angular velocity or surges of telluric currents in the earth’s crust. It appears even earthquakes are magnetochemical.
Solar Cycle 24 was average in length, at 11 years, and had the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. It was also the weakest cycle in 100 years. Solar maximum occurred in April 2014 with sunspots peaking at 114 for the solar cycle, well below average, which is 179.
Solar Cycle 24’s progression was also unusual and why NO PANDEMIC should have hit us at this time. This is why I knew in 2020 that this was a gain of function Lab leak manufactured problem. Now you know why I was so on top of it. in 2024 the Sun’s Northern Hemisphere led the sunspot cycle, peaking over two years ahead of the Southern Hemisphere sunspot peak. This resulted in solar maximum having fewer sunspots than if the two hemispheres were in phase. This has a lot to do with the changing of the magnetic poles in the Northern hemisphere now. The magnetic North Pole is now in the UK. Recall, last summer I visited this area. Now you know why.
For the last eight months of 2023, activity on the sun steadily increased, indicating we transitioned much more rapidly to Solar Cycle 25 in the first 6 months of 2024. More people already sick with diseases will die sooner. Kids with autism will struggle more this year. People who have a framshifted genome will get sicker quicker and die more rapidly than their centralized MDs expect. The more healthy they are, the more likely they will get sick and die. It is only shocking when you DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE BIOPHYSICAL LESSONS IN THIS BLOG.
I have a sense Solar cycle 25 is also going to be be unusual with more strength and higher peak of sunspots than NASA and NOAA expects. In Solar cycle 25 NASA said they expected only 115 sunspots. The first 6 months of 2024 told me otherwise. We are experiencing it right now based on the recent auroras and the weather in the tropics. We are seeing this in the radical changes in President Biden’s behavior and his mental state. Right now El Salvador is getting smoked by harsh weather NOAA/NASA/Bukele did not expected. This is why I am making my predictions to you right now. Right now people are getting more sick and dying who should not. I know why. This blog has those answers. ROS is out of control in living things. Few see what I see.
What was buried in the CT #6 blog? How quickly solar activity rises is an indicator on how strong the solar cycle will be and how diseases states will react. Share this uncommon adivce with your loved ones.
There has been some recent news out about folate levels, sunlight and artificial light. Many people do not know folate is a photosynthetic chemical and it links dark skin (melanin) for natural folate protection.
We have clear evidence (Cite 1) that ultraviolet radiation affects directly in proportion to folate human blood. Seasonal cycles repeat annually and light stability is more common at low latitudes. Therefore, the amount of photosynthetic chemicals we use acts as a photosensitizer to our chromophore proteins. This has big implications inside the tropics. The percentage of low folate values increases in summer by almost 3.5 percent in comparison to winter. Moreover, geneder differences are huge. Overall folate levels are lower in men as compared to women, regardless of seasonality. This makes sense because of who has the children.
Vitamin B9 (Folate) was first extracted from spinach leaves in 1941. The term folate comes from the same root as foliage: green and leafy. Folates are vital: they accept carbon atoms and pass them on as needed as the fundamental basis for proper methylation. This implies that during summer months folate levels should be expected to be at their lowest levels NATURALLY.
Folate biology has a specific and tight seasonal control mechanism linked to light. This is not a food story at all
What if there is no seasonal or light controls in place?
Folate is often given to pregnant women to prevent spinal dysraphisms today. This is something pediatric neurosurgeons deal with and why I know a lot about them. The incidence of these conditions has dropped but it is has done at a COST. Why? but too much folate/folic acid causes cognitive haze and sleep difficulty and may cause neural migration problems in artificially lit environments. This should awaken you what I wrote in Quantum Engineering #45.. In North America, (CAN/USA) folic acid was added to all grains in 1996. This is only a few decades ago and we are seeing the transgenerational effects of this right now in our children’s disease phenotypes.
