In the 19th century, Dr. E. Babbit, M.D. proved that colored light was capable of healing through the effect on the autonomic nerve fibers in the skin and via the nerves from the eye to the brain. Dr. Spitler proved in the 1930’s that psychiatric illnesses could be cured or improved by using a visual colored monochromatic light source. It is now known that there are at least four effects from light. These are:

1. The optic nerve to the pituitary gland, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe of the brain. This information affects the conscious part of the brain without interpretation.

2. A second nerve bundle from the retina to the hypothalamus, which is a major control area for both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Dr. Fritz Hollwich, M.D. has shown that color affects neurotransmitter and hormone levels in the brain and spinal cord, which in turn affect the rest of metabolism and biochemistry. No one in the modern nutrition world seems aware of his work in blinded and sighted humans. (Vermont 2017 video)

3. This path goes from the retina to the midbrain, and then to the superior cervical ganglion to the brainstem and then to the pineal gland. This area controls, among other things, our circadian (sleep/wake) cycle. This effect is mediated by melanopsin and retinol in humans in the eye, skin, subcutaneous fat mass, and the arterioles of the skin.

4. The last is a direct effect of the light upon particles that travel in the lymph, blood, and nerves. Researchers at the University of Vienna found that albumin is one of the particles able to be charged by sunlight.  It turns out albumin is made up of a large portion of aromatic amino acids that all absorb UV light in the blood plasma.  It also turns out the pH has a massive effect on how albumincan absorb UV light in the blood plasam.  The charges added to albumin are radically different if it is done by artificial light with blue light present.  After albumin has its topologic charge altered, it is then able to deliver this charge to tissues at distant locations (tissues) in the body.   Here is the original paper on how albumin works in the blood.  The higher one’s albumin ratio is the better they do long term.  This is especially true in most cancers.

Thanks to it, light at specific frequencies in the visible spectrum can act as a powerful tool to stimulate the biochemistry of the brain through the visual system by way of the retinal-hypothalamus brain connection.


In 1922, Banting and Best found that insulin was the pancreatic hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism.  What many people do not know about the insulin story is that ophthalmologist, in 1950 Fritz Hollwich, conducted functional tests of carbohydrate control on blind subjects based upon the methods described by Staub and Traugott.  Their method involved a double alimentary glucose tolerance test given within 60-90 minutes.  They found in healthy people the second dose of grape sugar, which was given when the blood sugar was already falling had no effect or a slight effect on plasma glucose levels.

In his first run of experiments on ten blind subjects using the above methodology, Hollwich obtained negative results deviating from what earlier experiments showed in sighted people.  Hollwich demonstrated that light via the eye had an unknown effect on insulin physiology.  His work was confirmed in 1953 by Fuchs et al, and von Schumann (1953) and by Wassner in 1954.  Hollwich repeated his own experiments with larger numbers of blind patients in 1963, and again with the help of Diekhues in 1967.

After these finding in Europe, the insulin tolerance test of Radoslav became the gold standard. These experiments showed in all cases that in blind patients who received the insulin tolerance test, the blood sugar levels dropped far below the physiologic threshold they expected compared to sighted patients.  Hollwich was the first person in the world who showed that the results of both tests indicated a connection between blindness and a dysfunction of the hypophyseal portion of blood glucose regulation.  This finding is still not well known in modern diabetic research and diabetics with cataracts should be EXPECTED to have substantially different plasma glucose changes than patients without eye disease.

This is also true for diabetics with AMD.  Again none of this is found in the modern literature of diabetes because eye surgery has changed massively since Hollwich’s time.

Hollwich and Diekhues, in 1967 and 1971, did an amazing set of experiments on cataracts patients tested before and after eye surgery.  They showed a significant rise in blood sugar from 87.5mg to 98.5 % post surgery under a constant dietary regimen and light environment.  This variance in the postop Staub-Traugott tolerance test seen in the blind state before surgery and in the state of restored sight post-op can, with the food and light environment controlled served as definitive proof that ambient light’s entry into the eye has a massive influence on the regulation of glucose balance in humans.

Funny how you never hear any food gurus mention these experiments huh?  

This is pretty convenient for Big Pharma too who create drugs just that act on the gut hormone.  None of their solutions deal with the eye or skin.  This is why treating diabetics with just oral or IM injections fails to reverse anything.  I have a sense Big Pharma knows that.  



