Over the 20th Century, various investigators in different countries representing multiple interests have repeatedly reported the discovery of unusual non-local field effects in human biology that could not be explained in the framework of the Standard Model. Since the investigators and writers could not understand or explain the physics associated with the observed phenomena, they were forced to invent new names for the fields, emanations, and energies believed to be responsible for creating these phenomena. Scalar phenomena and torsion field manipulations are two examples of this idea.

If you listened to my Breedlove podcast, you would have heard about the subtraction of James Maxwell’s original equations from 20 to 4 equations. I believe this “censorship” or subtraction is the cause of the Standard Model’s missing framework to explain many phenomena in Nature.

Oliver Heaviside was a self-educated English mathematical physicist who spent most of his life on the far fringes of the scientific community. Yet he did more than anyone else to shape how James Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory was understood and applied in the 50 years after Maxwell’s death. Indeed, Maxwell’s equations in their most familiar vector form come from Heaviside’s reformulations.

Maxwell laws of electromagnetism were once described by 20 equations. Maxwell’s contribution to science in producing these equations really lies in the correction he made to Ampère’s circuital law in his 1861 paper On Physical Lines of Force. He added the displacement current term to Ampère’s circuital law and this enabled him to derive the electromagnetic wave equation in his later 1865 paper “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” and to demonstrate the fact that light is an electromagnetic wave. Faraday proved it first when he experimentally found the Faraday effect, but physicists of the day wanted a mathematical proof that Faraday’s simpleton approach was equivalent.  Maxwell gave the world this proof and it was later re-confirmed experimentally by Heinrich Hertz in 1887. The Maxwell equations were simplified to 4 by Oliver Heavside by mathematical convention.  What were the other 16 about? They were about these two pictures below.

Do you notice anything similar between these two pictures? These both show magnetic field effects in nature.  The top one is an abiotic magnets effect on iron filings.  The bottom is the result of electric and magnetic fields around predator animals and their prey. 

Gravity is said to be “different” from the electromagnetic force because gravity has a polarity that is always positive.   In other words, for gravitational forces, things with masses always seem attractive and add to one another. What could nature be hiding that might have a negative polarity that could move things apart?

Somatic cells act like a wave of kamikaze support of the germline cells and melatonin  creation in their mitochondria acts like their General. The leptin melanocortin pathways in these tissues protects that cell line by making sure it has light and electronic power to maintain its existence. Somatic cell death requires the creation of a local biological timing mechanism locally, hence, this is why every somatic cell has its own clock mechanism separate from the SCN. This makes time relative in somatic cells. This is why certain organs age faster than others and it is the basis of what defines heteroplasmy in cells. People who are jabbed experience higher heteroplasmy rates depending upon where the jab contents remain persistent.

Might the destruction of a magnetic monopole in DNA be acting in the hydrophobic pockets in DNA and cause the DNA helix to unwind in the opposition of gravity to cause disease?  This question may sound esoteric but to those with diseases from the jab it might be life saving. Why? What if we develop techniques to control this process in DNA? We might be able to delay disease and death in the jabbed.

The presence of magnetic monopoles was described by the 16 deleted equations of Maxwell, but as of 2025 one has never been found to exist in nature.  Therefore people who supported Heavside in the late 1800’s removed many of Maxwell’s original equations that dealt with them.  Many physicists over the last 150 years thought this was unwise.  Paul Dirac was the most influential critic of this turn of events in physics in the 1930s.  He wrote many papers referencing this belief back then but not many have listened to his warnings.

Could it be the source of the negative polarity in things that give a thing a net negative flux?  Recall that all living things have a serious net negative charge.  Also, recall that water goes from a neutral polarity in its bulk state, and then gains its net negative charge in the structured state when UV and IR/NIR light excite water. This structured state exclude protons and creates coherent domains that act like electromagnetic capacitors for crystalline lattice in cellular water that resists hydrophobicity.  When you carefully read Nick Lane’s book (THE VITAL QUESTION)  you see there is a trend in biology to still wonder why life decided to use protons for chemiosmosis across cell membranes in all three kingdoms of life.

