
“Writing in a report summary in 1979, John Calhoun noted that “no single area of intellectual effort can exert a greater influence on human welfare than that contributing to better design of the built environment.”

June 22, 1972. John Calhoun stood over the abandoned husk of what had once been a thriving metropolis of thousands. Now, the population had dwindled to just 122, and soon, even these inhabitants would be dead.

Calhoun wasn’t the survivor of a natural disaster or nuclear meltdown; rather, he was a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health conducting an experiment into the effects of overcrowding on mouse behavior. The results laid bare at his feet, had taken years to play out.

In 1968, Calhoun started the experiment by introducing four mouse couples into a specially designed pen—a veritable rodent Garden of Eden—with numerous “apartments,” abundant nesting supplies, and unlimited food and water. The only scarce resource in this microcosm was physical space, and Calhoun suspected that it was only a matter of time before this caused trouble in paradise.

Calhoun had been running similar experiments with rodents for decades but had always had to end them prematurely, ironically because of laboratory space constraints, says Edmund Ramsden, a science historian at the Queen Mary University of London. This iteration, dubbed Universe 25, was the first crowding experiment he ran to completion.


What happens over a few generations when they give up on having sex?  Well, female children will experience follicle failure and male children experience low sperm counts.  There is no reason to have sex when you’re infertile and today most of the world is headed this way.  How will it end for humans?  The same way it did for the dinosaurs when something from the environment changed the light on the planet.  EXTINCTION.

What causes celibacy syndrome in Asians who make made love to the 5 G devices on Wifi with no blue blockers on?  Myopia, low dopamine, and a sexless life begin as deuterium fills their mitochondrial matrices in all the various tissues in their body.

As dopamine drops many things happen but the most consequential thing that occurs is that you lose your ability to perceive time properly.

I’ve written extensively about the “celibacy syndrome” in Asia that is developing in young people in the Ubiquitination series of blogs. Many people did not see the link to nnEMF and how it causes massive assimilation of MASS into the mitochondrial matrix to cause many collateral problems in cells. Now we have more data showing us what happens when we allow blue light and nnEMF to destroy how our endocrine system works with light from the sun via our eyes and skin.  This is what the implication of my Vermont 2017 talk on youtube was all about.

How many of you “naked apes” out there get the implications???   How should we supplement to fix this deuterium mass problem? Do like the Sphinx does every AM. Look toward sunrises while grounded to become moist supple and sexy….. you should make an effort to look in the direction of the sun…….not directly at it………from sunrise til 9-10 AM. Most cannot do this because of modern life. Their lives keep them from it, so they lose dopamine and melatonin as deuterium rises in our mitochondria and wonder why they cannot turn on or off the compound pharmacy in their brain. Their beliefs around light use are why this happens.

Beliefs block us from atomic recycling that light controls. We are all recycled atoms at our fundamental basis that are altered by the light that hits us to get the life we get.

Sunlight creates dopamine and dopamine is the guardian of your pituitary gland and this is where sexy time begins. Without sexual activity in young people,  extinction is on the human agenda over the next few decades.  Leptin is the hormone that controls fecundity but many have forgotten that link to light.

In the last two years in cities, longevity has declined for the FIRST TIME in human history.  Regarding sex, dopamine controls what the endocrine system can or cannot release hormones to cells in your body and this zaps your libido and performance. As light energy changes via your eye dopamine levels alter in your eye. This changes the world you receive and understand. As energy slows down for any reason, it changes its form and becomes matter, the substances we think we know best in our world. The problem is we are fooled by what we think we now know because we have no idea what we are missing. This is the modern world’s Dunning Kruger moment. Science is ever-changing and incomplete, but it always maintains its own resistance to new and better ideas.

Today, metaphors reign large in biochemistry, where quantum mysteries reside below the surface ready to take out the “smart naked apes” just as she took out the T-Rex. Those mysteries are where all of our truth lies. A lowered dopamine is what creates this false reality today.  Lowered dopamine creates the illusion that we have more time than we really do.

Those who think that the loss of libido (the natural desire for sex) is something that only happens to people of more advanced age, today you’d be seriously wrong.  Alien light can do it and has been doing it for some time.  Before extinction, manifests diseases in the young that used to be rare will become common.  Myopia, autism, autoimmunity, obesity, T2D, AMD, and cancer are a few.

Both men and women in their late twenties are reporting a lack of interest in their own sexuality to their doctor or therapist, and even younger people are wondering where their desire for sex has gone.  Thank Apple, Facebook, Cisco, and Google.  their blue light and alien nnEMF networks were built to sell you virtual sex lives online and none of you intelligent naked apes saw it coming.



“The “Universe 25″ experiment is one of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science, which, through the behavior of a colony of mice, is an attempt by scientists to explain human societies. The idea of ​​”Universe 25” Came from the American scientist John Calhoun, who created an “ideal world” in which hundreds of mice would live and reproduce. More specifically, Calhoun built the so-called “Paradise of Mice”, a specially designed space where rodents had an abundance of food and water and a large living space.

The living space, however, was in a laboratory that had modern man’s light exposing it while the experiment was ongoing.

In the beginning, he placed four pairs of mice that in a short time began to reproduce, resulting in their population growing rapidly. However, after 315 days their reproduction began to decrease significantly. When the number of rodents reached 600, a hierarchy was formed between them and then the so-called “wretches” appeared. The larger rodents began to attack the group, with the result that many males begin to “collapse” psychologically. As a result, the females did not protect themselves and in turn, became aggressive toward their young. As time went on, the females showed more and more aggressive behavior, isolation elements, and lack of reproductive mood. There was a low birth rate and, at the same time, an increase in mortality in younger rodents. Then, a new class of male rodents appeared, the so-called “beautiful mice”. They refused to mate with the females or to “fight” for their space. All they cared about was food and sleep. At one point, “beautiful males” and “isolated females” made up the majority of the population.

According to Calhoun, the death phase consisted of two stages: the “first death” and “second death.” The former was characterized by the loss of purpose in life beyond mere existence — no desire to mate, raise young, or establish a role within society. As time went on, juvenile mortality reached 100% and reproduction reached zero. Among the endangered mice, homosexuality was observed and, at the same time, cannibalism increased, despite the fact that there was plenty of food. Two years after the start of the experiment, the last baby of the colony was born. By 1973, he had killed the last mouse in the Universe 25. John Calhoun repeated the same experiment 25 more times, and each time the result was the same.  Each time there were no light controls.

Modern life also has no life controls.  Stop and think about your world now.


Calhoun’s scientific work has been used as a model for interpreting social collapse, and his research serves as a focal point for the study of urban sociology.

Sadly most people carefully read the paper’s methodologies to realize that mice are not adapted to living in a lab indoors disconnected from their natural habitat and light source.

UNIVERSE 25 picture above: John Calhoun crouches within his rodent utopia-turned-dystopia that, at its peak, housed approximately 2,200 mice. Calhoun studied the breakdown of social bonds that occurs under extreme overcrowding, a phenomenon he termed a “behavioral sink.”  YOICHI R. OKAMOTO, WHITE HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHER, PUBLIC DOMAIN

We are currently witnessing direct parallels in today’s society; weak, feminized men with little to no skills and no protection instincts, and overly agitated and aggressive females with no maternal instincts. I wonder when people will control for light in all experiments.

Calhoun’s experiments showed us the effect of incandescent light on nocturnal mammals.  Can you imagine what the effects of these types of experiments are when you add in 5G and all the other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum outside the visible spectrum?

Sunlight is the foundation layer of Nature that gives rise to everything else.

Manmade light is not foundational to Nature and it induces collateral biological effects

Therefore, when sunlight breaks down because of modern life and centralized healthcare beliefs, standing your ground when the ground gives way will provide little in the way of safety.

How is sunlight breaking down and what should we look for as evidence of the failure?

Central healthcare is manipulating the narratives around sunlight at an unprecedented rate to avoid a profit collapse of the system they’ve built over the last 100 years.

Using information theory as a beacon it follows that misinformation around sunlight MUST be growing throughout the system if you look for it.

I write about that evidence every day and few people value it.  If they did more people would be reading my work on Patreon.

It follows as a second-order derivative of that misinformation is that trust MUST be declining throughout the healthcare system.  We have seen that in the government and economy for the last few years.  We’ve seen that in biology of diseases which have exploded over 100 years.  Not everyone realizes that what has gone on with COVID is linked to the misinformation about sunlight.

Because physicians/patients measure a system from within the system, for most of the population, it would make the truth virtually impossible to see.

With this misinformation as a backdrop and a new protocol layer technology emerging (decentralized mitochondrial medicine).  You must remember that open protocols provide the most value to society and are the hardest to understand it would be extraordinarily difficult to see why mitochondrial medicine alone stands out as a breakthrough technology and where it is heading.  You as a patron are part of that movement toward truth.

By extension, it would be relatively easy in this environment for ill-informed or bad actors to conflate sunlight with manmade light, WiFi, LiFi, nnEMF, cosmic radiation, and other “light conventions” to gain an advantage for their offering.

SUNlight is information.  It is the most critical information for you to get right now




A cardiac arrest is an acute loss of electric power to the heart.  When the heart fails rapidly what do we do?  We re-shock it to get it started.  The electrical shock restores the decentralized networks in us.  This is why adenosine is part of the ACLS protocol with AED therapy.


SVT is a broad term for a number of tachyarrhythmias that originate above the ventricular electrical conduction system (Purkinje fibers). In cardiac arrest algorithms, ACLS tells us to use adenosine via IV push to rid the heart of this detrimental rhythm until the patient is not symptomatic.  Why adenosine?

Did you know red light from the sun creates adenosine normally in the heart when it is exposed to sunlight?

Modern humans rarely expose their skin to sunlight and this is one reason cardiac death is a leading cause of death in humans.

IS THERE NOW EVIDENCE THAT INTENSE RED LIGHT can do THE same thing using the PER circadian gene system? Does this imply that red light is a drug equivalent?


Is there more to this circadian story you need to know? YES.

Adenosine-mediated increase of cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a core component of PER2 expression and PER2-mediated ischemic preconditioning of the heart.  This means sunlight creates a perfect circadian situation for oxygen in the heart and its conduction system.


The most dramatic event in the history of the earth was the arrival of sunlight and its effect on oxygen on Earth due to photosynthesis.  Sunlight caused the great oxygen event. With sunlight, trillions of photosynthetic algae could now make oxygen, transforming the entire planet’s atmosphere and setting up the perfect storm for the evolution of a mammalian mitochondrial world.

This study on adenosine, red light, and the heart shows, on a molecular level, that intensive red light therapy offers a better strategy for treating or preventing low oxygen conditions like myocardial ischemia.  Why?  Red light has no side effects but all drugs do.

In this paper below in an effort to find out why red intense light can do this, researchers developed a photonic strategy using optogenetics to protect the heart using intense light to target and manipulate the function of the PER2 gene which is expressed in a circadian pattern in the part of the brain that controls circadian rhythms. (Sounds like something Dr. Kruse would suggest no?)

You do know that sunlight is made of 42% intense IR-A light huh?

By amplifying this gene, the researchers using JUST LIGHT PHOTONS, found that it protected cardiovascular tissues against LOW OXYGEN conditions like myocardial ischemia, caused by reduced oxygen flow to the heart. Dr. Kruse called low oxygen situations pseudohypoxia. These are all associated with low NAD+ levels in cytochrome 1 and leptin resistance with low delta psi on the inner mitochondrial membrane.