We now know, because of Hollwich that insulin is a solar hormone and has a diurnal rhythm independent from glucose intake. Those studies were done in 1974 and 1975 with radioimmune assays by Jarrett in 1974, Lakatuna et al in 1974 and Lestradet et al in 1974, Reinberg et al in 1974, and Thum in 1975. Thum’s paper in 1975, in particular, provides the possibility of assessing the precise means of light experiments with normal-sighted and blind subjects that should be done. None have because of the food guru perspective. Most are not even aware of this work in nutrition research because they only see what they want to see. What happens in the eye and skin when you eat is more important than what you eat. How is that for a truth bomb?



Most of the modern nutrition studies touted in the LCHF and paleo groups have no ambient light controls for the eye and Hollwich definitive proved in the 1960’s that Banting and Best initial observations of insulin’s effect is radically altered by ambient light via the eye or skin. We can add the skin to Hollwich’s work because in December 2017 we found it is in the skin and subcutaneous fat.



This is why most of the modern beliefs around carbohydrate metabolism are horribly flawed. I’ve been waiting 4 years for some of the gurus in here to go read his work and realize how much really is not known about ambient light’s effect via the eye and skin now that we found out melanopsin is in both tissues and melanopsin system radically effects the diurnal rhythms of insulin without ANY FOOD in the alimentary tract. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is not purely a metabolic story tied to food, as you’ve been lead to believe. It has more to do with light via the eye and skin because of Hollwich’s experiments in the blind versus sighted humans from the 1960’s. It has been seriously upgraded by the news we found on melanopsin in the last 8 months. This was the topic of my Vermont 2018 talk. Most people believe diabetes is tied to food and a gut problem. It is not. When the circadian mechanism is off the eneterocytes do not turn over every 24-48 hours and this allows deuterium to enter the liver and this is what really causes diabetes problems most are familiar with. The process, however, begins with blue light exposure in the eye and skin, and this ruins the peripheral clock mechanism in the gut and liver as the picture below shows.



?The straw that breaks the camel’s back is epigenetic = fake blue light = melanopsin and Vitamin A problem = low melatonin and leads to poor mitochondrial DNA = problem in the eye and skin = a BLUE LIGHT HAZARD in the peripheral gut clocks in the enterocytes that spreads to the liver rapidly. That is really what diabetes is to a mitochondriac. That is what I showed in Vermont 2018.



?Eat SEASONALLY, but crap LIGHT environment = T2D.

?‍The wise N=1 ➡️ Reasonable seasonal carbs in the AM in summer, but get lots of sun with skin in the game + keep technology in check past 6 PM in any season. Your HbA1c never gets above 4.6 and you won’t need meds or physicians.

Artificial blue light  stimulates the anterior hypothalamus via the central reitnal pathways, by activating the PVN.  Normally sunlight with blue light and red in the AM can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system while stimulating the anterior pituitary hormones.  Subtracting out the red light and adding the blue is our modern problem.   This means that all colors in the bluish spectrum – from blue/green through blue to violet at 400nm is a problem for the gut because of melanopsin and the Vitamin A link to melatonin function.  Blue light via the eye or skin activates digestion and stimulate insulin secretion in the gut without the need for any food in the gut because of how melanopsin lowers melatonin by altering retinol function to ruin photoreceptor function that controls the human circadian mechanism.




Hollwich, F.: The Influence of Ocular Light Perception on Metabolism in Man and in Animal. Berlin, 1985.




Szent-Gyorgyi, A.: Introduction to a Submolecular Biology. Academic Press: N. Y., 1960.

Wurtman, R.: The Effects of Light on the Human Body. In: Scientific American, July 1975, Vol. 233, Nr. 1, S. 68-79.

Gabel, S.: Information Processing in Rapid Eye Movement  Sleep: Possible Neurophysiological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Correlates. In.: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 175, 1987, S. 193-200.

Toupin, A.: Photic Avtivation and Experimental Data Concerning Colored Stimuli. In: Neurology (Minneap.), 16, 1966, S. 269

CPC: #29: Unexpected Physics in Biology is MUSIC to cells.

Circadian cycles allow for self organizing features and functions in cells. Effectively these cycles are the musics your cells are addicted too. Every AM you are designed to retune the system with the AM sunlight so the music of life contains to reverberate in you cells continuously without interruption.



