Health and wealth are linked in ways most cannot comprehend. What good is wealth if you have no health in which to use it? This simple idea tells you time is your most valuable asset.
What good was Steve Jobs or Paul Allen’s billions when both died of cancers in the mid 50’s?
We can use our BTC wealth to transform medicine by sponsoring researchers who study mitochondrial physiology in lab experiments that are done under sunlight versus laboratory light. Might that small change lead to an end of disease epidemics?
When we entertain our fantasies long enough we often find threads of Nature’s truths buried in them. The simplest things are the most profound.
Destiny can be changed but it requires the energy of sacrifice. Do you trust yourself right now to decide properly what it is that you ought to do?
Whatever one puts out into the Universe will come back to them. What will your payoff be?
Life requires our participation to happen. It does not happen by itself. If not now, when? If not you, who?
One must accept something in order to change it. Why do you accept less than you deserve?
Wherever you go, there you are. It is we who must change and not the people, places or things. All we are given is ourselves. That is the only thing we have control over. You are enough to make the change you need.
If there is something wrong in one’s life, there is something wrong in their environment. Will you learn to use new wealth to change what ails you?
We mirror what surrounds us, and what surrounds us mirrors us. You cannot get well in the same environment you got sick in.
Focus on the task. One cannot think of two things at the same time. Will you cling to what you know now, or sacrifice it for something different?
If one believes something to be true, then sometime in their life they will be called upon to demonstrate that truth. When will you act when fate knocks on your door?
One cannot be in the here and now if they are looking backward to examine what was or forward to worry about the future. Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, and old dreams prevent us from having new ones. Think about a sats life, not a fiat one.
History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path. No matter how many bad decisions where made, there is still time to change the road you’re on.
All rewards require initial toil. Toil is the toll energy requires for proper change conservation. Nothing worthwhile comes easy in life. Are you ready?
One gets back from something whatever they put into it. The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it. Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the whole. This is axiomatic of quantum mechanics. Lesser contributions have no impact on the whole, nor do they work to diminish it. If you do not get the desired result, do more.
The smallest or seemingly least important of things must be done because everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance. They are both needed to accomplish the task. Past, present, and future are all connected. We can shrink time when we are plugged into the correct things in life.
The news from Miami is great. Change is here. Jack Mallers onboarded a country and Jack Dorsey met with me and my tribe members in Miami for a two hour POW WOW. I will discuss the details of this with the rest of my tribe during our June Q & A.
- El Salvador President Nayib Bukele plans to introduce legislation that will make it the world’s first sovereign nation to adopt bitcoin as legal tender. This is a huge win for El Salvador but it may have just created the best solution for Black Swan mitochondriacs looking to get closer to the sun to improve their health. It also might have unlocked massive value for many because President Bukele also said there will be no long term capital gains on BTC in his country either. Anyone who owns BTC might have been given a huge gift today if they understand how to play it.
- Bukele said the country is partnering with digital payment company, Strike, to build modern financial infrastructure using bitcoin technology. I told you earlier in this series everyone needs to use the Strike App for payment rails and now you see why that advice was prescient. You’ll need it when you understand the US tax law that says anyone can transfer 200 dollars per day tax free with another countries legal tender. This is what a Black Swan does……..find a crack where the light can enter.
- Bukele’s New Ideas party has control over the country’s Legislative Assembly, so passage of the bill is very likely. This El Salvador headline was embedded in the 686,604th block of Bitcoin blockchain and shall remain there until the end of time.
- BTC has a market cap of $680 billion dollars. If 1% of it is invested in El Salvador, that would increase their GDP by 25%. It also adds 10 million users to the BTC network and that incluses 6 billion dollars in remittences to be on chain transactions improving the BTC network. Every BTC miner in the world has to be happy because it means more transactions and more security. A politician from Paraguay (@carlitosrejala) has posted a laser eyes photo and promised a bitcoin announcement this week. Just as we saw MicroStrategy start the domino effect for public companies, El Salvador will likely be a catalyst for other countries.
