Ivermectin is an FDA-approved drug used to treat health challenges related to parasitic worms such as intestinal strongyloidiasis (a chronic infection due to low redox), onchocerciasis (called river blindness), and other parasitic infections. It is also approved as a topical treatment for head lice and skin related conditions such as rosacea. Every single disease it works for is associated with low redox states in our mitochondria. It has also been shown to have anti-viral activity against a broad range of viruses as the cites below reveal.

It has been used in a safe manner since 1970s, by over 200 million people worldwide, and its contribution to saving human lifes has been recognized via the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. That is the backround I need you to understand before the bomb comes in the next few paragraphs.

This blog starts with some new ideas for the jabbed. If you took the Pfizer jab you need to pay particular attention to the slide above. The conclusions are paramount. It means that Ivermectin can block the transmission of SV40 into the nucleus. If you can do this it means your incidence of cancer generation should drop. The more jabs you took the more ivermectin you need to consider. Let me be clear. Do not wait to be diagnosed with cancer before you consider using this option. The latest data is becoming crystal clear, the risks of disease far outweigh the risk of the drugs.

Below you will see a chart talking about cancer and ivermectin dosing from Dr. Paul Marik.


I now believe that new Rx for cancer prevention should read: If you took one jab use the low grade cancer dosing paradigm in the slide above. If you took 2-3 doses of the jab you should use the intermediate grade dosing regimen. If you took 4 more more doses you should use the higher grade dosing regimen to avoid cancer transformation.

Ivermectin has also been shown to control and maintain cell volumes in several paprs and it operates via multiple metabolic pathways. This is advice you’ll never get from a centralized MD.

For those fearful this advice is over the edge know this bit of history. According to the scientific literature that anyone can study these days, Ivermectin is one of the drugs standing on top of the list of repurposed drugs in oncology, due to its outstanding potential to fight cancer. Since COVID jabs came out Fauci and the NIH machine have tried to bury these facts.

Indeed, this is a drug that stood out in my research of the scientific literature since 2014. At that time, there was not much information available on Ivermectin application in oncology. This is why i did not talk about it much because there was a paucity of papers I could point to help educate you on these topics. Today that is no longer true due to what the governments did with COVID.


Throughout the history of oncology research, in both the conventional and alternative cancer research realms, there has been a cause and effect relationship that has been largely ignored. The ability of a cell to divide, whether it be a malignant or non-malignant cell, is highly dependent on cell volume, as well as membrane potential. Apoptosis controls the volume pathways in cells by many mechanisms.

The collagen tensegrity system is piezo and flexoelectric and releases and absorbs light from the sun diurnally,  and this is why cell volume and cancer are related; so when you lose energy and charge in a cell, the cell, mitochondria and nuclear membrane all enlarges.  The temporal sequence of the enlargement is what differs.  Mitochondrial morphology is one of the earliest changes because of changes in how electrons and protons are used in the matrix.

Apoptosis is a programmed cell death that is regulated by mitchondrial networks and genes to maintain cell stability and stable volumes. It can be triggered by two activation pathways: the endogenous endoplasmic reticulum stress/mitochondrial pathway and the exogenous death receptor pathway. These cites below lay that case out.

1. Nagata S. Apoptosis and Clearance of Apoptotic Cells. Annu Rev Immunol. 2018;36:489–517. doi: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-042617-053010.

2. Degterev A., Yuan J. Expansion and evolution of cell death programmes. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2008;9(5):378–390. doi: 10.1038/nrm2393.

The decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential and the cytochrome c is released from mitochondria into the cytoplasm was detected after the intervention of IVM in Hela cells. Therefore, decentrlaized clinicians can infer that IVM induces apoptosis mainly through the mitochondrial pathway.


IVM as an autophagy activator to induce autophagy-dependent death in tumor cells. Autophagy is a lysosomal-dependent form of programmed cell death. Both Apoptosis and autophagy are the only two change programs avaialble to defective mitochondria to change redox potential in an organ. Never forget this critical link. Autophagy utilizes lysosomes to eliminate superfluous or damaged organelles in the cytoplasm to maintain homeostasis and lower heteroplasmy to decrease disease burden in organs with mtDNA mutations via any cause. As mtDNA mutations rise cells swell. As swelling increases so does the appearance of chrnic disease related to COVID jabs.

Autophagy is characterized by double-layered or multilayered vacuolar structures containing cytoplasmic components, which are known as autophagosomes. In recent years, many studies have shown that autophagy is a double-edged sword in tumor development. This means they can be a double edged sword in treating the jabbed injured. A clinician needs to be vigilant with use of this as a prophyllatic. On the one hand, autophagy can help tumors adapt to the nutritional deficiency of the tumor microenvironment, and to a certain extent, protect tumor cells from chemotherapy- or radiotherapy- induced injury.

Programmed cell death mediated by autophagy after IVM intervention and the enhancement of the anticancer efficacy of IVM by regulating autophagy are interesting topics. Intervention with IVM in the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 significantly increased intracellular autophagic flux and the expression of key autophagy proteins such as LC3, Bclin1, Atg5, and the formation of autophagosomes can be observed. This has been reported in the literature.

However, after using the autophagy inhibitors chloroquine and wortmannin or knocking down Bclin1 and Atg5 by siRNA to inhibit autophagy, the anticancer activity of IVM significantly decreased. This proves that IVM mainly exerts an antitumor effect through the autophagy pathway. In addition, researchers also used the Akt activator CA-Akt to prove that IVM mainly induces autophagy by inhibiting the phosphorylation of Akt and mTOR. The phenomenon of IVM-induced autophagy has also been reported in glioma and melanoma as well. You need to know this information.

Where are we now on the use of Ivermectin as a prophyllatic for jab injury? We do not have anyone working on drugs to solve the collateral damage from jabs in reference to oncogenesis. The aftermarket data is showing a brisk pulse of cancers in people who are jabbed. This reminds me of the situation we were in with HIV in the late 1980s and Early 1990s. This was solved when protease inhibotors were found to be useful for this condition. Today, I think Ivermectin maybe the best choice decentralized clinicians have to help those who took the jab.

Ivermectin works in cancer because it somehow controls both apoptosis and autophagy in some way that still eludes us. I doubt BigHarma will study it because this creates a new pipeline of patients for them to sell new drugs to. This is why clinicians need to look to old drugs that can be repuropsed to help injured patients now. The relationship between apoptosis and autophagy is very complicated biophysically, and the cross talk between the two pathways clearly involeve light biophotons, water production, and magnetic flux and magnetochemical photoswitches. The control of both pathways clearly plays a vital role in the development of cancer.

Ivermectin in Oncology – The Science

In laboratory, Ivermectin has been shown to be able to kill cancer cells of many types, such as












  • and many other cancer are helped based on work being published recently.





Mark Zuckerberg and the Biden Whitehouse participated in censorship and “Censorship activity killed people”. THE FIRST AMMENDMENT WOULD HAVE SAVED LIVES if the government would have followed the constitution. This information on Ivermectin was buried by the NIH and by the Texas Medical Board. Dr. Mary Talley Bowden has been fighting them on this topic now for 3 years on your behalf. Please listen to the Danny Jones podcast we did together.

New NIH director for Donald J Trump, Dr Jay Bhattacharya: “The conclusion I draw from this is that this censorship activity klled people [and] the reality is that if the First Amendment had been truly upheld during the pandemic, it would have saved lives, led to less damage, less destruction, and fewer deaths.”

I will remind of of this FACT again:

Read what District Court Judge Mark T. Pittman wrote in Decemeber of 2024 regarding the Pfizer vaccine! “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.”

Fauci and the CDC concealed their cover-up of American tax dollars being used for gain of function research. They should be held accountable by We The People and out elected representatives. If the government refuses to do it we have a duty to remove them from office by vote or revolution.









If you looked at the video above you’ll notice how light is contained in coherent domain water. The jabs cause less water production in cells and this allows the light normally harnessed in cells to leak out to the rest of the organ and this ruins the fidelity of photonic signaling and begins the process of oncogenesis.

Because each shot has 60 billion pieces of DNA protected in Liquid Nano-Particals (LNPs) this means rapid dielectric collapse can occur in the jabbed to lead to turbo cancer. My current concern as an MD, is it possible that creators of this bioweapon used the LNP delivery system to introduce these virus-sized transistors – perhaps even in a targeted way using specific LNPs? and if they did, what the f would be the effects? This is my current night mare.

Each shot has 60 billion pieces of DNA that can become part of your DNA, and it is more likely if the nuclear promotor SV40 is present in the jab you took. So, one of the things I need the jabbed to understand is that even if it is more probable than not that your DNA is going to be invaded, you have to do things to your environment to make it less probable that it occurs, and this makes oncogenesis less likely.

