I received the following email in May of 2014.

“Dear Dr. Kruse –

I am reaching out to you for your advice. 10 years ago, when we were 32, my friend was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, usually diagnosed in elderly patients. The doctors had never seen it anyone so young get this disease.

After a period where she was told she would die, she found a specialist who got her on a program that has been working well and she has been living with it since 2008.

Four months ago she started to decline and was in and out of the hospital with pneumonia. She was most recently admitted to UCLA for 3 weeks with inflammation levels over 100 in her entire body.

The PH has progressed and now the doctors also suspect PVOD.

Her pulmonary lymph nodes are all glowing on the scans they also suspect lymphoma, although she does not have any other markers for that.

However, my friend’s husband tells me that really the doctors have NO IDEA what is going on with her fundamentally they seem stumped. She is a complete mystery to them. I feel this will not be a mystery to your community.  This is why I am sending this email to you.  I hope that is OK.

They want to do a lung biopsy but fear she is too fragile. She has been sent home and is due back in the hospital in 4 weeks when they will re-test her inflammation levels.

I would appreciate any feedback you may have, Dr. Kruse.

Thank you in advance for your help.

She lives in Los Angeles, California her whole life and works at Qualcomm.”

My ANSWER was given on 5/31/2014:

The environment is everything you see, but more importantly, everything you don’t see but your cells sense.

UV, IR, other EMF both non-native and native, magnetism, air quality, water quality (we can’t see how high something is in deuterium), food quality. All of these radically affect the lung surface topology in your friend because of the fake light and nnEMF in LA. She and her husband really need to do a consult with me and consider becoming a patient of mine after I do the consult if they agree with my work up and plan of action.  I want them to both know LA is also the home of horrible atmospheric pollution that fills the basin DAILY. The amount of RF from the broadcast is off the chain and it has altered the Van Allen belts above their heads to limit her ability to make Vitamin D from the Sterols in her skin.  This has increased her risk of PH.  The nnEMF of LA and its population is problem number two.

It is no wonder to me why she has a serious lung disease. It also blocks the amount of UVA, UVB, and IR light from the sun that gets through the atmosphere in LA and SD to help her regenerate and this ruins both autophagy and apoptosis in mitochondrial in her lungs. Because of these atmospheric changes, even in sunny southern California, you may not get enough balanced UV and IR sunlight) on your body surfaces. The lung is one of the surfaces where topology and the topologic charge are massively important in the control of hydrogen flow in her body especially in mitochondria.  At night, her body may not even realize it’s night due to lack of connection to the earth and artificial lights, because NO ONE at UCLA even knew that melanopsin was present in the eye, skin/fat to cause chronic inflammatory damage. In fact, the skin damage she got from the blue light likely made her lungs worse daily. Why? All opsin are loosely bound to Vitamin A and as Vitamin A drops it causes circadian mismatches at all surfaces because melatonin levels drop and this ruins cell membrane function which the lung relies upon.

Add in makeup, her clothing, the use of sunscreen, makeup, and sunglasses that are trendy in LA and you see it all unfold in front of your eyes. It is not a rare problem in LA.

FOLLOW UP done yesterday:  This lady and her husband did many consults with me and they became clients of mine in El Salvador.  She called me and her latest follow-up at UCLA shows she has no evidence of PH 6 years later.  She no longer works for Qualcomm and she now resides in Central America at the 9th latitude.  She also told me she never got COVID and had no pulmonary flareups during the pandemic.

Artificial light exposure at night blunts melatonin secretion and melatonin is WHAT REPAIRS mtDNA and increases mitophagy which is what autophagy is called in mitochondria. Your friend needs this big time because she is getting ready to lose apoptosis next and she already might have if her nodes are lymphoma (wisdom of May 2018 webinar). This is worse for young children or people who live in cities with a big nightlife and with lots of people who use technology devices (LA). New parents and big city DWELLER should consider some sort of screen-time-restriction and blue blockers for their eyes and skin.  Vitamin D via your skin is crtical to reversing lung diseases.








You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution.

Bitcoin must remain the most secure decentralized system in the world. It is Bitcoin’s decentralization that makes its users totally resistant to government censorship. If the fruits of your labor are stored within the Bitcoin network, no one can tell you how to use them, or take them away from you for arbitrary reasons.

This is what all Bitcoin users are looking for above all else. BTC is the last bastion of the virus that infected our colonist Founding Fathers. The latest iteration of our government is an embarrassing shell of our Constitutional Republic.

As long as Bitcoin has the fundamental properties it has today, not even the banning of governments can prevent its adoption by the general public. We The People still have a chance to make a more perfect union and BTC is the wedding ring to seal that deal.

Once a popular currency revolution like bitcoin is underway, there is no way to stop it. The powerful at the helm of the current system will have to accept it and adapt, or risk being totally overtaken in the future by the Bitcoin revolution.

So with this all said, who stands benefit from recent events?

CZ of Binance sits on the Twitter board and Jack Dorsey is one of the largest shareholders in the private takeover by Elon Musk.  Musk has tried for 25 years to disintermediate banks via his work at Paypal. Dorsey has convinced Must the using Bitcoin and the Lightning Network on Twitter is the best way to finish the job PayPal began.  Musk also owns over a billion dollars of Bitcoin.  Dorsey owns more than ten times that amount.  Musk cobbled together fiat financing through a variety of sources, including his own money from selling Tesla shares via his private account at Morgan Stanley.  MS wants to sell and custody Bitcoin for its clients.  Clearing a comprised exchange from the pavement makes a lot of sense. Musk raised $12.5 billion from banks to buy Twitter, with Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Barclays each committing to $2.5 billion.  Did you know that 7 days after taking Twitter private Musk applied for a money transfer license?  Musk is not interested in free speech, he is interested in how money is going to change soon.

Most of us have been watching with rapt attention, but for those who missed the series of events, it went something like this:

  • Over the last month, SBF aroused the ire of Crypto Twitter with its pronouncements on industry regulation.
  • Last week, CoinDesk published an expose on SBF-aligned trading house Alameda that questioned its solvency.
  • Over the weekend, on Sunday, CZ of Binance announced that Binance would be dumping FTT token based on those recent concerns.
  • CZ’s comments initiated an exodus, as professional asset managers raced to get their assets off of FTX. SBF’s remarks on Monday that Binance was maliciously targeting FTX did nothing to stem the bleeding.
  • The bank run at FTX led to more than $6B in withdrawals from FTX in 24 hours before they stopped being able to process them.
  • By Tuesday midday, SBF shocked the non BTC “crypto world” by announcing that Binance had signed a non-binding LOI to acquire FTX.
  • By Wednesday afternoon, CZ had backed out of the deal and the WSJ was reporting that the hole on FTX’s balance sheet was $8B.  How convenient.
  • On Thursday, the Bahamas securities regulator – where the crypto exchange is officially headquartered – partially froze FTX’s assets and moved to appoint a liquidator for one of its affiliates.

The situation is still rapidly evolving, but the emotions being processed by the crypto industry are as immense as anything we’ve ever seen. Disbelief, shock, betrayal, apathy, disgust.

So ask yourself, who benefits from this SBF blowup?  Incentives determine outcomes. The answers are the 6 primary dealers who broker money/UST for the Federal Reserve stand to gain it a lot of regulatory power if SBF influence ends in Washington DC.


You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution.

So governments have chosen to go after media/VC created cypto revolutionaries, but they can’t kill the Bitcoin revolution. It has grown far too big now.  So now they want to control it.  They want to control the on and off ramps.  I will be discussing this and many more macro idea on November 15th for clients.  I hope some of you join my tribe at info@Kruseatdestin.com

People cannot give up on Bitcoin, because it is already their best option in every way. Bitcoin makes it easy for them to make everyday payments while protecting their wealth. Exchanges now can be made via Telegram or WhatsApp like what has happened in Nigeria to avoid possible checks by the Central Bank of any country.

Payment in fiat currency is then made via a simple bank transfer so that no mention is made of the cryptocurrency transaction.

Consider the current situation in Nigeria. Merchants also see Bitcoin as an incredible tool for trading across borders while avoiding some exorbitant taxes. As the most populous country in Africa, Nigeria also has a strong diaspora around the world. Nigerians simply want to use the most convenient and advantageous system for their commercial or personal exchanges.

Bitcoin is the most convenient system right now and today’s macro environment is highlighting BTC use to a government.

You can’t stop a revolution like Bitcoin that meets the expectations of an entire globe of people.

It is all the more difficult when the political powers in any country are not able to offer a real alternative to monetary failure.

Any attempt of the USA and its Wall Street bankers to control Bitcoin will only strengthen its existence and use. This is already happening elsewhere in the world when governments ban Bitcoin and tighten controls on its use.

This is a lesson for us all.

The events around FTX were always about control.

Like anything in life, truth has its price. Are you willing to pay it for your health? Your wealth?

The American public doesn’t know that an economic reset has been set by the power brokers, and the taxpayer doesn’t even know that they don’t know.  But they do know this epic blow up of SBF has implications. The bankers have been focused on COVID for 2 years by those helping the Fed by design. COVID was a compliance test for the greatest wealth transfer in human history. SBF was just another part in the bankers plan that got executed this week.  They had to fracture the relationship of VCs to Gary Gensler and Congress.  SBF was the lever.  The Fed needs their Wall Street proxies in control of how Bitcoin becomes the people’s money.  Be ready for the rest of the plan.  Fed banks will soon be custodian of BTC they sell to the masses.

Just like FTX, when ETHER collapses it will be obvious that the signals were everywhere.   Convert to BTC while and if you can.

There is a reason EO 6102 was placed in the Genesis block.

Remember, not your keys not your coins.


It has been estimated that approximately 30% of all cancer cases are attributable to diet and lifestyle.  This “belief” is tied to a misunderstanding of how our genome is affected by hypermethylation.  The process of methylation is one of the software programmed by sunlight that is a key epigenetic controller of DNA expression.   Folate is a natural water-soluble B vitamin.  That water comes from mitochondrial metabolism.  Solar exposure creates that water.  If you do not get sun you do not create water and your folate levels will suffer.