They also discovered that bright light increased cardiac ADENOSINE, a chemical that plays a role in blood flow regulation and sleeps. Hey didn’t Dr. Kruse just do a massive post on ADENOSINE last week on his FB page?  Yep.

Mitophagy contributes to mitochondrial quality control not only by removing damaged mitochondria but also by promoting the biosynthesis of new mitochondria. It has been demonstrated that there is a crosstalk between the mitophagy pathway and the mitochondrial biosynthetic pathway (10). Specifically, Plaikaras et al. established that mitophagy and mitochondrial biosynthesis are interfaced with each other to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis.

The implication of this work is there’s no need to take PQQ, and other supplements, if your sleep is sub-par. Sleep and sunlight remain king and queen.  Sunlight controls the adenosine levels in humans

Hey, isn’t leptin resistance a synonym for melanopsin dysfunction? Yes, it is. Tell me again how that works Dr. Kruse.

My Response: Blue light and nnEMF liberate Vitamin A from our cells and cell membranes to raise its presence in the blood plasma and this lowers plasma levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. When Vitamin is liberated by non-terrestrial light or trauma, it becomes an aldehyde that destroys the small molecule modulators of the mammalian circadian mechanism. PER1 and PER2 are light gears in that eye clock mechanism.

It raises the question what in the hell do PER genes do?

Cell hypoxia is controlled by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1).
Do you know the link between HIF 1 to sunlight and oxygen?  Light and oxygen-sensing pathways are linked on a cellular level in ALL mammals (Gu et al., 2000Hogenesch et al.,1998McIntosh et al., 2010).  Hypoxia-inducible factor 1⍺ (HIF1A), is an evolutionarily conserved transcription factor enabling cellular adaptation to low oxygen availability (Semenza, 2011).  Here is the kicker:  It belongs to the same protein family as the light-inducible circadian core protein Period 2 (PER2) (Liu et al., 2012).

HIF-1 is what the entire hypoxia series was about on Patreon.  Review those blogs sometime.

So when you’re missing sun your cells sense your missing oxygen and HIF-1 goes up and PER circadian mechanism genes go awry.  The circadian mechanism loses its periodicity.  Remember what you learned on Patreon about periodicity?  Periodicity is a synonym for the circadian clock mechanism.  This ruins every cycle in the cell that relies on it.  

Once the molecular clock in the eye and peripheral clocks goes awry the implications for many neolithic diseases spiral out of control. What are some of the Vitamin A proteins involved in this downward spiral?

They are called retinoic acid receptor-related orphan nuclear receptors or RORs for short. The RORs have several isoforms too called RORα-γ. These proteins are also under the transcriptional control of CLOCK/BMAL1 heterodimers.

CLOCK and BMAL1 are positive regulators of circadian gene expression, and PER and CRY are the NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP regulators that operate under day and night cycles. These are the positive and negative feedback arms of the circadian mechanism.

They must be coupled properly to terrestrial light to operate well and control all growth and metabolism, protein synthesis, and hormone production and release. It also controls receptor biology. It controls EVERYTHING. If they are not properly coupled to the light and dark cycles the eventual results are the extinction of both sides of the feedback loop. So when sunlight is absent we lose control of the negative feedback loop of the circadian mechanism controlled by PER2.  This is what causes the NAD+ drop in mtDNA.  That is how all human disease begins. It is circadian biology that couples all the molecular clock genes in humans and the SCN of the eye drives the program and the major timekeeper.  The SCN as the metronome of biology loses accuracy as PER2 drops.  PER2 is critical in controlling the optical periodicity of the circadian mechanism.

Are heart rhythms are controlled by the circadian mechanism in humans?

Yes, they are.  The enzymatic flux of the entire TCA cycle is also controlled by it in the electrical system of the heart.  Cardiac arrhythmias are a leading cause of cardiovascular death in humans. It has long been accepted that life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death) are more likely to occur in the morning after waking. It is perhaps less well recognized that there is a circadian rhythm in cardiac pacemaking and other electrophysiological properties of the heart. In addition, there is a circadian rhythm in other arrhythmias, for example, bradyarrhythmias and supraventricular arrhythmias.

Two mechanisms underlie this finding:

(1) a central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus may directly affect the electrophysiology of the heart and arrhythmogenesis via various neurohumoral factors, particularly the autonomic nervous system; or

(2) a local circadian clock in the heart itself (albeit under the control of the central clock) may drive a circadian rhythm in the expression of ion channels in the heart, which in turn varies arrhythmic substrate.

Remember the free decentralized lesson from my FaceBook page on 7/31/2019:

I said, “Classic Paroxysmal SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) has a narrow QRS complex & has a very regular rhythm. … A rapid heart rate will significantly reduce the time which the ventricles have to fill.

The heart fills during diastole, and diastole is normally 2/3 the cardiac cycle. A rapid heart rate will significantly reduce the time that the ventricles have to fill. The reduced filling time results in a smaller amount of blood ejected from the heart during systole. The end result is a drop in cardiac output & hypotension.
With the drop in cardiac output, a patient may experience the following symptoms.

These symptoms occur more frequently with a heart rate >150 beats per minute as the ECG strip shows below:
Shortness of air (S)
Palpitation feeling in the chest (S)
Ongoing chest pain (U)
Dizziness (S)
Rapid breathing (S)
Loss of consciousness (U)
Numbness of body parts (S)

The pathway of choice for SVT in the tachycardia algorithm is based on whether the patient is stable or unstable clinically.
The symptoms listed above that would indicate the patient is unstable are noted with the letter (U) in a cardiac code situation. This can present outside a code situation when someone has a very low redox state because of a very poor environment linked to blue light and nnEMF toxicity. This mimics adrenal fatigue and brainstem pathology, sleep disorders, and eating disorders. Stable but serious symptoms are indicated with the letter (S) above.
Insert any 3G-5G city or environment. a \/, trauma, poor sleep = an acute or chronic adenosine problem.


What screws up sleep ultimately in decentralized networks in cells? Problems with adenosine at the brain stem level. Go look up what adenosine signals in us.  It is the biochemical signal that begins the sleep cycle in humans.  This is why ACLS uses adenosine to treat acute mitochondrial failure in the heart that results in SVT cardiac rhythms……..guess what drug is used for cardiac tachycardias in ACLS?

Light-deficient humans get electrical problems in their hearts before the disease begins that people can see and sense.  That is what bad rhythms mean in patients whose heart is still pumping but acting badly.  They are all light deficient, solar light deficient, and most of the time blue light toxic. 

How do you like me now?

When the system teaches ATLS/ACLS/BLS/CPR recertification you can see where their focus really lies if you are paying attention. Pre-covid videos and protocols are available for you to review. Every variable has been subjected to intensive statistical analysis to increase the odds of survival, but there will be no mention of how a broken circadian mechanism leads to all codes covered by their protocols.  That includes myocardial infarction, clots, or seizures; which are the most common cause of acute arrest today.  To a decentralized mindset, you might think this omission of the circadian defect should invalidate the stats and protocols they regurgitate until you realize what perspective they play this game with.

For example, historically, a small child has been more likely to choke or ingest a poison than suffer spontaneous heart problems than an older child or adult. The protocols never take new data that the system is built around.  This eliminates new decentralized options and just keeps publishing ideas of treatment that are based on data that may have changed and has not been updated. No updates or changes for first responders are present, except for the new advice of not performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on kids. I wonder if we will ever acknowledge the elephant in the room, and change our dataset and actions or if organizations like the AHA, ADA, FDA, CDC, and USDA will continue to feed us garbage into perpetuity.

Why would you expect a centralized healthcare Rx to be set up to work for you based on their perspective on health?   Do you realize who is being harvested and bled dry by these beliefs??  The public is.  If you knew the sun fixes this and drugs induce many more problems than they solve you’d realize you really do not need most of what centralized healthcare sells you.

How does a centralized healthcare system operate?  Is it for your benefit or theirs?  In most cases, protocols are set up for the chronic profiteering of the system.

Centralized healthcare remains fully ignorant about how light operates in our bodies by design. The people who profit make the curriculum that the experts are forced to learn from organizations like the AHA, ADA, FDA, CDC, and USD so they can sell products, drugs, foods, and suncream to you because their advice is given to you when you visit the centralized system for advice. It is a giant financial feedback loop and you are the patsy. The decentralized healthcare system warns you with data (adenosine a drug in ACLS can be replaced by the red light of the sun to get the same effect for the heart)  that if you avoid the sun and wear suncreams the guys selling as the centralized solutions (Pharma/food/AHA/CDC/FDA facade) their profits rise while your health risks multiply over time. As the risks rise they are ready to wallet biopsy you as an inpatient next. The centralized circle of life explained.

I’m shocked you’re shocked.


Does centralized medicine have direct evidence that is visual that we are built entirely from many decentralized networks?

What can lightning strikes of living systems teach us about life?

Lichtenberg figures are reddish, fern-like patterns that appear on the skin when a patient is struck by lightning. These appear to be a result of an inflammatory response to the electric voltage as the current spreads out causing ionization and heat effects and damage to the small subcutaneous capillaries.

It tells us more about us and less about light. We are photoelectric beings and the marks on us outline many of the decentralized networks operating inside our cells. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.663807/full


The fastest way to make Lichtenstein’s marks vanish is to add red light back to the system.  It sounds a lot like how we make SVT vanish from heart rhythms, doesn’t it?  This makes electrical sense when you understand what these ferning patterns are on the skin.  They are a sign of an electrical discharge in the body that has lost an acute amount of redox power.  Red light is the easiest way to recharge the body quickly so its addition to the skin will make the repair happen more rapidly.

As cite one below shows us, the new mRNA \/’s can cause sudden cardiac arrest and we had visual evidence of that recently in an NFL game.  Many of you will read this and not believe it.  I want to remind the skeptics of this reality that also occurred this year in NFL circles.  Remember when JJ Watt had to have his SVT treated after he was injected with mRNA technology?  What did they do to treat him?


They had to emergently shock his heart back into a sinus rhythm because the drugs they gave did not work.  This is really bad news for anyone who took the government mandate seriously and complied with it.   Do you think this might have anything to do with why he is retiring from the NFL now a few weeks later?  I think Demar Hamlin’s acute cardiac arrest on MNF in front of the US public is going to become a commonplace post-vaccine mandate.  JJ Watt’s case tells us that you do not need trauma to induce an arrest.  A bad rhythm may come first before the arrest occurs.

Might the same prescription of using light to combat disease be important in helping someone overcome that centralized healthcare injury?  Does this Tweet video look normal to you?


Mitochondriacs know that answer.

Do you?











The incidence of diabetes will rise as people block the sun and introduce alien light to their lives. And this information will be transferred to their offspring via trans-generational epigenetics and we will continue to see the incidence rise of juvenile diabetics.

Many have asked me how I believe this process occurs.
Here is my answer.

The Nobel Prize for physics in 2016 was given for the discovery of topologic insulators (TI’s).

Topological insulators conduct electricity on their surfaces but do not conduct the current deep inside their cores. This limitation allows the cell to control Brownian motion in the cell to maintain the low entropy state.  A low entropy state is critical for wellness.

This helps explain why DNA’s surface is highly coiled and coated with histones, chromatin, and methyl groups when it is kept in its “quiet state” (non-dividing)

It also explains how it can receive photo-electric instructions on its surface and transfer that information through the hydrogen bonding network (proton tunneling causing flickering) that surrounds nucleic acids to run the epigenetic programming it contains deep within. What happens on its surface can awaken the code of life buried deep below its double helix that is filled with fermions = electrons, protons, and maybe neutrinos!