My 2 hour meeting with Jack Dorsey also revealed his plans around payment rails and global change and his plan to force Twitter to a 100% decentralized social media platform under the plan Blue Sky. He told me it should be done in 12-18 months. We met post sunset under red light without shoes on. For those of you who do not know Mr. Dorsey has followed my biologic teaching for ten years and recently relocated south to help solve some issues he was having. If you look at my Tweets during the Miami event you’ll see I was tweeting at him about his tan and lack of EMF use. He told us that he forgot his blue blockers at his house before he came to Miami. He also mentioned that as soon as he stepped off the plane in Miami he knew he would not feel well in this 5G mecca. He is quite bullish on what BTC means to regular people in the world and asked me to continue to onboard people into the BTC system before the bankers get in. He also told us how his failures at twitter are fueling his growth as a philanthropist in the next part of his life. It was a great conversation.
I spoke to Jack about an idea I got from ClubHouse to create an oasis for ex-pats using lightning networked nodes. It will use a distributed ledger technology, like blockchain, are peer-to-peer networks that enable multiple members to maintain their own identical copy of a shared ledger. Rather than requiring a central authority to update and communicate records to all participants, DLTs allow their members to securely verify, execute, and record their own transactions without relying on a middleman. In this way, we can move away from all institutions who are not trustworthy. We want a world without censorship.
While there are a wide variety of DLTs on the market, they are all comprised of the same building blocks: a public or private / permissioned / permissionless distributed ledger, a consensus algorithm (to ensure all copies of the ledger are identical), and a framework for incentivizing and rewarding network participation.
Distributed ledgers are categorized as “private” or “public” and “permissioned” or “permissionless” — they can be any combination of any of the two. To achieve full decentralization, I believe distributed ledgers must public permissionless networks. Mr. Dorsey seemed to like this idea and invited me to his house to discuss it and invest in it with me and why I want to use it for decentralized medical practice.
Public / Permissionless DLT is a type of network is the most decentralized. Applications can be deployed in production or removed, without having to notify anyone, reveal their identity, or meet any application criteria requirements. Additionally, the nodes which constitute the network can freely and anonymously join and contribute, typically in exchange for a network’s native cryptocurrency. In our case, I want that to be 100% BTC. He agrees. He sees no need for any other crypto and he told me this is why Square is a BTC only platform. It also speaks to how he values self sovereignty and a lack of censorship.
Why was I happy to see Mr. Dorsey smile at this idea? It told me he was someone who sees the world as I do. We have inalienable rights and no one should limit them.
Because central ledgers rely on intermediaries, they are burdened by the costs and inefficiencies of the middleman. DLTs do away with these limitations by avoiding middlemen and intermediaries altogether. Without a central agent, there is no need to pay a central agent. And, without the need for clunky bureaucracy, you can exchange assets directly and immediately. You no longer have to limit the speed of your transaction to the efficiency of expensive bankers, lawyers, or politicians. He gets why I love this idea.
Moreover, you no longer have to trust bankers, lawyers, or politicians with the ledger and your assets. DLTs are trustless systems, meaning that no participant needs to trust any other participant to guarantee a valid ledger.
Traditional ledgers may provide fast and simple record-keeping, but they are vulnerable to corruption and hacking. Because only one central entity controls the ledger, a corrupt central agent can tamper with the records without the consent or knowledge of the affected members. Moreover, because there is only one copy of the ledger, hackers have a clear, single target for their attacks. Without visibility into whether tampering has occurred, we must simply trust that the central third-party is neither corrupt nor compromised when we use a centralized ledger.
Distributed ledgers, however, are inherently resistant to tampering. While a malicious agent could compromise a central system by altering the single ledger, they would need to alter at least a plurality of ledgers to have an impact on a distributed system.
Though DLTs are not tamper-proof, they are tamper-apparent. That is, if tampering does occur, the network’s transparency ensures that all members of the network will be aware of the change. Once it is apparent all we would have to do is turn off the node that is the bad actor and that is all it takes to secure the network. This type of system could be used by a group of “Black Swans” who want to create their own 51st state virtually anywhere in the world. It offers self government by the people who participate with their own node in this network. This is the type of change I have wanted to see in the world to force change in many paradigms. I’m here to tell you Mr. Dorsey sees the new world in the exact same way and wants to invest in this idea.
Our centralized world has failed us. Mr Dorsey said this to all of us about Twitter’s censroship. He knows it must change and wants to be part of this change. The failure around Twitter has made him see where he needs to go.
Failure is the best teacher in Nature.
Mistakes are opportunities for error correction. Error correction is a sign of intelligence rising. Decide to embrace today’s fiat chaos.