Folate helps reduce depressive symptoms in the brain. Natural folate is needed in the brain for the synthesis of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Sunlight also increases melatonin production at the same time.  Melatonin is made from tryptophan.  All of them are substrates that have seasonal variations.

Folate is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9. Before entering your bloodstream, your digestive system converts it to the biologically active form of vitamin B9 ⁠— 5-MTHF.

Folate’s synthetic form is folic acid.

Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 that’s also known as pteroylmonoglutamic acid.

It’s used in supplements and added to processed food products, such as flour and breakfast cereals.

Unlike folate, not all of the folic acid you consume is converted into the active form of vitamin B9 — 5-MTHF — in your digestive system. Instead, it needs to be converted in your liver or other tissues.

Yet, this process is slow and inefficient in some people. After taking a folic acid supplement, it takes time for your body to convert all of it to 5-MTHF.  Folate doesn’t equal folic acid. Folic acid doesn’t operate on DNA like folate does.

Folate functions as a donor of one-carbon units and it has been implicated in the regulation of DNA methylation as well as DNA synthesis.  Folate is affected by UVB light you experience or do not experience.  It is destroyed by excessive amounts of UVB.  This makes it a very responsive “photoelectronic switch” to control the genome by changes that begin in the mitochondrial matrix.

Epidemiological studies suggest that suboptimal levels of folate and other B vitamins may affect DNA methylation rates and thereby influence genomic stability and cancer risk, although the exact underlying mechanisms have not been clarified.  Almost every study that used these two B vitamins (B12/folate) in cancer cases has failed to produce the effect the belief that dietary sources of these vitamins might prevent cancer has failed.

The Black Swan Mitochondriac perspective is quite different from these vitamins.  The proper amount of B12 and folate are built by the sun in the latitude you live and impacted by your skin color and your skin filters for sunlight by your SNP’s.

UV radiation may destroy blood folates in test tubes, but clinical data are scarce if it happens in life. Folate deficiency may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, colorectal carcinoma, megaloblastic anemia, pregnancy and birth complications, depression, and dementia.

Melanin pigments are important regulators for color and photochemistry of the evolution of essential functions of human skin. Melanin is the main ‘quencher’ of superoxide created at cytochrome one of the mitochondria to limit photoreceptor damage in cytochromes.  I believe this effect is critical in protection from diseases like Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s disease.  See where melanin comes from:  aromatic amino acids with action spectra in the UV range.

The concentration of melanin, as well as its depth distribution, is strongly affected by ultraviolet radiation and its absorption.  You must have your skin and eye in the game to activate melanin, and if you are in blue light you must realize this destroys melanin.  Hence, why I said diabetes and PD are both blue light diseases.

In un-tanned skin, melanin pigments are found only in the basal layer of the epidermis, while in tanned skin it is distributed throughout the epidermis. In the eye is it found in the RPE.   So far, mainly the amount of melanin, and not its distribution, has been considered in view of skin photobiology. With an advanced radiative transfer model, investigations have shown how the depth distribution of melanin influences the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches living cells in the epidermis and thus can affect folate and B12 levels positively or negatively and affect repair or damage the DNA in the cells.

The radiative skin simulations have been performed for average pigmented skins (type III-IV). Researchers got surprised yet again because they are solar light ignorant.  This is why dementia continues to perplex researchers in Big Pharma.  Pills cannot build neural networks but the refinement of solar light can. Folate is created by photosynthesis and is found in food webs.  This is how light is refined to become folate.

They reported “a surprisingly large factor”, up to 12, is found between the ultraviolet protection of skin with melanin distributed throughout the epidermis, and skin with melanin only in the basal layer of the epidermis. This is how the skin can vary its own optical penetration to meet the mitochondrial redox needs of the tissue below.  Our system is very dynamic with respect to incident light coming through our skin.  These researchers do not realize how adaptative we are to terrestrial sunlight.

The clue was in their own work they showed that the synthesis of pre-vitamin D3, in the skin, can vary by more than 100% if the depth distribution of melanin is changed, while the degradation of folate in dermal blood is almost unaffected by variations in the melanin depth distribution.  This has huge implications for Black Swan’s understanding of how mitochondrial diseases manifest as heteroplasmy increases.


An early review of potential problems with mass folic acid supplementation of the food supply was undertaken by Lucock and Yates. Here, they noted that a drastic increase in folates could lead to a selection for the previously rare MTHFR genetic substitution of T for C at area 677 (MTHFR C677T), and that if folic acid is supplemented at doses above 400 mcg that unmetabolized folic acid will circulate in the blood supply at a level largely consistent with the excess dose. In 2005, Lucock and Yates noted that high levels of folic acid in the blood does not generally occur as a result of ingesting natural folates and that “no work has been done so far to evaluate the biological and genetic consequences of excess long term exposure” to these circulating folic acids. After that review, there were two separate findings of unexpected increases in asthma and breathing problems associated with folic acid use.

It now appears clear that excessive methyl donor transfer has epigenetic effects in humans.  This work dovetailed with another review questioning the wisdom of mass folic acid supplementation published in 1996. Smith et al. pointed out that by supplementing the food supply; several hundred thousands of persons are exposed to greatly increased levels of folic acid.

These authors noted that prior research had shown that expectant mothers with low vitamin B-12 (vegans/vegetarians) AND high levels of folic acid were associated with offspring having an unexpected increased risk for insulin resistance and diseases associated with this condition.  Folate

Troen et al. found that some women past childbearing age subjected to high folic acid supplementation may be at risk for reduced immune system functioning causing inflammatory autoimmune conditions to spike.  I believe this link is big for disease risk like autism.

Decreased terrestrial sunlight also lowers serotonin levels. Given that the relationship between sunshine and serotonin is probably a multimediated phenomenon, one contributory facet may be the role of sunshine on human skin. Human skin has an inherent serotonergic system that appears capable of generating serotonin.

In addition to other body sites (e.g., brain, gut, platelets), serotonin is present in human cutaneous tissue. This conclusion is founded upon the discovery that the machinery of the serotonergic system is present in the skin. For example, tryptophan hydroxylase, the initial enzyme in the synthesis of serotonin, is found in human skin.  Likewise, serotonin and serotonin transporters have been detected in human keratinocytes, the predominant cell type (90%) in the epidermis. This leads to the deduction that mammalian skin can actually produce serotonin.  Stated in scientific prose, Slominski et al. posit that human skin expresses intrinsic serotonin biosynthetic pathways. Slominski et al also point out the common embryological ectodermal origin of the brain and the epidermis, which supports the presence in both of similar biological elements. These researchers even suggest that the cutaneous serotonergic system may be the evolutionary remnant of an ancestral system that operated primarily in the periphery.

In addition, terrestrial solar light has been reported to influence the binding of serotonin at the serotonin 1A receptor site, with lower light levels associated with lower binding levels in the cortical and subcortical limbic regions of the brain affecting psychiatric diseases.

SUNLIGHT reduces all these risks and it appears nature is trying to tell us that the sun lowers folate in foods in the summertime for a deep reason.  That reason is epigenetic hypermethylation which can lead to sleep apnea and cancer formations later in life.  It also alters how RBC can work within their circadian cycles with the innate immune system and TOLL receptors.

Folate is destroyed by strong sunlight with both UVA and UVC light.  Dark skin protects the stores we have, but there is now proof that folate levels are designed to be low when the solar radiation is strong in the local environment.  These days most people are eating food humans have engineered or altered in some way.  This throws off the normal variation of the natural folate cycle during seasons.  Today, people in developed countries are getting MASSIVE amounts of folates in the form of folic acid. Folates are now being ingested in three ways: as natural folates from food, as synthetic folic acid added to processed grains and synthetic vitamin supplements.

As a result of the supplementation, the circulating level of unmetabolized folic acid, as well as total folates, has greatly increased over the past generation, probably to levels largely unprecedented in human history.

Folic acid has been shown to be able to epigenetically alter the functioning of the genome and to have long term effects on gene expression as I mentioned above.

The Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Safety Datalink data set compared children with autism to control children on several variables. Many people who think the link of vaccines to autism might be shocked to find out that folic acid supplementation during gestation is associated with a serious increased risk for autism. This effect remains even when health-seeking behaviors and other variables are controlled.  This is information parents of kids with AUTISM need to know.  Autism, asthma, allergy, ectopy, eczema, diabetes T1D, T2D, and MODY,  auto-immunity, and spinal abnormalities have their lowest incidence is lowest in equatorial environments and it appears now we know why this is the case.



Slominski A, Wortsman J, Tobin DJ. The cutaneous serotoninergic/melatoninergic system: securing a place under the sun. FASEB J. 2005;19:176–194.

Spindelegger C, Stein P, Wadsak W, et al. Light-dependent alteration of serotonin-1A receptor binding in the cortical and subcortical limbic regions in the human brain. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2012;13:413–422.

Lambert GW, Reid C, Kaye DM, et al. Effect of sunlight and season on serotonin turnover in the brain. Lancet. 2002;360:1840–1842.

Cheng YS, Chen KC, Yang YK, et al. No seasonal variation in human midbrain serotonin transporter availability in Taiwan. Psychiatry Res. 2011;194:396–399.

Praschak-Rieder N, Willeit M, Wilson AA, et al. Seasonal variation in human brain serotonin transporter binding. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65:1072–1078.



Big tech has done a lousy job of solving healthcare problems by design because they were told to miss the fundamental point of how doctors and patients interact in a decentralized fashion.  Hospitals paid for the design of algorithms that mine the data they collect.

How that data is mined creates the reality between the doctor and patient.  That algorithm is a centralized medical tool.  When you speak to your doctor that information has no input from an algorithm.  The public has no idea how that one small thing affects their health.  Today’s blog is being written to explain to you how this happens.  I will also explain to you how I saw this impact patients’ care I was involved with recently and lead to a suboptimal outcome.

If you do not understand how centralized healthcare is harming you you will be impotent to avoid its collateral effects.

Physicians need to ask themselves the following question:  How did we get manipulated, my fellow doctors? Did we screw ourselves by allowing machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and algorithms (algos) to get between us and our patients in the doctor-patient relationship?

