Larger size = more entropy in the PLL and disc = loss of circadian timing which leads to less energy transformation in the tissue degenerating.

The same thing happens in heart failure. The heart gets larger.

The same thing happens in stars. Star gets larger when they die.

The same thing happens in an ankle sprain. Ankles sprains lead to swelling.

What is the embryological origin of the spinal nerve like the one pictured above?

The ectoderm is also sub-specialized to form the neural ectoderm, which gives rise to the neural tube and neural crest, which subsequently give rise to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. It also gives rise to neural crest cells that create melanin in the spinal nerve.

The melanocyte lineage is derived from the neural crest, which has its origins in the neural tube. Following its formation, neural crest cells delaminate from the dorsal-most aspect of the neural tube by a process of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The neural crest delaminates from the developing neural tube and overlying ectoderm early in development. The pigment cells are the only derivative to migrate along the dorso-lateral pathway. This should tell spine surgeons that most diseases of spinal nerves that are associated with sensory findings are telling us precisely where our patients have lost melanin endogenously. This is why I make my cervical and thoracic disc patients remove their shirts to examine their skin. I am looking for signs of melanin destruction, lack of electrical conductivity, and count the number of nevus present in the skin of the affect nerve roots. I am also looking for evidence of melatonin and melanopsin disruption in the same dermatome. I also look for abnormal cholesterol deposits.

Mitochondria are dissipative structures in cells, but not the only ones. They transform energy and create order from the disorder in light energy they use to operate. The water mitochondria create is probably the single most important dissipative structure that life is based upon in cells. So I always look for signs of dehydration in the skin in the dermatome in question. I look at capillary refill and skin turgor.

I also shine a red light on the skin to see the response of the underlying blood vessels. you can see the red light above penetrates deeply into the dermatome.

After that test is done, then I cover the area for a brief time and shine a UV light on the same patch of skin and see how it effects the underlying blood vessels on the surface. If the become very visible, this tells me a a great deal about the NO reserve in this dermatome. There usually is a big difference in the etiology of disc herniations in this test. In acute injury the disc disruption is from biomechanical failure and no from photochemical degradation related to melanin loss. This tells me the status of NO production at this dermatomal level along with the melanin issues present in this nerve distribution.

Veins appear blue/green because these colors have shorter wavelengths that scatter more than red light. This scattering of shorter wavelengths is the same reason the sky is blue or eyes are blue. Your body does not produce blue pigment. Instead, near infrared light enters deep into your skin, hits your blood vessels, and is scattered back to you with blue being most visible and red largely being absorbed. So the color you see is blue, not red. You’ll notice this does not happen when blood vessels are closer to the surface (e.g. veins in your eyes, or skin when you blush)

Doctors and nurses use NIR light to find veins in patients. VIDEO

In difficult cases I will put a tourniquet in the limb in question and make blood pool and then do a prick of the dermatome to check for the HbA1C in that distribution. I call this my melanopsin and melatonin effect. Blue light and nnEMF exposures in dermatomes chronically induce melatonin suppression and this disrupts the circadian-regulated mechanism in the limb. This circadian damage leads to hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in the body part that causes premature aging and higher heteroplasmy. These limbs often have many dangerous looking skin lesion in this.

The C4-5 disc herniation pictured above tell us a story about melanin in the C4-5 neural distribution. There was a lack of melanin in the skin of this dermatome. C4 provides sensation for parts of your neck, shoulders and upper arms. This dermatome is usually covered in humans who wear shirts. Cervical nerve 5 controls the deltoid muscles of your shoulders and your biceps. C5 provides sensation to the upper part of your upper arm down to your elbow.

In the developing embryo, dermatomes arise from somitic mesoderm, which develops from the middle layer of embryonic tissue lateral to the developing neural tube. Dermatomes are arranged with basic segmental pattern in the vertebrate trunk, although some overlap exists with similar areas above and below.


This Tweeter thought he was being wise ass when he responded in the thread by saying this:

You cannot tell whether a man is clever by his answers, but you do get a great sense whether a man is wise by his questions.

The business of decentralized medicine is to teach patients to live with some uncertainty. It is not to reassure them, but to upset them.  It sounds counterintuitive until you understand the perspective.  This perspective is built when you watch a great white shark attack.  As the shark digs its teeth into the carcass of a dead whale his teeth are replaced and his bite gets sharper.  This allows the shark to get to the liver and heart of the dead animal which in turn provides massive benefits to the shark. When you dig your teeth into your own assumptions, your teeth, too become sharper. Your mind allows you to dig deeper into a subject. You become what the world needs simply by helping yourself.  Questions open a space in your mind that allow better answers to germinate and connect with other ideas like turning a field over.


The status quo is the opiate of the mind.  The status quo is driven by seeking comfort, convenience, and the desire for stability, and a steadfast refusal to embrace the suck that life brings to us.  It is brought us by design.  We need to learn from our failures.  Seeking stability leads to complacency and stagnation.  You become a fool when you stop asking questions.  Always question before you comply with anyone or anything.


For centralized thinkers, the status quo is a powerful force that stifles innovation, creativity, and critical thinking.  The master key of wisdom is a persistent and frequent questioning of the status quo.  Our mind opens and awaken by embracing stress because it turns on the light inside of us when everything outside feels dimmed.  Become facile asking question where the answer makes a difference to society.


As physicians, it is our job to question the rules in existence and those being enforced on our patients; we are the ones that must ask if they are relevant or outdated, necessary or arbitrary, helpful or oppressive to the truth.  Without excellent questions no human progress is possible.


Thank you Crytpoattache for being a douchebag. You stimulated me to create a lesson for my tribe. Always embrace the suck folks. You’ll never know where it will lead you.







