
The first primate-like mammals, or proto-primates, evolved in the early Paleocene Epoch (65.5-55.8 million years ago) at the beginning of the Cenozoic Era. They were roughly similar to squirrels and tree shrews in size and appearance. The existing, very fragmentary fossil evidence (from Asia, Europe, North Africa, and especially Western North America) suggests that they were adapted to an arboreal way of life in warm, moist climates.

They probably were equipped with relatively good eyesight as well as hands and feet adapted for climbing in trees. These primate-like mammals (Plesiadapiformes) would remain rather shadowy creatures for us until more fossil data become available. These animals bodies were rapidly changed by POMC, specifically ACTH, and the appearance of flowering plants bearing fruit loaded with deuterium. This raised their blood sugar and insulin levels to stimulate the rapid sexual development we see today in humans called precocious puberty. This is why they changed so rapidly and why they radiated so quickly once the sun returned to Earth. Slowly over time, both parts of the POMC gene sculpted early mammals to become primates in the ten million years after KT.

The primate-like mammals do not seem to have played an important role in the general transformation of terrestrial animal life immediately following the massive KT global extinction of plants and animals that occurred about 65,500,000 years ago. The most dramatic changes were brought about by the emergence of grazing and browsing mammals with tough hoofs, grinding teeth, and digestive tracts specialized for the processing of grass, leaves, and other fibrous plant materials. The evolution of these herbivorous mammals provided the opportunity for the evolution of the carnivorous mammals that specialized to eat them. Sorry, PETA but Nature does not care about ideology. These new hunters and scavengers included the evolutionary lines that would later produce the dogs, cats, and bears of our time.  Adaptive radiation was resulting in the rapid evolution of new species to fill expanding ecological niches, or food-getting opportunities. Most of these new animals were placental mammals and their interiors were being filled with melanin. With the exception of bats, none of them reached Australia and New Guinea. This explains why they did not exist there until people brought them in recent times. South America had also drifted away from Africa and was no longer connected to North America after 80,000,000 years ago. However, around 20,000,000 years ago, South America reconnected with North America and placental mammals streamed in for the first time, resulting in the extinction of most of the existing marsupials there.

The beginning of the Eocene Epoch (55.8-33.9 million years ago) coincides with the emergence of early forms of most of the placental mammal orders that are present today. In addition, placental mammals with larger bodies and bigger brains began to appear in the fossil record at this time. Paul Falkowski has suggested that this is due to the fact that the amount of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere more or less doubled around 50 million years ago. Larger mammals have relatively fewer capillaries for the distribution of oxygen to the cells of their bodies. Subsequently, they must breathe air that is more oxygenated. Brains have especially high oxygen requirements. In addition, pregnant placental mammals must transmit a substantial portion of the oxygen in their blood to their fetuses. Coinciding with the increase in atmospheric oxygen at the beginning of the Eocene Epoch was a relatively abrupt global warming of 9-16 F. (5-9 C.) lasting at least 200,000 years. This also would have been a major factor in the rapid evolution of animals and plants at the time. Overall, climates were significantly warmer during the Eocene than now. There were crocodiles in the Arctic, pine forests in the Antarctic, and palm trees in Wyoming. There was no polar ice. As a consequence, sea levels were close to 330 feet higher than today. Sea rise is likely critical in the primate clade for future encephalization.

The first true primates evolved 55 million years ago or a bit earlier, near the beginning of the Eocene Epoch. Their fossils have been found in North America, Europe, and Asia. They looked different from the primates today. They were still somewhat squirrel-like in size and appearance, but apparently, they had grasping hands and feet that were increasingly more efficient in manipulating objects and climbing trees. The position of their eyes indicates that they were developing more effective stereoscopic vision as well.

Major evolutionary changes were beginning in some of the Eocene prosimians that foreshadow species yet to come. Their brains and eyes were becoming larger, while their snouts were getting smaller. At the base of a skull, there is a hole through which the spinal cord passes. This opening is the foramen magnum (literally the “large hole or opening” in Latin). The position of the foramen magnum is a strong indicator of the angle of the spinal column to the head and subsequently, whether the body is habitually horizontal (like a horse) or vertical (like a monkey). During the Eocene, the foramen magnum in some primate species was beginning to move from the back of the skull toward the center. This suggests that they were beginning to hold their bodies erect while hopping and sitting, like modern lemurs, galagos, and tarsiers. By the end of the Eocene Epoch, many of the prosimian species had become extinct. This may be connected with cooler temperatures which helped drive the evolution of wide-band gapped semiconductors in cells because they work better to create more VUV light to sculpt the mammalian body plan and the appearance of the first monkeys during the transition to the next geologic epoch, the Oligocene period happens about 34 million years ago.

Early Monkeys and Apes
The body size of mammals in many species lines progressively increased after the end of the age of dinosaurs as they took advantage of the vast expanses of land and plant food made available by the extinction of the giant reptiles. The biggest land mammals ever to live evolved around 39-40 million years ago (near the end of the Eocene Epoch) and flourished during the subsequent Oligocene Epoch (33.9-23 million years ago). The largest of them was a hornless rhinoceros (Indricotherium transouralicum) living in Eurasia that weighed 16.5 tons (15,000 kg.) and stood 18 feet (5.5 m.) at the shoulders. By comparison, the biggest African elephants today weigh 6.7 tons (6,046 kg.) and stand 13 feet (4 m.) at the shoulders.

Unfortunately, the Oligocene Epoch was largely a gap in the primate fossil record in most parts of the world. This is especially true for prosimian fossils. Most of what we know about them came from the Fayum deposits in Western Egypt. While this area is a desert today, 36-31 million years ago it was a tropical rainforest on the edge of a large lake or sea. The marine chain was always close to these animals.

Monkeys evolved during the early Oligocene or possibly near the end of the Eocene. Their ancestors were most likely prosimians. These monkeys were the first species of our infra order–the Anthropoidea. Several genera of early monkeys have been identified.  Apidium and Aegyptopithecus are the most well-known. The former was about the size of a fat squirrel (2-3 pounds or .9-1.4 kg.), while the latter was the size of a small dog (13-20 pounds or 5.9-9.1 kg.). Compared to the prosimians, they had fewer teeth, less fox-like snouts, larger brains, and increasingly more forward-looking eyes. These and other anatomical features suggest that the early monkeys were becoming mostly diurnal fruit and seed-eating forest tree-dwellers.

New World monkeys appeared for the first time about 30 million years ago. It is generally thought that they began as isolated groups of Old World monkeys that somehow drifted to South America either from North America or Africa on large clumps of vegetation and soil. The evidence suggests that Africa is the most likely continent of origin. Such “floating islands” produced as a result of powerful storms tearing at the land still occur in tropical regions of the world today. It is likely that other kinds of small animals were transported to South America in this way as well.

Due to the comparative scarcity of Oligocene Epoch prosimians in the fossil record, it is generally believed that the monkeys out-competed and replaced them in most environments at that time. Supporting this hypothesis is the fact that modern prosimians either live in locations where monkeys and apes are absent or they are normally active only at nighttime when most of the larger, more intelligent primates are sleeping.

The Oligocene was an epoch of major geological change with resulting regional climate shifts that likely affected the direction of evolution and altered fossil preservation conditions. By the beginning of the Oligocene, North America, and Europe drifted apart and became distinct continents. The Great Rift Valley system of East Africa also was formed during the Oligocene along a 1200-mile-long volcanically active fault zone between tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. We believe this is the cradle of man.


This created an easy north-south regional migration route for animals. Around 120 million years ago, the tectonic plate that forms the Indian subcontinent began to rapidly drift north across the Indian Ocean from Antarctica. By 50.5 million years ago, India began crashing into Asia at a rate of 10-12 inches (25-30 cm.) a year and continues to do so today forming the Sahara desert. The crashing of India turned a rainforest and ocean in Africa into a desert. This has progressively forced up the Himalayan chain of mountains and the high Tibetan Plateau beyond. During the Oligocene, the continuing growth of this immense barrier altered continental weather patterns significantly by redirecting the summer monsoonal rains to the east. This created a vast arid rain shadow region in Central Asia and very likely triggered global climate changes. The cooling and drying trend with the associated expansion of grasslands that had begun in the late Eocene Epoch accelerated, especially in the northern hemisphere. A result was the general disappearance of primates from these northern areas. However, climates in most regions were still warmer than today.

By 16-14 million years ago, in the middle of the Miocene Epoch (23-5.3 million years ago), the ongoing movement of tectonic plates in the Great Rift Valley system created new volcanic mountain chains in east Central Africa. These in turn altered local weather patterns. Some areas became wetter while others more arid due to local rain shadows. In addition, the progressive global cooling trend continued. Growing polar ice caps reduced the amount of water in the oceans, causing sea levels to drop. This exposed previously submerged coastal lands. As a result of this and continental drift, a land connection was reestablished between Africa and Eurasia along the eastern Mediterranean Sea coast that provided a migration route for primates and other animals between these continents. Much of the East African and South Asian tropical forests began to be replaced by sparse woodlands and dry grasslands because of climate changes. As a result, there were new selective pressures affecting primate evolution.

Primate fossils are common from the Miocene. However, not all primates are equally represented in the fossil record. Apes apparently evolved from monkeys early in this epoch. Fossil monkeys and prosimians are comparatively rare from most of the Miocene, but apes are common. It appears that apes at that time occupied some ecological niches that would later be filled by monkeys. One of the earliest of the monkey-to-ape transitional primates was Proconsul. It lived in African forests 21-14 million years ago.

Among the numerous Miocene primate species were the ancestors of all modern apes and humans. By 14 million years ago, the group of apes that included our ancestors were apparently in the process of adapting to life on the edges of the expanding savannas in Southern Europe. They were very likely members of the genus Dryopithecus, which were generally similar in appearance to modern African apes. These apes evolved mostly during a relatively short global heat wave that began around 15 million years ago. This caused enough polar ice to melt so that sea levels once again rose 80-130 feet.

Toward the end of the Miocene, less hospitable cooler conditions in the northern hemisphere once again caused many primate species to become extinct while some survived by migrating south into Africa and South Asia where it remained relatively warm. About 8-9 million years ago, the descendants of the dryopithecines. in Africa diverged into two lines–one that led to gorillas and another to humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos. Around 7 million years ago, a further divergence occurred which separated the ancestors of modern chimpanzees and bonobos from the early hominins (human-like primates) that were our direct ancestors.

Who Are We, Really?

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our species. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction.  Where we invest our time and attention is MORE important than how we invest our money.  Time is the most valuable asset most waste.  Do things in life, be clenched, and curious. Do not wait for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention.  In fact, pay deep attention.   It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vital to your humanity. It connects you with others. It makes you eager, to learn and be curious.

If you are a paleoanthropologist or archeologist you think fossils are the Rosetta Stone for discovering the path that human evolution took. If you are a proteomic evolutionary biochemist you think molecular arrays are the best way to decipher the tea leaves of Mother Nature ways. If you are a geneticist you think RNA/DNA is the Holy Grail of human evolution. If you are a dental specialist, like University of Arkansas professor, Dr. Peter Ungar you think it’s all about the mammalian teeth.

Today’s bro scientists on the internet like to define evolutionary thinking by thinking about the Paleolithic epoch and how it might have shaped the hominid tree. The Paleolithic shaped the tree to be sure, but had nothing to do with planting the acorn.  What we came from was alien to who we are now.

Our complexity came from a binary code that became more able to bend and expand the neural tube of primates.  Bringing melanin into our interiors was the key to creating those bends and encephalizing primates.

We are silly talking monkeys whose body plan was sculpted by light captured by melanin that charge separated water to augment the power plant buried in biochemistry and mitochondria.

Clock genes were used to coordinate all zip codes inside the Jacquard cards of biochemistry to measure the overall flow of energy to extract information about where the Earth is in relation to the sun. The sun created the most powerful protein in Earth’s history because it can harvest the power of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.  Water was the plasma for most of Earth’s history, but nature created melanin to work with water something unique occurred.  The binary code of life that builds order from chaos begins by deciphering the code that exists between H+ and deuterium separated from water and plugged into ancient biochemical pathways to sculpt something new.

Metabolic pathways called the PPP and TCA cycle control the fractionation of hydrogen isotopes in mammals, and as such, determine morphogenesis in the neural tube because it places with precision where the isotopes have to be located to create the bends needed in the notochord to build a human brain from a primate’s brain.