From Google to Apple to 23andMe, many major tech companies have gotten into the health research space. Where is the physician’s role in this business? We have our patient’s best interests in mind and we should be the gatekeepers of research as a care ancillary at the point of care, implemented to benefit our patients well being and improve health outcomes. Shouldn’t we?

When hospitals gave Google’s AI the ability to mine tech-created data of electronic medical charts the battle was lost.  Physicians never realized that the EMR was medicine’s Trojan horse.

GOOGLE’s algorithm playbook was simple.  Copy and paste the Big Pharma business plan.  Create illness and solutions for sickness and you win with profits.

This algorithm data grab by Google was never an attempt to solve complex healthcare problems. Hubris and funding without contextual knowledge are a dangerous combination. Why do we keep waiting to get invited to this party when we should be the ones hosting it and driving the discussion?


Individuals need a mechanism to ensure they have equal or stronger control over their personal information in the EMR.  Only the programmer who worked for the healthcare company knows for sure why the algo was created in the way it was and they have the code and you don’t.  Without the code and knowing what it does, you are blinded to what is most likely going to be recommended and will happen to you.

The public will come to realize that the secret of Data Science algorithms is not good. It was supposed to illuminate the truth, but the coders have written the software to remove all ideas, all concepts, in order to hide the truth to have a chance to profit from the deception. Right now data scientists are hiding this reality from everyone. The government has allowed healthcare companies to hire physicians so that healthcare companies could limit competition and then introduce the use of algorithms to replace proper medical advice. That is what is going on globally. Governments want physicians replaced by Artificial Intelligence because they believe it saves money. They could care less if it actually works.


All healthcare codes need to be fully audited by those who are subjected to their effect.  This idea is simple.  Every medical algo needs to have a proof of reserve audit before it can be approved for use by the FDA.  Today we are asking blockchain technology in crypto exchanges to use proof of reserve before they can sell any coins of value.  Why aren’t we doing the same in healthcare?


Who does the FDA work for?  It is not patients.  It is industry.  Specifically, centralized healthcare. 

Healthcare payers and Wall Street are 100% connected in profit creation.  When you see how they create the problems, you begin to see how the issues with algorithms can lead to poor outcomes via bad advice.  The FDA is charged with identifying these bad algos, but they have done a horrible job in creating an adequate regulatory audit trail to make sure the algo codes for accountability to the centralized healthcare players.  Public health is failing because of this lack of control. See COVID and vaccine mandates as a recent example.

We should be able to trace every transaction and follow ‘its’ path in an audit trail, same applies to healthcare but we never get to see those outside the clinical side where certification and rigid standards are the norms for medical record vendors.

In making this comparison, we have the same issues too with checking “new” algorithms in healthcare and working from the blindside with payers. One true fact that holds anywhere is that sometimes we don’t know exactly what some algorithms may do, like under a perfect storm scenario.

Usually, in healthcare, it leads to an insurance claim rejection or something along that line. Just as the trading houses are running data over many exchanges, we have the same thing happening in healthcare with data touching many areas and accountability is a top concern.

On Wall Street, they want brokers to audit the algorithms and in healthcare, first of all, we need to see them, and when it comes right down to it, they should be filed in a digital format so one can watch one operate with some fictitious sample data.

Actually, that’s a good idea for future laws to incorporate some of those. One state legislature in New Jersey is on to this and has a bill with statutes that would allow health insurance algorithms to be audited as to how they were put together (computer code) as well.

BITCOIN LEDGERS ON BLOCKCHAINS are fully transparent in this way.

Nothing in health care is.  There is ‘the problem.’

How does this change your health?


Electronic medical records are really a billing device and a patient data aggregation sales device for hospitals. We should call them electronic billing records instead of EMRs. We should start telling patients their data is being sold without their knowledge. Doctors and patients are on the menu,  not at the table. This is how the centralized system cheats with algorithms.

Algorithms make patterns they don’t break them. This means they have no creative or innovative potential. The intent of the algo is found in its digital design. That design is done by human action. That action is based on math. That math doesn’t lie, but humans do. Only humans using algorithms nefariously leave their fingerprints in the design of the code.

To find out who screwed you, you have to understand the mathematical design of the algo. The system behind the design always will hide in the shadows because you have to understand the math and purpose of the algo to decipher intent. Criminals use this because the law does not have expertise in coding. This is why coders believe “code is law.

Healthcare corporations now use coding to enforce their beliefs on doctors using algos. They tell physicians that coding is designed to data mine in an evidence-based fashion.  the fact is, it is not.  It is designed to generate the most profit. What they never tell anyone is that the algos they built determine what becomes evidence-based. “Code is law” is a form of regulation whereby technology is used to enforce existing rules of the system who paid the coder. 

This raises the key questions:

1. As law and code converge, what is the responsibility of software developers?

2. What about those who paid the coders to give the result they want in an algo that sift patient data?

The social overlap between my legal friends and my blockchain colleagues, whether on the business or technical side, is remarkably small. It’s surprising given how closely related the two fields are. In fact, I can’t imagine a meaningful blockchain conversation that doesn’t quickly escalate into a regulatory or legal rabbit hole. However, there’s one conversation that reliably comes up in both circles: Is code is law?

My blockchain colleagues on Clubhouse, especially the more technical ones, use the phrase “code is law” to suggest that code — for example, software that usually underlies a smart contract — will one day in the future replace the law. They believe that code will one day be the final authority. Accordingly, if a code has an inadvertent glitch and performs in an unexpected, perhaps unfair way, they would shrug their shoulders and respond: “Well, code is the law.”

I have yet to find a lawyer or regulator who shares this view.

In medicine, physicians are beginning to understand how healthcare systems are gaming public health systems for their profit.  We really saw it during the pandemic.

Equitable treatment by the health care system really is a civil rights issue.  Very few in centralized healthcare see it this way.  Those of us who embrace decentralized medicine understand the risks of letting algos run our healthcare systems.  The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the many ways in which existing societal inequities produce healthcare inequities — a complex reality that humans can attempt to comprehend, but that is difficult to accurately reflect in an algorithm. The promise of AI in medicine was that it could help remove bias from a deeply biased institution and improve healthcare outcomes and save money; instead, it threatens to automate the bias in the system.  Here is where code is law fails those subject to a “software judge.”

If anything, the view in my medical-legal, and regulatory circles is the opposite. Legal practitioners and regulators, unsurprisingly, believe in the rule above all and cannot imagine a world where equities and circumstances are ignored.

The CFTC commissioner recently remarked in a speech, “I have heard some say that ‘the code is law,’ meaning that if the software code permits it, an action is allowed. I disagree with this fundamental premise. Case law, statutes, and regulations are the law. They apply to the code, just as they apply to other activities, contracts, or agreements.” This speech is cited below. He explained, “It is certainly possible that the software code does not represent the entirety of the participants’ agreement and must be interpreted in connection with traditional contract law concepts like good faith and fair dealing.” In other words, the rule of law trumps computer-generated code.

It was Lawrence Lessig, in his article of the same name and the book, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, who coined the phrase “code is law.” But when Lessig first used the phrase, he didn’t have in mind its contemporary usage. Lessig doesn’t argue that if software code permits an action, it is necessarily allowed. And he definitely doesn’t argue that software will replace the law.

Rather, when he wrote that “code is law,” Lessig was arguing that the internet should incorporate constitutional principles. Lessig astutely observed early on that the software that underlies the very architecture and infrastructure of the internet governs it as a whole. But who decides what the rules of code are? Who are the architects behind these code-based structures? There is an obvious and troublesome lack of transparency.

There are ways to undo it. Open-source software, if built correctly, can provide substantive protections such as freedom of speech on the internet. This is the path that Satoshi took in creating his algo.  Just like the U.S. Constitution has built-in checks on power to guarantee various freedoms, the internet should include built-in transparency measures to protect the freedoms of its users.

Though it admittedly sounds a bit futuristic, I can certainly imagine a future in which computers, software, the internet, artificial intelligence, and other machine learning technology replace today’s legal system, at least some aspects of it. Will software replace the law, our legal framework, and institutions, completely? It may happen, though likely not in our lifetime. Until then, perhaps part of the law could be automated through code in the near future.

As law and code converge, what is the responsibility of software developers? Should they take steps to protect our freedoms more intentionally? What do you think?


Artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic decision-making systems — algorithms that analyze massive amounts of data and make predictions about the future — are increasingly affecting Americans’ daily lives. People are compelled to include buzzwords in their resumes to get past AI-driven hiring software to get a job. Algorithms are deciding who will get housing or financial loan opportunities. And biased testing software is now forcing minority students and students with disabilities to grapple with increased anxiety that they may be locked out of their exams or flagged for cheating. But there’s another frontier of AI and algorithms that should worry us greatly: the use of these systems in centralized medical care and treatment.

Some algorithms used in the clinical space are severely under-regulated in the U.S. The U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and its subagency the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA is tasked with regulating medical devices — with devices ranging from a tongue depressor to a pacemaker and now, medical AI systems. While some of these medical devices (including AI) and tools that aid physicians in treatment and diagnosis are regulated, other algorithmic decision-making tools used in clinical, administrative, and public health settings — such as those that predict the risk of mortality, the likelihood of readmission, and in-home care needs — are not required to be reviewed or regulated by the FDA or any regulatory body.

This lack of oversight can lead to biased algorithms being used widely by hospitals and state public health systems, contributing to increased discrimination against patients.  Most physicians are unaware of what this healthcare algos were designed to do.

For example, in 2019, a bombshell study cited below found that a clinical algorithm many hospitals were using to decide which patients need care was showing racial bias.  Black patients had to be deemed much sicker than white patients at admission to be recommended for the same care. This happened because the algorithm had been trained on past data on healthcare spending, which reflects a history in which black patients had less to spend on their healthcare compared to white patients, due to longstanding wealth and income disparities. While this algorithm’s bias was eventually detected and corrected, the incident raises the question of how many more clinical and medical tools may be similarly discriminatory.