What if I was to tell you the two most important biomolecules that do this is dopamine and melatonin, would you believe it? Dopamine derives itself from the breakdown of melanin. Melanin can be made accretively from dopamine as well. This allows life to experience the world as it is not. It provides cells a new lens, a new perspective of what life might be like when additional energy is added to the mix. Ironically, a loss of oxygen is how melanin becomes dopamine. When you turn your attention away from reality, dopamine jumps to action. It allows you to “move beyond the concrete”, to a realm that doesn’t yet exist. It motivates you to pursue, to control, and to possess a universe beyond your immediate grasp.

To make large collections of semiconductive proteins like dopamine and melatonin quantum coherent you need to link them together electrically.  Melanin does this for mammals.  Melanin in your skin and neuroectoderm conduct DC electricity.  This is what links these biomolecules.

Melanin is the master semiconductive protein in mammals. Dopamine can be the child of melanin degradation. But melanin can be made accretively from dopamine as well. It is a bidirectional pathway in mammals. Dopamine can be made many ways by mammals. This neurotransmitter is often referred to as the “reward molecule”. From my vantage point, life in the primate clade is based around the thrill of the chase, the anticipation of something new, and the excitement of getting something that’s novel and unexpected. It is what really gets our molecules buzzing.


Dopamine and melatonin have to be linked electrically to become coherent. This tells us that there should be a deep tie in mitchondrial metabolism and the electrical coupling of dopamine and melatonin. What is it?

Amano et al. (cite 4) have provided a theoretical framework that demonstrates that resting tremor and other motor behaviors seen in Parkinson’s Disease are actually metabolically energy efficient. They posit that the role of dopamine, which can be a precursor to the formation of neuromelanin, and energy metabolism in the brain is linked and supported this assertion with research finding that “dopamine lesions result in reduced glucose uptake,” showing a preservation of energy, and dopamine is related to glucose metabolism. They conclude, “the loss of dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s Disease is likely to contribute to dysfunctional glucose metabolism.” Ironically none of them have made the link to why red light lowers blood glucose by 27% nor why when melanin is missing in cells endogenously, cells lose their ROS generation power from mitochondrial metabolism.

It appears that ROS and a lack of redlight production in mitochondria maybe the key link in diseases associated with altered glucose metabolism. They also note the growing amount of literature arguing mitochondrial dysfunction is common in Parkinson’s Disease and is causing metabolic dysfunction. They went on to say that they have discovered that there is an inverse relationship between melanin levels and mitochondrial ATP production. In fact, it appeared to them that melanin may hold the primary supply of energy while mitochondria produce supplemental energy, in an opposing, but complimentary, interdependent relationship.


In quantum science, objects such as electrons and photons have wavelike properties that can combine and become what is called superposed. Particles are not the only thing that can be superposed. So can whole atoms. Did you know that this ability in quantum mechanics is not limited to just atoms either.

Complex molecules can be superposed.

Many have heard about many world interpretations verison of quantum mechanics. Very few have heard about many world chemicals that are capable of staying in superposition to deliver different possibilities and outcomes in Nature.

Physicists have now proven any chunk of matter can also occupy two places at once. Physicists call this phenomenon “quantum superposition,” and for decades, they have demonstrated it using small particles. But in recent years, physicists have scaled up their experiments, demonstrating quantum superposition using larger and larger particles.

The double-slit experiment reveals the central puzzles of the decentralized systems in quantum mechanics, putting us ‘up against the paradoxes and mysteries and peculiarities of nature”.

Researchers had long known that light, fired through a sheet with two slits in it, would create an interference pattern, or a series of light and dark fringes, on the wall behind the sheet. But light was understood as a massless wave, not something made of particles, so this wasn’t surprising. However, in a series of famous experiments in the 1920s, physicists showed that electrons fired through thin films or crystals would behave in a similar way, forming patterns like light does on the wall behind the diffracting material.

If electrons were simply particles, and so could occupy only one point in space at a time, they would form two strips, roughly the shape of the slits, on the wall behind the film or crystal. But instead, the electrons hit that wall in complex patterns suggesting the electrons had  interfered with themselves . That is a telltale sign of a wave; in some spots, the peaks of the waves coincide, creating brighter regions, while in other spots, the peaks coincide with troughs, so the two cancel each other out and create a dark region. Because physicists already knew that electrons had mass and were definitely particles, the experiment showed that matter acts both as individual particles and as waves.

But it’s one thing to create an interference pattern with electrons. Doing it with giant molecules is a lot trickier. Bigger molecules have less-easily detected waves, because more massive objects have shorter wavelengths that can lead to barely-perceptible interference patterns. And these 2,000-atom particles have wavelengths smaller than the diameter of a single hydrogen atom, so their interference pattern is much less dramatic.

To pull off the double-slit experiment for big things, the researchers built a machine that could fire a beam of molecules (hulking things called “oligo-tetraphenylporphyrins enriched with fluoroalkylsulfanyl chains,” some more than 25,000 times the mass of a simple hydrogen atom) through a series of grates and sheets bearing multiple slits. Recall cells are filled with porphyrins like the two below.

In the experiment in Cite #1, the beam was about 6.5 feet long. That’s big enough that the researchers had to account for factors like gravity and the rotation of the Earth in designing the beam emitter. They also kept the molecules fairly warm for a quantum physics experiment, so they had to account for heat jostling the particles.

When the researchers switched the machine on, the detectors at the far end of the beam revealed an interference pattern like we see with electrons. In fact, the molecules being studied were clearly occupying multiple points in space at once. This means large biomolecules can and do act like electrons do. They do have a superposed ability.

It’s an exciting result, for quantum biology, proving quantum interference at larger scales is possible. This was the first time in history this has been detected.



The implications of this endogenous ability in chemicals is the basis of how MOLECULAR RESONACE operates. Molecular resonance is a quantum mechanical characteristic of all matter. This ABILITY is inherently BUILT into how REALITY is perceived. It is buried inside of the chemicals that cells have chosen to use through evolutionary timescales.