I want you to think of these pieces of DNA as matter. Then I want to remind you about the mass equivalence equation, E=mc^2

Since 1905, physicists have told us that the atomic quantum world does not act like the macroscopic world we experience regarding matter. Recall that mass and light are forms of energy that take shape, form, and size based on the electrical environment they sense.  The electrical environment in us is defined by the Coulomb charge.


Throughout the cell cycle, the cell is constantly monitoring the volume of a cell by way of water in the cell. These water networks are directly tied to the mitochondrial matrix’s ability or inability to make DDW.   If the cell does not reach the desired volumes required by Nature, the cell will be unable to progress to the next phase of the cell cycle.

There is a G1/S transition “checkpoint,” which causes the cell to arrest at this intermediate stage, if adequate water volume is not reached. When a cell is arrested due to inadequate volume, there are two possible events: either the cell will leave the cycle and enter G0 step, and become a dormant, non-cycling cell, or the cell will be recognized as non-viable, and undergo mitochondrial-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). This is good because defective cells have to be removed because they are more likely to become cancerous.

Altered water volumes also increase eNOS, which acts to increase albumin in our blood plasma and the Na /H+ transporter in cell membranes.  Cancer cells up-regulate sodium/hydrogen exchangers (Na+/H+ exchangers) because they are looking for light hydrogen in other pathways than the broken TCA matrix source.  Cancerous cells cannot harvest enough hydrogen from the TCA cycle. This means the cancer state is intimately tied to the inability to generate light hydrogen from the TCA intermediates.   The TCA cycle is no longer an effective cycle. The electric power stored in membranes tell the Kreb cycle how to react as we see below.

There is a G1/S transition “checkpoint,” which causes the cell to arrest at this intermediate stage, if adequate water volume is not reached. When a cell is arrested due to inadequate volume, there are two possible events: either the cell will leave the cycle and enter G0 step, and become a dormant, non-cycling cell, or the cell will be recognized as non-viable, and undergo mitochondrial-induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). This is good because defective cells have to be removed because they are more likely to become cancerous.

Altered water volumes also increase eNOS, which acts to increase albumin in our blood plasma and the Na /H+ transporter in cell membranes.  Cancer cells up-regulate sodium/hydrogen exchangers (Na+/H+ exchangers) because they are looking for light hydrogen in other pathways than the broken TCA matrix source.  Cancerous cells cannot harvest enough hydrogen from the TCA cycle. This means the cancer state is intimately tied to the inability to generate light hydrogen from the TCA intermediates.   The TCA cycle is no longer an effective cycle. The electric power stored in membranes tell the Kreb cycle how to react as we see below.

The implications of this if you are jabbed is simple. You have zero tolerance and must see sunrises daily. You also have zero tolerance for any light exposure at night if you are to avoid a cancerous transition. The TCA cycle makes more water from metabolism than any pathways in a human. As such it is the anti-cancer mode of living.

The Na+/H+ exchanger is a membrane-bound protein that transports one molecule of Na+ into the cell while effluxing one molecule of H+. Water passively follows Na+ (modern belief). Because cancer cells overexpress the Na+/H+ exchanger, they rapidly pump sodium into their cells.

Water (non-structured from the ECF) passively follows the sodium, causing the cancer cells to swell.  The oncologist believes this happens because of the Na/H+ transporter, but it is really due to the loss of the net negative charge from a reduction in the number of coherent domains in cells.  This reduces the electrons a cell can harvest. Cancer cells are electron-poor, and this is why their Coulomb charge is lacking. Recall that sunlight in the UV and IR range builds large coherent domains, and their size directly affects the Coulomb charge.  That Coulomb charge is a synonym for your redox potential in the cell.

As a result, all cancer cell lines are known to have a lower membrane potential due to the lack of electrical power in the cell.

Oceanic microstructures on Earth act a lot like plasma from the sun. Cellular microstructures act very similar to oceanic microstructures. We think about the ocean as a fluid, but fluids cannot be a plasma.  So what is a plasma?

Plasma is a highly electrically conductive state of matter with freely moving charged particles consisting of electrons, protons, and atoms stripped of their electrons called ions.  Contrary to commonly held beliefs, plasma does not act like a neutral gas. Plasma is usually described in space.  But they exist on earth.  Plasma cutters are used to cut thick metals in fabrication.  Plasmas behave and look different from other forms of matter; they tend to be cellular and clump together to create filaments.  Your DNA is such a filament.  Controlling this filament is the key to avoiding an induced TURBO cancer.

If you are jabbed, your job is to become a filament expert. Why? Your mitochondrial colonies controls the DNA filaments in you by controlling electric and magnetic flux in a cell. This can protect you or cause cancer.

A Birkeland current in the space around Earth is a plasma current that flows from the sun to the Earth along geomagnetic field lines connecting the Earth’s magnetosphere to the Earth’s high latitude ionosphere. We see these currents in Aurora at the poles and lightning strikes at lower latitudes. In the Earth’s magnetosphere, these plasma currents are driven by the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field and by bulk motions of plasma through the magnetosphere.  These plasma flows are driven by convection, indirectly driven by the interplanetary environment at a particular time. The strength of the Birkeland currents changes with the solar activity and with collisions of the local magnetosphere.  Why is this important if you are jabbed? The jab lowers your own magnetosphere. This affects how you handle terrestrial sunlight. Why?

It follows that currents in our cells change with the solar activity on our surfaces.  It has also been shown that the mitochondria in our cells are quite responsive to the sun’s presence or absence.  This relationship makes it very likely that living things with mitochondria are sensitive to changes in plasma on the sun and Earth, too.  Our mitochondria seem to be able to sense these electrical changes by altering their respiratory proteins to these plasma displays. This alters the biophotons that cells emit. The lower our magnetosphere, the more biophotons we liberate. The more biophotons we liberate, the more cancer we are likely to get. This means living in places that have high magnetic flux is critical for the jabbed. It also means that they need to be close to terrestrial sunlight that has strong electric fields. These things are found inside the tropics and inside calderas of volcanoes or at black sand beaches. These regions fuel decentralized networks in your cells.


Current and flow are synonyms because they are linked to Coulomb’s law.  A plasma in motion = DC electric current.  So, one of the more important properties of a plasma is that it can conduct electrical current. Anything that generates an electric current must also generate a magnetic field at 90 degrees.  These currents are what RNA and DNA take orders from. This makes the key place to stop turbo cancers. Physics does this by forming current filaments that follow magnetic field lines. DNA is designed this way. Few see this fractal in Earth in our own DNA design. We can visualize this pattern when chromosomes align and split during cell division. Filamentary patterns are ubiquitous in the cosmos and inside our cells.  Filamentary patterns are found in nucleic acids and collagen, and those filaments are linked to the distances between mitochondria inside of cells, as I described in great detail in Ubiquitination 5 blog post at The DC electric current of Becker is linked to regeneration. This implies that the jabs all reduce electric power transformation in cells to cause the damage we see in the aftermarket data of the mRNA jabs.

Most sugars are polar molecules, meaning they are also electrically charged. DNA’s backbone is made up of sugars. Cellular charge changes in all membranes when redox is low and cancer manifests because the lowered charge in the blood plasma is what stimulates the liver to make less albumin as a result the liver begins to focus on glucose metabolism and the oxidative branch of the PPP to rid the body of deuterium in 5 and 6 carbon sugars that make up every cell membrane in your body and all RNA and DNA to become electrically more efficient. Your job is augment these effects with sunlight and magnetism found in strong terrestrial light. This is why cancer rates are lower in tropical regions than they are outside the tropics. This is why if your jabbed you need to understand why this advice is something to consider in your journey as a GMO human now.

Everything in nature that is decentralized and healthy is organized by charge.  In the sea, the valence bonds inside between oxygen and hydrogen atoms give the oxygen a slight negative charge and the hydrogen a slight positive charge. In turn, polarized water molecules attract the negative and positive areas on the sugars, which makes them dissolve in water, whereas non-polar molecules will not.

Consider olive oil, for instance, as an example in salad dressing. As the New Scientist article states in this HYPERLINK, some common phenomena are examples of the ocean’s gelatin-like substance. The northern Adriatic Sea turns to jelly every few years during algal blooms. However, the microscopic forces involved with the occurrence are not readily understood, nor is the way that the gel forms, in general.


Gerald Pollack has written another book on gels and their creation, and no with surprise to my readers, this ability is tied to the creation of what he terms an exclusion zone in water.  This links algal blooms to sunlight.  Exclusions zones are really coherent domains that are an oasis for electron liberation to be used by cells in redox fashion. These coherent domains only needs a hydrophilic substance adjacent to it to create a charge separation in water by sunlight.  Once this occurs, light can be captured in water and the coherent domains grows massively. This means the amount of electrons to be delocalized in cells to control biology is INCREASED. This is the basis of what your redox potential is at its core.  This is how a plasma is created from light within water to form initially.