This process is all possible because DNA AMO structure is capable of inducing a change in base pairs by altering the hydrogen bonds on its surface because of how Dirac fermions operate.  What is a Dirac fermion?

In physics, a Dirac fermion is a spin-½ particle. Take a look here to see a video on how I think this happens.  Electrons, neutrinos, and protons have that spin quantity.


Spin is a quantum-mechanical property, akin to the angular momentum of a classical sphere rotating on its axis, except it comes in discrete units of integer or half-integer multiples of ħ. The proton, like the electron and neutron, has a spin of ħ/2, or “spin-1/2”. So do each of its three quarks that make up a proton. With the proton, there is a catch. And that catch is one of the keys to how evolution code is altered.

Summing the spins of the quarks that make up a proton to get the total spin of the proton seems, in principle, straightforward: if two of the quark spins point up, while the other points down, the down spin will cancel one of the ups, and both sides of the equation should be left with an angular momentum of ħ/2.

Except it isn’t that simple. In 1988 the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) at CERN shocked the physics community by announcing that the sum of the spins of the three quarks that make up the proton is much less than the spin of the proton itself. This was unexpected because the summing-up approach had worked for several of the proton’s other properties. For example, the proton’s electric charge of +1 can be accounted for by adding the charge of its two “up” flavored quarks (+2/3) to that of its one “down” quark (–1/3).  (Note that here, “up” and “down” are names of quarks and have nothing to do with spin.)

However, the EMC researchers discovered that the net spin of the three quarks actually accounted for no more than 24% of the proton’s spin, and might even contribute as little as 4% – practically none of it, in other words.

It was an observation that shocked the world.  To me, it meant Nature was using spin as some coding mechanism in cells.  This unique feature would make it ideal to create a code.  Today I think The proton spin problem is evolution’s cosmic wand……


In condensed matter physics, low-energy excitations in graphene and topological insulators, among others, are fermionic quasiparticles described by a pseudo-relativistic Dirac equation. I think DNA acts like a fermionic quasiparticle. Fermions include all quarks and leptons and all composite particles made of an odd number of these.

Some fermions are elementary particles (such as electrons), and some are composite particles(such as protons). I think this is why mitochondria only deal with electrons and protons inside of them. I also believe this is why neutrinos might be a player in biology on Earth.  Neutrinos are part of the fermion family of Nature. I think fermions and light interactions are how starlight is transmitted to living cells. This science is based on AMO physics as a discipline.

The Standard Model recognizes two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. In all, the model distinguishes 24 different fermions.

There are six quarks (up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tauon, and tauon neutrino), along with the corresponding antiparticle of each of these.  Protons are made from quarks.


Claude Shannon taught the world that information flows via entropy. All clocks should be thought of as flowmeters for entry. This includes the biological circadian clocks in cells. Wheeler taught physics that information and energy are one and the same thing. Shannon’s mathematics from his 1948 paper advanced the linkage of entropy and information. Shannon’s paper also told us anything can be a message.

I believe sunlight messages for mitochondrial DNA and nuclear are controlled by “fermion messaging”. DNA is informed about what to do with optical information from the sun via mtDNA signaling (optical and free radical) and this message is transmitted over water’s hydrogen bonds adjacent to proteins in a cell. DNA is a very complex topologic insulator that is an antenna for our star’s information.

Unlike its much larger counterparts, which we’re all familiar with in modern devices, this minuscule genetic molecule (DNA) isn’t made to transmit radio waves, but to glean the secrets of ever-changing proteins.  DNA is around 20,000 times smaller than human hair. It also emits all frequencies of light in the visible spectrum of terrestrial sunlight, which means it uses light signals to record and reports back information.

And those light signals can be used to study the movement and change of proteins in real-time.

Part of the innovation with this particular antenna is the way in which the receiver part of it is also used to sense the molecular surface of the protein it’s studying. That results in a distinct signal when the protein is fulfilling its biological function.  It also means the signal is low fidelity when the protein is not functioning well.  When this happens the cell emits another optical signal and marks the defective protein for removal with ubiquitin.

This system operates just like a two-way radio that can both receive and transmit radio waves, the DNA nanoantenna receives light in one color (frequency), or wavelength, and depending on the protein movement it senses, then transmits light back in another color, which the cell can detect and perform a physiologic function.  (Cite 2 below)

DNA chemistry is relatively simple to program and easy to use once programmed.  DNA is surrounded by water.

Water makes up 99% of molecules in every cell. Water is a very small molecule that has more hydrogen bonds in it than any other compound. Liquid water contains the densest hydrogen bonding of any solvent, with almost as many hydrogen bonds as there are covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds in its structure found anywhere on Earth. These two bonding networks are the binary code in water. Just as a computer can use a 1 and 0 to create digital information on the internet, hydrogen bonds create the internet in your cells. Shannon taught us the information content of any kind of message could be measured in binary digits or just bits.

Water’s hydrogen bond network changes at a pico and femtosecond level in any environment. Inside a cell, its atomic arrangement is controlled by electrostatic forces in a cell created by the redox power of the mitochondria in that cell. These hydrogen bonds can rapidly rearrange in response to, light frequencies, charge density, and changing conditions and environments (for example, solutes like K+ in a cell).

Shannon demonstrated, contrary to what was commonly believed in the 1940s, that engineers could beat their worst enemy ever: transmission errors-or in their technical jargon, “noise.” Noise is anything that disturbs communication. It can be an electric signal in a telephone wire that causes crosstalk in an adjacent wire, a thunderstorm static that perturbs TV signals distorting the image on the screen, or a failure in network noise to increase the energy of the transmission signals or send the same message repeatedly-much as when, in a crowded pub, you have to shout for a beer several times. Shannon showed a better way to avoid errors without wasting so much energy and time: coding. Nature does the same thing.

She takes the message in the hydrogen bonding network of water that surrounds every protein and encodes that information in “a fermionic code” in mRNA, mtDNA, RNA, tRNA, and DNA.

Coding is at the heart of information theory. All communication processes need some sort of coding to limit the noise and create a high-fidelity signal that doesn’t degrade. Water preserves the information and transfers it to nucleic acids via hydrogen bonds. Just as the telephone system transforms the spoken voice into electrical signals. In Morse code, letters are transmitted with combinations of dots and dashes. The DNA molecule specifies a protein’s structure with four types of genetic bases. Digital communication systems use bits to represent or encoded information. Each letter of the alphabet, for example, can be represented with a group of bits, a sequence of zeroes, and ones. You can assign any number of bits to each letter and arrange the bits in any way you want. In other words, you can create as many codes as desired. Cells have done this to run life’s program.

The interactions of electrons in a solid or liquid crystal change space in abstract ways. If you look at the picture below you can see odd shape and size changes and this leads to the different thermodynamics of what is possible on the surface. Many TI’s developed “holes” where electrons are absent and this allows them to act as P-type semiconductors then there are adjacent regions that are extremely electron rich that can act as an N-type semiconductor.

Those positive and negative regions can act like “charges” and can lead to striking effects. For example, an insulating material (phosphorus) can become conductive at its surface when light hits it.  All semiconductors become conductive when light hits their surface.

Phosphorus has ten atoms that stick directly out from the surface of DNA when you look at it from an axial view. See figure C below. Those ten atoms are surrounded by 447 water molecules to form part of the TI in DNA. The addition of phosphorus and iodine in the liquid crystalline water networks creates a “playground of charges and spins” in fermions to control how DNA should react to the electromagnetic signal from our star on its surface.

Note the ten phosphate groups sticking out of the surface of DNA to bind with coherent domains in water as DNA unwinds above.

Within the heavily condensed and coiled state DNA structure tightly holds atoms (lowering entropy), electrons, and photons in one “spin state”. When DNA is uncoiled by electromagnetic signals from our mitochondria hit on DNA’s surface.  This surface change can alter protons deep inside of DNA to change how it functions.  Hydrogen bonds occur between the two strands and involve a base from one strand with a base from the second in complementary pairing.

Once this change occurs light is/can be liberated from the double helix and the surface template of hydrogen bonds in water surrounding DNA radically changes the “topologic signals” by the altered spin states of fermions (protons) in the DNA crystal. This can turn on and off DNA replications. It can also cause DNA base changes.

In their seminal paper from 1953, Watson and Crick proposed that the tautomerization of DNA base pairs could produce stable errors in the genetic code. The proposed mechanism for such tautomerization was the double proton transfer along the hydrogen bonds within base pairs, Guanine–Cytosine (G–C) or Adenine–Thymine (A–T).

The tautomerization process involves the relocation of protons, which are subatomic particles and obey the laws of quantum mechanics.

Tautomers are structural isomers (constitutional isomers) of chemical compounds that readily interconvert. The chemical reaction interconverting the two is called tautomerization. This conversion commonly results from the relocation of a hydrogen atom (proton) within the compound.

The spins of electrons/protons (H+) can not only be manipulated by magnetic fields (mitochondria) but also by electrical fields (proteins side chains) and can be used to collect and store information from electrons or the photons they carry. All magnetic drives use spintronics today to magnetically store data on hard drives. It appears DNA uses many of the same ideas but it does it on hydrated carbon-based semiconductors in cells.


We already know a leaf can do it via photosynthesis and so can a European Robin using a light inclination magnetic compass in its eye. In my humble opinion, this process works in all animal tissues to create the many species of animals we all observe in the classical world we inhabit.

Why don’t we have more data on this mode of information transfer in cells?

Specifically, the job of the antenna is to measure the structural changes in proteins over time. Proteins are large, complex molecules that carry out all kinds of essential tasks in the body, from supporting the immune system to regulating the function of organs.

However, as proteins rush about doing their jobs in cells, they undergo constant changes in their structure (protein bending), transitioning from state to state in a highly complex process scientists call protein dynamics. And we don’t really have good tools to track these protein dynamics in action today.

Experimental study of protein transient states remains a major challenge because high-structural-resolution techniques, including nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, often cannot be directly applied to study short-lived protein states.  I expect this to change as centralized healthcare realizes these tools will make Big Pharma superfluous to the public.

Topology is a branch of mathematics focused on the fundamental shapes of things as they change. In cells, proteins can vary their size and shape based on the light energy that is added or subtracted from their bonds.

In this way, life can be considered a quantum computer that is working in parallel with a quantum universe that also runs on light. The fermionic messages are information buried in terrestrial solar light wave frequencies in the sun that can be magnetically stored in a thin film of water surrounding nucleic acids, using non-linear aspects of light. DNA is the ultimate topologic insulator or superconductor suspended in a superfluid of coherent and noncoherent water that imprints information and conducts electrons, protons, and photons in different ways.

This Nobel Prize may soon get biology away from its “solution-based ideas” in biochemistry books and push them toward quantum biology which uses a solid-state foundation. That is what the Nobel Prize meant to me in 2016. The state of fluctuation of the hydrogen bonding network that light brings creates probabilities in a cell. Light adds charge density to the AMO structures in a cell.


Knowing is just not enough. Understanding the connections is critical in understanding what life is doing below the cell level. Stop being your own worse enemy. Stop looking outside for solutions when the wisdom you seek is buried within you in how you organize matter in your cells with sunlight.

This is why diabetes is exploding globally in the modern world in my opinion.