The most important biomolecules are coded for by DNA. DNA seems to favor biomolecules that have specific semiconductive and optical characteristics in their absorption and emission spectra. The design process of cellular life begins with the DNA code.   Centralized biology today is a detailed, disorganized collection of disparate facts. It is like a hoarder’s basement, or a rat’s nest. There is no decentralized connecting design of what is buried in DNA’s code. You can scoop up a bag full of facts and try to make sense of it, but that would be an exercise in futility. True wisdom is fractal and non linear. The design can be complex, with microscopic details, but the overall design is coherent and beautiful.  To make large collections of semiconductive proteins quantum coherent you need to link them together electrically.

We do this PHOTOELECTRICALLY.  This idea implies that cells have some electric tuning ability built into their protein structure.

It appears the choice is related to the spectrum of light that interacts with them. Possibilities and probabilities for life is made tunable just by changing the incident light photons. That is how these chemicals all operate. This implies that your mitochondrial metabolism creates an adaptable light spectrum during metabolism and it is this light that tunes and controls the chemicals in you to act in different ways.

A dopamine molecule consists of a catechol structure (a benzene ring with two hydroxyl side groups) with one amine group attached via an ethyl chain. The amine part of the ring contains nitrogen. If you draw the two possible Kekulé structures for benzene (pic below), you will know that the real structure of benzene isn’t like either of them. The molecular structure acts like it is capable of being in two states.

The two structures above for benzene’s ring are known as canonical forms, and they can each be thought of as adding some knowledge to the real structure. For example, the bond drawn at the top right of the molecule is neither truly single or double, but somewhere in between. Similarly with all the other bonds. The real structure is somewhere between the two – all the bonds are identical and somewhere between single and double in character.

Benzene two structures also sit in a superposed position. That’s because of the electron delocalization in the benzene ring. The aromatic rings of carbon in benzene are the playground for bio- photons as the picture below shows. Those benzene rings capture the photons and tune it.

As such, dopamine is the simplest possible catecholamine, a family that also includes the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine.

If we take the two forms as the picture above shows perhaps the two most important ones, it suggests that there is delocalization of the electrons over the whole structure of the 6 carbon ring. With dopamine above, that electron density is a bit low around the nitrogen atom carrying the positive charge on one canonical form or the other. Any canonical form that you draw that shows nitrogen close to the ring, it follows that another atom must balance that charge. In dopamine that atom is oxygen at the 7 and 10 o’clock positions. Where the charge change occurs changes the absorption and emission spectra of dopamine. Separating negative and positive charges in this fashion is thermodynamically unfavorable. This is how tunability occurs with charge separation in a benzene ring. Light tunes molecules by altering their charges. This is why all the aromatic amino acids have benzene rings in their molecules. This also happens in methylene blue.


Dopamine controls the process of choice and action. Nothing EXCELLENT ever happens without EXECUTION. No masterpiece has ever been made by INTENTION alone. EXECUTION takes INITIATIVE and INTELLIGENCE. EXECUTION is the antidote to PROCRASTINATION. Ideation without execution leads to deletion of any idea. A poor idea executed accomplishes more than a great idea that stays locked away in a person’s head.  This blog is exploring how the small changes in light can affect change in your brain.  Actions end superposition. Actions – executions of ideas. EXECUTION calls off the fence of indecision and put us in the valley of decision; it calls us off the bench and onto the field. It does matter how much talent you have as a player in your life, but that talent is useless with inaction because you can never score a goal while you’re on the bench. That is how dopamine is the molecule of more for mammals.

This idea explains to us how dopamine can do all the things it is capable of doing without a lot of modifications we can observe biochemically. Dopamine drives you to seek out things far away, both physical, things you are blinded to, such as love, sex, wisdom, and power. Changing your ultraweal biophoton signature and shining it onto dopamine in certain circuits allows you to put hot sauce on your dinner, think about building rockets to fly to the moon, worshipping a God in the sky, beyind the space and time frames you live in. This chemical appears to have unlimited abiliities to bring to your life endless possibilities over any distance, whether that distance is intellectually or geographical. In your brain’s quantum computer, dopamine has become a single molecule that is the ultimate evolutionary handy tool. It is what moved us past Neanderthals, and began to urge us, through multiple tracts in our brains to move beyond the pleasure of just being, into exploring the cosmos of possibilities that come into focus when we imagine. Every creature on Earth has dopamine and melatonin in their cells, but no creature has more of them then humans. Madness and genius both depend on how dopamine is programmed by light. This tells you dopamine itself is capable of superposition. This idea also underpins this cliche as well. Talent hits targets no one else can hit; but genius hits targets no one else can even see.

I think this idea extends to chiral molecules in biology. DNA is made up of chiral molecules. Matter-wave diffraction patterns can put chiral molecules into superpositions of left- and right-handed forms. Experiments have already shown it and this will enabling new studies to be done of how the two states interact with their environment to give two different outcomes.

Small chiral molecules such as amino acids and sugars are the building blocks of larger molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, which are also chiral. A chiral molecule and its mirror image are called enantiomers; one is dextrorotatory (D) and the other is levorotatory (L). This is another way evolution likely happens that is also a break with Darwinism.

Most of you know I think this guy in the Tweet is a Twit when it comes to science. But even a blind squirrel is able to tell time correctly twice a day. Listen carefully what he says about Neanderthals and what I have told you about dopamine and creatitivity in this series already.

Semiconductive quantum dots (QDs) have been widely used for fluorescent labelling in modern experiments. However, their ability to transfer electrons and holes to biomolecules leads to spectral changes and effects on living systems that have yet to be exploited in centralized science. Cells appear to do this easily.

How do I envision how this operates in us?

Quantum Dot-dopamine conjugates can be used to label living cells in a redox-sensitive pattern: under reducing conditions, fluorescence is only seen in the cell periphery and lysosomes. As the cell becomes more oxidized, Quantum Dot labelling appears mostly in the perinuclear region of cells. This would include in or on surrounding mitochondria where biophotons are created metabolically.