Metabolism is 100% controlled by the SCN optical lattice clock in your eye.  Melatonin acts here.  Without that precision, there would be an improper mix of lipids at the lipid rafts that control the morphogenetic plan of humans.  That precision of lipid (DHA/cholesterol) content allowed for maximum absorption of sunlight to create an electric current that could control deuterium with its large magnetic moment.

Melatonin controls the 2 change programs in mitochondria and mitochondrial create melatonin and water.  In the above 4 slides, you see how hydrogen is being moved in these boxcars.  Changing the isotope of hydrogen changes everything in the mammal body and brain plan.  This is how primates changed.

Melatonin is made from a time crystal that controls the timing mechanism in all zip codes of the cells as it changes.  This means when hydrogen or deuterium is added to its back it changes its timing mechanism.  This leads to more bending of the neural plate in locations it occurs in the brain.

Cells of the mammalian grow and divide at different rates because of the amount of deuterium and hydrogen in them. This created NEW neural folds that allowed for a new plan to develop from the primate brain. These quantum processes are regulated by a complex interplay between the underlying notochord and overlying ectoderm, by putting hydrogen isotopes in specific places on signaling molecules used in brain growth.  These semiconductive proteins are called Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP2), and noggin.  They operate via the Jacquard card of the Wnt signaling pathway that has been used in life all the way bad to the first form of life on Earth.  The differential growth of the neurons between those bends is wholly linked to deuterium content as its different magnetic moment interacts with electric currents from the lipid rafts in the embryo to cause the issue. The sun is the source of that information current.

The seasonal light stress that primates faced was sensed by the non-visual photoreceptive proteins and POMC.  This non-visual system was designed by Nature to allow mammals to alter the fat content in their lipid rafts to better handle UV light.  This is why cholesterol also has an absorption spectra of 220nm light.  Most do not know this.  When UV light returns to the mammalian environment membranes sense the change non-visually and this information is sent to their colony of mitochondria where a redox shift occurred involving mTOR.

380 nm UV light captured by neuropsin sends an anabolic electrical signal onward in mammal embryos.  This was connected to 290-320nm light captured by cholesterol to create Vitamin D.   Cholesterol and neuropsin are non-visual photoreceptors.  Cholesterol and Vitamin D3 are nearly identical in chemical structure. Full-spectrum sunlight naturally sulfates both of these photoreceptors.  The only difference in both bio-molecules is a single double bond in the second ring of the cholesterol backbone. This gives Vitamin D3 one less hydrogen atom than the closed ring of cholesterol.  Hydrogen is the chameleon sculptor.

Sulfation makes chemicals more water-soluble.  Now we can see why water pathways in the brain became so important in humans and the way their brains were used.

This electrical information from the non-visual system acted like Morse code to the hypothalamus in the embryos of primates which were gaining more melanocytes as primates lost their hair. That internalization of melanin created more POMC neurons inside the skull which created more beta lipotropin peptide from POMC cleavage. This created more HDL cholesterol in the skin of these transitioning primates.  Sunlight also sulfates this HDL version of cholesterol  Why?  Sulfated HDL cholesterol has more electron density at its electronic level and this makes it another ideal nonvisual skin photoreceptor.  It also changes how the other non-visual photoreceptor in the skin which is more famous operates.  That is the vitamin D machinery in the skin.  Vitamin D is linked up to the non-visual photoreceptor system Vitamin, namely Vitamin A at the RXR receptor.

This signal is also picked up in the eye at the RPE of the retina.  This information was sent to the hypothalamus to also assist in the mammals changing the surfaces and bending of the notochord.  This was all done by fractionation of the isotopic mix of hydrogen which affected the translation of the POMC gene.  The bending of the notochord in primates lead to movements of the foramen magnum of primates from the immediate back of the head to the center of the head to help bipedalism.  In favt bipedalism was the first thing to change in humans from chimps.

At term, the human fetus has about 13 % of body weight as fat, a key form of energy insurance supporting brain development that is not found in other primates.  The location of neonatal fat is mostly subcutaneous while the brain is still underdeveloped.  What does fat become in human metabolism?  CO2 and metabolic water.  That water is the fuel source to build our brains.  As we lost hair we expanded the eccrine sweat glands on our skin to eliminate deuterium from sweating and this also cooled our surfaces to allow melanin’s ability to charge separate water to become more efficient.

A human child at birth cannot walk or talk.  This makes them unique in the primate tree.  They also lost most of their hair exposing their skin to the sun.  Most of their melanin was imported to their interiors while their brains developed.  As the brain matured, the child lost much of its subcutaneous fat.   It almost seems that the survival of the fattest (primate infant) was the key to human brain evolution.  It should be no surprise that the leptin-melanocortin pathway controls that biology by way of POMC.

The proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene was most likely derived from an ancestral opioid-coding gene following the 1R chordate genome duplication event. During the radiation of the jawless fish, the POMC organization plan emerged multiple melanocortin sequences (α-MSH/ACTH and β-MSH) and a C-terminally extended opioid sequence (β-endorphin).

Following the 2R genome duplication event, the γ-MSH sequence was gained. Among the jawed vertebrates, three distinct trends in the evolution of the POMC gene are apparent: the gain of the δ-MSH sequence (cartilaginous fish), the loss of the γ-MSH sequence (ray-finned fish), and the retention of the post 2R POMC organization plan (lobe-finned fish/tetrapods). POMC is synthesized in the pituitary gland and in neurons of the hypothalamus, where an array of posttranslational processing mechanisms, such as endoproteolytic cleavage and N-acetylation, generate distinct sets of end-products in these tissues.

The most striking feature of the melanocortin end-products is the rigorous conservation of the primary sequence of α-MSH and the first 25 amino acids of ACTH throughout the family of mammals.  That stronghold has lasted for the entire evolutionary history of mammals on Earth.

Does Nature make mistakes?

Melanin, our wide-band semiconductor made from alpha MSH, and ACTH sculpted our morphologic and physiological change without any major changes to our genomes. They used the binary code of hydrogen and deuterium with sunlight to do the job. That story was covered in my first Kruse for Dummies lecture.

The binary code of life is the isotopic variation of hydrogen and deuterium parsed through the human Jacquard loom.  That loom was the POMC gene of mammals.  The result of the code interacting with the loom was a gorgeous wide band gapped semiconductor that sculpted the subatomic world inside of cells to create the most intricate fabric the universe has to date.  Humans.


“The task is … not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees.”

― Erwin Schrodinger



Huang PL. Nitric oxide and cerebral ischemic preconditioning. Cell Calcium. 2004;36(3–4):323–329.





Part one ended by asking you a provocative question…………

Part two begins with the answer.  All life is built around atoms.  Atoms were unknown at the time of Darwin.  Not even the math equations of Maxwell on light were complete.  But Faraday’s work was done in Darwin’s time.  It seems Darwin never thought about the sun on his trip in the Beagle on his way to Equador’s Galapagos Islands.

Darwin’s theory on evolution stated in his book stated: “As natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, successive, favorable variations, it can produce no great or sudden modifications; it can act only by short and slow steps” (Darwin 1859).

Darwin cannot explain 3 things we know are true today

1. Cambrian explosion

2. The transition from a chimp to human

3. Why do primates have the same number of genes as humans yet are so different?

A longstanding debate in evolutionary biology concerns whether species diverge gradually through time or by rapid punctuational bursts at the time of speciation. The theory of punctuated equilibrium states that evolutionary change is characterized by short periods of rapid evolution followed by longer periods of stasis in which no change occurs. Despite years of work seeking evidence for punctuational change in the fossil record, the theory remains contentious. This changed in September 2022 when genomic arrays of the clade of mammals were completed. What did it show?

The reason evolutionary biologists were impotent to find these answers in the fossil record was that melanin from the POMC gene explained these paradoxes and was highly conserved in DNA that was stable in the mammalian tree.

See that September 2022 paper here.


Mammalian superpowers were not only having the ability to create sugar from light but they all had the intrinsic property of using melanin to transform light energy into chemical energy (H+) to create ATP. This meant that they did not need a ton of food or oxygen to live. This explains why they were so successful during the age of dinosaurs living underground in poorly lit environments.

Today, we now realize this mammalian superpower was underutilized 65 million years ago by these animals because most of their melanin was external to their body plans. After the KT event, oxygen creation by photosynthetic plants was disrupted for some time. This played right into mammalian survival and dinosaur demise. The lack of UV light in the terrestrial environment allowed for melanin neuroplasticity (metastatic motion) of internalizing melanin from their exteriors into their body plans.

This UV quantum effect allows for future melanin superpowers seen in mammals post-KT event to interact with water in their bodies to create ATP without total reliance on oxygen. When melanin is hydrated and in the presence of full-spectrum light, there is water molecule dissociation and ongoing transforming energy.  This meant ATP could be created almost completely from the energy that emanates from the melanin by the charge separation of water inside of cells.


Melanin granules in mammals are strategically placed in cells being placed mainly in the perinuclear space (perikaryon), and completely surround the cell nucleus; which fully explains the operation of this protein.  The RPE concentrates its melansomes at its apical end where the rod outer segment is engulfed by the RPE cell.  This area doesn’t have the mitochondrial capacity that the basal end does that abuts Bruch’s membrane and the chriocapillaris of the choroid.  This border mimic what we see in the gut.

Melanin can augment mitochondrial energy production in mammals.  This energy source was critical in changing the body plans in mammals over the last 65 million years.  This tells you melanin renovation is a critical piece of all mammal biology. This largely has been ignored by centralized science.

The perinuclear space and its melanosomes are surrounded by the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER); which allows this organelle to capture molecules of hydrogen as they emanate from melanin sheets via charge separation.  As long as there is a light source inside mammals water is continuously split into H+ oxygen and a massive pile of electrons that can be powered up and used in semiconductive circuits.  They can be used to form another source of endogenous energy to meet the energy requirements of the cell.  It is not solely the job of ATP as centralized science believes.  This would have made Gilbert Ling very happy. This explained why Mitchell’s chemiosmosis model never could account for the ATP deficit a cell would run if Mitchell was right.

Why does this make sense? The RER in mammals doesn’t have mitochondria or ATP inside of it either.  Many have forgotten this.   Mitochondria touch the RER but they are not inside of it.  Why is this odd?  The RER in mammals is a semiconductor factory.  In general, its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function is to make those proteins.  It makes no sense to have no energy organelle in your semiconductor fabrication plant, does it?

Does nature make mistakes?

It makes sense when you realize cells are creating endogenous light to translate the POMC gene inside of their cells to make melanin sheets next to the semiconductive fabrication plant. This is the arrangement of the rods to RPE in the eye. The creation of the peptide bond is one of the most costly things in energy to make.  Melanin had to be charge separating a ton of water to make a ton of H+ to create a lot of chemical energy. Ling’s stoichiometry told me to look for an energy-producing molecule other than ATP to satisfy Ling’s shortfall.  Leptin was the accountant and it turned out POMC was the Source that filled the energy deficit in the eye.


IR-A light increases energy production within the mitochondria. In fact, Infrared light from the Sun makes ATP within the cell through CCO (Cytochrome C Oxidase) without ANY FOOD ELECTRONS.

Fact: 42% of sunlight is composed of IR-A light to spin the ATPase.

Also Fact: a 70kg man has to make 85kg of ATP per day.  This sounds nuts!

His body must produce his entire mass worth +30lbs of ATP every single day. The same is true of your body in the same proportions.

1/3rd of these excited electrons for ATP come from food.

2/3rds come from sunlight IR-A to spin the ATPase and the rest from melanin induced by UV light to create H+ to spin the ATPase and electrons to add to ECT.

Nature also put the Vitamin D receptor on the inner mitochondrial membrane to slow electron flow and get help from UV-A light to reduce ATP production via Nitric oxide creation…….

Or at least…they’re supposed to be in the sun………..

But how many of you are reading this while being buck naked outside in the direct sunlight?

I’ll guess 0.

Remind me again why it’s all about food…….?

You are a repository for sunlight. In the absence of star fuel, we have to eat copious amounts of food to maintain energy levels to live.

The more sunlight you get when you’re grounded to Earth the less food you need.

Go get that sunlight, because let’s be honest, we’re basically houseplants with complicated emotions.

This meme was created by Nick Stumphauzer and inspired by my work

This ability must be associated with a specific molecule capable of breaking symmetry.  Melanin is a symmetry breaker too.  This meant Noether’s theorem had to be in play, in my mind.  H20 can “unfold” or ‘charge separate’ into H+ and -OH with the addition of infrared heat from a cell or the sun or when it lies adjacent to hydrophilic substances.  Collagen and melanin are both hydrophilic.