1.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33949935/

2. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-021-01355-5

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21457072/

4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35949615/

5. Watson, J. D. & Crick, F. H. C. The structure of DNA. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.18, 123–131 (1953).

6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-022-00881-8

7. Löwdin, P.-O. Proton tunneling in DNA and its biological implications. Rev. Mod. Phys. 35, 724–732 (1963).

8. Löwdin, P.-O. Quantum genetics and the aperiodic solid. In Advances in Quantum Chemistry(ed. Löwdin, P.-O.) Vol. 2 (Academic Press, 1966).

9. Slocombe, L., Al-Khalili, J. & Sacchi, M. Quantum and classical effects in DNA point mutations: Watson–Crick tautomerism in at and GC base pairs. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 4141–4150 (2021).

10. https://www.mdpi.com/2624-960X/3/1/6



How many doctors and nurses feel like the dog in the video above???

How can a video of a caged animal help a human healthcare worker?

How will they learn to extricate themselves from their cage……how do they deal with the learned helplessness from their education?  What do I mean?

I realized 20 years ago, like a 40-year-old centralized neurosurgeon I was back in the same predicament as this dog below was.  My brain and mind were no longer my own.  They were tethered to a centralized medical mindset given to me by my education.

This educational paradigm was my cage.

The dog below fought like hell to get out.  I had to fight like hell to become decentralized.  Have you tried to unlearn to relearn?

Back then I was intellectually impoverished, unable to cure myself, so how I could really help anyone else if I kept doing the same things over and over?  I knew I had to think differently.

The dog was wiser than I was.

This is when I first began to think about building a virtual private practice and hospital.  It has now morphed into what I hope the Kruse Longevity Center to be in El Salvador.

Medicine has kept me tethered to a life that was harming me and my family.  I did not see it.  I never realized how being up all night on call every third night for 25 years was harming me.

Like the caged dog, when the tether was bent and opened initially, we often don’t realize that we have the opportunity to roam free from our self-created prison.  The dog seemed to know it right away.  Why don’t we?

Was this learned helplessness built into me by design in how I was taught to think by my education?  Medicine allowed me to escape being a poor kid in NYC, but it allowed me to build a new prison with more money, but less time and time had to be spent awake at night under fake light 24/7.  I realized slowly 15 years ago I had traded one prison for another.  It turned out the second prison was far more dangerous than the one I escaped as a kid when I thought about it.

Medicine was tethering my reality because my ability to think was usurped by an Oath I took.   My oath and education were tethering me to ideas that were no longer useful to me or my patients.  I began to feel what I believe the dog in the video is feeling.  This was learned helplessness now becoming angry and determined.  Initially, it was depressing,  and it lead me to become angry.  I became so pissed off I planned my escape.  The dog did the same thing.

Like the dog who trusts his master, a master who locked him up, he did nothing but accept his fate initially.  Initially, I did nothing to try to break free on my own either.  I hate the idea that, as an educated medicine man, felt I had to blame somebody for this educational disadvantage.  It never occurred to me I was my own worse enemy until much later in my professional life.

I hated the notion that I, a modern doctor, lacked the ability or means to take control of my own destiny.  This is why when I see a caged animal video, I remember this lesson.  When I woke, I ripped the tether from my life as the dog did below.  I realized quickly I was fully able to step outside the downward spiral I was in. I realized I could fly again if I took control and became the CEO of my career.  Even today I often think of those many animals who are caged and how their perspective shaped their future life as slaves to a paradigm.

I wonder if centralized doctors and nurses realize how their job traps them.

I wonder if their patients understand how it affects their care.

I wonder if centralized healthcare workers understand why so much junk science is published these days.

The answer is simple:  There is no cost to being wrong in modern centralized science, but there is a huge cost to not publishing if you are part of the centralized paradigm.

What lesson have I learned about my profession in 2020-2022?  The COVID experience has taught me that there is an inverse relationship between education and common sense. The higher you go in academia the less common sense can be found.  This is why the PEER-reviewed literature is littered with junk science.  

The American dream is alive and well in centralized healthcare. The hustle is sold separately to patients individually in a package called “evidence-based medicine”. Corporations force mandates down our throats that the government cannot do due to illegality. And it’s funded by the guys making money on both sides of the equation.

Science must always be “pressure tested” to distill the truth. That’s the only way forward.  Science isn’t ‘what experts think.’ It’s a method that corrects what experts think.  In 2021, Fauci claimed he was science.  In 2022, the scientific method has removed him from power.

I believe you will learn why alternative therapies and natural immunity were removed from the lexicon of medical science by bureaucrats in 2021-22.  The jabs cost them a lot of money to develop and they needed to protect themselves from legal challenges to the EUAs if any alternative therapy worked because this would have made their EUAs ILLEGAL.

A curious principle of epidemiology, which only the public seems to get and the elites act like it is a conspiracy theory is what happens if you give drugs that work too late in the course of a disease?

What we found out in 2022 is that ‘scientific authorities’ just published assumptive baloney which conformed to a narrative that suited the centralized elite and their paradigms, with no medical evidence behind it whatsoever……Then why would any sane person contend, ‘Trust the Science’?

If you don’t treat someone, until they are almost dead – your treatments aren’t going to appear very effective when the studies are published.  This is how the methodology can be used to skew the truth.  This creates an opportunity for the political ruling class.  Then you can use that data, to cite that treatments are ineffective – so there are none.  This can be used to create legal means to create a solution via a patent that has legal protection.  This is how the EUA idea was born by Big Pharma during Operation Warp Speed.  This is why Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were vilified in 2021.

In fact, I will take this idea further.  I now believe they all believe that natural immunity is viewed as an illegal theft of pharmaceutical intellectual property by people in power.  They believe COVID was a flu that accidentally blew into your lungs or gut.  Your immune system then attempted to usurp Big Pharma IP.  Your thieving-ass immune system was and remains their real enemy. That is how centralized healthcare operates now.  This is how centralized medical systems think. It is also what the people who sit next to its money printer think. This is how the Cantillon effect operates in medicine now.  This is why most physicians follow the mandates of those who pay their salaries.  It is also why hospitals now employ most physicians.  It is done by design to gain control and compliance to their beliefs.  Physicians no longer work for themselves.  They work for centralized healthcare systems.  If you take money blowing downwind of a bank robbery, you’ll see another centralized system that will force you to pay it back.

The moment you allow the government to break the law for an emergency, you will live in a daisy chain of emergency from that day forward.  That is centralized healthcare in a nutshell.  

Any power taken by the government without constraint leads to abuse. Remember when ‘two more weeks’ and ‘flatten the curve’ was a thing?

It was only 50 political narrative shifts ago.

COVID was a crisis ( a compliance test) that was used to make way for the most extreme and widespread suspension of constitutional freedoms in American history, despite being based on myths and lies.  The goal of these maneuvers was to replace the US constitution with the UN Charter.  This would remove your inalienable rights and put the government’s interest in front of your own.  That is why the global elites have infiltrated political cabinets all over the world and that includes the USA.  It is what they have been doing since World War 2.


From the beginning of the Coronavirus crisis, the media and politicians engaged in myths, half-truths, and even flat-out lies to bring about obedience from the populace.

COVID was built as a crisis by politicians to create a cultural war to divide us so they could conquer us.  It allowed a deep dive into how those in power used the emergency to consolidate power and change the very concept of American freedoms. The government, media, advertisers, and scientists all sought to set an agenda to strip Americans of their rights. From church attendance to running a business, right down to how many people can be in a private home, few rights were left wholly unchecked. What’s worse is that any challenge to the holy laws of lockdowns was criticized and censored as dangerous and deadly speech. The question that remains is whether Americans will ever allow centralized systems to destroy their lives again.


When you see all the data flowing in regarding “Died Suddenly”….do you ask yourself if maybe   Common sense died suddenly first….  or   Critical thinking died suddenly…..after being injected by propaganda?

The centralized paradigm thinks biology is driven by a DNA paradigm.  Decentralized medicine is driven by the other genome, the mitochondrial genome that responds to the thermodynamic situation of the environment.

I have chosen the team I play on.  It is up to you to decided your team.


Modern epidemics are not caused by genetics, but by epigenetics!

This is also a clinical medical fact that gets lost in the modern scientific literature but you would never get that from reading the literature on diabetes or any other neolithic disease. In fact the totality of the diabetes literature would have you believe the exact opposite. This is a centralized neolithic thought that has harmed all modern diabetics and is at the seat of why modern medicine has failed to find a cure.

Mother Nature has a cure for insulin resistance in all eutherian mammals. That answer is thermodynamic.  It is mitochondrial based and has nothing to do with defective RNA/DNA.  Your choice need to change so that they marry strong solar power with night time cooling by avoiding all heating and lighting at dark.  Nature & decentralized medicine is non negiotiable with this prescription.

That is cold exposure of there peripheral nervous systems, is critical in informing the brain what probabilities should happen at night.  Artificial light at night changes the probabilities when a human makes the wrong choice.

The stimulus to this pathway begins when the mammal is exposed to a high dietary carbohydrate diet that is found in long light cycles on this planet.  It is magnified at higher latitudes.  It is minimized at the equator.  The truth is found in mitochondria haplotypes. The electromagnetic signal of Earth informs the cell that the membranes need to adapt to cooler temperatures.  This is why certain haplotypes exist in different latitudes.

This is how the gut senses the environment and this signals are transmitted to the brain via the vagus nerve. Centralized healthcare & modern biochemistry books and biochemists stop here at this level of understanding.  YOU MUST GO FURTHER.

Their beliefs are built by what THEY believe they know about energy transformation in cells. But I always focus in on what they have failed to realize.

When dietary carbohydrates are high it stimulates the eutherian mammal to begin to upregulate omega 6 content into every cell membrane of their body slowly through the autumn while temperature falls. It speeds up as the temperature drops in winter. This process is completely independent of dietary sources as I laid out in the Cold Thermogenesis #3 blog.

Why does this occur in all mammals?

People forget that lipid membranes are objects in cells that are very sensitive to electromagnetic signals.  The proof is found in how membranes are built and vary via temperature variation. For example, in mammalian cells, the plasma membrane cytoplasmic leaflet usually contains more phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) when compared with the outer leaflet rich in sphingolipids.  There is an electromagnetic reason for this.  The phosphate groups in membrane phospholipids bind strongly to water because they are hydrogen (proton acceptors).  This singular fact suggests that light signals activate the membranes.  The membrane alters the hydration and dehydration of proteins and metabolites and in turn are critically important in activation control and deactivation of all the biochemical pathways in cells.  These are choices made by light and temperature variation.  That is why crcadian biology is the key to recapturing your health.

Maintenance of membrane fluidity by DHA incorporation, despite the presence of saturated lipids, is sustained by integrated sterols that interfere with acyl chain packing.  This mixture changes its electrical conductance and impedience.  Membranes vary the reactivity to light.  It is like cells can change the semiconductors they use as seasons change.  Those changes are signaled to water below the cell level. Conversely, because sterols themselves are inflexible they can increase membrane rigidity if associated with flexible unsaturated lipid bilayer. It is worth noting that cholesterol deposition can similarly be asymmetrical and differs greatly among organelles and in tissues in mammals.  Mammals are highly adaptable to environmental variation.