With the most-oxidizing cellular conditions, Quantum dot labelling throughout the cell is seen already in experiments. Thee experiments have taught us phototoxicity results from the creation of singlet oxygen, and it can be reduced with antioxidants. Melatonin is the major antioxidant inside the cell created by mitochondria to manage this process. there are many small molecule proteins liberated from mitochondria that could do this. When you comprehend what I am proposing here this picture below should have new meaning. It shows you how reality is perceived and how it can be changed rather easily. This explains how dopamine can build creativity, madness and genius in humans and how its creation can vary in one single life to explain what happened as Jimi Henrdrix, Kurt Cobain, or Jackson Pollack aged in their lives.

The living universe selects for maximum entropy, and minimum waste heat. Melanin was critical in evolution of bringing biological complexity to the interior of mammals.

In this context, the melanin universe in mammals can and should be seen as a self-organizing system that seeks to optimize its energy use and minimize waste heat. This is reflected in the emergence of complex structures and patterns in the universe, from the formation of galaxies and stars to the development of dopamine, and life on Earth.

The universe and cells have much in common. Both are decentralized systems.

The idea that the a cell and the universe are self-organizing systems that seeks to maximize entropy and minimize waste heat has far-reaching implications for our understanding of life and the universe and our place within it. It suggests that the universe is a dynamic and ever-changing system that is constantly seeking to optimize its energy use and maximize its complexity. It also suggests that tissues, collection of cells have the same ability buried within them.

Dopamine narrates your life and it is the main story teller of how life came to be within the primate clade in evolution.




3. B. A. Stickler et al., “Enantiomer superpositions from matter-wave interference of chiral molecules,” Phys. Rev. X 11, 031056 (2021).



The Melanin Renovation Rx is based on Noether’s theorem, which is the key missing piece. The theory states that every differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. The symmetry in the mammalian physical system is based on UV light. Time symmetry implies energy conservation. So, what happens to mammals when they lose energy? They lose time symmetry. In other words, time flows differently backward and forward. There was a time on early Earth that the TCA cycle only flowed counterclockwise because there was not a lot of oxygen or as much UV light around.

It sounds incompressible and unimportant until I remind you of what you just learned about the TCA cycle in the last few blogs. In modern times, biochemists are familiar with it running forward clockwise with plentiful oxygen and sunlight is pumped into the system every AM, and it rotates counterclockwise when these conditions are not met. The implications of this rotational symmetry change are enormous for you understanding. Why? Your time experience varies depending on the direction of the spin of this cycle in your cells. Sounds crazy doesn’t it?

Theories of criticality in physics have been successfully applied to biology. The mathematical core of these theories rests upon the idea that a “phase transition,” which can be either critical or not, may be described as a point along the line where the intended control parameter runs. For example, the ferromagnetic/paramagnetic transition of iron and oxygen takes place for a precise temperature value, the Curie temperature.

Remember that light and temperature control the entropy flow in your circadian clock mechanism. When you realize this, you might begin to see how people experience time differently in their lives

If you paid close attention to the video above, you’d have heard that energy conservation implies time symmetry. It also follows that anytime there is a violation of time symmetry, the energy conservation of the system has been violated in some fashion. This happens when mtDNA is altered, melanin is lost, or water is not created in cells from metabolism. All of these things change oxygen tensions inside of cells as a result. All these things cause our cells to liberate more light than we should. This light liberation changes the AMO physics in mitochondria. That is what the ROS and RNS signal tells the decentralized clinician. These ideas are all buried in the slide below.

What facts about Nature isn’t in the slide above? Most centralized scientist believe ROS is associated negatively with cell function. It just is not true. ROS is not inherently negative for cell function; instead, it plays a complex role in regulating various cellular QUANTUM processes that centralized biology has not stumbled upon yet. The interplay between ROS, endogenous biophoton creation, and low intensity laser creation inside of cells offers opportunities for the centralized audience to rethink their beliefs and approaches to understanding cell biology. Most of centralized science has no idea that cellular conditions involving elevated ROS production (chronic diseases like diabetes) are associated with increased low-intensity light therapy sensitivity. The reason is quite simple. Diabetic tissues have lost most of the sotred photonic energy at the electronic and vibrational levels in cells. Diabetic cells emit higher amounts of biophotons to their environment in an attempt to raise their own ROS to actually stimulate higher ATP production. The problem is oxygen tensions in diabetics is low, along with biophoton power and intensity so that endogenous light production for regeneration becomes improbable. The detection of biophotons is now well established in the biophysical literature, is also associated with the production of ROS and the cellular redox state. Low intensity light therapy via PBM which mimics what red light from the solar spectrum normally gives the semiconductors in cells. This light also has the potential to induce cellular effects through accelerated ATP production. This paper here: HYPERLINK should blow your socks off. When I read it in 2010 I was stunned.

Humans no longer live in the light this mechanism is designed to work with. This is a big part of why we have chronic disease epidemics that we do today. Few see how light is the driver of the entire process. By the time this blog is done, I think you will have enough data to show you why I am adamant that light trumps food at all the most critical levels in cells.


When the temperature decreases and passes through that point, the magnetic orientation organizes along one direction, and magnetism appears. When the temperature increases through that point, disorder prevails, and magnetism disappears. Magnetism emerges from the system’s atomic-molecular organization. Think of mitochondrions as organelles that create paramagnetic chemicals (free radicals) by altering the atomic lattice of atoms fed into it. Most of the atoms fed into mitochondria are not paramagnetic. Many of the atoms that come from mitochondria have distinct magnetic fingerprints. Those fingerprints emerge from alterations of the AMO physics that are occurring inside the organelle.

Mammals’ criticality begins with UV light because it works with mtDNA, quantum dots, and melanin to create VUV-IR light inside a cell. When the critical amount of these entities goes missing inside mammals, they suffer a loss of healthspan or a loss of time. Their TCA cycle does not spend most of its time spinning in a clockwise fashion. When they get enough AM light, and sunlight during the day, they become robust and antifragile because the TCA cycle is operating as it should. When they do not, they get sick and die sooner than they should.