A milliliter of seawater contains huge numbers of polysaccharide molecules that if “…untangled and lined up end to end, would stretch 5600 kilometers”.  One liter of sea water also has 10,000,000 viruses in it, loaded with DNA and RNA.  Most are destroyed in our gut but because the human gut is designed to be leaky by design some can get through to our GALT. This is how we evolve. These are the spare parts cells use to figure our environmental cues and how to adapt to them.

There are also chains of DNA, proteins, and other organic substances that provide a nutrient-rich environment for the organisms that live in the ocean. Now think back to the brain gut 2 blog I wrote long ago.  UV light and sea water make more viral particles in the ocean then there are stars in the known universe.  This would have created a lot of viral particles and bacteria in a sea water gel at one time.  Might this be the conditions required for endosymbiosis to occur? Might it also be the way to reverse man made interlaction to avoid turbo cancers?

How would you expect nature build a cell to respond to excessive light loss?  Might there be a mechanism tied to excessive ELF-UV release tearing through a plasma that might be re-purposed in some odd way to regenerate us? Why did Popp find all cancer lines release massive amount of light from their cells?  Why are mitochondria at this time all running on glucose (Warburg shift)?

Did you know that when high energy photons are traveling through hot and sparse plasma (just like the interstellar medium or deuterium loaded water) they normally get redshifted without scattering light.  Did you know that?  Mother Nature does and that is why cancer cells are liberating light massively when water creation via the TCA cycle is absent. This means using IR-A and NIR light can augment a jabbed patient to help them regenerate because Mother Nature built cells to operate by charge and frequency at all times.  Even when someone has a new turbo cancer there is bail outs to help reverse the process because all of Nature is quantized.   She knew that red shifted ELF-UV light could be a bail out to increase the red activation of water.  This only works if the water is deuterium depleted!!!!! The TCA cycle is how you make this water.

We make our DDW in mitochondrial matrix (TCA).  This means the first step in any reversal should be to focus in on using light to augment proton recycling.  When we have too much deuterium  inside of us when we are leaking massive light back to the environment in any cancer state. Seeing sunrise frequencies most of the day is one way to recapture the ability to re-harness the TCA cycle to make DDW again.


What few humans alive realize today is that the SV40 story from the polio jabs was initially a salvage operation to save humanity from the scourge of cancer that Dr. Alton Ochsner and VP Nixon knew were coming. They had to let the Louisiana delegation in the House and Senate know what really was going on in all the covert bioweapons labs on Prytania and Magazine Streets. None of this data wound up in any medical journals by the actions of the FDA in concert with VP Nixon. This is why @Kevin_McKernan or @P_J_Buckhaults could not access to this data. It was never published in the literature. It was hidden and censored. When the industrial military complex realized the life preserver (LINAC) they sent to Dr. Sarah Stewart and Dr. Mary Sherman actually made the cancers more lethal, then the DoD realized what the two doctors found. A way to weaponized viruses and vaccines. When I went to @RickRubin podcast (Tetragrammaton) two years ago and told RFK Jr that SV40 was found in the Pfizer jab his face went white.

He knew exactly what that meant. Prior to that day, he had no idea that the problem that Ochsner found in 1951 was now in the jabs given in 2021. That 70 year span was proof positive that the USA was using bioweapons against Americans. Remember the DoD distributed the jab not BigHarma. They were the drug dealers who took the orders from the cartels in the Pentagon. In essense anyone who supports the mRNA platform is wearing the epaulet of the DoD bioweapons program on their shoulders out in the open for everyone to see. This epaulet for me mimics what the MS 13 tattoos were used for to round up all the gang members by @nayibbukele in his Exception Regime. This is why I asked my Congressman Matt Gaetz from Destin to come El Salvador and learn how President Bukele cleaned up his country.

I believe @mattgaetz was the perfect guy to round up all the people in Congress wearing the epaulet of compliance to the jab program.


My New Years eve PSA as the sun sets in 2024 on Day 11 of my journey to Antarctica.

As the magnetic field power decreases on Earth, and magnetic poles look to change the third rock from the sun, the revolutions of Earth begins to slows due to energy loss and we can see and feel it in the Earth’s behavior.

As the Earth’s rotation slows, earthquakes frequency uptick geologically. See Hawaii and Iceland as data. The slowing of the rotation of the planet is a function of the wireless interaction of light between the sun and our magnetic core via Birkeland currents.

As magnetic field power decreases methylation patterns on DNA change in humans. The more methylation marketing we have the harder it is to live a long life. If you took the jab it is even worse. This explains why insurance companies are reporting record death rates since the DoD unleashed mRNA tech.

We experience biological time loss. In this way, a loss of magnetic flux on Earth mimics what inflation does to money. It is a cause of time theft from healthspan.
When magnetism on Earth decreases, volcanoes change too by becoming active to release more CO2 to stimulate plant growth to alter the global electrical circuit that runs the solar system.
Effectively the Earth is losing energy back to space = entropy loss. Earthquakes and volcanic activity pertain to activity changes in the upper mantle and especially the asthenosphere = how energy is being transmitted from inside of Earth back to space.
What is in between both layers? The oceans are the skin above this interaction. I am day 11 into this journey to Antarctica (very similar to Darwin’s path of 1831) and see evidence of it all around me.
This is where real climate change comes from now: solar physics. Since the oceans sit between the magnetic core and space, the deep water is heated and currents speed up in the seas.
As a result, the atmosphere heats up when volcanoes burp C02. C02 is plant food in sunlight. Plants will bloom more out of season than we expect when these effects are present. I saw this in Chile at my stop at the vineyard below. The Southern hemisphere in summer is showing these effects on my trip.


What should you consider in 2025 if you are decentralizing your life as the magnetic fields change?

That magnetic flux in volcanic regions stabilizes stress cellular architecture and it also allows the ATPase to spin fast than it does in areas with a lowered gauss reading.

Please remember from past lessons I have given you that magnetic fields control acoustic phonons in cells.  That research was done at Ohio State.  Not only does it control morphogenesis it can also increase the heat a matrix liberate as the ATPase spins faster and it can actually control how the cell uses that heat properly so that heat is not wasted and thermalized.  This is why cells can remain far from equilibrium in volcanic basins where the same people will struggle to do this in other locations they live in.

If you are jabbed in 2025 take this underconsideration. My best to you all in 2025 from the bottom of the world where I continue to observe Nature as she is now.


Magnetic flux control of heat and acoustic phonons:


The biophysics of the Southern Hemisphere is an interesting topic for those with coupled and uncoupled haplotypes. The story of trees has a lesson for you.

Today I am on day 7 on the journey to Antarctica and 6 days after the Summer solstice here. I’m currently quite close to 41-S latitude in the summer, close to the red pin below. The weather here is much colder than one would expect in the summer than we would see on June 27th at the 41N latitude.

In the United States, the 41 N parallel defines the southernmost border of Wyoming, which borders Utah and Colorado, and is part of the border between Nebraska and Colorado. The difference is that the 41 S latitude surrounds the Southern Ocean. The southern Hemisphere is covered by 80.9% ocean. The Northern Hemisphere is covered by 60.7% ocean. The physics of water and light explains the difference. Because the Southern latitudes have more seawater, water heats up and cools down more slowly than land does. This affects the oceanic heat transfer via the physics of the thermohaline currents.

Thermohaline currents work on water density, which is affected by its deuterium content. These currents refer to the movement of ocean water driven by differences in temperature and salinity, which in turn affect seawater density.

This circulation is responsible for distributing heat and nutrients throughout the world’s oceans and is essential for maintaining a specific climate for a region.

Winds and ocean currents play a significant role in the thermohaline circulation by driving the movement of surface water and climate in a region. This impacts life on land.

When ocean water in the polar regions gets very cold, sea ice forms, and the surrounding seawater becomes saltier, denser, and sinks to the bottom of the ocean as the ice stays on top. The ice is deuterium depleted compared to the seawater.

This physical effect translates directly to photosynthesis in South America and Antarctica. There are collateral effects in Australia. Forests in the Southern Hemisphere have distinct differences that take advantage of this. Chile, Argentina, and Australia have unique beech species called Nothofagus. This extends to NZ as well. NZ has a closely related genus called Lophoozonia and Fuscospora. As a result, Australia is loaded with eucalyptus. In the 19th century, eucalyptus was brought to South America, and it does well on this continent because of the hydrology cycle of lowered deuterium water.

How species respond to the combined effects of lowered temperature and low soil moisture depends on species tolerance, the range of environmental conditions, and extreme temperature and precipitation changes. Low soil moisture in the early summers in the Southern Hemisphere can impact leaf-level photosynthesis through stomatal regulation and nonstomatal processes (Flexas & Medrano, 2002). This is why, at high southern latitudes, the forests are not as dense as they are in North America.