A funny thing happens when you embrace the suck. A funny thing happens when you embrace your strengths or limitations – you become better able to embrace its opposite. This means you increasingly step into your true self and start to understand that failure is the best teacher.
See it as a gift: When you’re willing to accept your limitations, everyone around you breathes a bit easier. This is because when you accept your shortcomings, you create an environment of love and acceptance that helps helps everyone around you heal, themselves.
Karma is a lifestyle that promotes positive thinking and actions.
Karma is not meant to be a punishment. It is present for the sake of education. How else is someone to learn how to be a good person if they are never taught that harmful action is wrong? A person only suffers if they have created the conditions for suffering. You control your own destiny with the decisions you make and act upon.
The El Salvador news will likely bring up the topic of ending the dollar as a world global asset soon. This is a needed step before we get the BTC Standard. Why? The use of a national currency, such as the U.S. dollar, as global reserve currency always leads to tension between its national and global monetary policy. Every President since 1945 has faced this issue in one way or another. This is reflected in fundamental imbalances in the balance of payments, specifically the current account, as some goals require an outflow of dollars from the United States, while others require an overall inflow. This change always leads to massive trade imbalances. Many people do not realize that this is one reason why I believe the US Treasury wants to end the dollars reign as the global reserve currency. It now is a net negative to US economic growth at the end of this debt cycle.
The problems with the role of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency under the Bretton Woods system first manifested in 1959. This occurred due to money flowing out of the country through the Marshall Plan, U.S. military budget and Americans buying foreign goods, the number of U.S. dollars in circulation exceeded the amount of gold that was backing them in 1959.
By the autumn of 1960, an ounce of gold could be exchanged for $40 in the London market even though the official rate in the United States was $35. This price difference was due to price controls on gold in the US which was fixed by the US government in 1933 following the implementation of Executive Order 6102. In USD terms, the price of gold had not changed in 27 years, but this did not allow true price discovery by the free market. This price was fixed following the enactment of E.O. 6102, where the US government purchased gold from US citizens under threat of fines and/or jail time at a rate of $20.67/oz, then quickly revalued the gold to $35/oz.
In order to maintain the Bretton Woods system, the US had to run a balance of payments current account deficit to provide liquidity for the conversion of gold into U.S. dollars. With more US dollars in the system than were backed with gold under the Bretton Woods agreement, the US dollar was overvalued. The gold reserves of the United States were reduced as foreign governments converted US dollars to gold and took it offshore. This was due to price arbitrage.
This implies in a BTC Standard world no one will want to be considered the global reserve currency. It always leads to unintended consequences for the nation that has it. BTC solves this problem because it has no leader is 100% decentralized.
As with all price controls, this caused supply and demand imbalances and an arbitrage opportunity which rapidly depleted the United States gold reserves in the 1960s. This is when China and Europe began to buy gold at the US Treasury. This led to less gold in the country and caused the US Dollar to become even more overvalued relative to the US gold reserves, leading to a self-propagating cycle. Furthermore, the US had to run a balance of payments current account surplus to maintain confidence in the US dollar at this time. Ultimately, this is why in August 1971 the gold standard was ended by Nixon.
The United States was faced with a dilemma because it is not possible to run a balance of payments current account deficit and surplus at the same time. Nixon was prodded by Kissinger and his friends at the World economic forum to acknowledged the demise of the Bretton Woods system and let the US dollar float because of the superiority of the US miltitary to prop up the Federal Reserve. Nixon announced that the dollar could no longer be exchanged for gold. This solved the gold reserve problem but opened the door to public thievery of the politician and industrial military complex by allowing the Fed to expand the money supply and effectively steal money from the taxpayers of the US the last 50 years by debasing the currency.
In August of 1971 Nixon announced it as a temporary measure, it was to remain in effect for the last 50 years because stealing became a way of life for the Congress and Executive branch. When the “gold window” was closed for good a new problem began for America. Central bank inflation was born and is now a legalized form of counterfeiting and counterfeiting inside the beltway. This has become criminalized inflation of all US taxpayers.
Owning BTC solves this problem for the US taxpayer.
It seems Jack Mallers, Dorsey and Kruse all understand this and are on the same team now.
Post Miami, I remain wildly bullish on how BTC can change our world.