The TCA cycle highlights this time symmetry idea. The same biochemical pathway is used to create and destroy cells. I have told you many times that everything can and should be thought of as a clock. That is clearly how Nature views the TCA cycle when you view it from this perspective.

Very recently in this series of blogs I told you about an experiment in 2012 that showed us that the laws of physics are not time symmetric. It was buried from most people’s awareness because the experiment occurred at the same time the Higgs boson was discovered. Prior to this 2012 experiment, centralized science believed, that whether you run “a clock” forward or backward, most believed the laws of physics to be the same because of Noether’s theorem. The 2012 experiment showed us otherwise and I became quite happy because it explained to me really what the TCA cycle was doing and why mammals lose light when the TCA cycle is spinning counterclockwise. During this shift in time, we should expect a change in energy based on the relationship of conservation laws to time time symmetry. That was the point of showing you the video above. The TCA cycle is a cell’s difficulty adjustment in how it tells time. I want you to understand that when time is the currency in question, energy has to be expended and it is lost to the environment. When this happens aging manifests. This is truly how time is created in biological systems based on a proof of work mechanism.

This concept of time is funda­mental to our way of thinking. It is derived from the more basic concept of the order in which events occur. Given the perspective I am trying to show you, I want you to ask yourself the following questions. Who or what should be in charge of time if putting someone in charge is not allowed in the system? How can you have a reliable clock if there is no central frame of refer­ence? The key here is to understand in your cell, a mitochondria is the time machine that houses this TCA clock. That TCA cycle mimics a difficulty adjustment in the cell. Can I just make energy or do I have to make things I need to operate my cell? Got it? How that clock works is based on how often it senses the sunrise in its environment. I have brought this message to social media for 20 years.


This criticality of this idea scales and corresponds to the appearance of a “coherent structure” in mammalian cells, that is, space and/or time correlations at all scales, which at the transition point (melanin renovation point) give a “global” aspect to the new physical object. These ideas are pretty relevant to analyzing quantum actions buried within biological organisms.

Melanin is critical in maintaining the AMO physical organization of the mitochondria and the functioning of the TCA cycle. Why? Melanin is only translated from its parent gene when UV light is present in the mammalian environment and or its tissue. This point cannot be magnified enough of how critical this relationship is to light. No other gene is linked to smallest part fo the visible spectrum of the sun and this same frequency of light is linked to every single biophoton cells release. It is a remarkable connection in nature that has gone unnoticed by centralized science.

Biological systems, on the other hand, exhibit criticality across multiple parameters such as genetic variations, environmental changes, and interactions with other organisms. This ongoing criticality allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing conditions, ensuring the survival and evolution of the organism.

Furthermore, the concept of criticality in biology extends beyond individual organisms to entire ecosystems. Ecosystems are complex networks of interacting species and environmental factors, and their stability and resilience are maintained through a delicate balance of interactions. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to catastrophic shifts in the ecosystem, such as species extinctions or ecosystem collapse.

Overall, the concept of criticality in biology highlights the dynamic and adaptive nature of living systems, and underscores the importance of studying and understanding the complex interactions that govern biological processes. By recognizing and studying critical transitions in biological systems, we can better understand how organisms and ecosystems respond to environmental changes and potentially develop strategies for conservation and management.

Circadian control in a tissue is an ideal example of how biology builds its most important criticality.  Its efficiency is correlated with mitochondrial redox power between -440meV to -200MeV.  Outside this “critical” zone, life has problems.  Without the maintenance of this redox zone, the clock within the time machine is altered, and mammalian health metrics fall apart.

I submit to you that both of the pictures above are showing you Nature’s recipe for time buried in living systems. The first picture you are well acquainted with if you are a scientist. The second one is for mathematicians which also shows how light time shifts mammalian longevity.

Life solves this problem by re-inventing time itself. It says no to seconds and yes to mitochondria to create its own version of biological time stamping in cells. All clocks rely on periodic processes, something that we might call a “tick.” Mitochondrial periodicity is linked to AM sunrise and this begins the “tock” that clicks in the TCA cycle. The frequency of your clock — how often it ticks — depends on its use-case with the light choices you make. Your clock is an atomic optical lattice clock.

Most clocks you are familiar with have a fixed frequency. After all, we want to know the time precisely when we are going to a meeting or a class. There are, however, clocks that have a variable frequency. Your circadian clocks are based on the variable frequencies of how the sun changes in a day. Those clocks are called metronomes. A metronome has a variable frequency that you can set before you make it tick. While a metronome keeps its pace constant once it is set. This is why AM sunlight is irreplaceable in humans. It sets the pace for the TCA cycle. This makes the TCA act like a difficulty adjust knob in the clock.

While time causality is essen­tial in biochemical pathways, it is not suffi­cient to explain biological time keeping. This is why we have molecular clocks. They focus on time causality. The more counterintuitive reality of timing in the mitochondria is that they need unpredictability to work well. Why do we need two ways of handling time? It turns out we need unpre­dictability for time to flow for our quantum realm in cells. In the physical realm, we observe natural processes to describe the flow of time. We observe a general increase in entropy and call that the arrow of time. Even though the laws of nature seem to be obliv­ious in regards to the direc­tion of this arrow in most cases, certain things can’t be undone, practi­cally speaking. You can’t unscramble an egg, for example..

Similarly, entropy-increasing functions are required to estab­lish an arrow of time in the quantum realm in mitochondria where subatomic particles are being used for timing. Just like it is practi­cally impos­sible to unscramble an egg, it is practi­cally impos­sible to unscramble the epigenetic signa­tures that control the genome. When timing is off in your mitochondria that is precisely what happens to your DNA and that is what causes genomic shifts in cancer.

In biology, the proof-of-work mechanism is physi­cally linked to what happened directly with the sun that day. It is not just a record of an event — it is the event itself.