Reduced moisture decreases stomatal conductance, and thus leaf photosynthetic CO2 assimilation due to a reduction of CO2diffusion and thus lower intracellular CO2 concentration in the leaf (Ci) (Gallé & Feller, 2007; Zhou et al., 2014), leading to a possible photo-damage to PSII (Powles, 1984; Epron & Dreyer, 1993). Independently of stomatal closure, biochemical processes will be affected during prolonged soil moisture reduction, thereby limiting leaf-level photosynthesis properties via the downregulation of Rubisco activity and content (Parry, 2002). Hence, impacts of low soil moisture could include a reduction of Asat, Vcmax, Jmax, and Fv/Fm (Zhou et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2018). CO2 from volcanoes at the bottom of the Earth feeds the plants CO2 chronically.

Exposure to chronically lowered air temperature with sufficient soil moisture supply should increase leaf-level photosynthetic properties in the long term because of enhanced photochemical reactions, as long as temperatures do not exceed the photosynthesis optimal temperature. The elevations of the Andes show these effects on plant life throughout Chile and Argentina. The Earth creates mountains and volcanoes to seed the Earth with fuel to grow plants and trees.

The eucalyptus replantation was a success because man used Nature’s processes in South America to produce pulp and biofuels.

This is the decentralized science of the biophysics of water and light. Water and light control this process, which affects you via your heteroplasmy rate. This is how light and water sculpt life in the Southern Hemisphere. The process is not the same in both hemispheres. People who are tightly coupled will do terribly at high southern latitudes.


I have done several Q & As for my members about the new data in the jab from many researchers. I call the sun the vaccine for cancer in animals on Earth. I say this because just about every paper I read that is new shows this effect. It is also why EVERY paper in the PEER literature I have reviewed that looks at Vitamin D3 levels links it to cancer risk and low melatonin levels.

I’ve made the case that to avoid cancer caused from the jabs one must constantly live in an environment where the sun power is always controlling this mechanism so that one gets no breakthrough cancer. And if one does get a break through turbo cancer one must have serious redox power in their T- regulators cells to take the cancer out once it forms.

If you watch the Vermont 2017 video on Utube, then you will see why AM light keeps you far from the cancer state.   AM light has more IR-A and NIR light. These two light bands also offer unique protection from jab cancers. This new paper from June of 2024 shows this.


Light controls the size and shape of cells and mitochondria. Size and shape of mitochondrial controls the thermodynamics possible in an organs mitocondria to either facilitate cancer generation or inhibit it. The volume change in a cell of a mitochondrion is quantized to light frequency and charge of the cells in question.  Light is directly coupled to the redox power in your mitochondria. Nothing else has this lever of control. This biggest key to volume control in mitochondria is the deuterium fractionation in the cell over all.  Where this fractionation occurs is also huge in determining what kind of disease you get. When it develops inside the mitochondria cancer is the most likely diagnosis.

So when a cell loses energy, it gets larger, and it can become oncogenic because the size change alters how the tensegrity of the cell operates to pull chromosomes apart.  Our body uses size and shape change as a signal to our immune systems NK cells as a defense mechanism in this case to prevent oncogenesis. This process is altered by the jabs.  The jab itself is a mitochondrial toxin because it destroys the size relationships in mitochondria that develop over time and it expands the morphology of mitochondria immediately.

The jab is capable of disconnecting the connections of water molecules in the subcutaneous fat regions which act to store protons and CO2 for later use in TCA cycle. This affects ATPase function. It has a direct effect on the quantum biology of DNA/RNA which alters the mitochondrial matrix directly.  Your mitochondrial defenses become worthless if there is no light in the UV and IR range to control the flow of H+ in its matrix.  This is the key metric to understanding the bio-physics of the cancer state when you have been jabbed.


The only reason to put a SV40 signal into the Pfizer jab, which was undisclosed to FDA, was to Genetically Modify people. A cursory review of the literature shows CRISPR CAS-9 uses it to enter the cell nucleus. If you remember my old webinars I told you I bio-hacked with CRISPR technology (in 2014) with disasterous results.

When you read the paper above one can easily come to the conclusion that it’s almost like they WANTED genome integration to cause disease in GMO humans they created. From my research it was their target vector. Destroying the gene pool is their intention to alter fertility and population density of humans. We have been invaded by these medical tyrants and no-one had to declare war – it’s done to many millions of people who complied with their wishes.

If you took the Pfizer jab you need to make oysters a staple of your diet. Why?

Oysters also lack an adaptive immune system as a filter feeder. Being filter feeder, they thus produce a diverse library of antivirals to complement their innate immune system. This can help slow viral actions inside of you. This paper will help make this case.

Do I think the use of CBD should be encouraged for Pfizer patients?

Yes, I do based on papers I have read. Cannabigerol Triggers Cancer Cell Death in Pancreatic Tumours! The study found that CBG (Cannabigerol): Induces autophagy: This means CBG encourages the cells to “clean up” and recycle their own damaged parts, which can lead to the death of cancer cells. Reduces EGFR/AKT/RAS pathways: These are signalling pathways in cells that, when overly active, can lead to cancer growth. CBG seems to dial down these pathways, slowing or stopping cancer cell growth. Promotes apoptotic cell death: Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death. CBG helps trigger this natural death process in cancer cells, effectively killing them off. Increases sensitivity to chemotherapy: This means that CBG makes pancreatic cancer cells (PDAC stands for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) more responsive to chemotherapy drugs, potentially making treatments more effective. In essence, CBG shows promise in fighting pancreatic cancer by multiple mechanisms, making it potentially useful in combination with existing treatments.


Do I think we need to open up a Bitcoin fund raiser for PCR and sequencing of more tumor biopsies in the JABBED? I think we do. Kevin McKernan believes we should do this as well. If you took the Pfizer jab you must follow Kevin and Ethical skeptic on X.

Recently internal emails show the Australian drug regulator TGA knows DNA fragments in mRNA vaccines can enter the nucleus & integrate into the genome. The TGA withheld this info from the public, presenting a picture of certainty where there is none. You need to be aware of how dangerous these people are for your health.

TGA staff acknowledge DNA integration into the genome is possible: “Foreign DNA can integrate into chromosomal DNA in the absence of an integrase in mammalian cells.”

“The SV40 enhancer region can promote nuclear transport of DNA.” This is something that publicly the TGA assures can never happen.

Pfizer did not disclose the SV40 sequence to the TGA: “The plasmid also contains a SV40 promoter and f1 ori region (not shown in plasmid map presented by Sponsor but found in BLAST and reported in @DJSpeicher & @Kevin_McKernan papers).”

TGA insists that modRNA/DNA integration into human genome isn’t happening, but TGA staff are “unaware of studies which have tested this,” suggesting that the TGA is just making it up.

TGA staff admit that the modRNA vaccines with LNPs “have the potential to package non-target [ie: DNA] sequences and be administered to patients.” But the TGA still insists: “There is no significance to minute amounts of residual DNA being encapsulated in the LNPs.”

Throughout the 200 page discussion of residual DNA risks in the modRNA vaccines, the focus is entirely on “allaying fears in the public.” There is no contemplation of the theoretical risks discussed, which have not been clinically investigated.

The TGA had the gaul to say scientists spearheading the contamination issue internationally are not impressed.

“This is just overt smoke screening” –


“Severe gaslighting, they are more concerned with maintaining the mantra of ‘safe and effective’” –


You are being lead to slaughter folks by the government regulatory bodies because they do not even want you to know what they did to you. They want you to just accept the consequences.

The DoD and the CIA were exempted from these jabs. Both of them were distributors of the jab. As such they knew the real risks. Read the link below. It should make your blood boil.

Many people are searching the data and all are getting the same result. Helathy people are dying fast from turbo cancers.

THE BLOG TAKE HOME POINT:  What is the take home of all this work? COVID 19 hijacks your ATP synthesis, drains the Mitochondria of its ability to transform energy via ATP as it replicates to the highest copy number transcript in the cell. When you understand this point, you will understand why tropical sun is the best antidote because UVA light does the same thing by turning off ATP and UVB light turns on production of NK cells to deal with cancer by creating them from T-regulator cells.




My bet is you do not. This paper was from a long time ago.

“Klaus Schwab will bioengineer humans into short infertile vegans to stop Climate Change”

Remember when they told us “Covid Vaccines don’t change your DNA, they aren’t Gene Therapy.”

They are. Where did the idea come from? An NYU Chinese WEF member.

Look at the archived post. It should really open your eyes.



The  skill is most needed times of stress is to learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer them.

Before you begin here click on this link and let it play before you read a word.