Another algorithm, created to determine how many hours of aid Arkansas residents with disabilities would receive each week, was criticized after making extreme cuts to in-home care. This is also cited below.  Some residents attributed extreme disruptions to their lives and even hospitalization to the sudden cuts. A resulting lawsuit found that several errors in the algorithm, errors in how it characterized the medical needs of people with certain disabilities, were directly to blame for inappropriate cuts made. The data they mined was from EMRs. Despite this outcry, the group that developed the flawed algorithm still creates tools used in health care settings in nearly half of U.S. states as well as internationally.

Another recent study cited below found that an AI tool trained on medical images, like x-rays and CT scans, had unexpectedly learned to discern patients’ self-reported race. It learned to do this even when it was trained only with the goal of helping clinicians diagnose patient images! This technology’s ability to tell patients’ race, even when their doctor cannot, could be abused in the future by insurers or employers, or unintentionally direct worse care to minority communities without detection or intervention.


I was just involved in a case where the opinion of one surgeon was based upon a treatment algo for a brain tumor decision-making.  The recommendation was made to the patient and family not to proceed with surgery based on variables found in the patient’s EMR. When I was brought into the case I asked a simple question, why was surgery refused option for this patient?  The answer of the primary surgeon was, “that our algorithm analytics recommended against it.”  I then asked him, “what did your analytics tell you to recommend and you do in this case?  He said, I recommend and do what is evidenced based on our algorithm.”  I asked him if he had any input in the algos creation.  He said he did not.  I asked him, “then how do you know if it is evidence-based?”  He looked at me puzzled.  It never occurred to him that the coder was paid to give that answer.

I asked the young surgeon if he knew what happened to the patient since his advice was given.  He said he did not.  I told him that the patient spent the last 4 weeks in an ICU with many complications from inaction.  The 4 weeks of delay in treatment cost the insurance carrier over one million dollars. Moreover, the patient’s situation declined further in the ICU as a coma set in.  I told him I came in as a second opinion and I gave the advice to remove the tumor at once to limit the symptoms of the patient even though the surgical risks of surgery were substantial.  The time the patient spent in the ICU created massive risks for the patient as well.  It also created massive profits for the hospital and losses for the insurer.  I removed the tumor and the patient did not spend one night in the ICU.  the person was discharged to rehab in three days.

When I saw the young surgeon in the parking lot, I asked the young doctor if you knew about the case outcome once I came in.  He said he did.  I asked him about the algorithm he relied on.  I said, ‘do you know who created it and why it was created?’  He said no.  I told him it was created by a software engineer who was contracted by the hospital system to create the evidence he dispensed.  I then explained that the algo created a million-dollar bill for the profit of his employer, which I shared with him.  He responded to me, he did what the evidence-based algo told him to. He told me he did nothing wrong and he followed the protocols that were in the medical staff bylaws of the hospital.

This young physician was installed as department chair of neurosciences by the administrators of the hospital.  He told me that he was instructed when he was hired, as an employed physician by the healthcare system, that he had to follow evidenced-based “tools” the hospital had purchased for his specialty.  So, from his perspective, “he was just doing his job.”

Now, what do you think about “code is law?”


1. https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/SpeechesTestimony/opaquintenz16





Here are a few thought-stimulating papers in this issue by Skutsch et al. They noted that COVID-19 deaths per million were higher in South America than in either EU & North America, Asia, Africa, & Oceania had death rates only a 1/5 of those in South America.  This data came out in  Vol 5 No 3 (2022): Melatonin Research.  Since the world just went through COVID I thought I’d use this publication to show you how important the creation and maintenance of the production of melatonin is in your mitochondria.  Many people are unaware that most melatonin in mammals is not made in the pituitary gland.  It is actually made in your mitochondria under the control of UV/IR-A light.

In 1958, an America Dermatologist was doing research removing cow pineal glands to see how melatonin levels would change. Obviously, there should be no melatonin left anywhere in the body if we believed in conventional wisdom.

Yet, the dermatologist found melatonin was still present in the blood!  (Cite 6)

Mitochondrial melatonin  (cite 15-17 below) also controls mitochondrial autophagy and apoptosis.  This means mitochondrial biology self-regulates itself using AM sunlight to regenerate every photoreceptor in your body.

Mother Nature put melatonin EVERYWHERE in our bodies where mitochondria are located.

Melatonin is made in your:

Eye (lens, retina, ciliary body, Inner ear)


Immune cells (T cells have the highest concentration of any cell)

Gut (there is 400 times more melatonin in your gut than your pineal gland)


Ovaries and testes

Whatever organ you can name with mitochondria, melatonin has been found to be made there without the pineal gland present.

Getting back to the COVID story you can begin to see why so many people with low Vitamin D states and diseases that have low vitamin D levels would get this disease.  It also highlights why telling people to stay inside was a public health failure.

They found that the COVID-19 death rate was strongly associated with overweight & HIGH latitudes but not with the vaccine coverage percentage in these countries  = lack of sun was a big deal because these people had too little melatonin production.

In an attempt to explain differences, they hypothesized: (1) In overweight people there is less penetration of near-infrared radiation (NIR) to the depth of important organs; stimulation of these organs by NIR would result in elevated production of mitochondrial melatonin.  In overweight people, fatty tissue holds much of the body´s 25(OH)Vitamin D3 leaving less circulating in the blood making it less systemically protective.  The hypothesis advanced by Skutsch et al. receives support from an article by Zimmerman and Reiter published also in the issue I mentioned above.

They observed large quantities of melatonin, greater than 5 pg/ml min ramp rates for plasma and sweat melatonin, have been detected during strenuous exercise in sunlight as compared to 0.15 pg/ml min ramp rates for plasma melatonin under dim light melatonin onset conditions.

This difference is in excess of 30-fold! Sunlight contains high levels of NIR which likely stimulate mitochondrial melatonin production to help T-regulator cells fight disease.  High-latitude terrestrial light generally has less NIR irradiation and excessive weight restricts NIR penetration to important organs such as the lungs and heart involved in COVID.

Thus, both obesity and high latitude are factors that limit local melatonin production and compromise the protective effects of locally-produced melatonin in these important organs.  This is why we saw people with obesity and co-morbidities die from this disease.  Almost no one died from COVID unless they had co-morbidities. These observations not only apply to C-19 patients but to other disorders including diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and seasonal depression.

This new data implies that if you have better mitochondria, then you make more melatonin! Not only do you stave off pretty much every disease known to man, you also get better sleep! This also explains how people with conventionally defined mitochondrial diseases have poor sleep (cite 18). This would imply that “high heteroplasmy rates” (see above: many poorly functioning mitochondria = disease) lead to poor sleep. So, if you do things for your mitochondria you’re doing big things for sleep!  This is why poor sleep is a proxy for mitochondrial damage.

Another implication of this relationship between melatonin as an antioxidant is that being under oxidative stress would enhance melatonin production. The most important example is ultraviolet (UV) light which triggers the eventual production of melatonin by triggering anti-oxidant defense mechanisms (cite 19).

This brings us to a secondary role of melatonin, it is the conductor of the circadian rhythm trained by UV light in the eye. Melatonin not only resets your oxidation status in the central retinal pathways in front of the SCN and our habenular nucleus, but it also resets the “clocks” throughout your body. Long story short, it acts on genes and proteins involved in your molecular circadian clocks (cite 20). Melatonin production in your mitochondria is controlled by the original clock: the SUN!

UV/IR-A light in your eye determines your circadian rhythm in your SCN and your moods due to the connections in the habenular nucleus link to your production of melatonin in both of these brain regions connected to your eye!!!

Look at the biochem chart below:

Melatonin production starts with the amino acid tryptophan. The more light energy absorbed from the sun tryptophan has, the faster it can make it to melatonin.

UV light gives tryptophan more energy (cite 21)

UV light also sets the “rhythm” to produce melatonin via neuropsin (OPN5) (cite 22).

In the short term, this leads to more serotonin available (tryptophan goes to serotonin before melatonin) (cite 23). In fact, natural light exposure in someone’s eye increases serotonin by itself likely for this mechanism.

Altogether, these set the stage for your “nighttime melatonin casserole” in your brain.

UV light in your eye helps you make a bunch of serotonin (the ingredients) and set the circadian rhythm (set the temperature and time in the oven). The result is that at nighttime, your melatonin-making enzymes in your pineal gland turn on and this allows for the massive conversion of serotonin to melatonin!

Hence, melatonin is “made” in your eye in the morning via UV/IR-A light.

That’s why you must get UV light on your eyeballs every single day to make the most melatonin possible.  This is why I tell people to act like the Sphinx at sunrise.  Face the east and look toward the sun while grounding your limbs allows you to absorb a ton of light energy to activate tryptophan.

It’s simple when you see all the basics laid out.

Go outside between 7 AM and Noon (if you want to be fancy, UV light is available as soon as the UV index = 1)

Exposure your naked eye to unfiltered sunlight (no glasses, contacts, windows, cats, etc.)

Get at least 3-5 minutes, but more is better to activate tryptophan.  Below is how light activates it.  Note the amount of rings melatonin has compared to leptin!


Mitochondriacs need to step up their game on their understanding of what melatonin is, does, and how we use it.  This hormone controlled most other hormones in eukaryotes before leptin evolved.  Its function changed once leptin showed up after the Cambrian explosion.

It is a hormone much like testosterone and cortisol. This means that melatonin is made and then has actions elsewhere but also locally in tissues.

It is both soluble in fat and water. That means that melatonin will go through cell membranes (which have a lot of fat) and then into your blood (which is mainly water = 93%). The implication of this is that as soon as melatonin is made is going to travel elsewhere in your body where it is needed.

It is not sticking around where it was made UNLESS it is being used up locally by tissues under oxidative stress.