In general, it does not appear that even large amounts of folic acid taken orally are acutely toxic in adults. However, given the fundamental role of folate levels in synthesizing nucleotides (including RNA and DNA) and in methylation reactions as a methyl donor, high levels may have inadvertent implications for proper methylation of DNA during times of rapid cell division, such as in prenatal development. You’d think the idea that adding folic acid to the food supply might have caused centralized medicine to expect unintended consequences. Few thought about, much less studied it. I have always been worried about this effect since I learned that B12 was a photoreceptor in humans. (slide from Vermont)
This idea has been speculated in research circles as early as 2005, and specifically speculated to be relevant for the increase in autism in 2011. MOST PEOPLE WITH MTHFR DEFECTS ARE SUPERSENSITIVE TO LIGHT VARIATIONS
An early review of potential problems with mass folic acid supplementation of the food supply was undertaken by Lucock and Yates. Here, they noted that a drastic increase in folates could lead to a selection for the previously rare MTHFR genetic substitution of T for C at area 677 (MTHFR C677T), and that if folic acid is supplemented at doses above 400 mcg that unmetabolized folic acid will circulate in the blood supply at a level largely consistent with the excess dose. In 2005, Lucock and Yates noted that high levels of folic acid in the blood does not generally occur as a result of ingesting natural folates and that “no work has been done so far to evaluate the biological and genetic consequences of excess long term exposure” to these circulating folic acids on DNA/RNA biology. After that review, there were two separate findings of unexpected increases in asthma and breathing problems associated with folic acid use.
It now appears that we have clear data that excessive methyl donor transfer has significant epigenetic effects in humans. This work dovetailed with another review questioning the wisdom of mass folic acid supplementation published in 1996. Smith et al. pointed out that by supplementing the food supply; several hundred thousands of persons are exposed to greatly increased levels of folic acid. These authors noted that prior research had shown that expectant mothers with low vitamin B-12 (most vegans/vegetarians) AND high levels of folic acid were associated with offspring having an unexpected increased risk for insulin resistance and disease associated with this condition. This is worrisome when you know that blue light exposure does the same thing and more.
Troen et al. found that some women past childbearing age subjected to high folic acid supplementation may be at risk for reduced immune system functioning causing inflammatory autoimmune conditions to spike. This problem has gotten worse since I first looked into it in 2005.
Did you know mammals exhibit genomic instability under conditions of folate deficiency in the skin. Remmber your skin is a neuroectodermal derivative. A lack of folate adversely effects your skin’s cellular capacity to handle UVR light. This is why so make pale gingers burn so fast. Moreover, did you know that optimizing folate levels in skin is beneficial in preventing or repairing the pro-carcinogenic effects of UVR exposure? Folate restriction by any modern excuse leads to rapid depletion of intracellular reduced folates resulting in S-phase growth arrest. Did you know this leads to ncreased levels of inherent DNA damage, and it causes increased uracil misincorporation into DNA. This is called a frame shift mutation and it is how light can cause transepigenetic signaling. This frameshift mutation will not cause a significant loss in overall cellular viability. It is how mammals adapt to changing seasonal light environments. Folate depleted keratinocytes can be sensitized toward UVR induced apoptosis. This changes the biophoton spectra emission from mtDNA and this displays a diminished capacity to remove DNA breaks. This allows for changes in phenotype. This occurs by photo and oxidative DNA alterations. Your dermatologist likes to call this damage, but Mother Nature uses this for seasonal adaptation in your skin. When this occurs more UVR = more melanin production. This protects your folate stores from degrading. Nature is amazing when you see her recipes. Dermatolgyis dangerous because they do not understand what she is doing on your behalf. Thus, folate deficiency creates a “permissive environment for genomic instability to allow for seasonal change. It is not an early event in the process of skin carcinogenesis or autism. If one abuses the use of folic acid and blue light than you can and will get diseases. The effects of folate restriction, even in severely depleted, growth-arrested keratinocytes, were reversible by repletion with folate foods. In summertime, foods with folate are plentiful in the tropics for this reason. Photosynethesis always has our cells backs.
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme encoded by the MTHFR gene and has significant implications in the field of decentralized medicine. This enzyme plays a critical role in the folate metabolism pathway, which is integral for processes like DNA synthesis and repair, as well as epigenetic alterations via methylation by light variation. Variants of the MTHFR gene are associated with altered enzyme activity, which can, in turn, affect mtDNA heteroplasmy and disease phenotypes. This happens by alterations created in the spectra of biophotons made via metabolism. You’ll hear more about that soon enough.
Increased consumption of folic acid is prevalent in our modern world, and has negative consequences for MTHFR patients.. The effects of folic acid on the liver, the primary organ for folate metabolism, are now being unfolded. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) provides methyl donors for S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthesis and methylation reactions.
