What is the result of the Fourth Turning? It is a society where privacy becomes a luxury good. Everything you considered a product since WW2, has now become a service that central planners will give you.
Government responses globally to Covid19 don’t make any sense, until you open your mind to consider if there’s another agenda at work here……The Great Facade is window dressing for the giving the banking industry cover for stealing all the value people have saved up since WW2.
All of you are apathetic. Because of your inaction in 2020 I want to show you what your life will be in 2030.
“Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” The Great Reset came from the “Great Facade of 2020” and we are glad you bought the idea of letting us Build Back Better. It’s not some secret, conspiratorial plot for world domination worthy of only ridicule. It’s happening, in plain sight and most of you are too apathetic to see it.
What did America get for its apathy? Joe Biden. How will the dominos fall around him to change the world?
Do not pity Joe Biden. He is going to make you wealthy in 2021 if you own any BTC. He is going to destroy anything with value you have amassed up until this moment. He is the dog that finally caught the bus and he is soon to be political roadkill. While he celebrates his victory in the Electoral College, powerful forces already are engaged to doom him and his presidency. His two central problems are that he has set the wrong expectations and that his policies will not work in the current domestic and international political, economic and military environment.
The only message in his “I’m-not-Trump” political campaign was that President Trump made a mess of domestic and foreign policy and that Biden would fix all of that. The deadly trap is that Trump did very well on many key measures and Biden inevitably will do much worse, creating a failed Biden presidency. Biden was helped by the media on this account, but he won’t be able to be saved for 4 years of economic decay.
His day one issue of COVID-19 already is a loser. He wants to lock down the USA until May to stop viral spread. That is not only pseudoscientific it is a prescription for economic calamity. Researchers developed vaccines in record time, under Trump’s direction, and are rolling them out now. Taking them is a biologic question for you now. This blog is not about that question. It is about the financial impacts of his macroeconomic plans.
One aspect of the vaccine that is important is how he uses employed physicians and the military to roll out his vax time table and if he is going to use the vax as a weapon to gain more freedoms from the public. The complex issue of distribution now goes whollyto Biden. Any significant number of deaths among the vulnerable communities of nursing homes, the elderly in general, minorities, and those with pre-existing conditions will fall solely on Biden’s team. These stressors will cause them to fall back to lockdowns and masks which we know are poor options because of the economic damage they cause. Similarly, sustained economic damage resulting from lockdowns will fall on Biden and Democratic officials.
The other Day One issue is Biden’s budget. He has proposed tax increases that will affect all income groups, with a disproportionate impact on high-income earners. Compounding that increase will be the “hidden tax” of an inevitable increase in inflation from the multitrillion-dollar COVID-19 relief bills. These combined tax increases will trigger investment capital flight, much as they did under former President Obama. The inflation will drive up both interest rates while the technocracy deflation will drive unemployment, and increase the wealth gap in spite of Biden’s tax policies.
Unfortunately, the huge COVID-19 spending and inflation preclude the Federal Reserve from the zero-interest rate policies that Janet Yellen used to float the Obama economy when she served as Fed chief. Her history is the beyond bullish for 2021. The bottom line is that there is no budget or monetary policy solution that drives real economic growth. Cuts in national defense spending are inevitable in this environment, but even weakened national security cannot solve the budget problem. America has spent the milk money. There is no other way to stimulate the American economy.
Trump delivered spectacular growth to the economy, record private-sector jobs and record low unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics and women. Real wages rose under Trump and the wealth gap got smaller. Even though the market has roared back after the COVID-19 hit and lockdowns in a K- recovery, it will be impossible to come near Trump’s record on any measure. This is precisely why some CEO’s have now used their entire corporate treasuries to buy BTC at 100% rates. I think it is time for regular folks to consider following this plan as well.
Biden’s tax policies and softened trade stance will make the situation dramatically worse. This is very bullish for a massive BTC rally. There will not be enough money even for the traditional Obama/Democratic “solution” of creating public works jobs to fudge the unemployment figures. This is a staple of all democratic presidents. There is simply no money left.
I also think the Georgia Senate runoffs might create another economic tsunami for Biden. If the GOP somehow pulls off a win and controls the Senate, the Senate can refuse to raise the debt ceiling and this will crush the Federal Reserve quickly. It eliminates the printing of money.