Without this controlled increase in entropy in cells, we could go forward and backward in time without consequence. Cells rely upon two sources of unpre­dictability: biochemical reac­tion times and the proof-of-work mechanism in sunlight’s energy. Just like nobody can predict what your Twitter feed will look like tomorrow, nobody can predict what the next human offspring will look like in the future either. This is what powers evolutionary change. This is how biological timestamping operates. It is not the world Darwin saw. It is a quantum mechanical process that uses light to create a ledger of time we call life. How is that for a new way to look at yourself?


In a mitochondria, all we have is subatomic particles which contain data from our environment. It should follow then, that the biological realm is infor­ma­tional in nature, the obvious conclu­sion is that compu­ta­tion is all we have. If your world is made of data, manip­u­la­tion of data is all there is. This is why Nature built a mitochondria after endosymbiosis. She needed a time machine to make complex life.

Proof-of-work works in Nature-to-cell setting because it is trust­less, and it is trust­less because it is discon­nected from all superfluous inputs — such as the readings of clocks, food, your family’s opinions, or the narrative of social media. It relies on one thing and one thing only: compu­ta­tion requires work, and in our universe, work requires energy and time. The brilliant thing about cell biology’s proof-of-work mechanism is that it creates its own reality, along with its own space and time.

Einstein proved time is relative, and simul­taneity is nonex­is­tent. This fact alone makes all timestamps — especially across large distances like we have in biology — inher­ently unreli­able. This is why the SCN needs to be time stamped every morning by AM sunlight. It is also why your iPhone needs to update its GPS coordinates to work. It also explains fully why timestamps of GPS satel­lites have to be adjusted constantly, by humans on the surfaces of Earth to make tech gear operate properly. For life, biological timestamping has to be very precise to maintain health. If it is not chronic disease is the result. This is why evolution built the TCA cycle to function in spontaneous fashion. See Nick Lane’s picture below. Nick still has not figured out why Nature did this.

The reason was simple. Life has to be costly in time and not in energy. The TCA cycle is the diffi­culty-adjust­ment in cells. It’s evolutionary function is about keeping a constant time in cells, not a constant level of immunity in all tissues or in energy expen­di­ture. We know the TCA cycle varies its energy production in various tissues. Using the TCA cycle spin was an ingenious early step in evolutionary design because longevity has to be costly in time, not energy. Time is the most valuable asset in Nature because it has a fixed quantity. Energy can be sourced in many ways quantum mechanically by cells. if you are understanding this blog well now, Noether’s theorem says that energy conservation is LINKED to time symmetry. This means that every improve­ment in energy gener­a­tion in cells over evolution would allow life to create time. Time is the only thing cells cannot make more of. They became able to build complexity because they began to harvest more energy from the environment. That is what the picture above Nick’s head really says, but Nick is yet to realize it. I hope you do now too.

Nick Lane is correct that understanding why the TCA cycle underpins life is a great mystery to be solved. I am giving you my solution in this blog. It has been in my head for 20 years. The TCA is the biological diffi­culty adjust­ment life needs because it is essen­tial as some of the amino acids its uses.

Because, without it, the internal clock of mitochondra would tend to go faster and faster as more biochemical pathways join the biological network in cells. It would speed up biosynthesis pathways we use to create offsprings via sex. We would quickly run into the coordi­na­tion problem that mitochondria was built to solve as evolution’s time machine. Cancer is this coordination problem. This is why light stress increases ATP production. ATP production is telling us something about the NAD+ to oxygen difficulty adjustment in mitochondria. Something is awry in our quantum timing mechanism. This story goes way back in the blogs. Don’t believe me? READ IT.  Note the date. The ideas in that blog began in my head in 2000-2004. You likely never saw it this way before today.

By viewing living entities as extended critical transitions, we can see them as dynamic systems that continually renew and adapt their structure. This perspective allows us to understand the complexity of biological processes in a new light, recognizing that they are not just static phenomena, but rather evolving and changing systems. This can help us overcome the challenge of analyzing the intricate and nuanced nature of living matter, providing a framework for studying and understanding biology in a more interconnected way. This is the idea buried deep in the QUILT document.  Ultimately, this change in perspective from physics to biology offers new insights and approaches to unraveling the mysteries of life.

There is a very common belief in humans in a divine force or energy that gives life to all living beings has been prevalent throughout human history and has shaped the way we view life and existence. It has provided a framework for understanding the purpose and meaning of life, as well as guiding moral and ethical behavior.

The concept of life as a gift from a higher power has been a source of comfort and hope for many people, offering a sense of purpose and belonging in a vast and often mysterious universe. It has also served as a basis for the belief in an afterlife or continuation of the soul after death, providing solace in the face of mortality.

While the scientific understanding of life has evolved and advanced over time, the religious and spiritual concept of life as a divine gift remains a powerful and enduring belief for many people around the world. It continues to shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors, influencing how we live our lives and how we view the world around us. Ultimately, the concept of life as a sacred and precious gift reminds us to cherish and respect all living beings, and to strive for a more harmonious and interconnected existence.

Some argue that the theory of evolution through natural selection contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy, or disorder, in a closed system will always increase over time. They claim that the complexity and organization seen in living organisms goes against this principle, as it suggests a decrease in entropy rather than an increase.

However, proponents of evolution point out that the Earth is not a closed system, but receives energy from the sun, allowing for the increase in complexity and organization seen in living organisms. They argue that the second law of thermodynamics applies to isolated systems, not open ones like the Earth.

Ultimately, the debate over evolution and thermodynamics continues to be a contentious issue, with both sides presenting compelling arguments. However, many scientists and scholars maintain that there is no inherent contradiction between the two concepts, and that they can be reconciled within the framework of modern scientific understanding.

As yourself this question: Is life a property of matter that does not naturally exist? Might life be a phase of matter that we invented with the help of the environment. On the most fundamental level, all matter that exists is just an arrangement of atoms and their constituent particles, is it not?

This perspective challenges the traditional notion of life as a distinct and separate concept. Instead, it suggests that life is simply a human construct used to categorize certain arrangements of matter. This mindset can lead to a greater appreciation of the interconnectedness and complexity of the universe, blurring the lines between living and non-living entities. It invites us to question our assumptions about what it means to be alive and opens up new possibilities for understanding the nature of existence.