First and foremost, melatonin is an anti-oxidant. Long ago during the Sun’s midlife crisis, its light increased in strength by releasing 10% more UV light, and subsequently, this fueled the creation of more oxygen on planet Earth. This changed Earth’s surface from a relatively “harsh” primordial soup to an updated environment. Just a change in light changed things.  Life adapted, by adding leptin biology to the melatonin story you see here in this blog. With a stronger sun, living things were getting more oxidized by oxygen and UV light. Life had to come up with a kick-butt anti-oxidant to offset this new environment. As evolution would have it, melatonin was made to do the job. (cite 1)

Melatonin is the “Old Zeus” of endogenous anti-oxidants.  Leptin became the next generation of quantum upgrades. You can see all the rings it has compared to melatonin to deal with the change in sunlight. Melatonin and leptin together help ameliorate almost everything that’s oxidizing you.  Oxidation = rust.   Your mitochondria produce a ton of endogenous oxidants.  taking exogenous antioxidants lowers endogenous production.  We do not want that.  Mitochondrial also produce superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide, and peroxynitrite, free radicals. Luckily melatonin can control the “fire” caused by all these oxidants. (cite -2) And, melatonin is far more effective than vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and glutathione as an anti-oxidant (cites 3-5).  In part, the optimization of mitochondrial biology was so good that humans stopped making Vitamin C.  When humans get really sick they can still derive benefits from IV Vitamin C but that is not how we want to treat people if we can avoid it.

There are some major implications for this science. You make the optimal amount of melatonin when you get good sleep and have a circadian rhythm that helps you produce your own melatonin. Thus, the best “anti-oxidant” you can take is 7-9 hours of AWESOME sleep. Not some supplement a centralized physician wants to sell you.


1- Tan DX, Hardeland R, Manchester LC, et al. The changing biological roles of melatonin during evolution: from an antioxidant to signals of darkness, sexual selection, and fitness. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2010;85(3):607-23.

2- Reiter RJ, Rosales-corral S, Tan DX, Jou MJ, Galano A, Xu B. Melatonin as a mitochondria-targeted antioxidant: one of evolution’s best ideas. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2017;74(21):3863-3881.

3- Lopez-Burillo, S., Tan, D. X., Mayo, J. C., Sainz, R. M., Manchester, L. C., and Reiter, R. J. Melatonin, xanthurenic acid, resveratrol, EGCG, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid differentially reduce oxidative DNA damage induced by Fenton reagents: a study of their individual and synergistic actions. J Pineal Res 2003;34(4):269-277.

4- Montilla-Lopez P, Munoz-Agueda, MC, Lopez M, et al. Comparison of melatonin versus vitamin C on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activity in Alzheimer’s disease induced by okadaic acid in neuroblastoma cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 9-20-2002;451(3):237-243.

5- Mayo JC, Tan DX, Sainz RM, Natarajan M, Lopez-Burillo S, Reiter RJ. Protection against oxidative protein damage induced by metal-catalyzed reaction or alkylperoxyl radicals: comparative effects of melatonin and other antioxidants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0304-4165(02)00527-5….

6- Chowdhury I, Sengupta A, Maitra SK. Melatonin: fifty years of the scientific journey from the discovery of the bovine pineal gland to the delineation of functions in humans. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2008;45(5):289-304.

7- Ostrin LA. Ocular and systemic melatonin and the influence of light exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 2019;102(2):99-108.

8- Fujimoto C, Yamasoba T. Oxidative stresses and mitochondrial dysfunction in age-related hearing loss. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2014;2014:582849.

9- Ren W, Liu G, Chen S, et al. Melatonin signaling in T cells: Functions and applications. J Pineal Res. 2017;62(3)

10- Carrillo-vico A, Lardone PJ, Alvarez-sánchez N, Rodríguez-rodríguez A, Guerrero JM. Melatonin: buffering the immune system. Int J Mol Sci. 2013;14(4):8638-83.

11- Chen CQ, Fichna J, Bashashati M, Li YY, Storr M. Distribution, function and physiological role of melatonin in the lower gut. World J Gastroenterol. 2011;17(34):3888-98.

12- Li Y, Hao Y, Fan F, Zhang B. The Role of Microbiome in Insomnia, Circadian Disturbance, and Depression. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:669.

13- Tamura H, Takasaki A, Taketani T, et al. The role of melatonin as an antioxidant in the follicle. J Ovarian Res. 2012;5:5.

14- Acuña-castroviejo D, Escames G, Venegas C, et al. Extrapineal melatonin: sources, regulation, and potential functions. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2014;71(16):2997-3025.

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Humans are not broken, but the environment they have built is ruining their health.  You must realize that air pollution to your skin is like wearing sunglasses to your eyes in how it reduces the quantum yield of sunlight to your arterial system.

Here is the link that shows you this is not hyperbole.


I hope you begin to realize that hemoglobin and the arterial tree are designed to have the same spectral frequencies to red light in sunlight.  Recall red light makes up 43% of sunlight.  That is the largest fraction in sunlight.   So this begs the question what happens when the optical density or the charge density of hemoglobin and the arterial walls change with respect to each other when the sun is blocked by something? We call this change a change in the optical density of tissues. This fundamentally changes how both tissues can interact with sunlight just below the skin’s surface. That is where your arteries are located.

This relationship is very similar to how a leaf controls the photosynthetic capacity in plants by altering the optics of light.

When the optical density of arteries change in relation to hemoglobin, we can observe a frequency shift in the arterial wall and this leads to a faster ubiquitin marking in the vessel and it ages faster in how proteins are altered as light frequencies change. As it ages its interaction with light changes by inducing a frequency shift in the light it will interact with. The result is a lack of cholesterol sulfate in the vessel wall, in the plasma of blood and in the collagen of the skin. What occurs when light undergoes a frequency shift? Mitochondria make less melatonin and water.

Might atherosclerosis best be explained as being due to cholesterol sulfate deficiency in blood vessels that alters optical density of RBCs  to interact with sunlight? Did you know that atheromatous plaques replenish the supply of cholesterol and sulfate to the microvasculature, by exploiting superoxide to derive sulfate from homocysteine and other sulfur sources?

Recall from my Ubiquitination  #6  blog that in T2D superoxide pulses from cytochrome one (NAD+) is reduced or missing. If you read the thread on my forum about carotenoids you will see, in detail, how the superoxide free radical is made natural in cells via sunlight. Not all superoxide is equivalent because there is a dangerous singlet version and a non dangerous triplet version. Might the balance of superoxide type be dependent upon the optical density of the light of the sun and the optical density sensed by our skin, plasma, and arterial wall to cause atherosclerosis fundamentally?

A lack of negative charge inside the artery = more arterial aging.  Notice the electromagnetic fields that are normally present in arteries and RBCs as blood flows.

In my opinion, yes. It seems now others are also seeing what I see based on the cite in this post.   Putting all these ideas together you get the picture below.


I gave a talk to healthcare professionals recently and got a lot of pushback about mitochondrial density and the heart and brain.  A cardiologist disagreed with me using a centralized MD perspective.

So I went on a rant about my decentralized perspective.

A nurse recorded my response.  Here is the transcribed rant for you to review.  I left them dumbfounded with this response.  No pushback from the cardiologist at the end.

“There is a fine line between challenging yourself and overwhelming yourself. Changing paradigms is not for the weak of heart or mind.  This type of transformation takes hold of you. Invades you. Soon it owns you. You want to be free of them, but you never will be.  A very slow movement on the right way is better than overwhelming speed on the wrong path and this is why you enjoy the chaos of being overwhelmed.  You must have the change you seek.

Takeaways from today’s lesson I gave in the hospital: The heart is not just a big pump like centralized MDs were taught. It is a giant magnet (measurable magnetic field to 22 feet from the body). The blood is paramagnetic. In fact, blood is a magnetic hydrodynamic fluid. If it is not being primed with DHA-laden foods loaded with electrons waiting to be excited by sunlight to optimize circadian signaling you are not priming the “compound pharmacy” of your body-made hormones. Your heart is loaded with mitochondria that have to transform energy to create its power.  You need a magnetic field in your body sufficient to unlock the door to the compound pharmacy. Your mitochondria need to be functioning at a rate sufficient to properly handle the melatonin, dopamine, and other substances your body needs to be at its optimal function. Sufficient rate = low heteroplasmy rate.  Heteroplasmy rate links to oxygen utilization.

Hypoxia is a cellular state that disrupts normal oxygen supply to the tissue (mitochondria), causing cellular dysfunction. Examples of this are altitude sickness at high elevations and clots in a blocked artery in an organ causing an organ to fail and die. Apoptosis and autophagy allow cells to adapt over their lifespan to many situations. Hypoxia is directly toxic to mitochondrial energy production. In humans, when oxygen is in short supply we can shift to anaerobic energy production, but it is not as efficient as mitochondrial energy production. Athletes with proper training can perform well in anaerobic conditions but it does appear that they pay a steep price for this adaptation by depleting their stem cell supply.  The gateway in mitochondria for hypoxia is pseudohypoxia by blockade of pyruvate which sits atop the TCA cycle inside the matrix.  The gatekeeper of the creation of Acetyl-CoA from pyruvate is thiamine. If pyruvate gets in AcetylCoA is the two-carbon substance that is burned.  If the heteroplasmy rate is high the AcetylCoA is sent back out and becomes acylcarnitine.  It is the major controller of substate movements in the matrix.  As NAD+ drops we lose control of UCP-2 and this alters the matrix concentration of hydrogen isotopes.  We also lose control of SCD1 and ROS production.  Our oxygen use also is altered inside our cells.  What does this mean? ROS signals have poor fidelity.

Detox is not the key; supplements are not the key; ketosis alone is not the key; exercise is not the key. Balancing (and for most people that is boosting) the mito function is the key. Great autophagy, great redox. Address circadian biology first; food second. Blue light destroys DHA. A mitochondrion is a micro-star. It makes an electric plasma from electrons and protons in food. Everything on earth grows because of the energy output of the sun. Everything in you is fed because of your mitochondria. When you eat food you are really eating a barcode of information built into sunshine. Rx: Intermittent fasting, cold thermogenesis, meditation, good water, and getting outside for the morning sun on the eyes and skin.

You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same…….Black Swan mitochondriac wisdom



The Nobel Prize was just given this AM in chemistry for deuterium biology did you know this?  You won’t read it framed this way from other sources.  The people that won the award still do not understand where H+ and deuterium are in glycans are the key to understanding the code buried in them.