New data now suggests that high folic acid consumption reduces MTHFR protein and activity levels, creating a pseudo-MTHFR deficiency in the liver and skin of mammals. This deficiency results in hepatocyte and keritinocyte degeneration in both organs, suggesting a 2-hit mechanism whereby mutant hepatocytes cannot accommodate the lipid disturbances (how fatty acid carbon lenghts are dealt with and how melanin operates in the skin) and altered membrane integrity arising from changes in phospholipid/lipid metabolism. People forget the skin biology needs optimal light to control the lipid rafts in the skin as seasons change. Folic acid destroys this ability. This data has clinical implications for individuals consuming high-dose folic acid supplements, particularly those who are MTHFR deficient.
CYP enzymes are heme based and subject to blue light toxicity. They have been identified in all kingdoms of life: animals, plants, fungi, protists, bacteria, archaea, and even in viruses. This is why so many astronauts have viral particles in the blood and space is known to foster cataracts and protein folding issues in the eye. However, they are not omnipresent in all bacteria; So space blood infections vary compared to the ones we see on Earth. More than 50,000 distinct CYP proteins are known to man.
Most CYPs require a protein partner to deliver one or more electrons to reduce the iron (and eventually molecular oxygen). Remember electrons must be excited by sunlight to use the photoelectric effect in the photon traps in aromatic amino acids. Based on the nature of the electron transfer proteins, CYPs can be classified into several groups: I covered this with Rohan during a past Sunday Q & A that lasted 5 hours. Members should listen back to those recorded Q & As to refresh their minds.
CYB5R/cyb5/P450 systems, in which both electrons required by the CYP come from cytochrome b5.
FMN/Fd/P450 systems, originally found in Rhodococcus species, in which an FMN-domain-containing reductase is fused to the CYP. (cytochrome 2 in humans is related to this system.
P450-only systems, which do not require external reducing power. Notable ones include thromboxane synthase (CYP5) for platelets, prostacyclin synthase (CYP8) for PG synthesis, and CYP74A (allene oxide synthase). You should begin to see just how we are beings of light who need solar programming by sunlight and not man-made light.
Anything transferring electrons to proteins = a semiconductive circuit. When you understand the photoelectric effect only works with photons and electrons you begin to see why SNP status are mostly superfluous and generally do not matter when you’re in the sun chronically and you have melanin in your integument and interior properly renovated.
Melanin operates in us to charge separate water into its components of H+ and oxygen and 2 -4 electrons. The level of oxygen dissolved in cells is critical in varying the ultraweak biophoton signature from metaboilsm. Those two electrons liberated from charge separation obviate the need for exogenous and endogenous sources of electrons (grounding/food). SNPs evolved because mammals varying in how they ground and what they eat based on latitude and what photosynethesis can provide. SNPs and SAPs tell vary in how melanin biology is operating. They are like equalzer buttons for music made in cells.
People with a lack of melanin think SNPs matter way more than they do because functional medicine MDs tell them this. This is incorrect. Pale people without enough melanin lack electrons to run their semiconductive circuits. You’d be wise to avoid that level of centralized thinking in the future. Folic acid lowers electrons = lowers your redox power.
How humans operate is specific to humans and not to other mammals. Most of the BH4 and Vitamin C used as cofactors deliver electrons to the biochemicals. BH4 and Vitamin C deliver the exogenous sources. Melanin delivers the endogenous source of electrons. Humans create massive amounts of electrons when POMC is operational in their tissues. Here you see Noether’s thereom show up yet again.
SUNLIGHT reduces all these risks, while modern lighting exacerbates it. Moreover, it appears nature is trying to tell us that the sun raises melanin and melanin is protective. Strong solar cycles in photosynthesis seem to simultaneously lower folate in foods in the summertime for a deep reason. That reason is epigenetic hypermethylation which can lead to sleep apnea and cancer formations later in life due to altered DNA methyl marking. This process also alters how RBC circadian cycles (ferrodoxin) can work within their circadian cycles with the innate immune system and TOLL receptors. Most people with anemias have this intrinsic problem linked to modern behaviors around light.
Folate is destroyed by strong sunlight with both UVA and UVC light. Darkened skin protects the stores we have, but there is now proof that folate levels are designed to be low when the solar radiation is strong in the local environment. These days most people are eating food humans have been engineered and/or genetically altered in some way. Then add in the effect of Artifiical light day and night. This throws off the normal variation of the natural folate cycle during seasons. Today, people in developed countries are getting MASSIVE amounts of folates in the form of folic acid. This is the real reason to avoid grains. Folates are now being ingested in three ways: as natural folates from food, as synthetic folic acid added to processed grains and synthetic from vitamin supplements. All of these idea are counter evolutionary to Nature’s laws.