Dr. Franz Halberg coined the term “Circadian Rhythm” in the 1950’s, as a result of his studies in what became Chronobiology.  He found our bodies have a repeating cycle, a rhythm lasting about (circa) a day (dian).  He measured these rhythms using the body’s core temperature and levels of activity and referred to the shorter daily waking and sleeping cycles as Ultradian Rhythms.  Sleep centers use EEGs (ElectroEncephaloGraphy) to record brainwave activity during our sleeping ultradian rhythms.  Dr. Halberg discovered the biological processes for producing essential proteins, which are the building blocks of our bodies, are only produced at the start of each ultradian cycle.  The most important ones are ubiquitin, methionine cycles, and proteins made from tryptophan.  Sunlight tunes them all in unique ways with photoentrainment.

The sun directly via its electromagnetic waves to tightly coil DNA/RNA while all versions nnEMF seem to uncoil DNA to affect its energy and information status.  We gained this idea in data on bacteriophages.  They pack their heads with DNA tightly under great force as the bottom left slide shows.



The area under curve in bottom right graph is a measure of the energy required to pack DNA inside the head of the phage.
Notice the energy increases greatly as more DNA is packed. High energy is due to DNA stiffness and its negative charge.

It appears circadian disruption uncoils DNA for transcription and this induces an electrical status change.  DNA becomes more positive in charge because electrons are lost to aqueous proteins that the ultradian cycles produce to change physiologic function of cells.  This appears to be the basic mechanisms of how things should operate to structure tissues and organize cells.

A priori optimum development in organisms, from single cell to multicellular organisms, or from skeletal cells to a skeleton or limbs exemplify Fibonacci patterns. These developmental patterns consist of two primary characteristics: (1) a number of the organisms structural arrangements may fall into the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,…or (2) logarithmic growth based on the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers (1.618033988…, also known as the golden ratio or φ). The growth patterns observed occur throughout nature in the arrangement of skin pores in tetrapods, the spiral shape of snails and sea shells, and the overall structure of plants. Fibonacci numbers occur in atoms and electrons (Huntley, 1969), the DNA molecule (Wahl, 1988), biological cell division (Spears & Bicknell-Johnson, 1998), models of growth and death (Hoggatt & Lind, 1969), bronchial airway segment bifurcations (Goldenberger, West, Dresselhaus, & Bhargava, 1985), experimental growth of tumor nodules (Prokopchuk, 1981), and many other aspects of human biology (e.g., position of facial features, body proportions).

Does musical composition exhibit this organizing pattern too?  Good music does.

Can we use it to help fine tune us when the melanopsin system is de-tuned by poor light choices?  It turns out we can.

Have you ever heard a smart phone interfere with audio equipment at a party or in your car?  This often happens with incoming calls in a car using satellite radio or music apps.  It sounds like bursts of noise when an active cell phone is near a radio or even an MP3 player or Public Address system. Now ask yourself, “How is it possible for something that doesn’t even have  a radio antenna in them to translate cellular signals into these audible bursts?” The answer is simple and central to understanding our current health problems in our electropolluted environments.



Cell phones, like nearly all wireless devices, use some form of frequency hopping to better utilize available radio spectrum, reduce interference and use lower power. The wireless carrier frequency is usually in the hundreds of megahertz to gigahertz range and at the low power emitted by cell phones the radio waves should pass harmlessly through us.  This is going to change and get substantially worse in most cities when 5G networks that are already built are allowed to broadcast.

So why does epidemiological evidence show a higher risk associated with exposure to these radio waves? The fact you can hear audible bursts with an audio amplifier that isn’t a radio receiver, or a receiver not even tuned to the same carrier frequency, gets to the crux of the electromagnetic problem mankind is facing now.

The culprit is the interval at which the frequency hopping occurs, and not the megahertz to gigahertz carrier frequency of the transmitted bursts. The frequency hopping interval, I am using ‘interval’ instead of ‘frequency’ to avoid confusion with the carrier frequencies, is in the audible range. Our bodies are sensitive to frequencies we can hear, there are frequencies that heal us by working with our circadian cycles and frequencies that make us ill before they kill us because we decouple these cycles from the proteins they make.