Now listen for two to three minutes with your eyes closed before you begin to open your present.

Never begin with certainties, because, if you do, your experiences shall end in doubts. Always hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted in your “Matrix of beliefs.”

Question every axiom you were taught.

The antonym certainty isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides.

We sometimes FEEL that we are right. But weI do not KNOW that we are and this propels the mind to continuously move foward

Permanent, intolerable uncertainty is what makes life worth living.  The zest in life is created by not knowing what comes next.

Humans don’t ultimately crave power. They crave certainty, because they never have it. The more power someone has the more uncertainties they face…

The more desperately they need someone who appears to have answers.

The most wise among us embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives shouldn’t have a title until we live out our time.  Reflection provides that much later.

What I want for my tribe to rebuild their ability to think.  I want them to crave first principles as the cornerstone of their regeneration.

Our reality is that the drive beneath every hope, dream, and action is that we all desire well-being.

Some cultures, like the French, scoff at happiness. They say, “Don’t impose on us the dirty work of happiness.”

Pleasure is fleeting, but happiness is a state of being. Pleasure is a chocolate cake – delicious at first but sickening by the third slice. Happiness is the ocean depths – serene and untouched by passing waves.

Happiness is an inside job. We dedicate years to education and fitness. But the most important training is often neglected: mastering our minds.  This is my superpower. I have dedicated my life to my mind and its ability to think and reason.  Most people dedicate their lives to vanity and the facades we see in life.  I want to worship the things found in the deepest darkest places in our minds.

Mastering our mind is the one task that determines the texture of our entire lives.  When you meet someone who has cultivated the garden of their mind you will find a human who is happy in their own skin.  They appear to be calm in any storm.

If you are deeply unhappy within, all you are going to look for is a window from which to jump. We grasp for it in external conditions, but our control over them is limited. The mind is the true translator. We chase happiness in all the wrong places.

The key to happiness lies in the quality of our thoughts and the contentment of our mind.

Mind transformation – that is the very meaning of meditation. It’s a skill, not a luxury. The quality of every moment depends on the state of our minds. Yet we spend so little time tending to it.

The nature of the human mind is pure awareness, not permanently stained by destructive emotions. Through meditation, we can train the mind, transforming it at the deepest level. Opposite mental states cannot coexist.

Why is the mind important.  When you face adversity or an adversary explain to them that their mind is on a sliding scale that ranges from ignorance to fraud.  Ask them where the line between both ideas in their own mind.  It will uncover much about the uncertainity of the situation.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science.  They ask to rely on transparency instead of focusing on the data sitting right in front of them.

Decentralized science proves meditation’s power for humanity.  Mitochondriacs with 10,000+ hours of practice show vastly increased activity in brain regions linked to happiness and compassion. They learn to become fire breathers and put those with unsettled thinking into chaos.  This is done to show them that their thinking is disordered inside the storm.  To become well, the storm should not affect the mind.  In fact, the mind should feed off the storm.  They demonstrate superhuman emotional control inside themselves. What they show the world externally is a facade of who they are inside their own storm.  Mind training shapes the very structure of our grey matter in our neocortex.

The experience that translates everything on Earth is within the mind. Circumstances are the waves. The mind is the ocean. Will you be tossed by every passing swell? Or will you dive deep and discover the stillness within?

At the core of all well-founded belief lies belief that is unfounded. If those around you are locked into concrete thinking you must free yourself from their bonds. Sovereignty is the right to tell those you love and care about that you have the right to tell them things that they do not want to hear.

To break free from the past, you must first acknowledge its existence. You don’t have to be defined by your past. You can be shaped by it, but you can’t let it define you.

The moment you decide to break free, you reclaim your power & sovereignty.


Happiness is not the absence of suffering; it is the ability to deal with it.  Compassion is not just a wish to see others free from suffering; it is a willingness to take action to alleviate their suffering.  The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes.  This is the essence of the decentralized clinicians mindset for his tribe.  Happiness is not a destination to be reached; it is a way of traveling on our thought through our own mind.

When we open our mind to the suffering of others, we discover a profound interconnectedness that transcends boundaries.  Those connections always link to the threads Nature weaves for us.  My job as a clincian is to reconnect your mind back to that source code.

Happiness is not something that can be pursued; it is a state of mind that arises from within Nature’s threads.  My wish for you this Christmas is that you realize these lessons and do something in 2025 to cultivate your mind better than you have previously.  And when you do this, you should then re-gift it to the people who matter to you in the coming years.

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they make the best of every storm they experience. Please learn to train your mind to think this way.

Mitochondrial success isn’t about medical predictions. It’s about having:

• An unflappable system with a verified edge: Nature

• Unwavering discipline to execute it

• Mental framework to stay objective

The world’s top decentralized thinkers understand this fundamental truth.

You will not break loose until you realize that you yourself forge the chains that bind you. The world we are about to enter requires this realization.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


DECENTRALIZED MEDICINE #24: Graphene: A time invariant semiconductor that we may use to treat the jabbed

For the first time, graphene has been successfully converted into a unique state of topological insulator. Graphene, a two-dimensional material with a single atomic layer composed only of carbon, has attracted attention as a next-generation electronic device material because of its high thermal and electric conductivity. Carbon, in this form, acts like a metal.

Graphene has other queer properties. It is not sensitive to time. The time-reversal invariant 2D topological insulators are also known as the quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE).  A physical system is time reversal invariant if the underlying laws are not sensitive to the direction of time. There are various accounts of time reversal transformation, resulting in different views on whether or not a given theory in physics is time reversal invariant.

However, graphene is useless for many photonic and electronic applications because it is too conductive and has no band gap.

The band gap is a fundamental property of a semiconductor because it determines its color and conductivity.


A painter’s palette is rich with colors, some arising from the band gaps in natural semiconductors.

The mechanism behind the color we perceive in semiconductors can be explained by the band theory that governs color in many metals. Like metals, semiconductors have a reflective surface when polished but do not conduct electricity as effectively. Semiconductors frequently act as insulators and require particular conditions to become conductors. While metals become more resistant to the flow of charge with increasing temperature, semiconductors become conductors only with sufficient thermal energy, performing better as temperature increases.  Water does this as well because it is also a semiconductor.  It becomes more quantum coherent when light strikes it to form coherent domains.

If the substance has a large band gap, such as the 5.4 eV of diamond or the similar value of corundum, then no light in the visible spectrum can be absorbed. These substances transmit all incident light and are colorless in their pure forms. In their powdered forms, or when their structure prevents light from being transmitted, all light is reflected to the observer, and we see them as white. Such “large band gap semiconductors” are excellent insulators and behave like covalently bonded materials.

If a pigment can absorb all wavelengths, we see it as black, just as we see most metals as black in their powdered form. A white pigment absorbs no visible light. As in subtractive color mixing, we see its complementary color when a specific wavelength is absorbed from incident white light.

I mentioned this here: VIDEO

A “medium band gap semiconductor” is a material with a somewhat smaller band gap, such as the compound cadmium sulfide (CdS). This is the pigment cadmium yellow, known as the mineral greenockite (more examples in table).

This change in the band gap size is illustrated using mixed crystals of yellow cadmium sulfide (CdS, Eg = 2.6 eV) and black cadmium selenide (CdSe, Eg = 1 .6 eV), which have the same structure and form a solid-solution series. The photograph above illustrates the yellow-orange-red-black sequence of these mixed crystals as the band-gap energy decreases.

Mixed crystals such as cadmium sulfoselenide (Cd4SSe3) form the painter’s pigment cadmium orange and are also used to color glass and plastic. Mercuric sulfide (HgS) exists in two different crystalline forms. Cinnabar (the pigment vermillion) with Eg = 2.0 eV is a deep red but can transform upon exposure to light in an improperly formulated paint to the black metacinnabar with Eg = 1.6 eV in as little as five years; this has happened in several old paintings.

Another method of manipulating the color of semiconductor materials is by adding impurities. These doped semiconductors have energy levels within the band gap and allow us to tailor the wavelength of emitted light. Some semiconductors contain impurities in their natural state, providing useful insights into these behaviors.


A band gap prevents short circuits since the electrons aren’t continuously in the conduction band. A small band gap allows the solid to have a strong enough flow of electrons from the valence to conduction bands to have some conductivity. So graphene would constantly short out, which is why adding graphene to the human system is a problem.

If the band gap is too high, most daylight photons cannot be absorbed; if it is too low, then most photons have much more energy than necessary to excite electrons across the band gap, and the rest is wasted.

A band gap is the distance between the valence band of electrons and the conduction band (see the picture above). Essentially, the band gap represents the minimum energy required to excite an electron to a state in the conduction band where it can participate in conduction.

Graphene’s basic properties show for the first time that electrons in a non-metal appear like a metal, and it can behave like a fluid.  Not having a band gap makes it unique.  Metals tend not to have band gaps, either.