Just 22 amino acids are all that are needed to make all the world’s proteins via DNA. Four nucleotide bases encode biology’s blueprints in DNA. But when it comes to another, equally crucial, class of biomolecules called glycans, scientists don’t even know if there is an equivalent alphabet that the cell uses to make them.  Information theory has a very clear beginning. The field was founded in 1948 when Shannon published the paper considered his masterwork, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.”  Coding is at the heart of information theory. All communication processes need some sort of coding. The telephone system transforms the spoken voice into electrical signals. In Morse code, letters are transmitted with combinations of dots and dashes. The DNA molecule specifies a protein’s structure with four types of genetic bases. Digital communication systems use bits to represent-or encode- information. Each letter of the alphabet, for example, can be represented with a group of bits, a sequence of zeroes, and ones. You can assign any number of bits to each letter and arrange the bits in any way you want. In other words, you can create as many codes as desired.  Glycan coding is an additive optical code to DNA coding.  It adds more ways to use light to control processes in cells.  Ironically, the Nobel Prize for physics was also given for quantum information processing today.


The hydrogen bonding network in water is a hidden underground decentralized intelligence network that acts as “a cell’s natural internet.” It’s becoming clear that the H+ bonding networks in water are the real basis of a neurological network in cell life. Interlacing mosaics of H+ bonds infuse cellular habitats with information.  They are the highway that shares data with membranes that interact with the environment.

Science evolves with new data even if your thinking remains stagnant because of old beliefs around flawed data.

Hydrogen is not a source of energy. Hydrogen is a carrier of energy from the sun. Hydrogen biology is better thought of it as a battery that life uses in proteins and in our colony of mitochondria.  Hydrogen & electricity are stores of energy awaiting conversion by cells.

Glycans have another named lectins. Glycans are bound to the surfaces of proteins. Despite significant advances in understanding sugars’ complex structures on proteins, biology/medicine is still quite far from being able to, in an unbiased analysis, understand which sugars are at what sites on what protein and what they are doing. glycans change the optics of proteins.  Sugar biology fundamentally is about where deuterium should and should not be on a sugar backbone and where that deuterium shield is on the main protein.

How do we know that glycans change the optics of proteins?  Understanding how glycans are studied shows us that it is a story of optical physics.

The researchers who just won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2022 used flow cytometry, a method in which cells are scanned individually with a laser to identify bound molecules. Turning to the enzymes rather than the sugar structures alone places glycome research in its biological context. When you use this technique, not only do you learn what structures they bind to, you find out what genes and enzymes are involved in making that structure.  This will push the edge of biology to physics in medicine.  This is critical in the advancement of healthcare.

Last year, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland, provided 76 labs around the world with samples of a specific glycosylated antibody and asked them to identify the sugars present and their locations in the antibody protein. The teams reported three broad chemical groups of glycans containing sialic acid, fucose, galactose, or their derivatives. But their detailed assessments varied widely.

Light changes the charge density of proteins.  Glycan biology is a part of how this is done in real cells as they live.  To reveal the diversity and abundance of glycans on proteins, researchers today are blending optical approaches with a tool of metabolomics and proteomics research called MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Mass spectrometry identifies molecules on the basis of their mass and ionic charge.

Proteomics researcher Anand Mehta at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston and his colleagues have combined mass-spectrometry imaging with arrays of glycoprotein-binding antibodies to measure the relative amounts of glycans bound to different proteins present in samples such as human blood serum, which can contain hundreds of glycosylated proteins. When you review this research you begin to quickly see which proteins’ glycosylation patterns are altered in cirrhosis, cancer, or other diseases.  This helps you understand how optical changes in blood chemistry change signaling messages inside tissues.

Researchers are finally uncovering the “optical truth” about glycans — the sugar-based chains that coat cells and decorate many proteins.

Glycan biology is just another step in understanding how cells operate with terrestrial sunlight.

Information in light is thus a resource that, just like a barrel of oil, can be used to do work. But as this information in light is hidden from us at the macroscopic scale, we can’t exploit it. Glycan biology is bringing medicine to the nanoscale so that we can understand what light is doing at the quantum scale (see above picture).  Cells have to ability to sense light and use it in biomolecules. It’s this ignorance of the microstates that compels classical thermodynamics to speak of averages and ensembles.

PoW systems in Nature: The power of sunlight is stored in molecules. The BEST solar battery on Earth which stores solar energy was already been invented by nature via photosynthesis called a HYDROCARBON molecule = Acetyl CoA.  This is the base protein of how energy flows through a cell.  Understanding how AcetylCoA is altered in cells by changes in an RBC (which has no mitochondria)  is the key to understanding the wiring diagram of mitochondria.

Photosynthesis is the cornerstone of energy balance.

3.6 BILLION years ago the sun helped evolve the core machinery of energy balance. The process of glycolysis is the cornerstone.  Hydrogen isotopes are found in certain places on the glucose molecule and the light that created glucose determines the atomic location of H+ and deuterium on the carbon backbone.   Mitochondria were not yet a thing on Earth, but NADH and NAD+ cycling inside a rudimentary membrane was a primordial thing that set the redox potential of cells around -400mV (above). Then came NADPH and NADP+ via evolution. Next up was the two carbon molecule of Acetyl-CoA. Deacetylase enzymes that rely on NAD+ and acetyl-CoA levels came next. Then came the ATPase and ATP and ADP.

The enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex present in mitochondria catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA.

Acetyl CoA is a key intermediate in many biochemical pathways. During cellular respiration, it is produced by pyruvate and then enters the Krebs cycle in the matrix. It delivers the acetyl group in the Krebs cycle for energy production. The acetyl carbons are released as CO2 in the Krebs cycle. This cycles the carbons back to plants for photosynthetic restoration.

When NADH, ATP, and acetyl-CoA levels are high in unison and controlled by sunlight, the cell will be in anabolic mode. It is growing and living and surviving and thriving. Any and every cell type on Earth in anabolic mode will reproduce its DNA and replicate. For example, a fat cell in anabolic mode will store fat.

In biological systems, it is Acetyl- CoA = Acetyl means two carbons

Understanding how hydrogen isotopes move on the 2-carbon backbone molecule is the key to understanding what mitochondria are doing.

When fat burning is slowed Acetyl groups enter the matrix and get a CoA connected to it to be ready to be burned. If NADH is not present then it cannot be burned and it backs out of the mitochondria as Acetyl CoA and builds up in our blood as something called circulating acetylcarnitine. People with defective mitochondria have this reductive stress in mitochondria where there is too much Acetyl CoA and not enough NADH. That “H” in NADH is really important in this quantum dance of information transfer.

The specific location of deuterium is atomically specific because cells use optics to signal.  If hydrogen isotopes are in the wrong atomic location the optics will be changed.

Life on earth depends on sunlight—it is a sine qua non-condition for human survival. Because sunlight can, arguably, only penetrate skin deep, its complex effects must be mediated by those organs that light can reach under physiological conditions—our eyes and skin.  Below the skin is where our blood plasma is altered.  This is where the story of glycan biology begins.  It is also where more deuterium is than any organ in our body (150ppm).  This is where the organization of deuterium biology begins.  If a system wants to tightly control the optics deuterium will be important in blood components because the deuterium bond operates differently in chemical reactions (see below).  It is a story of optical physics.

Can I give you an example of how this operates in an RBC?

Can glucose protect you in some way you might not yet understand? Might it be tied to sunlight or man-made light?

Could glucose created from photosynthetic pathways be endogenous sunblock for the semiconductive proteins mentioned above to regulate and control the porphyrin ring in hemoglobin to optimize the amount of oxygen delivered to mitochondria? Might the hemoglobin in RBCs be linked to oxygen delivery to mitochondria? Might this process be quantized (controlled by light) to the levels of ROS created in the metabolism of glucose? Could high levels of blood glucose act to decrease the amount of sunlight for someone?

It turns out that is exactly what happened in a quantum evolution. Life has been sculpted by sunlight for 3.7 billion years.  It is your job to realize it.

Cys β93 is located in a conformationally plastic domain, which contains amino acid residues that regulate the allosteric properties of the Hb tetramer. The previous modification of Cys β93 has been done in experiments published with maleimide resulting in an increase in oxygen affinity and the loss of some hydrogen bonds within the α1β2/α2β1 interface of hemoglobin. What did my Quantum Thermodynamics 15 blog recently tell you about hydrogen bond creation on Earth? They are affected by terrestrial sunlight and the Schumann resonance to create a “cellular internet” inside of a cell to share light information. That internet is created by the hydrogen bonds in water inside of cells.  This water is made in mitochondria.

Could glucose in the form of glycans, alter UV absorption on the porphyrin ring in RBCs?

Glucose decreases the amount of UV light one absorbs in summer. Did you know this? Is this why Nature provides foods with glucose and water to exist in places where full spectrum terrestrial sunlight dominates? Is this why glucose operates like an optical switch on the porphyrin ring of hemoglobin? You bet your ass it does.  This changes the optical density and charges on the hemoglobin protein.  This changes its ability to carry CO2 and oxygen to and from mitochondria.

In winter glucose becomes an antifreeze and helps the viscosity of blood to flow in poor light environments because insulin does not work as well in colder environments. Insulin operates ideally in warmer temperatures when UV light is present. Implications? Diabetes should be expected in environments that have a lot of nnEMF and low UV exposure. Humans never evolved in that system. They evolved in a tropical environment in the East African rift zone. Today, modern humans have created an environment dominated by nnEMF and no UV light. It has nothing to do with their food intake. It has to do with how light usurped their control systems in the mitochondria using optics. Humans are the only species on Earth smart enough to create nnEMF, yet remain ignorant enough to live under it. That is where modern diseases begin.

The key to understanding this new science is that under full-spectrum terrestrial sunlight, HbA1C is supposed to be higher in summer and lower in winter.  This means more glycans will be present on the surface of hemoglobin when the sun is stronger on RBCs. The change for modern man is that HbA1C is chronically elevated during all seasons because of the light choices we have made.  Blue light chronically elevates blood glucose and this glycosylated hemoglobin.  When blood glucose is chronically elevated by your blue light toxic environment, cytochrome 1 becomes redox shifted.  This leads to poor mitophagy because you’re chronically pseudohypoxic.  RBCs cannot deliver oxygen well to mitochondria.  When this happens NAD+ remains low.  When this happens your redox power drops (see the redox picture earlier in blog) When pseudohypoxia exists your mitochondria can’t utilize autophagy to improve redox power.