Methylation patterns are linked to how light is transformed in a cell. When sunlight is absent for any reason mitochondrial redox drops. When this happens energy transformation drops. As a result of a lack of energy methylation problems shows up in both genomes. Decentralized clinicians know what to look for. Allopathic and function docs would know what to look for because they still have no idea that light controls the enzymatic flux in metabolic pathways.
Loss of mitochondrial redox power causes methylation problems to manifest in your labs without any SAP/SNP issues present in your MTHFR survey or nuclear genome. Very few clinicians know a lack of sunlight causes methylation defects.
It shows up in your labs in a very specific pattern of results as an accumulation of methionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine, with low or low-normal levels of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and homocysteine. PBM treatment fixes it. Sunlight is always the best treatment. Supplements not so good.
As a result of the supplementation of folic acid, the circulating level of unmetabolized folic acid, as well as total folates, has greatly increased over the past generation, probably to levels largely unprecedented in human history.
Folic acid has been shown to be able to epigenetically alter the functioning of the genome and to have long term effects on gene expression as I mentioned above.
The Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Safety Datalink data set compared children with autism to control children on several variables. Many people who think the link of vaccines to autism might be shocked to find out that folic acid supplementation during gestation is associated with a serious increased risk for autism. I believe the combination of artificial light and folic acid supplementation are causing neural migration problems. This is why parental melanin levels are important clues. This effect remains even when health-seeking behaviors and other variables are controlled. This is information parents of kids with AUTISM need to know. Autism, asthma, allergy, ectopy, eczema, diabetes T1D, T2D, and MODY, auto-immunity, and spinal abnormalities have their lowest incidence is lowest in equatorial environments and it appears now we know why this is the case. This is decentralized medicine 101 I will bring to El Salvador.
1. Valencia-Vera E, Aguilera J, Cobos A, Bernabó JL, Pérez-Valero V, Herrera-Ceballos E.. ‘Association between seasonal serum folate levels and ultraviolet radiation’. ‘J Photochem Photobiol B’. 2019 Jan;190:66-71
The circadian system orchestrates the temporal organization of many aspects of physiology, including metabolism, in synchrony with the 24 hr rotation of the Earth. Like the metabolic system, the circadian system is a complex feedback network that involves interactions between the central nervous system and peripheral tissues. Massive amounts of emerging evidence suggests that circadian regulation is critically linked to metabolic homeostasis and that dysregulation of circadian rhythms can contribute to all diseases. Conversely, metabolic signals feed back into the circadian system, modulate by applying what circadian gene expression is based on the light sensing from the environment. This alters behavior and disease phenotype. A loss of circadian periodicity causes metabolic derangement. Light controls food at all levels.
The podcast above was all about the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension that manifests with optic nerve swelling, visual changes due to retinal blood vessel defects, and headache. You might be surprised to know that idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is also associated with tinnitus. That should stop you dead in your tracks if you are black swan mitochondria considering my recent podcasts and blogs here. You now know that your cochlea is lined with melanin. In fact, every sense organ is between the environment and the brain.
CPC stands for a clinico-pathologic conference that we often see in medical schools that are used for teaching students and doctors.
Today you are going to medical school, albeit, a decentralized medical school lesson how why light trumps food.
What did the centralized podcast lesson above miss? Melanopsin has been found as the dominant opsin in the human brain but it is also found in blood vessels of the brain and is critical in relaxing these blood vessels. What happens when there is melanopsin damage to the vessels of the retina and brain when there is associated melanopsin damage? Do blood vessels relax or do they become stenotic? Might this be what the group of endovascular neurosurgeons missed above?
I think so.
What happens when melanopsin damage occurs? The weak covalent bond between it and vitamin is broken and Vitamin A is liberated. The freed vitamin A destroys all the photoreceptors like heme proteins, nitric oxide, B12, monoamine oxidase, glutathione, and many others. It ruins the ability of cells to use light to signal to and fro. Fidelity of signaling is destroyed.
Vitamin A is the first discovered fat-soluble vitamin and is primarily found in animal products or converted from dietary carotenoids in plant products. It is not a single compound but a group of derivatives including retinol, retinal, retinoic acid (RA), and some carotenoids according to different terminal functional groups. In general, vitamin A refers to retinol, while retinoid refers to a general term that includes vitamin A metabolites and compounds and exhibits vitamin A-like biological activity.