And no, the Green New Deal will not create enough “clean energy jobs” to offset this economic mess or decline in the oil and gas sectors. The green new deal will cost a lot more jobs than it makes and this bit of deflation will also sink the economy. This is another bullish headwind for BTC. The possibility of serious economic collapse is very real for Biden and his team. And it is all on Biden — it has nothing to do with Trump, who was spectacularly successful in economic policy, helping all Americans.
Biden also will be forced to disappoint the progressive, radical left of the Democratic Party. The handwriting is on the wall with his Cabinet and staff appointments, but it will be crystal clear in the budget. There is simply not money for radical/subsidized transition of America’s energy sector, huge new health care spending, or increased “social justice” programs (beyond the gigantic set of programs that already exist) or reparations.
Similarly, Biden will be forced to cut defense spending, probably shocking the wide set of defense contractors, left-leaning military/intelligence officers, and neocons who supported his campaign and aided and abetted treason.
Unfortunately, our international adversaries know all of this and have run the numbers. They know that Biden’s self-defeating economic policies under Obama, combined with his — and his major Wall Street backers’ — tilt toward China and a weakened military, will lead to a constriction of American influence in Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere.
Trump strengthened the U.S. economy and the military, constrained China, prevented North Korea from testing new nuclear weapons, slowed Iran’s nuclear program and terrorism, supported peace initiatives for Israel, restrained Russian expansion, strengthened NATO, discouraged Russia from using Venezuela as a forward nuclear base, created strategic energy independence (with record low carbon emissions) — i.e., made the world safer for America and democracies.
Biden’s return to bureaucratic diplomatic channels, destruction of energy independence, and weakened military will make the world dramatically more dangerous for America and sets the stage for the Bitcoin revolution in 2021.
Our enemies will test Biden early and firmly in 2021. I expect a non deal with the UK and EU to create a banking crisis in the Bank of England. If this occurs the Fed will have to bail out their ally because this domino could quickly lead to a global depression. It took 32 months, two prime ministers, and nearly 30 votes in Parliament to extricate Britain from the European Union—and the hardest part of the negotiations started in January 2020 and they still are ongoing today!
The two sides have until the end of this year in 2020 to hammer out the terms of their future relationship. Because Britain is leaving the EU’s customs union, which allows the circulation of goods without duties, those talks will have to include a trade agreement. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he wants a quick solution, providing a tariff-free and quota-free exchange of goods. But EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has warned that a comprehensive deal is “basically impossible” to negotiate by year’s end. If this deal falls through the Bank Of England Central bank is set to fail very quickly. They already are using negative rates in several banks in the UK to stimulate and economy locked down by Johnson in March of 2020 due to The Great Facade called Covid. Take a look here to see what a no deal on Brexit means for interest rates on January 1, 2021. HYPERLINK
How likely is a deal? Listen to this video: HYPERLINK
China is already a Bitcoin power in mining and coin ownership. They have done this as a hedge to a massive Federal Reserve debasement in our fiat currency. Even the Chinese CCP is better prepared than most Americans. They would love to crash the Fed to bring in a new Bretton Woods era where they control the global Swift currency. The rest of the world feels the same way about the USA control of global currency. Since Nixon dropped the gold standard of Bretton Woods, the USA today only makes up 25% of the world GDP but we control 75% of global transaction because the US dollar is the currency of choice. This is not good for anyone but Americans. So what will China do to push Biden?
China will up the pressure on the South China Sea and Taiwan. They know the Hunter Biden scandal is real bad PR for the new president so they will use leverage to black mail him into a sweet deal for the CCP. Biden won’t let his second son die publicly. The American voter just elected a compromised leader and China will go hard after him. Expect confrontations early with China. Biden’s Wall Street backers will urge him to show patience with China to sustain their economic interests in Asia. This will drive BTC even higher as the crisis deepens in the Fourth Turning.
Frankly, I’d guess the over/under on America’s softening support for Taiwan and reducing forces in the South China Sea to be two years. Biden will cave to their demands and the USA will lose naval power in that region. Caving to the CCP worsens the economic decay and this is very bullish for BTC. I expect Hunter’s dealings with the CCP will harpoon Biden’s integrity. I bet this is when his medical/cognitive issues will be used as a play of sympathy. I see the 25th Amendment’s use somewhere in year two or three of Biden’s reign. If Biden is forced out, he saves face for his family, but this is probably the biggest bullish sign for BTC. Why? Kamala is gasoline for a total Federal Reserve collapse because she is further left than Biden. She will do things that end the Federal Reserve as we know it, and the industrial military complex will blame her instead of the Central Bank for the massive economic collapse. Harris will become Henry Wallace circa 1944, Henry Truman circa 1945, or Lee Harvey Oswald circa 1963 for the Deep State. She is the perfect fall person for The climax of the Great Facade.