Because to cell membranes to function in cold weather it requires all land based mammals from cold adapted ancestors to have an EFA ratio of 4:1 for optimal signaling. In water based mammals who are cold adapted, like whales, walrus, and seals, humans they face steeper temperature gradients in the water that require a much lower EFA ratio (essential fatty acids) in their cell membranes to function properly.  Water transmits heat changes 24 times faster than air does.  This is why temperature variation matters in decentralized prescriptions of disease reversal.  To see this effect look at what heavy use of the AC power grid did in Spain to annual birth rhythms of humans.  Does this look like the scientific reason of what happened in John Calhoun’s Universe 25 experiments done in labs over and over again?

This lowered ratio of EFAs also changes the biology of adipocyte biochemistry below the skin level where light enters the body. It favors the accumulation of surface fat but not of visceral fat. Visceral fat is used to burn first to maintain core temperature in these animals. In land based cold adapted mammals like the polar bear the same is true. When they emerge from their den in spring they are shredded of all visceral fat and no longer insulin resistant, and have the biggest and strongest muscles they will have all year. Their body composition is at its best at this time. They accomplish all this without needing any exercise to do it.  Do polar bears or any other animal but humans have indoor lit gyms?

This is in counter distinction to modern man beliefs. Why is this? The question is more complicated than the answer, but the answer is again, simple.  It is simple because it is based in decentralized wisdom.  Light and dark control the circadian mechanism.

Modern man is further down the evolutionary path because its optical lattice clock in the eye is best atomic clock on the planet.  Everything should be thought of clock.  Humans have the most accurate timepiece of any mammal on Earth.  But its accuracy is ruined when its periodicity of light and dark is disrupted.  Better clocks mean it can support a faster evolution.  Fast evolution has another name.  It is called epigenetics.  In offspring it is called transgenerational epigenetics.

This implies in mammals, after the KT event, evolutionary development was the product of a sped up epigenetic process. Photosynthesis was disrupted.  The next generation of mammals had to quickly adapt so they could navigate this changing environment.  Life faced this before at the Cambrian explosion as I showed in my Vermont 2019 talk.  The sun changed 650 million years ago before complex life forms showed up on Earth.  Light sculpts all life.  It is not arguable any longer.

The rapid changes in the environment had to be transmited to the next generation to guarrantee survival.  The reason was due to massive environmental changes that occured due to the dsruption of photosynthesis of the KT event.

The KT event subtracted UV light from the thermodynamics of life.

This made the environment colder at most latitudes for many years after the event.  In essence, the electromagnetic response of complex cells to an extinction level event was to speed up epigenetics over time.  This wass a complex thermodynamic response to a lack of sunlight.  This negative, set the tone for future human evolution.  These environmental actions 65 million years ago allowed for the human brain to develop faster 2.5 million years ago because cellular machinery us were adapted in our epigenetic tool box to build a more complex body plan when the sun returned for mammals.  It advanced epigenetic evolution because he sun returned with photosynthesis yield post KT event.

With photosynthesis back our diet once again became an electromagnetic bar code for latitude and tectonic plate motions.  The return of UV light gave us a new way to deplete deuterium further because of the epigenetic changes that caused our mammalian mitochondria to become efficient at depleting it from foods.  UV light is critical in depleting deuterium in mammalian cells.  Look at the absorption spectra of proteins compared to the electromagnetic spectrum of light.

This allowed our cell membranes to signal both electric and magnetic field strength to the interior of cells where our mitochondrial reside.  As a result, our diet radical changed again from our immediate ancestors, the chimpanzee.

This ability caused two simultaneous evolutionary adaptations to occur simultaneously. As our brain expanded, our guts shrunk in length. We only needed a smaller gut when we become adapted to eat predominantly fat and protein from marine animals.  This diet built a faster clock because of the effect of DHA on the central retinal pathways.  This made our eye clock wildly sensitive to changes in environmental light.  This was a benefit that drove hominid evolution but now it has become our major weakness as a species.

Man made light destroys mitochondrial redox by lowering cell voltages on the inner mitochondrial membrane.

After the KT event, our SCN became a better optical lattice clock with the return of full powered terrestrial sunlight.   A diet high in fat and protein was also used to fuel encephalization of hominids. DHA in the marine chain was critical in this change.  Larger brains meant we needed pelvic changes to become bipedal and it also extinguished the need to hibernate. Hibernation needs were shrunk from seasonal changes into our sleep cycle during stage 3 and 4 sleep. As we became smarter (DHA infusions in eye and frontal lobes) we became able to not only react better to electromagnetic signals in our environment, but we became able to control our environment. We changed light in our environment because of how our brain adapted.  This is how a sped up epigenetic plan set up modern man to become more susceptible to many biochemical mismatches.


When our recent ancestors lost the ability to hibernate, they also lost their best way to fight insulin resistance. Since those ancestor mammals ate carbohydrates in a proper circadian cycles, purely controlled by their seasonal growth, the biochemical systems in those mammals readily adapted to these new states without much problem. This biologic adaptation required alteration of the leptin receptor to function with higher levels of cytokines present. It appears natural selection also made adjustments to liver biochemistry and bioenergergenics to mirror those changes made in the brain.

Every eutherian mammal born on this planet up until 2.5 million years ago had to live by the dictums of their environment. When hominids evolved, much later, this environmental situation radically was altered. Hominids remain the only mammal on the planet who can 100% control its own environment. This allows our species to create mismatches at even a  great speed, as our brain continued to develop over the last 2.5 million years. This trend dramatically speeds up all our chemical clocks in every cell of our body that is controlled by circadian biology. This is well known by modern science, but its implications are IGNORED.

The Nobel Prize of 2009 tied this all to telomere lengths in our cells. The 2017 Nobel was given for circadian biology.  It is time you all pressure centralized healthcare to begin working for you and how biology works and stop supporting centralized healthcare that works for Big Pharma and Big Food.

All mammals have circadian signaling hardware in their brains that wire directly to the cell cycle machinery in every single cell of their bodies. This means that modern hominids are the most sensitive mammal to any circadian mismatch compared to their ancestors. Moreover, since they have the most advanced brain in the mammalian family, they are subjected to the greatest risk of neolithic diseases due to these mismatches. Humans get diseases that no other wild animal gets for this reason. Humans get autoimmune disease when our most recent ancestors, the chimp can not. They do not have zonulin and we do. This is one of the most fundamental reasons why our guts are adapted to different diets that lead to our encephalization. Animals domesticated by humans suffer the same fates as we do, ironically. Wild mammals tend not to get these issues because they live by the rule that Mother Nature determines for them in their own selected environments.

The ultimate paradox of modern hominids is that they evolved the ability to live on a warm adapted diet and in a warm environment, but that they retain the cold adapted biochemistry buried in their brains even though they do not need to use it presently. Evolution has not extinguished this ability for a very good reason, in my view. Mammals survived an extinction event because of it.  One reason is that the geologic record shows that our planet undergoes cyclic cooling and warming over longer epochs. This will keep the pathway active epigenetically over thousands of years.

The main reason it has not been extinguished in my opinion, is that this ancient pathway determines ultimate survival of the mammalian species and it was vital at one time in evolutionary history. Modern hominids have an advanced nervous system, but they still are tied to the evolutionary family they came from long ago. They are not divorced from the rules of Mother Nature even though they act as if they are. This ties modern humans directly back to Factor X at the KT event. The paradox of this situation is that they remain blind to it even today.


1.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12562849/

2. From the file of they are waking up to my perspective:  Circadian disruption and human health: A bidirectional relationship – Abbott – – European Journal of Neuroscience – Wiley Online Library.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ejn.14298

Listening well is often the only thing needed to really help someone. No one is as deaf as the centralized man who will not listen.  You earn the right to be heard by listening to others first.  Do it carefully to understand how they think before you respond. Most folks do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.  Seek to understand a situation before judging its faults or merits.  Listen to your elder’s advice carefully. The wise do this not because they are always correct about things, but because they have more experience of being wrong.  The smartest among us always learn to avoid the pitfalls of life with via the experience of others who made the errors.  Our mode of thinking sculpts our perspective. We only see what we think about because it forms how we choose to see the world.  This is why listening is a tool of the wise.  You can dissect anyone or thing when you learn how to listen to how someone thinks.



Good circadian clock management creates lives with less volume creation and more storage at night for urine. Nature seems to want diurnal mammals to drink water prior to sleep.  The system is built for this type of behavior.  All neurons move and release water when neurons fire action potentials. Thirst is controlled by posterior pituitary vasopressin.  Vasopressin is directly acted upon by light coming in through the central retinal pathways to affect the posterior pituitary.  The posterior pituitary output affects the immune system’s ability to function.  The nervous and immune systems are engaged in bidirectional communication as the picture shows.  Vasopressin is a big part of this blueprint.

I believe all autoimmune diseases are related to the disruption of the bi-directional reflex loops you see in the pictures above.  I believe the damage begins with light we are not built for.

T-Cells are the key player in autoimmune conditions. We’ve known this since 2003. In 2016 we found out how blue light causes T-cell motility. We now have all the pieces to explain the basic mechanism of all autoimmune diseases and why it is linked to the blue hazard.  HYPERLINK

Autoreactive T lymphocytes are key players in autoimmune diseases. They can act both as regulatory and effector cells. Various animal models have been used in the literature to show that the transfer of autoreactive T cells is sufficient to induce a model of an autoimmune disease. Thus, the pathogenic importance of autoreactive T cells has been formally demonstrated in animals. This should inform centralized healthcare that autoimmunity is tied to our light choices but patients never get told this.

Robert O. Becker taught us that injured tissue elicited an electromagnetic signal to begin wound repair. He found that an electrostatic field, negative away from the limb stump, could enable the regeneration of a frog limb.  Becker ascribed regeneration capability to the existence of a nucleus in the salamander’s erythrocyte. (The mature erythrocytes of frogs and higher animals lacked a nucleus.) Erythrocytes with nuclei seemed to have the dedifferentiation capability required for later differentiating into the various cell types needed in the growth area. Becker described these studies in his 1985 book The Body Electric, and also (condensed and compared with other fields) in the first part of his 1990 book Cross Currents.

The video above also shows this effect in the animal modeling of human cell injury in trauma.

Vasopressin (AVP) is released after every type of brain injury.  All injuries cause an electromagnetic stimulus to direct repair, as Becker found in his work.  This tells us vasopressin responds to electromagnetic stimuli even outside its normal circadian cycle.  Non-terrestrial forms of light is a light stress.  It is a form of traumatic brain injury.  Light injuries have become the most common non-military injury humans get in the modern world in their neurons.

Normally vasopressin is released at night when light is not present.  Artificial light post-sunset causes massive early chronic release of vasopressin.  Screen time during the day exacerbates this.  I believe that this is critical in the development of diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.  Research has shown that people with MS respond to vasopressin antagonist drugs to heal their myelin deficits.  This tells clinicians that the chronic release of vasopressin to light stress is the key problem in this immune-mediated disease.


Is Nature’s clue found in vasopressin molecular structure?  They are.  Vasopressin is a posterior pituitary hormone which means it has a direct connection to the retina and the SCN.  It also is directly related to the neuroimmune system.  It tells us sunlight is the electromagnetic stimulus that vasopressin reacts to.  Vasopressin is made in an area with no blood-brain barrier telling us that it is open to the environment’s electromagnetic signal.  Vasopressin is made of 9 amino acids.  The amino acid sequence of arginine vasopressin (argipressin) is Cys-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly-NH2, with the cysteine residues forming a disulfide bond and the C-terminus of the sequence converted to a primary amide. It has two clues it is a circadian qubit.  It contains two aromatic amino acids and it has a disulfide bond linked to its cysteine residue (re-read the orexin blog to understand the importance).