It’s as basic as how music affects us. When musical instruments are out of tune or out of harmony with each other the result is agitating noise. And when we hear such a cacophony of dissonance, we turn the music off or leave the performance.

Today, light waves are disrupting the circadian cycles most, but it appears that we might be able to use music to heal.

Self-organized criticality is also a way of understanding complex systems in nature. A power law is a mathematical relationship often referred to as the 1/f law (after the 1/f electronic noise of transistors) in which the distribution of power density at different frequencies (power spectral density) is inversely proportioned to the frequency. Before venturing further, let’s see what the 1/f distribution can tell us about music. This song happens to be one that entrances me when I write about quantum biology.

Fractal musical time is built around power laws buried in nature and sunlight. It is even in the human heartbeat and EEG.

Why do we love music? Have you ever asked yourself this? One reason we enjoy music lies in its balance of predictability and surprise, so researchers claim. They found a musical pitch (frequency) spectrum following a 1/f power law, which achieves this balance of predictability and surprise; but what about musical rhythm? Musical rhythms, especially those of Western classical music, are highly regular and predictable; are they? Daniel Levitin at McGill University Canada, Parag Chordia at Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta and Vinod Menon at Stanford University California in the United States decided to put that to the test by analyzing the rhythm spectra in 1 788 movements from 558 compositions of Western classical music in their papers.

The rhythmic content of the compositions was systematically measured by noting the duration of the notes and of the rests, transforming the durations into Hz (cycle per second), plotting the data and finding the spectral exponent in the slope of the line obtained. They went through the works of 40 composers in 16 subgenres and found an overwhelming majority of rhythms following the 1/fa power law with a ranging from ~0.5 to ~1. An exponent of 0 would be pure white noise, completely unpredictable, whereas an exponent of 2 and above would be highly predictable. Notably, classical composers whose compositions are known to exhibit nearly identical 1/f pitch spectra demonstrated distinctive 1/f rhythm spectra: Beethoven’s rhythms were among the most predictable, and Mozart’s among the least, with Haydn in between. This song by Tool, above, was built around nature’s key frequency law. The difference in rhythmic predictability is such as to allow composers to identify their compositions uniquely and to distinguish them from works of their contemporaries. No one has made a song like a cadence in this modern piece. What does it say to you as you listen to it? For me the take home is simple: It is not the melody or voice that commands the story;

it is the ear that deciphers the code contained within. It is very similar to how a mitochondria deciphers the light waves that collide with it.


1. Mathematical Models in Biology  By Leah Edelstein-Keshet 1988.



I believe the answer is yes.  Why do I say this?

It appears sleep apnea protects defective mitochondria from high oxygen tensions. Want to know more watch my May 2018 webinar to understand the mitochondriac perspective.  I go further into detail in my August 2018 webinar that is being released today to my full members.

This means it is really not a disease……it is a reaction to low NAD+ and high ROS made in mitochondria to control the flow of oxygen just as a carburetor does in a car.

Over-eating is going to stress the ECT………that is ruined by the increased space between the cytochromes…….this implies oxygen levels have to be decreased when autophagy is ruined.  The biggest offender is blue light exposure via the eye and skin to cause this change in the melanopsin and Vitamin A couple.  Blue light exposure decouples Vitamin A and Vitamin D from one another as the slide below shows.



When ECT flow remains brisk and OSA is present, oncogenic risks is higher. Very few people with apnea seem to know that sleep apnea carries a pre-malignant risk with it because of this mitochondrial connection to defective apoptosis.


PREDICTION: This is what I think is going to happen to Jimmy Moore and his fat laden diet married to his high technology appetite. This lifestyle subtracts the sun because of his blue light addiction. This ruins the melanopsin/retinol mechanism that is protective to the metabolic rate variations in uncoupling proteins. These factors then lead to the key change in Kreb’s bicycle slowing both cycles kinetics causing methionine to rise.




When that happens autophagy and apoptosis are broken and these things all follow:

Cancer Changes:

1. that affect signaling of damage (the DNA damage response or DDR),
2. the extremely important WNT pathway that controls aspects of making RNA from DNA and especially proteins for apoptosis versus cell division. (The name WNT comes from pathways wingless in flies and int in mice)
3. enzymes called kinases that are part of vital pathways similar to WNT (MAPK, AKT),
4. the cytokine interferon that signals to the nucleus regulating and responding to making blood vessels, cell movement, defense against invasion, and cell death, and
5. inflammatory cytokines that stop apoptosis (nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB),



Cancer must inhibit apoptosis to occur. May 2018 webinar has it all laid out. Melanopsin optical signaling interruption in the eye and skin is capable of doing it ALL. The key feature in ALL CANCERS: ECT must be maintained while apoptosis inhibited.