I kept my focus on where hydrogen was and how it moved in the boxcars of biochemical pathways and realized the ionized form H+ would be affected by another universal law of nature = Noether’s thereom.  Einstein’s relativity required Noether’s theorem to be accepted by physics long ago. Why?

So how does Einstein’s relativity directly tie to this short narrative on hydrogen?

Einstein’s relativity theory allows for space and time-bending (Noether’s theorem). It also bends the mind of many people who look deep enough to see how far-reaching this idea really goes in cells. It turns out relativity has a major effect on the elements of the periodic table. When electrons slow down, this actually increases their small mass because of the mass equivalence equation. For those of you who don’t know magnetism from the adjacent mitochondria acts to slow electrons down as a nuclear effect.  I began to see a new perspective that allowed me to see another world I’d been missing in biochemistry textbooks.

Here we see a thermodynamic problem that must be solved. This small change causes the innermost electrons to get closer to the nucleus than usual. The longer-range effect of this shields the outermost electrons from the pull of the nucleus. This causes the outer shells of electrons to expand outward into space. Here again, when this happens, electrons’ energies decrease, and because of the E-mc^2 law,  mass must increase.  This explained obesity to me.  As thing got larger we lost energy.  I immediately thought of hydrogen and realized because it had double the atomic mass it would require more energy to move it in the boxcars of biochemistry.


This idea based in the theory of relativity of elements raised new questions in my head.  For example, what happens to hydrogen when a single neutron is added to its sole proton and electron? This is what happens in deuterium.  Does something unique occur atomically that I am missing? If an electron slowing down invoked relativity, and it made that big a deal, what the hell was the effect of adding a neutron to H+?  In the subatomic world, a neutron is a giant compared to an electron.  That question opened a new door in my mind.  A door most of you won’t believe until you see it laid out.

A single neutron addition explained to me the food was not the key issue for health or longevity in mammals. Because of relativity, I realized an axiom in medicine that food is medicine is false.  Why?  Food can be medicine in certain environments and deadly in others because of Einstein’s relativity. It sounded nuts to me when I first thought about it, but I remember Feynman saying Nature is absurd in how she operates.  So I held onto the idea to give it due diligence.

So I held this paradox in my head and thought it through.

I thought about wild animals in Nature and the fact the food web is built 100% by photosynthesis using all forms of water on Earth at every latitude. Then I thought about the water a mitochondria was making around melanin,  and what melanin was doing to this water. It was creating massive amounts of hydrogen but no deuterium because of the proton channel size in the ATPase.  I knew something did not add up. Photosynthesis allows deuterium to be in foods, so this meant animals had to have all these fancy enzymes to isolate deuterium from the mitochondrial matrix. In fact, at this moment, I realized this is how ruminant mammals could tell the seasons and know when to migrate.  Their brains weren’t developed enough to allow for this behavior so how did they do it?

Since wild animals cannot think to know when to migrate to seek new food, and they don’t have the ability to read a clock, I knew some other mechanism of telling time was operational.  I realized they gained the ability to tell time from the amount of deuterium in their diets. Deuterium weight double H+ and it also had a radically different nuclear spin.  Protons spin is also sensed by the mitochondria because all the channels in the mitochondrial matrix & ATPase are quantum nanomachines that are built exclusively for the atomic radius of H+ and not for the larger atom of deuterium = which is H+ plus one neutron.

This small change in mass in the animal enterocyte also invoked Einstein’s relativity if the electron did in atoms.  Einstein’s relativity theory is why gold is yellow. In fact, this is the same thing used in an iPhone’s GPS system. The level of deuterium in the matrix of wild animals informs animals of this small change & therefore also simulates the season inside the matrix of the mitochondria. When I was a little boy, I went on a tour in the museum of natural history and I learned that all mammals membranes change their lipid rafts seasonally by altering their cholesterol levels.  This is how their coats changed as light and temperature levels changed.  Who knew that lesson as a kid would solve a mystery.

The amount of deuterium entering the matrix via UCP-2 alters the metabolic rate of the spin cycle in the TCA and urea cycles of mammalian mitochondria.  These changes also changed the melanin coats on their surfaces.

This entire system is 100% programmed by the power density of sunlight in that season and this is how the ZIP CODE of seasons could be coded for the inside of all mammals. The more deuterium that is present, the more swelling would show up in the colony of mitochondria of their guts. This information could be sent to the brain via the peripheral nervous system and the autonomic system to adjust behavior and feeding.  It could morphologically change its melanin coats externally just as a cephalopod or chameleon does because a TINY change in mass = a change in energy and when energy varies color and shapes have to vary too.

This shows you why thermodynamics and size and shape changes within the colony of mitochondria in tissues can be sensed macroscopically by our sensory systems in our thalamus which is filled with CSF made mostly from water. As you heard in the podcast linked above, the thalamus is the end target of the POMC neurons in the eye’s semiconductive pathway where light enters the system of timing. All the pieces fit in this quantum design. This alters the tensegrity of the mitochondrial system and the cell and changes water made in the mitochondria which surrounds every semiconductive protein in life. This changes the VUV-IR-A light a cell can transform.

I realized at the foot of David in Florence we’re being instructed by waves.  We’re sentient beings made from atoms hiding behind a facade of box car biochemicals designed to hide the “magics” of the cosmos from our reason so we act/do/follow what the recipe requires.  This allows the cosmic wand, the Source, to continue to direct our syncytium of atoms across space-time. From above and from below, the heavens instruct our cells how to properly behave to conduct the tissues in our bodies as the instruments which play the melodies capable of soothing our souls.


The mammalian thalamus also has normal resonant frequencies it absorbs and emits. It creates the 7.83 Hz alpha wave on EEGs which links all mammals to the heartbeat of the Earth. This thalamic frequency is tuned by molecular resonance to the Earth’s ionosphere as it revolves around the sun. The ionosphere resonant frequency varies seasonally and mammals can sense this too deep inside their heads.  This allows them to alter their coats and semiconductors in cells to a changing light environment. Think of this system of signaling as the electric and magnetic GPS compass to monitor the position of the Earth as it revolves around the sun and it is communicating that quantum data to your thalamus. Anything in the thalamus linked to the thalamus in mammals also happens to be loaded with the POMC gene. This is the gene that codes for MELANIN. These electromagnetic signals are essentially informing POMC and alpha, beta, and gamma MSH to control feeding and link it with the photosynthetic food growth cycles. All the pieces fit perfectly.  Now, many of you will now understand why Uncle Jack thinks most people do not understand food as they should.


It means a banana eaten in Boston on December 31st is a MITOCHONDRIAL TOXIN, not a medicine as your doctor or bro scientist tells you.  This is especially true if you are getting 12/31 sunlight at the 44th latitude via your skin and eyes.  This creates a ton of inflammation in your colony of mitochondria.  I said this as the keynote speaker at the first annual Paleo Fx conference and was mocked by their leaders.

When you eat out of seasons or in the wrong light for the food in question, you are making a MASSIVE quantum mechanical error for your mitochondria and central retinal pathways.  Why?  George Mourou & Donna Strickland got a Nobel for their development of Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) at the University of Rochester. In his speech, he referred to his “passion for extreme light.”  What else did Mourou say in his acceptance of the Nobel Prize speech?

Read it.

Mourou said, “Take the nucleus of an atom. It is made up of protons and neutrons. If we add or take away a neutron, it changes absolutely everything. It is no longer the same atom, and its properties will completely change. The lifespan of nuclear waste is fundamentally changed, and we could cut this from a million years to 30 minutes!


Hard STOP for the disbelievers.

What did Uncle Jack say 4 years after Paleo Fx in Austin, in 2016 when I was in Vermont on this very topic?  Could deuterium turn healthy food into a toxin?

I showed a picture slide and asked the room why no one stuck at the biochemical level of understanding of food ever ask themselves this question.  Remember they were all Weston A. Price folks………….nobody said a word.

The answer was to isolate deuterium from H+.  The lesson of the periodic table was a huge piece to this puzzle.

I came back two years later and showed how a cells in our skin and circulatory system can make VUV light. I showed the mechanism used in the blood and skin. I sent this Tweet message out and link to the Mourou Nobel Prize talk and asked this question what happens to foodstuffs when you add a neutron to H+?  Is the food the same healthy food or does it become a poison?  I mentioned that processed keto food that all the guru sold via MLM schemes sets off the RF detectors at airports too.  I asked them why?  I asked them does it matter?

Radio silence.

I asked a simple question, “If one takes the nucleus of an atom in food, it is also made up of protons and neutrons like nuclear waste. If we add or take away a neutron, does it change the food?  

ANSWER:  it changes absolutely everything we think we know about food and its properties because the atom is different. What does that mean if you are a mitochondria? Do they react to it like glyphosate?  

Might we be blaming a lot of bad food ideas when the real toxin is the food just eaten out of season or shipped from another hemisphere where it is summer

After all, as Mourou said, it is no longer the same atom, and its properties will completely change, and a mitochondrion won’t be able to process it the same. This is what light does in photosynthesis between H+ and deuterium.  Photosynthesis puts deuterium in certain places on the backbone of food carbons and enzymes subtract the deuterium away to shunt them from the matrix.  

This is why biochemistry has all those enzymatic steps in the slide above people.  Everyone opens a biochemistry book but no one thinks to ask the question that is obvious.  Why is Nature doing all these steps?  Does she make errors?  Does she add enzyme steps to drive medical students crazy during their first year of training?

The matrix pays attention to this change EVEN when you do not at WHOLE FOODS on 12/31.  What happens?  The lifespan of disease creation is fundamentally changed in human mammals from far off when you are old, to diseases rapidly showing up in children and teens.  This is why I can see diseases of aging in 20-year-olds in my clinic.”  HEALTHY foods can be toxins when you have this perspective.

Now let’s review again what Mourou said in his acceptance of the Nobel Prize speech on the same topic.  He said high-intensity endogenous light made in a lab could cut the lifespan of nuclear waste because it is fundamentally changed, and we could cut this from a million years to 30 minutes.

Why do Mourou and Kruse sound familiar on this topic about neutron additions?  Because they understand the physics behind the actions in Nature.  Most do not because they suck at observing what she is doing at the smallest levels of science.  Therefore, they call us crazy motherfuckers when it’s the ignorance of centralized systems of science who are out of line with their outdated thinking.

So when you hear me say something about food ever again…………remember this blog passage.  Tape it to your forehead and maybe tattoo it on a body part.  No one understands food like a mitochondriac.  NO ONE.

The implications of my podcast with these two men goes way deeper than most of you can fathom. I’m still warming up.

Nature’s food lesson for us all: Just because something seems logical about food, doesn’t mean it’s wise. Something can make sense in and of itself, but when tested against reality yield an undesirable or inefficient outcome. Being seduced by impractical logic is antithetical to wisdom, you just feel smart despite being wrong. Nature is absurd in how she uses isotopic variations in food in mammals.


Post-KT event, the absence of UV light allowed melanin to move from the exteriors to the interiors where melanin adaptation and renovation were maximized.  The results were seen in massive alterations of mammalian body plans within ten million years. These changes required energy.  Where did it come from?  Well, the sun returned and now melanin was inside and outside most mammals.  50% of the energy-consuming processes of the normoxic cell in these animals can be accounted for by ion pumping. This is even true in a neuron.  The transformation of light energy to chemical energy by melanin inside of the body’s tissues serves this need for energy. It decreased the need for membrane ion leakage to generate energy. This ability contributed immediately to a major energy saving,  This allowed for organ expansion and rearrangement like encephalization seen in mammals post-KT event.

Theoretically, the power to the inside of the cell depends partially on ATP as Ling always believed.  Melanin filled the rest of the thermodynamic gap Ling saw in his calculations of ATP stoichiometry.  Internalized melanin gave mammals the ability to transform all light energies into chemical energy by means of water dissociation into hydrogen, oxygen, and 4 electrons. H+ is used to spin the ATPase Fo head to create ATP and a magnetic field. Mammals create massive amounts of H+ from melanin’s ability. This helps explain why Ling was furious with Peter Mitchell for decades. He had no idea about what melanin was really doing in a cell because I asked him about it. Energy production in mammalian cells relies on massive additions to the energy balance sheet because of melanin.   When you look at Ling’s numbers for ATP stoichiometry, the math didn’t add up.  I knew right away, why Ling was right.