Mother Nature seems to want enough water in the system for the neurons in our brain to be able to anticipate it can follow the circadian rhythm of CSF production for the brain’s glymphatic system, and that there will be enough to not compromise autophagy.

One of his key goals is to design a sensitive vasopressin test for healthcare workers to use for people with circadian arrhythmia in the Emergency Room. If levels could be assessed rapidly, it could help physicians to understand how the body is managing water, giving clues as to how to deal with various illnesses with blue light and nnEMF exposures.  In experimental models of cardiac arrest, vasopressin increases blood flow to the heart and brain and improves long-term survival.  But vasopressin release in excess seems to be one of the things that cause chronic injury to myelin in Multiple sclerosis.  This is why Big Pharma is developing vasopressin antagonists drugs to treat it.

Why? Our modern lights dehydrate us causing us to age faster and die sooner.  Sunlight hydrates our cells.

Middle-age serum sodium >142 mmol/l is associated with a 39% increased risk of developing chronic diseases  & >144 mmol/l with a 21% elevated risk of premature mortality. People with serum sodium >142 mmol/l had up to 50% higher odds to be older than their chronological age.  High serum Na is a proxy for your Light clock management behavior at the SCN level.

Until recently (2017), it was thought to only work in a classic, negative feedback loop: when we are dehydrated (bad matrix function at CCO), levels of vasopressin rise, which causes urine to become concentrated in the kidneys, freeing up more water to be used in the body.

Conversely, when we have too much water in our body, vasopressin levels decrease, and urine is diluted. What if that is not all that vasopressin does?

Vasopressin changes the possibilities that water presents to the quantum programs that control wound healing by altering charge density in coherent domains of water.  This adaptation is done by altering the epigenetic programs in cells.

Water is the quantum stage cells play on.  Water is created by cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondria.  The spinning Fo head of the ATPase sits adjacent to the CCO. That spinning Fo head creates a magnetic field at the subatomic level. Inside a cell, water also has a magnetic dipole effect (negative and positive ends) because of the hydrogen and oxygen that make water up.

Hydrogen is positively charged, and oxygen is negatively charged. This creates a bar magnet effect in cells. These physical features are what help water networks respond to electromagnetism and waves of light.  If you look at the vasopressin molecular structure above you’ll notice on one side of the disulfide bond there are a lot more negatively charged oxygen atoms.  This tips the magnetic flux one way to signal wounds should heal using the epigenetic programs mentioned in the video above and found in Becker’s books.

I believe vasopressin is a highly negatively charged protein that is a qubit for the quantum brain that changes epigenetic signaling in tissues.  Vasopressin is how we influence probabilities of future events in water using sunlight as a lever.  

It seems organisms use vasopressin levels to predict and prepare themselves in advance for environmental changes that have selective advantages over those who cannot accommodate themselves until the changes of the environment have taken place to cause dehydration of mitochondria for some reason.  ALAN causes massive dehydration in the mitochondrial matrix.  Doing this long-term will shorten longevity by leading to diseases like MS.

In 2017 the same researchers found vasopressin does a lot more than they thought initially. They found that not only is there a vasopressin circadian feedback loop, but “it’s also involved in feed-forward mechanisms. This is quite important in understanding from a chronobiologic perspective. They determined that this molecule is produced in the brain right before people go to bed WHEN IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DARK, and during sleep, in anticipation of the dehydrating effect of sleep. During sleep, autophagy is supposed to be very active if you are healthy.  Vasopressin is normally released at 9 PM.  It is designed to offset the dehydrating effect of sleep.  Vasopressin is also known as an anti-diuresis hormone.

I believe vasopressin induces a negative magnetization in water networks.  What is negative magnetization?

When negative charges are added, we can find a temperature-dependent crossover of the DC magnetization from a positive value to a negative value of a material (cooled under a positive applied magnetic field) is termed the magnetization reversal or negative magnetization.  Becker found this flip in the DC magnetic field between sleep and wakefulness and between consciousness and general anesthesia.  Vasopressin helps us sleep when water creation is reduced.

Moreover, when you are recycling mitochondria during autophagy you cannot make any water at CCO. What happens if you cannot make water even in the sunlight because you’ve lost total control of autophagy because of chronic toxic blue light and nnEMF light stress?

The core skill of a successful Mitochondriac is error recovery in Nature, not failure avoidance from prior poor decisions.

There is only one way to repair that well. It means that we need SUNLIGHT IS MANDATORY to make water at CCO during the day. If you do not get enough or live at a high latitude and inside you need more water. If we do not get enough sunlight then we lose circadian feedback control of vasopressin and the entire water cycle in our body.  This is how lousy clock management leads to epigenetic disease by decreasing mitochondrial redox power.  You saw this in the petri dish picture above in the video.  A loss of redox power = disease state or injury state.

So people who are incentivized by selling DDW need to be vetted.  They have not thought this out well from the Black Swan mitochondria perspective.

Our light choices can be seen in our labs if you know what to look for.  Our light environment trumps chronological age as an epigenetic driver.
Frequent shift work results in more urination for ANY AGE because the circadian gene Rev-Erbα controls the production of Cx43, which determines how much urine a bladder holds.

TL;DR: Poor circadian rhythm = More urination = more disease = FASTER DEATH COMES = THE RELATIVITY OF TIME MODELED.

Energy and light frequencies are the only predeterminants nature needs to change water’s behavior in your cells. 

As the environment’s frequencies and power density change so do the reaction of water in you. When you begin to realize how sunlight changes in different latitudes on Earth and in different cities because of 1G-5G footprints it should begin to make sense to you why you perform differently in differing locations. Water is made at cytochrome 4 called CCO. What if that process is disrupted by the environment? Is the fidelity of the signal destroyed? Will the oscillation pattern of the inner mitochondrial membrane also change? Is this why we lose the ability to fat burn with the 100Hz oscillation needed for beta-oxidation in alien environments?

If so, does this affect how much water is made and how that water reacts within the metabolic cycles of the cell? You bet your ass it does. This is how nnEMF is operating to make you ill way below your ability to perceive it.


I have found in my “internet guru career” those who are easily shocked about things or words I utter should be shocked more often in their life. This is why our brightest blazes of insight in life are really kindled by unexpected sparks of insight. Be unique and light people up because you are extraordinary in how you think.

Is drinking water post-sunset mandatory for outdoor living creatures based on what we’ve discussed here?   When humans tell you not to drink water might they be incentivized in trying to sell that belief (Boros and his DDW krewe in LA)

Canadian research showed that mammals tend to increase water intake just before sleep when sunlight is absent. Rather than being motivated by a physiological need for water, the drinking response was solely based on the animal’s circadian rhythms.  The efficiency of your circadian mechanism is critical to this mechanism working as it is designed.  Sunlight creates water, darkness doesn’t <———-BIG FREAKING DEAL ALERT.

When a cell is de-polarized it is deformed by water, and potassium is released. This normally causes a glial cell to swell. This causes a volume change in the adjacent neuron (astrocytes).

When water moves, it changes the refractive index of bulk water in the extracellular compartment of the neuron to create a large coherent domain of water within the neuron and below the myelin level. The astrocytes work as a giant drainage system for water, which uptakes potassium ions in regions with high potassium, and sends them to regions of lower potassium ion concentrations. Vasopressin changes how the drainage system operates.

Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone, which is made in the posterior pituitary gland, allows the brain controls the flow of water to activate itself in accordance with the stimuli that it currently faces. Any trauma to neurons causes its release. Normally vasopressin is controlled by circadian stimuli. The sun normally controls the release. Artificial light is a light stressor. It causes the release of vasopressin outside of the circadian mechanism.

Fact: Blue light/nnEMF dehydrates cells because they stop H2O production from the mitochondrial TCA cycle. Why is this a big deal? Neurons absorb and release water when firing information via their action potentials. When H2O is missing in action so are neurological functions/capabilities. Check the link here.

Bai, Ruiliang. Brain-active transmembrane water cycling measured by MR is associated with neuronal activity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.27473

The gist of this paper is that neurons absorb and release water when they relay messages throughout the brain and peripheral nervous system. Tracking this water movement with imaging technology may one day provide valuable information on normal brain activity, as well as how injury or disease affects brain function. 

The study appeared in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  Just how devasting is artificial light on water flowing in neurons?  4% of the world has autoimmune diseases related to the blue light hazard.  There are just over 100 human autoimmune diseases that afflict humans. 

Current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technologies measure neuronal activity indirectly by tracking changes in blood flow and blood oxygen levels. Neurons communicate with each other by a process known as firing. In this process, they emit a slight electrical charge as an enzyme moves positively charged molecules — potassium and sodium ions — through the cell membrane. In the study, when researchers stimulated cell cultures of neurons to fire, they found that the exchanges of potassium and sodium ions were accompanied by an increase in the number of water molecules moving into and out of the cell.

Water movements only occur in the CNS/PNS via water channels that are made up of aquaporin 4 gates. This is going to become important later in the explanation of various diseases (MS). EVERY brain disease and EVERY autoimmune disease is tied to malfunctions in this mechanism

Remember that when water leaves a neuron, it carries a larger negative charge, and this charge induces an increase in the coherent domains in water networks inside the cytoplasm of the neuron. When the size of the coherent domains increases, it increases the optical efficiency within the neuron and outside the axon beneath the myelin where the interfacial water resides.

Remember that it is this interfacial water where Robert Becker found the regenerative DC current. This is why circadian biology and sleep are directly linked to regeneration. It all has to do with the scattering of light in water in neurons.

Ask yourself this: Is it biologically possible to predict the effects of lifetime exposure to electromagnetic, chemical, and physical agents that are not part of the biological experience of man given what we know about the butterfly effect?

If you do not fully understand light will you ever come to realize how important water is to life?

Evidence-based science has divorced itself from nature’s evidence.

Quantitative evidence-based science is used to remove uncertainty by transforming it into a probability for algorithms so that mathematical modeling can play the ritual role of haruspices. This epistemic governance arrangement in science is today in crisis.
The primacy of science today is to adjudicate political issues and it is having massive collateral butterfly effects on public health.
They must pass through an assessment of the level of maturity and effectiveness of the various disciplines deployed. The solution implies abandoning dreams of prediction, control, and optimization obtained by relying on a limited set of simplified narratives that linear thinking scientists and clinicians can understand to define the problem and moving instead to an open exploration of a broader set of plausible and relevant stories that define the real issues at hand.


Mae-Wan Ho, Fritz Albert Popp, Ulrich Warnke Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication 1994, p. 21







Are assumptions the mother of all fuck ups?   Some will try to convince you that your assumptions are your windows to the world. They’ll tell you to scrub them off every once in a while, or the sunlight won’t come in to inform you of the truth.

Assumptions can be dangerous things for people to make, and like all dangerous things that are made — bombs, for instance, or strawberry shortcake — if you make even the smallest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble because of the consequences. Making assumptions simply means believing things are a certain way with little or no evidence that shows you are correct.  Moreover, if you just think about how assumptions affect thinking and decision-making, you might be able to see how this can lead to terrible problems. For instance, one morning you might wake up and make the assumption that your bed was in the same place that it always was, even though you would have no real evidence that this was so, that it had floated out to sea, and now you would be in terrible trouble all because of the incorrect assumption that you’d made. You might be able to see now that it is better not to make too many assumptions, particularly in the morning when the sunlight rises to inform you by uploading her wisdom.