Preformed vitamin A (usually from animal products) and provitamin A (including beta-carotene, usually from plant-derived food) are the two forms of vitamin A in the human diet. After being absorbed in the intestines, these two forms of vitamin A are converted to retinol and then oxidized to form retinal and RA to support the biological functions of vitamin A. The retinyl ester is the storage form of vitamin A in the liver and must be converted to retinol before being utilized, and these vitamin A derivatives are finally metabolized by the CYP26 family enzyme.
The metabolic barrier provided by CYP26 enzymes in various tissues such as the testes likely ensures that RA gradients are regulated by enzyme expression and activity within the tissue and not by circulating concentrations. Therefore, understanding the destruction, activity, and expression of CYP26 enzymes in individual tissues and cell types is critically important for defining the relationship between all trans RA concentrations and biological outcomes within a tissue. This means retinoic acids also control all sexual behavior and fertility as well. Today we have record rates of infertility and transgenerderism. The link both are linked to the light humans live under. Few see this links.
Previous studies have shown that retinoic acid (RA), the bioactive form of vitamin A, is involved in the regulation of various intracellular responses related to biological rhythms. RA is reported to affect the circadian rhythm by binding to RA receptors, such as receptors in the circadian feedback loops in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Many people wrongly believe solar light cycles are tied to Vitamin D and its receptor in the skin, eye, and brain. Few know about vitamin A and how it controls the human photoperiod in our brains where our POMC neurons exist. It is the major player in determining photoperiodicity in the human brain because of how Vitamin A is covalently bonded WEAKLY to melanopsin. When blue light dominates an environment humans lost their photoperiodicity and develop sleep problems.
Photoperiodicity is accounted for by biophysical changes in Vitamin A in the brain. It accurately mirrors the changes in the brain and the body that occur between the seasons when you are a careful observer.
At the equator, light doesn’t vary at any time of the year. As latitude rises light variation increases. Your body responds to every degree of latitude change via Vitamin A biology and POMC translation. Read that again.
When comparing the effects of the short days that occur in winter with the long days that occur in the summer Vitamin A (retinoic acid) swings in massive amounts. Researchers are finally beginning to understand how the brain converts the electromagnetic signal of light, first to an electric message (DC current), and then to a chemical one in the neuron synapse called a neurotransmitter. Vitamin A entangles the brain to the skin with its cousin Vitamin D. It is also critical in ephaptic communication I mentioned it to Dr. Huberman on Twitter and he brought it up during the Rubin podcast. Ephaptic signaling refers to extracellular signals generated by either a single neuron or a population of neurons, and the neurons need not be in physical contact. This likely has a quantum mechanical basis linked to coherence.
Hypothalamic tanycytes are chemosensitive glial cells that contact the cerebrospinal fluid in the third ventricle and send processes into the hypothalamic parenchyma. Hypothalamic tanycytes sense vitamin A levels in the CSF. Did you know this?
We know that there are big changes between seasonal conditions on the planet even at the equator, and that seems to be how the wild animal controls weight gain and energy balance naturally in the environment. It also explains why obese women with IIH have massive alterations of Vitamin A too. Modern humans tend to gain weight in winter, and this is likely a new phenomenon related to their light environments. This is when they should be losing weight according to Nature’s laws. If you open any newspaper in January in the northern hemisphere, you will see tons of ads for New Year’s resolutions and gym memberships at this time to humans lose weight. This is unusual when you consider that wild animals do the opposite in January. Wild animals tend to get fatter going into the summer, and leaner into the winter when the light cycle is lowest and food is more sparse.
We now know that the human brain can sense retinoids, and regulate whole-body retinoid balance. This is how seasonal; light changes and local light changes sculpt the human ectoderm.
The reason becomes quite obvious when you consider that wild animals live by the dictums of their environment, but modern humans create their own environment via culture and socialization. This creation of their own environments destroys their photoperiodicity and dramatically alters Vitamin A signaling in the brain. Vitamin A is crucial in properly regulating the clocks tied to the hypothalamus that controls appetite, feeding, and energy balance. This is how quantum time is altered.
Today researchers have found that between winter and summer, retinoic acid changes dramatically in all mammals. There is a lot more to this ‘quantum dance’ of Vitamin A too. It appears there is much more powerful retinoic acid signaling during the periods of summer compared to the short days of winter. This implies that Vitamin A levels in the brain must be correctly tied to the seasonal alterations in ‘adiposity’ and depression result. Vitamin D gets all the press in the media, but Vitamin A control in your brain is way more important seasonally because of how it links to the POMC biology of melanin inside your body. It seems counterintuitive until you understand how QED works in the brain.