Edward Snowden figured out how the overall global plan for unifying operation Mockingbird and MKUltra would be deployed using new software programs that updates to these 1950s programs. He leaked them during the Obama administration and became Obama’s enemy number one of the industrial military complex.
Have you ever asked yourself why?
It turns out using the C-Band to funnel all internet traffic through USA satellites is critical in performing the final hack to secure all the data for world. It allows the USA to extend the Patriot Act passed our border control and make the world subject to our intelligence communities 24/7 with no recourse.
The Patriot Act was hastily passed 45 days after 9/11 in the name of national security. The Patriot Act was the first of many changes to surveillance laws that made it easier for the government to spy on ordinary Americans by expanding the authority to monitor phone and email communications, collect bank and credit reporting records, and track the activity of innocent Americans on the Internet.
The Patriot Act actually turns regular USA citizens into suspects. Now that can be exported to the world population via 5G and the C-Band.
I believe the NSA has actually hacked all the internet providers, and has had acess to all their data without them knowing it. I think this is what SNOWDEN knows and why this information is so dangerous. The government is breaking the constitution and lying to us by telling us they are protecting us from terrorist they help fuel in the 1980s in the Iran Contra situation and in the USSR/Afghan War.
They did this using their elite hacking teams and once the military can secure and drive through all internet traffic through US borders, which includes these satellites, legally the NSA/CIA/FBI/HOMELAND SECURITY than can own all the data of all the world and use it how they see fit. This is why Google, FB, and Twitter in congressional testimony all say they are not helping the government by sharing data. They actually are telling the truth in my opinion. None of them appear to realize their government has hacked their databases since 1995 and is planning on using 5G and the C-Band to make the hack LEGAL because of the Patriot Act.
Why do I say this?
Anytime the biggest technology and communications companies—from Verizon and AT&T to Google, Facebook, and Microsoft—say that they never deliberately and proactively offer up their vast databases on their customers to federal security and law enforcement agencies: They say that they only respond to subpoenas or requests that are filed properly under the terms of the Patriot Act.
Google was launched as a DoD project initially. Few people seem to know this. The DoD had access to the Google database while it was being built by their grants.
Two decades ago, the US intelligence community worked closely with Silicon Valley in an effort to track citizens in cyberspace. And Google is at the heart of that origin story. Some of the research that led to Google’s ambitious creation was funded and coordinated by a research group established by the intelligence community to find ways to track individuals and groups online.
The intelligence community hoped that the nation’s leading computer scientists could take non-classified information and user data, combine it with what would become known as the internet, and begin to create for-profit, commercial enterprises to suit the needs of both the intelligence community and the public. They hoped to direct the supercomputing revolution from the start in order to make sense of what millions of human beings did inside this digital information network. That collaboration has made a comprehensive public-private mass surveillance state possible today.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) had come to realize that their future was likely to be profoundly shaped outside the government. It was at a time when military and intelligence budgets within the Clinton administration were in jeopardy (1992), and the private sector had vast resources at their disposal. If the intelligence community wanted to conduct mass surveillance for national security purposes, it would require cooperation between the government and the emerging supercomputing companies.
They funded these computer scientists through an unclassified, highly compartmentalized program that was managed for the CIA and the NSA by large military and intelligence contractors. It was called the Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) project. The 1993 White Paper is in Cite number two.
Mocking bird was named as it was to Mock the Bald Eagle, a symbol of the freedoms enjoyed by the people of the United States. This idea continued within the intelligence community. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.
In 1995, one of the first and most promising MDDS grants went to a computer-science research team at Stanford University with a decade-long history of working with NSF and DARPA grants. The primary objective of this grant was “query optimization of very complex queries that are described using the ‘query flocks’ approach.” A second grant—the DARPA-NSF grant most closely associated with Google’s origin—was part of a coordinated effort to build a massive digital library using the internet as its backbone. Both grants funded research by two graduate students who were making rapid advances in web-page ranking, as well as tracking (and making sense of) user queries: future Google cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
The research by Brin and Page under these grants became the heart of Google: people using search functions to find precisely what they wanted inside a very large data set. The intelligence community, however, saw a slightly different benefit in their research: Could the network be organized so efficiently that individual users could be uniquely identified and tracked?
Brin and Page were Stanford researchers who benefited from DoD grants. Did the CIA directly fund the work of Brin and Page, and therefore create Google? No. But were Brin and Page researching precisely what the NSA, the CIA, and the intelligence community hoped for, assisted by their grants? Absolutely.
Now other federal agencies like the FCC and NIH are complicit with this covert DOD department plan in waging wars electromagnetically on Americans via surveillance via corporations like Google.
The way our laws are written is the key to the legality of this tactic. The USA is seeking to become the world policemen of all internet data because it will have to come through our networks that the world uses. They will no longer have to ask Google, Apple, Amazon, or Skype for permission or obtain warrants to surveil whomever they want.
This is the ultimate expansion globally of the Patriot Act to the entire globe who is dependent upon the USA’s technology infrastructure.
The only impediments in the way will be SCOTUS challenges to the 4th amendment and from open source movements in the data industry.
The architects of this idea were George H. Bush during his OSS/CIA days, and this was transferred to his son George W. Bush by way of the Reagan administration via Dick Chenney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfield along with the Joints Chiefs of Staff. All of them were the same people in the executive wing during the Reagan/Bush/Clinton administrations. This is why the military was pushing hard for a Hillary win in 2016. The 9/11/2001 bombings were the perfect situation to use to set up the system by first getting Congress to write and pass the Patriot Act which was the key piece of legislation needed to enact the New World Order of control and surveillance.
The first administration to utilize these techniques were the Obama/Biden White House. People like Christopher Wiley of Cambridge Analytica helped politicians in the executive branch and DOJ unleash the fusion and new generations of these OSS/CIA programs. They are collectively called psychographic segmentation. They are the 2020 version of Mockingbird and MKUltra.
The Patriot Act and its FISA provisions were recently abused political in the framing of General Mike Flynn. His convictions were thrown out but what happened to him is instructive of what will happen once the legalities of the C band and the military use of the satellites are co-mingled in 12/2020.
These programs have now grown and fused with many new electromagnetic techniques to become weapons-grade data kleptocracy for elections and coup d’etat globally below your ability to see what really is going right in front of your face while your addicted to facebook threads.
Privacy is about control. It is not about secrecy. A technocracy is how fascism begins. Today the USA version of fascism is to allow an unelected shadow government to run the three branches of government laid out in our constitution as they see fit. The last part of the plan is to create and un ending source of money to fuel the agenda.
The smartphone you use today reflects more than just personal taste … it could determine how closely you can be tracked, too. Your 4th amendment is under attack covertly. Apple protects your data with iOS encryption software that the DoD hates. Google does not encrypt to protect you from DoD surveillance. This was done by design because of how Google was created by the DoD grants mentioned above. It is also why Android phones are cheap and Apple phones are expensive. If the only people who can protect themselves from the gaze of the government are the rich and powerful, that’s a problem. It’s not just a cybersecurity problem — it’s a civil rights problem that goes right to the 4th amendment issue I laid in Hypoxia #13. Google and the DoD are strangling the American public using 5G and the C-Band.
You still think technology has no down sides? How smart is your phone and your home right now? It maybe time to dumb your life down and lower your blue light and nnEMF footprint? Do you know that both blue light and nnEMF exposure cause pseudohypoxia in mitochondria?
See……..you and George Floyd have a lot more in common than you thought when you began this blog.
2. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mail.cypherpunks/4CDiW59hS88