On the other hand, assumptions can be useful.  Assumptions could be used as an artist’s palette of paint, and when we slept in that bed on a plane we’d use our beliefs to paint a new masterpiece as well on a freshly stretched canvas.  Your mind would act the role of the brush that pushes the paint around the canvas’s surface as you dream and assume what awaits you in the City of Lights.

Here, an assumption might look like this:  When you got out of your bed this time, you might discover that the bed was in a plane.  When you went to sleep you were flying over New York from Chicago on your way to Paris for the holidays just to be seduced by the lights, music, and atmosphere.  You wanted to dance the Tango on the Seine.  Below Point Neuf, you’d planned to meet a vivacious Frenchwoman who would invite you to a dark fire-lit jazz joint in Monmarte.  There you’d look into the eyes each other over a glass of Bordeaux.  Then, you’d get invited to her rooftop terrace where you’d gaze at the Eiffel Tower under starlight while resting your head on her beautiful shoulder.  Then, you’d wake up in white satin sheets and have breakfast in bed waiting for the sun to rise.  Then you’d walk hand in hand over to Point des Arts to hang up our lovelock.  But just then reality woke you in the bed of the plane over an ocean and you’d realize you never really appreciated what your job was really about.  You take people to places they dream of going by giving them a new chance to assume and choose.  Choices really are the hinges of destiny in life.  When you woke up and stepped out of that bed on the plane you’d realize you were traveling into a new world.  A superposition of what might be.  Here, one can be met by unfamiliar scents, where the colors of the rainbow take on a different filter, and where hearts can acquire a new beat.  You’d begin to realize you are so glad you are who you are, rational, calm, and so determined because the world needs people like you to get people like those reading this, to a place they have trouble imagining.


Your perceptions influence all areas of life. The totality of your perceptions— regarding yourself, your life, life in general, and others, creates and impacts your personal reality and ultimately your experience of life.

Negative, disabling assumptions lead you in the direction of a very dismal reality. Positive, empowering assumptions give you every opportunity to live a rich, fulfilling life. Though assumptions don’t make your wishes come true, they can give you the perspective necessary for bringing your dreams to life.

Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, interpret, understand, synthesize, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, our tendency is to assume that how we perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is.  Through perception, we become more aware of and can respond to our environment. We use perception in communication to identify how our loved ones may feel. We use perception in behavior to decide what we think about individuals and groups.

Perception is everything; the way you perceive things, the way you see things, is ultimately the way things will play out in your life.  Perspective helps us to understand situations from other positions and to consider other beliefs, experiences, and viewpoints. This gives us a better understanding and greater empathy. It reduces bias, and judgment, and reduces conflict.

The power of perspective is an intentional discipline. It takes time and commitment, but it creates an understanding between you and the people you lead that allows you to move forward, faster—and with increasing success.

Your perceptions need to be sharpened in 2023.  Realize you need to describe your relationship with truth and false perception this year.  You cannot rely on experts or the media.  You need to deal with your own and other’s perceptions.

Perception is more important than reality. If someone perceives something to be true, it is more important than if it is in fact true. This doesn’t mean you should be duplicitous or deceitful, but don’t go out of your way to correct a false assumption if it plays to your advantage.” 

In 2023 you must obtain clarity in declaring the acceptability of what is false.


The annual tradition continues.  Here is my wish list for my tribe in 2023.

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”        -Victor Hugo

2023 should be the year you optimize yourself over everyone else.

I expect massive storm clouds to appear in 2023.  Face into this storm.

There are 2 types of people in the world.  Those who make things happen and those who asked what just happened?  Which type are you at the end of 2022?

To overcome anything in life you must get off the “What happened” page to the “make it happen” page.  Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, but they are the tools of the wise.  The happiest people are not those who have no problems but are those who have encountered difficulties and even tragedies and have overcome them.  A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.   Today begin to realize how many great things could happen to you by simply confronting the things that scare you most.

Before the year closes begin to forgive those who wronged you in 2022.  Stop keeping score.  Harboring grudges is poison to our body, mind, and soul. Today, deal with it and remove it. Begin to forgive quickly and freely with no conditions attached.  When we choose to forgive, we gain personal freedom in how we think.  Once you forget what you are worth, you forget what you deserve….

However difficult we may find it to let go, there is never a wrong time to do the right thing. Remember as humans we are designed to face the very same defects and failings as others do.  This reality allows us to keep things in their proper perspective.  When you are able to forgive, you get back into alignment with your purpose and plan and are able to share your talents with the world.

Every person needs to take one day away to sharpen the blade.  To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude. A beach is not only a sweep of sand but shells of sea creatures, sea glass, seaweed, and the incongruous objects washed up by the ocean. A simple life is good for me. I don’t need a whole lot to rest there.

Today, become the shaft of lightning or the glowing candle that illuminates your world. Be fast, furious, bold, and strong. Arrive quickly and depart just as fast, leaving behind a brighter mind or soul, or heart in all you touch. Your gifts lie not in what change brings to you, but rather in casting light on what you can bring to the world. In your work be legendary; in your life make history.

Life is a show. It’s up to you how to make your own story, do your own show and how to live the show you are on. You choose who you need to meet, where you should have your scenes, or which scenes you want to do. How awesome your mind can do right?  Get to it now…….create your own story for 2023.

The steps for you to consider for 2023

Managing your emotions isn’t the same as suppressing them. Ignoring your sadness or pretending you don’t feel pain won’t make those emotions go away.

In fact, unaddressed emotional wounds are likely to get worse over time. Embrace the suck of bad emotions so you can climb the mountain of positive ones in the future.  That will be important this year because I expect financial hardships to spike in 2023. And there’s a good chance suppressing your feelings will cause you to turn to unhealthy coping skills–like food or alcohol.

It’s important to acknowledge your feelings while also recognizing that your emotions don’t have to control you. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, you can take control of your mood and turn your day around. If you are angry, you can choose to calm yourself down.

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset those who believe their talents are innate gifts. This is because they worry less about looking smart and put more energy into learning.  Embrace this mindset in 2023.

Writing helps build your self- awareness.  Consider beginning a journal in 2023.

Writing daily will help improve your self-awareness practice by providing you with a written record of your thoughts, so you can reflect on them more easily than relying on your memory alone. As you write, you’ll begin to see what’s holding you back from making the change you want to make in your life.

How do you see the present moment?  I’m expecting a bad financial year in 2023, but when we get to October of 2023 I’m expecting a massive upturn in things because the early failures of 2023 will lead to a rebirth in late 2023.  Is your current perception reality? Only a quiet mind perceives the world”s reality. Sometimes our perception is not reality because we look through the eyes of hurt, pain, anger, envy, the unseen. We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. But we are freed by our conscious perception. What we all have to learn is, that we’re responsible for our perception of things. As we gain wisdom, we see the magic in things because our senses grow sharper. Reality is that which, when we stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.

We all go through daily evolution of ourselves and each other. It is what guides us to do the best we can do, especially when it really matters. However, it can also derail us from meeting our ultimate potential and goals when we try to do too much with such little time. When this happens, it deflates our self-worth and erodes our confidence in ourselves. And if we are not focused on the big stuff, we are not meeting our greatest potential.  Change that in 2023.

Embrace the suck of change.  People struggle with change because they have a hard time imagining a world that doesn’t yet exist.  They wait until the change becomes obvious to adapt.  People who do that fade to black.  Avoid this in 2023

Not only does listening enhance your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator, it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people.  Listening connects us to others and connectedness has been shown to be the key to human happiness. Our human connections and relationships matter far more to us and our wellbeing than money, or fame, or material possessions. We urgently need to reclaim the art of listening.  Enhance this in 2023.

There is a difference between putting an idea away versus giving up.

Call it semantics, but there is a fundamental difference between “quitting” something in a fit of frustration, and taking an idea to the end of its path and then deciding, calmly and with a clear head, that it’s time to move on to something else.

When you “give up,” you continue to carry that baggage with you long into the future. You still think about it. You wonder. You may even feel regret.

That’s very different than fighting as long as you can for an idea and then realizing its time to pivot, or shift, or move on all together.  Right now many people who bought Bitcoin in 2020-21 think they made a mistake at the break of 2023.  The picture tells you where I think we are with respect to Bitcoin and why I very bullish for October 2023.

Have a happy New Year !


We’re going to try something new here..  I’m going to post one thing that I’m passionate about, that drives me, and that I love.  Please do the same on the forum or in the Private Facebook Groups.

I’ll start.  For me figuring out how nature works to use light to build all the things we observe and experience drives me.

The most amazing thing light has built is my nurse at KLC.

She is my best friend and now she provides the air I breathe in my lungs.  It astounds me that as light slowed down here on Earth by crashing into some atoms in a specific way that a creature like her could be created.  She is not only the best nurse I have ever worked with but I have fallen in love with her.  It turns out we’ve been entangled for a long time below our ability to realize it.

I had always thought I’d always been broken by love and dark inside. Then I realized it was through those cracks that the light gets in.  She shines that light.

You know you’re found amazing love when you can’t fall asleep next to her because your own reality with her is finally better than anything ever found in your dreams before. And in the memories of those dreams, you recollect desires just to be the atoms of air that enter her quietly, while it sustains her for just that moment as you look at her sleep. This fuel becomes the air that nourishes you.  The key is you become aware of this quantum connection slowly over time and do something about it.

For a long time, my goal was to remain invisible to her so she could maintain her free will, but simultaneously I found it necessary to remain in distant contact with her.  This mimicked “spooky action at a distance.”  Love is the essence of quantum entanglement.  Teaching people about entanglement is also a labor of love.  Quantum entanglement is the biggest part of love and all of its connections.

She was ignorant for decades that she exceeded my imagination.  She alleviated much of my professional stress early on in residency by knowing what needed to be done before I ever asked her to complete a task in the operating room. She taught me insidiously that I should embrace the chaos of my job and make it an enjoyable lesson to be used as fuel.  I became oblivious to the professional discomforts of this lesson to get the job done efficiently.  No neurosurgeon taught me this.  She did.  I never properly thanked her back then.  I had to come back years after my residency was done one Christmas to thank her.  When I did,  quantum entanglement hit me square between the eyes.  Entanglement is all about companionship really. Self-companionship to be more precise. It’s simply not good for one to be alone.  I began to understand its implications for life.

Entanglement means some aspect of our description of behavior that can’t be separated by space, time, or dimensions. We might describe this as a fractal nesting of scale.

I felt her absence over great distances and times. It was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. You wouldn’t need to look in a mirror to know they were missing

I define quantum entanglement as the energy source that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. It is as if a pair of entangled humans are like islands in a vast ocean, separate on the surface but connected by landmasses in the deep.

On December 28, 2018, I decided to find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.

Every one of her abilities came from starlight.  Her brain refined the light to enter the broken pieces in her neighborhood.  Christmas is also a story about starlight.  Many people sing about the “Star of Wonder” that guided the wise men to a manger in the little town of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. They’re commemorating the Star of Bethlehem described by Matthew in the New Testament.

Sunlight, water, and magnetism made a remedy for me.  That struggle has been a long one.

I needed to understand entanglement fully before my own “pilot light” goes out on this pale blue dot.  Today. I wanted to share it with my tribe.  My Christmas gift to you is a thought:  we should not and cannot live just for ourselves. A myriad of energy fibers connects us with our fellow man. Sometimes people who are fully entangled never realize who they were meant to bond with.  That was my story for a long long time.  We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with people with who we are entangled.