H+ and magnetism help explain why we use the atoms we do on the periodic table. The key ones that make VUV light are all paramagnetic. They are drawn to the mitochondria because that is where melanin is to make H+. Many people want to understand how magnetism fits into the 3 legged stool of life. Free radicals are all drawn to magnetic fields too because this is where mitochondria and melanin are in mammalian cells. These areas in cells are where the sun buries its magnetic flux in cells and connects with it wirelessly.

It uses H+ creation via melanin and matrix water to do it. Magnetism is the essential force that determines the form of plasma or ionized matter taken in an environment. The hydrogen regions around galaxies are also considered plasmas, despite their degree of ionization being small. The degree of ionization in interplanetary space varies between unionized states or can morph into fully ionized states in other regions of space. In space, however, even the weakly-ionized plasma in the hydrogen region reacts strongly to electromagnetic fields. Mitochondria at small scales have a massive electromagnetic field with respect to H+.

Magnetized plasma, such as that contained in the hydrogen region, is the dominating state in the universe as a whole. Our sun produces massive amounts of plasma it spits out into the solar system as the solar wind or a coronal mass ejection. The sun’s plasma is contained by the high electric and magnetic fields of the sun. So is the H+ in our mitochondria to create ATP. This makes your colony of mitochondria filled with H+ a wireless antenna for the sun’s photons. Our circulatory system connects us to the magnetic flux in the sun.


Melanin captures that energy from the sun buried in our blood. As the energy is captured, Noether’s theorem is used to bend space-time in cells to tell matter how to act in cells. This is covered by the field of general relativity (Einstein), which treats gravity as a bending of space caused by mass and energy.

Einstein’s theory seemed to have a serious problem at its core: Energy caused the bending of space, but gravity itself was energy in his model. Thus, it would seem that the energy of bending space made yet more energy. Presumably, this would bend space more, resulting in more energy transformation. It seemed like the theory could cascade in this manner to the point that energy would grow forever. And because this didn’t happen, there needed to be a solution to the problem. Emmy Noether’s solution to the problem is now called Noether’s theorem. Her theorem revolutionized physics, but her theorem has yet to hit biology because biology still doesn’t realize that all biochemistry is quantized by light via non-linear optics in cells.

Light, captured by melanin, tells cells how space-time bends at the electronic level inside of us. ——-> POMC CHANGES SPACE TIME IN YOU!

This is how the wide band gapped semiconductors are organized quantum mechanically below your ability to sense it from atoms and by relativity to make light waves stronger than the sun provides inside of us. To decipher the electric and magnetic codes you need wide-band gapped semiconductors to get Nature’s recipes to run your cells. This light is what keeps cells operating far from equilibrium to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics.

This arrangement is really interesting in the RPE of the eye and the choriocapillaris. In mammals, moderate hypoxia or pseudohypoxia (14%) significantly increases the extracellular concentration of dopamine, prior to retinal depolarization in retinal ganglion cells. This hypoxia is critical in degrading melanin into DOPA to create dopamine in the eye to keep the globe round and not myopic while also helping regenerate photoreceptors with melatonin which is created in the mitochondrial matrix. Dopamine and melatonin are both assisted by DHA breakdown products in the eye in preserving photoreceptor regeneration.  I believe DHA is critical in melanin renovation as well. Why?

Uncompensated oxidative stress is often an early event associated with retinal, neuronal or heart cell death, and the retinal pigment epithelium and retina are under continuous stress by nature’s design.  One of my mentors in neurosurgery, Dr. Nicolas Bazan, found that elovanoids created from the photooxidation of DHA have unique structures and that they enhance the expression of pro-survival proteins in cells undergoing uncompensated oxidative stress by controlling autophagy.

Bazan and his team at LSU found that ELVs are made from 32 or 34 carbon-length fatty acid precursors produced naturally in human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Most of the known lipid mediators or messengers are derived from 18, 20, or 22 carbon-length fatty acid precursors, including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, lipoxins, endocannabinoids, resolving, and docosanoids. Elovanoids have structures reminiscent of docosanoids but with different physicochemical properties and alternatively regulated biosynthetic pathways.

That elovanoids are longer than all known mediators may be the key to their potency. Dr. Bazan spoke to me this week and told me he just discovered two more ELVs that are 43 -46 carbons. He was very excited about their potential use in TBI cases.  The longer elovanoids may be able to reach and bind for a longer period of time to receptors in cells necessary to induce cell survival.  I have a sense these longer ELVs may protect the non-visual photopigments in the retina, brain, and carotid system.  This will become important later in the series.

People forget the reactions on the top line of the slide below are bidirectional and hypoxia controls which way we go, right to left = normoxia, but left to right is done in hypoxic environment causing melanin to degrade. Hydrogen atoms force this change at melanin interfaces because they are atomic chameleons.

Not too hard to understand once you see it laid out in this blog.


If you remember the dialogue between Dr. Huberman and myself on melanopsin he remarked boldly that no one in his PEER group could believe in the early 2000s that humans had rhabdomeric opsins from non-vertebrates in our body plans. Although the melanopsin system of mammals has received the most recent interest, the founding member of this new branch of the opsin gene family was in fact isolated from the photosensitive dermal melanophores of Xenopus laevis, a frog in 1998.

You guys could not see my face during the podcast but I had a real big smile on my face as he said it. Why? I thought everyone knew the story of where mammals came from. I learned it as a young boy in NYC museums. I was taught although there was no abrupt transition to ‘true mammals’, the general idea is that the tetrapods (vertebrates with four legs) divided into amphibians (that lay eggs in water) and amniotes (that lay eggs on land).

Amniotes then split into sauropsids (including dinosaurs) and synapsids (including mammal-like reptiles), which eventually led to mammals. Once the dinosaurs were gone, early mammals could stop living nocturnally and flourish in the many forms we find today. So for me, having frog melanopsin in the human brain made total sense It also told me we had to have deep chromosomal stability in the mammalian genome. It turns out my hunch was right (below).


The discovery in the early 2000s by David Berson’s group at Brown University of other cells in a mouse retina that responds to light and has nothing to do with a vision came as a shock to centralized science. Dr. Huberman confirmed this in Malibu. None of them thought non-visual photoreception was possible at this time.

Many mocked Suzanne Sommers when she reported in the 1990s that a penlight behind her knee affected her melatonin level and disrupted her sleep. Even stranger discoveries became commonplace in many laboratories demonstrating that these cells contained a new class of opsin proteins called melanopsins, never before seen in vertebrates (but similar to those of many invertebrates like fish). Non-mammalian vertebrates retain two quite separate melanopsin genes, while mammals have just one.  Here is the screens for all the light show created by your interiors.

Every modern mammal, from a platypus to a blue whale, is descended from a common ancestor that lived about 210-180 million years ago if they are a mammal. We don’t know a great deal about this animal, but the organization of its genome has now been computationally reconstructed by an international team of researchers. The reconstruction shows that the mammal ancestor had 19 autosomal chromosomes, which control the inheritance of an organism’s characteristics outside of those controlled by sex-linked chromosomes, (these are paired in most cells, making 38 in total) plus two sex chromosomes.

KEY TAKE HOME:  Mammalian chromosomes have been more stable than scientists predicted before the human genome project was complete.   It turns out, Darwin was wrong.

The researchers found nine whole chromosomes, or chromosome fragments in the mammal ancestor whose order of genes is the same in modern birds’ (therapod dinosaurs) chromosomes. It seems it is very likely there was some crossing of genomes between birds and mammals at the KT event since these two animals made it through the last extinction event together. Their genomes show this connection. This only deepens my theories about melanin.

More proof these animals are linked to POMC biology: The researchers found in contrast, regions between these conserved blocks contained more repetitive sequences and were more prone to breakages, rearrangements, and sequence duplications. Ancestral genome reconstructions are critical to interpreting where and why selective environmental pressures vary across genomes. This study has now established a clear relationship between chromatin architecture, gene regulation, and linkage conservation.

It does something else centralized science doesn’t like. It provided me with hard data to say publically that the foundation for assessing the role of natural selection in chromosome evolution across the mammalian tree of life isn’t Darwinian.

It follows a quantum periodicity that links it to the periodic table of elements and the amplification of the use of paramagnetic atoms to build semiconductors in cells. Why? Chromosomes are filled with base pairs that are magnetized by UV light.  That periodicity is in where hydrogen is and isn’t and what hydrogen’s atomic weight is in that zip code, and what its magnetic moment is while in that zip code.  You’ll see why this idea is on solid footing soon enough.

In the study, they found that the rate of chromosome rearrangement differed between mammal lineages. For example, in the ruminant lineage (leading to modern cattle, sheep, and deer) there was an acceleration in the rearrangement of these chromosomes 65 million years ago, when an asteroid impact killed off the dinosaurs and led to the rise of mammals.

Centralized sciences call this a “remarkable finding” because their theories from Darwin wouldn’t have predicted it. I chuckled when I read the paper in late 2022. It shows definitively, that mammals have enjoyed evolutionary stability of the order and orientation of genes on chromosomes over an extended evolutionary timeframe of more than 320 million years.  The doesn’t sound like natural selection as it was taught to me.

We now know that melanopsin is the most common opsin in the human brain even though blue light cannot penetrate the bone in our skull. It can only get in via the eye and has to pass the RPE of the retina before it gets deep into the substance of the brain.


Centralized researchers forgot Nature’s lessons. Molecular oxygen (O2) is essential for vertebrate life. Strikingly, certain species are able to survive for periods lasting several months in anoxic conditions and are able to recover full function at the end of this time when O2 is restored.

The freshwater turtle Chrysemys picta is a well-studied example. It spends long periods during the winter in ice-covered ponds without access to the surface, often in water or mud with little or no O2. Mammals evolved 210 million years ago to live underground outside of the sun in a hypoxic environment. It seems melanin helped them navigate these environments.

This pseudohypoxia was linked to the NAD+ levels of their mitochondria and when oxygen was low and blue light dominated Earth’s surface and the dinosaurs were gone this allowed melanocytes to migrate inside of us. This brought melanin closer to our colonies of mitochondria where the real action began in energy transformation to create a human brain.

I’m closing in on the recipe of light I mentioned in the podcast.  It turns out the beginning of Genesis never told us the shadows in life hold the light in our perception of reality.  It might turn out that evolution theory and Genesis both contain half-truths.


My cerebral cortex



If you listened to the beginning of part two of the podcast, I mentioned the large band gap needed to charge separate water.  This single issue sent me looking at the periodic table.  I found that answer there, but in reality, I stumbled into a bigger reality.  I finally realized how we humans evolved.  Here are the details of that POMC story.


Water is made from two atoms so I began with hydrogen on the periodic table because water has 2 H in its chemical formula.  As soon as I went deep I found some interesting trends about hydrogen.  Science depends on compelling narratives, and few people seem to know the real story behind hydrogen. This really explains why even today biology ignores water’s role in a cell.  In fact, in a cell Nature has shown us that hydrogen can act as a metal or non-metal.  Hydrogen makes life a cooperative quantum dance and it can make other elements do things they normally would not do.

It turns out how hydrogen acts chemically,  depends wholly on the environment it is within.  Does this means hydrogen can take different forms in our body if the environment of that region is controlled by information in some way? Is it a donor or a collector of electrons? Is it a metal or a gas?  The answer is yes.

This is why on Earth hydrogen always seems to hang out exclusively with carbon and oxygen in life. The hydrogen ion (proton = H+) and electrons go to reduce (or fix) carbon dioxide into the carbohydrates and biomass of photosynthetic organisms using both the C3 or C4 pathways, which feed herbivores, and down the food web, the vast majority of animal species. The air-breathers break down carbohydrates by oxidizing them (with oxygen) in the mitochondria of cells to obtain energy for growth and reproduction, regenerating carbon dioxide and water. This completes the living dynamo of photosynthesis and respiration that turns inanimate substances into living organisms.

The measured ionization energy of H2 is 1488 kJ mol-1. This number is primarily important in comparison to the ionization energy of a hydrogen atom, which is 1312 kJ mol-1. Therefore, it requires more energy to remove an electron from the hydrogen molecule than from the hydrogen atom; the electron, therefore, has lower energy in the molecule. To pull the atoms apart, the energy of the electron must be increased.  I knew electrons can only be powered by light because of Einstein’s photoelectric law of the universe.  So I looked up how much power by light was needed to break this bond. I began to understand why we needed over 12 electron volts of light power to split water into its substrates.  Hence, a lot of energy is required to break this bond. So I went looking for an answer on how photosynthesis did it.


Next, I looked at oxygen.

The oxygen molecule is a particularly interesting case, O2, to study.  This study was detailed in my 2014 conference talk at Dave Asprey’s event that you heard Rick Rubin talk about in the podcast.  Asprey banned the talk because essentially it told everyone who heard the talk everything Dave was selling was snake oil.  Props to Rick for telling that story.  I would have died with it.