OSA is a phenomenon that protects apoptosis from inactivation by keeping oxygen levels low. This protection scheme goes on until the deuterium entombment in the cell membranes of the PUFA’s of the mitochondria overwhelm Kreb’s bicycle and leads to COX-2 amplification.  This detail was covered in the May 2018 webinar and I went even deeper in the August 2018 webinar.  All cancers need high levels of oxygen to maintain high ECT speeds. The rising levels of methionine cause this.  This occurs because of the chronic slowing kinetics of the TCA and urea cycle eventually ruins the recycling of methionine from homocysteine.  This leads to blood vessels releasing angiogenesis factor to sprout new blood vessele to raise delievery of blood and oxygen.  Once this happens cancer is much more likely in a patient with OSA because it inhibits apoptosis.

This happens because oxygen is highly electronegative on the periodic table and it draws electrons from NADH in cytochrome fast. Another way the electromagnetic force is utilized in cristae.

Moreover,  sleep apnea sufferers struggle with spatial recognition and quantifying correct time.  This links it to a dopamine defect somewhere in the system.  This is also associated with a melanopsin defect in the eye or skin, as a result.  This implies sleep apnea is a protective effect cells use to buffer mitochondrial damage from melanopsin/retinol disruption.



You pay the price of both, with your choices made daily around the electromagnetic spectrum. You pay a biologic toll because of your choice, or you gain a biologic benefit because of your choice. At the outset, the dopamine levels are the same. After you decide and the results are in, you will see that the environment will add or subtract from your dopamine bank account. The presence of time alteration and sleep apnea are two signs you better change what your are doing. The result determines the reality you get. In this way, it should be clear how the environment dictates results we get.



AM sunlight balances the blue light of the morning. Blue light power increases during the day while red light remains constant in sunlight.

This implies blue light alerts us and is somehow related to time creation in the human brain.

Blue light opens the optical windows of the skin and eyes via the melanopsin effect in arterioles to other portions of light in our environment. When that is sunlight all is well. When that light is all blue light and no UV or IR light sleep apnea is coming faster to your life.



What does this all imply? Red light slows time. Cold slows time. Blue light creates and speds time perception up in the brain by altering the circadian clock functions. UV light rebuilds and replenishes time in a complex dance that begins in your eyes and skin because of melanopsins effect on Vitamin A = retinol. Therefore, excessive chronic blue light hazard speeds up time, the time mechanism in clock genes, and can give you mitochondrial diseases like cancer. When you are blue light toxic your life is lived like a blue straggler star. Quick and bright. Youre alert, and get sick quicker, and die sooner.



AM sunlight is the light switch that creates the ideal level of dopamine and melatonin assuming your melanopsin system is working properly and OPERATIONAL.  The switch is tripped by what happens first in the eye and then the skin by the balance between dopamine and melatonin created by the days first light.  Many papers attribute bipolar dysfunction to the lateral habenula in the brain.  People with bi-polar disorder often have sleep apnea too and have altered time sensation.  This area has a lot of melanin in it and has melanopsin inputs to it as well.  This region of the human receives input from the stria medullaris thalami.  This region links the central retinal pathways and the SKIN to the hypothalamus. The stria medullaris is a part of the epi-thalamus. It is a fiber bundle containing afferent fibers from the septal nuclei, lateral pre-optic-hypothalamic region, and anterior thalamic nuclei that connect to the habenula.  The habenula sends many outputs to several midbrain regions involved in releasing neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.



All of these chemicals are made from aromatic amino acids that need to be programmed by AM sunlight.  All three of these neurotransmitters are made initially in the eye and then the skin from sunlight and aromatic amino acids.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients show multiple neurobehavioral difficulties, including deficits in attention, psychomotor and executive functioning, memory, and affect (Beebe et al., 2003). However, the principal deficits in the syndrome involve the loss of motor control over the upper airway muscles, which fail to discharge in a timely fashion, when they should dilate the airway during diaphragmatic descent, and a loss of control over autonomic motor activity, with chronic, exaggerated sympathetic discharge from the PVN (Somers et al., 1995), and inappropriate lagged or muted dynamic sympathetic responses to blood pressure or ventilatory challenges.  This puts the problem in the brainstem in the dopamine tracts.