In ordinary, three-dimensional metals, electrons hardly interact with each other. However, graphene’s two-dimensional honeycomb structure acts like an electron superhighway in which all the particles have to travel in the same lane. The electrons in graphene act like massless relativistic objects, some with a positive charge and some with a negative charge. They move at incredible speed — 1/300 of the speed of light — and have been predicted to collide with each other ten trillion times a second at room temperature.  These intense interactions between charge particles have never been observed in an ordinary metal.

Life uses carbon, just not in graphene form. When you have a material that’s one atom thick, it’s going to be really affected by its environment. Life cannot have a detector that is this sensitive because there is no way to control the signal well without large external electric and magnetic fields.

If the graphene is on top of something rough and disordered, it will interfere with how the electrons move in that substance. It’s essential to create graphene with no interference from its environment.

Quantum mechanics describes very small things, like electrons, while relativistic physics, pioneered by Albert Einstein, describes very large and very fast things, like galaxies.

Linking classical hydrodynamics theories with Einstein’s theories of relativity can describe high-energy systems like supernovas and black holes.

But it’s challenging to run an experiment on a black hole. Enter graphene.  When an electric field drove the strongly interacting particles in graphene, they behaved not like individual particles but like a fluid that hydrodynamics could describe.  Instead of watching how a single particle was affected by an electric or thermal force, we could see the conserved energy as it flowed across many particles, like a wave through water.

We discovered physics by studying black holes and string theory, which we see in graphene.  This is the first model system of relativistic hydrodynamics in a metal.  Life is based on low-energy physics systems at a small scale. Quantum mechanics rules that domain.   A small graphene chip can be used to model the fluid-like behavior of other high-energy systems found in galaxies and black holes.  Einstein’s relativity rules high energy systems.

Materials conduct heat in two ways: through vibrations in the atomic structure or lattice and carried by the electrons themselves.  Science has needed to find a clever way to ignore the heat transfer from the lattice and focus only on how much heat the electrons carry.  To do so, the researchers turned to noise. At finite temperatures, the electrons move about randomly:  the higher the temperature, the noisier the electrons. By measuring the temperature of the electrons to three decimal points, researchers were able to measure the thermal conductivity of the electrons precisely.  Converting thermal energy into electric currents and vice versa is notoriously complex with ordinary materials.  But in principle, with a clean graphene sample, there may be no limit to how good a device you could make.


I have a sense that we might be able to cure people using this TI and high-intensity light in combination, but we will have to test the theory.

The material’s band gap is determined by its molecular structure; semiconductors’ periodic, crystalline atomic structure gives their valence electrons the ability to become conductive at specific temperatures.  Carbon on the periodic table has many atomic crystalline forms.  For example, as a diamond, its molecular arrangement gives it a large band gap and can act like a semiconductor.  Graphene is also a crystalline form of carbon, and it has no band gap and acts like a metal.  All living things are carbon-based, but our atomic arrangement is between diamonds and graphene.

This explains why the atomic structure inside your cells is exact and why the jabs were a problem because of the 51 elements they all contained.

Photosynthesis uses visible light to separate water.  To effectively utilize visible light for water splitting, the typical band gap of the semiconductor should lie within the range of 2.0 to 3.0 eV.

Visible light covers the range of approximately 390-700 nm, or 1.8-3.1 eV.

Viktor Schauberger found in water what modern-day physicists are finding out about graphene. Both are fluids that can act like metals when environmental conditions are just right.  What does this finding really imply to humans who observe nature well? This means that low-energy small-scale systems like cells and high-energy systems like CERN use physics very differently than the low-end system in mitochondria, which is quantum-based.  High-end energy systems on a large scale are relativity-based.  People don’t realize that semiconductors act by paying attention to the local environment…… happens with graphene, and it happens with DHA.  Water and graphene have something else in common.  They are both semiconductors in specific environments.  Semiconductors are antennae for electromagnetic radiations; the thinner they are, the better the antenna is at receiving electromagnetic signals from outside.

Could a neurotropic virus disrupt the main semiconductor system in our brain to alter it?  We’ve seen Zika and Covid clearly do that.  I believe the mRNA jabs do this as well. DHA and water are where it all begins in the brain.

Energy expenditure is all tied to cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral metabolic oxygen consumption (CMRO2).  Is it possible that a virus could alter the brain, causing microcephaly today?  Yep…….So, shrinking cerebral tissue reduces brain volume, improving CBF to CMRO2.  This saves energy when the environment is not ideal.  Might there be a reason Zika, autism, Alzheimer’s, and ALS have all shown up out of the blue?  Might it be why all the post-COVID complications have shown up as well? I think so.

Might that reason be a lack of energy from mitochondria?  Yep.  When a semiconductor senses electromagnetically, there is not that much energy to draw from it, and it shrinks in kind thermodynamically to adjust.  That saves massive energy.  The modern world has created an ionosphere filled with nnEMF and blue light.   Might these two things be linked in some way no one is making sense of?  Yes, I think so………



This might be the most important video you will watch today.

This excerpts from my 2017 Vermont talk laying out how light/EMF controls everything in biology. Credits to “Video Advice” on YouTube.

We think Homo sapiens came into existence around 200,000-300,000 years ago in equatorial Africa based on varying data. Two hundred thousand years is a long time, and it’s a complex number to fathom. So, let’s convert that considerable, unfathomable number into something we can all understand. How about a single calendar year? To put 200,000 years of human evolution onto a calendar year scale, we first need to determine how long an actual calendar year would be on that scale. Here’s how the math works: One year is 365 days; 365 days is 8,760 hours; 8,760 hours is 525,600 minutes; and 525,600 minutes is 31,536,000 seconds. When we divide 31,536,000 seconds by 200,000 years, we determine that an actual calendar year passes by in 158 seconds, or two minutes and 38 seconds, on our scaled calendar year.

A decade is over in 1,577 seconds, or 26 minutes and 47 seconds. A century is complete in four hours, 22 minutes, 48 seconds. And so on. Now that we understand these numbers, we can put significant events in human history on our calendar year timeline. The first one is easy: Our species came into existence in Africa 200,000 years ago, at midnight on January 1. Humans first migrated out of Africa 70,000- 100,000 years ago—give or take—which is July 1 on our timeline. Let that sink in for a moment: For half of our existence as a species, we lived in, or very near, Africa. Modern humans entered Europe about 40,000 years ago.

That event occurred at midnight on October 20 of our calendar year timeline, when 80 percent of our species’ existence was over. It’s incredible how time relativity works, isn’t it, when you think about how humans and time are related? Archaeologists agree that agriculture joined our technological repertoire about 12,000 years ago in the Middle East. That’s December 10 at 2:24 a.m. on our calendar year timeline. The Industrial Revolution, a decades-long technological transition that ushers in, or at least makes possible, the modern era, occurs in the early afternoon hours of New Year’s Eve. Consider the implications of that fact: 99.9 percent of our species’ existence is over before we enter a technological context that is even remotely close to modern. But if you think about it, the Industrial Revolution is archaic compared to today!

No plastics. No cars. No television. No radio. No telephones, much fewer smartphones. The Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of a remarkably different era for us as a species, yet it occurred during the last 0.1 percent of our time on this planet. Wow! What about the iPhone? It shows up on our timeline at 11:31 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, within the last half-hour of our calendar year timeline.

People like Casey Means want you to believe that using nnEMF to monitor your blood glucose is better than how your brain does it. If you think I am kidding, look at this paper below. It should now be clear that, when examined from this perspective, humankind’s relationship with technology, with change, and with time is in uncharted territory for our CIRCADIAN BIOLOGY. The risks for man so far have exceeded the promise of productivity………… my estimation.


Casey Means thinks a cell phone app is good for monitoring blood glucose and insulin. Look at the pictures to see how FLAWED this idea is. Trotsky’s granddaughter, Nora Volkow, who runs the National Institutes of Drug Abuse, wrote this paper a decade before Casey Means started using a cell phone app to monitor blood glucose.

Pardon me if I think she LEARNED nothing at Stanford University about doing research.

I think she learned to do this from Anne Wojcicki at 23andMe when she was married to Google’s Sergey Brin. Trotsky’s granddaughter, Nora Volkow, who runs the National Institutes of Drug Abuse, wrote this paper a decade before Casey Means started using a cell phone app to monitor blood glucose.






Every sunrise at the beach is a growing heat like a million blazing suns all focused on my mind. It lights my pilot light to warm my insides to conquer another day.

Chaos answers the question humans have posed for millennia, how did we get here?

In life, as everywhere in the cosmos, there exists a struggle between matter, both biotic and abiotic.   Chaos is entropy in abiotic systems (represented by fear in biotic systems) and order is a zero entropy state of life (represented by curious exploration in biotic systems).