When I looked at oxygen I drew out its complete molecular orbital energy level diagram, and I noticed that the last two electrons must either be paired in the same 2p π* orbital or separated into different 2p π* orbitals. To determine which, it is important to note that oxygen molecules are paramagnetic—meaning they are strongly attracted to a magnetic field. I did not know that prior to this moment.  It turns out that moment was going to change my life.  To account for this paramagnetism, I recalled from my high school chemistry class that electron spin is a magnetic property. In most molecules, all electrons are paired, so for each “spin up” electron there is a “spin down” electron and their magnetic fields cancel out. If all electrons are paired, the molecule is diamagnetic, meaning that it responds only weakly to a magnetic field.  then I thought about the Earth.  We have a magnetic field and so does the sun.  Then I thought about the ATPase in mitochondria and knew it had one from the spinning Fo head where ATP was made.  Immediately I realized oxygen was being drawn to mitochondria because of magnetism.

If the electrons are not paired, they can adopt the same spin in the presence of a magnetic field. This accounts for the attraction of the paramagnetic molecule to the magnetic field. Therefore, for a molecule to be paramagnetic, it must have unpaired electrons.  This thought stopped me dead in my tracks because I knew we had some chemicals in us that had unpaired electrons called free radicals.

Are all free radicals created in human biology paramagnetic because they have unpaired electrons?

It turned out in my research of organic chemistry, all radicals are paramagnetic, but all paramagnetic species are not radicals. Take for example the metal Nickel. Nickel is paramagnetic, and therefore has unpaired electrons, but at the same time is not a radical because it is a stable atom and does not react with other elements. Radicals are unstable by nature and they react by donating their electrons.  I thought to myself, is this donation of electrons how a semiconductor operates.  I looked into it and found that is exactly how a semiconductor works.  That created an idea and I wrote this down on a piece of paper that became this slide below.

I left the normal periodic table of elements and then looked up the magnetic table of elements.  Here I found, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+ are also paramagnetic. Mo is used on the inner mitochondrial membrane and is also paramagnetic. The thought crossed my mind that it seemed biology was specializing in using atoms in biochemistry that might dope semiconductors.  I knew collagen was a wide band gap semiconductor from Becker’s bone work.  I began to realize atoms doped to carbon and surrounded by water are all wide band gapped semiconductors.

Then I looked at other atoms used in cells.

H, C, N, P, S. Se, Cu, I are all dimagnetic.

It seemed immediately that H and O differ in their magnetic powers. What about water that acts as a semiconductor in cells? Water is not paramagnetic even though oxygen is, due to the absence of unpaired electron (s) in its molecule. Here is hydrogen pulling its magic tricks again on another atom. Water is reported as a diamagnetic substance with a susceptibility of − 9 × 10 ^− 6. This implies that when it is submitted to a magnetic field, it will tend to repel the field lines.

Then I thought about iron and hemoglobin and all the heme based proteins in cells like the P450 system, catalase, and peroxides in mitochondria.

Fe, Co, are ferromagnetic

Oxygen is paramagnetic.

All free radicals are paramagnetic.

Anything paramagnetic is drawn to magnetic fields and inside cells this draws them to mitochondria.

Then I thought about Mammals. What did I know about them? I knew about the asteroid event.

The rocks found at the K-T boundary, whether they are found in Europe, Canada, or the United States, all show a very high level of the element iridium. This iridium layer has been located in over 100 different spots on Earth, both on land and under the ocean. Iridium, which defines the KT boundary is also paramagnetic.

Does anyone see a trend here that I found in hacking the periodic table?


Most of the key atoms were paramagnetic and this told me semiconduction was the key to understanding how cells work.  I then looked at proteins differently and remembered about Szent Gylogi’s talk in 1941 where he said all proteins were semiconductors and Becker proved him right 25 years later.

I went back to hydrogen and proteins to see a link.  I found it in chlorophyll, hemoglobin, and melanin.

What thoughts filled my head that day?  The retina has melanin in its RPE and it creates massive amounts of ROS at the choriocapillaris.  I thought to myself……..is melanin creating a stream of electrons in the eye to electrify the brain?

When electrons are not paired, as they are in ROS/RNS they can adopt the same spin in the presence of a magnetic field around them.  The brain is filled with mitochondria that creates magnetic fields. Might this accounts for the attraction of the paramagnetic molecule to the a mitochondria’s magnetic field? Might these free radicals be key to explain how tissues are sculpted and changed?  I knew for a molecule to be paramagnetic, it must have unpaired electrons.  I went looking for a protein that was paramagnetic and could transform light into chemical energy in the form of free radicals and I found melanin.

Melanin is a paramagnetic bio-polymer that has revealed in testing to exhibit strong and stable paramagnetism.  It is loaded in mammals skin and in their eyes.  I also found out that melanin synthesis is an oxygen-dependent process that acts as a potential source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside pigment-forming cells.  I knew I was onto something.  Melanin was able to transform light energy into chemical energy, and this has been accepted by the countries of the first world patent offices.  I wondered it melanin could create hydrogen and oxygen in a cell. I found that it can.

Hydrogen is the rogue element in the periodic table that breaks all the rules we expect, and this is why life uses it in her designs. When a hydrogen bond forms between two water molecules, the redistribution of electrons changes the ability for further hydrogen bonding. In this sense, a hydrogen bond can be electrostatic. Hydrogen bonds, however, can become covalent as well.  Iodine’s addition to hydrogen favors the formation of covalent bonding in water.  You heard about this in the podcast.  This is a fancy way of saying hydrogen makes other atoms do things they normally might not want to do. Hydrogen’s will is strong because of the closeness of its one electron to its nucleus. This gives hydrogen lots of differentisotopes. This is when I found out the addition of deuterium, a heavier isotpe of hydrogen changes how water absorbs light.  I did not know this.

Water with deuterium in it absorbs less IR-A light and hardly any UV light at all.

These facts meant something more interesting.  It meant hydrogen had to invoke Einstein’s relativity theory more than any other element on the periodic table! You might not understand why now just yet, but more on this aspect shortly to fill in your gaps.

Magnetic Type for all the elements in the Periodic Table

Hydrogen normally has one proton that is encircled by one electron that buzzes in its electron shell.  Its valence shell is designed to hold two electrons. So you need to ask yourself is the shell half filled or half empty?  Other atoms want to know this too because this is how they decide how they react with hydrogen. This is why hydrogen can be a chameleon. Most elements either gain or lose their electrons in chemical reactions. The pathways that hydrogen electron takes determines the chemical abilities of the atoms in this dance. Hydrogen swings, either way, depending upon the environment it finds itself in.   This makes it a very interesting player in biochemistry. It’s no wonder hydrogen is an integral part of life’s plan. Hydrogen is found in all amino acids and semiconductive protein polymers.  It also makes up 2/3 of water.  Imagine that.  Without water depleted of deuterium, you cannot convert sulfated cholesterol to Vitamin D 25 D (OH) because the photoisomerization step needs it.

When hydrogen is ionized or charge separated………however, what can happen in life at the cell level changes in a big way……….hydrogen becomes the superman of flow.  When hydrogen is ionized and loses its only electron it becomes a proton cation.

This makes H+ the lightest cation in chemistry and given the small size of the proton, explains the unusually high diffusion rate of the proton relative to that of other common cations like potassium (K+).  When hydrogen loses its electron it becomes an ionic plasma that acts like a liquid metal.

Ionic plasmas have special abilities.  One ability is called proton jump conduction or protonicity.  These rules are governed by something called the Grotthuss mechanism.   Hydrogen is a chemist’s conundrum, a biologist’s enigma, and a physicist’s dream because it can lose or gain this single electron. I have always been of the belief that hydrogen did not really belong to any group in the periodic table based on this ability. Remember all that talk about the periodic table I did to Rick and Andrew.  Do you think that work was wasted now that you see the details in the story they missed?

After many thoughts on this topic,  I realized under some environments it can be placed into group 7 or group one in the periodic table. All known elements of group 7 are halogens. The group 1 elements compromise the alkali metals. Hydrogen is often placed in group one of the periodic table by convention due to its electron configuration,  but it is not considered by many to be an alkali metal.  Why?

Hydrogen rarely exhibits behavior comparable to that of alkali metals. For example, all the alkali metals react with water, with the heavier alkali metals reacting more vigorously than the lighter ones. The word “alkali” received its name from the Arabic word “al qali,” meaning “from ashes”. These particular elements were given the name “alkali” because they react with water to form hydroxide ions, creating very basic solutions (with pH > 7), which are also called alkaline solutions.

Hydrogen forms water with oxygen directly and does not form a basic solution. Adding more hydrogen to it does not cause a special reaction at all, as it does with the other metals in group 1.

Why is hydrogen fundamentally different? Water is most famous for forming hydrogen bonds with other water molecules and with other ions dissolved in it. A hydrogen bond consists of hydrogen shared between two electronegative atoms like oxygen or sulfur. The compound that donates the hydrogen to the chemical reaction is the hydrogen donor, and the acceptor atoms is the hydrogen acceptor.

Water is unique because it can be both an acceptor and a donor of hydrogen. It means water can be a switch hitter in many biochemical reactions.  This is why water is the universal solvent on Earth.  In fact, water can even donate two of its hydrogen’s if need be! This makes the water molecule take on the tetrahedral structure in its frozen form linked in a crystalline hexagonal array in crystal ice.  When I realized water had a crystalline structure I knew immediately it had to be part of the cells construction plan for its own wide based semiconductors.

All of a sudden biology took on a new meaning to me with this new perspective.

I told you in the podcast that hydrogen can also act as a group 7 halogen.  It can mimic iodine element 53.  It means it can gain electrons to become a nonmetal.  Non-metals can become semiconductors.  It was here that I realized the water was acting as a semiconductor between sulfated cholesterol and Vitamin D in our skin to change the structure of matter.  When hydrogen does this in water when it is associated with iodine it forms an ionic liquid.

Ionic liquids are now receiving special attention in science, owing to their unique properties such as high ionic conductivity, non-volatility, and non-flammability.  This ability makes these fluids versatile alternatives to conventional solvent-based systems used to make batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors that hold large charges.  They are also quite helpful as heat-transfer fluids to move infrared energies within a system.  This is when I realized why iodine was being used in the breast, brain, and thyroid gland with melanin and tyrosine.  Iodine and water create another semiconductor that is transferring energy from the sun to us.

Iodine addition to iodide-based ionic liquids leads to extraordinarily efficient charge transport, vastly exceeding that expected for a standard viscous system.  Hydrogen and iodine form an ionic plasma within the CSF of the human brain. The choroid plexus of the human brain is designed to add iodine to CSF.  CSF, you will recall is an ultra-filtrate of blood plasma and is made up of 99.9% water.  When iodine meets water that has been charged separated by IR light or by the hydrophilic proteins within the dura matter a massive amount of H+ is made in the CSF of the brain.  H+ is equivalent to a proton.  Using the Grotthuss mechanism, iodine is able to move protons closer together than we would normally expect,  to alter their hydrogen bonding network to allow them to form superconducting proton cables that act like a positive charge electric current.  The mechanism allows for charges to be transported not by the movement of particles, but by the breaking and reformation of chemical bonds. As water is charge separated by IR light or by hydrophilic substances, many excess H+ ions are made adjacent to the exclusion zone of water. Gerald Pollack’s experiments have shown this exquisitely.  The excess protons can then diffuse through the hydrogen bond network of water molecules or other hydrogen-bonded liquids (iodized CSF)  through the formation or cleavage of covalent bonds.  Iodine helps UV light get from the sun and our skin to the brain.

A biological cell is a dissipative system by its very nature. You heard this in the podcast when Rick said, “I don’t know what that means.”  I said I will tell you.  Now I am retelling it to you here.  This implies it has the role or purpose to break symmetry and create a metastable system to react to all environmental possibilities that the cell may face. Breaking symmetry tells biology something about Noether’s theorem.  A cell uses hydrogen and oxygen to un-condense our protein polymers, ever so slightly, to allow life to exist.  It changes the size and shape by moving charges, of electrons and H+.  Gilbert Ling tripped over this in the 1950s.  I mentioned him in the podcast.