O2 yoking to UV light sensation via the skin and blood components and the correct blue frequency intensity from the sun sets the quantum boundary of the action of life. Blue light ruins the fidelity of this signal in modern man. If you are blue light toxic you should expect your glucose to be sky high with a high HbA1C that will not respond to drug therapy. Why? The wrong light causes the problem and a drug cannot fix a problem caused by abnormal use of the electromagnetic spectrum of light.

What other things in cells are affected by glycans besides hemoglobin?  Single nucleotide polymorphisms are affected by glycans.  CITE HERE

When someone with SNPs are really sick it tells me ALWAYS LOOK OUTSIDE OF THEM for the defect AND NOT INSIDE their cells.

This is why I get so pissed with providers who deal with SNP data from 23andme. They think, and make those with SNP’s believe,  they can change the inside of their genome with supplements, and they can’t. Glycans on SNPs change how terrestrial sunlight works on the epigenetic code of man.


The Nobel Prize for chemistry was just awarded yesterday for glycan biology. Hopefully, this blog explains to you why this is important.

Paradigms run their own game.  For example, theoretical physicists have avoided the guillotine of empirical testing for half a century by dedicating their careers to abstract mathematical conjectures, avoiding the risk of being proven wrong while demonstrating mathematical virtuosity. Nature might be simpler than they think but they will never know that in the absence of a feedback loop from nature. As long as the paradigm is uniformly adopted by a sufficiently large community of scholars without being challenged, it generates a self-sustaining echo chamber that indoctrinates fledgling researchers as new members of the clergy of dogma.  Glycans biology gets us one step closer to blowing up the paradigm in power today in centralized healthcare.


The solar-terrestrial environment is modulated by solar cycles which affect the global climate and all organisms in the biosphere. Interference patterns are the transducers of energy, which at its most fundamental is described as information. Earth functions like a planet-sized electrical capacitor or condenser, storing electrical potential.

The space between Earth and the ionosphere is a dissipative closed cavity between 50-375 miles that can sustain quasi-standing waves at wavelengths of planetary dimension. Electrical conductivity in the atmosphere is driven largely by cosmic rays that generate a torsion field. Conductivity increases exponentially with altitude because the lower atmosphere buffers collision frequency.

The ionosphere begins about 50 miles out from the Earth’s surface and extends out over 180 miles. It consists of charged particles. This highly dynamic region is constantly exposed to harsh full-spectrum ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. It breaks down molecules and atoms.This light excites the global electric current that surrounds the Earth.  Highly charged ions and free electrons, therefore, fill the ionospheric layers creating a “spectral power station” using sunlight.

Lightning radiates broadband EM fields that spread laterally into the cavity. Global thunderstorms excite the Schumann resonances, which can be observed around 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, and 45 Hz. The resonant spectrum is a superposition of global lightning discharge. For these resonant values to change, the planet would have to change diameter.

The Schumann resonance (SR) modes, like other low-frequency modes, are able to leak into the ionosphere, particularly at night when the plasma density is lower in the ionosphere.  Using measurements from the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite, for the first time, Schumann resonance signatures have been detected well beyond the upper boundary of the cavity. These results offer new means for investigating atmospheric electricity, tropospheric-ionospheric coupling mechanisms related to lightning activity, and wave propagation in the ionosphere.

Such frequencies have wrapped earth’s life since its inception.  These waves have cradled all living things on Earth from inception. Normal daily variation ranges ± 0.5 Hertz. Driven by lightning, this primal SR pulse calibrates us and enhances our physical and mental well-being. That natural resonance helps us achieve our optimal brainwave states, but this atmosphere to human linkage is disrupted by the electrosmog of today’s technology.

The Schumann resonance couples us to the water made in our mitochondria to the Earth’s electromagnetic field to create coherent domains of water filled with electrons that move freely inside of a cell that acts to create quantum coherence islands in us. These islands create a sea of electrons that can move and carry light anywhere in the system.  Neither classical nor standard quantum theory predicts quantum coherence for water, largely because neither considers quantum fluctuations and interactions between matter and electromagnetic fields, This is the domain of quantum electrodynamic field theory.  How does it work?

When energy is absorbed from the field/environment, particles of matter will begin to oscillate between two electronic configurations, a ground state, and an excited state.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi had already highlighted the importance of water for life in the 1940s and proposed that organized water existing close to surfaces, such as found in cell membranes, is able to induce a very long-lasting electronic excitation via resonant transfer of the different molecular species present in liquid crystals like cell water, thereby activating them and enabling their mutual attraction for reactions to take place. Linus Pauling felt the hydrogen bond was the key to understanding what Szent-Gyorgi was trying to convey.  His idea was lost when he was discredited for his Vitamin C beliefs late in his life. The physics is settled now,  when electrons are added to surfaces they become more likely to capture photon energy due to the photoelectric effect.

This makes these surfaces more hydrophilic and they form a new structural zone in water that atomically forms in water. This structure essentially is a charge separating zone that surrounds everything inside a cell. Without the water being made in the mitochondrial matrix nothing inside a cell works. Why?

As water is missing so are its hydrogen bond numbers. As hydrogen bond numbers drop, statistically, then SNP, genes, and proteins cannot function as they should because they exclude everything larger than the size of a proton = the lightest isotope of hydrogen. Statistics = probability = quantum realm.

Light hydrogen, called protium,  is just a proton with its electron stripped out. It is the currency of the ATPase in mitochondria. The key to physiological functioning in a cell is linked to the bond angles in the hydrogen bonds between SNPs/SAPs/genes/proteins inside a cell.

Because the electronic zone excludes the proton’s positive charge, this zone has a large net negative charge as a battery would. Sunlight + coherent water becomes a battery for life. Without the battery, clocks/SNP/SAP/genes/proteins do not work. This is why you must fix the mitochondrial water creation mechanism to help people to health. This quantum dance forms the basis of your redox power. Quantum coherent water = water in its atomic construction. The hydrogen bonds are the pot of gold for health and the Schumann resonce is what keeps water’s hydrogen bonds at the ideal strength to support life

In particular, all particles coupled to the same wavelength of the fluctuations will oscillate in phase with the EM field of Earth and begin to exhibit quantum coherent behavior. This organizing principle is how the Schumann resonance made water on Earth quantum coherent before any life was present on Earth. How is this possible? Understanding the Lamb shift and what it does was key to making sense of why the Schumann resonance makes life possible on Earth.

The Schumann resonance is found in the RF range of the electromagnetic spectrum and they have the lowest energies, the longestest wavelengths, and the lowest frequencies.  Low frequency waves have massive effects on water’s behavior.

The Schumann resonance set the mathematics of the hydrogen bonding network in water.  Environments change redox power by varying the charge density of the hydrogen bonds in water that mitochondria create.

Water makes up 99% of molecules in every cell. Water is a very small molecule that has more hydrogen bonds in it than any other compound. Liquid water contains the densest hydrogen bonding of any solvent, with almost as many hydrogen bonds as there are covalent bonds in its structure found anywhere on Earth. Water’s hydrogen bond network changes at a pico and femtosecond level in any environment. Inside a cell, its atomic arrangement is controlled by electrostatic forces in a cell created by the redox power of the mitochondria in that cell. These hydrogen bonds can rapidly rearrange in response to changing conditions and environments

For example, animals are capable of sensing earthquakes before they occur because of changes in their environment that is transmitted to their CNS to protect themselves.  Pre-earthquakes environments seem to signal animals via the interruption of the Schumann resonce.  Prior to major earthquakes many changes in the environment have been documented. Though often subtle and fleeting, these changes are noticeable at the land surface, in water, in the air, and in the ionosphere.

The energy in the Schumann resonance comes from lightning that hits Earth. The power source of the lightning ultimately comes from the sun. The total energy in this system is the combination of the fluctuation of the Schumann resonance and the combination of the energy of excitation of the particles in water shifted from their ground state to the excited state. This is exactly how the Lamb shift was discovered in physics. Mathematics tells us that there has to be a critical number of particles in the coherent domains of water for which the total energy in the Schuman system will equal zero. At this point, a phase transition becomes possible in Nature due to the quantum field characteristics.

At this point, the coherent oscillations of the particles in the coherent domains in water no longer require any external supply of energy to maintain themselves. When this occurs the oscillations within water become sustained. A scientist named Emilio Del Giudice found that coherent domains can be easily excited by energy sources further, turning high entropy energy sources into low entropy energy sources.

Water was the medium where coherent domains could easily be built on Earth. The coherent low entropy energy could be buried in the water and this energy could enable selective coherent energy transfers to take place. As energy transfers occur, entropy has to flow by QFT.

When entropy flows time manifests. Recall all clocks are flow meters for entropy. cellular water = coherent domains in water that is low entropy. Low entropy water is critical to building accurate clocks on Earth. The relationship between surface water and EMF had to occur before life could exist.

Biological clocks are built as a flow meter for entropy inside of cells. Potassium ions orders water molecules by hydrogen bonding network cooperation. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or chaos in a system, and the more ions present in a solution the more disorder there will be. Solids have the most order and least entropy because of their atomic lattice.  The Schumann resonce provide atomic structure to water by its 7.83 HZ native EMF.  It is helped by terrestrial sunlight. These native EMFs hold the crystal lattice of the hydrogen bonded network in range for life. The water molecule is quite small but the hydrogen bonds inside water are even smaller and most important to accurate biological clocks = ideal periodicity.

Where did the Schumann come from? It begins with the solar plasma hitting the Earth’s magnetosphere

The EMF associated with the creation of the Schumann resonance was built by a small coherent domain in water. Terrestrial sunlight then excited these coherent domains in water to create exciting water which had more light photons buried into its molecular structure by lowering the entropy of the coherent domains in water. This is mediated via the atomic structure of the hydrogen bonding network.

The hydrogen bonds in water are the internet of the cell. When they go bad, so does your health.