Everything that is abiotic dies in “heat death”.  What we fail to realize today in biology is that biological order comes out of this chaos.  Chaos seems to the biologist to be a world described as we understand a heat engine in which heat is converted into motion only at the price of irreversible waste & useless dissipation.


TIMING CONTROLS HOW ENERGY FLOWS IN CELLS. This is why time stamping by the circadian mechanism is the cornerstone of decentralized health. Biotic atoms must be time stamped to avoid chaos.

What is the human time stamping mechanism?

CLOCK and BMAL1 are positive regulators of circadian gene expression, and PER and CRY are the NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP regulators that operate under day and night cycles. These are the positive and negative feedback arms of the circadian mechanism.

Ilya Prigogine defined dissipative structures and their role in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium, a discovery that won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. Simply stated any dissiptive structure has to time stamp atoms in some way to avoid the chaos of heat death. In summary, Ilya Prigogine discovered that the importation and dissipation of energy into chemical systems could result in the emergence of new structures, which became known as dissipative structures, due to internal self-reorganization. In his 1955 text, Prigogine drew connections between dissipative structures and the Rayleigh-Bénard instability, and the Turing mechanism. Prigogine’s theorem is germane to these ideas. As such mitochondria should be thought of as time stamping machines at the core of cells.

Ilya Prigogine defined dissipative structures and their role in thermodynamic systems far from equilibrium, a discovery that won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1977. Simply stated any dissiptive structure has to time stamp atoms in some way to avoid the chaos of heat death. In summary, Ilya Prigogine discovered that the importation and dissipation of energy into chemical systems could result in the emergence of new structures, which became known as dissipative structures, due to internal self-reorganization. In his 1955 text, Prigogine drew connections between dissipative structures and the Rayleigh-Bénard instability, and the Turing mechanism. Prigogine’s theorem is germane to these ideas. As such mitochondria should be thought of as time stamping machines at the core of cells.


The dynamic, energetic closure of the living system proposed built by Nature in cells gives rise to a number of important consequences. First and foremost, it frees the organism from the immediate constraints of energy conservation — the first law of thermodynamics — as well as the second law of thermodynamics, thus offering a solution to the enigma of the organism posed by Lord Kelvin and Schrödinger.

Because of the atomic organization of cells (AMO physics) there is always energy available within the cellular system. The energy derived from the sun is stored coherently in many places in cells, and ready for use, over all space-time domains. Mitochondrial water production is critical in the blueprint because it stores more light energy to use for TIME STAMPING. This picture shows that relationship CLEARLY

The fidelity of this water creation is the basis of the autonomy of organisms. Organisms are never simply at the mercy of their environments on account of the coherent energy stored. When the environment steals this ability from cells (nnEMF) cells are at the mercy of food and exercise.

More to the point, we don’t have to eat constantly (Leptin Rx), leaving plenty of time for other useful, pleasurable activities (SEX). This is why food is not the top of list of worries.

The other consequences are that the organism is exquisitely sensitive and free from the mechanical constraints of life on Earth; and satisfies, at least, some of the basic conditions for quantum coherence. Water creation by mtDNA provides that as well.

According to Ilya Prigogine, determinism loses its explanatory power in the face of irreversibility and instability in dissipative systems. This is a major departure from the approach of Newton, Einstein and Schrödinger, all of whom expressed their theories in terms of deterministic equations.

Indeterminism is the opposite of determinism and is related to chance. Chance is related to probability. In science, most specifically quantum theory in physics links directly to probability and not cause and effect. Indeterminism is the belief that no event is certain and the entire outcome of anything is probabilistic. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the “Born rule“, proposed by Max Born, are often starting points in support of the indeterministic nature of the universe. Indeterminism is also asserted by Sir Arthur Eddington and Murray Gell-Mann. Indeterminism has been promoted by the French biologist Jacques Monod‘s essay “Chance and Necessity“. Ilya Prigogine argued for indeterminism in complex systems.

At life’s genesis chaos has to gain order. Dissipative structure theory really aims to solve this problem for biology by using physics.

Man has lost his humility with progress.  Humility is simply nature’s disposition that prepares our minds for living on intuition.  Nature’s disruption is what human life should rely upon. This process is controlled by sunlight and should be uncontrolled by man.  Manmade light has usurped this process.  This has allowed our brain to become preoccupied with technological progress which is now leading to biological disruption.



If you are following the series, you will see the story of light stress, which was used in an adaptive fashion by mammals 65 million years ago to survive.  What underpins this effect, however, may shock you.  It is POMC.  It turns out that repeated exposure to low levels of mitochondrial stress, which environmental light induces, and various cytosolic and nuclear responses build resilience against higher levels of stress. This response would have significantly benefited mammals during an extinction-level event. This adaptive response, primarily known as mitohormesis, has been shown to extend health span and/or lifespan in several model organisms (Yun and Finkel, 2014).

What are the consequences here?

Ancient adaptions can lead to modern diseases when the spectrum of light changes again.  Remember, the initial adaptation mammals made was due to a lack of UV light in their environment, and they ran predominantly from 390nm to -3100 nm.

Today, centralized medicine looks at hemochromatosis as a disease when, in reality, it occurred as an epigenetic adaptation for an iron protection strategy that humans used to keep adult males alive to reproduce to allow them to survive in Europe for the last 1000 years.  Today, scientists are beginning to realize that our ‘junk DNA’ seems to be the raw material for constructing new wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductors that use light to sculpt changes.  This is how our semiconductors transform light into epigenetic information to change the game so survival is guaranteed.   Evolution seems to tell us that in the last 1000 years, biology built a new way to defend against pathogens and events we have recently faced so that we can survive whatever life throws at us. This semiconductive fabrication plant in our bodies (POMC) acts like an evolutionary junkyard that allows us to innovate new novel ways to survive a bad event.

We now know that transgenerational epigenetics in the Viking men of the Northern coastline of Northern Europe was selected for hemochromatosis.  We believe that the COLD, harsh Tundra of the north was mineral deficient. Women with this genetic defect would have fared as better child bearers because they could absorb more iron to birth more children who also carried the hemochromatosis defect into the next generation.  It is also believed that the Viking men might have survived the disease because their Gladiator-type lifestyle was ferocious, and they often faced severe blood loss that might have offset the iron defect.  As Vikings settled in Northern Europe, the mutation grew using the “founders effect” caused by inbreeding due to small population sizes.  The founder effect means that any ‘non-lethal defects’ are highly selected for and carried in the entire population of a people.  It is believed that the ‘Viking defect’ was blended into the populations of Northern and Western Europe over 500 years to solve the recurrent Yersina outbreaks that caused the bubonic plague and almost extinguished humans in Europe.  The chronicity of the infection was an ‘epigenetic signal phenomenon’ that allowed for the selection of the hemochromatosis gene to confer reproductive fitness over longevity. At the same time, the Yersina remained active in the human population.  This remained true for close to 500-1000 years.

This “irony” may now explain why ancient physicians were barbers and bloodletters. We used to believe this practice was ‘quackery,’ but we now know that it was the survival of the wisest in action. Bloodletting had a significant role in conferring more longevity to those with hemochromatosis of European descent. When you bleed, you release a massive dose of vasopressin from the posterior pituitary.

Until the 20th century, bloodletting was standard practice. Then, it was stopped, and hemochromatosis became a modern disease. Canadian physiologist Norman Kasting found that bloodletting also released the hormone vasopressin (ADH) from the posterior pituitary. This release from the hypothalamus reduced their fevers and increased their immune function to act faster to save them. This finding was not causation, but the correlation between bloodletting and fever reduction is massive in human history. Bleeding them down may have helped fight infection when it was present.  When we bleed, vasopressin release is also altered. nnEMF does the same.


Abnormal non-circadian release of vasopressin is linked to autoimmune conditions in modern man.

The arginine vasopressin hormone (AVP) of the posterior pituitary increases blood−brain barrier permeability. It also affects voltage gates and water balance in cells.

The immune system (IS) plays a vital role in protecting our body and can recognize its tissues from foreign molecules. The IS comprises lymphoid organs, cellular components, humoral factors, chemokines, and cytokines that respond to antigens that can harm the body (Shinde and Kurhekar, 2018; Verbsky and Routes, 2018).

The IS is highly and tightly regulated by mtDNA signaling and biophoton biology; however, its disruption could induce diverse pathological disorders, such as allergies and asthma; subsequently, when the host’s tolerance is exceeded, the condition becomes an autoimmune disease (Anaya et al., 2016).

nnEMF exposure is critical to BBB function, as Russ Adey and Allen Frey demonstrated in the 1960s.

Most autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and MS are considered chronic illnesses today by centralized medicine. I consider them modern diseases linked to aberrant lighting and nnEMFs.