The same can be said for Russian expansion in Ukraine or the Baltics. Biden and Harris will likely have already pissed off the EU by bailing out the UK in their dealings with the EU. This will lead to the next domino to drop in Russia. With Biden’s charm offensive to our European Union allies, Russian incursions will be met with a weaker NATO and calls for “diplomacy,” much the same way Europeans sat back, restrained the U.S., and watched systematic genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the U.S. finally acted (“under the United Nations flag”) to stop it. Expect Putin to be uber aggressive with Biden in Eastern bloc and in the middle East. Russia will incite Iran and Jordan to go after Israel. Israel best ally way Trump. Trump calmed the entire middle East down and Putin was very very quiet while Trump was in charge. “Red pilling” yourself with BTC immediately is the wisest decision you might ever make in your life before January 20th, 2021.
This blog gives you many of the domino’s I see in the macroeconomic world today on December 20th, 2020.
BTC take over will occur like a domino effect. Few see that today. A series of small changes will lead to massive crisis and collapse and a new global banking system. After all the time of neatly putting the pieces together for you here in this blog, one wrong move by any of the political and economic players, one moment of distraction by our enemies, and all of it comes falling down to ruin asset prices you spent a life time saving up. The domino effect will extend to every part of American life.
Most of my members and patrons will ignore these signs because of apathy. While ignoring all those moments that have already happened in this Fourth Turning, all the situations when we wanted or should have done something in 2008-2020, to make a move. Our leaders froze and kicked the can down the road until we elected a president with a cognitive disorder because we liked him better than the last guy. This is exactly what the industrial military complex wanted. They needed a figure head they could control and make the fall guy. We deserve what is coming, in my view. Our apathy and inaction made us comfortably numb and this allowed our American impulses take over; we put each of these macroeconomic dominos neatly one behind other. We thought we were invincible since WW2 because America has been the King of the Hill. All those soldiers who died in WW2 for the Bretton Woods agreement have died in vain because of the Federal Reserves actions from 1945 until today. And, in my opinion, in 2021 is when it comes crashing down around us. Any combination of these events will fuel a massive rise in BTC that most of you cannot fathom today.
A lot of you cared when you voted, just not enough cared. That is how apathy operates in the USA. All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions of incompetent bankers and politicians and to consume the propaganda the media feeds to the public. The irony of American culture is this, American youth attributes much more importance to arriving at driver’s license age than at voting age. Your way of life begins to end the moment you remain silent on topics that require you to speak up loudly about.
There is a toll to paid for apathy and inaction. The refusal to take sides on great economic/political issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to tyranny. The Tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction. That is why the forces behind Biden campaign committed treason to get power.
So, as Biden takes office, Trump’s documented record in domestic and foreign policy creates a clear scale for direct comparison. Unfortunately for the country whose assets are based in fiat money, Biden appears destined to fall flat on his face when you look at the monopoly board all around him. For those of you who have a BTC life raft, 2021 might be the greatest year of your life. Welcome to the Fourth Turning climax. Many dominos can begin the fall, and the ones that fall will determine how far and fast it all happens. Do not think your real estate investments are safe at all now. I have sold two homes in the last 90 days. Why did I do it?
Are you folks aware that right now CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid are selling off their store real estate like it’s going out of style? Why are profitable major businesses dumping commercial real estate at record rates now. Do they know something you guys who own houses are ignore? Look it up, they are selling off their real estate so they can be renters and finding either individuals or groups to buy the stores as investors/w leases. Might you be too apathetic to look it up? Then ask yourself why this is happening now? Then maybe you’ll understand what the Fourth Turning is really all about.
Your house is part of you portfolio and it might be an anchor that causes your drowning in this crisis.
It is the apathetic person who saw all the signs in the coming crisis unfold on TV in 2020 with their own eyes, while the charitable person sees the immediate need of the public and writes a blog about why they need a BTC life raft. I can present the material to you, but I cannot make you care. Apathy is a real bitch in an economic crisis. This is why people can be so close to a real answer, and never pull their own trigger to act on their behalf.