The habenula regulates the activity of midbrain centers, including the dopaminergic ventral tegmental area (VTA).  This area is huge in Parkinson’s disease development from melanopsin uncoupling on the surfaces of the eye and skin.  Phenylalanine and tyrosine can both be converted into these three neurotransmitters easily because both can make dopa. L-DOPA, is synthesized in the brain and kidneys of humans.  Look at the picture above where DOPA is made = tyrosine.

Dopamine is also synthesized in plants and most animals. The brain includes several distinct dopamine pathways, one of which plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior. Most people do not even realize with a dopamine defect, control of blood glucose is lost too. This is why people with apnea often have diabetes.

This becomes a key feature in the melanopsin damage seen in all forms of diabetes.  This one is best understood but researchers have done a poor job realizing how these pathways all begin with light signals in the retina/skin/blood vessels for proper physiologic functioning.  This is why bi-polar disease, diabetes, and parkinson’s disease and SLEEP APNEA stump modern medicine.



AM sunlight also stimulates POMC which makes beta-endorphin to make us seek AM light.  A lack of beta-endorphin sets up humans for an opiate crisis.  Modern humans have lost this GUIDING solar signal because of how they live their life and what light they live under most commonly.  Most types of rewards increase the level of dopamine in the brain.  In some diseases, like schizophrenia, too much dopamine at the wrong time ruins your ability to maintain cognition in time and space and leads to a crazy life.  This occurs in schizophrenia.  Without solar guidance, many modern humans seek opiate rewards in chemical ways to offset the deficit.  This leads many nights living humans to use many addictive drugs to increase dopamine neuronal activity to offset the loss of sunlight. Other brain dopamine pathways are involved in motor control and in controlling the release of various hormones.  These get damaged by chronic sunlight loss or too much blue light at the wrong time post sunset. It can even be a problem during the day if done chronically by a job and a computer screen or a phone to a teenager.  These pathways and cell groups form a dopamine system which is neuromodulatory and controlled by the circadian system by the melanopsin/retinol interactive controller.  This is the topic of my August 2018 webinar and it is why my Patrons are getting this blog right now at the same time.  Patrons it is time you sign up for your real Black Swan training here:  HYPERLINK

Outside the central nervous system, dopamine functions primarily as a local chemical messenger and it needs the direction of sunlight.  How do we get light signals deep into the body this way?  Hemoglobin in the eye and skin is how it begins.  It is loaded with iron porphyrins which absorb 250 – 600 nm.  The water that surrounds it can absorb all the way to 3100nm.



This light is ferried to cells to program the dopamine and melatonin release locally ot change the metabolic rate of mtDNA by altering the UCP2 permeability of deuterium. The same is true of melatonin. In blood vessels, dopamine inhibits norepinephrine release and acts as a vasodilator with Nitric oxide (UV-A); melanopsin does the same thing using other frequencies of sunlight. In the kidneys, dopamine increases sodium excretion and urine output; This changes the EZ size in blood plasma. In the pancreas, it reduces insulin production (diabetes link); in the digestive system, it reduces gastrointestinal motility and protects the intestinal mucosa gut barrier (leaky gut link); and in the immune system, it reduces the activity of lymphocytes which is important in autoimmunity.

I said June 2, 2018 in Vermont that is not one human chronic disease not LINKED to the melanopsin/retinol mechanism. Here is the slide I used.



This post is a dip of the toe in why I might be correct in my reasoning. With the exception of the blood vessels, dopamine in each of these peripheral systems is synthesized locally and exerts its effects near the cells that release it. All of these link back to sunlight to the most fundamental level and no one but Black Swans realize it.

The mitochondriac perspective always explains things we observe over the things modern medicine espouses.



The more I study the history of intellectuals in medicine, the more they seem like a wrecking crew, dismantling civilization bit by bit — replacing what works in nature with what sounds good and repackaging it as evidence-based therapies.

Nothing replaces this……….and it is free.



Start using it if you have sleep apnea because that symptom is your colony of mitochondria telling you there is a problem.