When we sleep our semiconductive proteins are designed to be fully condensed and small.  This implies that life can only exist when our protein polymers are slightly unfolded during wakefulness.  Ling is the guy who brought the idea of unfolded proteins to centralized science.  This unfolding of protein semiconductors happens when electrons are withdrawn from proteins.  Free radicals add electrons to the holes that ATP creates to create a current.  In fact, any paramagnetic atoms can add their electrons to the semiconductor to operate it.  UV light creates hormones and hormones are tides of electrons controlled by our star.

Cortisol from ACTH in POMC do this and so does ATP made in the matrix.  Cortisol and ATP are both electron-withdrawing semiconductive biochemicals.  Gilbert Ling was the first scientist to realize what ATP did to proteins.  ATP allows for amino acids to unfold to allow for water binding sites to open to the water hydration shells around proteins.  Water is also a semiconductive protein because of the action of hydrogen bonds in water.

Ling had no idea what he found but the guys at FONAR did because they made an MRI machine from the idea.  When I read Ling’s books I realized what he was saying.  Water is a semiconductor in human’s and it needs specific proteins adjacent to it to operate and unleash solar energy in the electronic state.  Again, when I met Ling I asked him questions to see if he really knew what he found. He did not, and if he did I think he’d have Peter Mitchell’s Nobel Prize now.  He deserved it.


When we are awake our proteins have to be somewhat unfolded and un-condensed (larger).  This means during the day we are less thermodynamically efficient.  The sun’s light has to bridge the gap and this is why we evolved wakefulness from sleep.  This is why I told you in Cold Thermogenesis 2 that I believed that life’s primordial condition was sleep. I believed we evolved wakefulness when we gained the ability to unfold our protein polymers and engage in semiconduction.

Within this sliver of semiconductive protein unfolding is where the magic of life happens.  Similarly, a cell is designed to break symmetries by using hydrogen and oxygen to its advantage.   This ability must be associated with a specific molecule capable of breaking symmetry.  H20 can “unfold” or ‘charge separate’ into H+ and -OH with the addition of infrared heat from the sun or when it lies adjacent to hydrophilic substances.

Proteins are made more hydrophilic with the addition of electrons to them.  They are made more hydrophobic when electrons are removed.   It turns out all proteins are hydrated in life.  Our proteins are the first smart device ever built by nature.  This might be why DNA only codes for proteins using specific amino acids.  Those amino acids work with the visible spectrum of our star.

When we die we lose that ability and our muscles get hard in stiff in rigor mortis.  Liquid water is the perfect chemical to break symmetry with all the protein polymers in all life forms. The reason is found in water’s molecular 3 D molecular arrangements. Liquid water has perfect symmetry in that no matter from which direction you look at the molecules, the view is the same from a molecular standpoint. But water, can and does, lose its symmetry in nature naturally.

During my 18 months of unlearning to relearn, I found out that symmetry in crystals is key.  When symmetry is broken by any phase transition in chemistry (water) energy and information transfers must occur by nature’s laws.  This was how sunlight info and energy entered our bodies.  I realized melanin, Vitamin D, T3, T4, RBCs, etc…..all were semiconductive crystals transferring data from the sun.

This data informs the biomolecules in biochemistry how to act because all of them have hydrogen the chemical chameleon I mentioned above.  This occurs many times in the biochemical reaction pathways of cells. And as such, all breaks of symmetry require a transfer of energy by the laws of physics to satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Symmetry is also broken any time temperature rises or falls or when electrons or protons are moving in any biochemical reaction. Any transfer of energy/information has the potential to break symmetry and therefore to give rise to emergent properties in the protein polymers or products of these reactions.  This explained why Cold thermogenesis worked to create new stronger light inside of us: VUV using melanin water and these elements on the periodic table.

The line between metal and non-metal status in any element has become quite blurred because of hydrogen. Physics is now awakened to this issue.  This is a new problem for modern chemistry. Its implications have not yet been appreciated by biology.  When you consider that hydrogen is involved in most biologic reactions, this has massive implications for the biology of you and for life in general.  I am no longer in the biochemical silo of belief and I make fun of those who are toying in that cesspool of misunderstanding:  Ray Peat and the food gurus.

When I was a student growing up, hydrogen had a clear distinction in chemistry.  Sodium and hydrogen are group 1 elements.  Not only is hydrogen capable of switching teams but so is sodium its neighbor. Sodium is also used by life in a big way in extra and intracellular ionic fluids.  Now we know that hydrogen and sodium “switch teams” based on their local environment.  When the conditions of existence in these atoms’ environments are altered, they can change their chemical abilities. This action seems very counterintuitive, yet it has been proven by experiment.  This makes them “metastable atoms”. Life appears to like to use atoms that are cationic, small, and metastable. Ling realized this too.  Ling was a smart cookie.

I went back to the periodic table.

We all think hydrogen is a clear gas. But on Jupiter, hydrogen is under so much pressure with an altered temperature, it becomes an extraordinary superconducting metal. In mitochondria, H+ becomes a metal-like plasma as well.  MEG data shows that the two tissues with the highest mitochondrial densities have large magnetic fields, namely the brain, and heart.

This is why Jupiter is believed to have a stronger magnetic field than the sun. Hydrogen gas is diamagnetic on Earth while its dance partner gas oxygen is paramagnetic.  One repels a magnetic field while the other is drawn to one.  So hydrogen acts differently on both planets because each planet fosters a different environment.  In space, hydrogen also acts differently magnetically. Hydrogen is a plasma in space. When air or gas is ionized, it loses its electrons, and plasma forms with conductive properties similar to those of metals. We see this in our ionosphere with aurora.

Plasma is the most abundant form of matter in the Universe because most stars are in a plasma state. Heating a gas may ionize its molecules or atoms by reducing or increasing the number of electrons in them, thus turning it into a plasma.  A plasma contains charged particles: positive ions and negative electrons or ions.  I’d like to remind you here that your mitochondrial matrix is filled with H+.  This is a hydrogen proton missing its electrons.  Mitochondria also liberate light in the form of infrared light or heat.  They also create WATER!  That water is needed to fabricate our wide bandgapped semiconductors.   It too acts as an ionic plasma in you.

These were all the connections I was making that fateful day in the library of the medical school.

Here is how cells bury the sun’s magnetic flux in cells.  It uses H+ to do it.   Magnetism is the essential force that determines the form of plasma or ionized matter taken in an environment. The hydrogen regions around galaxies are also considered plasmas, despite their degree of ionization being small. The degree of ionization in interplanetary space varies between unionized states or can morph into fully ionized states in other regions of space.

In space, however, even the weakly-ionized plasma in the hydrogen region reacts strongly to electromagnetic fields.  Magnetized plasma, such as that contained in the hydrogen region, is the dominating state in the universe as a whole.  Our sun produces massive amounts of plasma it spits out at us into the solar system as the solar wind or a coronal mass ejection.  The sun’s plasma is contained by the high electric and magnetic fields of the sun.

So is the H+ in our mitochondria.  This makes your colony of mitochondria an antenna for the sun’s photons.  To decipher the electric and magnetic codes you need wide-band gapped semiconductors to get Nature’s recipes to run your cells far from equilibrium to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics.  Not too hard to understand once you see it.


Modern semiconductor technologies are only 70 years old but have already transformed human society. At the heart of the technologies are the physical characteristics of the semiconductor materials themselves: their fundamental electronic and optical properties that enable electrons, holes, and photons to interact and control each other in a wide variety of device architectures and operating environments. For the first 40 years of semiconductor technology, through the late 1980s, the major semiconductor materials were Ge, Si and the “conventional” III-Vs elements of non-metals. The Ge- and Si-based technologies were spawned in 1947 by the demonstration of the first transistor. The early devices were discrete and modest, but further development enabled the replacement of bulky, inefficient, and slow-turn-on vacuum tubes in applications that began with civilian radios and walkie-talkies but quickly expanded to police radios and later military communications satellites. Shortly thereafter, these devices were followed by integrated microelectronics, enabling the rise and spread of computer technology. By 2015, Si technology, dominated by Si complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) architectures. The “conventional” III-Vs refer to the narrower-band gap subset of compound semiconductors composed of elements from columns III and V of the periodic table. None of them were paramagnetic.

In electronics, the discovery in the 1970s that the AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction could give rise to a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) was pivotal, enabling the first high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) in GaAs5 and thin pseudomorphic strained InGaAs6 channels. In the 1980s, these devices and their cousins, GaAs- and InGaAs-based heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), quickly began setting records for unity-current-gain frequency (fT) and output power above 10 GHz. In 1989, recognizing these benefits, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched its GaAs-based monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MIMIC) program. In optoelectronics, the invention in the 1960s of the laser diode was just as pivotal. A long chain of progress led, among other devices, to the single-mode InP-based laser diodes that now power the broadband dense-wavelength-division-multiplexed (DWDM) optical fiber networks, and which in turn are the backbone of the modern Internet.

By hacking the periodic table I found out in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a series of pivotal materials breakthroughs were made by Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, and Shuji Nakamura, for which they were awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics. Their breakthroughs, built upon the efforts of many earlier researchers, were completely unexpected: seemingly “magic” AlN and GaN buffer layers on sapphire that dramatically reduced dislocation densities; methods to activate p-type Mg doping of GaN; and the remarkable resilience of InGaN quantum well luminescence against structural defects. Magnesium doping was the key to my hacking eureka. Magnesium also doped chlorophyll. My search for other atoms to dope carbon was open full bore.

The KT event caused a brownout on Earth with respect to photosynthesis. This meant less food for the big dinosaurs but it also meant less oxygen for all life. Why did mammals do so well in this environment?

Mammals began to specialize in using paramagnetic atoms with unpaired electrons to control their cellular circuitry. This helped make them more hydrogen, oxygen, and electrons instead of having to rely on their ATPase. Melanin crystals they absorbed from their surface were their innovative event to give them superpowers.

Oxygen is considered critical to nearly all life on earth, as the end electron acceptor in mitochondria that makes, theoretically, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation possible, and thereby energy production. This is modern centralized dogma. Is there another pathway to oxygen that mammals specialize in? Anaerobic energy sources can only temporarily supply ATP and maintain cellular function before substrate depletion, energy shortfall, or end-product poisoning that threatens survival. In most vertebrates, the limits of anoxia tolerance are short, on the order of minutes, because of the urgent dependence of the heart and central nervous system on a continuous supply of O2. Modern humans can only handle 4 minutes of anoxia before neuronal cell death occurs. What happened 65 million years ago with mammals is interesting because their hearts and brains were small organs and not energy dense. Today that is not true.

This brings up the key question, what did early mammals look like and how were they sculpted by melanin moving in their bodies from their surfaces to their interior organs?

That story continues in the next blogs.


My cerebral cortex.


The question was good and it is still a POMC story whether you know it or not.

As melanin degrades so does melatonin and this correlates with low mitochondria redox power and a drop in delta psi. As melatonin breaks down it liberates tryptophan. Tryptophan has two catabolic pathways it can travel. As the time crystal blog on methionine and tryptophan said this AA metabolism is linked to the presence or absence of UV light. Quinolinic acid (QUIN), a neuroactive metabolite of the kynurenine pathway, is normally presented in nanomolar concentrations in the human brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). QUIN is often implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of human neurological diseases and melanin degradation due to heteroplasmy is one such cause. QA is produced following the metabolic breakdown of the amino acid tryptophan, via the kynurenine pathway. Quinolinate (Quin) is a classic example of a biochemical double-edged sword that needs light programming from our environment, allowing Quin to act as both an essential metabolite and potent neurotoxin. With proper mTOR signaling, Quin is an important metabolite in the kynurenine pathway and tryptophan catabolism leads to the de novo synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). When mTOR is screwed up or redox is bad or you use the other pathway for tryptophan catabolism NAD+ is not recycled.


Dr. David Sabatini discovered the mTOR pathway 28 years ago. What is that pathway about?  Look at the picture above.

mTOR = Mammalian target of rapamycin. This semiconductive protein regulates cell proliferation, autophagy, and apoptosis by participating in multiple signaling pathways in tissues in the body. The way it operates in different tissues has confounded Sabatini for 3 decades. There is a reason for that. He has stayed in his centralized biochemical silo and refused to see the light. To understand mTOR fully, you have to understand the physics of organisms first.