Are mammals/humans, for instance, a bag of special water filled with 26-element human molecules that has been synthesized, by the operation of universe, over the course of the last 13.7 billion years? Or is this something more to this reductionist view point?

Living entities are not “just” processes but something more: they are lasting, extended critical transitions, always transient toward a continually renewed AMO structure. In general, physical processes do not change fundamental symmetries; to the contrary, they are primarily meant to preserve them.

Living organisms exhibit emergent properties (quantum mechanical) that cannot be fully explained or understood by simply breaking them down into their molecular components. The photomolecular effect is one example. These properties arise from the interactions and relationships between molecules and cells, and they give rise to the incredible diversity and complexity seen in the natural world.

Therefore, while it is important to recognize the fundamental chemical and molecular basis of life, it is also crucial to appreciate the complexity and emergent properties that make living organisms more than just the sum of their parts.

From Nature’s view, the world should be seen as only connec­tions, nothing else. Everything is based on probability and nothing is based on cause and effect. This is the perspective of this decentralized quantum biologist.

^^^^This is cite #7.



1. Principles in Geology, by Charles Lyell, 1868.

2. The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin, 1859







Listen to the video and you’ll get one level of complexity. The blog below will give you a new perspective to see on the same topic.

Stoping light in cells is a feature of cellular design and not a bug.

Cellular stress increases bio-photon release, why?

Prokaryotes release 5000 time more light than eukaryotes. Eukaryotes release more light when they are stressed. Do eukaryotic cells use this excess light in some way we do not yet understand?

Yes, I believe they do. It has to do with biological chip design on the topological insulator chips inside of cells.  It is a process of biological photolithography.

Manipulating the flow of light in a material at small scales is a specialty of cells loaded with hydrated carbon-based semiconductors.  Why?  Doing so allows for complexity development under low-power situations.   In a semiconductor, electrons can, in principle, move freely, but an external magnetic field can stop this motion. The circular movement of the ATPase caused by the magnetic field stops conduction, and as such, electrons can only exist in the material if they have very specific energies. The energy level corresponds to the light frequencies that excite these electrons by the photoelectric effect.  These energy levels are called Landau levels, and they are characteristics of electrons operating in a magnetic field.  These forces are operating right around the mitochondria creating a force field of action that allows for quantum mechanical process life needs.  You must open your eyes to new data to see the magic inside of cells.


This implies that all biological magnets used in mitochondria and cells come from things that make light. This is axiomatic and critical in showing how physics trumps biochemistry in controlling how life unfolds below the cell level.

Since manganese has a nuclear spin of 5/2 and a nuclear magnetic moment of 3.4687, spectral lines of Mn II show it has a hyperfine structure (HFS). Manganese has one stable isotope with a mass number of 55. The ground electronic configuration of Mn II is 3d5(6S)4s (Sansonetti & Martin 2005). This specific electronic configuration allows cells to create SOD2 from excess oxygen from mtDNA metabolism.

It reveals the queerest aspects of Nature that remain hidden from the biologists and biochemists. Manganese is not a particularly common element on Earth. It is the 12th most common element in the rocks of Earth. However, where it is concentrated reveals the quantum biological story of the evolution of prokaryotes and their lives before oxygen filled the ionosphere. The most incredible abundance of manganese is ferromanganese nodules and crusts along the ocean floor. Marine chemical processes and microorganisms (prokaryotes) capture dissolved manganese in seawater, which is precipitated on the ocean floor. Once captured, the prokaryotes could use the element to create a spectra and a magnet to drive biology using light DIRECTLY from matter.

It should immediately stimulate your neurons to recall that Prokaryotes emit 5000 times more light than eukaryotes. It would help if you remembered that prokaryotes populated our ocean long before eukaryotes ever appeared on Earth. This mechanism is ancient. It is not holistic! It is not alternative medicine. In fact, it is native biology, and it reveals that centralized science and medicine are the real alternative versions of events created by the minds of man in his labs. It is directly related to the organizational plans buried in Nature.

Shannon’s theory of Information has told us that unusual things make excellent information carriers in computing machines. The ground electronic configuration of Mn II is 3d5(6S)4s, a superb information carrier with evolutionary severe weight. Phosgene is a chemical that puts an acetyl group on the aromatic amino acid tyrosine, and this small biochemical change blocks the electronic transition and blocks the flow of information in mitochondria. It blocks the Mn redox cycling between ESR-silent Mn(III) and ESR-active Mn(II) required for superoxide dismutation. Many people do not know that ESR silent Mn(lll) is the source of many of the critical evolutionary porphyrins of life. High spin Mn(lll) has an electronic configuration 3d4(6S)4s. Nature used the D shell electronic configuration of Mn as her signal for SOD2 production. Let that level of complexity sink in while you still think biochemistry is “the main controller” in your cells.

High spin Mn(III) is the archetypal of such non-Kramers ions. Mono and polynuclear Mn(all) are of central importance in biological systems that use heme-based proteins like SOD2, catalase, and photosystem II, while Mn(III) porphyrins phthalocyanines have been used as building blocks in the construction of molecule-based magnets. This has huge implications for how life operates below the cell level. Soon you’ll learn about that level because it is not in your biology books and not in any medical textbooks. That is how vital Turin’s serendipitous finding was for the Ivory Tower. Some of us already knew biology was driven by changing the electronic configuration of ions using light.

For example life is flexible.  How does QED happen during mechanical deformations in life?  Generally, mechanical deformation stops conduction in semiconductors or topologic insulators like graphene; those type of materials turn into an insulator in this case and consequently the electrons become fixed in their lattice & are bound to Landau levels.

Does like act like electrons since they are linked by the photoelectric effect?  Yes.  A photonic crystal, like cell water, normally consists of a regular—two dimensional—pattern of holes as one would expect to see in a silicon layer on a chip.  Breaking this regularity in water in exactly the right manner will deform the array and consequently lock the photons inside the cell. This is how we create Landau levels for photons.