Some of them can induce neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative processes in the CNS, which occur when the integrity of the BBB is compromised, as the pictures above show. The BBB is considered a highly selective barrier between the cerebral capillary blood and interstitial fluid of the CNS (Kadry et al., 2020; Schreiner et al., 2022) and helps keep harmful substances from reaching the brain as pathogens, toxins, and some drugs, as well as prevents the entry of IS components (Daneman, 2012; Kadry et al., 2020; Knudsen et al., 2022).

The principal constituent of the BBB is the endothelial cells, which provide protection and structural stability to the blood vessels on tight junctions (the liner sheets pericytes and astrocytes that ensheath the blood vessels and restrict the substances entering the brain or its immune system. The breakdown of the BBB promotes its permeability, permitting the entrance of immune molecules and lymphocytes, inducing autoreactive conditions in the blood-spinal cord barrier and BBB; as a consequence, damage and destruction of the myelin sheath increases, causing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, and MS.

Similarly, neuroinflammation promotes the entry of IS components through the BBB and blood-spinal cord barrier into the CNS; therefore, an increase in the barriers’ permeability induces the interaction of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as the interleukins 1β and 17A (IL-1β and IL-17A), and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), which activates the downregulation of tight junctions in the endothelial cell barriers. IL-17A has been associated with the loosening of both obstacles, as shown by in vivo and in vitro assays. It is related to the production of reactive oxygen species by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and xanthine oxidase action, which are related to increasing in the endothelial cells’ permeability, causing a decrease in the occluding protein, zonula occludens-1 in in-vitro assays by Arima et al., 2013. The photoswitch I have mentioned before is a critical circadian controller of the ROS mechanism.

In contrast, the hyperactivity of sensitized lymphocytes induces the proliferation and secretion of IL-17 in MS. In addition, under normal conditions, T regulatory (Treg) cells alter and break down the balance in IS responses, which are accompanied by MS (Pot et al., 2011). Immune cells such as T and B lymphocytes, macrophages, and innate immune cells promote the disease’s pathophysiology. Myelin antibodies from B cells induce the loss of the myelin sheath. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated the presence of immunoglobulins IgG and IgM in patients with acute and chronic MS.


The human hypothalamus is a pivotal governing center for various metabolic processes in the body (Roh et al., 2016; Waterson and Horvath, 2015). Proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-producing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARH) are critical in regulating energy and water balance. (below)

POMC neuronal activity is strongly tied to mitochondrial function.  The higher your mitochondrial redox power is on your inner mitochondrial membrane, the more POMC a tissue will express.  More POMC = more semiconductors can be made.   POMC neuronal activity can be upregulated in mice by mitochondrial-derived ROS (Diano et al., 2011). Moreover, mitochondrial dynamics (i.e., fusion and fission) in POMC neurons are essential for maintaining whole-body energy and glucose homeostasis under altered metabolic conditions (Ramírez et al., 2017; Santoro et al., 2017) in all mammals. Despite the evident importance of mitochondria-originated signals in POMC neurons (Mishra et al., 2014), the details of the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown in centralized medical research.

MITOCHONDRIAC UNDERSTANDING:  SUNLIGHT IS MANDATORY for making water at CCO during the day in mammals. If you do not get enough sun or live at a high latitude inside all day, you need more water to avoid the vasopressin release issued POMC.  If we do not get enough sunlight, we’re dehydrated, and then we lose circadian feedback control of vasopressin, and the entire water cycle in our body goes awry. This facilitates the development of autoimmunity.

This is how lousy clock management leads to epigenetic disease by decreasing mitochondrial redox power.  This is why big pharma is now pushing the use of anti-vasopressin analogs for MS patients.  Understanding POMC is understanding modern human neolithic diseases.  Mammals are creatures sculpted by light.

Recent work in this area shows that POMC neurons exhibit a dimorphic (biphasic) response to mitoribosomal stress in a dose-dependent manner; homozygous deletion of Crif1 was detrimental (i.e., severe light stress), whereas heterozygous disruption was beneficial (i.e., mild light stress).

How does IR-A light work in the sun?  A biphasic dose response has been frequently observed where low levels of red light have a much better effect on stimulating and repairing tissues than higher levels of light. The so-called Arndt-Schulz curve is commonly used to describe this biphasic dose response.  Centralized medicine has no idea how POMC works with light. POMC gets cleaved using the biphasic actions in light.  When cleavage is imprecise, disease results. Now you do, too.

Published research has found that low levels of mitoribosomal stress in POMC neurons induced high metabolic turnover and resistance to obesity through cell-non-autonomous mitochondrial stress signaling between the hypothalamus and adipose tissues.  That stress signal is VUV light emission in hypothalamic neurons in the leptin-melanocortin pathway.  That is how you stay thin.  It would be best to renovate the melanin sheets inside your tissues constantly.

In humans, prolonged or repeated cold exposure without surface-level UV light can increase the mass and activity of brown adipose tissue in the neck and supraclavicular regions, as defined by the uptake of glucose, and can improve glucose homeostasis. This is the off switch for ACTH release from POMC mammals used to survive in high latitude and poorly lit cold areas.

POMC neurons control adipose tissue thermogenesis (Dodd et al., 2015).  I knew 15 years ago that this discovery, as pictured below, was coming.  Brown adipose tissue works its job because of melanin.  Surprise!

Mitochondrial communication via optical transmission is the key to adaptive stress response following mitochondrial perturbation. Recently, small functional peptides encoded within the mtDNA, known as mitochondrial-derived peptides (MDPs), have been identified (Reynolds et al., 2020). MDPs represent a unique class of mitochondrial-encoded signaling factors that respond to mitochondrial stress and promote health/longevity (Galluzzi et al., 2018; Mottis et al., 2019; Quirós et al., 2016; Tan and Finkel, 2020).

Notably, MOTS-c (mitochondrial open reading frame of the 12S rRNA-c) mediates mitonuclear communication by translocating to the nucleus upon metabolic stress and regulating adaptive nuclear gene expression to promote cellular homeostasis (Kim et al., 2018).


Light sculpts your life.  VUV light, to be exact, when it comes to autoimmune disease conversion. That tells me that mtDNA biophoton release is where the defect is because terrestrial sunlight does not contain these frequencies.

Vasopressin (AVP) is a crucial hormone regulating water balance and is released during hyperosmolality to limit renal excretion.  It has a long history to explore.   It is produced by adjacent melanin in humans. Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) is a nonapeptide that is synthesized mainly in the supraoptic (SON), paraventricular (PVN), and suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. In addition, AVP is produced in several other brain areas and organs, e.g., the medial amygdala, bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), and the adrenal gland chromaffin cells. Its release is associated with any body stress response, opening the blood barriers to the gut and brain.


When vasopressin is altered, so is iron biology, which leads to an altered amount of ROS/RNS. Why?

Re-read this blog. It tells you how light and ROS are linked.

Why do we say oxygen is “reduced” when iron is oxidized in our body?

We say this because iron has gone from its elemental state with no charge ( Fe0) to its ionic state (Fe3+). Because the iron has lost electrons and become positively charged, it has been oxidized. The oxygen has been reduced because it gained the electrons iron donated to it. The electrons from the iron went to the oxygen. Every oxidation process has to have a corresponding reduction.

Iron exists predominantly in two biologically relevant redox states: ferric iron, the oxidized state (Fe3+), and ferrous iron, the reduced state (Fe2+). Fe2+ is well known to facilitate electron transfer reactions that can lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species.

The involvement of singlet oxygen in biophoton emission has implications for our understanding of many diseases like mast cell disease in the skin that links to immune function. Mast cell dysfunction is related to an absence of 1270 nm light in the skin of mammals. Singlet oxygen is known to liberate this frequency of light, as the picture in this blog shows. People with mast cell disorders do not make enough hydrogen peroxide from their mitochondrial respiration. As a result, a comorbid lack of sunlight containing 1270 nm light and lack of H202 creation in tissues is associated with immune dysfunction in mast cells. There is a lesson here that the photoswitch in our cells is teaching us about immune dysregulation.

People with autoimmunity, mastocytosis, and poor wound healing are always deficient in AM sunlight. Why? This is when we get a lot of NIR light with 1270 nm. Early morning sunlight, 6 AM -9 AM, has a relative irradiance with a higher amount of photons in the visible and NIR spectrum than midday exposure (noon). The picture tells why decentralized medicine always recommends AM sunlight. This sun time = TINA = THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.


G.T. Dodd, S. Decherf, K. Loh, S.E. Simonds, F. Wiede, E. Balland, T.L. Merry, H.Münzberg, Z.Y. Zhang, B.B. Kahn, et al.  Leptin and insulin act on POMC neurons to promote the browning of white fat.

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