Wide-band gapped semiconductors make the light that controls the entire mTOR pathway. This light, stronger than the sun, alters glucose, oxygen, and phosphorous metabolism rostral to mTOR protein.  This changes the light in cells to activate POMC, tryptophan, and methionine biology. Sabatini’s eureka came 28 years ago on Easter Island. He doesn’t know this info yet, but after my podcast with Rick and Andrew, you should. That endogenous light cells created from the mass in the wide-band gapped semiconductors is how mTOR protein does the things it can do. Alterations in light emission are controlled by dopants on these semiconductors. I have found light around 380 nm changes HUMAN metabolism from anabolic to catabolic. Summer is the time for anabolic living and winter time is the time for catabolic living.  This is why human muscle anabolism and catabolism are more active during the day and at night, respectively.  Light is transformed from atoms everywhere inside of us, but we cannot see it because of our atomic arrangement in cells (AMO physics).

380 nm light (UV-A) is the photonic switch between catabolism and anabolism in the mTOR pathway. That selection tells us something deep about what happened at the KT event.  Living in nature’s visible light spectra induces POMC translation on our surfaces. This, in turn, stimulates the semiconductive circuits deep inside cells to create VUV-IR-A endogenously where our colonies of mitochondria reside. The frequencies of light created endogenously below 380 nm is where mammalian longevity occurs in humans.  This reality exists because of what happens at small scales via the translation of the POMC gene.  This gene has been amplified and  is buried in the pathways of tissues inside of us. This explains why the human brain is littered with light chromophore proteins. That is where Noether’s theorem comes into the story of life. Centralized science does not know, much less accept, what I just told you about Noether’s theorem but they will soon.. That is fine. With time, you’ll remember this post and the picture below. Dr’s Sabatini and Attia have been staring at the answer for a long time in the literature but ignoring it at your peril.  Light alters metabolism in a big way.

Now how it happens is a bit mind boggling.  UV-A light stimulate both alpha MSH and ACTH but the translation of ACTH is frequency related.  Blue light is a more powerful stimulus to ACTH cleavage than UV-A light.  Ultraviolet B radiation stimulates increased expression of the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene which is accompanied by production and release of alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) by both normal and malignant human melanocytes and keratinocytes.  This alone should have told centralized scientists the sun could not be the cause of melanoma.  It was not.  What differentiated the cleavage in mammals who survived the KT event? The production and release of both peptides are also stimulated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) the breakdown product of ATP and interleukin (IL-1) but not by endothelin-1 (ET-1) or tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a).

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a precursor of glutathione (GSH), an intracellular free radical scavenger created , abolishes the UVB-stimulated POMC peptide production and secretion.

Glutathione is a tripeptide (cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid) found in surprisingly high levels—5 millimolar—concentrations in most cells. As can be seen in Figure 1, this is the same concentration in cells as glucose, potassium, and cholesterol! Considering the high level of metabolic activity required to produce glutathione, such a high level underlines its importance.

Did you know glutathione absorbs strongly from VUV light to 290nm with a strong peak at 280 nm.  That means endogenously created light raise glutathione levels which in turn, quenches melanin action, and acts to limit surface level melanin production from UV light we get from the sun.  This always keeps the balance of melanin creation on our insides compared to our exteriors as humans. 

Chalk one up for negative entropy again.  Now you know why I am no fan of exogenous use of NAC or glutathione.  I also hate acetaminophen use because it blocks the endogenous production of glutathione in humans.  I actually think people who use this drug maybe at higher risk of melanoma in the skin.

Glutathione exists in cells in 2 states: reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG). As can be seen in Figure 2, oxidized glutathione is actually 2 reduced glutathiones bound together at the sulfur atoms.

GSH biosynthesis is also regulated post-translationally by changes in cellular oxidation.  This is important in understanding how light operates with GSH and POMC cleavage.  POMC has to have UV light to be translated first and then GSH can operate inside the cell if a lack of electrons develop. If electrons are deficient so will light in the system.  This is what a low redox state and is the MAIN pillar of morbity and mortality in the longevity of mammals. This is what oxidation is.  The redox homeostasis of a cell ensures that endogenous and exogenous stimuli are modulated by the redox homeostasis of a cell. However, altered mitochondrial redox homeostasis leads to cellular oxidative stress, which in turn may lead to aberrant cell death and contribute to disease development.  Glutathione synthesis is stimulated when UV light and IR-A light are scarce for mammals.

The GSH tripeptide is derived from Cys, Glu, and Gly and is synthesized exclusively in the cytosol in a cell.

GSH is critical for maintaining redox balance in cells at the mitochondrial level, so GSH biosynthesis is upregulated in response to oxidizing conditions that mtDNA sense. Animal tissues generally have a fairly high concentration of GSH (0.5–10 mM) in comparison to cysteine (10–100 µM).  This is another clue that mammals are designed to be in the sun to raise GSH and explains why POMC has beta endorphin in it from an evolutionary perspective (below).  Mammals get high by being the in the sun.  This keeps their motivation high to seek it.  There is also another reason this is important.  Mammals eye clock is directly wired to the retina in all species.  This became important in humans when they lost Vitamin C, expanded glutathione and melanin inside their heads with encephalization.  This system is highly attuned to light via the eye since mammals get most of their light sense via their pupil and the retinohypothalamic tract.  I think when humans began to encephalize and wear clothes this one thing alone kept the unbalance between surface melanin to melanin that was absorbed into the body over our 4 million years ago.

The ratio of GSH to GSSG determines cell redox status of cells. Healthy cells at rest have a GSH/GSSG ratio >100 while the ratio drops to 1 to 10 in cells exposed to oxidant stress.Glutathione is also recognized as a thiol buffer maintaining sulfhydryl groups of many proteins in their reduced form.

Glutathione is produced exclusively in the cytosol and actively pumped into mitochondria. GSH is made available in cells in 3 ways:

  1. De novo synthesis via a 2-step process catalyzed by the enzymes glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL) and glutathione synthetase (requires ATP).
  2. Regeneration of oxidized GSSG to reduced GSH by glutathione reductase (requires NADPH).
  3. Recycling of cysteine from conjugated glutathione via GGTP (requires NADPH).

Notice that all 3 require energy. The rate of synthesis, regeneration, and recycling is determined primarily by 3 factors:

  1. De novo glutathione synthesis is primarily controlled by the cellular level of the amino acid cysteine, the availability of which is the rate-limiting step.
  2. GCL activity is in part regulated by GSH feedback inhibition.
  3. If GSH is depleted due to oxidative stress, inflammation, or exposure to xenobiotics, de novo synthesis of GSH is upregulated primarily by increasing availability of cysteine through recycling of GSSG.

These 3 methods for producing glutathione can be seen in Figure 3.

Many people currently believe it is hard to overstate the importance of glutathione.  For me glutathione is Robin and melanin is Batman for mammals.  These systems co-evolved while we deleted Vitamin C genes from use.  Glutathione plays a role in shielding cellular macromolecules from endogenous and exogenous reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Melanin’s role is far more important.  While GSH directly quenches some free radicals, it power pales in comparison to the capabilities of melanin in how free radicals and heavy metals are handled in mammals. Glutathione has a greater importance closer to the surfaces of mammals where light comes into the system because it deals directly with the causes of topological oxidative stress.  Melanin does the same deeper inside of our tissues with absolute power (Noether’s theorem) and this is critical in setting the stage for quantum coherence in a warm wet environment.  Glutathione limits quantum processes at our surfaces.  This is why GSH is synthesized exclusively in the cytosol of the cell.  This is why deuterium is so common in blood.

BACK TO THE KT EVENT that linked mTOR to tryptophan

Neuropsin is an opsin family member known to function as a solar UV-A light detector.   responsive to wavelengths in the near-UV (λ max = 380 nm). After my podcast with Mr. Rubin, you’ll know that neuropsin was linked to the KT event and the ascent of mammals because of an interruption of photosynthesis and UV light. Neuropsin is the afferent reflex arc and mTOR is the efferent reflex arc for metabolism of all mammals. All mammalian metabolism, like photosynthesis is controlled by solar frequencies. I’ve been saying it for a long time, but everyone else wanted to focus on Dr. Sabatini’s work and not photosynthesis.

I have thought for 25 years light had to be the major controller of metabolism in us. It makes too much sense, but the mechanism was difficult to explain for biology. Once you exit the biochemistry silo and enter the silo of physics the mechanism was not difficult to figure out in those 18 months.  Even the microbiome releases massive light in response to feeding. The melanin sheets of the enterochromaffin cells are their target in our gut.

How does mTOR link to the light story?   Tryptophan is the key.

Tryptophan metabolism occurs via the kynurenine pathway or the serotonin pathway to produce bioactive metabolites. The kynurenine pathway is responsible for metabolizing most of the free tryptophan in mammals. It is activated by infectious agents, inflammatory mediators, and stress (ACTH from POMC).  A small fraction of free L-tryptophan (Trp) is used for protein synthesis and the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and neuromodulators such as tryptamine (below middle panel) which is important for. Tryptamines act predominantly as hallucinogens (mental illness). Classic hallucinogens (psychedelics) mediate specific serotonin-receptor activities and produce hallucinations. Substances in these groups mimic the effects of traditional drugs such as 2C-B, LSD, and DMT but may also possess residual stimulant activity in non-mental illness states where the circadian mechanism is intact. 90% of kynurenine pathway degradation occurs in the liver via TDO conversion of TPH to kynurenine. The remaining kynurenine degradation occurs by IDO in the brain, GI tract, and liver.

There is a blog that tells you the rest of the linkage………read it sometime

When we can’t make water in the mitochondrial matrix our metabolic pathways (mTOR) are not surrounded by the water they need to operate like a wide band gapped semiconductive diode. This alters the VUV-IR-A light show around mTOR and it does not work like Sabatini’s papers say it should. Blue light antenna in our skin control melatonin levels. Those antennas are called melanopsin. The light antenna in us is blue and it is linked to Vitamin A in neuroectodermal tissues where POMC also resides. Vitamin A is linked to Vitamin D at the RXR receptor in the brain where both of them are linked back to the DHA receptor that controls the retinohypothalamic tract which is step one in the pathway. This is how the peripheral clock genes in tissues are linked to melatonin levels locally in tissues. They are also linked to tryptophan metabolism.

L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid for mammals (all of them) that is obtained exclusively from diet. Trp and its metabolites have key roles in diverse physiological processes, ranging from cell growth and maintenance, in which Trp serves as a building block of proteins, to the coordination of organismal responses to environmental and dietary cues via photosynthetic signals (light), in which Trp metabolites serve as neurotransmitters and signaling molecules. Together, these functions suggest that, during evolution, Trp metabolism has become linked to the revolution of Earth around the sun and electromagnetic signals became programmed into the cellular pathways (mTOR & NAD+). This energy & information footprint has been codified in our AMO organization at a subcellular level. The cellular electronic and vibrational state is affected by this process. This is why tryptophan and methionine are time crystals. This is how cells know about the environment. No brain is necessary. This is the basis of the brain-gut axis too. Waking up yet? Told ya’ this POMC is a big deal. This is why tryptophan and methionine organismal communication strategies align food availability with physiology and behavior.

As Vitamin A drops in the plasma so does melatonin levels. Melatonin repairs the peripheral clock gene mechanism in humans at the local tissue level when things go awry. Tryptophan has to be metabolized when this happens. Our cells pay attention to this. How? Remember ubiquitin marking and all those blogs I wrote about them?

Maybe you’re beginning to see where they all fit.

As a result, our proteins become dehydrated and lose their topologic charge, this causes size and shape changes in many small signaling proteins in mitochondria that control apoptosis and autophagy. It also alters the light frequencies your endogenous semiconductive proteins make. This alters mTOR signaling. The defective protein in these self-regulatory programs then gets marked for a turnover by ubiquitin. The protein that does this is ubiquitin. I have written an entire series on this protein.  This protein is also controlled by the peripheral circadian mechanism hardwired from the retina to the SCN.

The circle of life is controlled by life below your ability to see it much less understand it.


1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2699458/

2. https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271024/1-s2.0-S0167488900X00213/1-s2.0-0167488996000638/main.pdf


What hit the cutting floor?

What do centralized healthcare providers need to know?  History of their profession so they can make better adaptations for patients.  If you listened to the Huberman/Rubin podcast I just did on Tetragrammaton you’ll want more of the details that lead me to POMC and melanin.  Here is the part of that story that EVERY MD needs to assimilate.

I wrote this blog last night after doing a consult for a centralized MD.  I hope it helps many of you.  Check out my latest article: HOW I GOT ON THE POMC/MELANIN TRACK AFTER MY MICHELANGELO EUREKA?  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-i-got-pomcmelanin-track-after-my-michelangelo-eureka-jack-kruse

I made this public.

SHARE IT.  If you want your doctor to adapt you need to help them by pushing them.