Light organizes matter in the entire cosmos but the type of light, the spectrum of this light from a source, has its own unique ability to sculpt atoms in specific ways to create new things from its inherent organizing ability.  It is this ability hidden deep within the spectrum of light but that is the key to understanding life and love.  It provides change without the perception of change.  The thing that shows up every morning in the eastern sky, which is most familiar, remains the most mysterious force in the Universe.  That force organized every life system and every feeling of love that has ever existed. Matter exists to make love to light, to separate its electric and magnetic fields in ways that we just do not understand, and from this dance, light can sculpt a life, make a child, and create a new species.  Everything man has known comes from the mysterious moves of our star’s light as it fell to this wet rocky planet.  It is sheer amazement to me.

What have I learned about quantum entanglement and love?

There is no perfection in love, only beautiful versions of brokenness.

Some of us scream about everything that has gone wrong in our life. Stop it.  It makes no difference. We should scream at ourselves for everything broken in our lives.  Light has a lesson for the broken.  You are damaged and broken and unhinged. But so are shooting stars and comets.

Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey.

At other times, it is allowing another person to who you are connected to take yours and lead you.

Living systems are nests of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, together with traces of a few other elements, yet of a complexity of structure that has hitherto resisted all attempts at complete analysis because we do not understand how light and water bind and weave the process of atoms in things.  This makes our protoplasm the most enduring and the most easily destroyed of substances we know; its molecules are constantly programmed electronically by light to break down constantly, yet reorganize under solar power to furnish the power for the manifestations of many vital phenomena.  Yet, through its remarkable property of assimilation of light, a power possessed by few other things on earth, it constantly builds up its substance anew from the surrounding medium and it avoids our perception of its recipe.

Here is my tribe in El Salvador embracing light, water, and magnetism.  Let’s hear about what you are passionate about below.



The link above is not a regular podcast.  It does the job of explaining how life does some of the things it does.  There is a “revolution on the surface of the earth” called technology, and it is causing a new evolution of free radical signals in your mitochondria causing diseases.  The result of these collisions with your semiconductive proteins creates your “health reality”. Your health manifests from these collisions and creations.  How this happens is the subject of this blog.

Let’s use an example from human metabolism for a thought experiment: it is established that all so-called “chemical reactions” are merely the movement/expression of electrons/energy. Matter, the nucleus of the atom, the “nutrient” is inert in chemistry and biochemistry.  At least that is the current belief of the biological paradigm.  I showed in my Vermont 2018 talk this is also false.  This can also be found on Patreon.  It is believed by the great majority in science only the electrons of atoms are dynamic, capable of change, force, and movement. This is also not true.  Protons move with the help of red light from the sun and the hydrogen heat furnaces of our mitochondrial colony. That is the first law we will call on to verify our thought experiment. Secondly, we call on this: it has been established that electrons gather/collect and only interact with photons.  This is the basis of the photoelectric effect and is further understood as a cell’s Jablonski diagram.  Electrons are excited by sunlight and fall back to the ground state.  This process is capable of increasing their energy and delivering information to the system by changing the spin state of electrons, protons, and photons trapped by the organelles of a cell.

It turns out, electrons emit/yield photons to the demand of the body when the electron moves to another atom or molecule when it falls to the ground state.  That light captured by electrons drives many processes in our cells.  Electrons are more or less reactionary to the power density in the UV spectrum and use this information buried in wavelengths of UV photons.  All cells emit ultraweak extreme UV light as a consequence of metabolism. This is a key feature of life’s design discussed in the book below.  You should add it to your Christmas shopping lists.

This is the only part of the visible spectrum that is capable of using non-linear optics. Having established these two irrefutable principles, one must conclude: when there is a deficiency of some sort of enzyme, chemical, or substrate in a cell there is a resultant physical reactionary change inside the cell.  That change might be in a hormonal or enzymatic or functional aspect of the tissue in question.  It could even be left in the hydrogen bonding network of water around the semiconductive proteins inside a cell.

Resonant Recognition Model (RRM), proposes that protein activation inside of cells is electromagnetic in nature within the frequency range of infrared and visible light.  Irene Cosic has written extensively about it.   The RRM postulates that protein interactions entail a mechanism of resonant energy transfer between involved molecules at the frequency specific for each observed function/interaction inside a cell. This theory is based on the findings that certain periodicities within the distribution of energy of delocalized electrons along a protein molecule are critical for protein biological function and/or interaction with their targets.  Free radicals delocalized electrons inside of our cells. If charge transfer through these macromolecules is introduced via ambient light, then charge moving through macromolecular backbone can produce electromagnetic radiation, absorption and resonance with spectral characteristics corresponding to the energy distribution in light that activates things in cells.  This means light is fully capable of replacing damaged or non functional proteins in cells to restore function.  Irene has showed this with lactate dehydrogenase and  UDP proteins in Crigler-Najjar syndrome.  

She found that IR-A light could replace missing lactate dehydrogenase to restore physiologic function.  In Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, which is a severe form of Gilbert’s Syndrome, she found that replacement of blue light frequencies in young children was able to help them clear bilirubin and lower jaundice associated with this condition without any use of Big Pharma solutions.

Water at an interface, in a cell, or in the atmosphere (pictured above) has a surface tension due to the polar interactions of water with other water molecules at the interface surface of these semiconductive proteins and lipids. This clustering of coherent domain imparts a crystalline like property to the water. In the bodies of living organisms, the clusters form hydration layers around biological molecules. It is known from electronics that different patterns which contain information result within an cluster depending upon its atomic structure.  Free radicals rearrange the electronic structure inside of cells. Thus, depending on its structure, each molecule has an oscillatory pattern (resonance frequency = Resonant Recognition Model) that can be determined by spectroscopy.  We can now see the effect of free radicals on cells using spectroscopy.

It is well known, through spectrographic analysis, that water and other dipole molecules are able to be entrained to exogenous oscillatory patterns by rearranging their cluster patterns. Light and free radicals are capable of doing this. The cluster rearrangements then resonate with the entraining frequency of light.  Sunlight creates electric fields that not only allow electrons to delocalize, but sunlight can free up hydrogen protons to move.  When they move they activate the semiconductive molecules in cells to action or inaction.

Taking an exogenous substrate will never repair the deficits of having excited electrons creating these substrates.  The reason is simple.  Feedback loops use the substrates they create as their interactive controller of the cycle.  Loss of this control causes the cycle to uncouple and heat is thermalized to the local environment and quantum coherence is lost as water loses its coherent domains.  As coherence is lost in cell water, redox power drops exponentially.  There are physical manifestations of this in the matrix of size and shape change of the mitochondria, along with spacing out of the cytochrome proteins that tunnel electrons from food.

This can occur in a muscle or any organ within the organism.  The skeptic will need to admit, the specific deficiency in this system of control is due to a lack or loss of photonic power within this quantum system.  If one adds and moves electrons and protons properly,  light frequencies within the visible spectrum are capable of creating the matter a cell factory needs to operate.  That is what free radicals are doing in mitochondria.  They are sculpting the life we experience.  Free radical signaling is critical in creating the right amount and programming melatonin made in your mitochondria.

Free radicals are foremen in our “cellular refinery” that tell other worker proteins how to act.  Light is the instruction manual for the creation of free radicals.  No one needs any supplement when you understand how a cell operates by arranging atoms using the levers that light, water, and magnetism provide.  To create matter a cell needs cell must have redox power to do it.  The optimal redox power is -400mV.  Most humans live between -200mV—400mV.  Improving that redox number is the key to regaining your health.


The beliefs of modern man around the light he has created have become the batteries that make them fuel for the matrix in which they live.  Few realize how toxic that fuel really is for them.  It is in the pauses, the intervals, and the spaces between the words, that the meaning of what you are saying that sinks in. To listen to a good talk, whether from a pulpit or a podium, whether off-the-cuff or seared into memory, is to hear a kind of music, not just in the register, the lilt, the cadence, and the rhythm, but in those moments when there are no words to be heard when all you can hear is the enveloping silence.  It is like being in a sensory deprivation tank when you are trying to regain your health.  The same is true with cells; sounds are like sunlight and silence is found in the darkness of night. The real music of life is found at night when light SHOULD ALWAYS BE absent. This is why ALAN, called artificial light at night, is so dangerous to humans.

ALAN destroys many of the free radical signals in you and leads to mitochondrial diseases that are the basis of ALL modern disease epidemics.

The modern disease epidemics began after 1879 when the light bulb was discovered.  A few years later in 1893 Tesla gave the world the AC power grid.  This gave man the AC electric power to destroy himself with his own innovation because that grid became capable of creating man-made light that ruined how sunlight creates the binary code of life in our free radical signaling.

I am here to tell you that our modern disease epidemics all come from the electromagnetic environment we’ve helped build and sustain with our choices around light.  It turns out, these seemingly innocuous things change the free radical signals a mitochondrion can generate from the oxygen unused in metabolism and incident light we live under.  These two stimuli allow us to change the binary code of quantum spin states in subatomic particles in our bodies.

The visible spectrum of light from our sun lowers the sensory inputs to mitochondria to decrease power consumption in the defective colony of mitochondria.  UVA and UVB light in sunlight normally slow electron chain current, while the IR-A light allows the ATPase to spin faster to make ATP while limiting oxygen consumption to control the free radical creation in mitochondria.  Light controls how much leftover oxygen is in a cell and that level of oxygen is the substrate of what generates the free radical signal

No one sees this perspective because they do not understand energy production in mitochondria and how it uses electron, proton, and photon spin numbers to make matter from light. The incident EMF a mitochondria sense inside cells is the key to understanding the mysteries around all our disease epidemics.  This picture below should stun you.  A lack of sun is the biggest risk to human longevity.  The sun is the best medicine a Black swan mitochondriac will ever receive this holiday season.

Based on Cosic’s work she has used RRM  to analyze the spectrum of many proteins with biological functions/interactions in humans.  Shockingly, she has found and reported that proteins SPECIFICALLY only use the spectrum of terrestrial sunlight on the Earth.  This should make sense to you because the source of all energy supporting life is sun light.  All life is sustained by the sun light.  Cell water is transparent to RRM frequencies, and this enables proteins and DNA to interact without any loss of energy from solar photons.

The spectrum of artificial sources of light, as opposed to the sun light, do not cover the whole RRM spectrum used by biomolecules and this explains why decentralized MDs have concerns that man made light leads to disease propagation by causing disturbances in many of the biological functions of proteins/lipids and consequently, influence the health of man.  This picture below shows you the spectrum of light is not homogeneous.  Since it is not homogeneous, light changes how life acts.


Cosic I. Macromolecular Bioactivity: Is it Resonant Interaction between Macromolecules?-Theory and Applications. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 1994;41:1101–14.

Cosic I. The Resonant Recognition Model of Macromolecular Bioactivity: Theory and Applications. Basel: Birkhauser Verlag; 1997.

Cosic I. Virtual spectroscopy for fun and profit. Biotechnology. 1995;13:236–8

Cosic I, Cosic D, Lazar K: Is it possible to predict electromagnetic resonances in proteins, DNA and RNA? Nonlinear Biomed Phys. 2015; 3

Cosic I, Cosic D, Lazar K. Environmental Light and Its Relationship with Electromagnetic Resonances of Biomolecular Interactions, as Predicted by the Resonant Recognition Model. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(7):647