Implications?  Once you slow light down in a crystal, you can steer it to where you need it.  So, increasing your metabolism increases the biophoton creation in the mitochondria.  Then, cell water captures it and drives it to the biochemical boxcars.  In Landau levels, light waves no longer move; they do not flow through the crystal either but stand still. This shows that the deformation of liquid crystalline water can have a similar effect on photons as a magnetic field on electrons.  By altering the deformation pattern, research has shown you can establish various types of effective magnetic fields in one material.  This can be used to do physiological work. As a result, photons can move through certain parts of the material but not in others. Hence, life seems to have an ability to steer light on a liquid crystalline surface.

Stopping light in its tracks to steer biophotons begins to show us how organs really function on our semiconductive chips built by Nature. The ability to stop light gives cells a new biological ability that mimics on-chip applications. This ability can explain how smells and words can go from sensations to visual imagery in working memory. It likely will explain consciousness, memory, and how holography forms in water.

What does this look like on silicon?


Slowing light in water was a critical evolutionary step that existed before Nature invented DNA. Ferrodoxins and aromatic amino acids were in our primative oceans. How did it happen?

How do I see a quantum cell using this physics?

Although a magnetic field doesn’t DIRECTLY affect the photons of light directly, a magnet does distort the medium through which light passes and thereby “bend” the light rays indirectly.  This is used inside of cells where mitochondria and melanin are in close proximity.  Cells take advantage of every option Nature provides it to transform energy.  When oxidative phosphorylation is defective, this adjusts the cell’s stress response like the mammalian DAMP program.

Aging isn’t driven by ROS, as doctors are taught to believe. Many now think it is driven by the DAMP Program. I believe sunlight controls all the DAMP molecules. I believe slowing light down in cells is linked to healthspan and aging. Why do I say this? Aging and cancer share some common origins and hallmarks, such as genomic instability. Sunlight exposure creates genomic stability to quiet epigenetic programming and lower protein turnover in cells. Recent advances indicate that damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) such as high mobility group box 1, histones, S100, and heat shock proteins play location-dependent roles inside and outside the cell.

Mitochondria under stress via the DAMP program respond by transforming more ATP to bend light to compensate for the stress.  Why does it do this?   Light travels through space-time along a geodesic – the shortest possible path between two points on a curved surface.  Making more ATP means the ATPase spins faster than 9000 RPM and this increases the magnetic strength in the cell. This magnetic flux is used to make the stressor hormetic. It drives adaptive changes in cells by altering the epigenome.


When water superconduction is broken in you due to modern life, you must rely on the rapid recycling of ATP from the pathways I mentioned in the EMF-4 blog.  This means that glycolysis and the PPP will be the metabolism the cell will have to rely on when there is a proton problem.  When you live in a world only powered by ATP, your sleep is the first thing to go south.  Initially, it becomes poor before it totally fails,  and you get diagnosed with sleep apnea.  As it goes on more chronically without proper treatment,  you eventually die from right-sided congestive heart disease and pulmonary hypertension.  Yes, in total sleep failure, you get a specific kind of heart failure preceded by a fatal heart arrhythmia.  This rhythm modern cardiology knows about but still has not made the link to it. I have it because of the loss of water proton conduction.

When your sleep fails, your gene transcription falls off., and your mitochondria are liberating more light than they should and making more ATP than they should. This activates the DAMP program in cells.

The DAMP program provides interaction platforms at molecular levels linked to common hallmarks of aging and cancer. They can act as inducers, sensors, and mediators of stress through individual plasma membrane receptors, intracellular recognition receptors (e.g., advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptors, AIM2-like receptors, RIG-I-like receptors, and NOD1-like receptors, and toll-like receptors), or following endocytic uptake. Thus, the DAMP Hypothesis is novel and complements other theories that explain the features of aging. Aging is not a disease. It is a feature of quantum cell design. DAMPs represent ideal biomarkers of aging and provide an attractive target for interventions in aging and age-associated diseases. DAMP phenotype = a loss of energy at the electronic level in the cell. A loss of energy/information leads to a loss of time in your life.

Chronically pumping in light to cells from the sun allows you to remain in a “zero entropy state” of health.   When quantum timing is off, life dies because it has to rely on ATP regeneration and recycling systems (EMF-4) which are only designed to support non-complex life like Archaea and Eubacteria……not a matrix with a complex nervous system in its head.

Cells that use water superconduction live far from equilibrium all the time. Cells are dissipative forms of plasma that allow for exotic physics to occur daily as light and dark act on the cell.   A zero entropy state defines what a perfect equilibrium is,  in case you are wondering.  Thermal energies, particularly at cellular equilibrium, possess no information potential at all to help biochemical reactants meet and react, whereas an excitation or resonance of a specific frequency at a certain temperature where no other excitation of the same energy exists in a system far from equilibrium  (a cell) not only has just the requisite information to do the work but the inherent power to do it as well.

This power is built into its coherent cytostructural design and not into its mechanistic reactions found in a modern biochemistry textbook. The living organisms’ cytostructure provides the motive force of attraction using the power of semiconduction between appropriate bio-reactive moieties. In turn, this enables efficient energy transfers to take place simultaneously without time ever being a major player in those reactions. In essence, time can stand still in a zero-entropy system because light is not moving inside your cells due to the physics of ions and matter in cells in how they are atomically organized.

When this system gets any disorder (entropy) placed into it, we call this inflammation, randomness, or chaos increase, and the result is a process called aging.  It does appear that order comes with chaos.  This chaos is accounted for in a cell by its telomere length becoming shorter.  The shorter the telomere, the more molecular chaos is present and, hence, the older the living organism is.  This links leptin resistance to aging and shorter telomere lengths.  When life is constructed in a quantum fashion, ‘information’ is not something apart from the energy. It is accounted for in functional design and organization.