Might the answer be because water and sunlight naturally create unbelievable amounts of protons free of an energy charge?  Hydrophobicity can break this effect as the video above showed. This allows DNA to unwind and be copied and under reverse transciption which can cause turbo cancers. This effect would be magnified if SV40 contamination was present. DNA plasmid numbers make the probability of such event go higher. Translation is widespread in annotated noncoding sequences, including untranslated regions (UTRs), introns, and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), especially in contexts such as cancer, aging, and neurodegeneration. 3’UTRs follow the coding sequence of the mRNA and regulate localization, stability, and translation, among other things. Did you know that both Moderna and Pfizer use novel 3’UTRs, never used before?

Unbiased genetic and biochemical screens both identified the BCL2-associated athanogene 6 (BAG6) pathway for mediation of the proteasomal degradation of diverse noncoding translation products.

  • BAG6 recognizes a hydrophobic C-terminal tail, a common feature of proteins translated from all types of noncoding sequences. This results from the U-rich nature of the noncoding genome and the strong bias of U-rich codons for hydrophobic amino acids in the genetic code.

The electromagnetic radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface from space as microwave background radiation is believed to be a consequence of the big bang and the evolution of the universe in the very first seconds of its existence. This type of radiation is characterized by its thermal energy distribution as a perfect black body in nature and has a nearly ideal Planck spectrum at a temperature around 2.7 Kelvin, while the maximum of its surface power density corresponds to the wavelength of 272 GHz. The solar radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface has relatively small surface power density around 3 μW/m2 and comprised of distinct frequency bands, so-called atmospheric windows, representing those frequency bands that are not absorbed by the Earth atmosphere. They can be listed as

  • radio window—represented by electromagnetic wavelengths starting from 15 MHz up to 300 GHz,
  • optical window—represented by electromagnetic wavelengths starting from 150 THz up to 1000 THz.
  • microwave window—represented by electromagnetic wavelengths starting from 23.1 THz up to 37.5 THz.Earth’s magnetic field is another natural field originating from the planet’s core that extends to a vast space surrounding Earth, known as the magnetosphere. An essential source of strong electromagnetic fields is atmospheric discharges, known as lightning. Rapid radiation releases accompanying these natural phenomena are characterized by high power densities and high frequencies. In living organisms, electromagnetic fields originate from the transmission of signals in the nervous system and from structures autonomously generating electrical impulses, like the heart (EKG), brain (EEG) because this is where mitochondrial density is greatest.

The visible universe is constituted almost entirely of electrically active plasma that we can observe for a deep reason. It is what life organizes around.


Might it be that when sunlight collides with water, the electric and magnetic fields in light waves change water networks physically to structure cells and cause them to become a dissipative state to limit the effects of entropy? Might inducing hydrophobicity be how we re-introduce entropy and the flow of time to cause disease and death? This effect is buried in every vaccine man has ever made because of the added atoms and chemicals. These pollutants are how the bioweapons program changes the light waves in biophotons, which cells need to fight entropy to remain healthy. Could these changes lead to emergent properties in a matter of which we still remain ignorant?

I think so, and so did Dr. Luc Montagnier before his death.


The gif above clearly illustrates how a two-dimensional surface can be created in 3D.  Might this picture show what our brain does by resolving environmental waveforms? Might it also show us that the contents in a jab can stop the rotation in a 2D surface to cause protein misfolding and disease? I think this is why COVID and COVID dementia (BIDEN) are telegraphing to decentralized thinkers. Using the above picture, we only need a motion in 2 dimensions and not three to create a wave.

Light can be polarized similarly by a single plane of water.  The jab destroys this effect in water by restructuring it. This stops the dots from rotating, causing complexity to drop and ruin the dissipative state in cells. Life needs to remain well to fight entropy loss. Polarized light can be bent using the Faraday effect.  Sunglasses and windows affect light in this way. This effect is an optical, magnetic, nonlinear effect of light.  DeBroglie was hinting at this wave mechanics of all matter in his Ph.D. thesis, for which he later won the Nobel Prize.  The problem for physics back then was that Bohr’s version of quantum mechanics largely ignored DeBroglie’s insights. It is another form of centralized scientific censorship that continues to hide decentralized truths from us.