This occurred by optimizing the hydrogen bonding network inside cells where mitochondria create water.  The addition of sunlight to these coherent domains in water excited them to create a sea of freed electrons. This is the basis of redox chemistry. Those freed electrons could then be used to excite areas adjacent to the coherent domains in water. The creation of free electrons was the first step on the journey of the creation of mitochondria to harvest the energy buried in these electrons.

Water within the Schumann resonance powered by sunlight became life’s first rudimentary mitochondrial blueprint. These freed electrons in water easily can transfer electrons to molecules in water adjacent to the water domains. This design made normal bulk water act like a redox pile full of electrons. Almost all of the reactions in a cell are due to these redox reactions.

Hydrogen bonds in cell water are natural networks hardened by the Schumann resonance to form a decentralized consensus mechanism in cells on how to use resources, when to reproduce, and what strategy best defends the organism.  It is the cornerstone of how life was orginally organized.

At the edges of the coherent domains in water, these electrons became able to induce very long-lasting electronic excitation of different molecules that were dissolved in this water. This was how membranes evolved. Usually, insulators, e.g., substances that do not conduct electricity, are good at both generating and holding, a surface charge. Pure water is actually an excellent insulator and does not conduct electricity. Water that would be considered “pure” would be distilled water (water condensed from steam) and deionized water (used in laboratories), although even water of this purity can contain ions. NaCl is always present in biological water. Both the Na and Cl ions are hydrophilic.

But in our real lives, we normally do not come across any pure water. Water in biology always has ions dissolved in it. The energy to perform these creations is how Nature built her evolutionary paradigm using quantum mechanics as her backstop.

As these coherent domains got larger, the energy density in the water became larger. Adding NaCl to cell water actually increases the density of coherent domains in water. These coherent domains became able to export their energy things adjacent to the coherent water domains because this ultimately stabilized the coherent domain that was built by the Schumann resonance in water.

The human body resonates at the same frequency as Mother Earth. So instead of only focusing on trying to save the earth, which operates in congruence to our vibrations, I think it is more important to be one with each other. If you really want to remedy the earth, we have to mend mankind. And to unite mankind, we heal the Earth. That is the only way. Mother Earth will exist with or without us. Yet if she is sick, it is because mankind is sick and separated because of how our species uses electromagnetic waves in our resonant cavity on Earth. And if our vibrations are bad, she reacts to it, as do all living creatures.


The earth and ionosphere generate a symphony of frequencies ranging from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz, and some of the large resonances occurring in the earth’s field are in the same frequency range as those occurring in the human cardiovascular system, brain and autonomic nervous system. New data indicates that we may be more deeply interconnected with the earth’s field than previously imagined.

Electromagnetic waves are one of the basic forms of matter contained by space. Moreover, from MEG, EEG, and evoked potentials, we know they are being generated in the brain by the acceleration of charged particles in several mediums found in the brain. We know they are being generated by brain activity at the surface of the brain where it interfaces with the water in CSF. A neuron carries signals from one place to another by an “action potential” which propagates along its axon as an ionic current of one kind happens at each successive node of Ranvier to point rush sodium into the neuron axon via the cell membrane.

In turn, then ions of another kind flow back out of the nerve axon. The acceleration of such ions makes the synchronized firing of thalamic neurons act like an electromagnetic antenna, generating a complex electromagnetic wave in the brain that flows back to the front.

You might be shocked to know, that Becker always hypothesized that DC current came from the thalamus or the reticular activating system in the upper brainstem, but he had no experimental data on where it really came from. In the last 40 years, functional neurosurgery has found that thalamic neurons oscillate at 0-75 Hz, which is exactly where the Schumann oscillates harmonically.  This current seems to flow from the ionosphere to the brain and discharges into the Earth.  During earthquakes the flow of current reverses and this alters the global electric current in our ionosphere.  This data further connects the brain directly to the earth’s micro-electromagnetic pulsations. Here we see the form meeting function, yet again, in Nature.

Since electromagnetic waves, are composed of elemental photons for the eye to see and electrons from food to be transferred via water into our CSF for our median eminence to sense; they are a form of matter whose spread-out nature could give their intrinsic nature a spatial structure in space-time. There is an elemental bit of matter generated by active brains whose intrinsic nature could have enough spatial structure to account for complex phenomenal properties found in humans.

It is the electromagnetic energy being given off as a series of complex electrons and photons by a human brain that is not asleep that allows us to do the things we can do when we are awake.

This is all the more plausible when we consider that the brain, despite making up only a few percent of body weight, accounts for nearly 20% of the body’s total energy consumption and is surrounded by water in the form of CSF.

We live in the time of technology, where superficial wavelengths that disrupt the natural earth’s frequency. Wifi, cell phones, and an array of electronics are part of our everyday lives. It is also why our bio-electromagnetic waves are out of tune.  What we crave is a tech diet to recature health. With technology, our cells become out of tune from Earth’s electromagnetic pulse and this disrupts the biological clocks in our cells. For example, the frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (what powers cell phones, tvs, radio etc) ranges from 30,000 Hz to 300 Billion Hz. That creates a significant amount of interference or noise for the 7.83 Hz that the earth radiates. No wonder so many find their health is out of tune and crave healing.


1.  Malin, S.R.C. and Srivastava, B.J.; “Correlations between heart attacks and magnetic activity”, Nature, 277, pp. 646-648, (1979).

2.  Lipa, B.J., Sturrock, P.A. and Rogot, F.; “Search for correlation between geomagnetic disturbances and mortality”, Nature, 259, pp. 302-304, (1976).

3. Friedman, H., Becker, R.O., and Bachman, C.H.;”Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions”, Nature, 200, pp. 626-628, (1963).

4.  Ibid. Nature, 205, p. 1050, (1965).

5.  Ibid. Nature, 213, p. 949, (1967).

6.  Chizhevkii, A.L.; “The earth in the universe”, (Edit. by Fedynskii, V.V.), 280, NASA TT F-345 TT 66-51025, 1968).

7. Gnevyshev, M.N. and Novikova, K.F.; “The influence of solar activity on the earth’s biosphere”, J. interdiscipl.  Cycle Res. vol. 3, number 1, pp. 99-104, (1972).

8.  Various; “Biological Rhythms in Psychiatry and medicine,” {Pub. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare.)  Public Health Service Publication No. 2080.   1970. – Sections: ‘The Cosmic Receiver and Sunspots and Behavior’.  Chap. 1., pp. 12-14.

9.  Balser, M. and Wagner, C.A.;”Effect of a high-altitude nuclear detonation on the earth-ionosphere cavity.”  J. Geophys. Res.  Vol. 63, No. 13, pp. 4115-4118, (1962).

10. Tributsch H.  When the Snakes Awake: Animals and Earthquake Prediction. MIT Press; Cambridge, MA, USA: 1984. p. 264.

11.  https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/conductivity-electrical-conductance-and-water



What is the difference between a decentralized and centralized MD? Centralized MDs are told by their bosses to just treat the symptom of things and not reach for the cause.  Above was my TED talk that was banned over a decade ago because the decentralized ideas it contained were too controversial for the medical community at that time.  I am hoping showing it here lights a fuse in some of you to help you today.  

The people of today would rather stand next to a man with no substance but covered in gold, rather than the man with substance whose ideas contain the wisdom of gold. They’ll tell you they thirsted for wisdom, but when they hear how it comes from Nature exclusively you find that their interest in the truth was only a mirage.

Some minds are a desert you can die wandering in. It appears to the short-sighted, through their fog of misunderstanding taught to them by centralized healthcare.

The centralized power base in academic medicine tells them the sun is toxic = Nature is a monster to avoid. They’d rather physicians default to the prescription pad because studies have been done to show efficacy.  They rarely tell the public about the people creating those solutions and also fund the studies on efficacy.  It is a good gig if you can tolerate its implications.

9 truths every healer leader, no matter your title, need to embrace:

1. Not everyone who needs your help wants your help.

2. Not everyone who wants your help is ready for that help.  Early on you will find this idea incredulous.

3. You’re not here to help everyone you want to help. This lesson will come from friends and family most often.

4. You’re not here to help everyone who asks for (or will pay for) your help. You can help them but you cannot devote most of your time to them or you will burn out.

5. There are people you want to help who want your help and are also ready for that help.  These are the people you go all in for.  They make your professional life a joy.

6. There are people you really don’t want to help who you’ll still help.  Many times you’ll do it without them even knowing how you did it.  There will be no reward for you on this path, but you did what needed to be done.  I do this most frequently on social media.

7. You’ll help people you have no idea wanted, needed, or could use your help.

8. You’ll help people you will never meet or even hear of or know exist.  This one will astonish you over the years when they reach out to tell you what you did.

9. You actually have very little idea how many people you can, have already, or will help.  The reach of social media has changed this metric for leaders in healthcare.  

Your work, once you say “Yes” to the calling of being a healer,  is to focus on the healing you offer and to develop your skills, not on the “who.“

Only in and through engaging and practicing your craft do you develop awareness, discernment, and trust to align with who or what is a “yes,” and release who or what is a “no” or a “not right now.”


In my opinion, a good leader requires, first and foremost, a personal motivation that is genuinely centered on the success of those you lead.  Your vibe needs to resonate with your tribe.  There’s very little room for self-interest in real leadership. All too often, people aspire to leadership roles because they want to advance their own career, agenda, or power. If that is the underlying motivation, one’s leadership experience will be filled with frustration. They will inevitably begin to view their followers as obstacles, or worse, as tools to leverage for their own advancement. This is the antithesis of true leadership, but it exists all around us in healthcare.

At its core, leadership is about helping others. Those who give themselves over to the sincere desire to support the development, accomplishments, and well-being of others are ultimately the ones who find success in their own leadership, and who position themselves for expanded influence. Genuine leaders don’t have to demand the spotlight. They earn it through being worthy of others’ attention and appreciation.

Centralized medicine has become a luxury trade. We now trade human futures like pork bellies in healthcare.  I abhor this aspect of my profession. Today, centralized healthcare is selling bread at the price of jewels.  We need to decentralize our practices.  Patients need to embrace decentralization in their lives.

Few leaders in healthcare are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions that differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Become one of the few today who can to help others.  That is real leadership.