The “regressive evolution” of living a species on Earth has spawned interesting new ideas in new species.  The most interesting regression to me is now seen in humans on social media.  It is hiding right in plain sight and you can only see it if you maintain the wide band gapped semiconductors in your brain.  Improving them in your body no longer is operational.  Darwin is attributed to the quote that survival is linked to the survival of the fittest, but 20 years ago I realized his perspective was myopic.  I believe it should now be about the survival of the wisest.    INTELLECT IS NOT WISDOM.

Only wise humans who can see the loss of human superpower happening at breakneck speed will survive this “backward evolution“.  Wisdom for today’s mammals is born inside their melanin sheets inside their skulls.  Wisdom makes you the most adaptable creature in a rapidly changing environment.  What is changing fast?  Light is.

Light is the creative “Source” in the universe.  To some “backward evolution” may imply a loss of complexity, misleading you to believe, that evolution has a goal of creating more complex forms. It doesn’t However, evolution merely favors features that make a poster “more fit” for a particular current environment.

Consider cave-dwelling fish in Mexico below.

Look at the fish.  Implications of the picture?  What you do isn’t what you think. Let me explain the creative process buried at the core of life.  The evolutionary process doesn’t retrace its steps in “regressive evolution”.  It just appears it to those who do not carefully observe the process.  You have to go deeper than the facade.  Cave-dwelling creatures have frequently undergone “regressive evolution”,  due to their unique light environment.  Remember fish are not mammals, but they have lessons for mammals to learn.  These fish have lost many complex features, like eyes, that are not needed in dark environments. But eye loss in cavefish, for example, doesn’t mean an exact return to a primordial ancestor without these organs. The eye remnants remain.  They are atrophic and lie in wait until the light, the “Source code” returns.  Instead, processes that previously produced the eye stop partway through the process, leaving a vestigial eye overgrown with skin.

I believe the same process occurred in the primate clade of mammals in Africa 2-4 million years ago to explain our species.

To a surface thinker with low dopamine, due to degraded melanin sheets in their skulls, things can look like they’re going into reverse when they aren’t. The eye didn’t go in reverse. It just stopped going forward.  Might humans represent the same thing in the chimp family?

Might it even be more complex today compared to our own genesis?

I believe this is exactly what is happening to human mammals today.  They are no longer moving forward, and their epigenetic toolbox which relies on UV light to drive mitosis, is also regressing.  What does that imply?  The cavefish doesn’t face this now because it is not a mammal and it is protected fully from man’s use of artificial light.

What is happening to mammals that aren’t in Nature and are subject to man made light?

That is how it looks on the primate side who doesn’t talk, how does it look in their cousins who can speak?

What was perfection 520 years ago in stone?

As humans have degraded the melanin sheets inside their skulls with the use of clothing and indoor dwelling with fire use they have become more creative.  Creativity is a regressive evolutionary creation in my opinion of regressive changes in the frontal lobes.  This regressive change has had a positive connotation which can be seen in the Louve in Paris.  Melanin degradations created various levels of dopamine in our frontal lobes that lead to new things on Earth.  There is a lesson here.

Losses in biological complexity may accompany less-obvious increases in complexity in other areas of humanity.  This manifests in novel ways, such as the biochemistries parasites use to get inside hosts and sculpt changes in us by changing light frequencies in our cells.  How big a deal is this?  Men’s face change due to toxoplasmosis.

The sex of offspring change when women infected get pregnant.  What happens to the mitochondrial DNA of women with POMC deficiency over several generations since they control mtDNA inheritance.  Do you understand what “regressive evolution” really means?    I think autism is the first step in new speciation.

It’s very easy for people who do not understand science to think of evolution in terms of what you see; what the morphological features are in living things. But there are also lots of other features that we don’t perceive at the physiological and the biochemical level.  It turns out POMC is working at the biophysical level.  This is well below the classic world of reality.  It is well hidden by Nature.

In cavefish, lost eyes may similarly obscure alternative complexity. Organs responsive to vibrations appear in great quantities in these fish, providing another way to sense in dark environments. And in the already-overstuffed head, these organs found available real estate in the fish’s empty eye sockets.  Nature is efficient in how she operates even in regression.

When Alan Turing turned his mind to biology in 1952, he proposed a model for how biological patterns could stem from the interaction of just two molecules. New work hints that it’s what all vertebrates use to grow hair, feathers, and other skin structures that links to melanin biology.

In 1952, well before developmental biologists spoke in terms of Hox genes and transcription factors, or even understood DNA’s structure, Alan Turing had an heretical idea.

Turing wanted to understand the underlying mechanism that produces natural patterns. He proposed that patterns such as spots form as a result of the interactions between two chemicals that spread throughout a system much like gas atoms in a box do, with one crucial difference. Instead of diffusing evenly like a gas, the chemicals, which Turing called “morphogens,” diffuse at different rates. One serves as an activator to express a unique characteristic, like a tiger’s stripe, and the other acts as an inhibitor, kicking in periodically to shut down the activator’s expression.

How would this work?

Imagine a field of dry grass dotted with grasshoppers. If the grass were set on fire at several random points and no moisture were present to inhibit the flames.  The fires would char the entire field. If this scenario played out like a Turing mechanism, however, the heat from the encroaching flames would cause some of the fleeing grasshoppers to sweat, dampening the grass around them and thereby creating periodic unburned spots in the otherwise burned field.  A pattern would develop.  POMC operates the same way on the body plan genes to sculpt us.  This is where our new frontal lobes in the brain came from and where bipedalism came from.  It also explains why POMC is heavily expressed in our skin overlying our gut that shortened by 30 feet from our cousins.

Some centralized biologists remain skeptical that Turing mechanisms are sufficient to account for these periodic patterns, particularly because there are other viable models, including one proposed by Lewis Wolpert, an emeritus developmental biologist at University College London. In Wolpert’s model, cells interpret their position in space based on how much of each morphogen there is, resulting in stripes, spots or digits. Furthermore, Wolpert says, “no one has yet identified the molecules that work for a Turing mechanism in development.”

Uncle Jack thinks alpha MSH and ACTH/blood glucose are the morphogen and activator in the Turing mechanism of mammals and UV light from our environment and inside of our bodies powers the process of building the mammalian body plan to explain morphogensis.

Centralized biology ignored this paper for decades after Turing’s death.  Only mathematicians toyed with it.  In my 18 months of unlearning to relearn, I realized what Turing found.  He found a way to allow mathematics to bridge the gap between reality to the quantum world.  How?

POMC is a gene made out of atoms.  Since the beginning of the universe, we know one thing for sure.  There were quantum subatomic particles present at genesis.  First and foremost, this implies that a quantum evolution began as a by-product of some type of supernova blast.  All atoms come from these blasts.  This quantum mechanism evolved into a chemical evolution with the construction of atoms.  From this chemical evolution emerged biochemical evolution directed by light some 3.8 billion years ago.  No one is following these clues back to how all things began except Turing.

Atoms are in everything that makes us, especially proteins which come from genes like POMC.  Every part of you is made up by atoms right now.  All atoms are controlled by light at some level = they are quantized.  The laws of the universe scale from the quantum level to the macroscopic level.  Quantum mechanics is foundational to everything in this universe.  This implies that, in order to have a fundamental understanding of life, you must have a quantized molecular mechanism to prove your theory.

Darwin has nothing to prove anything with what he wrote in the Origin of Species. He provided us with observations that correlated to morphologic change.  This was correlative data, not causative data.  Lots of people forget that basic fault because of guys like Huxley and Dawkins.

When you are dealing with atoms, you are dealing with quantum mechanics.  This is an area where Dawkins will have to trick you to believe Darwin’s ideas.  Nothing in Darwin’s theory talks about nature’s basic quantum language because it was not discovered yet.  Darwin gets a pass on that but Dawkins does not from me.  Feynman famously said that if your theory does not match your experiment, no matter how elegant the theory,  it is wrong.  Well, I am going to show you Darwin was, in fact, wrong.  I am going to use quantum mechanics to show you why.  The key to understanding how evolution occurs is to understand the fundamentals of Einstein’s mass equivalence equation E =mc^2.

The mass equivalence equation shows us the wide reaching impacts of failing to understand how small changes in quantum mass can create widespread changes in energy.  How does math scale to the quantum world?   Avogadro’s constant is the only scaling factor we have that allows us to go between the macroscopic world to the quantum level (sub atomic scale).  This allows us to link observations we make in nature, with respect to atoms, directly to the mathematics of the quantum realm.

You heard me mention this relationship in the podcast I did with Max Gulhane, MD from Australia when I talked about how much water is created from Fats and carbohydrates and I mentioned that fats created double the amount of moles of water than sugar does.  One mole of a substance is equal to 6.022 × 10²³ units of that substance (such as atoms, molecules, or ions). The number 6.022 × 10²³ is known as Avogadro’s constant.

Just from common sense, quantum mechanics describes nature as absurd.  hen the quantum experiments have validated nature’s absurd behavior, we must accept Lady Evolution as she is; bizarre and  absurd.   QED seems counterintuitive to evolutionary biology because she asks you to read the mass equivalence equation right to left in order to understand her.  Life is fundamentally a thermodynamic problem to solve, not an evolutionary one.  E=mc^2 means that 2 x3 = 6 just like 3 x 2 = 6.  Few realize that is built into Einstein’s mass equivalence equation.

The key for quantum evolution is to know how the molecules of life, namely proteins, change over time.  Subatomic particles change the charge and change the size and shape of molecules and this leads to new emergent properties macroscopically in animals.  POMC is the mammalian gene that introduced charge variation and size and shape changes to proteins to cause them to act differently.

Biological diversity, across the board, is based on a fairly restricted set of principles that seem to work and are reused over and over again in evolution.  This seems especially true in the evolution or mammals and therapod dinosaurs/birds over the last 65 million years. Nature, in all its exuberant inventiveness, may be more conservative than we thought in creating changes in morphology.


Part of the reason evolution doesn’t retrace its steps is that adaptations lead to other changes. That makes simply dialing back a specific change extremely complicated.

If you’ve made a change, you’re going to fine-tune that adaptation, and that adaptation will have to interact with other genes to sculpt out a solution with staying power.  Now, if you reverse that one change, all of the other genes are still going to have to be changed to reverse evolution.

In cavefish, for example, the original development of an eye may have come with changes not only to the semiconductive proteins needed for eyes but also to skull structures of an eye socket. A mutation affecting an eye protein wouldn’t cause an organism to revert to one without the socket.

Changes in the the environment always predates changes in the semiconductive fab plants in cells.  When thought of in this way, you can see why Nature never makes mistakes. Evolution is always progressive in that it’s selecting for features that improve the fitness of the individuals in which that variation is being expressed.

If DNA genes matter so much why is it that most, not all, circadian gene regulation occurs at a post transcriptional time frame?  Post-transcriptional regulation is the control of gene expression at the RNA level. It occurs AFTER the RNA polymerase has been attached to the gene’s promoter and is synthesizing the nucleotide sequence. This means the gene is not the key to change.  It means the process after gene expression are the key to how wide band gapped semiconductors in you sculpt tissues.  Therefore, as the name indicates, it occurs between the transcription phase and the translation phase of gene expression.

These controls are critical for the regulation of many genes across human tissues. It also plays a huge role in cell physiology, being implicated in pathologies such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases in humans.  This tells us that these diseases are caused by environmental changes and not GENETIC ones.  This is why I told Dr. Huberman and Rick Darwin was wrong in his approach and the neo Darwinists like Dawkins are really wrong.  I can give Darwin a pass because quantum mechanics was not discovered until 50 years after his penned his theory.  I cannot absolve Dawkins of this.  His self gene book was penned over 50 years from the discovery of quantum mechanics.   The implications for you care clear.  Centralized science still acts like Darwin was correct.  This makes no sense from a scientific point of view does it?  Darwin said small changes in genes called mutations leads to variation of species.  This is a huge problem for neo-Darwinians. Why?  A post transcriptional protein results in a non-functional protein for life.  Proteins must have all four bends to work properly in cells.  So how could life’s stage be gene based?

Life is like a photograph; it develops from the negatives in the environment.  What is next for humans on Earth?

I now believe creativity, and most mental diseases, are a regressive evolutionary creation in my opinion of regressive changes in the frontal lobes.  Many modern diseases are evidence of proteins undergoing semiconductive engineering inside your tissues to change the frequencies of light in your tissues.  This leads to new and alien bends, charges, and alteration of atoms in your tissues that change the morphology of your body and the physiology of your tissues.  The most powerful changes are occurring in the POMC gene family and all the peptides it creates by light frequency cleavage.



